June Observer

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this issue



Obser ver

Stud ent exhibition at Arts in Oxford - Gorg eous Gl entui Youth involv ement in Ashl ey Gorg e track + much more

JUNE 2021

Free Computer Classes at Oxford Library

JUNE 2021

Using Google and the Internet Monday 14 June • 10am – 12pm

Welcom e to the June issu e of the Observ er.

Introduction to Email

We had fun putting this issue together and hope you will enjoy it. The beautiful cover is the art work of Cailey Hollard for her Year 11 Art at Oxford Area School. The work of the students who received Excellence for NCEA Art is on display, and it is well worth a look at the work produced by these talented students.

Monday 21 June • 10am-12pm

Introduction to Digital Banking Monday 28 June • 10am-12pm

Smart phones

Just a note on the paper we print on. The Observer is fully recyclable, as is the Bulletin. It might not be so good to light your fire with, when you are finished reading, but you can just pop it in your recycling bin. The paper we use to print on is also FSC Certified which means it is sustainably sourced and produced.

Monday 5 July • 10am-12pm

Bookings essential

Thank you for your continued support of our magazine. We really appreciate the feedback we get from readers and our valued advertisers. It is a privilege to be able to produce the Observer for our wider community.

Phone 03 311 8901 or at any Waimakariri Library

Bruc e and Emily

You can now check out the Observer online through our website www.schnurrbartdesignandpublishing.co.nz



June 20th

Beauty D



JUNE 2021

Advertising Deadline

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Obser ver


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Stud ent exhibition at Arts in Oxford - Gorg eous Gl entui Youth involv ement in Ashl ey Gorg e track + much more

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HAIR & BEAUTY BRAND S ins t ore or onlin e


H ello to the b eginning of winter . The season where we spend more time indoors than outdoors. A perfect month to de clutter the wardrobe. A wardrobe bursting at the seams is not all that inspiring.It can actually feel very overwhelming, in a lot of ways. I remember after doing a wardrobe consult, that one client said she was so nervous that I was going to come in and just strip everything she had, and make her start from the beginning. That right there, is the complete opposite of what a wardrobe consult with polkadotcom is. There is a system that you can take yourself through. Let me break it down into five steps:

Kerri 1

Take all items out of the wardrobe and clean your space. Get the hoover into those far corners, and wipe the shelves down. I know it is a pain doing this, but trust me you won’t regret it. Give the space a spring clean. This is where you can add some fresh fragrance/oils. Pick a fragrance that takes you to a happy place. Start with a fresh clean slate, and those clothes have to earn their way back in!


OK we need three piles/boxes/bags. One for a ‘throw out’ pile, one for a ‘donate/sell’ pile and lucky last is the ‘mend/fix/dress maker’ pile. Time to sort those clothes that you just hauled out of the wardrobe. There is actually one more secret pile that I tell my clients about. It is the ‘can’t fit but love and want to keep’ pile. Now this one has it’s own special box. Don’t worry it’s not going to get thrown, but it is not going back into your everyday wardrobe either. When you do this, make sure you are in the right frame of mind to ask yourself some serious questions. Will I really mend this? How often have I worn this? Does it actually suit my lifestyle right now?


Now we are getting somewhere. Step One and Two are hard. It’s where the rubber meets the road, and you have to make choices. Well done for getting to here. You are now left with a pile of clothes that you want to keep. Go through your ‘keep’ pile and sort everything into categories. All the jackets together, all the shoes together, all the dress pants together etc. This is the time to see how many ‘black’ tops you have, and how many of them you truly wear. Go through each category, and cut down where you can. Also write yourself a list of things you are short on and what needs to be replaced. You are getting so organised now!


Look at this! Here is the cream of the crop. Those items have proved their worth to you, and so they should as they have prime real estate in your wardrobe. On one side you have your clothes that serve you well, and on the other side you have a sparkling clean, empty wardrobe. Take a moment to think about how you want this space to work for you. What is most used, and where is the best space for it? What gets messiest the easiest? Can you use space dividers/containers/ hangers to help keep it tidy? Do you need a wash basket to put dirty clothes in? See the things that annoy you, and then brainstorm how to make it work better. There are so many choices for wardrobe organisation now. Searching online is a great way to get inspiration. Each wardrobe has individual needs, so start creating how you want it to work.


Enjoy your space!! Stand back and admire your work. Get ‘precious about it’. You guard that space. It’s the space that greets you first thing in the morning, and holds the items that you choose to represent yourself to the world as to who you are. That really is a prime real estate location. Taking the time to refresh a space that you use every single day, is very much time well spent.

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Top 5 skincare must hav es this winter Writer Candice Breeze went to Oxford Pharmacy and had a chat to Kathy about what she recommends this winter for plump, rejuvenated skin. Sanderson:

Hair & Lashes, Skin & Nails FX

This product is one that everyone can benefit from all year around. It has an array of delectable ingredients that will have your body thanking you. These amazing supplements contain collagen and hyaluronic acid to help firm your skin, while also promoting hair, lash and nail strength and growth! What’s not to love? Invisible Zinc:

Face + Body Mineral Sunscreen

Just because it’s winter, it doesn’t mean you can’t get sun burnt. Try this amazing sunscreen by Invisble Zinc that has SPF50 which will keep your skin clear from ski field burns this winter, as well as helping prevent skin ageing and wrinkles. Natio:

Skin Renewal Ceramide Line & Wrinkle Cream

This little beauty has a mighty punch! It is packed with skin plumping ingredients as well as retaining moisture. We all know how dry your skin can get during the colder months, so having this cream in your routine is a must! Ceramide helps create a barrier to prevent ageing, epidermis and environmental damage and helps lock in moisture to your skin. Dermaveen:

Soap-free wash

Everyone knows the importance of washing and cleansing your face, but some cleansers can leave your skin feeling dull and dry. Dermaveen is soap free, so it doesn’t dry out your skin. It is fragrance free, so it’s not irritating on sensitive skin, and has 100% natural colloidal oatmeal, which is proven to nourish, protect and retain moisture in the skin. Dermaveen:

Moisturising Lotion

During the winter months, your skin can dry out making it feel dry and irritable. This lightweight moisturiser is perfect to rejuvenate your skin making it feel smooth, supple and healthy. It too has the same amazing ingredients as the soap-free wash so it’s anti-drying and fragrance free, making it suitable for all skin types.

