Oyster Summer 2012 // Issue74

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S U M M E R 2 0 1 2 // I S S U E 7 4

NEWS FROM THE WORLD OF OYSTER S U M M E R 2 0 1 2 // I S S U E 7 4 w w w. o y s t e r y ac h t s . co m





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summer 2012

contents 74 0 6 // o y s t e r L i f e 1 0 // o y s t e r r e g a t t a B V i Louay Habib

2 8 // t h e a w a r d - w i n n i n g 6 2 5 3 4 // J a i g a r h t o c o c h i n V i a g o a

Liz Cleere and Jamie Furlong

4 2 // o y s t e r P r o d u c t u P d a t e : 5 7 5 , 7 2 5 , 8 8 5 5 0 // L i V i n g o n t h e e d g e

Steve and Trish Brown

5 6 // s a r a f i n – w o r L d s u P e r y a c h t a w a r d s 5 8 // o w n e r P r o f i L e : B i L L m u n r o


Louay Habib

6 2 // d e s t i n a t i o n t a h i t i

Graeme Lay

6 8 // n o . 1 o n m y B u c k e t L i s t

Melanie Sibley

7 0 // t h e c h i L e a n c h a n n e L s

Steve Powell

7 8 // o w n e r P r o f i L e : g e r d k ö h L m o o s

Detlef Jens

8 3 // s a i L f o r g o L d B a L L 8 4 // o y s t e r w o r L d r a L L y


8 6 // s o u t h a m P t o n y a c h t s e r V i c e s 8 8 // o y s t e r a t t h e B o a t s h o w s 9 0 // t h e r o a r i n g f o r t i e s

Mike and Devala Robinson

1 0 0 // s a f e t y a t s e a : V o r t e c m a r i n e 1 0 4 // n e w P o r t B e r m u d a r a c e

Barry Pickthall

1 0 8 // o y s t e r y a c h t s P a L m a 1 1 0 // a n e w c h a P t e r f o r e c L a n d a m o r e 1 1 6 // o n t h e i r w a y

summer 2012


FRONT COVER The Oyster 625 Blue Jeannie at anchor, Costa Smeralda, Sardinia. Photo: Mike Jones, Waterline Media. EDITOR Liz Whitman CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Barry Pickthall Detlef Jens Louay Habib PRODUCTION EDITOR Rebecca Twiss

FROM THE EDITOR: We publish the Oyster magazine twice a year and we know from our readers that the articles they most enjoy about reading are the contributions from Oyster owners. If you have a story to tell or information about cruising in your Oyster please let us know. Photographs are always welcome. E: liz.whitman@oysteryachts.com or rebecca.twiss@oysteryachts.com

The Oyster magazine is published by Oyster Marine Ltd. The publication is for promotional purpose only, privately circulated, and cannot form part of any contract or offer. Views, details and information herein are therefore not necessarily endorsed by the publisher who will not be held responsible for the consequences of any error or omission. Pictures and illustrations are liable to show non standard equipment. Oyster magazine is published by FMS Publishing on behalf of Oyster Marine Limited. FMS Publishing Nigel Fulcher: Managing Director Irene Mateides: Publishing Director Mark Welby: Creative Director Kathryn Giornali: Project Manager James Randall and the design team Mark Gentry, Mark Lacey and the production team



summer 2012


AN OLYmPIC INsPIrATION I write this welcome to the latest Oyster news on the morning after the

we compete in a tough market, which faces consolidation and there are

opening ceremony of the 30th Olympiad in London, inspired by having

many stories of failure, whether relatively new entrants or established

had the privilege to attend the ceremony with my family, wondering like

players. As the athletes and judges confirmed their oaths in the opening

many parents, whether these Olympics will create a spark of desire to

ceremony not to cheat or encourage unfair play in anyway, Jacques Rogge,

embrace Olympism in our offspring. I was proud to be British last night and

the IOC President, reminded us that, “Honour is determined not by

am very proud to be leading a great British company, Oyster. The opening

whether you win, but by how you compete. Character counts far more

ceremony was a celebration of Britain’s greatest achievements at home and

than medals.” I believe this is as good a corporate mission statement as

through exports and here at Oyster we embody this eclectic, self-effacing

any and, as Oyster moves forward, we’ll value both our clients and staff

and creative energy. Our new yachts bring new ideas to the sailing world

with this in mind.

and, just as Britain holds to its values behind the hugely cosmopolitan nature of our capital city, Oyster maintains a consistent focus. we will

The enviable Oyster Club of exclusive events for owners expands and

always strive to build seaworthy yachts that are stylish and comfortable yet,

matures each year. with three regattas in 2012, the Oyster world Rally

most importantly, safe for bluewater cruising anywhere.

starting in Antigua in January 2013 and our 40th Anniversary Dinner in the world famous Painted Hall in Greenwich in May 2013, never has it been

Our shareholding structure has changed in the background, with all the

more obvious that you can go sailing on whatever yacht you choose, but

acquisition debt of the recent era under private equity ownership now

to do it in style and comfort, safe in the knowledge of decades of sound

written off, and we move forward with a strong balance sheet, proudly

engineering, and with like-minded friends, you need to own an Oyster!

a British brand, and proud to be a small part of the heritage of British exports. Faster, Higher, Stronger is the Olympic motto and at Oyster we

I close by borrowing a line from Lord Coe’s Olympic speech,

are always working hard to improve and lift our game. Our order book is

”Achieving more than you could have imagined.” Surely a great motto

strong with 2 yachts in various stages, from awaiting moulding to nearing

for anyone setting out for their first offshore sailing adventure!

handover and we will have a profitable 2012. Brokerage sales are at our highest level ever, with pre-owned Oysters selling across the range.

Sincere regards to you all.

we’ve opened our office in Palma de Mallorca, setting out an even stronger support network, lifting our game again in customer service, charter and brokerage services. with the support of our new investors we have been able to implement our strategy to bring all fit-out of our Deck Saloon range of yachts in-house. ‘Oyster Yachts’ is now our wholly owned operation in norfolk, complementing our operation in Southampton. I express our thanks to Anthony Landamore and his team at E C Landamore and to Trevor and Oliver James and their team at windboats for their joint

David Tydeman,

contribution to the success Oyster has enjoyed over the last 40 years.

CEO Oyster Group

summer 2012


oyster life 74 murray aitken – 25 years and 240 oysters! Although as a company, Oyster is renowned for the loyalty of its long-serving staff, there aren’t many people in the marine industry who can claim to have served 25 years with the same company, but Oyster’s ‘super salesman’, Murray

oyster Caribbean regattas 2013-2015

Aitken, has done just that. Having joined the company in 1987, it wasn’t long before Murray proved his sales prowess in securing a number of new build Oyster contracts, the first of many being

World PremiÈres for neW oyster 725 and oyster 885

an Oyster Heritage 37. There are

not content with launching one new Oyster yacht this year, Oyster will

professionals in the UK’s yacht

be celebrating the launch of two new Oyster models when the new

building industry. To celebrate, and

Oyster 725, makes her première at the Amsterdam Boat Show, before

to prove he isn’t going to be ‘putting

her UK debut at the PSP Southampton Boat Show. Also making her

his fountain pen away any time

world debut, before she sets off on her round-the-world voyage, will

soon’, Murray is completing the final

be the first of the striking, new Oyster 885s, the largest Oyster built at

negotiations for his 240th contract

the Oyster Group’s Southampton yard. Although the Oyster 885 will not

for the build of a new Oyster 825 for

be on display to visitors at the boat show, she will be making regular

a client buying his first Oyster yacht,

‘sail pasts’ of the show marina and is certain to be an impressive sight on

which we expect will be signed by

the water. Oyster 885-01 will be handed over to Formula 1 racing pundit

the time you read Oyster news!

Eddie Jordan’s family trust soon after the Southampton show.

many Oyster owners afloat today who have helped make Murray one of the most successful and respected

Grenada: 8-13 April 2013 we are delighted to confirm we are returning to Grenada in 2013 for our annual Caribbean regatta where Port Louis and Le Phare Bleu marinas will, again, host the event. Oyster’s 2011 regatta in Grenada was a huge success and we look forward to returning to this most beautiful of the Spice Islands where participants can expect a very warm welcome. Antigua: 7-11 April 2014 Our 2014 Antigua Regatta is timed to coincide with the celebration party to mark the end of Oyster’s first world Rally in Antigua in April 2014, and we hope participants arriving for the Regatta will join with the world Rally crews for the grand finale party in nelson’s Dockyard, to be be held over the weekend of 5- April 2014, where we could well see a fleet of nearly 50 Oysters! British Virgin Islands: 13-18 April 2015 Always a popular location with Oyster owners, the British Virgin Islands provide some of the most beautiful cruising grounds in the Caribbean, we look forward to returning there in 2015. For further information please contact Rebecca Twiss e: rebecca.twiss@oysteryachts.com


summer 2012

We are reCruiting... we are expanding our sales team in response to increasing demand from international markets for Oyster yachts and are seeking two senior sales professionals, one to be UK based and one to be based in our new offices in Palma, Mallorca. The successful candidates will probably be experienced yachtsmen, and will certainly be familiar with building discreet relationships with high net worth individuals and confident in selling

oyster World rally – round tWo!

a luxury, lifestyle product. Although

we said we wouldn’t announce

experience of selling yachts is

another Oyster world Rally until we

preferable, applicants who can

had at least started the first one in

demonstrate sales success in luxury

January 2013. However, due to the

property, private aircraft or similar

enthusiasm for the first event and

sectors are welcome to apply.

the numerous enquiries about the

whilst a good standard of written and spoken English is required, fluency in European

next one we have decided to start planning for it anyway! we invite Oyster owners to let us

languages is a priority. Technical

know if they are interested in taking

awareness and exposure to the

part and confirming their preference

Central European, Mediterranean

for a start in January 2015 or January

and Russian markets would also be

201 . Please contact Jacqui Kotze

an advantage.

if you would like to be added to the preliminary entry list without

Applications with full details

obligation. we will announce the

of relevant experience to David

start date early in 2013, soon after

Tydeman, Oyster Group CEO.

the first rally is underway.

e: recruitment@oysteryachts.com

E: jacqui.kotze@oysteryachts.com

royal Honour for oyster suPPlier Heirlooms Congratulations to Oyster supplier Heirlooms Ltd, one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of bespoke fine linens, which has been awarded a much coveted gift from the Royal Family, joining the ranks of less than 200 companies honoured with holding the grant of ‘The Prince of wales Royal warrant’. Heirlooms is already, ‘By appointment to Her Majesty the Queen’, supplying linens to several of the royal households. Founded in 1984 by Elizabeth Murray MBE, Heirlooms Ltd has also been supplying their beautiful fine linens and accessories to Oyster Yachts for nearly 20 years. www.heirlooms-ltd.com

reCord fleet of oysters to Cross tHe atlantiC The annual Atlantic Rally for Cruisers has always attracted a big fleet of Oysters, with over 250 yachts having taken part in the event since 198 . This year a record 24 Oysters will join the 2012 ARC fleet with another 12 Oysters, making their way to Antigua for the start of the Oyster world Rally, setting out from Las Palmas a week before. with 3 Oyster yachts to take care of, Oyster’s five-man Service and Support Team will be resident in Las Palmas for the whole of november to provide our owners with full technical support ahead of their Atlantic crossing.

summer 2012



oyster life 74

J-Class order for sPirit yaCHts Congratulations to our classic yacht-building neighbours in Ipswich, Spirit Yachts, for securing what must be one of the most exciting and prized new build contracts of 2012 for the construction of a new J-Class yacht for a US-based syndicate of investors and sailing enthusiasts. To be named Cheveyo, the yacht will carry the sail number J1 and will be built in collaboration with Sparkman & Stephens to the RAnGER 77B design, one of the original series of six designs submitted by Starling Burgess and Olin Stephens to Harold Vanderbilt for the defense of the 1937 America’s Cup. we look forward to following her progress and wish Spirit Yachts every success with this fantastic project.

oyster 625 – sHe’s a Winner! we always knew the Oyster 25 was a really special yacht and it seems

PHiliP sCully in memoriam

that our customers and the yachting industry agree.

It was with much sadness at Oyster

succession of Oysters for Starry

‘Best Luxury Cruiser’ in the 2012 European Yacht of the Year awards

that we learnt of the sudden death

Night’s owner. He was much

of Philip Scully, long-term captain

admired and loved by the Oyster

of the well-travelled Oyster 82

community and all those who sailed

Starry Night of the Caribbean and

on Starry Night.

much-respected Cork yachtsman. Starry Night was on its way to the UK from Antigua when Philip became unwell and, despite the efforts of the well-trained and equipped crew and the full-time support from Dr Spike Briggs of MSOS, Philip died in the early hours of 22 May. Philip started his professional career skippering Oyster yachts for the late Bernie Cahill, before moving on to a



summer 2012

The new Oyster 25 was honoured with the prestigious title of announced on the first day of the Düsseldorf Boat Show. The winner was selected by a jury of journalists from eleven major European magazines in the marine industry. After exhaustive evaluation and testing – which took place in Ijmuiden in some very unseasonable September weather, with winds gusting 50 knots – and assessment of all the criteria of the nominated yachts, this spectacular, designed by Rob Humphreys, Oyster 25 was voted number one in the Best Luxury Cruiser category, beating some stiff competition to take this esteemed accolade. In May, the Oyster 25 received a further accolade when she won the prestigious ‘Best Production Sailing Yacht’ award in the 15m to 30m category of the 2012 Asia Boating Awards, adding to the many tributes this fantastic yacht has already received. The award was presented to Oyster’s Hong Kong based representative, Bart Kimman, during a glittering ceremony at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Hong Kong. See pages 28-33 for more information about the award winning Oyster 625.

naVal banQuet to Celebrate oyster’s 40 years

oyster eVents 2012

In addition to organising our world Rally as a special event for Oyster’s

HisWa in-Water show

orust open yards event 24 – 2 August

40th Anniversary, we invite Oyster owners to join us at a very special naval Banquet to be held in the Painted Hall of The Royal naval College in London on Friday 3 May 2013. Often described as the finest dining hall in Europe, the Painted Hall, designed by Sir Christopher wren and nicholas Hawksmoor and decorated by the artist James Thornhill between

4 – 9 September

oyster style by Harrods

festival de la Plaisance – Cannes 12 – 17 September

newport boat show 13 – 1 September

1708 and 1727, is without doubt the finest painted architectural interior by

For the second year running,

an English artist. with all its associations with British maritime history, it is

Oyster invited the design team at

southampton boat show

a fitting venue for Oyster’s 40th Anniversary dinner. Further details will be

The Studio at Harrods to style the

14 – 23 September

sent out to owners later this year, but if you would like more information,

interior of two of the yachts on

or to register your interest in attending please contact Samantha Kirk

display at our annual Private View

oyster brokerage autumn show southampton

e: samantha.kirk@oysteryachts.com

in St Katharine Docks, London.

14 – 23 September

Armed with a Harrods van full of

oyster Private View – Palma

soft furnishings and accessories by

22 – 23 September

leading design houses, including

oyster regatta – Palma

Frette, Prouna and Ralph Lauren amongst others, the results on the new Oyster 25 and Oyster 72 at the show were nothing short of stunning. www.thestudioatharrods.com

25 – 29 September

annapolis sailboat sho w 4 – 8 October

genoa boat show – 14 October

Hamburg boat show 27 October – 4 november

Hamburg owners’ dinner 27 October

oyster arC Party 22 november

arC start 25 november

oyster eVents 2013

ski-sail fun in gstaad Our fourth annual entry in this fun event comprised a new team of event stalwarts: Oyster CEO David Tydeman and Oyster supporter Grant Gordon, with Klaas Meertens, one of Oyster’s new shareholders and two long-standing Oyster owners, Dick Morgan ( 55 Blue Destiny) and John Marshall (5 Rock Oyster). The Oyster ski team achieved 10th out of 22 teams

oyster World rally start January

london boat show 12 – 20 January

boot düsseldorf 19 – 27 January

oyster regatta – grenada 8 April – 13 April

in the downhill slalom ski racing, allowing Grant and

oyster 40th anniversary dinner

David a jump-through to round three in the model

3 May

yacht racing, before reaching the quarter-finals, only to be beaten by the eventual winners. Out of the 44 sailors taking part in the model

oyster eVents 2014

champions in fleets ranging from Farr 40s, Melges 32s, IRC boats to Optimists! This was a top quality event, and with

oyster World rally grand finale Party – antigua

Gstaad Yacht Club now the organising club for the Swiss Olympic team in weymouth this year, some great profiling

5 – April

for Oyster in the Swiss sailing community. John Marshall kept the team amused with his relentless impersonations

oyster regatta – antigua

yacht racing, the organisers pointed out that nearly a third were either Olympians, world champions or national

of Tommy Cooper such that Tommy’s famous punchline “Thank you… Sir” became the team motto, which certainly

7 – 11 April

confused all the other teams!

summer 2012







PursuIT OYsTer reGATTA bVI 2012



summer 2012

summer 2012





summer 2012


summed up Oyster’s

Regatta in the BVI at the final prize giving: “This has been one of the most friendly and enjoyable regattas of the 28 events we have organised over the last 11 years. The sailing conditions have been nothing short of superb and the feedback coming from the Oyster owners is unanimous: the racecourses have provided a blend of amazing scenery and challenging sailing with close competition within the fleet. It has been especially pleasing to see nine Oyster owners attending their first Oyster Regatta and we hope that the experience will encourage them to become regular visitors to Oyster events.” A fleet of 25 stunning examples of the Oyster range of yachts gathered in the idyllic Caribbean setting of the British Virgin Islands for the 28th

Chris and Susan Shea, proud owners of Oyster 72 Magrathea are regular

event in the Oyster Regatta series. The dockside at nanny Cay Marina

visitors to Oyster Regattas. The Magrathea crew consists of Shea family

was a hive of activity prior to racing, as crews meticulously prepared their

members and their yacht has been in the Caribbean since crossing the

yachts for the Concours d’Elégance with prizes supplied by Pelagos Yachts.

Atlantic last november. “The name Magrathea is an imaginary planet

The magnificent Oyster fleet was given a very warm welcome by the team

from the radio series A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” laughed Chris.

at nanny Cay Marina, a glorious safe haven on the south west coast of

“It’s really poking fun at life and we have a lot of enjoyment with our

Tortola, where the Oyster Customer Service team was in attendance to

Oyster so it seems very apt; we even have the number 42 on our

assist the fleet for several days prior to the start of the regatta.

spinnaker. In the radio series, the number 42 is the answer to the ultimate question of life and sailing our Oyster is ultimately what we love to do!

