Oxford Union Michaelmas Term 2023

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Michaelmas Term noes



Dear Members,

Welcome to Michaelmas 2023 at the Oxford Union!

This is truly a place like no other. Here, members have the opportunity to meet, challenge and be inspired by world leaders, celebrities and global icons. It is in our Chamber that Nixon first publicly apologised for the Watergate scandal and where Malcolm X demanded that we ‘do whatever necessary’ to achieve racial justice.

This is also a year like no other - it is our 200th anniversary. Two centuries ago, a group of students met in secret to protest the restrictions the University had placed on freedom of speech, and held our very first debate. Every Thursday, we continue this timeless tradition and those founding values of freedom of speech and debate remain at the heart of the Oxford Union today.

While the founding principles of freedom of speech remain at our core, the Oxford Union looks very different to how it did 200 years ago. I, for one, would not have been allowed to join the society when it was founded. It therefore gives me immense pride today to be able to serve as the Oxford Union’s 40th female President. It took true courage and determination from many to get to this point. In 1961 for example, two female students (Jenny Grove and Rose Dugdale) disguised themselves as men to gain entry. While we have come a long way since then, there is always further to go.

During this historic term, you will have the opportunity to hear from figures across every field: from Tom Hanks to Geri Halliwell-Horner; from Caster Semenya to Aitch; and from Dr Helen Pankhurst to Preity Zinta. We will also be hosting a debate on the use of violent protest as a political tool. We will be welcoming Saths Cooper,

the anti-Apartheid activist who shared a cell block with Nelson Mandela - as we approach the 10th anniversary of his passing.

You will be able to hear from influential people across the political spectrum: from Nancy Pelosi to Kevin McCarthy and from Ben Shapiro to Abigail Thorn, as well as sitting Heads of State and government leaders. Crucially, at every event you have the opportunity to question and challenge our speakers. You can also pre-submit questions via the links circulated through our mailing list.

As members, this is your Union and you can only implement your ideas for change when you get involved. Throughout my time here, I have seen reforms across a variety of different areas - from access membership reforms to improvements in our state school outreach. If you have ideas you would like to see, I urge you to use your voice. Attend committee meetings and ask questions. Run for election. Apply for positions.

Joining the Oxford Union has given me unforgettable opportunities that I would not have had anywhere else in the world and that I will cherish for life. As the final President of the Union’s first 200 years, I look to you all in the hope that you enjoy this very special term and that you continue to keep these values and traditions alive.



First, a very warm welcome to everyone, both to those returning and to all the freshers coming up to Oxford for the first time.

However rarely - much to my tutors’ chagrin - I may be found in my college library, being the Union’s Librarian is truly one of the most rewarding jobs anyone could ask for. From overseeing our collection of over 60,000 books to getting to organise the term’s individual speaker events, the role, to me, represents what the Union has always stood for at its best: free and open discussion.

It is our sincere hope that, just as easily as you can enter the library and pick up two books on entirely different subjects or that completely disagree with each other about the same subject, you will be able to have the same experience with the speakers we have invited this term. Some we might like, others we might disagree with, and with all of them it is completely up to you whether or how much you dip your toes in.

Freedom of speech is as much about your right to challenge what they say as it as about their right to say it in the first place, and, hopefully, whether you like the speaker or not, you will take advantage of the opportunity to do so.

No matter how you choose to make use of the Union’s many offerings, I hope you all have a wonderful term ahead of you!

Dear Members,

I’d like to extend a warm welcome to the new term and the new year. I’m Tom, a third year Classicist at New College, and I’ve been elected your Treasurer for this coming term. There are a lot of things to look forward to in Michaelmas, particularly a break from exams, and I hope our debates will keep you entertained in a way that hours of revision never could.

A special welcome to the incoming freshers! Although many of the committee will seem old and wizened, please don’t hesitate to come to us if you’d like to ask questions about the Union’s operations, complexities, or anything else. For those interested in the running of the Society, Consultative Committee is on Monday at 1:15pm, and Finance and Standing Committee usually happen between 3pm and 6pm.

Finally, it is my pleasure to announce several discounts and benefits we have secured for our members. These can be found in full further into the term card, but include 20-30% off at various Oxford restaurants, 50% off at Sandy’s on alternate Tuesdays, and £5 Park End tickets.

See you on Thursdays!

Sebastian Watkins Corpus Christi College librarian@oxford-union.org Sebastian Watkins Librarian
Tom Elliott Treasurer

Whether it’s your first term or tenth, welcome and welcome back to the Oxford Union! It is an absolute honour to serve as your final Secretary for the Bicentenary year, and the first for this academic year.

If this is your first term in Oxford, or perhaps the Union, I can’t wait to share my favourite space in the city with you. The Union has provided me with unparalleled experiences to engage with role models, witness dialogue at the forefront of the global conversation, and meet some of the most incredible people–speakers and members alike!

As Secretary, I have endeavoured to put together a Michaelmas social calendar I would have dreamed of as a Fresher! From a Regency Era Ball, to a Boat Party Collaboration with Cambridge and a freshers’ party with free drinks, I hope you all are just as excited for the lineup as I am.

I look forward to meeting you all, and to an amazing term!

The Open Period lasts until Thurs 19th October (non-members can use a bod card to access events)

Scan the QR to buy an OUS membership


The History of the Union Celebrating 200 years

200 years ago, a group of 25 students met in secret to found what would become the Oxford Union. At the time, the University had placed restrictions on which topics and opinions students were allowed to discuss. The Union was therefore founded to protest these restrictions, as a place of free speech and debate.

While the Union has grown in many ways since then, these founding principles have remained at the heart of the Society and we have hosted debates and speaker events that have reverberated around the world. Six former British Prime Ministers have been officers here, as well as former Prime Ministers of Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Notable Moments

In 1933, the Oxford Union made shock waves with the King and Country debate. The house voted to pass the motion ‘This House Will Under No Circumstances Fight for its King and its Country’. The motion became known as the Oxford Oath and it is seen to characterise the growth of pacifism in British youth at the time. Winston Churchill called the outcome ‘nauseating’ and an ‘abject, squalid,

shameless avowal’. He even wrote that the Oxford Oath influenced decisions made by Hitler during the Second World War.

On 3rd December 1964, Malcolm X addressed the Union on the motion ‘This House Believes Extremism in Defence of Liberty is no Vice; Moderation in the Pursuit of Justice is no Virtue’. Though the motion was defeated, Malcolm X’s speech captured public imagination and reverberated around the world. He argued that ‘A better world has to be built… the only way is with extreme methods…’ and that we must ‘do whatever, however, whenever is necessary’.