Winter warmer Lorinda Harrington

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HOURS : Monday ~ Friday 10.00am ~ 3.30pm & Saturday 10.00am ~12.30 five

Stud ent Artwork on Display. words by Amy Riach

The Oxford gallery takes pride in displaying the work of talented artists, and this month’s exhibition has been no different. Except this time the artists featured in the gallery are all Oxford students, and they all achieved excellence in last year’s NCEA Art portfolios.

portfolio of - Zara Frahm Head of Visual Arts teacher at Oxford Area School, Charlotte Davis, taught the senior students throughout 2020. Even after lockdown hit, and art was being created at the kitchen table instead of in school, she was there to help the budding artists aim for excellence. It’s clear that the art teacher is incredibly proud, and she says “It’s really a great way for us to celebrate the students who get excellence”. It can be easy for success in the arts to go unnoticed, and so the impressive display in the gallery is a really special exhibition. With the work of 13 students hanging on the walls, much of the painting looks like the work of artists with experience, but for many students, 2020 was their first year of NCEA art. The exhibition has been carefully curated, and typically students have the chance to be involved with that process. The portfolios that work well with each other are hung side by side, and Mrs Davis says that the student involvement gives them “a little insight into that element of art”. portfolio of - Bailey Pike

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This year, the exhibition was hung by gallery volunteers, and it’s well worth a visit. Project Manager at the gallery, Lynley McDougall, says that the exhibition is “really drawing the locals in, which is great”. And it’s not only the family of the artists who have shown an interest, the wider Oxford community have had a really positive response. “It’s something we put on every year”, Lynley says, and “we’ve definitely seen a lot more of the community enjoying the exhibition”. The opportunity for students to have their work admired by gallery visitors is a big part of what makes the exhibition so special, and according to Mrs Davis, “It brings a real sense of pride, not only for the school, but for the students”.

portfolio of - Lauren Morris

The gallery displayed art also provides inspiration, with Mrs Davis’ Year 11 class taking a trip to see the portfolios. The younger students try to guess the themes of the work, or figure out the inspiration behind the art, and as they head into creating their own portfolios, the exhibition provides a tangible goal. The portfolios will be displayed in the Oxford Art Gallery until the 20th of June, so if you’re ever walking down Main St with a spare 10 minutes up your sleeve, head on in to Arts at Oxford and check it out! portfolio of - Cailey Hollard


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This voucher entitles the bearer to attend ONE Group Fitness Class at the Oxford Fitness Centre at no cost. Spaces limited so booking is recommended. Ph: 03 928 3739 Email: oxfordgym@sportstrust.org.nz seven

Huge part Youth play in by John Burton

Ashl ey Gorg e Tracks Project

The growing and increasingly popular Ashley Gorge Tracks system would not have reached and maintained the high standard it has without the passion, dedication and sheer hard work of Canterbury's, and especially Oxford's, young people. The first community working bee began constructing the Loop Track in November 2015 with twelve volunteers, ranging in age from Andrew Sullivan in his late eighties to Belle Scoltock at four years old. As a rapidly increasing number of walkers enjoy the present Loop and Waterfall tracks, the Ashley Gorge Tracks Project is standing out as a prime example of how a community can come together, and collaborate with local and government departments, to build something of real, everyday and ongoing value. Manager of the Ashley Gorge Tracks Group, John Burton and co-leader Dave Shelton, have led the development and maintenance of the tracks and also, now with Mike McIntosh, the predator control Trapping Team. "Our track system is really growing in profile as a place to come for walks with an unusually good range of points of interest, like specimen trees, views over the plains, and a waterfall which all the family can get to. Track counter statistics are way beyond our expectations. For example, just under six thousand walkers enjoyed our tracks from November to February this year and that's growing. None of this would have happened without the input of our young people," says John. Oxford Area School and Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery School students were part of the early track building efforts, along with numerous other student and even some pre school volunteers. In recent weeks teams of up to 30 volunteers each from Rolleston Scouts Group and Rangiora Squadron 88 Air Cadets, have put their backs into various jobs on the Loop and Waterfall tracks, and John is full of enthusiastic praise for what they achieved. "Over two weekends, around sixty of these keen, energised and focused young people got so much done in such a short time. Rolleston Scouts carried steps, steel pins and a kitset bench right up to the Judson memorial bench on the Waterfall Track. The Air Cadets installed the new bench at the waterfall, put in 20 new steps, cleaned out water tables, refilled steps with gravel and plenty more. These groups are keen to return each year which is key to keeping up with the maintenance of our tracks and, importantly, demonstrating to the Department Of Conservation, whose land we're on, that we can look after them." As vital as these groups are, John points out the significance of the ongoing weekly commitment of four local home schooled students Emma Warwick, Keegan Bremner, Bailey Baker and, a recent addition, Angus Sagar. “I cannot overestimate the value of what these young conservationists and future leaders put into all that we are doing and the value we get from working with them. Emma, Keegan and Bailey have helped me