Proving that Oyster regattas are as popular as ever, this year’s BVI Regatta

we really like the BVI: they have some fabulous scenery and there are so

showcased 12 different examples of the distinctive Oyster range, from

many places and islands to visit, all very close by.”

the Oyster 46 to the Oyster 82. The fleet included many regular attendees but also nine Oysters and their owners coming to an Oyster regatta for

Oyster Regattas are organised exclusively for owners and their guests

the first time. Oyster owners and their guests gathered at the renowned

and besides well-managed racing, the fleet benefits from world-class

Peg Legs Restaurant for a complimentary cocktail party, generously

customer service and technical support, provided by the experienced

sponsored by nanny Cay Marina, which was followed by an excellent

Oyster Customer Support team and their regatta partners: Dolphin Sails,

Caribbean buffet. Conversation centered on the week ahead, especially

Formula Marine, Lewmar, Pantaenius, Pelagos Yachts, Raymarine,

the fantastic experience of meandering through the gorgeous islands and

Reckmann and Yachting world. »

the fabulous parties at spectacular venues. The British Virgin Islands consist of over 60 tropical islands of breathtaking beauty, which are considered to be some of the best cruising grounds anywhere in the world.

summer 2012




The dramatic passageway between Tortola and St John was an impressive sight, as colourful spinnakers were hoisted aloft in bright sunshine. The impressive Oyster fleet enjoyed a relaxed start to the regatta, gliding through crystal blue waters at a gentle pace. After passing through The Cut, fresher conditions from the north ensured an invigorating tight reach past Soper’s Hole. An exhilarating ride to picturesque Sandy Cay on the dramatic island of Jost Van Dyke marked the end of a thoroughly enjoyable race. In Class 2, Ross Applebey’s Oyster Lw48 Scarlet Oyster was the eventual winner but only just, as eight seconds separated the vintage Oyster from John McTigue’s Oyster 56, Blue Dreams. Stephen and Aileen Hyde’s



Oyster 56 A Lady had a splendid duel with Blue Dreams right around the course to claim third place. A special mention for the Oyster 55 Xiuma owned by Virginia Lee and Jonathan wehrung, who were making their debut at an Oyster Regatta and showed great spirit and goodwill by


completing the course. no doubt these attributes will stand them in good stead and improve their boat speed for future regattas.

A light easterly breeze got racing underway, right on schedule for the

In Class 1, Oyster 82 Starry Night of the Caribbean got the best start of the

first race of the Oyster Regatta BVI to the enchanting Cane Garden Bay.

day but it was another Oyster 82 that was victorious. william B. Dockser’s

Oyster CEO David Tydeman, acting as Race Officer for the week, chose

Ravenous II was extremely quick, finishing three minutes ahead of

to send the Oyster fleet on an 11-mile course with a downwind start

their close rival the Oyster 82 Rivendell of Wight, owned by Robin and

through The Cut, west of nanny Cay.

Carla Stoop. Chris and Susan Shea’s beautiful Oyster 72, Magrathea



summer 2012

left » Oyster LW48 scarlet Oyster leading the fleet.

r i gh t » beach party at Cane Garden bay; Folding away the mainsail on the Oyster 82 ravenous II ; Peter and melinda Darbee’s Oyster 62 mystic Pearl ; Crew aboard Virginia Lee’s Oyster HP55 Xiuma .

claimed third place. Racing in Class 2, Angela and Richard Parkinson,

Sophistikate’s start to the regatta did not go according to plan, as a

owners of Oyster 575 Sophistikate, which was launched last summer,

problem with the spinnaker furler resulted in a withdrawal from the race.

were joined by their son Oscar who is studying for his A-levels and

However, Matthew Vincent of Dolphin Sails had already anticipated their

Sophistikate’s Oyster Project Manager, Paul Griffiths. “Our previous yacht

need for assistance and was ready to come aboard as soon as Sophistikate

was an Oyster 46 which we owned for five years and cruised out of

arrived in Cane Garden Bay. Matthew was greeted like an old friend when

Ramsgate, Kent, to destinations in France and occasionally further

he came on board and he took his time not only to fix the problem but

afield,” explains Richard. “we loved the yacht and really enjoyed sailing

also to enjoy a cold beer with the Parkinsons after the job was done.

her but we wanted to explore more of the world under sail and when

Young Oscar took the opportunity afforded by the maintenance work to

the Oyster 575 became available, it was just the ideal set-up for us.

go for an adrenalin pumping wakeboard session much to the admiration

working with Paul (Griffiths), our Project Manager at Oyster, we made

of the Oyster fleet anchored in the bay.

some personal changes to the original design, including a bunk for Oscar that converts to a sofa and various other small but important

The evening’s entertainment was provided with perfection, enjoying

details. By planning the layout of the yacht before it was built, we have

cocktails on the beach and watching the sunset over Jost Van Dyke.

tailored-made features that complement its appearance but actually

The staff at Myett’s beachside restaurant provided an enthusiastic

cost very little to implement.”

welcome, as they happily served drinks and delicious appetisers to the Oyster family. A splendid barbecue was to follow, with a traditional pig

Angela, Richard and Oscar Parkinson crossed the Atlantic with

roast and other Caribbean delights such as baked plantain, local fish and

Sophistikate in the 2011 ARC and it was a fantastic experience, as

for the slightly more adventurous, goat curry. The atmosphere of the first

Angela explains: “To be honest I was very nervous about the trip and

Oyster party of the regatta was made even more magical with the smooth

would never have even considered crossing a vast ocean in anything

sounds of an excellent jazz band playing soulful classics from the likes of

but a totally reliable yacht, but it was a life changing experience and I

Grover washington Jr and Quincy Jones. »

thoroughly enjoyed our 16 days at sea.”

summer 2012



r O s s A P P L e b e Y ’ s O Y s T e r L W 4 8 , Scarlet Oyster, was built in 1987 and comes from an era when the Lw48 and Lw395 were built by Oyster for one-design racing and hence are very different from the worldrenowned Deck Saloon range that Oyster is now so famous for. Ross and his team on Scarlet Oyster enjoyed the beat and sailed intelligently to win for the second day in a row. In Class 2 a tremendously close battle for second took place between two Oyster 575s. Richard and Angela Parkinson’s Sophistikate and Bill Munro’s Boarding Pass III were often side-by-side right up the beat, each


comfortably beating to windward at over seven knots, demonstrating excellent performance. It was not until the last few miles that Sophistikate managed to get a few boat lengths ahead by pointing better to windward to take second place in the race. Boarding Pass III owner Bill Munro is chairman of a highly successful travel business. Barrhead Travel employs 600 people and for the last two years has been listed by The Sunday Times as one of the top 100 companies to work for.





“I am very competitive, I want to win every time I race, it’s just my nature. However it is important to enjoy the sailing as well and I love getting out

The Oyster Regatta BVI continued with a tactically challenging

on the water with Susan and our friends and today was a great race,

18-mile race to the Bitter End Yacht Club on the beautiful island of

thoroughly enjoyable. we bought the yacht eighteen months ago and

Virgin Gorda. The majority of the race was a beat to the north of Tortola,

due to business commitments I haven’t sailed as much as I would have

around Guana Island and Great Camanoe with a finish in the vicinity of

liked but if we can get the time, I think our next adventure will be to

Scrub Island. The big decision was whether to stay offshore or to play

explore the eastern seaboard of the States. Susan and I have been to a

the coast in search of lifts from the spectacular cliffs along the remote

few ports along that coast and we really like it there, so it would be nice

shoreline. The course exposed the fleet to open sea and the breeze

to experience a few more places that we haven’t been to before.”

piped up to as much as 15 knots in the gusts. In Class 1, the Oyster 82 Starry Night of the Caribbean sailed well to take There was some very close sailing within the fleet, a fantastic sight as the

the gun, which gave the crew much satisfaction. Michael Hahn’s Oyster

graceful Oyster yachts swapped tacks, making gains and losses like a game

655 Matawai was second with Michael Jones’ Oyster 655 Blue Horizon,

of snakes and ladders. For some, the race took as long as four hours but

third. The two Oyster 655s enjoyed the beat and exhibited great all-round

the rewards for making the finish was a warm welcome in one of the most

performance, thanks to their powerful hull form and great stability.

magnificent settings in the Caribbean. Virgin Gorda is located in the north Sound, an archipelago of stunning islands forming the eastern extent of

At the prize giving, John Glynn, VP of Sales and Marketing at Bitter End,

the Caribbean. One of the most remarkable features is ‘The Baths’ located

extended a warm welcome to the 160 Oyster owners and their guests.

on the southern end of the island. These unusual geologic formations

“This is the sixth time that Oyster has come to the Bitter End Yacht Club

echo the island’s volcanic origins, as huge granite boulders lie in piles on

and we are delighted to welcome you all. Please make yourself at home

the beach, forming scenic grottoes that are open to the sea. After racing,

during your stay. All of the club’s facilities are at your disposal.” A splendid

several yachts chose to cool off at The Baths before mooring at the Bitter

cocktail party and barbecue was to follow at the Almond walk Restaurant,

End Yacht Club, where berthing had been arranged for the Oyster fleet.

which was extremely well received by the Oyster family. A beautiful moonlit night with a fresh breeze cooling the night-time air, with good company, excellent food and live music, the Oyster Regatta BVI was a special place to be. »



summer 2012

c lo c k w i s e  Junior sailor/gymnast from Oyster 66 Valentine; Crew of ravenous II , The Oyster 82 starry Night ; Close racing between the magrathea and starry Night ; sam Chandler, owner of Oyster 56 Champlain ; The beautiful bitter end Yacht Club, Virgin Gorda; bill munro’s Oyster 575 boarding Pass III ; The Nobels Oyster 655 Neki.

summer 2012




st John

Cane Garden bay


scrub Island

= race 1 = race 2 = race 3 = race 4



summer 2012


Necker Island


summer 2012



04 Day04:



Dazzling conditions were the order of the day for the third race of the Oyster Regatta BVI. with 15 knots of steady trade winds, flat water and brilliant sunshine, the Oyster fleet enjoyed a magnificent race around the scenic island of Virgin Gorda and its outlying islands. Oyster CEO David Tydeman addressed the Oyster owners at the skippers’ briefing


and concluded that the race would commence in the narrow confines of the north Sound before the fleet would burst out into the exposed yet utterly sublime waters of the western approach to the stunningly beautiful archipelago. There can truly be few places on earth as beautiful to sail as the Virgin Islands when the wind blows and the sun shines. After a fabulous close reach to necker Island, the Oyster flotilla bore away southwest, unfurling spinnakers in gleaming sunshine to accelerate through the electric blue ocean swell. The Oyster family had a memorable experience, surfing six-foot waves in warm air with the spectacular views of Fallen Jerusalem and a close passage past The Baths. It really was sailing at its best.



Ross Applebey’s Oyster Lw48 Scarlet Oyster again raced with great precision and tactical awareness to take the gun. However, with one race left to sail, there was a tremendously close finish expected for the


12 Deck Saloon Oysters racing in Class 2. From Ireland, Stephen and Aileen Hyde’s Oyster 56 A Lady was victorious and, having scored well in all three races, became the new class leader, taking over pole position

The Bitter End Yacht Club on Virgin Gorda is the ultimate sailors’ paradise

from Scotland’s Bill Munro’s Oyster 575 Boarding Pass III. Marshall Glynn’s

for a day ashore. A Caribbean cocktail of warm air, blue sea and fantastic

Oyster 49 Norman gIII had a superb race, gaining their first podium

facilities provided a perfect setting for a day away from racing at the

position of the regatta. However, Class 2 proved to be very competitive

Oyster Regatta BVI. Oyster owners and their guests took part in a variety

as typified by Ian Galbraith, skipper of Jigsaw, whose Oyster 53 took the

of pursuits including dinghy racing in the north Sound, snorkelling in

‘First to Cross the Line’ prize with pride and a rapturous applause from

Eustatia Sound and visiting the outstanding facilities along Almond walk.

the Oyster family at the prize-giving that evening.

Emma Hermanek of the Bitter End Yacht Club did a sterling job as acting Race Officer for the Laser and Hobie wave racing. A good-natured few hours of friendly competition with plenty of banter ensued. Taking part were 14 different teams of owners and crew from six different Oysters. Starry Night of the Caribbean, Blue Horizon of London, NaughtyNes, Ravenous II, Valentine and Scarlet Oyster. Starry Night of the Caribbean was the victor in both classes but all of the sailors enjoyed the impromptu dinghy racing. Several yacht crews took the opportunity of exploring the enchanting surroundings of north Sound, including the newly built YCCS Clubhouse and Marina on Virgin Gorda.



summer 2012

IN CLAss 1, OYsTer 82

Starry Night sailed well yet again to take line

honours and the corrected-time win. However, Chris and Susan Shea’s Oyster 72 Magrathea was so very close to winning the race. John noble’s Oyster 655 Neki took third place and received a huge round of applause at the prize-giving. John and his wife had never raced before, let alone attended an Oyster Regatta but their eagerness to learn and passion for sailing really shone through in the race around Virgin Gorda. After racing, the Oyster fleet bid a fond farewell to the Bitter End Yacht Club. John Glynn, VP of Sales and Marketing was quick to thank the Oyster family. “It is such a pleasure to have the Oyster owners and their guests at the Bitter End. By coincidence, it is interesting to know that Oyster Yachts was established in 1973, the same year that the Hokins family purchased the land that the Bitter End Yacht Club stands on today. Our club and Oyster have similar values: friendship, loyalty and first class service and I am sure that many in the Oyster family will return and I can assure you that we will always be delighted to see you.” After the Dolphin Sails Race around Virgin Gorda, the Oyster fleet moored stern-to at the fabulous new superyacht dock at the YCCS


Virgin Gorda. The Caribbean clubhouse of the famous Sardinian yacht club is absolutely spectacular and probably the most luxurious anywhere in the Caribbean. Set in a divine landscape of tropical plants and granite boulders, the clubhouse amenities include an infinity pool with a gleaming teak bar and a view across the north Sound that takes your breath away. »

left » Caribbean entertainment at the YCCs party.

right » An overnight stop for the Oyster fleet at the magnificent YCCs Virgin Gorda.

summer 2012



05 Day05:



For the final race of the Oyster Regatta BVI, the Oyster fleet enjoyed a passage race to return to nanny Cay Marina. However, light winds necessitated a shorter course. Starting in the north Sound, a route around The Dogs then passed the western shore of Virgin Gorda, Fallen Jerusalem and Ginger Island where a finish line was laid. These islands offer mesmerizing vistas of extraordinary beauty but also tactically challenging wind shifts and current eddies. In Class 1, the Oyster 82 Ravenous II, timed the line to perfection but this was a very competitive start, especially between Chase Leavitt’s Oyster 72 Holo Kai and Oyster 82 Starry Night of the Caribbean. The two powerful yachts were side by side through the line, just a few metres apart. Holo Kai managed to squeeze out Starry Night of the Caribbean and took up the early lead in the race. Chris and Susan Shea’s Oyster 72 Magrathea chose to stay further to the right of the course after the start and it looked like a good choice. The graceful Oyster had better boat speed than those fighting for air in the wind shadow of The Dogs. Starry Night of the Caribbean managed to get into clear air first and powered away to win by some margin. Magrathea and Ravenous II had a tremendous battle for second place and not just for the race but also for overall runner up.



summer 2012

Both yachts crossed the finish line together to score the same finish time. It had been a fascinating duel lasting over two hours. However, after time correction, Magrathea claimed second in class with Ravenous II third. Taking a hat trick of wins, Starry Night of the Caribbean was declared overall winner of Class 1. Their crew boss John Burnie explained his thoughts: “It is just such a fabulous place to come for a regatta and I have to say that the courses have been excellent, hats off to Oyster. The event has really delighted Starry Night’s crew and of course our owner, his family and guests. It is very satisfying to win but these regattas are all about enjoyment and I can safely say that we have had immense fun racing around the BVI.”

“ THIs Is THe FIrsT OYsTer reGATTA THAT We HAVe COmPeTeD IN AND I musT sAY THAT THe FrIeNDLINess AND HOsPITALITY HAVe beeN FANTAsTIC.” In Class 1, a special mention went to the two Oyster 655s: Michael Jones’ Blue Horizon and John noble’s Neki, which came fourth and fifth respectively. Blue Horizon was competing in only their second regatta and Neki their first, and both yachts scored the same number of net points. However, Blue Horizon won the duel by virtue of a better result (but only by one place!) in the last race. Also in Class 1, two Oyster 66s, Valentine and Forever Young, had a tremendous battle for the line. Both yachts had young children on board that had become friends during the regatta. Forever Young crossed the line first but Valentine won the match after time correction. In Class 2, Ross Applebey’s Lw48 Scarlet Oyster was again untouchable, scoring their fourth win in a row by some distance. Ross was the youngest owner at the regatta but his team’s performance showed great maturity and the extensive amount of racing experience was a big factor in their victory. “This is the first Oyster Regatta that we have competed in and I must say that the friendliness and hospitality have been fantastic,” said Ross. “I was especially delighted that David Tydeman was at our table for the final dinner party but also the warm words of congratulation from

left » Close racing between the Oyster 46 NaughtyNes and Oyster 655 Neki

r i gh t » merle Gilmore’s Oyster 66, Lady Tara ; Caribbean steel band at myetts, Cane Garden bay

Oyster owners have shown me the spirit of Oyster is first class. A very big thank you to everyone who has been racing and of course to the Oyster team. This regatta has been a very special one for Scarlet Oyster.” In Class 2, Stephen and Aileen Hyde’s Oyster 56 A Lady did not win a single race but their consistent form produced the best set of results from the Oyster Deck Saloon division to secure victory for the Irish team. The A Lady team were all from Ireland and they took great delight in accepting the winner’s trophy and also the accolade of becoming one of the many Oysters that have circumnavigated the world’s oceans. »

summer 2012



r i gh t »

05 Day05



this regatta has been excellent,” exclaimed

michael Jones and Georgina Godolphin’s Oyster 655 blue Horizon of London .

b elo w » Guests of the Oyster 56 Power of Two enjoying the Prizegiving Dinner.