The President at the time, who chaired the debate, was Eric Anthony Abrahams who went on to become the first black television reporter for the BBC. In 2015, the same motion was again put to the House, with Angela Davis arguing for the proposition.

In 1978, Richard Nixon made his first public speech after Watergate at the Oxford Union and for the first time


admitted, “I screwed up - and I paid the price”.

Women at the Union

While we celebrate our Bicentenary, 2023 also marks the 60th Anniversary of women joining the Oxford Union on equal terms as men. This term also marks our 40th female President.

The story of women at the Union is truly one of courage and determination.

In 1908, Millicent Fawcett became the first woman to speak at the Oxford Union. Despite filling the chamber for her speech, women were not permitted to become members at the time. In 1926, Lucy Sutherland (Somerville College) became the first female undergraduate to speak in the chamber and in 1961, students Jenny Grove and Rose Dugdale disguised themselves as men to gain entry to the chamber.

Whilst a motion granting women debating membership in fact passed through the House on two separate occasions in 1959 and 1961, each time it was later

overturned by a second motion and a poll of the members respectively. It took until February 1963 for the motion to finally succeed.

Our first female president, Geraldine Jones (St Hugh’s College) took office in Hilary 1968, gaining over 700 votes. In 1977, Benazir Bhutto became President of the Oxford Union. She later went on to become Prime Minister of Pakistan and was tragically assassinated in December 2007. Her portrait hangs in our chamber today, and each Michaelmas, we hold the Benazir Bhutto Memorial Lecture in her honour.

‘I can’t think of any greater triumph … than to become the first woman President of that terrible stronghold of the malethe Oxford Union’


The Oxford Union was established 200 years ago to protect and uphold the continued exchange of ideas and the principles of free speech. In that timeless tradition, debates remain our flagship event, usually taking place on a Thursday night. Our debates give you the chance to hear and to challenge prominent figures on some of the most important questions of our time.

Prizes are on offer for the best speeches of the night in both the Emergency and Floor Debates and we strongly encourage you to take part.

19:45 20:30

Featuring only student speakers chosen from the audience. Motions are set weekly at Consultative Committee so attend at 1:15pm on a Monday to suggest a motion yourself!

With high profile speakers from around the world, our Main Debates address pressing questions on a variety of topics.

During the Main Debate, you are able to raise Points of Information (POIs) to any speaker by raising your hand and calling ‘On a Point of Information’. The speaker can accept or reject your POI. Before the final speaker on each side, there is a section for two-minute Floor Speeches from any member, on both sides of the debate. At the end of the debate, we invite you to vote on the motion by walking through either the ‘Ayes’ or ‘Noes’ door.

Before each debate, we host a weekly dinner with our speakers. Any member has the opportunity to ballot for this dinner, which you can do via the form released each week via email and our Facebook page.

WEEK PAGE No Confidence debate 8-9 1 AI debate 10-11 2 America debate 18-19 6 Nuclear Weapons debate 12-13 3 Influencers debate 14-15 4 Religion debate 20-21 7 Protests debate 16-17 5 Veganism debate 22-23 8 7

Week 1

Thursday 12th October


Leader of the Liberal Democrats from 2017-19, and in the Cabinet as Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills from 2010-15.

Co-Leader of the Green Party from 2016-21, alongside Caroline Lucas. He is a long-time

This House Has No Confidence in His Majesty’s Government

We are at a critical time in UK history. After 13 years in power, this Conservative Government seems to be taking on water, with five Prime Ministers in just seven years. It has become a Michaelmas tradition to debate this motion of No Confidence. We ask the chamber once again: given the struggle to tackle the challenges following Brexit, the pandemic and the current cost of living crisis, with a general election on the horizon, do we have confidence in

First entering the public eye for running viral satirical campaigns in student politics at Durham, Tom Harwood has become a leading right-wing journalist, and deputy political editor of GB News.


Week 2

Thursday 19th October


President of the Future for Life Institute, a Professor of Physics at MIT and a noted cosmologist, authoring over 200 papers.

Jaan Tallinn is known for his role co-founding Skype and Kazaa, as an early investor of DeepMind and founder of the Future of Life Institute.

Artificial Intelligence is increasingly prevalent in society with seemingly endless capabilities and it has become a player in industries ranging from healthcare to finance. However, questions remain as to what the future holds for AI and on 30th May 2023, hundreds of scientists and notable figures signed an open letter stating that ‘mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority’. Can we control AI to benefit humanity, or are we, in essence, nurturing our own downfall?

Eric Xing is an AI researcher, President of the world’s first artificial intelligence University, and founder of Petuum inc.

Jaan Tallinn Opposition
This House Believes AI is an Existential Threat

Week 3

Thursday 26th October



Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Nuclear and Networks. A former Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party and Royal Navy veteran, he is Britain’s first dedicated nuclear minister.

TBC Speaker

This House Would Press ‘The Red Button’

Ever since the Manhattan Project led to the development of the world’s first atomic bomb, international relations have been dominated by the threat of nuclear war. As tensions rise in Eastern Europe and the South China Sea and as populist politicians continue to use nuclear power as a political football, we ask the House, should we consider pressing the ‘red button’, or should we avoid nuclear war whatever the cost?


Co-Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales and a member of Bristol City Council. Her party advocates a commitment to “no first use” of nuclear weapons.

American historian and author. He is co-author of an award-winning biography of the controversial nuclear pioneer J. Robert Oppenheimer, which inspired the blockbuster 2023 film.


Week 4

Thursday 2nd November


Mark-Francis Vandelli is a television personality best known for his Made in Chelsea and Celebs Go Dating

Rt Hon. The Lord Parkinson

Rt Hon. The Lord Parkinson of Whitley Bay is a British Conservative member of the House of Lords, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Arts and Heritage and former special

Reporter, writer and documentary maker with BBC World Service. She is the first BBC journalist to be on Tiktok, accruing over 500K followers.

This House Regrets the Influence of Influencers

A survey by First Choice found that more than 75 per cent of six to 17 year olds said they would consider a career in online videos. Influencers have dominated our TV screens, social media feeds, and magazines. While many blame the rise of influencers for detrimental impacts on mental health and body image, others cite them as a tool to promote accessibility in media and entertainment, support for charities and social activism. Is this shift in social power worth regretting or is it a force for good?