Above : Keegan Bremner, Emma Warwick, Bailey Baker, John Burton (and Team Leader Baxter) rest at the high viewpoint of the upcoming Ashley Gorge Skyline Track with views over the Canterbury plains. They have just completed clearing the track through the steep bush section and hope to have this spectacular five hour tramping track open to the public by late summer 2022. route find, mark out and clear all the difficult bush section of the upcoming five hour Skyline Track which we hope to have open next year. Bailey calculates that we've walked all or part of the track eighteen times already! They're always with us on working bees, like building the bird hide, and they are the mainstay of the trapping programme. And they're all part of our Management Team meetings where we strategise and plan ahead." John emphasises that the Ashley Gorge Track Group's aim has always been to promote learning opportunities by immersing people in their native forest environment, and for the youth involved in creating tracks to do this, it is a special time in their lives. "They grow their sense of kaitiakitanga or guardianship of their land, to understand, care for and nurture it. And they find that creating access for people to enter and learn about our natural forest ecosystems is the best way to build support for the ongoing conservation and enhancement of it." To be involved in or support the Ashley Gorge Tracks and Trapping Group please contact: Dave Shelton (izjans@outlook.co.nz) or John Burton (johndenise.burton159@gmail.com)

Rangiora Squadron 88 Air Cadets join the Ashley Gorge Tracks Group on a recent working bee. eight

Glentui Lodge

Gorgeous Glentui Its pretty hard to not be biased when describing Glentui to others; not everyone has the luxury of their own private waterfall and forest to enjoy! If you haven’t heard about this beautiful little part of North Canterbury, you’re not alone. A little off the beaten track and 5 minutes passed Ashley Gorge, you’ll find Glentui and the gateway to a number of walks and tramps available in the foothills of the Southern Alps. A little over 5 years ago, my (then) fiancé and I took a drive out here and never looked back. In what can only be described as a “moment of madness” the decision was made to uproot our lives in Christchurch & take over Glentui Meadows Conference & Leisure Centre. The former Salvation Army Family Camp had changed hands a few times since being privatised, with each person putting their mark on the property - the most notable being Mr Bill Meadows who gave his moniker to the venue.The desire to put our own stamp on the property was put on hold when we realised the sad state of the grounds. The beautiful Beech forest was competing for space with gorse, broom and the ever present blackberry, and it looked like it was losing! With the mindset that this was a long-term plan, we have invested blood, sweat and tears to get the grounds back to what they should be and look forward to planting and regenerating the native forest. A recent report on the excellent health of the Glentui River running through the property, has certainly validated our efforts. When we’re not battling thorny weeds you will often find us cooking up a storm in the fully registered commercial kitchen. Although we both love cooking we each have our areas of expertise, this enables us to work as a great team in the kitchen; regularly feeding groups of 40-100+ and receiving great feedback on our food and menus. Over the last 5 years we have had the pleasure of hosting significant birthdays, family reunions, team building, craft groups, sports groups, school camps, government departments, weddings, baptisms and so much more. We never know what events are going to come our way and its exciting to see what the future will bring. We have decided that the time is right to make a small change and rename the venue “Glentui Lodge”. Well we appreciate that the former name is well known, for those unfamiliar with the venue or Glentui it provides no insight to what we actually do. We are hoping that Glentui Lodge will speak for itself. If you are wondering why I made the comment about my “then” fiancé, well it seemed like a great opportunity to finally organise a wedding …. especially as we now had the perfect venue, so that’s exactly what we did. I can proudly say we are locally owned and operated.

Group Accommodation & Function Venue

Great location surrounded by beautiful native bush Fully catered kitchen - Accommodation for groups of 15 + Ideal spot for Weddings & Parties,Camps & Corporate team building - Walks - Tramping - Abseiling - Archery Tag - Orienteering - Canyoning Swimming pool - Team Building + much more.

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03 312 1165 meadows@glentui.co.nz 140 Glentui Bush Rd, Glentui 7495, New Zealand


Silverstream Reserve receive words by Candice Breeze - photos supplied

New Rang ers

The first 350 of 4,000 native plants were planted on Friday 14 May at Silverstream Reserve with the help of Spark employees and Silverstream volunteers. Silverstream is a beautiful natural reserve in the Clarkville area, featuring a clear stream and is home to numerous native plants, invertebrates and tuna. It’s an area known for fishing and is significant to local Māori for mahinga kai (food gathering and its associated culture values). Silverstream was one of several projects across the country to receive funding from the Department of Conservation. This fund is called “Jobs for Nature” which was established to help revitalise communities through nature based employment post COVID-19. The funding has enabled them to employ three rangers, who will be helping re-establish the indigenous plant community and biodiversity of the reserve, weed control and enhancing the birdlife by creating a predator control programme. These three rangers will work closely with Silverstream volunteers by helping them every Tuesday with weed control, planting, promoting Silverstream in the community, and helping take care of native insects and plants. Silverstream also now has a brand new website (https://silverstream.nz). One of the rangers, Kate O’Brien, helped develop this aided by volunteers, experts and Clarkville School students. The development and progress that Silverstream Reserve has had is part of the proactive involvement from Waimakariri Council, and the newly appointed rangers.

7 Mistakes Sellers Can Make Selling a house can be complicated. To ensure you do it right, here are some common mistakes to avoid.

1. Unrealistic Price

Most houses sell in 4-5 weeks. If your price expectations are too high, it won’t sell and you’ll be forced to lower the price. This gives the impression something is amiss, or that you’re desperate. “Stale” listings often sell for less.

2. Selling Too Fast

It can be tempting to take the first offer, especially in a heated market, but with a good marketing strategy attracting a crowd of buyers, there may be someone tomorrow willing to pay more.

3. Skimping on Marketing You can’t sell a secret.

Professional photography, videography and advertising through key real estate channels always offer a worthwhile return on investment.

4. Inflexible with Viewings

Buyers need ample time to inspect your home at times that suit their schedule. Staging open homes and being flexible with alternative viewing times gives you more opportunities to find that buyer who will pay more.

5. Ignoring Maintenance

Broken lampshades, peeling paint and overgrown gardens attract bargain hunters. To achieve top dollar, present your home in a well-kept, tidy condition.

