#90 March 1998

Page 1


We bring Good News

March 1998 No 90 Diocese of Oxford Reporter Berkshire, Buckingharnshire and Oxfordshire

It 's a MAD 98

inside The DOOR

'You can Make a Difference' is the message of Diocese's biggest ever youth event A thousand young people aged from 14 upwards are expected to dance, worship, learn and have fun through the night at MAD '98, a round the clock event aimed at helping them to 'Make a Difference' to their local church. MAD '98 will be held at Theale Green Community School. It will be launched by the Bishop of Oxford at 8pm on September 26 and finish with a 7am act of worship the following morning. MAD '98 was originally intended to be the 'alternative Bognor'. However, the cancellation of the Diocesan Conference means that it is now the biggest Diocesan event in the run up to the Millennium and possibly the Diocese's biggest ever youth event. A major attraction will be the well known World Wide Message Tribe, one of a string of Christian bands who will play during the night.

It's all change for the Bennetts family as Bishop Cohn is appointed Bishop of Coventry Pages 3 & 5


How the Oxford Diocese is involved in the Lambeth Conference Pages 8, 10, 11 & 13

No longer youth apart

The idea of an event which would equip young people to be confident in their faith both individually and corporately and then suggest practical things they could do to make a difference, developed out of the Church of England's 1996 Youth-Apart report. This showed that young people are often undervalued and underused in their local churches. The launch of the Make a Difference theme at midnight will mark the start of a series of practical workshops for different ages and interests. Some will be specifically aimed at making a difference next Christmas, perhaps through running a street theatre or a special Sunday school event while others will cover topics such as evangelism, prayer or what to do during a gap year. There will also be opportunities to worship in a variety of styles including lona and Taizé. Rave in the Nave experience

Masterminding MAD '98 is Diocesan Youth Adviser, Andrew Gear whose planning group

includes three young adults from the Diocese's Young Adult Forum. Andrew himself is no stranger to planning a large-scale youth event. As Youth Officer for Ely Diocese, he ran the country's first ever Rave in the Nave when 1000 youngsters from all over East Anglia packed Ely Cathedral. Parents can be satisfied that safeafe ty and security will be high on the agenda, says Andrew who will be recruiting a large team of volunteer helpers and stewards from around the Diocese.

Another priority will be keeping costs as low as possible. Tickets should cost no more than €12. 'We will also be looking to provide transport for those parts of the Diocese that are far from the venue so that anyone who wants to be at MAD '98 can get there, says Andrew Gear. MAD '98 hotline MAD '98 hopes to have a Web site on the Internet very soon. Meanwhile the MAD 98 hotline is 01865 208253. E-mail address: youth@oxford.anglican.org

SALT for Cooks - a place for economic missionaries Page 7

PLUS Page 2 Animal exports Religion and the media Page 4 At school in High Wycombe Page 13 New series: the Church Warden Page 18 Home Brew at Amersham-on-the-Hill



On the A44 in Woodstock

Non-churchgoers tend to think that church is just about a single Sunday service.That's why St Michael and All Angels, the Parish Church ofAmersham-onthe-Hill, decided to drop an attractive four-page leaflet about all the other things they do through all 2800 letterboxes in the parish. 'Home Brew', a monthly act of worship planned by teenagers for teenagers and 'The Well', courses 'to help you live more fully' or 'grow old disgracefully' were just two of the activities included along with a map and a photo of the ministry team. And it worked. New people began to arrive at the church.'We never knew you were in to so many interesting activities,' was a typical comment, said David Clover on behalf of St Michael's. Copy-writing, design, and artwork were done 'in-house' to keep costs to under £300.'We are now considering how often we can afford to do this sort of outreach,' David Clover said.

Your church could be on the front page of The DOOR. We want to use this box to highlight parish projects like this one. If you have hit on a simple but effective idea for outreach, please tell us about it.

2. opinion



Family celebration for the Bishop of Dorchester's tenth anniversary

The DOOR The DOOR is published ten times a year. 53,000 copies are distributed in the Diocese of Oxford with the help of volunteers. Editor Christine Zwart. Telephone: 01865 208227 Deputy Editor Venetia Horton. Telephone: 01865 208226 Photography Frank Blackwell Business and Distribution Manager Tim Russian Editorial Support Group Tim Russian (Chairman, Long

The Right Revd Dr Anthony Russell gave thanks for his tenth anniversary as Bishop of Dorchester at a Eucharist at Dorchester Abbey on February 2. The Bishop, pictured with his wife, Sheila and their daughter, Alexandra, was joined by present and former rural deans of Oxfordshire and friends. Also at the service was the Bishop of Reading. Dr Russell was formerly Director of the J Arthur Rank Centre at the National Agricultural Centre and is the Church's acknowledged expert on rural affairs. He recently visited Banbury and Smithfield markets to show solidarity with the farmers in the current crisis.

Crendon), Clemency Fox (Marston), Richard Hughes

(Whitchurch on Thames), Keith Lamdin (Director ofTraining),jo Saunders (Social Responsibility Officer), Leighton Thomas (Abingdon Deanery), Richard Thomas (Communications Officer), John Winn ington-I ngram (Cottisford), David Winter (Cold Ash) Editorial address Diocesan Church House, North Hinksey, Oxford, OX2 ONB.Tel: 01865 208200. Fax: 01865 790470 Advertising address David Holden,WHY Publications Ltd, 4th floor,Westway House, Botley, Oxford OX2 9JWTelephone 01865 244888. Fax 01865 728800. The DOOR is published by Oxford Diocesan Publications Ltd (Secretary MrTC Landsbert).The registered office is Diocesan Church House,

North Hinksey, Oxford, OX2 ONB Deadlines for April issue: Features March 9, Letters,What's on and advertising March 18, News March 20 While every core is taken to ensure the reliability of our advertisements, their inclusion in The DOOR does not guarantee it or mean that they are endorsed by

the Diocese of Oxford.

Bishops and Archdeacons THE BISHOP OF OXFORD The Right Revd Richard Harries Diocesan Church House, North Hinksey, Oxford, OX2 ONB Telephone 01865 208200 BERKSHIRE Bishop of Reading The Right Revd Dominic Walker Bishop's House,Tidmarsh Lane,Tidmarsh, Reading RG8 8HA Telephone 0 1189 841216

Photo: Frank Blackwell

The export of live animals is a much 'bigger, tougher evil' than hunting


f met a fox being hunted, I know I'd try to save

and worse, without water. Can you imagine being

him. But actually, death by hunting is not the

jammed in something like a rush hour tube train

worst fate a fox can meet: hounds are quick and

without water, for maybe three days? Slaughter in

absolute, while death by the alternatives - poison, snaring, peppering by bad shots - is slow and truly

Belgium or France is brutal but many animals are

horrible. Yet fox hunting is so small a matter compared with what is being done daily to our sheep and lambs

trundled on to the conscious torture of the Italian and Greek abattoirs. If only those strong young warm-

In my view

hearted hunt sabateurs would see where real animal abuse lies and turn their energy to attacking this

Archdeacon Vacancy. Correspondence to the Bishop of Reading's office at the address above.

imagine that all those carefully grad-

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Bishop of Buckingham The Right Revd Mike Hill (from

uated regulations on journey length, and rest and watering stops, and abattoirs' conditions, across the ever-expanding European Union,

saders. But you needn't be a hunt 'sab', or strong, or even young; anyone who cares about animals can

March 19). Correspondence do The Bishop's Office, Diocesan

Church House, North Hinksey, Oxford 0X2 ONB Archdeacon The Venerable John Morrison, 60Wendover Road,Aylesbury, HP2 I 9LW Telephone 01296 423269 OXFORDSHIRE Bishop of Dorchester The Right Revd Dr Anthony Russell, Holmby House, Sibford Ferris, Banbury, OX IS 5RG Telephone 0 1295 78 05 83 Archdeacon Vacancy. Correspondence to the Bishop of Dorchester's office at the address above.


Sutton Courtenay, Oxon 0X14 4AF Feb 28: The Ensouling of the Personality Mar 14: 'A Spirit I am Indeed (Day with Shakespeare) Mar 21-22: Community Building

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and pigs in their thousands. You may

by Margaret Drage

could truly be this generation's cru-

would have obtained decent treatment and a humane

help. Contact one of these organisations, and work

end for our animal exports, now even classified as

with them, and God bless you.

sentient and not just merchandise. But no, all this is only paper, unenforced, conditions are worsening,

Compassion in World Farming 01730 2'64208; National Organisation Working Against Live Export 01869 345243; Animal Christian Concern -01532

and our splendid New Labour Government, all compassion and reform, know it, and respond only with a 'preference' for carcass export, which they do nothing to encourage or obtain. So the wretched creatures continue to be crammed into the multi-story transporters, and to jolt across the English Channel, and on, and on, without rest

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Could you offer a home-from-home? We are urgently looking for Guardians For almost two decades, education experts Gabbitas have been


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much bigger, tougher evil, then they


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The Centre for Jewish-Christian Relations in Cambridge will be offering for both full and part-time students for the academic year 1998-99; a Masters degree or Postgraduate Diploma in Jewish-Christian Relations.

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MARCH 1998

news .3


Bishop says pray for Gulf The Bishop of Oxford, The Rt Revd the Minster Church of St Mary the Richard Harries, called for a day of Virgin in Reading and the Chdrch of prayer last month as the crisis in the Christ the Cornerstone in Milton Gulf deepened. Keynes were among those planning The Bishop sent letters to all clergy to keep their doors open most of the in the Oxford Diocese asking them day to enable people to come in to to keep their churches open on pray and light candles if they February 12 so that people could wished. The 8am Eucharist and the light candles and offer prayers for lunchtime service of prayers at peace. In an interview in The Church 'Milton Keynes were on the theme of of England Newspaper, Bishop Richard peace. said, 'The job of the Church is to In his 'Thought for the Day' on BBC draw (politicians') attention to the Radio 4 on February 12, Bishop moral dimension.' Richard said: 'I rather surprised Christ Church Cathedral in Oxford, myself recently by praying that

Saddam Hussein might be overthrown by his own people and a more humane regime established. I say surprised, because it struck me as a very specific, somewhat dangerous kind of prayer to make. I wondered whether I had a right to say such things to the Holy God. But if this really is the best thing that could happen to help the poor suffering Iraqis, perhaps it is all right - provided I realise that Saddam Hussein and I, and all of us, will come before truth and are in need of mercy.'

