COMPTON BEAUCHAMP : St Swithun : Pilgrimage Guide

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st swithun, compton beauchamp

This ancient church is unusual in that most of the furnishings date from the 20th century. These were commissioned by Samuel Gurney, an Anglo Catholic who lived in Compton Beauchamp from 1924 until his death in 1968. He commissioned the artist Martin Travers to redesign the interior, which was completely reordered between 1925 and 1950.

As a result, the Victorian pulpit and altar rails

one to Anne her daughter and, unusually,

were removed. New Altar rails were placed at

one to their housekeeper, Mary Cooper. The

the Chancel step, and a 20th century Rood,

inscriptions suggest that they were formidable

with attendant figures, was placed on the Tym-

women. Elsewhere in the church you will find

panum above the Chancel Arch. The impression

other memorials. Pause for a moment and

of richness and colour is a result of the work

consider those who have been an important

carried out during this period. Give thanks for

influence in your life, who are no longer with us.

those who have creative and artistic gifts, and

Give thanks as you remember them.

the vision to use them to enhance worship. The Lady Chapel at the west end of the Nave is a In the nave, you will see that the 15th century

Travers arrangement from 1934. The Altar stone,

font has a canopy designed by Travers in 1933.

possibly dating back to the original Norman

Think for a moment of all those who have been

building, was discovered during the rebuilding.

baptised in this font. Pray for growth in our

Under this Altar is a chest containing a relic of St


Placidus, a 6th century martyr. Within the main Altar in the Chancel are the relics of the martyrs

There are three 18th century wall monuments,

St Vital and St Victorinus. Pray for those who suf-

one to Rachell Richards of the Manor House,

fer for their faith across the world today.

In the Chancel you will see the Vine Mural,

Noel Paton RSA (1821-1901) and was hung in

painted around 1900 by Lydia Lawrence of the

1952. On the Altar is a relief of the Holy Trinity

Kyrle Society. The birds were added in 1967 by

by Ulrica Lloyd, carved on a marble paving

Anthony Baynes and T.L.B. Huskinson, as were

stone in 1949 from an excavated Sumerian

the owl, bat and insects. Give thanks for the

Temple at Eridu, near Ur of the Chaldees, pres-

glory of God’s creation. Pray that we will be

ent day Iraq. The Altar contains nine relics of

good stewards.

St Vincent, Martyr. The relics represent a link with the Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham,

The Altar Frontal and Reredos were designed

and were given to St Swithun’s by Walsing-

by Travers. The East window and the windows

ham. Samuel Gurney was one of the original

either side are 14th century and contain frag-

Guardians of Walsingham, which became an

ments of mediaeval glass. In the left wall of the

increasingly important place of pilgrimage for

Chancel arch you can see traces of a staircase to

Anglo-Catholics in the 20th century. Pray for

the pre-Reformation Rood loft.

all those who go on Christian pilgrimage today, both near and far from home. Pray for a ‘pilgrim

\In the north Transept you will find the 14th century chapel of Jesus the Good Shepherd. The large painting of the Great Shepherd is by

heart’ in your own Christian journey.


You might also like to visit other nearby churches in the Pilgrim Project:

Oxford Diocese Pilgrim Project: St Swithun, Compton Beauchamp SN6 8NP

St Mary the Virgin, Speen Medieval pilgrimage to the lady well St Michael’s, Stanton Harcourt Shrine of St Edburg

Website: compton-beauchamp-st-swithun

St Margaret of Antioch, Binsey Alice in Wonderland’s treacle well

PILGRIMAGE PRAYER Pilgrim God, You are our origin and our destination. Travel with us, we pray, in every pilgrimage of faith, and every journey of the heart. Give us the courage to set off, the nourishment we need to travel well, and the welcome we long for at our journey’s end. So may we grow in grace and love for you and in the service of others. through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

John Pritchard, Bishop of Oxford

Illustrations by Brian Hall © Diocese of Oxford

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