1 minute read

Mayoral update with

Dan Gordon

I have had a great time over the past few weeks attending some outstanding events in our District. I was at the Pride Picnic in Victoria Park and was delighted to be asked to speak and celebrate diversity at such a vibrant and inclusive event.


I was also asked to speak at the first North Canterbury Secondary Schools Leadership Hui. I shared with students and their teachers some of the lessons I have learnt about leadership.

As always when I attend events like that, I am so impressed by the fantastic young people we have in our District. They are a credit to the great schools and dedicated teachers we are so fortunate to have here in Waimakariri.

I also had the pleasure of cutting the ribbon at the Grand Opening of LMA Timber in Christchurch. LMA Timber was founded by Martin Thompson who is Oxford born and bred. Martin’s family has been in Oxford for generations and his parents Brian and Dawn still live in the town.

It was wonderful to learn more about Martin’s business model which is all about providing sustainable and climate-friendly repurposed timber for the building industry. It’s a highlight for me as Mayor being able to celebrate the successes of individuals and organisations in our community.

I am also looking forward to attending the Oxford A&P show - always a highlight for me.

Thinking of Selling?

Council’s Annual Plan is now out for consultation. The Annual Plan is Council's budget for the financial year 2023/24 and is produced in the years between the Long Term Plan. This is the final Annual Plan before we do the Long Term Plan next year. The Annual Plan explains how Council intends to finance the activities and services it provides during the year. Due to the current cost of living crisis and difficult economic environment, we have only put forward proposals needed to meet legislative or current service levels. Our aim is to make prudent, future-focused decisions, while keeping the high level of service our residents expect from us. We really want your feedback on the issues, so to have your say or for more information visit waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk.

Please share your thoughts with us before 17 April 2023.

I welcome contact from anyone who needs assistance or has an issue that they may want to discuss. Email me at dan. gordon@wmk.govt.nz or phone 021906437. I’m here to help.

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