6. Over-Spending on Renos

Attractive kitchens and bathrooms sell homes but it’s easy to spend too much. Unless your entire home is high-

Di Moreira M 027 848 8020

7. Choosing the Wrong Agent

An experienced and active local agent with strong marketing and negotiation skills always trumps the part-timer, or someone who offers discount commission (do you want to sell at a discount too?) If you’re thinking of selling, please call me. I’d be delighted to help.

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Di Moreira

Noelene Francis Volunteer coordinator

this months Recip e. by louize Juniper


MULLED PEARS 6 pears peeled 1 cup honey 1 orange juice and zest 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups red wine 4 star anise 1 cup of water 2 sticks cinnamon & 2 bay leaf Simmer the pears whole in the above ingredients for 40 mins. Once pears are tender, leave pears to steep in the syrup. The pears can be kept in the fridge for at least a week. For a deep red finish to the pears, use a heavy red wine like a merlot. However this is a good way to use up leftover wine. GINGER CAKE 150g butter melted 200g golden syrup 200g black treacle 2 table spoons warm water) 125g dark brown sugar 2 tsp ground ginger 300g plain ffour

1 tsp ground cinnamon ¼ tsp ground clove 1 tsp baking soda (dissolve in 250ml milk 2 eggs

23 cm Spring form cake tin, lined with baking parchment Oven 160 degrees celsius

KEEP WARM WITH WORMERSLEYS A select range of possum/merino socks, gloves and beanies. Belkina gumboots still available to order.

Cooking Time 50 mins • In a saucepan add melted butter, syrup, treacle, sugar, juice and zest of orange. Once all melted and sugar dissolved, leave to cool. • In a large mixing bowl add flour and all the spices, mix it all together with a hand whisk or fork. • Dissolve baking soda in 2 tablespoons of warm water, add milk and eggs. • Pour cooled butter/sugary mix over the flour then add the milk/egg mix. Mix well either by hand whisk, or cake mixer until well mixed. The mix will look like a runny batter. • Now cut your mulled pears in half, spoon out the core and place cut side up on the bottom of the lined cake tin. • Pour over cake batter, bake for 50 mins aprox. The test is to touch the top of the cake, and if it bounces back, the cake is done. For extra deliciousness serve with Mascarpone cream cheese (Creamy soft Italian cream cheese) This cake can be made just as a Gingerbread loaf, mini cupcakes and just serve the pears on the side A delicious warming cake for colder months. Keeps for at least a week if covered well.


Almost rose pruning time so come and view our long sleeve suede rose pruning gloves, secateurs and rose fertillisers. Garlic, shallots and seed spud available. Book your equipment maintenance with our awesome engineers early to avoid delays.

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Graeme Chisnall

a kind, cl ev er Oxford local who ‘didn’t do ordinary. The funeral of Graeme Chisnall was held recently in Oxford. His celebration of life highlighted Graeme’s hobbies and community involvement. Graeme was born at the Oxford maternity hospital in 1956. His parents built a factory on Main Street . For many years women’s clothing was made here, before the retail shop at 49 Main Street was built. After the early death of his mother, Graeme became involved in managing the Oxford shop, while his sister Lois managed the Rangiora shop. When the business closed, the shop was leased until the earthquakes, when it was deemed not to be ‘up to code’. Graeme’s commitment to Oxford saw him and his wife Mary, rebuild on the current site. His building, painting, wallpapering and tiling skills came into good use as he project-managed the completion. Black Beech and Super Liquor are the current tenants.

Graeme could turn his hand to almost everything. After the shop,he spent a number of years as a motelier in Christchurch, and served on the Executive committee for many of those years. He drove jet boats commercially on the Waimakariri River, was a maintenance engineer on a USA kiwi fruit packing shed, completed many earthquake repair homes especially in Oxford and surrounding areas, and whilst living in Oxford was an active member and officer of the Oxford Volunteer Fire Brigade, where he became a life member, as well as being a life member of the Oxford Working Mens Club. A passion for steam saw Graeme develop his creativity and engineering skills. He first built a steam boat last sailing it on Lake Rotoiti, Nelson at the classic boats weekend. Later he bought a small traction engine. Photos show him taking children for rides at the traction engine rallies held at Peter Mehrten’s property some years ago.

Time has not allowed him to complete a two third scale burrell traction engine which is 80% built. His greatest achievement however, was building a steam train. An American logging Shay. The craftsmanship in this train and his dedication to detail saw him win all the awards available at the latest Model Engineer Convention in Hamilton. He was made a life member of the Canterbury Model Engineers Society having actively helped build up the club resources, made doors and gates for their buildings, been chairperson for two conventions in Christchurch, committee member and active member on public run days.

Graeme always had time for family, spending long hours with his children Amanda and Michael. The family home was often the gathering/party place. He also loved overseas travel, either with Mary or with other family and friends.

Graeme bragged that ‘he didn’t do ordinary’. His service was testament to that. He had his final ride around the Halswell train track on his shay, being driven by his son-in-law Simon, followed by a service at the Oxford Fire Station where he was given a guard of honour. His casket was transported to the Oxford cemetery on a 1938 Ford Fire Engine, which incidentally was the appliance used in the Ballantynes fire in 1947. Mary, Amanda, Michael, Simon and Lois thank you so much for your presence at the funeral, flowers, gifts, prayers, food, cards and support throughout Graeme’s cancer journey. Please accept this as a personal thank you.

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There has never been a better time to list your property for sale with disappointed genuine buyers still looking to purchase! If you are contemplating selling, give us a call now for a confidential chat about your property! Mark Terry 027 572 2559 Karen Hennessy 027 967 0186 www.pggwre.co.nz

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Local Archer’s succ ess at Nationals words by Beka Hunt - photos supplied

When it comes to Archery, Olivia Hodgson knows what she’s doing. This April she competed in the archery NZ National Outdoor Championships, hosted in Hamilton. From the 18th to the 24th, Olivia shot in the senior women's category which consists of women over the age of twenty. Her bow of choice is the recurve bow- an umbrella shaped bow with tips that curve away from the archer. The first day of Nationals was a ranking round, in which Olivia competed at an incredible 70 meter distance, with her overall score determining her competitor in the following head to head matches.