Sponsored by Pelagos Yachts, Declan O’Sullivan was on hand to give out the prizes and the winners in Class 1 were Merle Gilmore’s Oyster 66 Lady Tara and Michael Jones and Georgina Godolphin’s Oyster 655 Blue Horizon. In Class 2, George and Sam Chandler’s Oyster 56 Champlain and Richard and Angela Parkinson’s Oyster 575 Sophistikate were awarded prizes for their immaculate yachts. After the prize-giving ceremony, there were smiles all round as nearly 200 guests enjoyed a sumptuous formal dinner. The Oyster family had enjoyed excellent sailing conditions, amazing scenery and a fabulous extravaganza of parties at some of the BVI’s finest locations.

Stephen Hyde. “I have to say that sailing 45,000 miles has been good practice for the event but winning isn’t everything. There are so many

Owner of Oyster 72 Holo Kai, Chase Leavitt had sailed a long way to

good people at Oyster Regattas. I thought that the last Caribbean

compete. Manhattan Beach in California is over 3,500 miles from the BVI.

regatta was a great occasion and this one has certainly at least matched it.

Chase summed up the spirit of the regatta: “we have had a great time.

I have now sailed the world but I can say that there are few places as

we didn’t come here to win, we came to have some fun with good

delightful to sail as the BVI, especially at an Oyster Regatta. It has been

friends and we definitely achieved that. I think our best manoeuvre of

a memorable occasion.”

the week was after the finish: we anchored off Cooper Island, had some cheeseburgers and went swimming, which I have got to say was a tactical

Second place in Class 2 went to Richard and Angela Parkinson’s Oyster 575

master stroke! Thank you to all of the Holo Kai team. The name means

Sophistikate, which finished in fine style winning the battle of the deck

seafarer in Hawaiian and comes from a place that my wife Marla and I

saloons, taking the last race of the event by over three minutes on corrected

hold dear but we are regular visitors to the BVI. we love the atmosphere

time and securing second overall, in a highly competitive class.

and the variety of islands so close together makes it a very interesting place to visit.”

Three yachts had the same net points after four races but Sophistikate was declared second by virtue of their final result. John McTigue’s Oyster 56

The next Oyster Regatta will be a truly special event, hosted by the Royal

Blue Dreams was third ahead of Bill Munro’s Oyster 575 Boarding Pass III.

Yacht Squadron in Cowes on 9-14 July. Following that, the Oyster fleet will

Unfortunately the Scottish team on Boarding Pass III could not compete

return to Palma at the end of the summer, when many of the yachts on the

in the final race as a spinnaker wrap had damaged their main sail

Oyster world Rally will be gathering to make their way across to the

mechanism but every cloud has a silver lining, as Bill Munro explains: “It was difficult to watch the fleet leave this morning but I was pleased to hear from Paul Bateman (Oyster 56 Stardust of Burnham) later in the day. I think that Paul showed the true spirit of Oyster when he offered me a replacement for the broken part, which he had as a spare. we meet other Oyster owners on our travels and we always try to help each other and Paul’s kindness is a marvellous example of that.” On the final night of the Oyster Regatta BVI, a prize-giving party was held at nanny Cay. Set right on the beach, under a carpet of stars, there was wave after wave of applause as the prize winners were announced. Oyster owners and their crew, take enormous pride in meticulously preparing and maintaining their yachts, ably assisted by the Oyster team who offer unparalleled worldwide support. Probably one of the biggest cheers of the night was for the winners of the Concours d’Elégance.



summer 2012

Caribbean for the start of that event in Antigua on 6 January 2013. »


summer 2012



r A C e 01: sponsored by Lewmar CLAss 1 1st

Ravenous II


William B. Dockser


Rivendell of Wight


Robin & Carla Stoop




Chris & Susan Shea




John and Anji Noble


Ross Applebey

CLAss 2 1st

Scarlet Oyster

C L A s s 2 (Deck saloon) 1st

Blue Dreams


John McTigue


A Lady


Stephen & Aileen Hyde


Boarding Pass III


Bill Munro & Susan Harris


Power of Two


Benjamin Jackson (Skipper)

r A C e 02 : sponsored by raymarine CLAss 1

Concours d’elégance Presented by Pelagos Yachts CLAss 1


Starry Night of the Caribbean


Starry Yachts Ltd




Michael Hahn


Blue Horizon of London


Michael Jones & Georgina Godolphin


Lady Tara


Merle Gilmore


Ross Applebey

CLAss 2 1st

Lady Tara


Merle Gilmore

Blue Horizon of London


Michael Jones & Georgina Godolphin

CLAss 2

Scarlet Oyster

C L A s s 2 (Deck saloon) 1st



Richard & Angela Parkinson Bill Munro & Susan Harris


Boarding Pass III




George and Sam Chandler


A Lady


Stephen & Aileen Hyde



Richard & Angela Parkinson




Ian Galbraith



summer 2012

rAC e 03: sponsored by Dolphin sails

The Windboats Anniversary Trophy

CLAss 1

Presented to the best placed yacht overall from Class 1 and Class 2 from the


Starry Night of the Caribbean


Starry Yachts Ltd




Chris & Susan Shea




John & Anji Noble


Ravenous II


William B. Dockser


Ross Applebey

CLAss 2 1st

Scarlet Oyster

or the Yachting world Trophy. Ravenous II


William B. Dockser

The Yachting World Trophy Presented by Yachting world to the best placed yacht overall from Class 1 and Class 2

C L A s s 2 (Deck saloon)

not to have won either Class 1 or Class 2.


A Lady


Stephen & Aileen Hyde


Norman gIII


Marshall Glynn




George & Sam Chandler




David & Vanessa Edwards

CLAss 1 1st

Starry Night of the Caribbean


Starry Yachts Ltd




Chris & Susan Shea


Ravenous II


William B. Dockser


Blue Horizon of London


Michael Jones & Georgina Godolphin

CLAss 2 Scarlet Oyster



Chris & Susan Shea

The Oyster regatta Trophy CLAss 1

rAC e 04 : sponsored by Pantaenius


combined results of the first and last race, not to have won either the Class 1, Class 2


Ross Applebey



Richard & Angela Parkinson


Starry Night of the Caribbean


Starry Yachts Ltd




Chris & Susan Shea


Ravenous II


William B. Dockser


Blue Horizon of London


Michael Jones & Georgina Godolphin

CLAss 2 (Lightwave & Deck saloon) 1st

Scarlet Oyster


Ross Applebey


A Lady


Stephen & Aileen Hyde




Richard & Angela Parkinson


Blue Dreams


John McTigue

C L A s s 2 (Deck saloon) 1st 2nd

A Lady


Stephen & Aileen Hyde




Ian Galbraith


Stardust of Burnham


Paul Bateman

left »


The crew of Oyster 56s Norman gIII and Power of Two; benjamin Jackson, skipper of Power of Two collecting First over the Line prize; Winners of the Class 1 regatta trophy, starry Night of the Caribbean; A Lady with John mcCurdy Obe of Pantaenius ; Zancani family, Oyster 56 Zena ; John and Anji Noble and their young crew, OYsTer 655 Neki.

David and Vanessa edwards, Oyster 46 NaughtyNes ; George and sam Chandler with matthew Vincent of Dolphin sails; Winners of the Class 2 regatta trophy, scarlet Oyster .

summer 2012





summer 2012



beauTy is more Than sKin deep on The award-winning new oysTer 625, The FirsT oF a baTch oF new oysTer models To hiT The waTer, and a hinT aT whaT cusTomers can expecT From The new oysTer 725 and oysTer 885, which launch This summer and The oysTer 825 ThaT will Follow in Their waKe in summer 2013 TEXT BY MIKE OwEn



summer 2012



The oysTer 625,

on the threshold of owner operation or minimal

It’s also about the detail as it’s often what you don’t see that tells the true

crew, is a completely new design, drawing on the knowledge from

tale about value. Good builders do more than think big, they think small.

her predecessor the Oyster 62 and the recent crop of new Oysters and,

Oyster want yachts that sail well yet survive the worst seas. That means

interestingly, from the build of the new Oyster superyachts, the 100

strong and substantial boats. Carbon and Kevlar FRP composites reduce

and 125 by Dubois.

weight, and Oyster add to strength by moulding a single section hull. Then the small stuff happens. Inside the underfloor sections, between

The result is invigorating, with Rob Humphreys again responsible for

sturdy stringers and frames, every single limber hole leading eventually

hull and sail plan, the Oyster in-house team for styling and engineering,

to the deep bilge is chamfered with hand-poured gel coat to get just the

all perpetuating what Oyster call the Oyster DnA: deck saloon and raised

right angle to create flow to prevent any water retention. The equivalent

central cockpit – enabling a spacious aft master suite, but still allowing a

in the visual joinery might be in the cabin soles, all minutely fitted and

massive lazarette for all that cruising gear so many builders overlook –

machine screw-fastened onto rubber seals and with side pips in between,

all on a substantially built yet still nimble hull with a kind-to-cruising,

or the rubber-stopped compression-tight door latches, all just small but

skeg-hung rudder with standard or shoal draft long bulb keel or

important parts in the vital noise and vibration attenuation. “we don’t do

centreboard option.

creaking floors on Oysters,” says a team member. “You live on our yachts, it would drive you crazy.” Also, not to interrupt the graceful sweep of hull sides, there are no normal tank breathers piercing topsides. Oyster cleverly vents tanks through holes in the stainless steel guardrails over the accommodation-venting dorades, which again conceal ingenuity with their water-lock systems neatly below rather than above deck.



summer 2012

Although only a tad longer than the Oyster 62, the Oyster 625 is so much bigger below decks, with the floor lines pushed further out into maximum’ beam, while also carrying more beam further aft. The benefit in internal space is immediately clear. As usual Oyster offer optional layouts revolving around an astonishing saloon made even brighter by the huge triple bank of vertical standing windows to either side, complementing the wraparound deck saloon windows. The trademark full-beam owners’ suite aft is not just large; it’s huge. Comforts include perfectly upholstered settee seating, as well as a wide centreline bed with lee cloths side and centre; design niceties include LED ribbon lighting in the kick recesses that also effectively increase floor standing areas; practicalities range from an en suite with Amtico flooring and Avonite splash tops with under-mounted sink, to a generous separate shower stall with ‘floating’ floor for great looks and easy cleaning. This goes back to thinking the small things through. Simplified maintenance keeps a great boat looking great, and this is evident throughout the 625, right down to the removable air conditioning grilles for dusting or washing. Opening hull ports and deck hatches, one with slide-out steps for private deck access or emergency escape, provide good daylight and fresh air ventilation. »

summer 2012



Moving forward portside, the linear galley has an abundance of wellplanned and fabricated stowage, a gimballed five-burner cooker, a very ample centre-line fridge, a separate front opening freezer, a dishwasher and washer-dryer. Ventilation is again excellent with three opening hatches. Forward, two steps lead up to that incredibly bright saloon, with extraordinary sitting as well as standing views, plus two forward facing opening windows. It’s also an exhibition of Oyster’s constantly improving interior design, showcasing the very high standard of cabinetry. The arrangement incorporates a rise-and-fall TV, a first-class DVD and sound system, and a massive fold-over table fully spanning the cabin, providing dining for up to ten. In the open floor area, the cabin sole lifts on gas struts to reveal the service pit with immediate access to raw water

Two sTeps lead up To ThaT incredibly brighT saloon, wiTh exTraordinary siTTing as well as sTanding views

strainers, fuel filters, watermaker, calorifier and that deep bilge. Engine room access is via the aft starboard quarter, passing the sizeable navstation surrounded by Raymarine and optional navcom equipment and meticulously detailed hinged distribution panels, into a bunked passage cabin that can be specified as a workshop. The generator is under the companionway steps also gas strutted for easy access.



summer 2012

Forward of the saloon, the en suite guest cabins – double to starboard

Around the boat, security is excellent with a raised bulwark-style toerail,

and twin to port – are of the same high standard as the owner’s

with integrated sturdy, big section stanchions and double lifelines.

accommodation. The fo’c’sle, reached through a watertight bulkhead

Docking gear is good with practical anchoring arrangement and armoury

door, or via a deck ladder, can either be fully joinered or utilitarian

of folding cleats. For shade and comfort there’s a tidy bimini arrangement

depending on whether specified as crew cabin or practical wet sail and

whose cover and frame collapse into specially formed runways around

rope locker room.

the cockpit’s forward coaming, and the companionway itself is a treat, counterweighted so that it softly slots into the bridgedeck and then drifts

In a thoughtful deck plan with dual pedestal steering and controls, and

upwards at a touch to close. And for that swim or ski session, there’s a

separate guest cockpit, the focus is on style and function with today’s

big-boat stairway built into the transom beneath the davits, home to a

larger flush areas for sun pads and lazing atop swept teak planking that

sports tender of up to 3.7 metres.

visually runs seamlessly full length without any cross caulking of the tightly butted joints. Deck gear though is optimised rather than simply minimised. Sea sense always rules on an Oyster. Although carbon spars and navtec rod are an option, the standard rig is three spreader alloy, with fully battened main and lazyjacks, and Reckmann electric furler on the foredeck. There’s a cutter option too, and among the eleven OYSTER 625s ordered to date, in-mast furling is a favourite. This is not surprising as both main and genoa were sheeted in and working well for us within four minutes of flipping the first of the joystick controls, her 33,500kg displacement quickly gathering pace. with that ease of sail setting, it seems in-mast is bound to lead to fewer engine hours for the quiet running 180hp Volvo Penta once away from the quayside, also by courtesy of the Sleipner bowthruster. with good feedback through the Lewmar torque rod steering and that heavy displacement making a fuss-free ride in a small, short chop in our moderately winded day, she found her groove upwind at around 8 knots close to 30 degrees apparent, with a bear-away taking her close to 10. The team suggested a reef in the main at 20 knots close hauled or 25 downwind when she’d be pushing 11 or 12 knots.

summer 2012





summer 2012

jaIGar h to cochIn via

Goa OYSTER 435

Âť Espe r

WIth forks of lIGhtnInG cuttInG jaGGed rIps In the nIGht sky, We had noWhere to run. the dark clouds had BuIlt up QuIckly. earlIer In the day We had notIced far feWer fIshInG Boats than usual. We checked the Weather reports: no storms forecast. In these unpredIctaBle Waters, It Was too dark and danGerous to run for shelter. there Was nothInG for It But to rIde out the Weather TEXT AND PHOTOS BY LIZ CLEERE AND JAMIE FURLONG

summer 2012



In late aprIl,

we left the villagers of the unspoilt fishing harbour of

on across to India.’ Even the trusted Red Sea Pilot states: ‘If headed as fast

Jaigarh preparing for the forthcoming monsoon. They dried fish in the

as possible for India and the Far East, aim to transit the Red Sea towards

white heat of the sun and worked on fishing boats or laid them up on

the end of August to ride the failing SW Monsoon east in September.’

land. The rest of the fleet were out in force, securing as many catches as

Later, however, Morgan and Davies add that in February and March NE

possible before the west coast of India became untenable during the

monsoon winds are generally not strong, and a ‘NE monsoon crossing to

south-west monsoon. With 520 miles to go before the rally finished, we

India is life at an angle, but better than the strong winds, grey skies, squalls

reluctantly continued our voyage southwards, towards Cochin. It was

and heavy rain of the transition season.’

essential that we were tucked away in our monsoon haven by mid May. Had we stuck to our original plan and made the trip from Turkey to India

Our journey through the Red Sea in January and February was so good

on our own, it would have been October by now. Fears of piracy and

that we all wanted to go back and do it again. The visibility above and

the news of the shocking capture of the Chandlers, however, had led us

below the water was crystal clear, the temperature was pleasant and only

to join Lo Brust’s Vasco da Gama Rally. Lo’s schedule had us transiting

occasionally, in the southern part of Eritrea, did we have to sit out strong

the Red Sea and crossing the Arabian Sea from January to April, a plan

head winds. Our Arabian Sea crossing was uneventful and the winds in

contrary to textbook advice.

our case were, if anything, not strong enough.

Jimmy Cornell’s World Cruising Routes advises that most boats sailing

Our friends on s/y Hydrus followed later, relying on the received wisdom

from the Gulf of Aden and Oman to the Indian coast ‘do so in September

of an eastbound passage undertaken at the height of summer. Their transit

or early October towards the end of the SW monsoon, but before the

of the Red Sea was gruesome. Temperatures around 50°C were harsh,

onset of the cyclone season.’ This opinion is echoed by Rod Heikell in

with niggling medical complaints like prickly heat and rashes affecting

his Indian Ocean Cruising Guide: ‘The favoured time to make the passage

them daily.

is in July-August when you can pop out the bottom of the Red Sea and catch the last of the SW monsoon up to Mina Raysut before continuing



summer 2012

The sand and dust got in their skin and eyes and attacked every nook and

The ever-present danger of a coast teeming with fishing boats and nets

cranny of their yacht. The water was filled with milky plankton, making it

intensified in the pre-monsoon fishing frenzy, but we felt more confident

unappealing and hopeless when trying to con their way through coral

as we put into practice the advice of our new friend, Sandeep Mhatre.

and seeing sea life. Their Arabian Sea crossing was like a roller coaster

Now living in Mumbai and with plenty of sailing experience, Sandeep is

with plenty of wind, waves and thunderstorms. In Kochi Marina, I asked

formerly of the Indian Navy. He joined rally boat Rhumb Do as crew after

an exhausted and battered John and Pearl what they would have changed

meeting us at the Royal Bombay Yacht Club.

about their trip. They were emphatic: “We’d do it at the same time as you. The next time we have to sail in such bleak and inhospitable coasts, it’ll

In Jaigarh we picked his brains for tips on how to navigate through the

be with a group of yachts, like the Vasco da Gama Rally.”

myriad local fishing boats. He also warned of a more worrying danger: stakes driven into the ocean bottom with nets attached, then left by the

headInG alonG the BeautIful malaBar coast, We stIll had tIme Before the monsoon Weather set In for a stop at IndIa’s packaGe holIday paradIse state of Goa. We WeIGhed anchor In the late mornInG and headed out.

fishermen who come back later to retrieve them. One of his best bits of advice was to stay between the 10 and 20-metre contour lines: small fishing skiffs seldom venture beyond 10 metres and the larger boats start fishing at around 20 metres. As a rule of thumb we found this worked. He confirmed the lights – which flash every combination of white, green, red and blue – are usually meaningless, but they do mark either the net or the boat. During the day the danger is still very much apparent, tiny

By that afternoon the light north westerlies (Beaufort 3-4) had us goose-

(usually black) buoys are used to mark the nets, visible around 20 metres

winging our way along the waves. With our windvane steering system

from the bow of your yacht. Our decision to glide over the middle of

taking care of Esper’s course, we put our feet up and grabbed a cup of tea

the nets – taken whilst running the gauntlet of fishing boats coming »

while we kept a constant sweep of the horizon, not allowing our eyes to stray too long from the sea.