Model, actress and television personality who won Love Island in 2022, and competed in Series 15 of Dancing on Ice

Social media personality who has gained over 3.3M followers on Tiktok. Her podcast, Saving Grace sees her interviewing various celebrities and influencers.

One of Britain’s most popular ‘Studytubers’, sharing educational tips and advice. She has amassed over 100 million views on Youtube.


Week 5

Thursday 9th November



French activist and journalist who founded the Yellow Vests Citizens Movement.

This House Believes Violent Protest is a Necessary Political Tool

Violent protests are a practice almost as old as politics itself - with revolutionaries seen as ‘terrorists’ by some and ‘freedom fighters’ by others. As we approach almost exactly a decade since Nelson Mandela’s passing, we ask the house: how far should one be willing to go in the fight for autonomy, liberty, and equality? Must violence in the face of oppression and injustice always be an option on the table?

South African Psychologist and activist. One of the ‘SASO Nine’ student leaders arrested in 1975 for anti-Apartheid activities. Cooper spent over five years in Robben Island where he shared a cell block with Nelson Mandela.

Founder of Black Lives Matter Chicago and co-executive director at the Chicago Torture Justice Centre.

Week 6

Thursday 16th November



American reporter and White House Correspondent for The Grio. She joined CNN as a political analyst in 2017.

Social worker and politician. Former Health and Social Care Spokesperson of the Green Party of England and Wales. He is the older brother of Bernie Sanders.

This House Fears the Return of Trump’s America

From his shock election in 2016 to his tumultuous transfer of power to Biden, America has seen few Presidents more controversial than her 45th: Donald J. Trump. To supporters, he is a bold leader speaking for a ‘silent majority’, challenging economic orthodoxy. To others, he is a threat to the fabric of American democracy. In spite of his mounting legal woes, he is once again poised to win the Republican Primaries. Are fears of a second Trump administration overblown, or is this a prospect we should be afraid of?

American conservative and radio show host. Founder of Turning Point USA and Chairman of Students for Trump.

Media host, commentator and former government official. Served briefly in the Trump administration as a Deputy Assistant to the President.


Week 7

Thursday 23rd November



Having served for nearly 20 years as an Evangelical preacher, Mr Barker left Christianity in 1984. He is now Co-President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

Executive director of The Skeptics Society, Shermer is known for investigating pseudoscientific and supernatural claims and advocates for scientific scepticism.

One of the most renowned sociologists of our day, known for his research on secularism, atheism, and non-religious worldviews.

This House Believes God is a Delusion

According to the 2021 Census, over a third of the UK population now identify as having no religion. Yet, religious institutions and rituals have shaped the world we live in today and many still defend the existence of a divine power. In this debate we bring together leaders from different religions to ask: are religious beliefs merely products of our human imagination, or is there a rational justification for a belief in God?

Ghanaian prelate known for his leadership in the Catholic Church and advocacy for social justice and peace. Has been widely regarded as ‘papabile’ - a candidate for election to the papacy.

Author of a bestselling trilogy of mythological novels about the Hindu god Shiva. He works as a diplomat at the Indian High Commission and is Director of the Nehru Centre in London.


Week 8

Thursday 30th November



Founder and Executive Director of Climate Healers, a non-profit dedicated towards healing the Earth’s climate.

Medical doctor, educator and a longtime vegan. She is director of Plant-Based Health Professionals UK.

Animal rights activist and youtuber. A former gang member, he became vegan after his release from prison. His videos have garnered over 300M views online.

This House Would Go Vegan

As of January 2023, there are an estimated 1.4 million vegans in the UK. With the Climate Change committee, animal rights activists and various medical professionals citing the vegan diet as a better choice, the number of people moving towards veganism is rapidly growing. However, critics tout this as a ‘fad’, blaming this shift for hurting the UK farming industry and argue that its health benefits are often overstated. In light of these competing concerns, we ask would this House go vegan?

A former contestant on the Apprentice, she is now a media personality, commentator and businesswoman. Hopkins has been dubbed by various media outlets as a ‘professional troll’ due to her array of controversial views.

This debate has been sponsored by GenV

TBC Speaker

Floor Prizes

£100 voucher at Victor’s

4 x £25 vouchers at Bella Italia

£50 voucher at Gusto

3 x cupcake boxes from Happy Cakes

Union ball ticket

1 x 3-course meal for 2 at Mamma Mia Pizzeria Summertown

1 x 3-course meal for 2 at Mamma Mia Pizzeria Jericho

1 x 3-course meal for 2 at The Perch THE PERCH


Reciprocal Clubs

Many benefits of membership also extend beyond Oxford; in particular, members now have reciprocal membership of:

The National Liberal Club (London)

The Lansdowne Club (London)

The Clifton Club (Bristol)

The Cardiff & County Club (Cardiff)

The St James’s Club (Manchester)

The Koninklijke Industrieele Groote Club (Amsterdam)

The Club International Leipzig (Leipzig)

The Union International Club (Frankfurt)

The Circolo Bononia (Bologna)

The Circulo del Liceo (Barcelona)

The Circulo Ecustre (also Barcelona), The Grémio Literário (Lisbon)

The University Club of Washington D.C. (Washington D.C.).

Furthermore, Members can visit The Anglo-German Club and The Übersee-Club (both Hamburg) upon prior notice and under the condition that they have sufficient capacity

Please email enquiries@oxford-union.org to obtain a letter of introduction before visiting.


After Hours

You must show your Union membership card to use these offers


Discounted Atik tickets via FIXR CODE Union_Atik23


Student nights at Sandy’s: 50% off selected cocktails for Union members*

*W1, W3, W5 and W7 only

Student bands playing


Discounted Atik tickets CODE Union_Atik23


Discounted Bridge tickets (£5) CODE Oxford_UnionBridge

Free Plush entry for Union members


Treasurer’s Treats

























How to Get Involved

Ask Questions and Make Speeches

The Union is committed to giving members the opportunity to engage with and challenge its speakers. At each of our talks there is a chance to ask questions live during the event, or to make a floor speech during each debate. We encourage all members to take advantage of this and be part of shaping the conversation!

Run for Election

Each term, elections are held for Committee and Officer positions on Friday of 7th Week. If you have any questions about running for election, please email ro@oxford-union.org for more information.

Join a Committee

All Committee meetings are open to members to attend and observe. If you are interested in attending or becoming a member of any of these Committees, email the relevant Committee Chair to find out more.