Dr Carey's recipe for church growth Dr George Carey, the Archbishop of Canterbury, says there are four things which help churches grow. Speaking to The DOOR last month at the screening of ITV's new series Faith in our Time, he said, 'In my Diocese, one third of churches are growing, one third are stignant and one third are declining. There is nothing more encouraging than helping those that are stagnant.' He said growth occurs in churches where clergy take lay people seriously and share the ministry; ' where each church has a specific target or vision; where the church is concerned for society and the community in which it is set, and of course there is the spiritual aspect. 'Prayer and worship The farewell service for the Bishop of Buckingham and Archdeacon John Morrison on February 16 at St Mary's, Aylesbury ended on an up-beat note with should be central,' he said. 'The Saints come Marching in' played Dixieland-style by an Amersham school jazz band. In fact it was more of a family send-off with a mixture of gratitude, laughter Valerie Bonham and a few tears. The departing pair had asked for a simple 'Service of Light' and the church was darkened while representatives from the deaneries of the elected to Synod Buckingham Archdeaconry lighted candles from the paschal candle as a witness The Revd Valerie Bonham to their shared ministry. Another moving moment was Canon David Goldie's has been elected to the prayer of thanksgiving for 'Cohn and Veronica and John and Angela for sharing General Synod's House of their life with us'. Bishop Cohn is going on to be Bishop of Coventry while John Clergy. The by-election Morrison moves to be Archdeacon of Oxford. 'They have made a marvellous team,' was made necessary by said the Bishop of Oxford in his sermon. He spoke of Bishop Cohn's gift of leaderthe retirement of Canon ship which has given the Buckingham Archdeaconry 'a new sense of itself and a Dr Susan Cole-King. new sense of mission' and of John Morrison's 'sure pastoral touch and administraValerie is Curate of Speen tive competence'. There were also tributes from Sir Henry Aubrey-Fletcher, near Newbury. There will Vice-Lieutenant for Buckinghamshire and Dr Philip Giddings, Vice-President of soon be a by-election for the Diocesan Synod. the House of Laity follow- Photograph: 'Substantial cheques' from a collection in the Archdeaconry were ing the resignation of presented to Bishop Cohn (left) and John Morrison (right) by the Bishop of Oxford John Hares. who expressed thanks for the generosity of the churches who had participated. LAO

Buckinghamshire says thank you and farewell

Photocopying hymns illegal

Diary dates

Canon Norman Russell and Canon David Goldie are to be installed as Archdeacons on May 2 at 6pm at Evensong at Christ Church Cathedral in Oxford. Norman Russell is to be Archdeacon of Berkshire and David Goldie, Archdeacon of Buckingham. The Venerable John Morrison is the new Archdeacon of Oxford. He will be installed at 6pm at Evensong in Christ Church Cathedral on April 4. • A farewell Eucharist and Bishop John invited to therapy garden presentation for Mike Hill, The former Bishop of Reading, the Rt Revd John Bone, as he leaves his post as was invited to lay the foundation stone for a new build- - Archdeacon of Berkshire ing at the Horticultural Therapy garden at Beech Hill and prepares for his consenear Reading on January 28. Horticultural Therapy is a cration and ordination as national charity which helps people with special needs Bishop of Buckingham, enjoy a better quality of life through gardening. will take place on March Bishop John was a personal friend of the late Revd Dr 11 at 8pm at the Minster Geoffrey Udall, after whom the new building will be Church of St Mary the named. There are three other therapeutic gardens in Virgin in Reading. Battersea. Hackney and Ryton near Coventry.

Churches are cheating the publishers of many hymn and worship song books out of thousands of pounds every year by illegally photocopying music from these books, says Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI), which is launching the Music Reproduction Licence on April 1. CCLI's research revealed that of the 2,000 churches which responded, just over 60% admitted to keeping

photocopied music for up to five years. Forty-one per cent of the photocopies were made from three books: Songs of Fellowship, Mission Praise and Spring Harvest. Another 16.26% admitted copying from Hymns for Today's Church, Hymns Ancient and Modern and Redemption Hymnal. The cost of the new licence is additional to the Church Copyright Licence. Details from CCLI on 01323 417711 x 229.

news in brief The Bishop of Ebbsfleet, the Rt Revd John Richards, is to retire at the end of October. Bishop Richards was consecrated as the first flying bishop for the Province of Canterbury four years ago. His successor has not yet been announced. If you are aged 16-25, let the Church hear your views. Come to the Young Adult Forum at Church House, Oxford on April 19 from 3-7.30pm. To book contact Andrew Gear 01865 208200. Despite being hurt in a car crash on February 4, the Revd Sandy Hayter, team vicar of Crowmarsh Gifford, married the Revd Dr John Railton on Valentine's Day. Our warmest congratulations to the couple who are on honeymoon in Mexico. Pray for Northern Ireland on Corryineela Sunday, March 15, 4pm at Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton. Details from the Corrymeela Community and Link, P0 Box 118, Reading RGI 1SL. Tel: 0118 958 9800. CMS is holding a presentation on the 'Tiger Economies' of SE Asia 10am-4pm on March 28 at St Michael's Church Hall, Amersham-on-the-Hill. Worship, workshops, music and food. £6. To book send cheques payable to Church Mission Society with SAE to Revd Joe Cotterill, 8 Draycott Rd, Southmoor, Abingdon OXI3 5BY. Holmer Green Methodist Church is holding a 24hour music and prose marathon to raise money for a new organ. Starts 9.30am on March 7. Please join in! Details David Cook 0345 321321 x 4249. The fourth The Times Preacher of the Year Award has been extended to entrants from the Jewish faith as well as Christians. Entries required by April 30. First prize is £1000 and a trophy. Send the texts of sermons delivered in the past 24 months as typed manuscript (no longer than 3000 words) to Ruth Gledhill, The Times, I Pennington St, London El 9XN. email: ruth.gledhill@dial.pipex.com. The Diocesan Director of Education, Canon Tony Williamson OBE, has been appointed Deputy Lieutenant for the County of Oxfordshire. Tony Williamson was formerly a worker priest and chairman of the Transport and General Workers' Union at the Cowléy Body Plant. He has been Director of Education for the Diocese since 1989.

Diocesan Synod to discuss crime report Among items on the agen- tice,' a scheme being pioda at Diocesan Synod on neered by the police and March 14 will be the recom- probation services in the mendation that Deanery Thames Valley where Synods are given presenta- offenders confront the victions on the BSR report tims of their crimes. Church Beyond Redemption? which schools and Jubilee 2000 examines 'restorative j us- will also be discussed.

C1O\ 1RLi;\


Easter flowers The Churches Advertising Network's Easter campaign features a plain white poster with a row of cellophane-wrapped flowers and teddies piled up along the bottom edge. The text reads: 'If all this started you thinking, carry on at church this Easter.' CAN urges churches of all traditions to join in its nationwide campaign which is aimed especially at people who have an occasional contact with the Church, either through weddings, funerals or baptisms. Churches can sponsor a large poster for €50; buy small versions of the poster or individual cards. Artwork is also available on disc from Robert Ellis, tel: 01543 306061. To order posters ring 01903 263354.

Comfortable accommodation and good food for your church holiday or weekend conference at an attractive price of particular interest to families (children under 5 free). Up to 130 in 44 bedrooms (3 with ground floor wheelchair access). Swimming and tennis. Beautiful grounds in rural Shropshire. For brochure and further details, please contact the Manager.





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4. behind the news




Oxford Diocese tops the list

Melvyn Bragg on Faith in our Time

for millennium yew trees

'Religion has been given a raw deal by the media,' said the broadcaster Melvyn Bragg at the launch of his new series Faith in Our Time, which is being shown on ITV at 12pm on Sundays. He said religion should be given more prominence in the TV schedules in the run-up to the year 2000. Melvyn Bragg, who admits to being an 'occasional church-goer' (C0E) said he was interested to find that all six of the religious leaders who appear in his programmes had similar concerns on ethical matters and passing their faith to the next generation.The six-part series, which began last month, continues on March I with an interview with the Revd Joel Edwards, General Director of the Evangelical Alliance, and on March 8 with lndarjit Singh, editor of the Sikh Messenger.

Nearly 300 churches in the Oxford Diocese have asked to receive a 'Millennium Yew Tree' grown specially from yew trees that were growing in Britain over 2000 years ago. This is the largest response from any diocese. As a result, the Conservation Trust have agreed to take part in a special service of dedication and distribution for this area. 'We want to ensure the surcollection after the service, vival of this special tree and will have a plaque recording help people to celebrate the their significance. It will be 2,000th anniversary of Jesus' then be up to parishes to birth by thanking God for the decide when they are plantcontinuity of his creation', ed, but this could well form said a spokesman for the the basis for a Millennium Conservation Trust who, with celebration some time in the the help of the naturalist year 2000. The Chancellor of David Bellamy, has been the Diocese has agreed that responsible for the launch of there is no need for a faculty the yew tree scheme. provided the trees are plantThe special service will be ed in accordance with held in Dorchester Abbey at guidelines which the 3pm on Sunday. October 10, Archdeacons will issue nearer 1999. Churches will be asked the time. Any church which to send one or two represenstill wants to order a tree tatives to the service which should contact the Diocesan will be attended by the Millennium Co-ordinator: Bishop of Oxford and possibly Canon Derek Palmer 124 Bath David Bellamy. Road Banbury 0X16 OTR.. The small trees, in pots for (01295 268201).

Find out about 'a new way of being church'

From Judi Shepherd with gratitude I have been overwhelmed by your care for us since Peter's death on Christmas Eve, We thank you for all your cards and letters, flowers, phone calls, visits, prayers and love. It has meant an enormous amount to Rebecca, Laura,Tracie, Matthew-Anthony and me that we have been cared for in this way Last autumn I listened to Bill Hybels at a conference. He said something that stayed with, me then and has had such a ring of truth about it since: There ain't nothing like the local church, when the local church is doing it right.' Oxford Diocese, you have been doing it right! With deepest gratitude. Judi Shepherd, Parish Development Adviser for Berkshire Judi's husband Peter died in an accident at work on Christmas Eve.

At a one-day workshop to be held at The Spring near Henley on March 14, members of the Wellspring mission group from Washington DC, will demonstrate what they call a 'new way of being church.' The group has been brought to this country by the Revd Francis Dewar of Wells in Somerset, as part of his 'Journey Inward Journey Outward' project. Through the workshop, Francis Dewar hopes to introduce a radical new approach to Christianity which focuses on an individual's sense of calling to work for particular people, place or needs. The American group visiting this country is one SoundNation 98 in Reading of the many mission groups which make up the Church of the Saviour in Washington founded by a A multi-media Christian youth roadshow called Baptist chaplain returning from the Second World SoundNation 98 is touring the country to help War and saddened by the lack of life and relevance teenagers come to terms with key issues such as relain many churches. tionships, drugs, pressures and science and God. Launched last November with the help of Sir Cliff Alternatives to Violence Richard and backed by a partnership of 13 organisaOne group called Alternatives to Violence has built tions including Crusaders, Agape, Baptist Union, up a relationship with a man on death row, his fam- Oasis and YWAM, SoundNation 98 will be in Reading ily and the family of the policeman he murdered. from April 26 to May 2. Ten schools have already Another, called Ministry of Money, seeks to promote agreed to participate in the event which has received education and growth among Christians about atti- significant funding from the Department of tudes to money. The mission groups are set up as Education and Employment. The ten schools are: and when members discern the guidance of the Waingels Copse, Bulmershe, Reading School, Holy Spirit - 'the emphasis is on discovering one's Kendrick, Highdown, The Meadway, Little Heath, call and gifts'. Propect, Theale Green and Deanfield. Preliininary 'I think we have something to learn from this meetings are already taking place. The next one is on way of being church,' says Francis Dewar. 'It may be March 15 at 7pm at Alleycat Live, 5 Gun Street. The from a different part of the world. But these people SoundNation 98 launch date is April 24 at 730pm at embody the gospel - are the gospel, if you like - Greyfriars Church. Youth leaders are urged to contact more than any other community I have so far Andy Johnson on 0118 966 0663 for details. encountered.' For details see What's On page 19.