southern IndIa: Goa left » fishing punt in jaighar, rajasthan local girls in jaighar enjoying a cooling lollipop.

below » a local shop under the anjuna palms, Goa.

jaigarh panjim (Goa)

kochi (cochin)

esper’s loG 28 April JAIGARH PANJIM (Goa) (17 17.39N 073 13.53E) 4 May PANJIM (Goa)

KOCHI (Cochin) Total

390 517

Total for Rally from Marmaris to Kochi

summer 2012





panjIm Is a QuIet and sedate IntroductIon to IndIa. unlIke other state capItals, there Is no BustlInG thronG; Instead It Is a laId Back uncroWded toWn

into Mumbai – met with Sandeep’s approval: with a long or medium keel and skeg hung rudder, this was an easy solution for us in very busy waters. As we cruised along, the first day drew to a close and the wind dropped considerably; once again we were reduced to motor-sailing. At dawn we managed a few hours of running goose-wing, but by 7.30am Esper was down to less than three knots, so on went the engine and it stayed on till we arrived in Panjim (the old name preferred to its new name of Panaji).

alonG WIth the help of c-map, GooGle earth, cached ImaGes, paper charts, our eyes and rod heIkell’s IndIan ocean cruIsInG GuIde, We crept Into the anchoraGe of panjIm, Goa’s small and sedate capItal. The entrance is wide and deceptive, with a narrow channel running through the Mandovi River to a nicely sheltered anchorage. We were on high alert navigating the frenetically busy river, and several times had to hold our position to avoid commercial boats. Iron ore is a major export business in Goa, the earth and hills of which are a rich red. The valuable commodity is transported by groaning rusty behemoths to freighters out at sea, day and night, along a channel only 50 metres away from the crowded anchorage. Panjim is a quiet and sedate introduction to India. Unlike other state capitals, there is no bustling throng; instead it is a laid back uncrowded town. We strolled along its wide roads and shady squares admiring the considerably Portuguese-influenced architecture. The Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, consecrated in 1541, took Jamie right back to Viana do Castelo in the Mena region of Portugal. Our five days anchored in Panjim were a great way to relax in the penultimate stop of our rally. Admittedly, clearing in and out of the port was the extended nightmare of bureaucracy we have come to know so well in India, but apart from the tedium it wasn’t a difficult process. Provisioning was easy. The bars and restaurants were not crowded and served good, cheap food and alcohol. As a lover of schnapps, I tried the local hooch, ‘feni’. The light version is made from coconut, but I plumped for the more rugged cashew version. One glass of the foul fire-water was enough to convince me it would not become my usual tipple. Although Kingfisher remained the beer of choice, India’s fanciful branding of beers, with macho names like Golden Eagle, Fire Hawk and Braveheart grabbed our attention. Everyone’s favourite was Zingaro, the back label explaining that it ‘has the strength of a hundred horses. And the spirit of brave men. Men like you.’ »



summer 2012

clockwi s e » shantadurga temple, ponda, Goa; memorial cross, anjuna, Goa; shri mangesh bus stop, Goa; anjuna Beach, Goa; one of the beautiful street children of dharavi, mumbai.

rally hIGhlIGhts sadla Island Chased off the mainland coast by military men wielding automatic weapons, we found refuge in this uninhabited island paradise. Ospreys nested on black volcanic rock ledges, turtles laid their eggs, sharks prowled through the rainbow coral and the beach was strewn with conchs, cowries and crabs.

aden The charm and warmth of the people were embodied in Selim, our smiling taxi driver, teacher, guide and all-round good bloke. Aden is this unique, crazy place where the ubiquitous qat is sold every lunchtime and the most refreshing crushed lime juice drink in the world is made.

marsas of the red sea Hiding behind natural promontories, these serpentine creeks, fringed with coral reefs, host a myriad of treasures. Esper danced with dolphins, rays, turtles and sunfish at anchor, while lapis blue water boiled with tropical fish. Brown boobies, ibis, pelicans and goliath herons combed the shimmering shores of the savannah. We saw a dugong in a marsa.

eritrea This little-visited country, as poor as a church mouse, opened its arms to us. We marvelled at its spectacular mountains and elegant capital city. Eritrea proved that Islam and Christianity can live happily entwined.

fishing We will never forget our first ever tuna, caught one evening in the Med, just before reaching the Suez Canal. The dorado, tuna, barracuda, Spanish mackerel, wahoo and shark were also great fun to catch throughout our adventure.

mumbai Dancing with the kids of the Dharavi slums; the Royal Bombay Yacht Club; the city’s lust for life; its poverty, wealth, laughter and tears were all representative of the paradox that is India.

summer 2012



r i g ht » street Vendors, dharavi, mumbai; dudhasagar falls, Goa; locals washing in the dudhasagar falls.

fa r right » storm brewing over kochi marina, kerala.

We took a couple of excursIons

from Panjim. Dragged kicking

and screaming to a backpacker paradise by our friends from the UK, we ended up at Anjuna beach. A hangover from the area’s earlier days of ‘hippydom’, it clings to the ’70s with rows of vendors selling cheap clothes and trinkets, dingy bars and stained sunloungers. We watched the sun go down as modern-day children of the revolution tripped out to thumping sounds on the beach. Dudhsagar Falls, India’s second highest, gave us our first view of rainforests. Crashing and bumping over tracks in a jeep for half an hour, we were deposited at the entrance to the falls. A hike over rocks was interrupted by a group of macaques who insisted we feed them by hand. Charmed by these little primates, we watched as they delicately uncurled our fingers, one by one, to retrieve a piece of fruit. The waterfall was at its weakest in the pre-monsoon weather, but swimming in the cool water pool at the bottom and standing under the cascade was refreshing in the tropical heat.

Before We departed panjIm, the Vasco da Gama cluB held a receptIon for the rally. We Were fed and Watered WIth homemade food By the Well-heeled locals, and lIke eVeryWhere We haVe VIsIted they made us feel Welcome. On my birthday, we left Panjim with crew, for the first time in our 4000-mile journey. Emma and Katie came for a holiday and were able to join us for the last leg of our journey. Once again we had no wind so when, ten hours into the trip, the boat juddered I pulled it out of gear fast. The sea was calm and mercifully uncluttered with fishing boats. so drifting was not an issue. It felt like we had hit something, so Jamie went over the side. Keeping him tied to the boat with a line, we watched him dive down with mask and snorkel to check the prop. . It didn’t take long for him to re-surface with a plastic bag in his hand. Back on board we engaged forward gear and all was well. The autopilot had not been working for over 1000 miles, so it was a relief to have other people with whom to share watches. At last Jamie and I had the luxury of uninterrupted sleep for four hours at a time. The complete lack of wind meant someone had to be on the wheel at all times. We drank tea, read, chatted and played Rio by Duran Duran at full volume for Emma. After a quiet 24 hours of teaching the girls how to avoid nets, a small breeze ruffled our skin, so we hoisted the cruising chute and turned off the engine. We relaxed as our Windpilot did its job, allowing us to relax and unwind as Esper skimmed along on her way to Cochin. We might have been forgiven for believing that so close to our goal we could relax, but just then mother nature decided to throw one last trial at us. After spotting the first flickers of lightning in the distance we considered the possibility of running out to sea and navigating around the storm. We quickly realised



summer 2012

useful InformatIon Vasco da Gama rally The fifth Vasco Da Gama Rally left Cochin in January. At the time of writing all yachts are safely in the northern Red Sea. Despite the increase of piracy and widening tentacles of the states, Lo safely took his rally on a northerly passage through the Arabian Sea. Minimising the risks and armed with the latest information, the rally hugged the coasts of India and Oman, keeping in daily contact with maritime safety agencies. Prior to joining his rallies, Lo makes it clear that participants must have the necessary knowledge and experience to get there on their own. He also stresses that each skipper is responsible for the safety of their own crew and must have a sea-worthy vessel. You can find out more about the last five rallies on his website, www.vascodagamarally.nl

kochi International marina The marina is really little more than a pontoon attached to a beautiful island, and state-run hotel. Run by Ocean Blue on behalf of the Kerala Tourist Development Corporation, it is the first and only marina in India. Facilities include electrical connection and water, use of two hotel bedrooms for showers and toilets, washing machine and access to hotel swimming pool and restaurant. Year round shelter is very good. Currently there are no technical facilities offered by the marina, but local experts are available. For further information contact Jose Verghese, Vice President Kochi Operations, mobile: +91 99958 95310, email: jose.verghese@oceanblue.in. www.oceanblue.in

piracy information Official bodies will advise yachts not to transit the Gulf of Aden or sail in the Arabian Sea. For those intent on making the crossing, more information can be found from the following sources:

this was pointless as the horizon was beginning to flash in every direction. Jamie took the helm. At one point, with zero visibility, the heavens poured a bathtub of rain straight into the cockpit. The wind was erratic, but not strong and for the first time in years Jamie pulled on his foul weather gear. When conditions settled a little I took over the helm while Jamie went off for some sleep. Not for long! The wind went from zero to 30 knots in a heartbeat. Jamie came back on deck, turned off the engine and allowed Esper to make a steady five knots just with the mizzen, while we watched the light show. By morning we were through the storms and back to a bright and windless dawn, no damage done, just a slightly tired crew. At 07.30 we entered the final destination of our epic journey. We strained to pick out every detail of our new home. The iconic Chinese fishing nets of Cochin, like giant animatronic alien spiders, lined the main channel. Islands of weed and jumping fish accompanied our slow progress. Dolphins welcomed us. After the usual bureaucratic marathon, we arrived at Kochi International Marina on Bolgatty Island. Engine failure, gun-toting military guards,

MSCHOA Maritime Security Centre – Horn of Africa. Set up by the European task force to tackle piracy in this area. Now has a section for private yachts. www.mschoa.org

pirate-ridden seas, a broken autopilot, storms and lack of sleep

ICC-CCS International Chamber of Commerce – Commercial Crimes Service. Their IMB Reporting centre has information on piracy and a map of piracy activity. www.icc-ccs.org

drink of brave men.

FTB. An hourly update of data collected from more than twenty worldwide reputable sources, including those listed here. www.followtheboat.com/piracy

notwithstanding, we had made it. This was the end of the line. Our Vasco da Gama rally was over. We celebrated in the traditional way, with the

Read more about Liz and Jamie’s journey and listen to their podcasts at www.followtheboat.com

summer 2012





summer 2012

oyster 575/725/885

product updates Here at oyster, we coNtINuaLLy reVIew eacH modeLs’ specIFIcatIoNs IN tHe oyster raNge to take adVaNtage oF New equIpmeNt, adVIce From our tecHNIcaL aNd support departmeNts aNd, oF course, tHe INVaLuabLe Feedback From our owNers oN tHeIr worLd traVeLs

summer 2012



oyster 575

“tHe 575 proVed easy to HaNdLe, maNageabLe For a coupLe, wItH powered systems aLL to HaNd. sHe’s aNotHer sLIppery yacHt From HumpHreys, coupLed wItH aN easy motIoN tHat wILL be greatLy apprecIated at sea.” toby Hodges, yachting world

The forward guest cabin has been enlarged and now has its own access directly into the forward head. The 575’s new joinery styling covers a host of subtle enhancements including sculpted headliners incorporating accent lighting in the saloon, more contemporary heads styling, upgraded cabin doors and door furniture and custom saloon air con outlets, while on the practical side, the standard specification now includes Formula spars, a new Volvo D3 engine and Raymarine i70 sailing instruments. Pure hull lines from Rob Humphreys have ensured that the Oyster 575 is a fast passage maker, resulting in effortless blue-water cruising and exhilarating performance – considered the perfect yacht for the five owners who have chosen her as their entries for the Oyster world Rally in 2013. The Oyster 575’s comfortable and practical four-cabin layout, spacious saloon and dining areas provide plenty of accommodation below decks for those sailing with their families or crew, whilst on deck her flush hatches, twin-wheel configuration and substantial cockpit allow plenty of room for eight to enjoy dining al fresco or simply relax.

“as we tacked back aNd FortH, tHe 575 proVed HerseLF a Very comFortabLe boat to saIL. I caN weLL ImagINe doINg a rouNd-tHe-worLd trIp IN tHIs boat,” barry Henson, australia sailing & yachting F o r t H e p o p u L a r o y s t e r 5 7 5 , we have taken this review a stage further, with a complete revamp of her interior styling and subtle changes to the layout. The saloon now has the vertical ‘Seascape’ windows that are such a striking feature of the award winning Oyster 625 and are being incorporated into most of the Oyster fleet from the Oyster 575 up. Another positive design feature brought from the 625 is raising the chart area up to the same level as the rest of the saloon seating, effectively extending the apparent seating area and enabling the chart table to flow seamlessly into the surrounding joinery. A joinered companionway staircase now leads you below decks, adding to the feeling of quality and security.



summer 2012

oyster 725 tHe New oyster 725

the first oyster 725, which is a really stunning example of this new model, will make her debut at the amsterdam and southampton boat shows. don’t miss the opportunity to see her.

is a stunning development of the well-proven

Oyster 72, with many new features, including triple curved glass ‘Seascape’ vertical hull windows in the saloon and a clear, flush aft deck with single point mainsheet, both features recently introduced on the new Oyster 625 to great acclaim. The Oyster 725 is definitely one of our sleekest looking yachts – she has ample clear deck space both fore and aft plus a huge cockpit, which make her great for both al fresco living and serious sailing. Her interior styling has also been enhanced throughout. The 725 could be considered the ‘crossover’ yacht in the Oyster range. She can be configured to offer total separation between the owner and guest accommodation aft and the professional crew accommodation located forward of the saloon and galley. Alternatively the saloon and galley areas can be configured in an open-plan arrangement, which creates a contemporary ambience. The Oyster 725 is all about offering our owners the choice to create the yacht to suit their own requirements. Oyster 725-01, which is being built for an owner with a young family, has beautiful quarter-sawn American oak joinery, with the grain running horizontally. In addition to her huge owners’ suite and two guest cabins aft, she has a single large cabin forward, which can accommodate either a very happy professional crew or, if used on charter or with friends, a family with two young children. Oyster 725-01 will be on display at the Amsterdam and Southampton boat shows. If you would like to make an appointment to view her, please visit the Event/Boat Show page of the Oyster website and complete the online boarding pass request form at www.oysteryachts.com, email sales@oysteryachts.com or call us on +44 (0) 1473 695 005.

summer 2012



oyster 885 wHeN tHe worLd superyacHt desIgN awards


extended by a large hydraulic bathing platform are just some of her many

listed the Oyster 100 by Dubois as ‘Best newcomer’, we penned this

attractions. The yacht embraces the sound and vibration technology,

advertising line for the Oyster 885: ‘You don’t have to be Super to be

the air handling systems and deck layouts usually found on much larger

Magnificent’. It seems strange to us all at Oyster that there is this artificial

yachts, yet with the carbon rig, the twin rudder configuration and the

line at 30 metres hull length defining a so-called ‘superyacht’, when we

hull form, she retains the nimbleness and easy handling of smaller

know that every one of the 750 current owners of the Oyster deck saloon

Oysters. And, by designing her up to the limit of the MCA 24m Load Line

yachts we’ve built – since the first Oyster 46 was launched in 1980 –

Length watershed, the somewhat more onerous and costly requirements

believe their Oyster to be a ‘super yacht’. A sentiment with which we

involved before offering any larger yacht for charter are avoided.

wholeheartedly agree!

Powerful, well balanced and capable of being sailed short-handed if required, the Oyster 885 is truly magnificent.

with three Oyster 885s in build alongside each other in the Oyster Yachts yard in Southampton and the first Oyster 825 joining them next month,

with two layouts: providing either three or four master/guest suites and

the expert team of craftsmen has taken the knowledge gained from

a clear separation of crew space, buyers can personalise the yacht to suit

building the Oyster 725, the 82 and the Oyster 100 and 125 superyachts

their own requirements.

and created a fantastic yacht with these new 88 footers. The Oyster 885 has 30% more internal volume than the Oyster 82, while above deck her huge, ergonomically designed split cockpit – perfect for al fresco dining and relaxation on passage – and her spacious, open deck areas,



summer 2012

powerFuL, weLL baLaNced aNd capabLe oF beINg saILed sHort-HaNded IF requIred, tHe oyster 885 Is truLy magNIFIceNt

summer 2012



The owners of Oyster 885-01 and 885-02 have opted for the four–cabin layout, whilst the Oyster 56 owner, trading up after ten years of ownership to his new Oyster 885-03, has created a clever, mixed use layout for the lower saloon, with movable bulkhead screens, which allow for either an owner’s snug or a versatile occasional fourth cabin with twin bunks. we’re currently planning the first super-shoal draft version for 885-05 for a client whose passion for quiet cruising in the shallower bays in the Greek Islands is influencing his choices. The first Oyster 885 is being built for Eddie Jordan’s family trust who have

b e low »

traded up from their previous Oyster 655 Lush. Also to be named Lush, a

the oyster 885-01, 885-02 and 885-03 seen in the various stages of fit-out at oyster yachts, southampton, just prior to the launch of the first yacht.

name chosen by his daughter, Oyster 885-01 will be heading straight for

rig ht » the opportunity for owners to customise the interior styling of their new oyster 885 is almost limitless.



summer 2012

the Caribbean after she is premiered during the Southampton Boat Show. She will then disappear into the Pacific with the Oyster world Rally, so don’t miss the chance to see this magnificent yacht in Southampton where she will be making a sail past of the show marina over the first three days of the Southampton Boat Show and will be available for viewing by appointment only. If you have a serious interest in the Oyster 885 and would like an invitation to view, please contact our Sales Director Robin Campbell e: 885@oysteryachts.com or call +44 (0)1473 695 005.

oyster 885 summer 2012









OYSTER 56 » Curious

unsPoilT anD TeChniColor in iTs inTensiTy,

At the start of our planned five-year circumnavigation, Trish and I had

aDvenTure looms larGe in inDonesia’s vasT anD

thought as far forward as Australia but a late change of plans had brought

sTeamy arChiPelaGo when eXPloreD on a maJesTiC

our journey through Indonesia forward by a year and with no time to

oysTer. sTeve anD Trish Brown DisCover iTs Diverse anD ruGGeD Charm T E X T A N D P H OTO S B Y ST E V E A N D T R I S H B R O W N

research we knew little of the country or its people. It had simply been a country that we would touch on our way south across the Indian Ocean to South Africa or sail through as we headed north to Singapore and beyond. Indonesia lies between the mainland of South-East Asia and Australia in the Indian and Pacific oceans and is the world’s largest archipelago state, home to around 250 million people. Made up of six main islands – Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Bali, Kalimantan (part of the island of Borneo) and Irian Jaya (the western half of new Guinea) – and 30 smaller archipelagos.