Appointed Committee

A number of Committee positions are appointed, including Press, Sponsorship and Equalities Officers. All appointees assist in inviting speakers and arranging debates over the vacation, alongside working on their specific projects.

Applications for Hilary Term’s Senior Committee will open in 3rd Week, while applications for Junior Committee will open in 5th Week. They will be advertised on the Oxford Union Facebook and Instagram pages, website and mailing list. Interviews will be held on a rolling basis. Please contact the President-Elect, Hannah Edwards, at president-elect@oxford-union. org if you have any questions.

President’s Open Hours and Officer Surgeries

The President will be hosting weekly open hours, where members can come and ask any questions they may have. This will run on Fridays from 11:00-13:00, in the President’s Office. From 12:00-13:00 every Friday, The Librarian, Treasurer and Secretary will also be hosting Officer Surgeries.

Scan below to buy an OUS membership.


Special Events & Speakers

Each term we aim to host a diverse range of unique and influential speakers across a variety of fields. At each of these events, you have the opportunity not just to hear from, but to ask your own questions to our speakers. You also have the opportunity to pre-submit questions anonymously, via forms circulated on our weekly mailing list and on our Facebook page. We hope you take this opportunity to use your voice to shape the conversation.

Our committee will be working hard throughout term to add new speakers to this lineup. You can find the latest

Week 2

Aida Garifullina Performance

Week 3

Black History Month Panel

Week 3

updates on our Facebook page, website, or mailing list (which you can join by emailing enquiries@oxford-union.org). You can also find links to the weekly ballot to join meet and greets with the speakers there.

Please note that one of the challenges in hosting high calibre speakers is that their schedules can change at short notice. In the rare situation in which this occurs, we will do everything we can to rearrange the event for a different date, and to do our best to ensure members are given adequate notice of changes or cancellations.

15th October 19.00

23rd October 17.00

28th October 20.00

Interventionism Debate with Kevin McCarthy

Week 5

Benazir Bhutto Memorial Lecture

Week 7

Feminism Panel

9th November 17.00

21st November 17.00

us for an operatic event by a world-renowned soprano, following a drinks reception.
Special Event
19.00 32
Week 1 14th October

Special Event In collaboration with ACS Week 3

23rd October 17.00

Inspiring the Next Generation: Celebrating Black Voices in Britain

Taking place during Black History Month, this panel celebrates Black figures in Britain who have risen to prominence as trailblazers in their chosen field. Black British voices have truly shaped modern society across all aspects - from music to business, to literature. Yet, racial inequality still spans these fields. Some have argued that in the effort to promote a display of diversity, key players across a range of industries have fallen into mere tokenism rather than meaningful inclusivity. During the 75th anniversary of the HMT Empire Windrush arriving in Britain, we ask ourselves: how can the youth of today overcome and break down these barriers?

Internationally successful DJ, producer and Oxford alum who has amassed 9M followers on Instagram. Her philanthropy work with The Cuppy Foundation funds meals for 70,000 children in Nigeria daily. Last year, she announced a £100,000 gift to support African students at Oxford.

DJ Cuppy
TBC 33

This special event will take the form of a mini-debate Week 3

28th October 20.00

This House Believes US Interventionism has Done More Harm than Good

American soldiers have been deployed abroad almost continuously since the end of the Second World War. Proponents of interventionism argue the USA has a responsibility to protect innocent civilians around the world. They argue intervention deters aggressors and ensures global stability. But opponents argue that military intervention is ineffective, results in higher death tolls and is thinly veiled Western imperialism. Foreign interventions in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq, for example, were large, long, and costly. Is American interventionism a helping hand, or does it worsen the conflicts it sets out to solve?



The 55th and current Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. A member of the Republican Party, McCarthy represents California’s 20th congressional district.

American political strategist and pollster. He describes his specialty as “testing language and finding words that will help his clients sell their product or turn public opinion on an issue or a candidate.’’

Proposition 34

Special Event - Memorial Lecture - TBC

Week 5

9th November 17.00

Benazir Bhutto Memorial Lecture

Every Michaelmas term, we hold a Memorial Lecture in honour of Benazir Bhutto (Ex-President, Lady Margaret Hall), who went on to become Prime Minister of Pakistan and was tragically assassinated in 2007. The inaugural lecture was delivered by Prime Minister Theresa May in 2019 in recognition of her efforts in narrowing the gender pay gap, followed by David Cameron in 2020 in recognition of his leadership in legalising same-sex marriage. In 2022, it was delivered by the President of Georgia, Salome Zourabichvili, in recognition of her women’s rights advocacy.

The Lecture was conceived to honour leaders who have energised movements, reimagined institutions and achieved transformative progress in the pursuit of equality and human dignity.

As the first woman elected Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and the first woman to lead a major political party in either congressional chamber, Nancy Pelosi has broken glass ceilings. During her tenure leading the House Democrats from 2003 to 2023 she led the passage of transformative laws, including the Affordable Care Act, Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and the American Rescue Plan. A global icon in women’s empowerment and US politics, Pelosi has been a driving force in shaping policies on social justice, healthcare, and climate change and in defending democracy.

Nancy Pelosi

Special Event Week 7

21st November 17.00

Pathways to Liberation: Feminist Voices in the 21st Century

From the Suffragettes, to the Women’s Lib activists of the 1960s and 70s, to #MeToo, feminism has been an evolving and multifaceted movement. This year, as the Oxford Union marks its 60th anniversary of female membership and sees its 40th female President, we bring together leading academics and activists to analyse the approaches that have brought the Feminist movement to where it is now. As conversations around the importance of intersectionality grow, what approaches can feminists of today take to pave the way forward?

Women’s rights activist, currently CARE International’s senior advisor working in the UK and Ethiopia and the great-granddaughter of Emmeline Pankhurst, leader of the Suffragette movement.

British-Nigerian lawyer, academic and activist. Author of This is Why I Resist and the founder of the Women in Leadership publication.

Activist, writer and historian. Best known for her involvement in the UK’s Black Women’s Movement, as a founding member of the Organisation of Women of African and Asian Descent (OWAAD) in the 1970s. Author of The Heart of the Race: Black Women’s Lives in Britain.

