Exciting new children's resources - page seven
Letters & Comment Bishop Alan on church growth PAGE 2
theLkxr Z111 DIOCFSF OF
QFJOXFORD Reportingfrorn Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire
Ordination of2l new deacons
three. Plc: KT Bruce
News November 2009 No. 207
That's Asda nice By Sarah Meyrick
Bishop John recently ordained 21 new deacons during two services in one weekend at Oxford's Christ Church Cathedral. Above is Bishop John with his Chaplain, The Revd Amanda Bloor and some of the ordinands. For more details, see page
New chapel at Cuddesdon New evangelism adviser PAGE 3
CELEBRATING harvest in an aisle piled high with fruit and veg may be nothing out of the ordinary. But the Bishop of Reading led a service with a difference this harvest-tide - in ASDA. As the Door went to press, Bishop Stephen was preparing for a short service of thanksgiving based on "Jesus the bread of life" during a busy shopping morning in the Lower Earley superstore. Joining him were clergy and churchgoers from the three C of E churches in Earley, St Nicolas, St Peter and Trinity, and year six children from four local primary schools. The invitation from the supermarket came about in response to comments Bishop Stephen made in the press before Back to Church Sunday. Talking about the need for
churches to be truly welcoming, he said: 'Even today I meet people who think you have to be highly educated or suited and booted to be a person who goes to church. That's so frustrating. How did it come to this, that we have become known as just the M&S option when in our heart of hearts we know that Jesus would just as likely be in the queue at Asda or Aldi?' He stressed that the first disciples were 'down-to-earth people who wanted to know what life was all about', adding: 'It's definitely not about how you look, what you do, how you sound, how well you sing. Just come as you are.' His comments were widely reported in national and local media, including The Times, The Telegraph, The Guardian, the Daily Mail and the BBC. CONTINUED ON
Emmanuel Church, in Bicester's Bure Park. The congregation has already raised £350,000 towards the work, and is set to start fundraising for the rest. Vicar, the Revd Chris Boyce said: 'We had to decide in faith to commence construction before we had sufficient funds to complete the building.' Bishops John and Cohn have pledged their support, encouraging churches throughout Oxfordshire to donate to the scheme as a Christmas gift.
In their letter they said: aiming to be a beacon of hope 'Building a new Church and for many years to come. Community Centre at a time of Chris Boyce said: 'We were recession may seem like very much encouraged by the madness but the church has bishops' letter. We currently always been called to be counter meet in Bure Park School, but cultural. we are beginning to feel 'This is an occasion when, by uncomfortably full and are building our first church in really looking forward to being Oxfordshire in the 21st Century able to expand. we can say very strongly to those who have written us off - we are ONLINE here to stay - and to those who For more information visit: long to see us playing our full role in the community - we are
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Spotlight on Copenhagen Climate change and the Church PAGE 6
Family New Godly Play resources A school trip to Africa PAGE 7
Feature Remembering the victims of road incidents PAGE 9
Feature Weathering the storm of the recession PAGES 10 and 11
Door Post What's on around the Diocese PAGE 12
PAGE 3 io
Work starts on first Oxfordshire church this century WORK has started on the first new church building in Oxfordshire in the 21st Century. Building work began last month on the new £1.75m Emmanuel Church, Bicester. The work starts just weeks before an official opening ceremony for the first church to be built in the diocese - St George's, Britwell, Slough. Bishop Cohn was among the 80 people who gathered at a recent ground breaking ceremony on the site of the new
Innovative prayer in Earley Meet our new LLMs PAGE 5
Arts Murder in the Cathedral TS Eliot PAGE 15
Reflection A new window to the light PAGE 19
God in the Life of John Cook - 70 years as a priest PAGE 20