Explore Sandhurst in our latest prayer walk - page eleven
November 2010 No. 218
Reporting from Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire www.oxford.anglican.org
The first ‘real’ Easter Egg
News That’s Inspired - Inspired by creation winnters PAGE 3
By Jo Duckles
The Bishop of Oxford has welcomed the launch of the UK’s first and only Easter egg to mention Jesus on the box. And the Rt Revd John Pritchard (right) is urging Church schools to put in an order for the Real Easter Eggs before Christmas. Demand for the eggs was proven when the scheme was due to be piloted in the Oxford Dicoese earlier this year and the orders flooded in. Now David Marshall, in the Diocese of Manchester, has set up the Meaningful Chocolate Company to produce the eggs. There are 80 million Easter eggs sold each year in the UK. Until now, not one of them has mentioned the Christian understanding of Easter on the box. The £3.99 price of the egg includes a 30p donation to charitable projects – buying everything from medical equipment for mums in the UK to chickens for farmers in Africa. Schools can place orders before December 1 and educational resources to go with them will be available from January . It is hoped that a high demand for the eggs will encourage UK supermarkets to stock them. Bishop John said; “The Real Easter Egg gives Church schools
Holy Land pilgrimage round-up PAGE 5
Spotlight on Millennium Development Goals PAGE 6
Feature Welcoming tourists PAGES 8 and 9
Win An Advent KT Bruce
their first ever chance to buy an Easter Egg that not only tastes good but does good. We hope that all our supermarkets will stock the first and only Easter egg in the UK that explains the significance of Easter and, through the charitable donation, brings to light the
Easter themes of hope and new life.” Leslie Stephen, Diocesan Director of Education, said: “I welcome the Real Easter Egg as a great way of celebrating Easter in our church schools. “I hope teachers will find it a useful and fun way of explaining the Easter story to our pupils,
and linking that story to the importance of choosing to shop ethically and buy Fairtrade wherever possible.”
Schools can order the eggs at www.RealEasterEgg.co.uk
Calendar to unwind with PAGE 14
God in the Life of Janet May from Tearfund PAGE 16