Come, Lord Jesus, come
U0Ij 1 Young Christians survive night rave
November 1998 No 97 Diocese of Oxford Reporter Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
.::Thside The DOOR -0
Testimony: *hEn our future was in his hands Page 5
Helping young people make sense of marriage Page 7 40
360 young people at MAD 11 98 There were bands with names like Bliss and Fruit and a Chill Out Café but no alcohol.There was an all-night rave but no cannabis.The keynote speaker was a Christian escapologist and at 6am the Bishop of Oxford presided at a rock Eucharist (above and left). In fact September 26 was altogether a night to remember for the 360 young people from 14 upwards who braved the monsoon-like rain to gather atTheale Green Community School near Reading for MAD '98.They were there to meet other young Christians, to have fun and to discover how to make a difference to the Church, both locally and worldwide through workshops, exhibitions and shared experiences. For anyone more used to hearing about a lost generation of young people bent on self-destruction, MAD '98 was a revelation. No wonder, perhaps, that a passing police car stopped to find out what was going on, or that one girl was heard to say:'lt was the greatest night of my life'. Photographs: Frank Blackwell More about MAD on pages 10 and II
Telling it like it is: two angels get to grips with Page 20 God
PLUS Financial crisis? Page 8 The DoorPost Pages I & U More about MAD Pages 10 & 11 Prisoners' week Page 1 3
You are never too old to celebrate
one village FROM ARTiSANS CO-OPS
On the A44 in Woodstock
The Revd FrankTaylor has just celebrated 70 years of ministry by presiding at a Eucharist at SS Peter and Paul Church, Botley in Oxford.The service was held on October 6,the anniversary of his ordination as a deacon in St Paul's Cathedral in 1928. MrTaylor,who will be 96 on November I 7,now lives in Cumnor where he stillchips in' at a local Bible study group. Most of his ministry was spent in London parishes but his last living was as a country vicar at Lambourn in the Oxford Diocese. From his retirement 30 years ago until very recently, he regularly helped out at churches in the area. Butthe service on October 6 was a double celebration. Assisting FrankTaylor was Don Prytherch,a profoundly deaf lay reader,who celebrated his 90th birthday on October 7. Congratulations gentlemen! • Mr Prytherch was presented with a gift by the Bishop of Oxford on his visit to the St Ebbe's Deaf Centre on October 11.