Win Dave Walker’s The Exciting World of Churchgoing - page 15
Reporting from Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire
Olympic chance for Church to raise its game
Inside: News
By Jo Duckles
THE Olympic Games in 2012 are a once-in-a-life time opportunity for Christians in Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire. That was the message from the Revd Janet Binns, as she started her new full-time role helping make the most of the world’s biggest sporting event. Janet will co-ordinate the work of the Olympic Focus Group, which is chaired by Dr David Brodie, and is attached to the Eton, Eton Wick and Boveney and Dorney benefice, where the Olympic rowing will take place. Janet, who runs for the Windsor, Slough, Eton and Hounslow Athletics club and has completed the London Marathon four times, said: “There can be all sorts of events around the torch relay and the games themselves and we need to be thinking and planning what we can be doing now. “It’s a good opportunity for family events as most families will have someone who is involved in sport in one way or another. It’s something I can connect with because of my sporting perspective. We are having a Living Faith fun day here in the Burnham and Slough deanery and there’s no reason why a similar event couldn’t have an Olympic theme. Scripture Union are
October 20010 No. 217
Churches urged to work with police PAGE 3
News Rare window discovered at Berkshire church PAGE 5
Spotlight on
Harvest Welcome PAGE 6
Feature Running the Race: Dame Kelly Holmes wins the 800 metres final forBritain in 2004. Pic: Dylan Martinez/Reuters
writing materials for holiday clubs. “The Church can seem out of touch and this is a real opportunity for us. I’ve just started to do this full time over the last week. So many people have been so encouraged by me being available in this role.” The Bishop of Buckingham, the Rt Revd Alan Wilson, who is also on the focus group said: “The Olympics are the greatest show on earth and will see an enormous amount of money
and tourism in the Thames Valley. “They offer us all sorts of opportunities to raise our game as communities by discovering possibilities in our own lives for getting together, enjoying ourselves, keeping fit and thinking about life in a much more positive way.” He said churches should expect to hear a lot about More Than Gold, an organisation set up to offer positive, intentional
ways of being Christians and providing holistic mission and hospitality at the games. More Than Gold’s Nationwide Vision Tour is currently underway and will be at Dorney Lake, Windsor, on 14 October, 7.30 to 9.30pm. Churches are invited to send delegates. See www.morethan for more information. Send your Olympic plans to
100 years of well spent youth
PAGES 10 and 11
God in the Life of A Franciscan tertiary PAGE 20