Bumper crop of new Mothers' Union members in Wash Common Fifteen new members were enrolled at the Mothers' Union Wash Common Branch on February 8, bringing the local membership to 47. Also at the 9.30am Eucharist at the Church of St George the Martyr, Elizabeth Pook was commissioned as Branch Leader in the presence of the Archdeaconry Vice President, Jennifer Johnson. The Mothers' Union in Wash Common meets every month in the afternoons and once a quarter in the evening, enabling those at work to attend regularly. The evening meetings were the idea of outgoing branch leader Betty Cooke. Occasional events, such as a Christmas dinner cooked and served by the men of the parish, bring both groups together socially.

Correction to the February DOOR In a picture caption on page two of the February DOOR the Archbishop of York, the Right Revd David Hope was wrongly identified as the Bishop of Ripon.We apologise to them both.


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MARCH 1998

the bishop of buckingham's farewell .5


'Sisters and brothers please pray for me? is is the last time that I shall be writing for 'the best diocesan newspaper in the Church of England' (words that will surely return to haunt me in Coventry!). The Editor has encouraged me to reflect a little on my years in the Oxford Diocese, where, apart from two shortish periods, I have spent all my ordained ministry so far. I want to pay tribute to this remarkable collection of parishes and institutions while at the same time acknowledging gladly that all thig is a gift of God. You will understand, I hope, if this article is somewhat personal in nature. One of my early memories is of the first Butlin's conference in 1969. It was clergy only in those days and pretty miserable as a result. On the first morning I found myself sitting next to Bishop Harry Carpenter at breakfast. He realised that I had not yet been licensed so, being something of a stickler for such things, promptly arranged for it to happen the next day in his chalet. Another clear memory of that conference is of Canon Keith Weston trying to persuade David Jenkins to get on the Big Dipper. I think he failed. Rejoicing in our variety I had come from the Rochester Diocese to serve my second curacy at St Aldate's, Oxford under the legendary Keith de Berry. He was a remarkable man of God in many ways, but in particular for a ministry which combined a clear evangelistic focus with a generous, inclusive breath of vision. Across the following 20 years as a curate, a college chaplain and an incumbent, certain very positive things have struck me about this Diocese. For what it's worth I share them with you. The first obvious point has to do with size and, therefore, variety. It is all too easy to complain about the first without learning to rejoice at the second. There was a time when theological opinion was predominantly generated by the Oxford Movement, and inevitably so. Today there is a much healthier and richer mix of catholic, liberal, evangelical and charisGod in the Life of Mike Hill will be in the April edition of The DOOR

matic. Of course, we all have our preferences, and I make no secret of the fact that my roots are clearly in the latter two. But I thank God that there is much less of the verbal sectarian violence that often unchurched those of different emphasis. On the whole we seem better able to highlight those things which unite us in Christ rather than those which divide. This sense of unity can never be at the expense of truth but truth must always be under-pinned with love. Then I think of the intellectual riches which God has given us. These are widely dispersed throughout the Diocese but there is an obvious concentration of them in Oxford itself with its universities, its theological colleges and courses. Even so, some of the most impressive Christian witness amongst the intellectually gifted comes from academics and students in a wide variety of disciplines, not necessarily those who are professional theologians. Could we be more imaginative in the way we use such people across the Diocese in our regional or parish training programmes?

most just get on with being salt and light in quite unspectacular ways. Their lips will never articulate profound doctrinal propositions but their lives speak volumes because they know Christ and live with him. To my shame, it's only in recent years that I have come to value one of the richest spiritual resources of the Diocese. In my own Episcopal Area I have received so much prayer support from the sisters at Burnham Abbey and Parmoor, and my occasional visits to Burford Priory have always been a great delight. It's a source of some sadness to me that the Coventry Diocese has no regular religious communities at all. Evangelism back on the agenda Probably the greatest encouragement that I have had in the four short years that I have served as Bishop of Buckingham is the way in which mission and evangelism have come so firmly onto our agenda as a Church. The Decade of Evangelism seemed to take a long time to get off the ground. Now there are signs as we approach the end of the decade that this is something we all want to take more seriously. Some of the initial fears that surrounded the subject have been quelled and in a good number of churches there are indications of new growth and a fresh spiritual vitality. An area bishop is in as good a position as any to see that all is not doom and gloom but that Christ is alive and his Church has not given up on its God-given task. Finally I would wish to pay tribute to Bishop Richard and my colleagues on the senior staff team. They are a wonderfully gifted and Godly bunch. It is with a mixture of much sadness and great gratitude that Veronica and I move to Coventry. Sisters and brothers, pray for us. + Cohn Buckingham

'We sent them to Coventry with our love and prayers,' says Mike Hill, who succeeds Cohn Bennetts on March 19 There are many people who have great cause to be thankful to God for Cohn Bennetts' ministry, formerly as Vicar of St Andrew's, North Oxford and more latterly as Bishop of Buckingham. I am one of those people.With many others, I have greatly valued the colleagueship of Cohn as well as a close friendship. His clear mind and strategic vision, his accessible and warm personality together with his close walk with God, has undergirded his outstanding contribution to the Diocese. In all this he has been excellently supported by Veronica and their family. I now have the task and privilege of following him as Bishop of Buckingham. I am aware, that at one level, he is a hard act to follow. However, I am looking forward to succeeding him, because I would rather follow someone whose leadership gifts have been widely appreciated and whose contribution as Bishop has been both an encouragement and an inspiration. Many have joked about Cohn being 'sent to Coventry'. Of course, we shall all miss Cohn and Veronica but we know that we sent them to Coventry with our love and prayers, in the full knowledge that God will continue to use them both to make a difference. Mike Hill

Archdeacon of Berkshire Cohn Bennetts is pictured below with his wife,Veronica and their children after his consecration as Area Bishop of Buckingham at St Paul's Cathedral in April 1994. He will be enthroned as Bishop of Coventry at 3pm on April S.

'In all this he has been excellently supported by Veronica and their family'

Faithful 'ordinary Christians' There are certain parishes that I visit where I am always deeply moved by the way in which 'ordinary Christians' are utterly faithful in the life of worship and as a result live the life of faith in their local communities. Some are movers and shakers in commerce and industry, some are involved in political structures. But Photo: Frank Blackwell

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outreach .7


1997 church cycle ride breaks its record-again By the end of January, the Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust (OHCT) Sponsored Cycle Ride had raised £82,564, £5,000 up on its 1996 total. There can't be many other county organisations which can raise that amount in a day! There were some magnificent results: 21 cyclists Burford to Standlake, clocking up 16 miles and from Wootton St Mary raised over £3,000 which 22 churches in seven hours. has never been done before; John Sprawson and OHCT made grants in October ranging from others raised £2,330 for tiny St Mary's, Hoiwell; £500 to £3,000 to five Anglican churches, three Richard Schuster, whose father was the first Roman Catholic churches and a Friends Meeting chairman of OHCT, persuaded 40 people to spon- House, demonstrating the ecumenical nature of sor him to the tune of £2,359 for Over Worton the Trust's Work, and the Trust is very pleased Church; Nick Dean, for the same Church, visited that many different denominations now open 68 churches; riders from Spelsbury Church also their Churches and Chapels on the Day. The high topped the £2,000 with £2,454.80. Chipping level of Churches manned in Oxfordshire brought Norton Deanery head the County table with the appreciative comments from a number of particiincredible total of €12,888.50. pants: Mike Robinson of Hungerford asked county organiser, George Russell to 'pass on my gratiChipping Norton's incredible total tude to the people manning the Churches in the A number of people have found 'captive' spon- Vale', and Jeff Alderson said 'The welcome by sors in their areas: Robin Birch, Hon Secretary of those at the signing-in desks was wonderful'. the Friends of Christ Church, was sponsored by a Such comments prove that the Cycle Ride is not large number of sidesmen of the Cathedral; just an opportunity to raise money but one of Christian fellowship. £32,000 raised in Buckinghamshire

The Buckinghamshire Trust has so far raised £32,000. In November grants totalling £11,000 were made to Holy Trinity, Wolverton; Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Leckhamstead; Aylesbury Methodist Church; Amersharn Old Town Baptist Church; St Nicholas, Hedsor and to St Peter and St Paul, Stokenchurch. We regret to report the death in October of Col J Wetherall, County Organiser for Buckinghamshire for many years. Berkshire on target for £2 1,000

John Sprawson helped to raise £2300 for tiny St Mary's HoIwell. He is pictured above outside Burford Church.

Richard Gledhill of Oxford signed up patients at his Hearing Aid Surgery as sponsors for his ride. Some people walked rather than cycled on the day, one of whom, the Revd Elias Polomski of Streatley, pushed his two-year old son to 17 churches in his pushchair; Jeff Alderson oflffley visited 36 churches in and around Oxford on foot in five and a half hours; Alison Shaw, County Press Officer, walked the Windrush Valley from

Paul Everitt this year served his last as County Organiser for Berkshire; many thanks to him for his steering of CROW through the years. Berkshire is hoping to reach its target of €21,000 this year, but income is at present slightly down on last year. The Trust recently made grants to two medieval Anglican Churches, one modern Anglican Church and a Methodist Church, and were pleased to be able to give a grant to the Church of God World Wide Mission which has recently taken over a Victorian Methodist Church building in Reading. Alison Shaw, Oxfordshire Press Officer and Witney Deanery Organiser The 1998 Church Cycle Rice is on Saturday, September 12

SALT for committed Cooks James and Suzanne Cook are in secular employment in Nigeria, but exercising a firm commitment to mission with the local church, supported by the SALT Fellowship of CMS James and Suzanne from Hampstead Norreys near Newbury felt they had a real call to mission but, after various steps, they decided to stay in their professional secular employment. Now James is a senior industrial executive in the Nigerian factory of an international company; Suzanne is the unpaid chairman of governors of the local nursery school for 350 pupils. Economic missionaries

Their location is in remote north east Nigeria. 'You've heard of medical missionaries, or teaching missionaries,' says James 'but there's also a real place for economic missionaries. This is particularly true in a country struggling with political instability and corruption'. One significant step in James' decision to stay in industry was a talk which the Bishop of Oxford had given to the men's breakfast in Hampstead Norreys about the value of business from a Christian perspective. Ultimately,

when James' work took him to Nigeria, he and Suzanne turned to CMS for information and support about working with the local church once they were there. Spiritual contract

The SALT fellowship is a contract on a spiritual, not a financial basis. It operates where CMS has a partner church in the host country and the people going are prepared to be committed to that local church. CMS can offer vocational/locational guidance; materials for entering another culture; and preparation for cross-cultural mission, sometimes through a fortnight training at Selly Oak. CMS Regional Officers liaise w. .h SALT fellowship partners in their overseas location and when they visit the UK. During UK visits the partners can also attend a regular CMS staff conference and retreat opportunities can be arranged. For some SALT fellowship partners the support can also extend to Link parishes through CMS. To explore for yourself write to Stuart Buchanan, Partnership House, 157 Waterloo Road, LONDON SEI 8UU. Photo: Suzanne and James at the wedding inTafawa Balewa last December of the church's steward, Joshua and his bride, Pollum.