summer 2012

o n




e D G e

In total, the Indonesian archipelago consists of more than 17,000 islands;

We had joined the Sail Indonesia yacht rally as a means of easing these

6000 of these are inhabited and stretch over 4,828km (3000 miles),

supposed problems and the organisers provided a fast track system for

most lying in a volcanic belt with more than 300 volcanoes, the great

obtaining tourist visas and the all important CAIT, the cruising permit

majority of which are extinct. The landscape varies from island to island,

required for sailing in Indonesian waters. They also have an arrangement

ranging from high mountains and plateaux to coastal lowlands and

with the central government to waive the bond that all vessels should pay

alluvial belts. It is hugely spread across six lines of longitude and 28 lines

before they arrive and is refunded as they leave. The rally is a fairly loose

of latitude straddling the equator. It also has the largest Muslim

gathering of boats headed through Indonesia and although there are two

population in the world with almost as many Muslims as all other

set routings, with pre-arranged stopovers, you are not obliged to follow

countries combined and, as such, completes the voyage from the Iberian

these routes and are free to do your own thing. Our plan was to meet up

Peninsula and Morocco in the early days of our adventure. We had heard

with the other boats at some of these stopovers, but head off in search of

stories of excessive bureaucracy, ofďŹ cial obstructions, delays and some

adventures, good snorkelling and diving off the beaten track. Âť

no-go areas. What we found was the total opposite, giving us some of the best memories of our journey so far.

summer 2012



The second leg of the rally took us 155nm nnE, after an overnight passage that gave us some great and some frustrating sailing. The great sailing was in perfect beam reaching conditions on calm seas under flawless blue skies. A large pod of melon headed whales passed within a few feet of the boat and different schools of dolphins came to play at various times during the day. Evening saw the wind fade but after just a

sailinG was in PerfeCT Beam reaChinG ConDiTions on Calm seas unDer flawless Blue sKies. a larGe PoD of melon heaDeD whales PasseD wiThin a few feeT of The BoaT anD DifferenT sChools of DolPhins Came To Play

few hours of motoring, we had enough wind to sail to the start of the channel between the islands of Alor and Pulau Pantar by first light. Despite checking all the data to hand, we misjudged our arrival and suffered through six hours of head currents up to 6 knots, reducing our speed at times to 1.2 knot. The 20nm stage took six hours to complete and 28 hours in all for a relatively short passage. we anchored in deep water just offshore from the small town of Kalibahi. Lunch and some sleep recharged our batteries and dimmed the frustration. we joined forces with three other boats including Brian and Isabell Randolph’s Oyster 56 Wasabi and from Alor we decided to head off from the main rally and sail north to the wakatobi Marine Park. we had been told of the great diving and the quality of the coral, with

The rally sTarTeD from Darwin

and we arrived early so that

the park boasting over 750 of the 850 known types of coral in the world.

we could explore some of Australia’s northern territories, in particular

we were not disappointed and also had the opportunity to visit the

the Kakadu and nitmiluk national parks. This also gave us some time to

wallasea research station on Hoga Island where both the staff and

prepare the boat, stow provisions and join in some of the functions held

students proved to be a fund of knowledge about the underwater park

both in the city and at the excellent Darwin Yacht Club. Dawn on start

and the marine life to be found there.

day brought 15 knot south westerlies and some boats headed out early to make the most of what was forecast to be a very light wind, 450nm

Many of the charts for Indonesia are at best misleading and at worst

passage to Kupang on the west coast of Timor. But as the rally is a major

widely inaccurate, some not having been updated for over a century.

annual event in Darwin, it was good to stay for the start of the rally and

This applied to both electronic and paper charts and it was essential to

head out with the majority of the fleet. Although winds were light, it was

minimise the overnight passages when close to shore or passing the

still a great sight with many of the 114 boats flying their spinnakers or

many reef systems. It was also essential to keep a good lookout in order

cruising chutes.

to avoid the hundreds of fishing traps that can be found many miles offshore and even in the deeper waters in the eastern parts of Indonesia.

The first two days gave us light easterlies, but on the morning of the third day, a wind shift gave us the opportunity to hoist the cruising chute and we

There have been a number of occasions on this trip when Trish and I

made reasonably comfortable progress in winds of around 6 to 8 knots.

have realised how lucky we are that, by an accident of birth, we were

The morning was enlivened by a school of about 40 small dolphins

raised in a country with good healthcare, education, enough food to

coming to play around the boat and staying for over one and a half hours.

eat and a family with enough money to do more than put a roof over our

we have had literally hundreds of encounters with these magnificent

heads and food on the table. In a number of countries, we have seen for

creatures since we left the UK but they never cease to amaze and amuse.

ourselves families that do not have access to the essentials that we in the

we had been out at the head of the fleet since leaving Darwin and had

west take for granted. In Morocco, the San Blas Islands, any number of tiny

been accompanied by some of the largest catamarans and one or two

islands in the Pacific and now here in Indonesia, we have seen people

of the largest mono hulls, but because of the light airs the fleet had not

who live on the very limits.

spread out as much as would have been expected. The third and final day gave us one of our best ever sails with light winds and flat seas. Being in no

nowhere has this been more evident than with the Bajo people who live

rush, we just set the cruising chute and bowled along at 6.5 to 7.5 knots

across the thousands of islands in SE Asia. They are a semi nomadic group

under powder blue skies.

who live in stilt houses built over reefs and survive on what they catch from the sea. It was a very humbling experience to spend time with these

Having been warned of the many fishing boats that headed out at

people, to realise how lucky we are in the developed countries and also

nightfall, we planned our arrival off the Sw corner of Timor at first light,

how little we value the things that are most important. As we left the

arriving off Kupang by early morning to begin our Indonesian adventure.

village, we passed an older woman with two small children, in a canoe

Kupang was our first introduction to Indonesia: a busy, noisy, chaotic,

laden with drinking water from the village on the main island. The women

ramshackle city that is the capital of west Timor. It is also home to the

go each day to fetch fresh water to the Bajo village, again a basic essential

largest university in the southern archipelago and has students attending

for life that we take for granted. She asked us if we had any old clothes and

from all of the other islands, giving the place a young, vibrant feel.

we managed to get across to her that we had some on the boat and to

The city is a mixture of Muslim and Christian religions. Ramadan began

come out the following day. In the event, the next day gave us 20 knots+

the day we left. Check-in was arranged to have customs, immigration,

winds and choppy seas. Despite this she paddled the two miles from the

health and port authorities all in one place and the lengthy process was

village in a very old, decrepit dugout canoe that kept shipping water, one

made easier by the warm, friendly and inquisitive officials.



summer 2012

youngster bailing furiously, and all for our old, cast off clothes! »

this page Âť Curious looking resplendent amongst the fishing boats; orang-utan, Kumai, Borneo; sea life, coral; steve with the Bajo villagers, wangi-wangi; Komodo Dragon; steve and Trish with the Bone rate villagers.

Trish anD i have realiseD how luCKy we are ThaT, By aCCiDenT of BirTh, we were raiseD in a CounTry wiTh GooD healThCare, eDuCaTion anD enouGh fooD To eaT

summer 2012



inDonesia Kalimantan




whenever we could, we rented small motorbikes for just a few dollars a

Internet, we could have easily spent the whole three months in these

day to tour the small islands. wherever we went, we were always greeted

islands. we would have explored the many and varied anchorages, hiked

by welcoming shouts of hello from old and young alike; kids would run

the dozens of small islands, seen more of the unique wildlife on land and

out to wave as we passed by and when we stopped in the small villages,

enjoyed the fabulous snorkelling and diving that this park has to offer.

we attracted small crowds of kids who came to see us and have their photo taken and older children who wanted to practise their English.

These few weeks in eastern Indonesia gave us a graphic understanding of

From wakatobi we headed south west via the Bone Rate archipelago

man’s impact on the marine environment. In the Bone Rate archipelago,

where we day hopped our way through the chain of reefs and small

over thirty years of devastation with explosives and poisons have reduced

islands, once again receiving a warm welcome from the islanders both

the coral to rubble, killed off most of the fish, turtles and all other forms

young and old wherever we anchored. Continuing southwest we made

of marine life and sadly it is still going on. In the wakatobi group of

our way back to the main island chain, the western end of Flores and the

islands, declared a national Park about ten years ago, there is clear

port of Labuan Bajo, the gateway to the Komodo national Park.

evidence of a dramatic recovery of both coral, fish and the whole range of marine life. However, the growing population is allowed to fish for their

with short distances between islands, a lot of unexplored and deserted

own needs and their indiscriminate methods are taking all of the larger fish

anchorages and always the option of heading back to the ramshackle

and shellfish, leaving only very small fish destined for a very short life span.

port/town of Labuan Bajo to restock with provisions, eat at some good restaurants and catch up with our family and the world via Skype and the

In the islands of the long-established Komodo national Park, the locals are allowed to use only hand lines and take what they need for themselves and there has been no transmigration into the islands from other parts of Indonesia. The net effect has been the creation of a marine environment as it should be, with beautiful and varied coral, fish both



summer 2012

large and small and clear clean waters. Taking a step further, when fishing is banned altogether as it is in a few small areas within the Komodo national Park, the fish life is quite literally astonishing. Around one of the many large sea mounts, we saw a blue fin trevally – one of the biggest fish in virtually all species – at least 25 per cent bigger than we had ever seen. Snorkelling with giant manta rays as they turned somersaults, feeding on an abundance of plankton gave us another memorable highlight of our short time in the park.

our Time in KomoDo woulD noT have Been ComPleTe wiThouT a visiT To one of The ranGer sTaTions anD a Tour of The islanD To see The fameD anD DeaDly KomoDo DraGons. The ranGers – KnowleDGeaBle aBouT all The wilDlife anD armeD wiTh noThinG more Than a forKeD sTiCK – leD us inlanD where we saw many KomoDo DraGons in Their naTural haBiTaT. we headed further west, first to the islands of Sumbawa, Lombok and Gili, then to the tourist hotspot that is Bali. we did not think that we would like Bali, but we did. with its unique Hindu population, Bali is strikingly different from the rest of Indonesia, with a rich and varied history, lots of temples, roadside shrines and colourfully dressed

This was the case as we headed west along the south coast of Borneo and

men and women. with a huge influx of tourists every year, it is also

across to Belitung, the final official destination for the sail Indonesia rally.

far more affluent than the islands we had visited so far. In addition to

Once more we were made very welcome, and the local regent had

some amazing craftwork – carvings, porcelain, jewellery, furniture and

coordinated our arrival with an expo focused on local tourism as well as

much more – there is also a large fishing and farming industry and for

a planned visit by the president of Indonesia. A new 25km road had been

the first time we could find many of our favourite fruits and vegetables.

built, everywhere repainted along his route, traditional song and dances

we headed first across the centre of the island to the tourist beaches in

rehearsed, a representative group of cruisers chosen to dine with the

the south and our return trip took us over another high mountain road

president and hundreds of fishing boats from all over the island gathered

to the east, passing huge volcanoes, some still active, and on to the

in the anchorage to provide a sail past for the president. Sadly he

traditional craft village of Ubud with its large Hindu temples and rice

cancelled at the last minute, sending his vice president! But we did get

terraces nearby.

some amazing shots of the fishing fleet as they gathered around the rally boats, and the farewell dinner on the last night with party pieces from the

From our anchorage on the north coast of Bali, the fleet split once more

various nationalities was a memorable night. The British contingent

and while some headed along the southern island chain and on to the

distinguished themselves with a couple of rousing sea shanties.

islands of Karimunjawa, we wanted to head north to Kalimantan (the Indonesian part of Borneo) and 10 miles upriver to Kumai from where

Once again the benefit of joining the rally proved its worth when the

we would take a local Klotik boat and head into the forest to see the

organisers persuaded the authorities to check all the boats out in one

orang-utans. For many, this proved to be the highlight of the trip: seeing

easy process whilst at Belitung. They also provided formal documentation

these amazing creatures in their natural state as well as getting up close at

that allowed all boats to stop anywhere en route to Singapore or Malaysia

the ranger stations where they receive supplemental feeding, shown to

without redress. This proved invaluable as we were able to day hop our

increase their life expectancy and reduce infant mortality without too

way north through the hundreds of islands in the Ria archipelago,

much impact on their natural behaviour.

searching out many more hidden anchorages, small fishing villages and more of the friendliest people we have met on our travels so far.

These side trips to the wakatobi group and north to Borneo added about 500nm to our trip. Staying south, it would have been possible to save this

Our last night was spent anchored off the small village on the tiny island

mileage and visit the northern part of Indonesia the following year, if time

of Madura where we gave away the last of our schoolbooks, pens,

allowed. Many of the boats returned to Australia or east to new Guinea

crayons, T-shirts and caps. In return we were offered a bag of squid,

and the Solomons via southern Malaysia, north Borneo, Sulawesi, the

which we politely refused, the locals’ needs were greater than ours.

Molluccas and the islands that make up eastern Indonesia.

A number of boats came out to say hello; people came aboard for a cold drink and marvelled at our Curious floating home, then left as they

Heading west, the water became much shallower and, weather

had come... smiling: our abiding memory of our time cruising these

permitting, it was possible to anchor almost anywhere along the coast.

incredible islands.

However, with the season coming to an end, the lighter trade winds to be found in this part of the world died away altogether and it was necessary to make use of the motor on many of the passages.

For further information on the Sail Indonesia Rally visit www.sailindonesia.net

summer 2012



sarafin was awarded ‘highly commended’ by the Judges, “for her design styling, wide aPPeal and high quality of build”

ab ov e » the owner of oyster 100-01 sarafin; rahmi koç, rmk marine; david tydeman; ed dubois and lachie Paramor; sarafin on builder’s trials in turkey.



summer 2012

design excellence recognition at world suPeryacht awards for oyster 100 sarafin designed by dubois

Conceived and announced more than two

The world Superyacht Awards focus on

years before the production facility was

complete yachts, their owners’ choices of

built at our partner RMK Marine’s shipyard in

design layouts and on the execution of the

Turkey, and completed in around two years

overall build. The Showboats Design Awards

once the high-tech moulding facility was fully

focus on newcomers to the superyacht arena,

operational, we have all waited for Sarafin’s

on technical systems excellence, components

first sailing adventure.

and bespoke items of equipment or furniture.

sarafin’s arrival into Palma earlier this year turned heads and led to a string of visitors, interested buyers and Press alike. now that she was quietly off cruising in the adriatic with her Proud owner, oyster’s attention turned to the awards ceremonies and the ensuing accolades.

was awarded ‘Highly Commended’ by the

At the world Superyacht Awards, Sarafin judges, “For her design styling, wide appeal and high quality of build.” In the Design Awards, Oyster was narrowly beaten to the top spot (by just one point we understand!) for ‘Best newcomer of the Year’. whilst Oyster is new to the above 30-metre ‘superyacht’ market, with more than 125 yachts built by Oyster over 60 feet, it came as a surprise to be announced as a contender for ‘Best newcomer’! “A good reminder that we are always learning and open In the 30 – 40 metre category, Sarafin was

for challenges,” commented Oyster CEO

shortlisted alongside four other beautiful

David Tydeman. Overall, we’re delighted with

sailing yachts from around the world, all from

Sarafin’s success. Oyster has built a great first

well-established shipyards. “Everyone on the

Oyster superyacht in 100-01, Sarafin, and

short-list was deemed a winner by virtue of

with 100-02 and 125-01 – also both designed

being selected,” said Tony Harris, CEO of

by Dubois – due on the water soon, we are

Boat International Media, the organisers of

hopeful of winning the ‘Best newcomer’ award

both the world Superyacht Awards (wSA)

next year in the 125ft division!”

ceremony held in Istanbul earlier this year and the Showboats Design Awards held in June in Monaco.

summer 2012




» Bo a rd ing Pass III







right » Bill Munro and Susan Harris.

A W A Y F R O M B U S I N E S S L I F E , Bill has a passion for sailing and when time permits, he likes nothing better than to sail his Oyster 575, Boarding Pass III with his partner Susan Harris and close friends. “I like to say exactly what I am thinking and then everybody knows exactly where they stand! It comes from my upbringing. I do think honesty is terribly important. In business, we’re not the biggest but being the biggest isn’t the target. I want whatever I am involved in to be the best and that goes for racing my Oyster 575 Boarding Pass III as well!”. “Being the best is all to do with your attitude. If we take a project on, we never fail to deliver. We don’t take on or make pledges lightly, so we tend to be known in the travel industry for doing what we say we’ll do, which I think is very, very important. I have to say that generally in the marine industry, many organisations over promise and under deliver but that cannot be said of Oyster. My business is almost a way of life and I think if you’re going to be successful in business, you can’t think about the number of hours or the effort you put in or anything like that. You don’t count the time and you don’t count the investment as such. Richard Branson once said: ‘If you’re only in business to make money, you probably won’t!’ All the great


businesses give it their all and make sure that they succeed; it has to be a full-on effort.” “Away from business, Susan and I love to go sailing. We both really enjoy getting out on the water. We would far rather be on Boarding Pass III than in a five or six-star hotel. We’re not bothered with worrying about what we have to wear for dinner and at Oyster Regattas you feel relaxed because everybody is in the same environment, in the same boat, so to speak. I am not really one for big social events and before I started going to the Oyster Regattas, »





I thought I wouldn’t enjoy them but I have to say, I have been very pleasantly surprised. We meet so many interesting people and they all have a story to tell, people from different backgrounds and different nationalities from all walks of life. It’s great to meet so many brilliant people who have achieved great things.” “Oyster owners talk about where they have been with their yachts and their experiences. They talk about ports and servicing so there are good recommendations and information to be had. On our travels we frequently bump into other Oyster owners. Sometimes we haven’t seen them in six months and it’s like meeting old friends. Everybody is very helpful in the Oyster community: if you have a problem, people turn up to help in any way they can, which is great. They say it’s better to give than receive and Oyster people feel like that, they just want to help. A good example of that was at the BVI Oyster Regatta this year. We damaged our mainsail furling system and Paul Bateman, who owns Stardust of Burnham didn’t hesitate in providing a spare: that is the true spirit of Oyster.”

ab ov e »

“I value people who are honest, straightforward, trustworthy, have got tenacity. I think it’s terribly

Bill and Susan’s Oyster 575 Boarding Pass III at the Oyster Regatta BVI 2012.

safety and, in many marinas, having an Oyster can often mean you get a great berth, in a central

important. The primary reasons for getting an Oyster in the first place was their reputation and position next to the clubs and the restaurants. The reputation of Oyster is worldwide.”