Dr Helen Pankhurst

Kamal Ahmed

Journalist, Former Editorial Director of the BBC

Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of The News Movement, a digital media company. Ahmed was Editorial Director of BBC News from 2018 to 2021. Before that, he was the BBC’s Economics Editor, and was Political Editor of The Observer during the premiership of Tony Blair. He also served as Director of Communications for the Equality and Human Rights Commission, which is responsible for promoting human rights and enforcing equality law. He studied Political Studies at the University of Leeds and Journalism at City, University of London.

This event is in collaboration with Oxford Media Society.

week 1 / 13th October 17:00


Julia Fox

Actress, model, author and personality

week 2


Julia Fox is an Italian-American model and actress. She has appeared in publications such as Vogue and Interview, and made her film debut in Uncut Gems with Adam Sandler. Fox subsequently wrote and directed Fantasy Girls in 2021. In the aftermath of her brief but highly publicised relationship with Kanye West, Fox became an internet sensation. This October sees the release of her anticipated book Down the Drain, which she describes as a “masterpiece” based on her life.

week 2 / 17th October 20:00




BRIT-Award winning, platinum-selling rapper Aitch shot to fame in 2018 with his viral smash ‘Straight Rhymez’. He’s worked with artists including Ashanti, Ed Sheeran, Anne-Marie, AJ Tracey, Giggs and D-Block Europe. 2022 marked the release of his #2 debut studio album Close To Home, which includes ‘My G’ feat Ed Sheeran - his heartfelt tribute to his little sister who has Down’s Syndrome. The Mancunian rapper is an ambassador for the Down’s Syndrome Association and raised over £50,000 for the charity by successfully completing a skydive for World Down Syndrome day.

week 2 / 18th October 20:00


Max Tegmark

Physicist, cosmologist and machine learning researcher

Max Tegmark is Professor of Physics at MIT. The Co-Founder and President of the Future of Life Institute, which seeks to mitigate the potential risks posed to humanity by the development of artificial general intelligence, Tegmark has cautioned against the dangers of introducing new and more advanced AI technologies. He is also a prominent supporter of the ‘effective altruism’ movement. A noted cosmologist, Tegmark has authored over 200 papers and appeared in numerous scientific documentaries. He received his doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1994.

Camille Vasquez

American Attorney

American attorney best known for successfully representing Johnny Depp in his defamation lawsuit against his ex-wife Amber Heard in 2022. Her aggressive courtroom style brought her to worldwide attention, but also attracted significant criticism. Vasquez has also represented other highly prominent clients, including Ben Affleck, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Jennifer Lopez. Born in San Francisco to a Colombian father and a Cuban mother, Vasquez received a BA from the University of Southern California in 2006 and a JD from Southwestern Law School in 2010.

week 2 / 20th October 17:00

week 3 / 24th October 20:00


Abigail Thorn

Actress, playwright and Youtuber

In the wake of the 2012 increase in university tuition fees, Thorn started her youtube channel Philosophy Tube to provide free lessons in philosophy. With over 1.45M subscribers, her videos discuss philosophy through a left-wing perspective often informed by contemporary politics. In 2019, Thorn hosted a livestream reading the Complete Works of Shakespeare, raising £100,000 for the mental health charity Samaritans. She wrote and was the acting lead in the play, The Prince. In 2021, Thorn publicly came out as a transgender woman in with the video Coming Out As Trans – A Little Public Statement

week 3 / TBC


week 3


Geri Halliwell-Horner

AKA ‘Ginger Spice’

Singer-songwriter, actress, and author

English singer-songwriter, actress, and author. She rose to prominence as Ginger Spice, as part of the best-selling female group of all time: the Spice Girls. Their slogan “girl power” was most closely associated with Halliwell-Horner and her Union Jack dress from the 1997 Brit Awards also became an enduring symbol. She has released multiple solo albums, including Scream If You Wanna Go Faster with the lead single It’s Raining Men and has appeared in films such as Gran Turismo (2023). Her latest book, teen adventure novel Rosie Frost and the Falcon Queen, releases in early October.

week 3 / 27th October 20:00


Ben Shapiro

Political commentator

Ben Shapiro is a prominent American conservative political commentator and columnist. A graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, Shapiro has authored over a dozen books and currently serves as the editor emeritus of The Daily Wire, a conservative media and news company. He is the host of The Ben Shapiro Show which in 2021 was ranked in the Top 10 most listened on Apple podcasts and has a YouTube channel with over 6 million subscribers.

week 4 / 1st November 20:00



Caster Semenya

Professional Athlete

week 5

Caster Semenya is a South African athlete, specialising in middle distance running. She has won two Olympic gold medals and three World Championships in the women’s 800 metres.

Semenya was prevented from competing in women’s sport in 2019, unless she took medication to suppress her testosterone levels. She filed an appeal with the European Court of Human Rights, which ruled that, as an intersex woman, Semenya should be able to compete in women’s sport. Her upcoming book, The Race to be Myself, delves into her struggle.

week 5 / 6th November 18:00


Preity Zinta

Actress and humanitarian

One of the leading actresses of Hindi cinema, Zinta made her acting debut in Dil Se.. in 1998, followed by a role in Soldier in the same year. Her roles, often deemed culturally defiant, have been credited with contributing to a change in the concept of Indian film heroines, and won her several accolades. She is the founder of the production company PNZ Media, and a co-owner of the Indian Premier League cricket team Punjab Kings since 2008. She has been an outspoken supporter of many causes, particularly women’s rights, AIDS awareness and campaigns to clean up Mumbai.

Cressida Cowell

Author and illustrator

British children’s author, known for the book series How to Train Your Dragon. In the 20 years since it was first published, the series has grown to 12 volumes with 14 million copies sold. This was subsequently adapted into an award-winning film franchise, adapted for the screen by DreamWorks Animation. Her other titles include The Wizards of Once and the Tiny Detectives books. Cowell is also an ambassador for the National Literacy Trust, a trustee for World Book Day and a founder patron of the Children’s Media Foundation.

week 5 / 7th November 17:00

week 5 / 8th November 17:00

week 5

Dorothy Bain KC

Lord Advocate

Ms Bain is the chief public prosecutor in the Scottish legal system. As only the second woman to hold that office in its 700 year history, she has played a leading role in some of the most important cases in modern Scottish politics, such as investigations into sex crimes and drug policy. In 2022, Ms Bain went before the UK Supreme Court to argue in favour of the Scottish Government’s policy of a second Independence Referendum without Westminster’s consent.

