Social Activities
September ‘09
…to The Oxford English Centre! Here is the Social Activities Programme we’ve organised for you during your stay in Oxford.
In this booklet you will find details of all the activities planned for the time you are here. Please check in advance what you will be doing each day so you know where and when to meet and what to bring. On your first day you may be shown some of the useful sites and MEETING PLACES around Oxford. The main meeting places are Caramba, Carfax Tower and St. Mary’s Church. Please remember where these are!
And finally… It is very important that you carry your STUDENT CARD/DRIVING LICENSE OR I.D. AT ALL TIMES. Without it, you may not be able to take part in some social activities. The weather and the programme may change. Keep checking the Social Activities Notice Boards!! Important: All students under 18 must return to their host families by 22.30 If you have any problems or questions, please see Verge our social activities organiser or call him on 07794809361
We look forward to meeting you and hope you have fun at OEC!
Week Beginning 31 st August… Monday 31st August Bank Holiday BLENHEIM PALACE School car park 09.30
Tuesday 1st September Evening DISCO @ CARAMBA 20.00 Caramba
Wednesday 2nd September Evening PROFESSIONAL DANCE CLASS 20.00 Caramba
Thursday 3rd September Evening BINGO 20.00 Caramba
Friday 4th September Afternoon TRINITY COLLEGE 15.00 Caramba
Saturday 5th September STONEHENGE, SALISBURY, AVEBURY £33 Book in office
Week beginning 7 th September…
Tuesday 8th September Evening POOL Meet @ Carfax 20.00
Thursday 10th September Evening LIVE MUSIC @ THE CELLAR Get free tickets from office Venue on Cornmarket street
Friday 11th September Afternoon ST. MARY’S CHURCH Meet @ Caramba 15.30
Saturday 12th September LONDON HALF DAY TOUR £19 book in office
Week Beginning 14 th September…
Tuesday 15th September POOL Meet @ Carfax 20.00
Thursday 17th September WINE TASTING Meet @ Caramba 20.00
Friday 18th September PUNTING Weather permitting Meet @ Caramba 15.30
Saturday 19th September STRATFORD AND THE COTSWOLDS £29 Book in office
Week Beginning 21 st September... Tuesday 22nd September POOL Meet @ Carfax 20.00
Thursday 24th September JAZZ Early booking required Meet @ Carfax 20.00
Friday 25th September CHRISTCHURCH COLLEGE Meet @ Caramba 15.30
Saturday 26th September WALES ÂŁ32 Book in Office ASAP