Time for a Change
Two into one does go
A love that will last
High Wycombe to host Diocesan gathering
Jesus: the third person in our marriage
Can local churches help to save marriages?
New marriage service puts lobe,.,, on the back burner
Has the new marriage liturgy gone far enough? PAGE 9
No 109
Will the Church last this cecace?, THE CHURCH as we know it in terminal decline, Canon Chris Neal, the new Diocesan Director of Evangelisation, told The DOOR at the start of the new Millennium. A dwindling, ageing church population and the biggest cultural changes for 500 years mean that most people now think the Church is irrelevant. 'These are crucial days for the Church in this country,' he said. 'We need to become a more flexible, risk-taking, Church willing to find new ways of taking the Gospel message to people without compromising the message itself.' There is no single blue print, but a network of prayer and leadership train-
ing are vital, said Chris Neal who was commissioned by the Bishop of Oxford at the November Diocesan Synod in High Wycombe. He will combine the post with his work as Team Rector of the Thame Valley Team where he has already successfully explored ways of reaching those outside the Church. The announcement of his appointment came as the Diocese launched its new Strategy for Evangelisation 2000-2010. Introducing the paper to Synod, the Bishop of Oxford said that behind it was a sense of urgency at the seriousness of the task with most people now distanced from the Church. It built on what was already being done and was meant to encourage
parishes to find new ways of connecting to people and their culture. It was also a call to every Christian to be serious about discipleship. PCCs have been asked to discuss the evangelisation paper as a matter of urgency and to send key people to one of four 'Strategy for Evangelisation' half-day conferences at which Chris Neal will speak. The first in Newbury on 22 January was well attended. All will include sessions on 'ten key building blocks for a Church for the new Millennium' and 'making the most of the consultation document'. Conference dates5 February (Oxford) 19 February (Maidenhead) 26 February (Ambrosden)
N E II STA RI WIT H RAT N WAT E P Around 300 people of all ages packed St Mary's, Aylesbury for a Millennium new start on 1 January. After weeks of preparation there were 22 baptisms including Queenie Wells, a 71 year old grandmother. The rainwater collected on the church roof for the celebration spoke of God's grace said the Rector, Tim Higgins adding 'People brought their pain as well as their joys. There were tears as well as thankfullness as the life of Jesus gave a new start for our journey'.
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