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8 . comment


comment from

The Editor Whose party is it anyway? An invitation to attend a ten-week Alpha course in Christian basics at a local church is to be sent to everyone in the country by Holy Trinity Brampton in London later this year. Churches will be asked to donate £100 towards the national publicity which will include a promotional video and a billboard advertising campaign.There are currently 4000 churches running Alpha courses all over the world.The course presents the Good News in a way whicb is clear, relevant and life-transforming. In my view HTB's visionary scheme deserves our wholehearted support.The thrust of the Churches' Millennium programme is their three strand 'New Start' message. (See Bishop Richard's article in the February DOOR.) Just as jubilee 2000 is making 'A New Start for the World's Poor' a real possibility with their campaign for the reduction of the unsustainable debts of the poorest countries, so I believe the Alpha initiative could give every non-believer in this country the chance, perhaps for the first time, to make a 'A New Start with God'. 'The Millennium presents today's Christians with perhaps the greatest opportunity that they will ever have to name the name of Jesus', said Churches Together in England in A Chance to Start Again. But it is an opportunity which is easy to talk about, far harder to turn into a lasting reality. The Millennium is bound to arouse mixed feelings in all of us, joy at being there at the moment when the clock ticks over into 2000, anxiety about what lies ahead. For Christians the individual hopes and fears, the expectations and the let-downs buried in the frenetic celebrations are opportunities to witness to a God who is the same yesterday, today and forever. 'The nation has got its party frock on but doesn't know whose party it is going to or why', said Gavin Reid, Bishop of Maidstone to a recent gathering of the Fellowship of Parish Evangelists.We have the best chance in two thousand years of telling them loud and clear not only whose party it is but how to get there.

Christine Zwart See back page for more about the Jubilee 2000 campaign

Turn to pages 10,11 and 13 for more information about the Oxford Diocese and the Lambeth Conference. Photo Frank Blackwell

The Spirit of Anglicanism The Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Revd Richard Harries, explains the significance of this year's Lambeth Conference and describes how the Anglican Communion is held together Diocese will he Anglican Communion does not on a very limited budget. have a Pope or a Vatican. What holds The Lambeth Conference takes place invite peous together is more subtle. First, there from July 18 to August 9 at the University of ple from is a common loyalty to the Archbishop of Kent in Canterbury. At the heart of the overseas to Canterbury and he it is who presides at Conference is prayer, worship and Bible preach Lambeth and other meetings. But he is not Study. The first session in the morning is and share of course regarded as infallible! given over to Bible Study and in 1988 this something Secondly, there is the Lambeth Was particularly enriching. The bishops of that Conference itself. The first Conference took then choose to work on one of the four sec- weekend place in 1867 under Archbishop Longley tions being considered at Lambeth this with them. Secondly, I and has taken place about every ten years year. They are: 'Called to full Humanity'; since. It has grown from 76 bishops at the 'Called to live and proclaim the good news'; very much hope first Conference to 518 at the last one. 'Called to be a faithful church in a plural that every member of the Diocese will engage in a Bible Study of 2 There will be even more there this year. world' and 'Called to be One'. Corinthians either as a preparation for The Lambeth Conference could be Lambeth or during Lambeth itself. regarded as an anomaly. In the Church of Lambeth Conference themes A number of commentaries with this in England today for example we have The main concern of Third World churches Synodical government, in which priests is world debt and there is no doubt that mind are being prepared and details of and lay people share with the Bishop in the this will be a major theme at Lambeth, these will be available in due course. The running of the Church. Lambeth is only for chiming in as it does with the Jubilee 2000 main one is being produced by the Bible bishops. But there is no doubt that it is campaign. Although there has been quite a Reading Fellowship (see page 11). Bible Study greatly valued, particularly by Third World lot of talk about issues of sexuality domi- on 2 Corinthians at Lambeth itself will be a bishops and their wives. nating the Conference, I think this is most enriching feature and it would be Wives come because in many dioceses unlikely, though it will certainly be dis- very good to think of everyone in the Diocese being joined with us spiritually in they play a key role with their husbands cussed in one sub-group. and indeed in some African countries are Our relationships with other faiths is that activity. Even if you can't be too bothcalled 'Mother'. Wives have their own sepa- another key issue and this will be a dimen- ered about commentaries why not simply rate educational programme. sion of many of the discussions. This is the read a bit every day and think and pray You may wonder about the financing of first Lambeth Conference at which women about it? Thirdly, yoi may have particular conLambeth. The costs of bishops from the Bishops will be present, a source of great Church of England are met by the Church rejoicing for the majority and a difficulty cerns you would like to write to me or one of the area bishops, all of whom will be Commissioners. But in return, as it were, for a minority. we have agreed to raise £5,000 for every I think there are a number of ways in going to Lambeth, which we can particularBishop in the Diocese, ie we have to raise which the Lambeth Conference can become ly bear in mind during the discussions. One £20,000. I have been doing this mainly by a little more real to parishes. First of all, of the losses of the cancellation of Bognor encouraging the public schools in the the weekend before Lambeth, July 10 - 12, is this year, is that we have not had the kind Diocese to contribute and we are a substan- World Church Weekend. I very much hope of input from the Diocese as a whole to tial way towards the sum required. that a good number of parishes in the take to Lambeth that we would have liked. Nevertheless if there are particular concerns you have, perhaps some of Anglican Consultative Council them arising out of the discussions in Another instrument of Anglican unity your parish last year on the Five Marks is the Anglican Consultative Council of Mission, then do please write to me (ACC) of which I am a member. This is or to your area bishop. Synodical, in that it contains bishops, I realise that I have been fortunate priests and lay people all elected or because of my personal contacts witJ nominated by member churches. other churches in the Anglican The ACC has a number of networks, Communion, through both the Peace including the Anglican Peace and and Justice Network and the Anglican Justice Network which I have been a Consultative Council. I have found the member of since the beginning. As stories of my fellow Anglicans in other the name implies this is made up of parts of the world where churches are people from throughout the Anglican struggling courageously, enormously Communion who have a particular encouraging. And I think it will be this cohcern for these issues. It was personal contact and the personal stothrough the Peace and Justice Network ries that we receive from Lambeth that I first met my friend Bishop Luiz Bishop Richard (above right) is looking forward to which will above all be its value. It all Prado ( right) whom a number of peo- welcoming his friend the Rt Revd Luiz Prado, helps to deepen our common life in ple in the Diocese met, and whose Bishop of Pelotas in Brazil, seen here on a visit to Christ, the Koinonia, which we share work for the rural landless poor, and Oxford in 1993.The two bishops meet regularly with all the universal church. I will be destitute children we have supported through their work for the Anglican Peace and Justice Network. Also visiting the Oxford Diocese very happy to share something of this through the Outreach Fund. experience when Lambeth is over, and One meeting of increasing impor- during the Lambeth Conference will be the Rt Revd Itumeleng Moseki, Bishop of Kimberley and I am sure that my fellow bishops in the tance in recent years has been that of Kuruman; the Rt Revd Matthew C Chung, Bishop Diocese are willing to do the same, the Primates, about 26 Archbishops of Seoul; the Rt Revd Ghais Abd El-Malik, Bishop in diaries permitting. If you would like from around the world, each one headEgypt and the Most Revd Emmanuel Kolini, some Lambeth follow-up, might I suging up a Province. All these groups are Archbishop of Rwanda and Bishop of Kigali in gest that meetings are organised on a served by the Anglican Communion Rwanda. Bishop Richard is hosting a party for deanery basis, with the Rural Dean office in London where a tiny but ded- these bishops on July 10 at his home. inviting your Area Bishop or myself. icated team try to hold things together





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MARCH 1998

letters .9


Thank God for Pam Rhodes

May I suggest to Alan Bourne (Letters, Feb 98) that a Damascus Road experience was never a test of discipleship to our Lord? It is usual for Christians to examine themselves, to confess their sins, to amend their lives and to start again, frequently. Each such experience is a turning from darkness to light, which is what Paul did on his way to Damascus. Sometimes I watch Songs of Praise on TV and always appreciate Pam Rhodes' loving attitude and her sensitivity, and her own transparent relationship with God. She has no regard for the labels that some would attach to the people she meets. I support her with all my heart, and thank God for her. I share Pam Rhodes' thankfulness that God 'has been part of my life from the start'- my start was 84 years ago. That was no virtue on my part. I was privileged to have Christian parents who gave me the greatest gift of all, a Christian upbringing, and baptism in infancy. Dorothy Meadows, Stony Stratford

StiIl,small voice speaks to many The letter from Alan Bourne about Pam Rhodes' supposed need for conversion sent shivers down my spine. It was insensitive and theologically blinkered. People can be nurtured in the faith from childhood through regular Church contact and involvement. True, they can always discover more of God, and should never become complacent. True also, that some people do have very real conversion experiences who have not been brought up inside the Church, or who have had rather formal, impersonal Church experience. Both types should be welcomed in an inclusive Church. The latter can also become spiritually complacent, rattling on about their 'testimony' years later, and never going on with God on the journey of faith. There is always more to discover for everyone. The type of evangelical experience and theology that castigates Pam Rhodes is a very dangerous and divisive thing. If you don't fit their mould, they will squeeze you until you do, or reject you if you won't. They are like the Borg in Star Trek threatening to assimilate anyone who doesn't think like them, and there is no awareness that they are impinging upon your liberty, for their way is so right and superior that it can only be a blessing.