Tion Wayne

Rapper and DJ

One of the most talented British rappers and songwriters of his generation, Tion Wayne rose to fame through his engaging lyrics and charismatic presence. Born in London, Wayne’s hits, including “Body”, as well as his features on NSG’s ‘’Options’’ and “Keisha & Becky,” have garnered millions of streams, making him one of the most prominent figures in the UK music scene.

week 5 / 8th November 20:00

week 6 / 14th November 17:00


Sir Roger Penrose OM FRS

Mathematician and Nobel Laureate

A recipient of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics, Sir Roger is one of the world’s most renowned scientists and mathematicians. He is best known for his famous work in discovering that the formation of black holes is possible, through the use of Einstein’s theory of relativity - for which he shared the 1988 Wolf Prize with Prof Stephen Hawking. However, he is also striking for the sheer range of his achievements, spanning topics from cosmology to biology, in a career spanning over five decades.

Nathan Law

Hong Kong Activist and Politician

Law came to prominence in 2014 as a student leader of the large-scale ‘Umbrella Movement’ protests. The founder of the pro-democracy party Demosisto, Law was elected to the Legislative Council of Hong Kong in 2016. At 23, he was the youngest legislator in the territory’s history – and was disqualified by the government from taking his seat. Following the introduction of the highly controversial ‘National Security Law’ in 2020, Law fled to London, where he now lives in political exile.

week 6 / 15th November 17:00

week 7 / 22nd November 17:00


Andrew McCollum

Angel Investor, Businessman and Facebook Co-founder

Attending Harvard University with Mark Zuckerburg and Eduardo Saverin, Mcollum co-founded Facebook. His contributions to early Facebook included designing its first logo and set of user interface icons. After Facebook, McCollum worked at various venture capitalist firms including New Enterprise Associates (NEA) and Flybridge Partners. In 2014, he joined Philo, an American internet television company, as its CEO.

week 7 / 25th November 17.00


How can you represent such terrible people? The ethics of being a barrister

Lord Pannick KC

British Barrister

British barrister and crossbencher in the House of Lords. He practises mainly in the areas of public law and human rights, having argued cases before the Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights. He has represented a number of high-profile clients, including HM Queen Elizabeth II, Boris Johnson, Sir Phillip Green, and Shamima Begum. He has been described by colleagues as having the ability to ‘dazzle the court into submission’.

This event is in collaboration with Oxford Law Society and Oxford Bar Society.

week 7 / 25th November 20:00


George Vella President of Malta

George William Vella KOM KCMG is a Maltese politician who has served as President of Malta since 2019. A member of the Labour Party, he previously served as Deputy Prime Minister of Malta and Foreign Affairs Minister from 1996 to 1998 under Prime Minister Alfred Sant. In 2013, he returned as foreign affairs minister, an office he held until 2017 under Prime Minister Joseph Muscat. Vella is also a qualified medical doctor.

Grace Beverley

Fitness Youtuber and entrepreneur

Known professionally as GraceFitUK, Beverley is a social media influencer and founder of TALA and Shreddy. After studying music as a choral scholar at St Peter’s College, Oxford, she became a lifestyle influencer with a focus on veganism. This branched out into her sustainable clothing brand TALA, and fitness tech company Shreddy. Beverley has also written a Sunday Times Bestselling novel Working Hard Hardly Working, which focuses on balancing achievement with self-fulfilment, and has been named in Forbes’ 30 under 30 list.

week 8 / 27th November 15:00

week 8 / 28th November 20:00


Željko Komšić

Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina

He has been the Croat member of the three-member Presidency, which also comprises of one Serb and one Bosniak, since 2018 (and, previously, from 2006 to 2014). Komšic was awarded the Golden Lily, the country’s highest military honour, for his gallantry during the Bosnian War. He served as President of Sarajevo City Council from 1998 to 2000 and Ambassador to Yugoslavia from 2001 to 2003. A lawyer by training, Komšić is founder and leader of the socially liberal party Democratic Front.

Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe

Iranian-British Activist

Zaghari-Ratcliffe was held as a political prisoner by the Iranian regime for 6 years. Arrested on holiday with her infant daughter, she was falsely convicted of plotting treason. Her prison term was extended after Boris Johnson mistakenly claimed she was in Iran to “train journalists”. A worldwide campaign, during which both Nazanin and her husband went on hunger strike, demanded her release. Finally set free after the British government agreed to settle a £400m debt with the Islamic Republic, she now calls for better human rights in Iran.

week 8 / 29th November 17:00

week 8 / 29th November 20:00


Dr Albert Bourla

Chairman and CEO of Pfizer

Dr Bourla is the chairman and CEO of the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer, perhaps most well-known for creating the first ever breakthrough vaccination for Covid-19 during the global pandemic. Last year, Bourla published a book about this very project, Moonshot: Inside Pfizer’s Nine-Month Race to Make the Impossible Possible, detailing many of the hidden stories behind the company’s efforts that helped protect the world from Coronavirus.

week 8 / 1st December 17:00

Find more information, pre-submit questions and ballot for meet and greets via our facebook and instagram page @theoxfordunion

Tom Hanks

Actor and Filmmaker

One of the most popular and recognisable film stars worldwide, Tom Hanks is regarded as an American cultural icon. His career, spanning four decades, is marked by an array of iconic performances ranging from Forrest Gump and Toy Story to Saving Private Ryan and Castaway. Hanks has received six Academy Award nominations including two consecutive wins for Best Actor. Beyond the silver screen, Hanks’ dedication to humanitarian causes and charitable endeavours positions him as a true beacon of positivity and change in our world.

week 8 / 1st December 20:00



For any queries, please contact the Secretary, at secretary@oxford-union.org



When are pub quizzes in the bar this term?

Pub Quiz


Monday, 2nd Week

Monday, 6th Week

All of the Above 57




Information Guest Policy 61 Competitive Debating 62 Committees 63 The Library 64 The Members’ Bar 65 Accessibility 66 60

Guest Policy


Members are allowed to bring up to bring up to three guests to an event, provided:

1. The guest is not themselves eligible for membership

2. The guest pays a £12.50 membership fee

3. All members who wish to attend have already taken their seats

Events may be made members only when there is a security risk or extremely high demand.


Competitive Debating

Debating at the Union is not reserved for Thursday nights. The Union’s competitive debating squad is one of the largest and most successful in the world. In the past, we have won both the European and the World Championships of debating, and this success continues – this summer five Oxford teams broke to the final stages of the Euros, which was more than double that of any other institution or country present!

