OLNEY : St Peter and St Paul : Pilgrimage Guide

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St Peter & st paul, olney

Welcome to our church. Take time to walk, read the Bible, reflect and pray on the same path as John Newton, who came to Olney as a curate in 1764, and consider God’s Amazing Grace.

Newton would have baptised many babies in this font,

Earl of Dartmouth, and Newton records, ‘From one of

welcoming them into God’s family and reflecting on

the most inconvenient I now have one of the most

Christ’s own baptism in the River Jordan. Consider the

commodious houses in the county.’ Consider the

wonderful miracle of all who are baptised. Give thanks

wonder of God’s house, its provision of love, wisdom

for our lives and our families especially as members of

and nurture. Pray for all houses to become homes filled

Christ’s family.

with Christ’s love and nurture for the whole family.

William Cowper was a poet and keeper of pet hares,

The Revd Moses Browne was Rector of Olney from

friend of John Newton, who worked with him to

1753-1787. Because he was unable to support his

alleviate the suffering of Olney’s poor. He composed

13 children on the parish stipend, he also became

hymns for the weekly prayer meetings. Consider all

Chaplain of Morden College Blackheath and moved

who are in need. Hold before God all individuals and

his family. Since Browne retained the title, Newton

charities that work for those in need in this world.

was appointed only as curate. Consider all who work to support their families. Pray for all who find it hard to

John Newton provided supper to the many travellers

provide for those they love, that their burden may be

who came back to his house, having heard him preach.

lightened by Christ.

Eventually the numbers were so great that tickets had to be issued. After a few years, Newton’s family home

The New Year’s Day sermon 1773 was based on 1

was virtually rebuilt by the Patron of the Living, the

Chronicles 17:1-7 and is considered the catalyst

for Newton’s most famous hymn, Amazing Grace.

congregations not only filled the nave but the former

Consider this ‘church as a small house of God’ and

north aisle gallery as well. Nearby you can see Newton’s

reflect on the limitless house of God and his flock. Pray

framed brass coffin plate and an engraving of his

for all who struggle to see the boundless miraculous

only portrait, painted in 1780. Consider the prophets

kingdom of God.

of old. Thank God for his love and reassurance that as witnesses we are reminded through his word that

Henry John Gauntlett, the father of English church

there is so much more than this earthly life.

music, and composer of thousands of hymn tunes, is most recognised for Irby, written for Once in Royal

John Newton’s remains were re-interred here in

David’s City. Henry’s musical career began aged nine,

1893. His tomb is as close as possible to the original

playing the Olney organ on the former gallery under

site of the former Great House, just over the wall, the

the West Tower arch, for his father who was vicar here

location for his weekly prayer meetings. Reflect on

from 1815 to 1834. Give thanks for the unique gifts

the miraculous promise, that all will be transformed

that we have all received. Pray for all young people

in Christ in readiness for the heavenly banquet and

embarking upon a musical career today, that their gift

that our lives have not been lived in vain. Give thanks

may be a source of inspiration and pleasure to others.

to God for Newton’s ministry here at Olney and the fact that he continues to be an inspiration to many

The pulpit stands as a witness to all who preach God’s word and particularly to that of John Newton, whose

through his hymns, particularly Amazing Grace.


You might also like to visit other nearby churches in the Pilgrim Project: St Mary, Drayton Beauchamp Richard Hooker’s church

Oxford Diocese Pilgrim Project: St Peter and St Paul, Olney MK46 4AD

St Peter ad Vincula, South Newington Exceptional medieval wall paintings

Website: www.olneyparish.org.uk

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Shrine of John Schorne

PILGRIMAGE PRAYER Pilgrim God, You are our origin and our destination. Travel with us, we pray, in every pilgrimage of faith, and every journey of the heart. Give us the courage to set off, the nourishment we need to travel well, and the welcome we long for at our journey’s end. So may we grow in grace and love for you and in the service of others. through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

John Pritchard, Bishop of Oxford

Illustrations by Brian Hall © Diocese of Oxford

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