SEPTEMBER 2008 No 195
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Bishop calls for prayer and action for the world's poor THE BISHOP of Oxford is calling on churches across the diocese to throw their weight behind an international campaign to halve poverty by 2015. Sunday 19 October has been chosen as a global day of prayer and action in support of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and is being promoted by Micah Challenge International, the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, and the UN's 'Stand Up' campaign. 'This is an opportunity for all of us to pray and act on behalf of the poor,' said Bishop John. 'In the words of Micah (6.8), we Christians are called "to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God". 'As the Prime Minister told Anglican bishops at the Lambeth Conference, if we all work together for change, poverty will be eradicated.' Many congregations are already pushing for progress on the MDGs through their prayers, campaigning and support for partner projects and agencies. Last year more than 43.7 million people in 127 countries across the world took part in the 'stand up' movement. 'If all our churches joined in we could add another 50,000 plus to that figure,' he added. Bishop John was one of the 1500 people who took part in the 'Walk of Witness' through central London as part of the Lambeth Conference. The march - aimed at keeping the MDGs on the agenda ahead of the meeting of the UN in New York on 25 September - ended at Lambeth Palace where the Prime Minister acknowledged the huge contribution of the Anglican Church in tackling poverty.
'There are millions of people whom you may never meet who owe you a debt of gratitude for the work that you do in upholding the cause of the poor,' said Gordon Brown. 'I want to thank every person from every country for what you do to remind the world of its responsibilities.' He was responding to a challenge from the Archbishop of Canterbury to governments around the world to keep their promises on the MDGs, which include tough targets for tackling child health and education, maternal health, equality, hunger, sanitation and the HIV/AIDS pandemic by 2015. At present it is unlikely that these goals will be achieved. Mr Brown called the event 'one of the greatest public demonstrations of faith that this great city has ever seen'. He said: 'You have sent a simple and very clear message, with rising force, that poverty can be eradicated, that poverty must be eradicated, and if we can all work together for change poverty will be eradicated.' In an impassioned and personal speech, he paid tribute to the Church's work over the years to bring an end to slavery, to tackle apartheid, and more recently in the 'Make Poverty History' campaign - even when these seemed impossible challenges. The Prime Minister's words were greeted with prolonged applause. 'It was exhilarating to hear th Prime Minister in passionate form about these morally compelling objectives,' said Bishop John. 'Now it is up to us to keep up the pressure.' To find out more see www.micahchallenge.org.uk.
1,500 people joined the Walk of Witness in London. Š Lambeth Conference
Marketplace office for shop chaplain READING'S town centre chaplain is literally 'being the church in the market place' by temporarily moving his offices into his local John Lewis store. Canon Brian Shenton and his assistant had to move out of the neighbouring St Mary's Church House, a Georgian Grade II listed building, for repair work to be carried out. They faced being left without a base, but managers at John Lewis agreed to provide them with space in their department store. When the work is completed, the Diocese of Oxford is hoping to lease part of St Mary's Church House to the restaurant chain, CafĂŠ Rouge, provided planning permission is granted. Canon Shenton and his assistant are planning to move back into the building, along with Reading's Tourist Information Office. Canon Shenton has been chaplain to John Lewis for more than 20 years and has even worked in the store from time to time. He said: 'It's not cutting edge ministry, it's just being the church in the market place. We have used John Lewis's offices before and they have used our facilities.' Frances Hickman, general manager of John Lewis said: 'It is the "good neighbour" thing to do. After all, in the past we have often used the church facilities for meetings of our own and we often work on projects together, for example, planting new trees in the churchyard. We have provided him with an office in the store and set up a PC and telephone lines.'
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