We do not just practice debating at Oxford, we also fully fund teams of both novices and experienced debaters to attend competitions internationally and nationally. Recently these have included free trips to Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia and more. We host the Oxford IV, one of the largest debating competitions in Europe, the Oxford Women’s and Gender Minorities’ Open, and organise the world’s largest schools’ debating competition, all of which attract competitors from around the globe.

People with any level of experience are encouraged to get involved in debating. For novices, we have Beginners’ workshops on Monday nights in the Morris room. These workshops are coached by some of Oxford’s best debaters. They begin with short presentations to target specific debating skills, then move onto practice debates where everyone will get to have a go.

Beginners’ is a very friendly and fun environment - if you have not debated before this is the perfect place to start!

For those with more experience, Intermediate and Advanced squads run on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at the Union, where our coaches provide a one-on-one development programme. There are also unique opportunities for debating which arise throughout the year, such as being able to deliver floor speeches in the chamber, join mentorship schemes, and do outreach work such as teaching debating to schoolchildren. If you have any questions or want to sign up for squads, please contact the Chair of Debate Selection Committee, David Logan, at cdsc@oxford-union.org.

To sign up for the mailing list for weekly updates, which includes information on tournaments, training and more, send a blank email to debate-announcesubscribe@maillist.com. You may also want to like the Oxford Debating Facebook Page and join the Oxford Debaters’ Facebook Group.




The affairs of the Society are managed by a number of committees, each of which meet in person throughout the term. These committees work for you, the members, so please do not hesitate to email the respective chairs for information on how to attend these meetings.


Chair - Disha Hegde

The President president@oxford-union.org

The Society’s governing body. Standing Committee makes the Union’s most important decisions and recommends rules changes to the House.


Chair - Bronwen Price access.chair@oxford-union.org

Responsible for promoting the inclusion of under-represented groups by planning events and suggesting changes.


Chair - Tom Elliot Treasurer Treasurer@oxford-union.org

Scrutinises the Union’s finances and reports its findings to Standing Committee.


Chair - Jenny Heath CCC


Consultative Committee is comprised of all Union members. It gives you the opportunity to ask the officers of the Union any questions and stay up-to-date on the running of the Union’s events. It is also where Emergency Debate motions are decided.


Chair - Sebastian Watkins Librarian

Responsible for management of the Society’s library: purchasing and withdrawing books, as well as making recommendations for the running of the library.


Chair - David Logan CDSC


Debate Selection Committee manages the Union’s competitive debating wing, arranging training and competitions.


Chair - Julia Maranhao-Wong



Bar Strategy Committee oversees the management of the Members’ Bar and makes decisions regarding its stock, budgets, and furnishings


The Library

Stocked with over 60,000 books, the Union’s library facilities are extensive, spacious, and beautiful. Until 1897, the Old Library was the debating chamber of the Union. On its walls are some of the world’s most famous Pre-Raphaelite murals depicting scenes from Arthurian legend, painted by artists including Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Morris. The adjoining Poetry Room is a hidden gem – a perfect space for silent, independent study.

The Goodman Library and Gladstone Room are open spaces available for use from any member during our open hours and provide a secluded study space in a historic atmosphere.

Termtime opening hours are Mon-Fri 09:30-19:00 Sat 11:00-17:00.

Please email library@oxford-union.org with any questions.


The Member’s Bar

Few, if any, places in Oxford combine the comfort and affordability of our Members’ Bar. Perfect for a quiet coffee, a light lunch, or a pint with some friends, it is a place where members and their guests can enjoy high quality food and drink at student prices, with a 25% members-only discount.

The Bar is decorated with memorabilia from past guests and it is often frequented by our speakers before or after a talk. Following each main debate after everyone has left the Chamber, the President will read out the result of the vote in the Bar.

Our House Manager would be happy to hear from members with questions and suggestions. Please contact: bar@oxfordunion.org

Alternatively, contact the Secretary about attending Bar Strategy Committee!


Our Lunch Menu is served: Monday to Saturday 11:30 -14:30

Breakfast options are served: Monday to Saturday 10:00 -12:00



The Oxford Union is dedicated to ensuring that it is as accessible as possible for all of our members. If you ever have any questions regarding the accessibility of an event or the Union more generally, please reach out to our Chair of Access Committee Bronwen Price at access.chair@oxfordunion.org. You can also raise thoughts and suggestions at Access Committee.

Accessibility Pass Policy and Event Access

Any member who has accessibility requirements is entitled to request reasonable adjustments. Our Accessibility Pass Policy is available on the Rules and Policies section of our website with a PDF

version available on request. For any specific accessibility queries regarding an event, please contact the House Manager at: bar@oxford-union. org and the CCC, Jennifer Heath, at ccc@ oxford-union.org

We can ensure that there is space for a wheelchair or provisions made for a guide dog or make any other reasonable adjustments necessary to enable members to make the most of their membership.

There is a hearing aid loop in the chamber and, should you wish to use it, switch your hearing aid to ‘T.’


Committee Michaelmas ‘23






Tom Elliott New College





Chris Collins Corpus Christi College

Louis Wilson Christ Church

Isabelle Horrocks-Taylor Balliol College

Zariel Konadu St Hugh’s College

Leonard Buckley Trinity College


Aryan Dhanwani Oriel College

Ana Rosca Keble College Charlotte Fallon Regent’s Park College Charlie Chadwick St Anne’s College Devon Darley New College Aimee Adey Exeter College Ashlyn Cheong Somerville College Oliver Jones-Lyons Christ Church Pierre Lucien St John’s College Robert McGlone St John’s College Peter Chen Brasenose College President-Elect Hannah Edwards Lincoln College Finley Armstrong Regent’s Park College Ebrahim Mowafy St Edmund Hall Sebastian Watkins Corpus Christi College Julia Maranhao-Wong St Anne’s College President Hegde St John’s College


