Sharing the Good News this Christmas
Issue Number 48
The Diocese of Oxford Reporter: Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire December 1993
Except ye become as a little child
DO YOU BELIEVE IN ANGELS? PAGE 9 Hope Price does. In our Christmas DOOR some of the real life angel sightings which are included in her new book.
The Bishop of Oxford's Christmas message When I visited Taizé earlier this year with a coach of young people from the Diocese I was much struck by the role of children in the worship. At each of the three services every day children were prominent. For at the head of the line of 100 Brothers, Brother Roger surrounded himself with young children. When he walked down the aisle through the Brothers, the children went hand in hand with him and again knelt with him before the altar at the end. It was a powerful visual image of the centrality of children in the thinking and teaching of Jesus.
BOSNIA AND BETHLEHEM PAGE 11 Stuart Blanch, the former Archbishop of York, writes that even those who suffer, like this mother and child in Bosnia, will one day find their Bethlehem.
We must become like children When the disciples were being grumpy about children, Jesus insisted in taking them in His arms and blessing them. He said that anyone who received a child in His name received Him. He said that we must become like children. Indeed, He stressed that unless we accept the Kingdom of God like a child we cannot enter it. He did not mean that we had to become childish or silly,or give up thinking about our faith. But we are to put ourselves under the just and gentle rule of God with all the simplicity,-directness and trust that a child will have in good parents.
That Kingdom of delight As we see and hear children this Christmas - if not in our own home, at least in the street or on television - they can bring home the spontaneous delight which we perhaps feel we once had as a child but have now lost. Yet something of this can come back to us as we put ourselves simply and trustingly into the hands of God. The phrase 'second childhood' has unhappy overtones, implying decline. But there is a second childhood of a more positive kind open to us all. When we put aside the complexity, turmoil and deviousness of our own hearts and face God with the central longing of the person we are, known to Him and by Him, we enter again that Kingdom of delight.
Inside ! the
Thousands of people in schools, hospitals, prisons and churches including this little shepherd boy, Ben Marchbanks,from Slough's Mustard Seed Church, sing each yearfrom Bethlehem Carol Sheets, published by the Bible Lands Society in High Wycombe. The Society is best known for the carol sheets but its real work is helping more than fifty Chri stian-led projects in the Holy Land, Lebanon, Egypt and neighbouring 'Bible Lands'. For example, there is a school for the blind in Jerusalem, a hospital in Nazareth, a rehabilitation centre near Bethlehem, a home for needy boys in Bethany and schools for deaf chi Idren in Cairo andBeirut. At Christmas many churches support the Society's work either by sending special gifts or by donating the proceeds of their carol singing or carol service collections. "Every penny donated is sent to the work overseas without any deduction," says Mark Lampard, Deputy Chief Executive of the Bible Lands Society. For anyone wanting to order carol sheets (50 for £4.50 plus £1.75 postage) or help in any way the Society's address is P0 Box 50, High Wycombe HP157QU. Telephone: 0494 521351.
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GOD IN THE ARCHERS PAGE 5 God in the life of a distinguished Archer, a farewell tribute to Bishop Simon on page 6, ideas for helping this Christmas (page 16), more angels for children to make and a crossword (page 23) are all in our Christmas DOOR.
Interiors: Quilt covers Cushions
+ Richard Oxon
Christmas Greetings Joy and peace this Christmas and every blessing in 1994 to each one of our readers from the Editor, the Deputy Editor and the Editorial Support Group of The DOOR.
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