Bill Munro, Owner of Oyster 575 Boarding Pass III was talking to Louay Habib during the Oyster Regatta in the British Virgin Islands. For more information on Barrhead Travel visit www.barrheadtravel.co.uk




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IN 2013, THe OysTer WOrlD rAlly fleeT WIll sAIl THrOugH sOme Of freNcH POlyNesIA – 118 IslANDs scATTereD Over AN AreA Of TrOPIcAl OceAN THe sIze Of eurOPe. A PArADIse Of WHIcH TAHITI Is THe mAIN IslAND


P H O t O S b y ta H I t I t O U r I S m a N D t O r J O H N S O N


t e x t b y g r a e m e l ay



summer 2012

I m A g I N e T H I s : 118 islands of all shapes and sizes, scattered over an area of tropical ocean the size of Europe. Across this ocean, trade winds blow steadily from the southeast for most of the year, tempering the heat of the sun. The islands are surrounded by coral reefs. Inside the passes are limpid lagoons where the sea is never turbulent. On the outer edge of the lagoons are lines of low, uninhabited islets; called ‘motu’, they are covered in coconut palms, ironwood trees and pandanus shrubs and encircled by white sand beaches. A fantasy, yes? no! Such islands really do exist. They are found in French Polynesia, and include Tahiti as primary island. Beyond Tahiti there are 117 other islands, and the sea surrounding them is one of the finest sailing areas on Earth. The indigenous people of Tahiti are Polynesian, known traditionally as ‘Maohi’. Migrating out from the archipelagos of South East Asia about three thousand years ago, they became, by necessity, seafaring people who used their sailing skills to first reach the islands of Melanesia, in the southwest Pacific Ocean. From there they continued to filter east, voyaging across the open ocean in large, double-hulled canoes hewn from rainforest trees. This migration occurred 2000 years before European seamen crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Sailing against the prevailing winds, navigating by the stars, interpreting the drift of ocean currents, by about 1200 AD these consummate South Pacific seafarers were able to reach and inhabit the apexes of what became known as the Polynesian Triangle. These were the Hawaiian Islands in the north, Easter Island-Rapanui in the east and new Zealand-Aotearoa in the south in addition to innumerable islands within the vast triangle. ‘Polynesia’ means ‘many islands’. »

summer 2012



Atolls are the ancient remnants of high islands, sunk almost to sea level. The 76 atolls of the Tuamotu Archipelago are scattered across the central Pacific Ocean like a brilliant galaxy. Each atoll consists of bracelets of long slender motus, made of coral sand and rock, enclosing huge lagoons, which are protected from the open ocean. Breaches in the motus allow ocean water to enter the lagoon with the incoming tide, flushing its waters and so keeping them pure. These breaches also allow ocean-going yachts French Polynesia’s 118 islands are in six clusters, spread over a sea

to enter and leave the lagoon.

area of 4,000,000km2. The six groups are the Society Islands, which include Tahiti, the Tuamotu Archipelago, the Marquesas Islands, the

Islands are best approached from the sea, as they were for thousands

Austral Islands, the Gambier Islands and the Bass Islands. Of the total

of years. Today, French Polynesia has a comprehensive, sophisticated

population of 200,000, three quarters live on the islands of Tahiti

infrastructure to accommodate private sailing vessels, with a great

and nearby Moorea.

diversity of nautical options – blue water, lagoon exploration, inter-island voyaging.

Although all of French Polynesia’s islands are of volcanic origin, they are of two very different geological types, namely high islands and atolls.

In French Polynesia many of the high islands are in close proximity to

The high islands are mountainous and forested, and surrounded by coral

one another, so that profiles of neighbouring islands are always present.

reefs and tranquil lagoons. They have at their core jagged, forest-covered

This is particularly true of the Society Islands, which are divided into the

peaks sometimes rising to over one thousand metres above sea level.

Leeward Islands (to the west) and the windward Islands (to the east).

The largest, as well as the most populous of the high islands, is Tahiti itself.

Tahiti and Moorea are in the windward group, and on Tahiti’s northern

Its highest peak, Mt Orohena, soars to 2,241m above sea level.

coast is French Polynesia’s capital and principal port town, Papeete.

IslANDs Are BesT APPrOAcHeD frOm THe seA, As THey Were fOr THOusANDs Of yeArs. TODAy, freNcH POlyNesIA HAs A cOmPreHeNsIve sOPHIsTIcATeD INfrAsTrucTure TO AccOmmODATe PrIvATe sAIlINg vessels A bustling, cosmopolitan city, which spreads up the slopes of its mountain hinterland, Papeete is reminiscent of a city on the French Riviera. It has an extensive port where large yachts can moor, as well as a marina for all types of pleasure craft. The waterfront here is also a popular public gathering place, with many restaurants and craft boutiques in To’ata Square at its western end, and mobile snack bars and an open entertainment area at Vaiete Square, at the eastern end. Tahitian cultural shows are also held regularly at Vaiete Square, and can be enjoyed by visitors whose yachts are tied up in the nearby marina. Tahiti and Moorea are only 17km apart, separated by the Sea of the Moon. Large catamarans and ferryboats cross this sea many times a day, connecting Papeete, French Polynesia’s capital, with the port of Moorea, Vaiare. Moorea is a popular holiday island where all aquatic activities are catered for. Two giant bays, Baie d’Opunohu and Baie de Cook, deeply indent the island’s northern coast, and make ideal anchorages for yachts. Enclosed by towering mountains, these twin bays provide ready entry and egress to Moorea’s forested interior, which rises to Mt Tohiea (1,207m). The quartet which comprises the Leeward Islands of the Society Group – Huahine, Raiatea-Tahaa and Bora Bora – are clustered about 200km northwest of Tahiti. Only half a day’s sailing apart, all four are sublimely beautiful high islands. Deep passes through their coral reefs allow yachts to enter their extensive surrounding lagoons, which are ideal for anchoring, cruising, swimming, snorkelling and scuba diving »



summer 2012

le ft » The local handicraft of weaving pandanus leaves.

le ft & be low » Traditional Tahitian welcome ceremony; Tahiti Pearl regatta, lagoon of Tahaa.



TAHITI PeArl regATTA 2013 On 8 – 12 May 2013, the Leeward Islands will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Tahiti Pearl Regatta, which provides an ideal balance between competitive sailing and a festive Polynesian discovery. Several Oysters from the Oyster world Rally fleet are expected to take part in this event. All Oyster world Rally participants can benefit from a 10% discount when they fly with Air Tahiti nui. www.tahitipearlregatta.org.pf

summer 2012



Each island also has a port and a waterfront town where the vessels

The atolls of the Tuamotus are another world entirely, less visited and

can be provisioned. The Leeward Islands towns are much quieter

accordingly with a much slower pace of life. But within their sheltered

than Papeete, and their sleepy ambience suits the territory perfectly.

lagoons are some of the finest diving sites and richest aquatic life in the

Most attractive of them is Fare, on lovely Huahine Island. Fare is everybody’s

Pacific, with an underwater visibility of many metres. The most developed

notion of what a South Sea island port town should be. And being

of the 76 Tuamotu atolls are Rangiroa, Fakarava, Tikehau and Manihi.

located on the west coast of Huahine means that nearby Raiatea, the

Tikehau has a wonderful seabird sanctuary island in its lagoon, while

island which is sacred to all Polynesians, and the island which shares

Rangiroa’s Tiputa Pass is world-renowned for its ‘shark wall’, where

Raiatea’s lagoon, Tahaa, lie across the western horizon. There is only one

up to 300 sharks of various species gather to feed. Harmless to humans,

pass through Bora Bora’s reef, but the island’s town, Vaitape, has every

the sharks and other large fish make Tiputa Pass a diver’s nirvana.

facility for seaborne visitors. And Bora Bora’s lagoon is one of the most

Cruising yachts can enter almost of all the Tuamotus’ atolls’ vast lagoons

beautiful in the South Pacific, with its variegated shades of blinding blue

via deep passages through the reef, and then readily find safe anchorages

and a long chain of motus along the eastern fringe of the lagoon.

within them.

Raiatea is an island of great cultural significance and the second busiest

For the adventurous sailor, the Marquesas Islands offer something truly

port in French Polynesia. Its waterfront town, Uturoa, with modern marina

unique. wild, rugged and remote, this group of twelve islands 1,500km

and a deep harbour, makes a fine base for cruising the extensive lagoons

northeast of Tahiti is further from any continental landmass than any

of Raiatea and neighbouring Tahaa, and exploring Raiatea’s sound, Baie

other islands on Earth. Steep cliffs plunge into the ocean, waves crash

de Faaroa, on the island’s east coast.

against the base of the cliffs and wild goats and horses inhabit the islands’ ravines and forests. Unusually, the islands of the Marquesas are

Faaroa Bay is enclosed by mountains, including Mt Toomaru (1,017m),

not surrounded by coral reefs and so lie exposed to the ocean swells.

the island’s highest peak. Fed by French Polynesia’s only navigable river,

But there are also beautiful bays here, sheltered from the winds and

the deep bay was the centre of ancient Tahiti’s canoe building industry.

swells, which make up some of the most picturesque anchorages in the

The hulls of the great canoes were hewn here, from giant rainforest trees,

world. These include Taiohoe Bay on nuku Hiva, Taaoa Bay on Hiva Oa

launched into the bay and taken around the coast to the largest and

and Aneo Bay, on Ua Pou.

most sacred marae in all Polynesia, Taputapuatea, which occupies a level promontory opposite a deep pass in Raiatea’s reef. Here the canoes were blessed by priests before their departure for other far-flung islands in the Polynesian Triangle. Taputapuatea was the Cape Canaveral of ancient Polynesia.



summer 2012

Bon voyage!

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no.1 on my

bucket list 1.

saIL on an oyster (Done 2012)


fLy (not done yet)


Learn to PLay goLf (Done 2011)


saIL rounD the meD (Done 2012)


swIm In the ocean wIth no LanD In sIte (Done 2012)


DrIve a Lotus (Done 2011)


get PuBLIsheD (Done now!)


Do the PhotograPhy at the Peter aLLIss masters goLf chamPIonshIPs (Done 2011)


go on a nILe cruIse (not done yet)

10. maKe the most of every Day I have Left!




summer 2012

Life certainly can go off at an amazing tangent

Bridge we met up to form a flotilla to sail up

sometimes. For the weeks following my filming

the Thames. what a beautiful sight, five brand

day on the Oysters I was definitely on a cloud.

new Oysters all in a row. And with me on the

The memory stayed with me so vividly I thought

helm, London came into view. The crew set

nothing would ever replace it. Then came the

to thinking what a collection of Oysters could

phone call!

be called. we decided on ‘A Compliment

Five Oysters were sailing from Ipswich to London’s St Katharine Docks in April, for

of Oysters’. They always say the best way to choose a

Oyster’s annual Private View. would I like to

house is from the water and certainly the trip

crew one of them? well, it only took a split

up the River Thames illustrates the wonderful

second for me to decide: yes, of course I

properties along its banks. what I hadn’t

you are informed you have less than a year to

would! we were to depart from Ipswich at just

realized was how green London actually is.

live. After the initial shock and the disbelief and

after midnight and arrive at St Katharine’s at

The amount of trees and open land make it

anger, a list of things you have always wanted to

around 13.00 to catch the high tide to enable us

very beautiful. we passed through the

do begins to form in your mind, a bucket list.

to go through the lock and into the dock.

Thames Barrier, and on past the newly

well for me, at the top of my list: sail on an

The night was dry and still and on the estuary,

restored ‘Cutty Sark’ at Greenwich sitting

Oyster! Also on my list was to learn to play golf,

just the oystercatchers calling in the quiet night

atop her state-of-the art glass ‘ocean’.

which I have done, but the Oyster was the jewel

air broke the silence. we stowed our gear, ran

in the crown.

through all the safety routines and settled down

there was a small delay as we awaited the

with a cup of tea to await cast off for our trip.

departure of a Thames barge with her lovely

ImagIne the scenarIo:

at 45 years of age

In January 2012, my oncologist asked me

Arriving at the lock at St Katharine Docks,

whether I would be interested in taking part in media activities to raise awareness of metastatic breast cancer. I have since been invited to develop a short film about my experience with the disease. I was told the filming could take place in any location of my choice. Hmmmm, I wondered? well if you don’t ask, you don’t get. I emailed Oyster Yachts explaining the situation and asking if they would allow us to do the filming

I can onLy try to DescrIBe the feeLIng of wonDer, awe anD aPPrecIatIon I feLt when I stePPeD on BoarD for the fIrst tIme. It Is somethIng I wILL reLIve every Day of my LIfe anD rememBer wIth a huge smILe

on one of their yachts. To my disbelief and joy, an email came back from Samantha Kirk in the Marketing Department saying Oyster would be

the fIve oysters were

pleased to help. My dream was going to come

Oyster 54, Oyster 575, the new Oyster 625 and

in the sunshine, the heavens opened as we

true at last!

a stunning Oyster 72. I joined the crew on

tied up in the lock. The number one entry on

board the Oyster 625.

my bucket list had drawn to a close and what

My romance with Oysters started many years ago when I fell in love in Mallorca. Fortunately it

an Oyster 46,

13.00 came and it was time to leave.

brick red sails. After our memorable journey

an incredible experience it had been, both

wasn’t with a man but a yacht! She was tied up

we motored down the River Orwell with the

physically and emotionally! One of the most

to the pontoon with a ‘for sale’ sign attached to

bright lights of Ipswich gradually fading behind

important things for cancer sufferers is

her. It was Royal Oyster. I went back every day

us. Under the Orwell Bridge, out past Felixstowe

to stay positive and with the support and

to see her but at the end of my holiday I had to

and into the north Sea. An amazingly wide river

incredible kindness of Oyster, my start to 2012

leave her there. I think I am still in love with her

at night, it certainly was eerily beautiful and I can

has been the most positive experience of my

now, all these years later.

see why the writer Eric Blair chose the pen name

life, for which I thank all the wonderful people

under which he would later become famous

at Oyster. And for all those lucky Oyster owners

day of my life. I felt like a movie star. wonderful

- George Orwell - because of his love for the river.

out there I hope you look on your beautiful

people, great fun, and of course the star of the

Motoring with the autohelm on gave some

yachts with a little smile now and think how

Our day of filming was the most incredible

show was the Oyster. I can only try to describe

of us the chance to get a little sleep, but it

something so beautiful can bring so much

the feeling of wonder, awe and appreciation I

wasn’t long before we were sailing at last.

pleasure to someone’s life.

felt when I stepped on board for the first time.

Up on deck the sun had just come up. It was a

It is something I will relive every day of my life

beautiful sunny morning, fairly flat sea and

and remember with a huge smile.

24 mph wind. Perfect. A few hours later, with the rest of our crew up, the engines were turned on, the sails down and we had breakfast listening to the Blues Brothers whilst motoring into the Thames estuary. All the yachts had departed from Ipswich at different times but as we rounded the turn to the Queen Elizabeth II

summer 2012



the chileAn chAnnels OYSTER 62

» U H U RU

As pArt of A 35,000-mile, three-yeAr cruise in my oyster 62 – uhuru of lymington – thAt took in north AmericA, cubA, the cAribbeAn, british guyAnA, french guiAnA, devil’s islAnd, brAzil, uruguAy, the fAlklAnd islAnds, ArgentinA And AntArcticA, we spent two months eXploring the chileAn chAnnels TEXT BY STEVE POWELL



summer 2012



summer 2012



Caleta Ferrari was our true taste of Patagonia. It is a beautiful little hideaway just up a bahía (fjord or bay) on the north side of the Beagle Channel. There is a small ranch here that is run by José, a classic Chilean gaucho (cowboy), and his Belgian girlfriend Anemie, who apparently sailed in here with her husband of 14 years and never left! Looking at José with his classic gaucho moustache, dark menacing eyes and rather large knife in his belt, I am sure the husband didn’t complain too much! They have more animals, dogs, cats, horses etc. – than you can count. They also basically live off the land, with wild cows and horses that they kill for meat, amazing southern king crabs called centolla and all the fish they could want. They rent horses out to passing yachts and offer fishing advice. They also generously gave us full use of their crab nets, which Mike and Chris then learned how to set with José.

After returning from AntArcticA

and going around Cape

I had only planned to stay a couple of days in Caleta Ferrari as we needed

Horn ‘the wrong way’, my plan was to change crew (a different set of

to move on: we still had nearly 600 miles to go to Puerto natales, and so

friends) and restock in Ushuaia, Argentina and then spend a couple of

far we had only managed 20! But we were about to learn another lesson

months exploring the Chilean Channels. Having read a number of

about life down here: the forecasts may look okay but don’t rely on them.

books on Darwin and the Beagle, especially This Thing of Darkness by

we got up just before dawn and set off at first light. There was little or no

Harry Thompson, I was fascinated by the whole region and the thought

wind as we motored the couple of miles down the bahía to get out into

of sailing up the Beagle Channel and the Magellan Straits was almost as

the Beagle Channel, so I was feeling confident. As we neared the turn,

exciting as going to Antarctica. To be frank, I had no idea what to expect.

things started to look a little different and no sooner had we stuck our

I had the bible of sailing in these parts – Patagonia & Tierra Del Fuego

noses around the corner than we were hit with sledgehammer winds of

Nautical Guide by Mariolina Rolfo and Giorgio Ardrizzi, also known as

45 knots, screaming down the Beagle, directly from the west, our route!