Why not set a price on our faith? The demise of the influence of our Church in my lifetime can only be attributed to our constantly conceding to minority views, in the hope that we will attract more followers. When are we going to learn that it is the constant erosion of standards that has lost us our respect and our following. I want to see a new approach, in which we value the uniqueness of our faith, and cherish the way in which we maintain our contact with God. The changes are needed to bring us up to speed as we approach the celebrations of the second Millennium of Christ's prophesied reign in person on earth. Why not apply a value to our faith that people can understand and identify? A charge of €250 should be made for a baptism, the entry fee to the Church, and £500 for adult membership, confirmation. A Church wedding

letters to the editor Frankly, while there is room for the 'once born' and 'twice born' types of spirituality in the Anglican Church, there is no room for the born again exclusivism that some preach. It cannot run a parish, only an isolationist sect. Let's remember too, that there is no one model of conversion in the NT. The basic text is that you can confess that 'Jesus is Lord'. Many can do that who have not had blinding visions, trembling charismata or inner voices, though there is nothing wrong with any of these phenomena if they are genuinely helpful to spiritual awakening. Just don't look down your nose at those who haven't had them. The truth is, that they might not need them, for their faith is strong enough anyway. It might be the weak who need the dazzling blasts of God. Others can make do with the still, small voice. Revd Kevin O'Donnell, Crowthorne

Virgin Birth is fundamental With reference to the letter 'The Creed Should be Amended' (Letters, Feb 98). I would like to share with you what the Holy Spirit showed me many years ago and which I dearly cherish: two references in John's Gospel supporting the Virgin Birth. Read first chapter 14: 30 followed by chapter 8: 44. The total victory of our Lord at Calvary over the devil contains every aspect of His earthly ministry and this has to include the manner of His birth. To deny this gives the devil the toehold he needs to erode our faith. James Smith, Loughton, Milton Keynes

Too many 'days' in February Having just read the February DOOR, I am somewhat befuddled. On the front page I learn that February 8 - 16 is National Marriage Week - so far so good. Then February 8 is Education Sunday; February 22 Unemployment Sunday; March 1 is Tearfund Sunday and January 31 Debt Cutters Day, while later on in 1998 there are several Diocesan Children's Gift Days. No doubt each subject is good in its way, but I feel this is taxing our giving and our interest too far. Gweneth Edgington, Hook Norton

not suggest that the Anglican Church is more aware of reality than the manufacturers of computer equipment who imagined that the 20th Century was going on for ever? Or were these technological wizards members of a cult which had established a date for the end of the world? Eileen Davies, Oxford

Fond memories of my mother at White Horse Hill I was interested to read of Ann Pilling's walk on White Horse Hill (The DOOR,

December 97) during her retreat, as it was by the White Horse itself that I scattered my mother's ashes in 1986. I chose this particular spot because she enjoyed car rides over downland country. When I arrived I found to my real satisfaction that the National Trust owns the land. She had been a member and we had enjoyed visiting properties together. Every autumn I return to leave flowers and a picture card of blessing. I am so glad the writer found freedom with God. Fortunately the National Trust maintains it well and keeps it open to the public, so that others can enjoy the sheer beauty and exhilaration of its ruggedness and the panoramic view of the vast open space, all created by God and indeed, little spoilt by man. Jean Beresford-Williams, Twyford, Reading

Diocesan Sunday Prayer Diary Sunday I First Sunday in Lent Deanery of Chipping Norton - Graham Canning, Lady Higgs. The Parish of St Barnabas', Floors, Kimberley and Kuruman. Those who work with children, especially in our parish. Sunday 8 Oxford Diocesan Partnership in World Mission - Martin Peirce, chairman, Michael Sams, Secretary, Nic Mallory, co-ordinator Kimberley and Kuruman Companion Relationship. Sunday 15 Diocesan Advisory Council/Diocesan Pastoral Committee - Mary Saunders, Rachel Enock. Intercontinental Church Society and its work in the Oxford Diocese. The Parish of St Thomas', De Aar, Kimberley and Kuruman. Those who work in financial services, insurance, stock exchange, especially those in our parish. Sunday 22 Mothering Sunday. The work of the Mothers' Union - Barbara Teague, Diocesan President. Anglican Women's Fellowship Kimberley and Kuruman. Mrs M Thekiso, Diocesan President. Mrs F Francis. Those who care for children in the home, especially those in our parish. Sunday 29 Deanery of Abingdon - Leighton Thomas, Barbara McGregor. Peter Roslyk, Bible Society representative in the Oxford Diocese. Those who work in research and development, especially those in our parish.

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Faith in the future My copy of the ASB has the dates of Easter up to the year 2025. Does this at £1000 (flowers etc are extra) must be more appropriate with the average couple spending between £8000 and £10,000 on such occasions. On this basis, the abuse will slow down and respect and commitment improve. Extending my argument, the price for divorce should be something like £5000. We need to talk about the serious commitment of a union between man and wife. I believe statistics show that the experience of the sex act, to those who crave it before marriage, is so very disappointing. Once the rule book is thrown out of the window, it is gone for ever. I do thank God that I did not succumb to temptation before marriage, iri spite of the natural desire, as had I done, I doubt that I would have had such a strong, fulfilled and blessed 30-year marriage. We need to value our faith, our lives, our relationships, our being and our work. The leadership of our church must be very much stronger than it is! James Wilson, Reading

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Dr Carey:

I. AMBI1H CONFERENCE 18 july . — 9 August 1998 The Lambeth Conference takes place every ten years when bishops from all over the worldwide Anglican Communion meet in Canterbury to talk, pray and study the Bible together.This year about 800 bishops are expected to attend, including for the first time suffragan or assistant bishops and women bishops. Roger Beckwith explains the background to the Conference The Lambeth Conference exists Anglican churches existing in for the purpose of consultation separation from others, such as by Anglican bishops on matters of the Church of England in South common concern to Anglicans. It Africa and the Continuing has no legislative power, and the Churches in the USA, have not resolutions it passes and the hitherto been invited. The financial inequality is reports it issues have only moral force. Nevertheless, they receive a accentuated by the fact that some great deal of attention in the provinces have far more bishops Anglican world, and are often than others, despite having no more members. The Episcopal influential. The Lambeth Conference was Church in the USA is the example first called by Archbishop Longley always quoted, and if its bishops in 1867, and has been meeting are agreed on a resolution, it is since at roughly ten-year intervals very difficult to oppose the resoexcept when interrupted by the lution because of their Second World War. Recently wives disproportionate voting strength. They have lately adopted very have been invited as well, and hold their own conference, organ- liberal policies on homosexuality, ised by Eileen Carey, wife of the and wanted to put them top of the Lambeth agenda, but because Archbishop of Canterbury. Lambeth of opposition from the Third the Ideally, Conference is a meeting of all World this is not now likely to Anglican bishops, from all parts happen. Third World debt is more of the world, with a few observers. likely to take prominence now. In practice, it is not quite this for The Revd Dr Roger Beckwith was for many years warden of Latimer House, two reasons. One is that bishops from the an Anglican research and writing centre Third World often find it finan- in Oxford. He continues to research and cially impossible to come. The write, and also assists at the City Church other is that bishops from of St Michael at the North Gate.

Music for the bishops' spouses

The Most Revd and Rt Hon George Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury

'My dream is that our 'gathering in Canterbury will be truly infused by faith and joy and vitality; that the true spirit of God's giving and our receiving of the gift of Jesus Christ, will transfigure the Conference, so that whatever tensions and divisions we have to face, our life of discipleship and witness will be strengthened by the experience of being, talking and worshipping together.'

It is Dr I Oxford i: the Ang Canterb he said, homose very divi Carey h( mission' such as can be cc

'The Conference will only be a success if we come in a spirit of humility; eager to embrace one another as fellow disciples and pilgrims.' (Anglican World, Dec 1997)

glimpses of parents' self-giving love as a coronet of wild flowers is woven for a son's coronation. Three dreams warn the Young King-elect that power and leadership have little to do with outward trappings of kingship and much The Conference Treasurer to do with service and sacrifice. And ultimately, the Young King who goes to his coronation The Lambeth Conference dressed in laughable simplicity Treasurer is Michael Nunn, (having given away his a member of St Andrew's robe, crown and scep- Church, Linton Road, Oxford. This responsibility tre) is transformed: is part of his remit as not least The Young King. 'And lo, through the Director of Finance and Through music, dance, painted windows came Administration at the drama, poetry and, we Anglican Communion the sunlight streaming hope, a kaleidoscope of Office in London. upon him. And the suncolour in batique and Michael Nunn's main task beams wove round him is the financial administration and accounting gauze backdrops, a tissued robe that was 'Crowning Glory' aims for the Conference itself. The budget is financed fairer than any robe. partly by annual allocations from the 'Interto express in a fresh Crowning Glory: The dead staff blosway something of the Anglican Budget' and partly by Conference fees., somed and bore lilies beauty of the transfig- Veronica Bennetts, In addition, because many participants from ecothe outgoing wife of that were whiter than ured Christ and the nomically disadvantaged parts of the world will Bishop of pearls. And nobody glimpse of Eternity that have difficulty covering the fees and travel costs dared look upon his was revealed in that Buckingham, has in full, he administers the Lambeth Conference special moment of tran- composed a musical face, for it was like the Fund. With a target of £1,250,000, the fund has on the theme of the face of an angel.' scendence. Transfiguration benefited from generous contributions from all Whether there will parts of the Anglican Communion, including the Florrie Jeffries, a talented pupil be 15, 50 or 500 people taking part Oxford Diocese. The aim is to ensure that nobody at Headington School, Oxford, is remains to be seen, but with a is prevented from attending because of economcast that is multicultural in playing the part of the Young King ic difficulty. and we, the bishops' spouses, risk nature, it could be a rich and vivid Previously, as a mission partner of the Church experience. Scenes in the play being 'Fools for Christ' in a multi- Mission Society, Michael worked for many years range from the depiction of the tude of ways in the production. in financial administration in the Anglican 'Crowning Glory' had its first Church of Kenya, ultimately as accountant of poor in our society represented by huge faceless puppets, to the airing under the title 'Glad Rags' The Church Commissioners for Kenya. He is a pomp of the royal court, epito- when I composed and produced it Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries mised by 'know-all' professors at Maltman's Green School where and Administrators. headed by the most important I am currently He'ad of Music. I one of all, the Professor of have since adapted it for the Etiquette. There are children des- Lambeth Conference. Report: Venetia Horton perately diving for pearls for the Veronica Bennetts Photos: Frank Blackwell except Michael Nunn Young King's crown and there are More about the Lambeth Conference next month If the bishops' spouses thought they were in for a relaxing time they may have to think again! I hope that many of them will want to be involved in 'Crowning Glory', a musical drama which will be performed for all the bishops on August 6, the Feast of the Transfiguration. A Christian theme is woven deep into the fabric of the play. It is based on ideas contained in some of Oscar Wilde's short stories,

Plea Chi Arci

Many oft Oxford 0 Organise: Reading I

Th I live in tli Epwell ne are a very ty and are tiny chur Anne. It b and I ring When I ar bell I won Archbishc as Manag Conferent to take on organisinf The 1998 I affair witi are memb responsibi ing how n a particuL gians plan and worst. The Bisho; grimage t refreshme tion to us ministry c 21st Cent Conferenc Bishops in

MARCH 1998

lambeth conference. I I


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Please pray for our Church leaders, says Archbishop Carey It is Dr Carey's prayer that parishes in the Oxford Diocese will pray for the leadership of the Anglican Communion as they meet In Canterbury this July. Speaking to The DOOR, he said, 'We must pray that the question of homosexuality is faced positively. It could be very divisive if the issue went to the vote.' Dr Carey hopes to set up an international commission where this and other areas of concern such as the question of polygamy in Africa, can be considered.

The international Lambeth Design Group, headed by Archbishop Keith Rayner of Melbourne, Australia, has set before the Conference four themes to stimulate discussion and study. Each section has its own chairman and vice chairman.

Called to Full Humanity Chairman: Archbishop Njongonkulu Ndungane (South Africa) Called to live and proclaim the Good News Chairman: Bishop Jabez Bryce (Polynesia) Called to be faithful in a plural world Chairman: Bishop Rowan Williams (Wales) Called to be One. Chairman: Bishop Frederick Borsch (USA)

Bishop Richard: let your bishop know your concerns for Lambeth see page 8

ocese connection Many of the key Lambeth organisers live in the Oxford Diocese, including the Conference Organiser and the Financial Director; and Bible Reading Fellowship's book Transforming Grace.