This year, she will shoot in Australia for the first time. Australia have never before hosted a tournament of a high enough level to be worth a visit.

Over the course of the week, Olivia then shot her way into the gold medal matches and was presented with her awards after competing, in lieu of attending the final banquet. Alongside her teammates at Aimtru Archery, Olivia won three medals; gold in the Senior Recurve Mixed teams event with Stephen Florence, silver in the Senior Recurve Full Teams with Olivia Sloan and Vanessa Jim, and the silver in the Senior Women's Recurve Matchplay (individual shooter). Shooting at a National level is impressive enough, but Olivia's past success adds even more cause for celebration.

Not only this, but the archery itself requires laser focus coupled with steady aim. Add the wind, weather and the two inch target center, and suddenly archers seem to be toeing the line between a committed athlete and insanity. After a full day of competing, Olivia has often pulled the equivalent of 2 tonnes on the drawstring.

Surprisingly, archery once was on the back burner as Olivia moved through the ranks in high level football. Then an injured ankle saw her returning to her family friend's archery range as a coach. One thing led to another, and she was soon fully invested in the sport again. Now, 5 years later, she can casually name drop her past achievements- her ‘resume.’ In 2019, Olivia paired up with Adam Kaluzny to win our country a quota spot for two archers in the next Olympics by beating Australia in the mixed teams event. Reeling from the success, she then continued on to tour the world, competing in locations such as Germany and The Philippines.

Currently ranked 187th in the world, Olivia trains 5 days a week, for around 4 hours, when leading up to a competition. Yet she also has to balance work with sport, as archery often sees competitors paying their own way. Flights, accommodation, nutrition, training. It all comes at a cost.

The National Championship was also televised, with cameras and commentators; all distractions that Olivia is gradually growing comfortable with. “I’ve been in that position before and I remember it affecting me. I’m getting used to zoning out and ignoring them.” She’ll certainly have enough opportunities to familiarise herself with the spotlight, as her archery success continues to open new doors in new countries. With Covid 19 gradually clearing, it’s the archery ‘on season’ allowing her to follow the sun around the world competing. We may be a small town, but we can cheer Olivia on no matter where she is. You never know where she’s going to shoot next.We can only hope it’s somewhere with less wind than our Oxford so that she can aim true.

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Sharyn's Report

New staff - welcome to Lorraine Newell

(Acting Principal)

Kia haepapa - be responsible, our value for Term 2. Being responsible, for both our students and staff, covers a wide range including the language we use, our actions, our attitude and our learning. Our student council has demonstrated this value consistently this term in a number of ways. They have contributed to our wider community by giving their time and service to the Aviva Street Appeal in early May; their efforts raising almost $600 for this worthy cause. Within the school they led the Pink Shirt Day events, including a pink bake sale, with proceeds going to the Mental Health Foundation to ensure this nationwide initiative continues. Here at Oxford Area School we learn together constantly. Our teaching staff have begun the journey into further developing deep learning, learning that sticks with us. New Pedagogies for Deep Learning, or Deep Learning as we will call it at our school, is a global programme of professional learning. Member schools collaborate and use an extensive range of tools and resources to support the building of knowledge and practices. Designing learning experiences that build on learner strengths and needs, create new knowledge using real-life problem solving and help all students identify their talents, purpose and passion. The many opportunities in term 2 also give students the chance to learn together both inside and outside the classroom. Our recent Years 1-8 Cross Country is an ideal example, where Years 9 and 10 students from our “In, Through and About the Outdoors” course assisted and ran the obstacle events for our younger students. Another example is our major Years 7-13 production which was “The Snow White Variety Show”, a culmination of hard work and effort over many months. The learning around resilience, perseverance and teamwork that comes from these experiences sticks with our learners far beyond the event itself.

Our new Learning Support Coordinator, Lorraine Newell, started in May. She will be working across all year levels of Oxford Area School. Welcome aboard.

Kia ora koutou I am very thrilled to be joining OAS as Learning Support Coordinator. Having spent 21 years teaching (14 of them in Canterbury) the role of LSC is an exciting one and I look forward to working with, and supporting our tamariki, whānau and staff. My husband and I have lived in North Canterbury for the last 9 years, and along with our 4 year old son are about to build a new home. This will keep us busy for a wee while, along with re stocking our paddocks and working in some new horses along the way.

Lorraine Newell - Learning Support Coordinator

Kia ora koutou

Sharyn Varcoe

Acting Principal/Tumuaki

NZ Area Schools Tournament Top of the South Team by Deb Baggott On Sunday 16th and Monday 17th of May, 11 Oxford Area School students participated at the Top of the South Team (TOSI) trials in Rangiora. Students trialled in a number of sports including volleyball, basketball, netball, football and rugby. Our students were competing against other Canterbury Area School students as well as students from the Nelson/Marlborough Area, so to make a TOSI team is a great achievement. Seven Oxford Area School students made TOSI teams: Earl Cacho - Rugby, Basketball and Football; Ashley Riley - Basketball, Netball A; Ashleigh Lawler - Netball A; Cailey Hollard - Netball A; Shaugn Kilgour - Football; Alex Sillars - Football; Abby Taylor - Football. These students will now compete at the NZ Area Schools Tournament to be held in Dunedin during the July School holidays. Over the coming weeks, they will be fundraising to help cover some of their costs. Thank you to the parents who assisted with transporting students to and from these trials.