“Those two Italian guys that did the book” – a set of Chilean navy tide

It was all being funnelled down through the mountains and no weather

tables and a full set of Chilean navy charts, plus an open mind which was

forecast can deal with such a situation, no matter how good they are.

about to learn a few lessons about sailing in these parts. Further than that,

well, it didn’t take me too long to decide that I’d had enough of this.

we had no plans other than to meet our wives in Puerto natales in about a month’s time, some 600nm north-west of us, through some of the most notorious waters in the world. 600 nautical miles in a month seemed easy, very feasible. I had planned to try and achieve about 40-50 nautical miles a day. It should only have taken 15 sailing days and we had just over a month available. But then

so we heAded bAck to cAletA ferrAri with our tAils between our legs, And sAt down to A long lAzy sundAy. but hey! we hAd hAlf A ton of crAb, four beAutiful brown trouts, severAl kilos of mullet And A mAgnum of sAke, so it wAsn’t thAt tough!

we started to learn what sailing in the Channels really meant. It took us four days to achieve the first 20 miles. First we had to head east back to

we experienced this problem numerous times while down in the

Porto williams (25nm) to clear into Chile, then we sailed back west

Channels, and you have to become philosophical about it. The weather

passed Ushuaia (25nm) and then on to Caleta Ferrari (20nm), our first

forecast might have said one thing but until you got out into the main

planned stop. 70 miles to achieve just 20: what a pain, and hard miles

channel it was very difficult to be sure of what you were going to get.

at that. As we passed Ushuaia on the return, the wind picked up and we

we spent many days just sitting tied up in little Caletas, just off the main

had 30+ knots on the nose with a short, steep sea heading right at us.

channel, looking at the wind and seas.

we took more freezing water over the bow than we ever did crossing the Southern Ocean. It reminded me of the Solent on a really bad day,

The first couple of weeks, we made our way slowly up the Beagle

but the water was a lot colder. we tried motoring into it but with the

Channel and through the channels that connect it to the Magellan Straits.

wind, sea and tide/current against us our speed dropped down to just

we experienced every type of weather you could imagine, all in the

2 knots at times. So we tacked across it, making better speed and a more

same day. One minute we were sailing gently along in a following breeze,

comfortable ride, but adding miles, so the 20nm journey became 30nm.

the next minute the wind had turned 180 degrees and was coming at us at 40 knots. One minute it’s bright sunshine, the next minute it’s pouring

So our journey became 80nm to achieve just 20nm. we very nearly gave up at one point and went into a bay, only to realise when we saw all these flags on military bases that we were back in Argentina, which we didn’t want! So we gritted our collective teeth and soldiered on. A great sigh of relief was heard on UHURU as we slid into the calm waters of Bahia Yendegaia, and on into Caleta Ferrari.



summer 2012

with rain. Then it all starts again – English weather has got nothing on this! »

this page » willie and david ‘botty’ botterill and beans in front of the glacier, seno pia, terra del fuego; local wildlife - sealions; horse riding in patagonia, the best way to find great fishing!; sailing up the beagle channel.

we hAd 30+ knots on the nose with A short, steep seA heAding right At us. we took on more freezing wAter over the bow thAn we ever did crossing the southern oceAn. it reminded me of the solent on A reAlly bAd dAy, but the wAter wAs A lot colder

summer 2012



we sAfely nAvigAted

through many narrows and challenging tidal

gates, but the toughest had to be Paso O’Ryan in the Canal Acwalisnan. It is a very tight little squeeze between rocks, and the depth jumps from 100 metres to just 4 metres – close to the 2.7 metres that we draw. In the flood tide, 8 knots of tide can run through this very narrow gap. These channels suffer from both a strong permanent west to east current, and being tidal. So when you are sailing east to west you are always going against the tide/current; when the tide is in your favour it’s just slowing the current down a little. I decided that we would do it at low water slack or as close as we could get to it. That way, although we would have had less water under us, I should have been able to see the rocks clearly. well that part of the plan worked: we definitely could see the rocks! Lots of them, and very close. But what we hadn’t expected was 5.5 knots of current under us. we shot through Paso O’Ryan, as if we were running rapids on the Colorado River. The turbulence was quite extraordinary, twisting UHURU around as if she was just a cork, floating on the water. Once we were committed, all I could do was try and steer her as best I could: another adrenalin high on UHURU, as we all realised what we had just gone through. Once again, UHURU showed her true adventure boat pedigree and brought us through safely.

but for All its chAllenges, this region does hAve its chArms. the scenery is spectAculAr: mAssive grAnite fAces, huge tumbling glAciers, snow-covered mountAin rAnges, wAterfAlls thAt cAscAde down huge cliffs, remote mountAin lAkes, bubbling streAms, florA And fAunA strAight from JurAssic pArk, seAls, whAles, dolphins And A multitude of birds. Our struggle continued as it took us nearly two weeks to do the first 200 miles. One day, we beat hard all day up the Magellan Straits into the teeth of a severe gale with the Pacific Ocean funnelling down into the straits. we managed a total of just 22nm before slipping into a safe anchorage. we found that a combination of main, staysail plus engine was the only way we could make any headway against the winds and current we faced. The log shows steady 45 knots winds with gusts of over 50 knots, and that it took us 9 hours to achieve just 22nm, as the crow flies, averaging just 2.4 knots an hour. Each day we would try to make about 40 nautical miles, but at about four o’clock in the afternoon we would have to start thinking about finding a ‘bolt hole’ to get into as night sailing in these tight and sparsely charted channels was just not an option. The process was not quick or easy. First we had to check whether we could actually get in and, although we had an excellent nautical guide, which gave us a lot of potential anchorages, we couldn’t always be sure of getting into them due to ice, kelp, or just the size of UHURU (most boats down here tend to be smaller). »



summer 2012

Another AdrenAlin high on uhuru, As we All reAlised whAt we hAd Just gone through. once AgAin, uhuru showed her true Adventure boAt pedigree And brought us through sAfely

summer 2012



t h i s pa g e » bashing up the magellan straits. wind speed of over 50 knots in choppy seas; steve diving for southern ocean king crab in the kelp beds of the beagle channel; one of José’s and chris’ many catches of centolla (southern king crab).



summer 2012

we often spent

several hours just finding a suitable anchorage.

Then we’d have to go through the process of setting lines out to shore so we could fix our position. Very few of these anchorages were big enough to allow UHURU to swing at anchor. Tying off every night became an art form, often performed in contrary winds and only metres away from rocks and the shore, but it is amazing what you get used too. Mike and Chris would jump in the tender, I would then try and fix and hold UHURU where I wanted her in the cove, then Botty would feed out our special shore lines to the guys who then had to race to shore, climb up the rocks and find suitable trees or boulders to tie up to. If they were too slow, UHURU would be blown off station and I’d get stressed, as the shore and rocks were often only metres away. Then, of course, there were the dolphins, who seemed to take a perverse pleasure in distracting my crew at the critical moment while they were laying shorelines! The biggest dangers in these ‘bolt holes’ is what’s known as williwaws – sudden whirlwind type winds reaching up to 100 knots. The pilot book describes them in the following fashion: “Their action is stronger in the coves and the waters lying under steep mountainsides. Gusts descend

the weAther hAd been AppAlling, with Almost constAnt rAin, vAst QuAntities of hAilstones the size of mArbles, And williwAws with 60-70 knots of wind hitting us Around the clock

into the valleys in a roar of shaken trees and whistling whirlwind on rocks. Small twisters of foam and water appear on the sea, rushing at incredible speeds on the surface, accompanied by curtains of rain and

I shouldn’t give you the impression that it was all bad weather, and once

hail. The average duration of this phenomenon is 8-10 seconds but

we had picked up our wives in Puerto natales we had the most fantastic

sometimes can be up to a minute.”

sail back ‘downwind’ and with the current, a lot of wonderful sunny days, remote anchorages, long hikes and wildlife.

we cAme Across williwAws on A number of occAsions, sometimes while sAiling or motoring up A nArrow chAnnel, when we would be Almost knocked down by the effect of them, but mostly while tied up in smAll cAletAs. the worst moment of our whole trip cAme courtesy of williwAws.

we also met great people down there who were always friendly and wondrously generous with their advice and help. The sailing community consists mainly of long-term, live-aboard families on the smaller boats and charter crews on the larger boats. we have seen at least three old Challenger boats that used to live in Berthon Marina, which have been converted into very good charter boats down there. Of course, they all knew Lymington, where they had acquired their boats. The charter

we were tied up in Caleta Uriarte, Isla Desolacion, just off the Straits

skippers were unquestionably the most friendly and helpful people you

of Magellan after picking our wives up in Puerto natales. we were

could meet; we gained a massive amount of knowledge from just talking

anchored with three lines ashore plus our main anchor. The weather had

with them. These guys spend the whole season down there, going

been appalling with almost constant rain, vast quantities of hailstones the

backwards and forwards to Antarctica in all conditions, or up the Chilean

size of marbles, and williwaws with 60-70 knots of wind hitting us around

Channels. These are the guys who take the films crews out to do all the

the clock. All we could do was sit and watch our lines in the hope they

fantastic documentaries you see on the BBC. As you can imagine they

wouldn’t part.

have a few tales to tell. You have to take your hat off to these real adventurers. In particular, thanks to Steve on Xplore, Chris on Pelagic

At the height of the storm, I saw the massive boulder that one of our

and Miles on Pelagic Australis: great guys and great crews.

shorelines was strapped to roll down the beach towards us. Suddenly we had gusts of over 70 knots on our beam. Our bow shoreline had gone,

After an amazing four months in the Southern Ocean, we started north

and the combination of our stern lines and anchor was holding us beam

again before the weather closed in. we almost had close to 8,000nm to

on to the williwaws just metres from the rocky shore. If the anchor

travel to get home, destination Lymington. On our second day out we got

dragged now, we would be smashed on the rocks, stranded in a rather

caught in a force 10/11 storm that knocked us down and blew us for three

inhospitable spot a long, long way from any help. Chris and Botty jumped

days and three nights 500nm off course, back to the Falklands. But as they

into the tender and recovered our line, no easy feat in winds gusting

say, that’s another story.

70 knots. Then in between gusts, using a combination of bow thruster, engine and winches, we slowly managed to get her bow into the wind again. It took us nearly two hours to get her around against the constant

For further details of UHURU’s travels visit http://blog.mailsail.com/uhuru

beam-on williwaws. Beans and willie (our long suffering wives) were absolute troupers, hauling on lines and helping us reset in the most appalling conditions. All with a smile; well, maybe afterwards.

summer 2012





summer 2012


» Sarabande




P H O T O S B Y n I C O M A R T I n E Z , T I M w R I G H T & K Ö H L M O O S FA M I LY

summer 2012





crew of family and friends, this boat is

Finally, in 1969, his childhood hobby had caught up with his business

one to be reckoned with in the Oyster Regattas: overall winner of the

life and from then onwards, Köhlmoos’ company delivered a constant

Oyster Regatta in Sardinia 2010, second in their class in 2011. “Many

stream of outstanding innovations in aquaristic products. As a side

Oysters are configured for blue water cruising”, says Gerd. “But we are not

effect, more and more pet shops wanted to have their showrooms

the liveaboard-type. we love to sail, but fast!” So when they ordered their

designed and equipped by him, so in 1984 he also created the company

new Oyster, Gerd and his wife Annemarie specified a taller carbon mast,

‘Juwel Ladenbau’, specialised in shopfitting, which is active Europe-wide.

a large, fully-battened main and a high and narrow blade jib. Of course, Oyster yachts also have racing genes in them and with a rig like this, the

This background does show a certain affinity for water, but when and how

boat really flies!

did he start sailing? Gerd smiles: “Quite early and quite late. I was on a pupil exchange scheme and found myself in Las Palmas for a year when

During his long sailing career, Gerd has not always been the race winner,

I was 16!” As it happened, his host family were members of the local

but rather the more relaxed cruising type. However, he certainly has the

Club nautico and active sailors. However, Gerd himself did not take up

competitive spirit inside him, having been self-employed since age 25.

sailing until later in life: “when I came back to Germany, I had neither the

His company is the market leader in aquaristic articles, and although

time nor the opportunity or the financial means to start sailing”, he says.

aquariums have been a childhood hobby of his, his professional career

“At least, not until I was 34 when I joined a sailing club in Hamburg”.

has been more diverse. when he founded his current company,

This was the HVS (Hamburger Verein Seefahrt), not any sailing club but

‘Juwel Aquarium’, he was 32 and had already been a certified interpreter,

one with a long and proud tradition of offshore and blue water cruising

an export manager for fashion accessories and jewellery, and a producer

in yachts that are owned by the club. “I did cruise offshore a lot, then,

of windows with aluminium frames. But in the end it was his desire to

and actually also came back to Las Palmas one day, sailing there during

create a modern and elegant aquarium, using aluminium framing, which

one of the club’s cruises.” After a while, and with increasing business

ultimately led him to change his business from producing windows to

success, he was able to fulfil his dream of owning a yacht – a Centurion 32

producing aquariums.

by wauquiez, “a lovely little classic”, as he fondly recalls.



summer 2012

left » Gerd’s second Oyster, the 54 sarabande .

right » Oyster regatta sardinia 2012; Gerd’s first Oyster, the 485 Flamenco at the Oyster Palma regatta 2008; Gerd and family enjoying the Oyster regatta sardinia.

while his sailing has always been smooth and safe, as he says, he does tell me of one rather adventurous episode in his life as a yacht owner. This was when he bought his first big boat, a 50-something-footer that he chartered out with a professional skipper in the Caribbean. “It all started perfectly. The first skipper ran a very happy and efficient ship but when he left me to start up his own business, the problems began.” As it happened, the second skipper did a rather poor job and, due to his many mistakes, clients were lost and the boat fell into neglect. “we found ourselves flying back and forth to the Caribbean with spare parts and sails”, Gerd recalls, “just to make the sailing holidays happen for other people. This is not what we wanted to do!” It all culminated when the yacht was actually stolen in the Caribbean and disappeared, never to be seen again. “Gerd searched for the boat everywhere and kept a sharp lookout”, his wife Annemarie recalls, “and he would have spotted our

So they do both enjoy their yacht. And, something that is quite important

boat among thousands in any harbour. But it was lost!” The insurance

to them, the unique family feeling among Oyster owners. “we have met

paid up and Gerd laughingly admits, after all these years: “Do you

so many nice people during the Oyster events, which not only provide

know what? I sometimes believe that God was merciful with us then!”

great sailing, but also fantastic socialising”, Gerd says. “And we have made

This episode however did have one lasting effect: “we both love to sail

some very good friends there with whom we have a lot of contact, and

in the Caribbean and we often charter there, whenever we want to sail

not only about sailing.” Sarabande is their second Oyster and yes, they

in the wintertime!”

love the boat, but this social aspect is, as they both point out, very important to them.

Gerd and Annemarie never contemplated the long trip, which they neither missed nor regretted. “For us, the spice of life lies in the contrasts”,

So what is next? They both would like to explore more of the Med:

they both say. “we love our sailing holidays, but we also like to return to

the Tuscany coast, also visit Malta and sail back through the straits of

our shore lives!” In this manner, they have cruised the Baltic for 25 years,

Messina. Turkey is another option, but: “Then we would have to leave

an area which they still love even if they currently keep their boat in

the boat there for the winter as it is a long way to sail from Palma and

Palma. “The Baltic is perfect for short trips, even weekends. There are

we never stay on board for more than five weeks at a time.” After all,

so many islands and harbours. The Mediterranean is different, better

Gerd is still very active in his companies and other professional activities,

suited for longer cruises. we have sailed from Palma to Sicily and other

and they have a dog at home, which they do not want to leave for a

places in Italy.” They clearly also enjoy the Med, sometimes even in

much longer period of time. And one day, maybe, they might want to

winter (“If you are lucky with the weather!”), but prefer to stay away when

return to the Baltic. There is only one problem: their boat is being kept

it’s at its busiest from mid July to the end of August. Luckily for them,

in pristine condition in Palma, by their Spanish bosun. “He really is

Gerd and Annemarie are not restricted to sailing during the peak holiday

fantastic”, Gerd says. “Only one thing: he would probably not want to

season. And, as they both point out, they are also lucky in another

move from Palma to the Baltic”.

sense: “when we got to know each other, we were both already sailing. we already shared that passion and none of us had to follow the hobby of the other one!”

Gerd Köhlmoos, Owner of Oyster 54 Sarabande was talking to Detlef Jens. For more information on Juwel Aquarium visit www.juwel-aquarium.co.uk

summer 2012



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oyst e r y A c h t s h o n o u r e D to s u p p o rt t h e 2 01 2 s Ai l f o r g o lD b A l l Double Queen’s AwArD-winning yAcht builDer, oyster wAs A prouD pAtron of the 2012 sAil for golD bAll, which wAs helD on 13 June in support of britAin’s olympic AnD pArAlympic sAilors in their Quest for meDAls At the 2012 gAmes

In support of the 22 Olympic and Paralympic team sailors who will compete in weymouth and Portland this summer, more than 850 guests attended a reception and ball at the London Hilton on Park Lane, in the presence of HRH The Princess Royal. Sponsors and Patrons were invited to the President’s reception in the hotel’s Coronation Room where Oyster Group CEO David Tydeman and Oyster shareholder Klaas Meertens had the honour of a formal introduction to HRH The Princess Royal in recognition of Oyster’s support of the event. David Tydeman commented: “It is a pleasure

Olympic gold medallist Shirley Robertson OBE,

to support British sailing and our Olympic

the fundraising auction offered an astounding

hopefuls this year and in the future. The British

array of prizes, including the star prize of

teams are at the top of their game right now

a holiday of a lifetime on board a fantastic

and we wish them every success in weymouth.

Oyster 82 on a one-week, fully-crewed charter

The Princess Royal’s support is fantastic and

donated by Oyster Yachts. with bidding brisk,

her clear enthusiasm helps everyone feel very

David Tydeman announced that a further

proud of our Olympic teams.”

week’s charter would be made available,

Organised by the Royal Yachting

generating over £36,000 of the total of

Association, the event was attended by some

£106,000 raised in the exciting auction run

of the biggest names in sailing from the past

by nick Bonham on the night.

and present, who were treated to a feast

Speaking on behalf of the sailors, triple

For further information from the Skandia

of entertainment as the event once again

Olympic gold medallist Ben Ainslie thanked

Team GBR British Sailing Team visit,

raised significant funds to help support the

everyone for attending and highlighted the


development of world-class sailing in Britain.

importance of financial backing to ensure that

For details on the Oyster 82s available for

British sailors continue to top international

charter, please visit www.oystercharter.com

podiums for many years to come.

or email: charter@oysteryachts.com

Introduced by the BBC team for the 2012 Olympic sailing events, which includes double

summer 2012



OYsTer WOrLD rALLY A CruIse ArOuND THe WOrLD IN COmPANY THe COuNTDOWN HAs beguN TO THe sTArT Of THe INAugurAL OYsTer WOrLD rALLY, WHICH WILL see A fLeeT Of 30 OYsTer YACHTs seT sAIL frOm ANTIguA AT mIDDAY ON suNDAY 6 JANuArY 2013 Over the last few months, owners and

Cathelco Seafresh organised a practical

enjoyed a fun day with a difference with

crews have been taking part in a number

one-day course on watermakers,

chef Anthony Cumberbatch, who gave

of complimentary seminars, organised

pumps and plumbing.

them an insight into tropical cookery

by the Oyster team, in addition to more

Professional meteorologist

formal training sessions run by our event

Chris Tibbs, who has sailed over

partners, to ensure all participants are

250,000 miles at sea and has three

as well prepared as possible before they

circumnavigations to his credit –

started: the Oyster World Rally Guide

set sail.

including skipper of Concert in the

has been published and Oyster’s

BT Global Challenge – has been

in-house team of Debbie Johnson and

extremely successful ‘Sail Repair’ day,

retained by Oyster to provide weather

Eddie Scougall – who will lead the

in conjunction with the Fox’s Rigging

information to the fleet throughout

15-month rally – have rented out their

team, at their West Mersea sail loft,

the rally. In April, Chris held a very

house, although they still have a car and

with participants getting hands-on

informative two-day course for rally

two motorbikes to sell! In November, a

experience in repairing spinnaker tears,

participants at the Royal Thames Yacht

record fleet of 35 Oysters will arrive in

leach lines and making their own

Club in London. While – it has to be

Las Palmas in the Canaries ready for

splices before later enjoying a local

said – it was mostly the gentlemen in the

their Atlantic crossing, each of them

shellfish supper at the famous West

fleet who were studiously taking notes

taking the first step towards their own

Mersea Oyster Bar. The following day,

on the weather course, their partners

adventure of a lifetime.