The Conference Manager

I 0-

ie ly


I live in the Parish of Epwell near Banbury. We are a very small community and are proud of our tiny church dedicated to St Anne. It boasts two bells and I ring one of them! When I am not ringing the bell I work for the Archbishop of Canterbury as Manager of the Lambeth Conference. I guess the Archbishop invited me to take on this role as I had a major hand in organising the 1988 Conference. The 1998 Conference will be a much larger affair with some 800 Bishops in attendance - we are members of a growing Communion. My responsibilities are varied, ranging from knowing how many people will be eating breakfast on a particular day, to working alongside theologians planning for the plenaries, Bible studies and worship. The Bishops come to Canterbury by way of pilgrimage to seek'common counsel and spiritual refreshment. May their leadership be an inspiration to us all to reinvigorate the mission and ministry of our Communion as we enter the 21st Century. It is a privilege for me to serve the Conference and may we all remember the Bishops in our prayers. David Long

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Bishop Richard with the Most Revd Nongonkulu Ndungane, Archbishop of Cape Town, at Church House in Oxford in 1994

For the Healing of the Nations Just before this year's Lambeth Conference, and on the same site in Canterbury, there will be two international conferences organised by SOMA (Sharing of Ministries Abroad) and Anglican Renewal Ministries, under the title 'The Church for the Healing of the Nations'. The first is an open conference for 1000 delegates; the second (fully booked with 500 invited delegates) is a retreat on which bishops will prepare themselves for Lambeth. Already,-there are representatives from 43 nations coming to the open conference to hear speakers addressing the themes of the Lambeth Conference itself. Archbishop George Carey will give the opening address, and subsequent speakers will include Tony Campolo, Bishop Henry Orombi, J John and Alfredo Cooper. The worship will be led by Wellspring and many cultural styles will assist the delegates to grow together to serve a renewed Anglican Church. This is unique opportunity to meet others from the Anglican


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Communion and hear what God is doing around the world. Delegates will pray for the Lambeth Conference, and that God might use the Anglican Church to bring revival to the world. The Archbishop of Canterbury has said: 'In 1978 and 1988 the SOMA Pre-Lambeth Conferences were used by God not only to bless the participants, but also to help the Anglican Communion to be more effective in its mission. I am sure the same will be true in 1998 and I commend the Conferences to you.' In response to the Archbishop's request there will be a team of intercessors praying in Canterbury and around the world (and thus round the clock) for all the conferences. If you want to know more or book a place write to John Elliott at the Conferences Office (in this Diocese) P0 Box 134, Aylesbury HP21 9YX. Tel: 01296 334144. Fax: 01296 334134. email: johnaelliott@compuserve.com

The Oxford Mothers' Union is Worldwide President. Ten years planning a full programme for ago on a similar occasion many six bishops' wives from Africa African ladies led dancing in the who will be visiting this Diocese aisles. Who knows what will happrior to the Lambeth Conference. pen this year! In the evening of July 9 Oxford On July 14 Mrs Jane Nwankiti, Mrs Dora Okoro, Mrs Esther MU holds its summer meeting at Nwaizuzu and Mrs Sussan Ebo Wellington College, Berkshire from Nigeria together with Mrs when we plan to share our mutuAmoti Njojo and Mrs Edreda al concerns and aspirations for Tibafa from the Democratic Christian Family Life. On July 10 Republic of the Congo will travel our visitors will enjoy the hospito York for the MU Worldwide tality of Bishop Richard and his wife in Oxford. There's an excitCouncil. MU members including our ing day ahead on Saturday July 11 visitors, will take part in the day- when the MU is holding a Family long festival in Winchester Fun Day at Dorchester Abbey with Cathedral on July 8 with morn- children and parents in mind. ing workshops and an afternoon Together with individual parish Eucharist celebrated by the events, garden parties, shopping Bishop of Winchester and trips and sight-seeing it could be addressed by Lady Eames, the MU a very full week!

BRF has Bible study for all It was the Rt Revd Simon the Archbishop Barrington-Ward, Bishop of of Canterbury, Coventry, who was asked to offers individuthe devise the Bible study for the als Lambeth Conference. The bishops opportunity to meet, in groups for Bible study join in spirit the before and after breakfast each with day. This year the studies are on 2 Lambeth bishops, and looks at Corinthians. Oxford-based Bible Reading such issues of GRACE Fellowship has produced church life as Transforming Grace (BRF, £4.99) by authority, Dr Michael Thompson, Director of money, sufferStudies at Ridley Hall, Cambridge, ing, conflict and the whole notion to tie in with the Conference. The of Christian leadership. book, which has a foreword by please turn to page 13

.: i.




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lambeth conference. 13


High Wycombe C of E Combined recent theme was 'the truth shall

set you free'. The children considered slavery, with readings from Exodus, devised their own worship dance based on freedom and through their own prayers and readings showed how the love of Christ can free and unite us all.

We celebrate our ethnic diversity with poetry; rap and dance High Wycombe C of E Combined School School is an aided school with nearly Profile 270 pupils, in the heart of High Wycombe. Currently 33% of the children are from Asian or Afro Caribbean ethnic groups with the majOrity of these children being Afro Caribbean. As a Christian school we strive to create a community where an ethos of care is self evident, where self-esteem and respect are promoted and where each individual's cultural identity is valued. So our worship and curriculum celebrate the ethnic diversity of our community. RE lessons have been enriched with relatives coming in to model ethnic dress or talk about a pilgrimage to Mecca. Two black writers, Michael MacMillan, an author, and Lennox Carty, a performance poet, have worked extensively with pupils during the last 18 months (pictured right) .The culmination of the workshops was a vibrant poetry evening when the children performed their poems set to their own music and sold their own anthology. In June 1997, in our 'Africa in Wycombe' week Adzido, the London-based Pan African Dance company, spent a week in the school.

Christian values

In our recent OFSTED inspection, we were identified as a school where 'the outstanding commitment to Christian values clearly underpins all aspects of school life and permeates its ethos'. We have just heard that we are to receive a county European Year Against Racism curriculum project award. However, the most important thing for us is when our ethos enables a child to reflect with true wonder on the beauty of God's world, to realise the value of family and to take pride in cultural heritage.



Drumming and dancing

Everyone from four-year olds to staff danced and drummed, and we now have two thriving rap clubs, a collection of African drums and a group of energetic African drummers and dancers! Each term the older children plan and lead a Eucharist. A

My world, My past is my world Open my mind

St Vincent born Pebbly beaches, coconut trees Sweet scents of Georgetown, Sugar apples, mango fruits, sugarcane And mauby bark A small town, left at less than one, Kept by secrets in my mind, They were planted by Nan, By lovely sounds Rumbling KpIcanoes Tickling my brain Almost touching the ocean's roar And I am St Vincent bound to go. Aaron created this poem after a writing workshop exploringfamily roots with Michael MacMillan.

THEYURE WORKING TOWARDS LOCAL MANAGEMENT but the young church of South America and the older churches of Iberia, facing new opportunities and daunting challenges,

Joy Morning, Headteacher

Lambeth: when world church leaders stand on level ground Canon DrVinay Samuel and the Revd Dr Chris Sugden describe the role of the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies in the preparations for the Lambeth Conference

and interpretation of Scripture; ethical decision-making in a post-modern world where image replaces morals; the problem of international debt; the growth and contribution of Pentecostalism and the issue of gender and sexuality.

he Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops is one of the most important gatherings of global Christianity. It is one of the very few where church leaders from Asia, Africa and Latin America gather with their felThe Dallas Statement low leaders from the western world in conditions The resulting 'Dallas Statement' has been pubof relative equality, and where so-called theolog- lished in Transformation. Bishops in Nigeria, East ical expertise, historical tradition and financial Africa and India will be meeting in March and resources are not the major currency. April to consider these themes further, followed In 1986 the Bishop of Rochester, Michael by a concluding consultation at OCMS in May. Nazir Au, then Bishop of At Lambeth this year, the Riawind, Pakistan and director Anglican Church will for the in residence of the Oxford first time consider its relationCentre for Mission Studies ship with Pentecostal churches around the world. In the last (OCMS), was invited by the then Archbishop of Canterbury to 100 years these churches have act as study secretary to the proved to be very effective 1988 Lambeth Conference. As Christian communities at sharhis two colleagues we were coming the love of God, especially missioned by the Archbishop to in situations of deprivation. write an account of the Conference which was pubFeeling at home lished as Lambeth - A View from Bishops do not cease being the Two-Thirds World (SPCK). responsible for their dioceses This year we have produced a while at Lambeth, so when reader for all the Anglican bishOCMS was invited to Lambeth ops on the themes of the two years ago to meet the hospiConference. Anglican Life and Canon DrVinay Samuel: tality committee we suggested Witness (SPCK) offers valuable 'Christian caring by the host that it would greatly help visitbackground material, especially Church of England will touch ing bishops if some of the useful to those bishops who do the bishops' hearts with the stewards came from the bishnot have ready access to theo- love of God.' ops' own countries. We have Photo: Frank Blackwell logical libraries or up-to-date also advised on food and menus. materials. It falls to the Church of England to host visiting bishops and their spousPre-Lambeth discussions es before, during and after the Conference. We On the issue of sexuality we commissioned a can show our hospitality by offering laundry reader called Seeking Gender Identity which has facilities, the use of the telephone, and time to been sent to many bishops, including the Bishop rest and relax undisturbed in the midst of a hecof Oxford as chairman of the Church of England tic schedule. And meeting ordinary Christian commission on this subject. The January and folk in their homes to speak of what the Lord is April issues of our journal, Transformation, also doing will be important for our visitors. Lambeth includes information on the Lambeth themes. will provide more than its fair share of digniLast year 50 bishops and archbishops from taries to meet and receptions to attend. The around the world met in Dallas, Texas for a pre- ordinary Christian caring of people by the host Lambeth conference at the invitation of Church of England will touch the bishops' hearts Archbishop David Gitari of Kenya to discuss with the love of God while they are away from some critically important issues: the authority home.