Observatory Open Nights Tour the night sky with one of our experienced amateur astronomers! We will identify planets, nearby stars, red giants, multiple star systems, open star clusters, globular star clusters, constellations, nebulas, Milky Way, and even other galaxies. You will look through our telescope and be taken on a sky gazing tour. Check out our website www.oxford.ngawhetu.nz, under the 'Visit Us' section for dates and further details

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New Zealand Area Schools Leadership Camp by Shaugn Kilgour and Lauren Morris Shaugn and Lauren share their experience of the NZAS Leadership camp they attended during the school holidays. The first week of the April holidays Lauren and myself were offered an amazing opportunity to attend a leadership camp with 40 other Area school student leaders from across New Zealand.

Year 1-8 Cross Country by Julie Evans In ideal weather conditions we were able to run the Year 1-8 Cross Country on Monday 17 May. This year we tried to cater for all our students to participate in a worthwhile event so Year 3-8 students could choose a competitive course or be in a team of 3 to complete an obstacle course. Both events were well supported by the students, and their enthusiasm on the day proved this. The competitive runners set off first with the Year 3/4s covering 1 km, the Year 5/6 ran 2kms, and the Year 7/8 runners did three kms around the Oxford A&P Showgrounds and Pearson Park Oval. There were some great times achieved with eighteen Year 5-8 students invited to compete at the Eyre Cluster Cross Country at Cust. Soon after the start of the competitive event, the Year 1/2 students completed an obstacle course of six different events diagonally across the show grounds ring with their teachers and Year 9/10 students to support and encourage them to complete the course successfully. In the finishing chute each student was awarded a card recognising their effort by Year 7/8 students. The third event was the Year 3-8 team event around eleven obstacles stations set in a circuit around the inside edge of the show grounds ring. The Year 9/10 students supported and cheered the students on through hoops, under tarps, spoon and potato, sack, and skipping race, stepping through tyres and so on. Following the last station, the runners sprinted towards the finishing chute where they waited until all three members of their team had finished then sprinted to the finish line. These events are not possible without the support of our staff and community.

Lauren Morris On the 19th of April Shaugn and I had the best time away on the Year 12-13 Leadership Camp at Wainui. In this camp I was given so many privileges that I have never done before and may never do again, such as coasteering, raft building and high/low ropes. Walking into this camp I set myself many goals. I wanted to gain more confidence in myself and also within group activities, for example being able to share ideas without feeling anxious that my idea wasn’t good enough. When I was in my group for low ropes, we had to figure out ways as a group, to get each other to the other side of the ropes. During this activity I put my ideas out on the table, and they were the ones that got us to the other side. When I saw that the idea I came up with actually worked ,I got a huge sense of achievement and I also felt so proud that I had actually been listened to and people thought that my idea was good. When taking part in coasteering I had so many doubts in myself, as it was something I thought I would never do because it is out of my comfort zone. However each time I jumped off the rocks I remembered what I wanted to achieve during the camp, and why I wanted to go in the first place. My favorite part about leadership camp was the amazing connections I made with people. I have truly made friends for life. I would have happily stayed in the camp for another week!

Shaugn Kilgour On this camp at Wainui, students were put into groups of about eight people and challenged with ice breaker challenges and adventure based activities like high ropes, raft making, low ropes and coasteering. Doing these activities we were pushed out of our comfort zones and had to work as a team. This required good teamwork and communication. Over the week we were pushed to use our leadership skills that we already had and we learnt new leadership skills such as perseverance and confidence in difficult situations. I am thankful that Oxford Area school gave me this opportunity to be part of this awesome experience. I can use these skills during this year in my Deputy Head Student role, and I can take these skills into the future. I really enjoyed doing all these fun activities and making awesome new friends.



Joan McQueen 6/1/1946 - 22/3/2021 Julie, Robert, Ian and families would like to say a huge thank you to family, friends and the Oxford community for all the love and support they received when Joan passed away.

LIVING OFF THE LAND Thinking about Fruit Trees... We are taking Fruit Tree orders for July delivery

Call in to discuss and see this year’s varieties or Facebook us for a list


Special thanks to the Oxford Medical Centre, the girls at the Oxford Pharmacy, Karadean Rest Home, and Burwood Hospital, for her care as her health declined. Thankyou to Christine Roberts for taking the service, Oxford Netball Club for serving the afternoon tea, and to everyone who came to say goodbye and supported us at the funeral. Thank you all for the baking, meals, flowers and cards we received during this sad time.

Fruit Trees, Berry Plants, Currant Bushes, Vege & Herb Plants ready for planting. A comprehensive range of Western Milling Stock Feeds, Re-homed Laying Hens, point of lay Pullets and eggs for sale.

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Mayoral Update




Dan Gordon.

with Hank van Keulen

Meeting with CEO Canterbury District Health Board Update Recently I met with the CEO of the Canterbury District Health Board, Dr Peter Bramley. Several topics were raised which I thought would be worthy to update on. The four flexi-beds at Rangiora Health Hub - there had been confusion around the availability of these for use for convalescence. Good news - we were able to get this resolved and they will continue to be available for flexi-bed use for our community. The referral is determined through your doctor and the hospital. Thanks to Gendie Woods, Chair of the Friends of Rangiora Hospital, who raised this matter and for attending the meeting with me. Also raised was the demolition of the old Rangiora Hospital. A number in the community would like to visit and say goodbye before it is demolished, given its significance over the years. Canterbury DHB are considering holding a community open day. The new GP practice that is to be built at the Rangiora Health Hub and will offer extended after hours (from 8am to 10pm) is on track to be completed by the end of next year. The excellent St John Paramedic service will continue to be operated for times outside of this. With the contract for blood testing being taken back in-house by Canterbury DHB, consideration is being given to delivering the service at the Rangiora Health Hub, which would be a great outcome given there is plenty of on-site and street parking and a bus stop nearby. I extended an invitation to the CEO and Chair of Canterbury DHB to visit our District and tour the Rangiora Health Hub, Oxford Hospital and other locations. I am pleased that my invitation has been accepted. It is important to show them our District, to see the growth that is occurring and brief them on the projected growth and other community issues they should be aware of for current and future planning.