Jennifer Heath Oriel College


Chief of Staff

Chloe Davis Pembroke College

Social Media Office

Trisha Purnaiya St John’s College

Senior Access Officer

Bronwen Price St Hugh’s College

Director of Press

Santiago Bedoya-Pardo

Regent’s Park College

Senior Welfare Officer

Amelia Seaman, St Peter’s College

Director of Media

Sarp Ozdemir St Hilda’s College

Returning Officer

Director of Media

Aliyyah Gbadamosi University College

Joshua Platt, St Hilda’s College

Deputy Director of Press

Sultan Khokhar, Lincoln College

Junior Welfare Officer

Aaryan Shah, St Catherine’s College

Deputy Chair of Access

Reece Aaron - St John’s College

Communities’ Officer

Aamina Rizvi, St John’s College

Disability Officer

Ellie Williams, Regent’s Park College

Director of Research

Theo Adler-Williams Worcester College

Graduate Officer

Lyle Hopkins, Linacre College

Ethnic Minority Officer

Director of Sponsorship

Henry Yates St Hugh’s College

Priya Mahan, Lady Margaret Hall

International Officer

Viraansh Bhanushali, St Peter’s College

LGBTQIA+ Officer

Charles Aslet, Christ Church College

Socioeconomic Officer

Anita Okunde, Magdalen College

Permanent & Temporary Membership Officer

Vansh Sharma, Oxford Brookes

Director of Fundraising

Hugo Roma Wilson Trinity College

Women & Gender

Minorities Officer

Itsie Oyedeji, Mansfield College

Press & Sponsorship Officers

Patrick Wol-Carty

Mikaeel Toosy

Natascha Norton

Alex McGovern

Silvan Bennet

Victor Lamotte

Giulia Argante

Manon Hammond

Marwan Elkilany


The BursarMark Herbert

Deputy BursarRichard Wood

Librarian-in-ChargeTom Corrick

House ManagerSasha Challen

Termcard Graphic Designer - Danielle Blyde - https://vavoom.co.uk

Front Cover Illustration - Louis Rush, Magdalen College

Chief Djunkelskog

Senior LibrarianTim Myatt

Senior TreasurerSarah Beaver

Geraldine Jones, the first female President of the Oxford Union
1963 - Women granted full membership of the Oxford Union

Notable moments at the Oxford Union

24/06/2023 - Bicentenary Dinner

President’s Thanks

When I decided to run for Secretary’s Committee in MT21, I had no idea that exactly two years later I would be signing off my own termcard. Those two years have been filled with opportunities, lessons, and more challenges than I thought I could handle.

I never would have made it here without the support of so many. We are nothing without the people in our lives. I owe more thank yous than I have space to put here, but I hope this goes some way in showing my appreciation:

Firstly, to my family. My parents, who sacrificed so much. Mumma, you are the strongest woman I know. As I get older, I only become more amazed at how you managed to do it all. To Prayksha (my mini me!) - I am so so proud of you. You really are the cooler sibling.

To Lucy, you have the biggest heart. You never fail to call me out when I am wrong and for that you are a true friend. You have been there for me more times than I deserve and I hope I always remain lucky enough to have you in my life. To Kajaanan, my first friend at Oxford. I am endlessly grateful for your advice - you put up with my constant (mainly Union) rants, and somehow you always know what to say. To Saris, I hope you are reading this from Bonn and smiling. Your unconditional kindness means everything.

To my brilliant committee and officers - I am sorry for the many emoji-laden messages I subjected you all to. Thank you. It is your hard work that has made this term possible. To the staff (the grown ups). Mark, Richard, Sarah, Tim - you keep this place going.

Seb, Tom and Julia - my fantastic officers. You are each such different people but all share a truly astounding work ethic. I know you will go far in life and I can’t wait to see what you each do. To the girlies in the POs: Jenny, you are insane.

Lord knows how you are able to manage it all so well. Chloe Davis, the long vac can feel lonely but you made it enjoyable. In you, I hope I have a friend for life.

To those who voted for me, or ran in elections alongside me. To all of #BLOOM, thank you.

Tom, your lock-in made this possible. Lewis, for always making me smile. Thank you la.To Conrad for completing the team.To Aliyyah, for staying when everyone else left. There were times it looked bleak and your faith in me kept me going. Hannah, I am in awe of you. You showed me that when something is important enough, you do it even when the odds are not in your favour. You were a terrific CM, but above all, a friend. I cannot wait for your term.

I am standing on the shoulders of giants and so, to those who came before me. Molly, a role model to me and the first President I served under. Matthew, you taught me to always stand up for myself and for what I believe. Charlie, for showing me the importance of the history. Each of the very different terms I spent here taught me invaluable lessons.

To the membership - you make this place worth working for.

Finally, to those who were part of my journey at any point - thank you for everything. I am endlessly grateful.

Yours always,

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Debates Speakers Special TERM PLANNER 21 7 20 6 19 Cressida 17:00 Dorothy 20:00 Preity Zinta 17:00 George Vella 15:00 Sir Roger 17:00 Julia Fox 20:00 Željko Komšić 17:00 Nazanin 20:00 Grace Beverley 20:00 Camille Vasquez 20:00 Aitch 20:00 Ben Shapiro 20:00 Pub Quiz 21:30 Pub Quiz 21:30 Nathan 17:00 Womxn’s 19:00 Oxmas Supper & Soiree Freshers’ Caster Semenya 18:00 Bonfire Night Social 20:00 Tion Wayne 17:00 Diwali Celebrations Varsity Boat Party on the Thames Afrobeats club night 22:00 3 4 5 22 23 30 24 31 29 5 12 26 13 27 14 28 Black History Month Panel 17:00 Feminism Panel 17:00 Graduate Drinks 20:00 Student Essentials Fair - plant and poster sale (also 7th Oct) Buildings closed due to WGM and Oxford IV OPEN PERIOD OPEN PERIOD 8 9 10 15 16 17


Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday EVENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE Special Event Socials 22 8 23 9 17 1 24 10 18 2 25 11 Cressida Cowell Dorothy Bain KC Kamal Ahmed 17:00 Max Tegmark 17:00 Roger Penrose Albert Bourla 17:00 Tom Hanks 20:00 Komšić Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe Geri Halliwell Horner 20:00 Andrew McCollum 17:00 Lord Pannick 20:00 Shapiro No Confidence Debate 19.45 AI Debate 19.45 Nuclear Weapons Debate 19.45 Influencers Debate 19.45 America Debate 19.45 Religion Debate 19.45 Veganism Debate 19.45 Law Womxn’s Candle Painting Aida Garifullina Opera Performance and Drinks Reception 19:00 Freshers’ Party 21:00 Graduate Black Tie Event Ball 6 7 9 8 19 21 20 25 1 26 28 27 2 3 4 15 29 16 30 Kevin McCarthy Interventionism Debate 20:00 Protests Debate 19.45 Nancy Pelosi 17:00 Debaters Drinks 19:30
to WGM
11 12 13 14 18
day Buildings closed due
WGM and Oxford
Buildings closed due
and Oxford IV

- 2023 the OXFORD UNION


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