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Sark, 4th smallest of the


FREE VIDEO/BROCHURE INFORMA11ON PACK 4En-suite all moms, *Guest Spealwr ministiy; *IY/Direct Dial Telephones (all rooms); Situated peninsula, unrivalled sea-views; discounts Snr Citizens/Church groups. Children Free (up to 7ji's). Special events TEL: 01534 44288. FAX: 47273



flowers and the dramatic

English Channel just off

scenery thaT makes Sark

the coast of Normandy, six

unique, however. The

miles as the crow flies

unrivalled peace and quiet

from Guernsey and about

is protected by the

20 miles from Jersey. The

population of sturdy

island has the distinction of

individualists who live on


the island. There are no



DUNSTAN HILL ALN WICK 3 farm cottages with 2 beds. steeps 4/6, all year round Terms from £130 iw Tel: \1 rs \Iorton on:


independent slate in the

cars allowed to pollute the

Commonwealth, with its

air and deaden the ears. On

own parliament, Chief

the plateau above the cliffs


Pleas, and its own laws. It

the usual means of

has also the distinction of

transport is bicycle or

exceptional beauty and

horse and carriage. There

unrivalled peace and quiet.

is tractor-drawn transport history and can answer many headlands which

The exceptional beauty is a gift of nature. Sark is a large rock rising from the sea, its serenity protected by 200 foot cliffs topped by rolling fields known as

up the steep harbour hill, most questions.

look out on to the curves of

but tractors may not carry

the bays, the stretches of

Many of the day visitors

passengers ' beyond the return to stay longer in the sand and multi-coloured crossroads at the crest, hotels and guest houses on rocks and the translucent Visitors may walk, or the island. Some return sea. cycle, but most day visitors again and again.., one

cofils. The granite cliffs are

choose to see round the visitor came every year for

home to myriad sea birds,

island behind a horse,



covered in

carpets of flowers in the

of Sark may be pre-booked few more are very near her

exercise. Some take a ride

Spring. They change, blue

on a horse to view the

with bluebells, pink with

from Guernsey or Jersey, record. Long term visitors all as part of a package tour,


thrift and white with

but there are free seals for have their own, favourite

daisies as the spring

those who make their own parts of Sark. Fishermen


sunlight lures the plants

travel arrangements. Just enjoy fishing off the rocks

out of the early green of the

ask the drivers lined up in at the Eperquerie, at the

PLAYA DE XERACO / hour /5 n,inukrc ,io,lb of Alicante, 45 minutes, South of Valencia Well equipped apartment. Sleeps 4/6. 5 miles long sandy beach. Orange groves and niountain backdrop. From £155 per week per apartment. Contact John at 34 Wraypark Road, Reigate, Surrey RH2 ODE Availability all year round. Tel. 01737 244598

SPAIN Tenerife 5-Star Luxury Apartments available throughout 1998 ONLY £164 PER WEEK PER APARTMENT

Tel: 01202 427159

DEVON Fluxton Farm AA Listed ETB 3-Crowns Cat lover's paradise in charming 16th Century farmhouse set in lovely Otter Valley. Five miles from beach at Sidmouth. Local produce. All double rooms en-suite, TV, teasmaids. Peace and quiet. Pets welcome. Plenty of clogwalking space. The cats will welcome your dogs - we welcome you. From £30 DBB p.p.p.n.

Tel. 01404 812818

,ton 'V

Cottages Y

Situated clone to the Pembrokeshire Coastal Path

Our comfortable cottages and bungalows along with healed swimming poet and sauna have been tastefully landscaped in the grounds of Keeslon Hall, ideal for family holidays or quiet retreats. Beautiful beaches, wonderful walks, fishing, golf and water sports. Pets welcome. Open all year

Tel/Fax: 01437 710482

Walkers enjoy the cliff

paths which give the same sixty years, interrupted magnificent vistas Seats on carriage tours only by the war years. A combined with gentle

01665 576481 Quality self-catering accommodation for ALL the family with an emphasis on facilities for disabled visitors. Nestling into beautiful unspoilt countryside, six of the nine traditional Welsh stone cottages are single storeyed, easily accessible from the large car park. Cottages sleep 3-9 persons and are equipped to the highest standard WIB 5 Dragons. Luxurious purpose built heated indoor swimming pool with Oxford Dipper Hoist and Games Room. Open ALL YEAR Groups welcome.„,,sO,, c \ \,•a f1 o Telephone Richard & Linda Burgess '-loot 01570470275 for colour V IV A It 9 brochure


It is not only the glory of

Channel Islands, lies in the




the carriage park at the top northern tip of the island,

approaches the red

of the hill, and they will although some come to

grass. As



scabious and white

either include you in their Sark logo out from the old

pesticides, flutter from flower to flower, an

idea. The passengers can or garfish. Painters


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see over the high banks






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perfect place fora relaxing dash. Alien a pleasant 45.nnutute boat tsp the oely aav to gel to Sark) past the other sntallen islands of Henn, Bnecqhou and Jethou, you sill soon discover why the fly Isle of Sank is often described as being 'sotnesshene back in time'


Sark lourisin (01481) 832345


Sunny IVes/wa ,d 41o1


In the Most Unique Coastal Location/ Caravans & 4-6/6-8 Berth Chalets On site: Bar, restaurant, club house with family entertainment, pets by arrangement, golf courses and fishing nearby, right beside beautiful 2 mile beach

Call now 01237 473263 Fax 01237 477709

TO ADVERTISE TELEPHONE 01965 244999 PERRANPORTH Beachside Holiday Flats adjacent to sandy, surfing beach. Also chalets at Perran Sands on the Haven All Action Centre, entertainment complex, indoor/outdoor pools etc. Central for touring all Cornwall. Personally supervised. Brochure,

anor Farm\ Bungalow Cosy, twun beefrunemed bungalow with open tire, patio drnrrs, garden, lovely countryside views and rally

equipped throughout. Sleeps 4. Local shops, golf course, aquarium, leisure pools, sea fishing, sandy beach, windsurfing, pubs, dc all between IV: audit mites. Ci,ckermirufh and Lakes (Keswick) tO and 20 mIs. Ring Philip & Wendy

01872 520500

for full details on



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Limited availability on our special Easter small group tour. Call: VIETNAM TRAVEL, tel: 01494 674456 fax: 01494 681631


and and bring the family pet too to explore the He/ford Riven Cornish coastal paths and secret in the Indoor Ssvimeni,tg Pool. Sauna



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HOLIDAY VILLA CAPE TOWN Sleeps up to 10 From £400 a week Private swimming pool and garden, owners Landrover may be available, pictureque crayfishing village near Cape Town, near beautiful 12km sandy beach with magnificent views of the mountains


01225 448388

Dolsden Farm Accommodation on large worktog farm with animals. Warm welcome. Delicious cooking. Television lounge, tea making facilities washbasins in bedrooms. Ensuite available. Fifteen ' minutes from Bode's sandy beaches and leisure centre. Christine Nanceklvell Telephone 01288 341264


Herefordshire and Wye Valley Quality oak beamed self-catering cottages on a traditional farm overlooking the River Wye, for a peaceful holiday in a beautiful area, between Hereford and Ross-on-Wye. Comfortable and fully equipped for self-catering. Sleeping 2-8. ETB 4 Key commended.

For brochure contact: Mrs Rita Price, Folly Farm, Holme Lacy, Hereford HR2 6LS. Tel: 01432 870259


East Devon

Quiet Farm House offers Bed & Breakfast with en-suite and ground floor rooms. Also self catering unit for 2-3 persons. Wiscombe Linhay Farm, South Leigh, Colyton, Devon EX13 60 01404 871342



Beautiful rural location between Lane & Polperro. Catherine Park is deal for she whole family . eight comfortable, attractive bungalows set in 4 acres puddocks/gardens. fabulous panoramic views, superb swimming pool. Open all year. pets welcome. Near evangelical fellowship

L. Enjoy a holiday on a 250 acre dairy tarr'n, situated on a quiet attractive hilltop -, position with delightful views of surrounding hills and valley, yet only half a mile from the A66 road and 7 miles from the MS motorway. Accommodation Includes: • En-oLdie double and twin bedded rooms. 1 standard family room with hot and cold • Full English breakfast • Tea making facilities available in bedrooms • Colour TV in all rooms • Full central l'rnahng and comfortable TV lounge . Fully equipped bathroom available for guests use. Mrs Hams welcomes guests to stay single or buyer. Children welcome. SAE for brochure and terms: Mm Mary Harris, Whitbarrow Farm, Bernet, PENRITH, Cumbrta CAll 01<8 Tel. 017884 83306/ Mobile 0370 325071



Bring your family to stay on our farm, where you'll find a warm, Christian welcome. and the kettle boiling! Glorious views over River Teign, within easy reach of OartrnoorlTorbay/Exeter. Fishing, boating, within a mile. Games room, with snooker table, table-tennis, darts. Bed/breakfast/evening meal, with good home cooking. SPECIAL OUT OF SEASON' OFFERS Brochure on request: Mrs Gwyneth Pengelty Teignharvey Park, Combe-in-Teignhead, N,. Newton Abbot T012 4RS. Tel: Sheldon (01626) 872766.


NORFOLK Sandringham area, seaside chalet to let. Sleeps five. From £80 per week. Regret no pets

01753 863934

Tel/Fax 01503 272570



Haworth 45. l ' West Yorkshire Attractive Cottages with lovely views in beautiful countryside. Sleep 2-5 in popular village of Haworth with its quaint shops and cobbled streets. Ideal for touring Yorkshire Dales. Many places of beauty and interest to visit. All bed tines included Lively Fcllewship

Enjoy peace and tranquility in our lovely 200 year old farmhouse. 31/2 miles Saunderstoot beach. Picturesque bedrooms, TV, basins, tea/coffee tray. Central heating. Bed & breakfast from £14-216. PP. CARAVAN Quality 6-berth in pretty peaceful setting. £100 to £170 pw. Every facility. Lawn & patio. S.A.E. please Mrs. Joy Holgate, Curse Mountain Farm, Reynalton, Kilgeny, Pembrokeshire SA68 OPD Tat. 01834 860546.


Free Range Eggs Provided

ra SSad


For a Free colour brochure please contact Hannah Darting Hatwyn, ."eianacean, Helston, Cornwall TR12 6ER - 01326280359



l,tennfs Manta,

f'cnitand '4 Full1 We are centrally situated on the main island, a wide varyrty of amenities are within a.few, wiles. Orkney is a very scenic place with a relayed attitude to life, some beautiful walks, free fishing, golfing, folk festivals and many other entertainments for all the family daring the whole year. The islands are rich in places of historic interest which draw thousands of visitors every year. Howe Farm is a large working family run farm with a six bedroomed farmhouse, two public rooms, a bathroom, toilet and shower room with a spacious garden,plenry of room for children to play. Access also to a washing machine and fridge is provided. A warm Christian family welcome awaits you, why not get away from it all and vine the peace and tranquility of our lovely island a try. Make it a holiday to remember. For more details. contact: Men Moira Scott, Howe Farm, Harray, Orkney Isles, Scotland 5W17 21tt Tel: 01856 771256

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Etefrnm the twrsuttth century


¼ F,irittivrtivi' ,t itrtttitiivi,itiivi 'rir,.tll tuft'! -Al ioicri.

( '.ir //,,,


l argely unchanged for 100 yeats- and the

For more information about day tpat or Inter breaks to the lilt of Sari contort:


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S(ii-i i,rlisl I rivili I-ti/id -. hid

'traditional stone Cottages,

ultneiphene to he found 9 unvinoslibere onique a miles off the cots! of Guernsey. on the Isle of Sank No cats. No rush. No woiri lush a peaceful way of life ahtch has ieniatrted


tour, or direct you to a harbour - the Creux

carriage with free seats. Harbour - with local the colour in the fields. The For a first time visitor, the fishermen, delighted with butterflies, untroubled by carriage tour is a good their catches of mackerel


stfil hole Channel Islands is

complete tiiplete 15 111011 experiencing he

island from another

campion take over to keep


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18 .young.door


Getting ready for Mothering Sunday

Talk/address/sermon ideas

Jenny Hyson, our Diocesan Children's Officer, is one of a team of diocesan officers who have contributed to Worship through the Christian Year, (Church House Publishing/ National Society, £13.95), an all-age companion to the new lectionary edited by Diana Murrie and Hamish Bruce. Jenny wrote much of the material for Lent including these ideas and suggestions Mothering Sunday • Talk about how we are all different and yet how God knows and loves each one of us. Let each child make a flower out of tissue paper and a pipe cleaner. Try and use as many different colours as possible. Explain to the children that they are going to use their flowers to make a flower arrangement in church to show how God loves and knows each one of us. After the service the children can be encouraged to give their flowers to their mothers. If there is enough time, extra flowers could be made to give to other people in the congregation. -

Using a long narrow roll of paper, put a time line around the church divided up into decades. Invite people to stand within the decade in which they were born. Talk in these groups about the things they remember about that time. Invite one person from each decade to share with everyone something about that period. One thing we all have in common is that God knows us and has known us from the womb (refer to Psalm 139.15-16). • Divide the congregation into five groups and give each group one of the Mary readings used in the address/sermon. Invite them to talk about how it would have felt for Mary and then create a still frame' pose of the passage. Each group could take up the still frame to show the other groups, giving a feeling of Mary's place as mother in Jesus' life.