We’ve noticed in recent times that we’re having an increased number of enquiries around Private Medical Insurance. Health is a topic that’s very much in the media, even recently with a number of “non-urgent” surgical procedures being “bumped”. We do have ACC that will cover medical treatments, including surgery, if your health issue is as a result of an accident. I’ll talk some more about that shortly.

Amazing Volunteers I have had the privilege to attend a number of Volunteer Fire Brigade and St John North Canterbury Awards functions recently. As a community we are very fortunate to have so many committed volunteers who freely give of their time to ensure our community is protected. Three at St John (Debbie Hancox, Bernie Power and Judith Brown) were recognised for over 175 years’ service. In total over 2,200 years were recognised at the St John Awards. Amazing dedication and service. As a community we couldn’t function without volunteers. On behalf of a grateful community, a huge thank you to all who give of their time - it is very much appreciated.

Also to take into consideration is our age. Like most things in life, with age comes more “wear and tear”. Our joints, bones, muscles, ears, eyes, in fact almost all our bits and bobs wear out with age.

As always, I welcome contact from anyone who needs assistance or has an issue that you may want to discuss. Email me at dan. gordon@wmk.govt.nz or phone 021906437. I’m here to help

Dan Gordon .

In the meantime the issue more pressing, and has been for a long time, is the availability of treatment in our public health system which seems to be getting worse, not better. Not just in terms of time, but, also in terms of facilities. ACC. ACC will accept liability for any, and all, medical procedures and treatment, where the procedure is required as a result of an injury from an accident. So who decides if it was a direct result of an accident? ACC does. That decision is very easy if there has been a specific injury as a result of a specific incident, at a specific time, on a specific date. Easy. But what about an injury that has occurred sometime ago and has progressed to requiring treatment after a longer period; something that could be best described as “wear and tear” with time? It now becomes very “grey”. This is where often, but not always, ACC decline a claim on the basis that the injury was not as a direct result of an incident. What about work-related injuries as a result of our occupation? The same principal applies here. If there is a specific injury, as a result of a specific incident, at a specific time, on a specific date, then easy. But, what about the old “Occupational Over-use Syndrome” or “Repetitive Strain Injury”? Well, now they’re a whole different story. Much harder to prove that the injury was solely related to work.

Then when there’s an accident, it becomes much easier to blame “wear and tear” when we’re older, either as the cause of the incident itself or just an aggravation of what is already there. How do we get around this issue? Medical Insurance. Medical Insurance will pay for your medical procedure that’s required to fix your health issue when ACC doesn’t, or the public health system fails. ACC covers accident, Private Medical Insurance covers illness and natural deterioration. As we get older there is far more chance of our issues being illness or worn out, than accident. Also as we get older, we don’t do as many dumb things like playing contact sport or driving fast cars. But with age comes the result of doing those things in days gone by. There are a variety of medical polices in the marketplace. They can be complex and restrictive, to expensive and unaffordable with age. As we get older the premiums get dearer. There are ways to mitigate that and help with affordability and sustainability over time. There are polices that are restrictive and become prohibitive with pre-existing health conditions being excluded.

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If you’re considering medical insurance, then you should take advice from an experienced insurance adviser. They’ll have a number of different options available for you to consider, depending on your affordability, personal and family circumstances. If you have medical insurance and haven’t reviewed that for a number of years, then you could be paying too much, or could have a policy that is well outdated. Time to have a look at it! Give us a call if that’s you. We can help. After all, it is what we do….

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Arts in Oxford Gallery News


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Celebrating Matariki the Māori New Year with a painting project by Auckland based Nigel Borell (Pirirakau, Ngāi Te Rangi). thanks to:

Te Reo

Book now for beginners classes. We are excited to have experienced Te Reo tutor Desray Lithgow within our creative programme offering beginners classes here at Arts in Oxford Gallery. 10 Weeks on Thursdays commencing 1 July from 5.45pm to 6.45pm Koha entry each night. Sign up at Arts in Oxford Gallery. Limited spaces available.



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twenty two

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Possums prolific

in urburn Oxford

Female possums can begin breeding after one year of life. They can have two offspring per year; their pregnancies spanning the period of just 2 weeks. Additionally, both sexes can live into double-digit territory. Relatively silent except for the odd rooftop excursion, possums are often associated with uninhabited areas such as open farmland or forests. Yet just a minute away from Fresh Choice, Abby Taylor and her family trapped 10 possums in roughly 4 weeks. Their method? A single kill trap set in an oak treehouse. Juddy Taylor decided on the tree house trap after he caught a few of the pests in his catch-andrelease cage. (He was motivated by the aforementioned night-time skittering). A treehouse might sound unorthodox but was essential in stopping their cat from sticking his head in. The family assured me that if they left the trap on the ground, curiosity would be the killer. Plus, the numerous possum droppings on the treehouse platform flagged it as a prime spot. Far from out of the box (they use a bright yellow one), the Taylors use sliced apples as bait. Most of the caught marsupials were large males, but they also managed to trap a female carrying a joey. The Taylors hope the destroyer of their Kowhai and Fig trees was in the bunch. Now they’re left wondering; do we have a possum problem? The allure of food in Oxford is clear. The possums can feast on gardens and snatch up any food scraps along the way. Studies have also shown that possums are attracted to luminescence, and Oxford doesn’t lack fairy lights. However, as Juddy says, “I don’t know (if) anyone knows how many possums are in Oxford”. Could the Oxford community rally together and sort these pests out? DOC, Bionet.nz and Predator Free NZ are among the many organisations that boast detailed at-home trapping online resources. Tracking tunnels can provide craft projects for the kids to monitor the pests passing through our gardens, while traps can be nestled into trees. Kill traps are only one option. There are plenty of harmless alternatives if one worries about catching the neighbour’s pet. Abby, a savvy conservationist at just 14, raised the idea of tracking tunnels and tree trapping. If Abby can catch 10 animals in a treehouse with a trap and an apple, imagine the Oxford community in unison. Afterall, it may mean one less night awakening to the sounds of a tap-dancing possum.

words by Beka Hunt


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Modern Day

Fairy Godmother

words by Candice Breeze - photos supplied

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A few months ago, Courtney Mcalister put a post on Facebook, seeing if anyone was able to donate formal attire to help students from her former high school attend their upcoming ball.

