#91 April 1998

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April 1998 No 91 Diocese of Oxford Reporte Berkshire, Buckinhamshire and Oxfordshire

Bi shop Michael ' s famil y welcome

inside The DOOR

Ii The reluctant convert: Page 5 Mike Hill's story I .



Walking the way of the cross: Eric Gill in Oxford Pages 10 & 11

Consecration at Southwark Cathedral on March 19,1998 ike Hill was consecrated Bishop of Buckingham by the Archbishop of Canterbury on March 19. London's Southwark Cathedral was packed for a service which reflected the life and ministry of the man who is to be 'a father-in-God to the people of Buckinghamshire'. His consecration took place on the Feast of St Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as befits the father of five children. The Archbishop took up the family theme as he warmly welcomed 'Mike's charming family' and 'friends and supporters' from the Oxford Diocese. In his sermon the Very Revd Peter Judd, Provost of Chelmsford Cathedral and a friend of Bishop Mike's from their curate days, said that Jesus' relationship with his father in heaven was rooted in his relationship with Joseph, his father on earth. 'This portrait of a father: strong competent, compassionate, forgiving and outward-looking, is both a description of a bishop and also of the sort of person Mike is and the strengths he offers at the start of this new ministry. 'He will bring an infectious love of his Lord in his heart and he will bring an incisive and strategic zest to the tasks ahead, and he will bring a special care for reaching the unchurched', said Peter Judd. Turn to page 2


:veryone played their part Mike Hill was presented to the Archbishop of Canterbury by the Bishop of Rochester, the Right Revd Michael Nazir-Ali and by the Bishop of Oxford, the Right Revd Richard Harries. Top picture Bishop Richard (right) is seen after the service with the new Bishop of Buckingham (centre) and the Archbishop of Canterbury. One of the most moving moments of the consecration service was when Mike's wife, Anthea led her children as they carried the Communion bread and wine to the altar.The whole family is pictured above (from left to right): Charis, Naomi, Mike, Eleanor, Anthea, Nicholas and Alexa.





Young DOOR: beliringers Page 18 and buns

PLUS Diocesan Synod: justice and restoration

Page 3

The Bishop of Oxford's Easter message

Page 8

Lambeth: Bishop Borsch's essential Christianity

Page 13

Prize-winning Easter crossword

Page 19

Art for God's sake

Page 20

Bracknell's Resurrection Run



On the A44 in Woodstock


'Mazy went running to Simon Peter and the other disciple' (John 20 v2)

On Easter Sunday, April 12, Churches Together in Bracknell plan to celebrate the activity of the first Easter Sunday with a 'Resurrection Run'. Those who want to take part will meet at St Andrew's, Priestwood at 7am. Alter a short service they will run, jog or walk for two and a half miles to St Paul's, Harmans Water where breakfast will be served. The idea of a Resurrection Run began in a church in the USA, and has been pioneered in the Diocese by the URC Church on behalf of Churches Together in Bracknell. EASTER GREETINGS TO ALL OUR READERS

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