February 1998 No 89 Diocese of Oxford Reporter Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire p
inside The DOOR
When the Queen popped in for a cup of tea More exclusive ,in pictures on the Berinsfield bock page
Photograph: Frank 81.ckwell
Mike Hill is to be the next Bishop of Buckingham.
Superglue for marriages: National Marriage Week February 8-16 Pages 8&9
The Archdeacon of Berkshire will be consecrated Bishop of Buckingham in Southwark Cathedral on March 19 The new Bishop of Buckingham is to be the Venerable Michael Hill, at present Archdeacon of Berkshire. He will be consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury in Southwark Cathedral on March 19. Mike Hill was born in Manchester in 1949. However, he is no stranger to Buckinghamshire. Following curacies in Croydon and Slough, he became Priest-in-charge and, in 1983, Rector of Chesham Bois. Six years later he was appointed Rural Dean of Amersham. He was appointed Archdeacon of Berkshire in 1992. He is married to Anthea and they have five children: Naomi (21), Charis(18), Nicholas(17), Alexa(14) . and Eleanor(11). 'Family life isvery important to me and to be the kind of person who gives proper attention to my wife and family is important as a model for my colleagues,' he said. On the evangelical wing of the Church, one of Mike Hill's priorities has been mission, particularly to those beyond the Church. He was for a time UK and European chairman of the Willow Creek Association which is committed to
making God more relevant to non- he wanted to build up churches churchgoers. He has also written a .with a commitment to prayer, study book called Reaching the and fasting which will produce Unchurched and another about dis- Christians who are more like Christ'. cipleship for new Christians. In an article for The DOOR last year he wrote about the importance of focussing on transformed lives rather than on 'endless committees and dated structures': 'The privilege and challenge of Christian discipleship is to co-operate with God in building His Kingdom. The best evidence for the life-transforming activity of the Holy Spirit is local Christian communities within which such transformation is evident for all to see'. Mike Hill also spoke of the 'awesome task' of following Cohn Bennetts who is moving on to be Bishop of Coventry. 'I am grateful to him for the wicket he has prepared for me to bat on', he said. It was an excellent choice of words. The next The appointment was announced Bishop of Buckingham once played from No 10 Downing Street on for the Diocesan cricket team. He is December 16. At a press conference a man who keeps his eye very firmat St Mary's, Aylesbury, Mike Hill ly on the ball. said that he intended to take the New Archdeacons in Bucks and historic role of the Bishop as a 'teacher of faith' seriously and that Berkshire turn to page 3.
On the A44 in Woodstock
nst*ii ty in action: pastoral care in the Diocese Pages 12 & 13
Diocesan Gift Days: the race is on Page 22
PLUS Diocesan leadership shake-up Page 3 The man who loves to preach Page 5 Education: Christian values make a difference Page 7 Bishop Richard on the Millennium Pages 10 & 15 Remembering the Titanic Page 16 Books to help you grieve Page 17
Thame aims high with Alpha St Mary's Church, Thame has decided to run the Alpha course continuously until the Millennium as part of their vision for '2,000 disciples for the year 2000'. Alpha, the course in Christian basics developed by Nicky Gumbel of Holy Trinity, Brompton in London, was given a trial run at St Mary's Sunday evening services. Now that everyone in the congregation is familiar with the course, it will run three times a year for the next two years. Alpha will be held on Thursday evenings at the Thame Barns Centre near the church. Course administrator Derek Witchell said, We believe God has called us to this work and that he will be faithful in bringing forward people who are searching for the truth.' (For more on the Millennium turn to page 10)