When comments flooded in, she and her friend Lina Shin realised how many students in New Zealand were unable to attend their high school ball because of financial barriers, so they created Modern Day Fairy Godmother, a charity that helps enable students to attend their school balls. Only creating the charity little over a month ago, they have been busy contacting businesses to help donate their time to make this happen, from hair stylists, makeup artists and clothing businesses to car rentals, and have already helped a student attend her ball.

“Your high school ball is a huge milestone in many young peoples lives. It’s a point between childhood and adulthood,” says Courtney. Lina agrees saying, “It’s a chance for parents to see their child all dressed up. It’s such a joyous occasion.” Since starting in late April 2021, they have received donations from small businesses, bridal stores, social media influencers, and even Hallenstein Brothers.

“We’ve had overwhelming offers from small businesses volunteering their time and services,” says Lina. They have also begun reaching out to schools to see if they have any students that may benefit from their services, and want to help as many ākonga (students) as they can. Their first student went to her ball, thanks to the help of these fairy godmothers, in mid-May. “It was such a surreal feeling.

The joy it brought her and her whānau made it all worth it,” Lina says. “We are so excited to see where this journey takes us, and to have members of the community on board. We have a lot of plans we want to bring to life and every little ounce of support helps,” they both say.


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‘Just do it!’

Oxford Community

Lina Shin


Social Services

Courtney Mcalister

The Oxford Community Trust, are looking to hold an information session for people who might be interested in doing emergency or respite caregiving for children. If this is something you might be interested in, please contact Jo Ealam at the Trust 312 3006, or pop in and see her.


Do you need help to go from your Learner’s Licence to your Restricted Licence? If you would like to come on our Youth Mentored Driving programme, please pop in to the Trust 37 Main Street, or call 312 3006.

Ox Box Youth Events 4th June


If you want to get involved in this nationwide charity, contact Courtney and Lina on their Facebook group “Your Modern-Day Fairy Godmother’ or email them on nzfairygodmother@gmail.com.




Check out our Facebook page Oxbox Youth for more details. Thank you to the Oxford & Districts Lions for all of the produce they have been growing, and donating, to foodbanks around the District.




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twenty five



Support and enjoy

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your local Market

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Follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with upcoming events


Sunday 6th June - Communion Service. 13th June – Service. 20th June – Service. Salvation Army Service at 6.00pm. 27th June – Service.


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Police report with Oxford Constable

St John Ambulance report with Oxford St John Station Manager

Fire Emergency report with Oxford Chief Fire Officer

Mitch Alatalo

Mel Brooker

Trevor Ealam

With winter all but upon us, remember to watch your step on these frosty mornings, and if you do find someone who has had a fall, and is unable to get up, it is important to keep them warm and as comfortable as possible while waiting for an ambulance to arrive. At this time of the year it is important to keep a closer eye on our elderly neighbours especially those who live alone. Believe it or not, the people most likely to suffer from hypothermia in New Zealand is an elderly person who falls in the night, and spends a lengthy time on a cold bathroom floor until they are discovered. We have attended over 150 jobs this year to date from Oxford to Coalgate to Sefton. Please remember that we at Oxford Station are all volunteers, and we do so because we want to be here for our community. If you have called an ambulance between the hours of 6.00pm and 6am it is likely the Oxford crew will be paged. We also try hard to have people around to respond over the weekend. If you are interested in joining us as a volunteer, there is one final chance to join up this year, so please phone the station on 033123516 or email your details to mel. brooker@stjohn.org.nz. The Oxford Station is not manned 24 hours a day - if you require emergency assistance please call 111.

In April the Brigade was called eight times. We attended two motor vehicle accidents where the occupants received moderate to serious injuries, two to assist St John, two private smoke alarm activations and in both cases were false alarms and the alarms were found to faulty, one light aircraft crash where the two occupants received serious injuries, and one to a un-permitted rubbish fire that got out of control in strong nor-west conditions. This brings our Total calls for the year to nineteen.

Well it has been yet another interesting month. It has been busy with burglaries on the rise, and the reports of numerous suspicious people and vehicles in the area. Before we get serious I would like to say how great it was to see so many people at the ANZAC parade, and families especially. It has been a few years since we have been able to have a somewhat normal, traditional parade and it really was a pleasure to be a part of it. On a serious note, we have attended numerous vehicle accidents over the past month, and so many of them had the potential to have a tragic outcome. There have also been ones with tragic outcomes as well. So please, it’s everyone’s responsibility to make sure we are safe while traveling on the roads. Whether it be through the towns, or on the open roads, drive to the conditions, and to your level of experience. As I noted above, there has been an increase in burglaries in the area again, so keep those reports rolling in. It really does help. Information keeps us looking in the right areas. Just a reminder to everyone. We are a 24hr a day service, although we may not always be available at the station all of the time. If you do need to report, and we are not available to report face to face, you can report via the phone or the internet. If it’s happening now, “111” and if it has already happened, “105” either via the phone or via the internet. If you don’t want to give your name, Crime Stoppers is another avenue as well. Like I said, we are a 24hr a day service, and some of those enquiries are conducted at all hours of the day or night.

This months message is; With the colder months approaching it would make sense to have your chimneys cleaned and the fire box checked. Remember clean chimneys are safe chimneys, also put ashes in a metal bucket to cool. They can still start a fire for up to five days.

Once again thanks for reading. Be safe. Feel safe.

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