Fold a piece of tissue paper in half. Scrunch or concertina it up. Tie some cotton around the bottom.

Julian of Norwich said: 'As truly as God is Father, so just as truly is he our mother.' Focus on the fact that everyone has, or has had, a mother. Acknowledge that everyone will have had a different experience, some might be painful. God is the perfect parent. Put a pipe cleaner through the centre of the flower. Bind it around with green sticky tape or crepe paper. You can also fill a yoghurt pot or carton with mixed plaster of Paris (most chemists sell it) and stick the flowers in it.



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is to keep or&er ;n Ma arbun4 $M CMlyIi cI.w.ne .' .'.(;, serv:ceS. —

Mary's trust in her son Pray that we may learn to trust


John 19.25 Mary's pain at the cross

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Invite a range of people of different ages to lead the inter-

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Pray for those in pain




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47 Ever Anc3Lcan Churc, has 'oWarthn5.

Pray for those who are anxious John 2.5



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Luke 2.48 Mary's anxiety and anger

Seer rç it. ,.aaii's't g *e her hbtf w.eaId pi1oablg so

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Pray for the nations of the world



Most I Church ;S to l(CePthe IraI rcpa:tt '-'

Pray that we too might be obedient

Readings Exodus 2. I-IC or I Samuel I.20-28;2 Corinthians 1.3-7 or Colossians 3. 12-17; Luke 2.33-35 or John 19.25-27

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Luke 2.33 Mary's treasuring of Simeon's words

Look at the role Mary played as the mother of Jesus. Use silhouette pictures of a baby, a young boy, a man, and Jesus on the cross. Refer to Simeon's prophecy (Luke 2 34-35), Jesus lost at the Temple in Jerusalem (Luke 2.49), the wedding at Cana Uohn 2.5), Mary at the cross Uohn 19.25-27).



Luke 1.38 Mary's obedience to God

Invite two or three mothers to the front with one of their children. Blindfold the mothers and ask them questions about their child, e.g. the length of hair, colour of eyes, favourite food. Now ask them by touch alone to distinguish their child from the others. Talk about how God knows and loves each one of us with all our differences, referring to Isaiah 49.15.

How to make paper flowers


Use the thoughts around Mary the mother of Jesus as a framework for the prayers. Read out these Bible verses and pray for the themes mentioned below.

MARCH 1998

9.30 am.-6 pin. (or dusk if earlier). Opens 9 am. in June, July & August; 10 am. December to February

For Ilk' Disabled

l)isableej ()jI('l available Most areas


Fax & Telephone: (0 1458) 832267

Abbey Gatehouse, Magdalene Street, Glastonhury, So,nerset BAG 9EL

SELF ASSESSMENT TAX RETURNS POSTAL SERVICE April 98 returns from £69 ABRAMS ASHTON WILLIAMS Clergy Tax Specialists 77 Corporation Street, St. Helens WA 10 1 S Tel: 0 1744 755 100

Black Mountains Driving Centre 3, 5, 7 or 9 day driving courses start from £300

• explore the processes of marriage and family life in depth, using a variety of theoretical perspectives • provide relevant factual information about personal relations and sexuality • enhance communication skills using a variety of experimental methods • increase course members' ability to respond appropriately to the needs of those seeking information, advice or support. Courses will be held at Relate's national training College in Rugby during March and June, 1998 For further information please ring External Training on 01788 563812 The course was originally developed by Oxford Relate for Ripon Theological College, Cuddesdon



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8661 HD'aV

New Start for the Millennium Jubilee 2000 Take the train to beat the strain

New life for old Aylesbury inn

On Saturday, May I, the 09.06 Chiltern Line Train from Gerrards Cross will arrive in Birmingham at 11.06. Plans are in hand for parties to join the train at Beaconsfield, High Wycombe, Princes Risborough, Haddenham/Thame, Bicester and Banbury - all on their way to join the Jubilee 2000 lobby of the leaders of the Group of Eight strongest nations, meeting in Birmingham that week-end.To co-ordinate numbers, phone Anne Martin on 01494 670410 or Christopher Hall 01869 338 225.



"And a narrowboat is taking two weeks to get there from Hemel Hempstead, calling at churches, pubs and schools on the way to put people in the picture about Jubilee 2000.


And sing this strain to break the chain • 100 people did at the Debtcutters Day at St Andrew's, Hatters Lane on January 31 - 700 days to the Millennium:


A Song for Freedom We are here to call for justice We are here to help the poor We are here to fight to free them From the debts we all abhor.

A vision shared

Children dying; mothers crying Families and nations in despair. We are gathered here to show them That some people really care. We are here to fight for justice We are here to help the poor. Break the chains of debt that bind them From this day for evermore.

by.John Gant to be sung to Beethoven's 'Ode to Joy'.


EASTER DOOR Mike Hill's consecration in words and pictures r

The King's Head is an ancient coaching inn just off Aylesbury's Market Square, which once welcomed Henry VIII. Now thanks to the vision of local Christians from all the main churches, it has been transformed into the King's Head Christian Centre. The first phase of the redevelopment opened on December 1. It includes a professionally staffed restaurant and a book shop. There are refurbished function rooms suitable for PCC awaydays, business conferences and wedding receptions. Among the Centre's attractions - fast selling out - are the wining and dining evenings with historical entertainment provided by local groups. Also popular are the men's breakfasts which effective-




Your Church requirements may now be obtained from The Chapter House Shop Oxford Ltd., Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford Candles Church Stationery: Peoples/Priests Waters Registers, Forms & Certificates, Wine Synodical Government Forms, Incense Baptism and Godparents cards Charcoal Confirmation certificates Equipment Banns of Marriage certificates Church pocket book and diary Lectionaries For orders and inquiries, please ring Oxford 201971 or 765119 Please place your orders at least 21 days prior to requirements. _ L

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Are you a parent?


Few of us find the job easy but for some it can be a nightmare! Could you spare a few hours a week to answer a confidential helpline for these very stressed families. Good training given - new course starting in the Spring. Please ring Parentline Oxford on 01865 726600 for details A Charity



281069 to help with the stresses of parenthood

licity people and a whole variety of willing workers in administration, cleaning and carrying. Their contribution has saved £200,000 in start-up costs. The Centre's manager, Andrew Clark, a Methodist, described the vision behind the project: 'Reaching the unchurched majority is a challenge many churches are tackling in different ways. In this small and relatively prosperous market town, reaching the 'God-indifferent, comfortable middle classes' has been identified as a real issue.' All enquiries about the activities at the King's Head should be addressed to the King's Head Centre on 01296 394590. For enquiries about the King's Head Christian Trust, ways to help, or church affiliation please contact the Revd Kevan Royle on 01296 394906.

The Burden Bearer



ly communicate the Christian faith to people who do not normally come to church. At the opening of the Great Hall Restaurant, the Revd Kevan Royle, Team Rector of Holy Trinity, Walton and :hairman of the King's Head Christian Trust said: 'This is a tre'3endous boost to the cause of Chistian witness and a demonstra ion of just what united action can achieve'. The King's Head Christian Trust has lease J the property from the National Trust. While able to compete with any private enterprise on its own terms, much of the professional expertise and oversight has come from church members who have freely given of their servIce and experience. They include architects, solicitors, bankers, caterers, design consultants, marketing and pub-

Who'll be sleeping o thiliz Ad ht? How would you like to spend the night sleeping on this Ad? Thousands of homeless people do precisely that. There are many reasons for each person: many are mentally ill. Others have alcohol or drug problems. Some simply cannot cope. There are no set rules to being homeless That's where The Passage can help. The Passage is more than a Day Centre. It's home for hundreds of 'roofless' people each day. We give them food, clothing and a shower. We can offer them help: Advice, Counselling, Medical Care plus a Job Club are just some of the services preparing the way for our resettlement work. In addition, we also operate an Emergency Night Shelter accommodating 50 people, 365 days a year. Yet we have to rely on your help to continue. Every homeless person we help costs an average of £5 each day. With many hundreds in our care, it's a thought worth sleeping on. Please be generous, send your donations to: Sr Bridle Dowd DC, The Passage Day Centre, Department To, St Vincent's, Carlisle Place, London SWIP 1NL Telephone enquiries to: 0171 828 4183 Please send me more information about The Passage


Please make cheques payable to The Passage Name Address

Registered Charity No 287297 A registered charity existing to care for homeless people.

TIM PASSAS! 0 y Cenhe and Ni hi Shefte, P opie

Dave, the King's Head Centre Clown (top centre), is becoming a well-known figure around Aylesbury's Market Square, especially when he takes to his stilts to advertise forthcoming attractions. The 'Sensational Saturdays' last December, spilled over into the adjoining Square and joining in the fun were the Haddenham Hoofers (top left) who helped to bring fun and a chance to share the Christian faith with those who do not normally come to church. The high-quality restaurant (bottom left) has brought a new lease of life to the Grand Hall. It is open for coffee, lunch and afternoon tea, all prepared by a professional staff led by the chef, James Potter (top right). Thotos: Frank Biackweil

David Winter's

Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world (John 129) I remember reading these words - for the first time, I think, consciously - in the chapel of an RAF station during my National Service. Like many people brought up in a churchgoing home, I was feeling very rebellious against the faith of my parents. Yet here I was, in the chapel choir, singing these astonishing words: 'Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world.' I knew they referred to Jesus, of course, but as they sank into my consciousness it was the sheer enormity of the claim that struck me: 'the sin of the world" That was something cosmic, embracing not just my sins (which, at that age, I thought were no concern of anybody else, least of all God), but all the huge injustices, violence, evil and depravity that was at work in the world (which, as a highly political animal, were of great concern to me). How could one man, even a man like Jesus, be seen as the 'taker away' of all that? It took me a good two years to begin to discover the answer to that question, which in one sense is ultimately unanswerable, hidden within the mystery of God. But those words set me on a journey of exploration which quite literally transformed my life. As we once again approach Passion-tide, sheer familiarity with the story may blunt the shock of the great truth which is at its heart. Sin is serious, and there is a price to pay for it. The burden Jesus carried on his lonely journey to Golgotha was nothing less than the sin of the world, but the good news is that, it was all of it. This reflection is abridged from David Winter's book Forty Days with the Messiah (BRF £5.99) which is based on the words of Handel's Messiah.

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