In March, Dolphin Sails ran an

and what to do with all those plantains, yams and ackees! Now the serious preparation has

Oyster World Rally Partners: Cathelco Seafresh, Dolphin Sails, Formula BV, Lewmar, Musto, Pantaenius, Pelagos Yachts, Raymarine, Reckmann, Yellowbrick Oyster World Rally Training Partners: Medical Support Offshore, Vortec Marine, Chris Tibbs



summer 2012

Fine Watches & Wristwatches Auction: Tuesday 18 December New Bond Street, London Entries now invited +44 (0) 20 7447 7412 watches@bonhams.com Rolex. A very fine and rare stainless steel chronograph bracelet watch ‘Paul Newman’ Oyster Cosmograph Daytona, Ref:6263, Circa 1971 Sold in London for £90,000

International Auctioneers and Valuers – bonhams.com/watches

S O U T H A M P TO N YA C H T S E R V I C E S A n O y s ter Group Compan y




and its charismatic owner and leading industrialist,

Mike Slade, is one of the most well-known figures in the sport. This year, Slade is celebrating 25 years of yacht racing and his 100ft Supermaxi has just completed an extensive refit at the Oyster Group’s Southampton Yacht Services yard (SYS), from the concepts produced by yacht interior design and styling specialists, Design Unlimited. For the last six months, Leopard has occupied the Custom and Refit hall at the superb SYS waterside facilities in Saxon Wharf, alongside three of Oyster’s fantastic new Oyster 885s, the first of which will be launched in August for Formula 1 racing pundit Eddie Jordan’s family trust. Leopard made her return to racing following her refit at SYS in the J. P. Morgan Round the Island Race on Saturday 30 June, where she successfully defended her monohull record set in 2008 of 3 hours, 53 minutes, 5 seconds, with a finish time of 3 hours, 59 minutes, 4 seconds. Leopard 3 was awarded the Observer Trophy and J.P. Morgan Asset Management Trophy for the first monohull to finish and the Conrad Ritblat Trophy and J.P. Morgan Asset Management Salver for the first IRC yacht to finish. The presentation was made by Dame Ellen MacArthur.






I wanted SYS to handle the fit-out of the new

Leopard was always meant to have an interior

front of the boat but it had to integrate with the

but for several reasons it was originally built

systems that had been so reliable for over four

without one. The owner has always wanted to

years. So I wanted to use the original team from

cruise Leopard with his friends and family and

Australia to design the new systems and SYS to

he loves to live on board. Besides setting

implement it, as it would have been far more

numerous world records and racing at grand

economical. However this needed everybody

prix regattas, Leopard is also in high demand for

to get on and I have to say that the end result is

corporate charter and a full interior would

something that we are extremely pleased with.

accommodation that would be going into the

definitely provide better facilities for guests. Mike Slade was very impressed with the beautiful


interiors that he had seen on Oyster yachts and

I know for a fact that if I had taken the boat to

a really good understanding of what features

another yard and asked them to carry out the

really work. The original deal was a fixed contract

work, it would have cost far more than taking it

with SYS to provide the new accommodation

to SYS. I went to several yards I have used over

forward of the saloon but, after seeing the

many years. One of them was in France and the

standard of the work, I decided to employ them

labour rate was high and it would have meant

to refit the galley area as well.

also, as Oyster has built so many boats, they have

setting up base in another country with a foreign language. Carrying out the refit in the UK was

SYS created the bespoke interior from scratch,

the best option as the owner is here, the boat

manufacturing every piece of the interior on

is VAT registered in the UK and it is also the

site at Saxon Wharf. We wanted a super-light

yacht’s home. In 2009, we used another yard for

composite interior but with an Oyster look, and

a major refit, which worked well. However this

I think we have very much achieved that.

refit was a lot more technical and the expertise that I needed was very complex.

I have to say that SYS ticked all the boxes: a big enough shed, excellent skilled labour and we

In 1992, Ocean Leopard was refitted at Saxon

have worked with them over the years, which

Wharf and Leopard 2000 had all of the

made us feel very comfortable. In the end it was

electrical and hydraulic design and engineering

a fair deal for us and for them. In fact, I signed

carried out there. I took a drive down there and

the project off and SYS sent their quality control

found out that one of their refit halls was

team down to have a final look and they put in

available. I was delighted to find out that the

three days of extra work touching up and French

same guys were still there 20 years on, which

polishing: that’s the attention to detail that they

made me confident that I was going to get the

are accustomed to. We have ended up with a

job done and, more importantly, I knew that we

lovely product. It couldn’t have worked out better.

would work as a team. It was a complex refit

The quality of their work is fantastic.

ab o v e » ICAP Leopard owner, Mike Slade and Captain, Chris Sherwood; Leopard’s beautifully fitted new aft cabin. Despite the addition of her new interior, Leopard showed that she has lost none of her devastating pace by taking honours and successfully defending her monohull record in the recent JP Morgan Round the Island Race.

and I needed someone to work with us rather than give them the boat. So we started working out a deal with Technical Director Harvey Jones and Managing Director Robert Kathro.

For further information t: +44 (0)23 8033 5266 e: enquiry@southamptonyachtservices.co.uk www.southamptonyachtservices.co.uk





Oyster at the

s H O Ws The Southampton Boat Show sees the UK premiére of two new Oysters. The beautiful, new Oyster 725 will be on display at the show alongside the ever-popular Oyster 575, whilst the spectacular new Oyster 885, the largest Oyster built to date at the Oyster Group’s Southampton Yacht Services yard, will be available for viewing by invitation only and will be sailing past the show marina over the first few days. For those with a serious interest in the Oyster 885 who would like an invitation to view, please contact our Sales Director at 885@oysteryachts.com or call +44 (0) 1473 695 005. As usual, we will be operating an appointment system at all the boat shows to enable as many visitors as possible to view our yachts in comfort and safety. As we expect to be extremely busy, we advise you to book a boarding pass ahead of your visit to avoid disappointment. You can do that by going to the Events/Boat Show section of our website and select Boarding Pass Request for the show and the yacht you wish to visit or call our Sales Teams. For more information about all the shows Oyster will be attending, and up-to-date information about the Oyster yachts on display, please go to the Events/Boat Show section of our website www.oysteryachts.com, email sales@oysteryachts.com or contact our Sales Teams: UK/European Shows UK Office: +44 (0) 1473 695 005 US Shows US Office: +1 401 846 7400



summer 2012

Oyst e r 4 6

Oyster 5 4

AuTumN sHOWs Orust Open Yards event 24 – 26 August Oyst er 46

Amsterdam In-Water Boat show 4 – 9 September Oyst er 7 2 5

Oyst e r 57 5

Oyster 6 25

Festival De La Plaisance Cannes 12 – 16 September Oyst er 6 25 & Oyst e r 7 2

Newport Boat show 13 – 16 September

southampton Boat show 14 – 23 September Oyst er 5 7 5 & 7 2 5 Oyst er 8 8 5 (by appointment only)

Oyst e r 655

Oyster 725

Oyster Brokerage Autumn show, saxon Wharf, southampton 14 – 23 September

Oyster Private View Palma de mallorca 22 – 23 September Oyster 54, Oyster 575, Oyster 625, Oyst er 6 5 5 Oyst e r 7 2 , Oyst e r 82

Annapolis sailboat show 4 – 8 October Oyst er 6 25 Oyst e r 82 5 D ec k s a lOOn

Oyster 8 25 raiseD salOOn

Genoa Boat show 6 – 14 October Oyst er 7 2

Hamburg Boat show 27 October – 4 November Oyst er 5 7 5

Oyst e r 1 0 0

Oyster 125

summer 2012





summer 2012

tHe roaring forties

soutHern adventures:

Oyster 46

» Sea R ove r

How do you resPond to a Kiwi witH tHe fervour of an evangelist insisting tHat we couldn’t go to australia witHout visiting tasmania? we were all standing in aucKland, new Zealand, and tHe rain was Pouring down, wHicH is PerHaPs wHy after 15 minutes of Persuasion we Promised to sail wHere we were told T E X T A N D P H OTO S B Y M I K E A N D D E VA L A R O B I N S O N

summer 2012



we waited ten days in Sydney with Mike glued to the websites for Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology and new Zealand’s Metvu, watching weather patterns. we also started comparing what we could see on the Internet with the simpler GRIBs from Mailasail, the main way we access weather using a satellite phone when on a passage. Before leaving we had supper with Tasmania enthusiast Kevin, and his wife, now living in Sydney. Fast forward twelve months and Boxing Day found us by the start line for

A veteran of sailing races, this Kiwi’s advice was simple: “leave the Heads

the Sydney to Hobart race. The forecast wasn’t promising, suggesting a

that mark the entrance to Sydney Harbour and sail on 120 degrees until

six-hour period of gale force winds, quite possibly when the race leaders

you find the East Australia Current (EAC), then head for Hobart.”

would be crossing the notorious Bass Strait. One good reason why our anchor ball was hoisted! we were anchored off Middle Head in Sydney Harbour with great views as the Maxis first raced by and then those with smaller budgets and possibly less testosterone, accompanied by a flotilla of every size of boat including kayaks and a fleet of at least eleven helicopters. As the race unfolded, one boat blogged their foredeck crew was working under two to four feet of water. Our Sydney to Hobart could

at last tHis looKed liKe a window and we set off from sydney at tHe end of January. we followed Kevin’s advice and wHen tHe water temPerature rose marKedly we Knew we Had found tHe warm eac, over 50 miles offsHore.

wait for a better forecast. The EAC gave us several extra knots every hour and we clocked up our


best ever daily run, 197 miles in a 24-hour period. what’s more, it was

we didn’t immediately feel at home in Sydney but gradually the city with

warm, we were sailing most of the time in shorts and T-shirts with great

its beautiful, vast harbour setting grew on us. we were surprised by how

winds of force 3–5 and, more importantly, the seas were calm for almost

close we could anchor to the Opera House and never tired of watching

the entire trip south. we made landfall in wineglass Bay and had one

the many colours that the building’s ‘sails’ reflect during the day and night.

night as the only boat in this sheltered anchorage, surrounded by hills

Of course we succumbed to joining the throng on the water for the

overlooking the most stunning white sand beach.

new Year’s Eve celebrations as we had a perfect spot onboard Sea Rover anchored, upwind, off Goat Island, just west of the Harbour Bridge.

miKe we day sailed south along the east coast of Tasmania, stopping in

Our key to not being beaten up, unlike the Sydney to Hobart race, is to

Maria Island with its spectacular painted cliffs, a natural phenomenon

bide our time and wait for the right weather window. They do happen and

as waterborne minerals bleed into the soft rocks.

you can help make your own luck… sometimes! we arrived in Hobart with time to enjoy the well-organised, biannual wooden Boat Festival, a beautiful display of craftsmanship that shouldn’t be allowed near salt water! One of the most unlikely attractions meandering around the harbour was a floating shed complete with an outboard motor and a band of musicians aboard.



summer 2012

left » mike and devala aboard sea rover , royal yacht club of tasmania, Hobart; a floating music shed at the wooden Boat festival, Hobart ; wooden steam Boat s/l Huon.

I was the ‘Victor Meldrew’ in the crowd when the festival’s special guest, the Australian teenager Jessica watson, spoke of sailing alone around the world when she was sixteen. Make no mistake, I wanted to be grumpy. I was sure that someone so young shouldn’t be allowed to take such risks but I was disarmed by how sensible she appeared and the credit she gave the support team who helped make her dream come true. Only one question, from a small child, surprised her, to which she answered: “I have never been asked that question before. Yes, I did hug my teddy when I was frightened!” we glimpsed that fear when she spoke of an unforeseen storm in the South Atlantic. She recalled being knocked down four times and for a brief moment, despite her poise on stage, you could sense she was there again, upside down, a young woman hugging her teddy. we both left with increased regard for someone as small and slight and determined who had circumnavigated around her chosen latitudes in much tougher conditions than we had so far faced.

devala You can’t write about Tasmania without reference to the weather. It’s wild! not just the fact that it’s wet and windy with real extremes of both, but that it all changes so quickly. Locals say: “If you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes and it will change.” And they are right. wind and rain sweep across in squalls and you’re nearly being blown off your feet, and then ten minutes later the sun is attempting to make an appearance. »

Port davey marine reserve is a Pristine series of inlets wHere tHe water is stained By tannins from local vegetation, maKing it of great scientific interest

summer 2012



r ight Âť Painted cliffs, maria island off the east coast of tasmania.



summer 2012

on tHe doorsteP of HoBart

we explored the wonderfully

protected cruising ground called the D’Entrecasteaux Channel. Here, Bruny Island creates a channel with a myriad of anchorages protected from the rough conditions outside in places like the aptly named Storm Bay. We chose a pretty inlet called Port Cygnet to sit and wait five days whilst five cold fronts (they rarely get warm fronts) with winds of 30+ knots went through, as gales struck much of Tasmania and in the south-west the forecast wave and swell height combined topped eleven metres. As it often happens, waiting paid off and in fine conditions we set sail for Port Davey on the south-west coast of Tasmania. The trip took us round South East Cape, the most southerly point we would be going with Sea Rover now that Mike had accepted that we really weren’t geared up to sail to Antarctica – phew!

miKe Port Davey Marine Reserve is a massive, largely pristine series of inlets, where seawater is diluted up to at its furthest reaches, notably Bathurst Harbour where you are anchoring in predominantly fresh water. This water is stained by tannins from local vegetation making it of great scientific interest as the fauna and flora below the surface usually only exist at much greater depths. One local guide described Port Davey as the pinnacle of cruising in Tasmania but that proved to be a misnomer as most of the time we ended up either sheltering from strong winds or motoring. Much of the time nature was a changing array of greys and blacks, on occasion making the harsh scenery breathtaking rather than ‘chocolate box’ beautiful. Several times we took the dinghy for the fuel-depleting, half-hour ride up the Melaleuca inlet to visit a bird hide first established by Deny King, who did much to promote the special natural beauty of Port Davey with its isolation (there are still no roads into this area), whilst at the same time developing a tin mine and guiding others keen to exploit the surrounding wilderness for minerals and hydroelectricity. »

summer 2012



as well as following seas of aPProXimately five metres we were also Being slammed aBeam By rogue easterly waves tHat rocKed tHe Boat violently from side to side and occasionally Half-filled our usually dry cocKPit

tHe first morning

we arrived at the bird hide just after eight

with sprinklings of snow already on many mountain tops, we were once

expecting to have the place to ourselves, only to find a seasoned

again waiting for a weather window to sail across the Tasman where

‘twitcher’ already in situ! He was fascinating, a volunteer involved in a

weather systems cross so frequently. we were almost certain to encounter

programme monitoring the endangered orange bellied parrot, which

tough conditions somewhere along our 1,200-mile passage to Opua in

migrates to Tasmania in summer. There are now only 50 alive in the wild

new Zealand’s north Island.

and the gene pool is too shallow for them to survive, so these wild parrots (a few of which we were lucky enough to observe) will be extinct

whilst we waited, we enjoyed the Royal wedding on Australian television

in three years unless the 150 that scientists are breeding in captivity can

with its characteristically informal commentary. where else could we

be successfully reintroduced into the wild.

have watched the newlyweds walking together down the aisle and been


our forecaster of choice, we thought we had a window and set sail from

whilst it is easy to be enthralled by Tasmania’s wilderness, you also

Hobart along with three other boats. Having motored through lighter than

need to acknowledge its dark history as epitomised by Port Arthur, a

forecast winds, our sailing was relaxed and included one beautiful dawn.

surprisingly large penal settlement from the 1800s that brings to life all

But we hadn’t expected on a low that had passed safely in front of us,

too clearly the brutality of transportation, another unappealing part of

bouncing off a vast high to the east of new Zealand and coming back to

British history. Port Arthur was where repeat offenders and some of the

haunt us, creating a ‘squash zone’ as it butted up against the prevailing

hardened dregs of British and Irish society were sent. Yet surprising slices

weather systems from the west.

told that Kate was “a happy camper”? From the GRIBs and MetVUw,

of English life coexisted alongside the harsh prison conditions on the remote Tasman Peninsula. The wives of officials enjoyed leisurely

This was the first weather that really caught us out. we ended up with

afternoon walks in Government Gardens, while on reclaimed land in

four days of following winds of force 6–8 with gusts of over 50 knots

front of the penitentiary, gentlemen played cricket.

and were sailing much of the time with three reefs in the main and only a storm jib hoisted on our emergency stay.

miKe Early in April we sailed back to Hobart and revisited MOnA, a newly

As well as following seas of approximately five metres, we were also

opened museum of contemporary and ancient art. The specially built

being slammed abeam by rogue easterly waves that rocked the boat

underground gallery houses the eclectic private collection of David walsh

violently from side to side and occasionally half-filled our usually dry

who made his millions with a gambling syndicate. walsh has described his

centre cockpit. we were counting down the miles, the watch system was

creation as a subversive adult Disneyland. Certainly MOnA is sometimes

holding up and we were getting some sleep, although it was so cold at

deeply disturbing but always thought provoking and is fast becoming not

first that we resorted to sleeping fully clothed.

only the prime attraction in Tasmania but an Australian must-see.



summer 2012

devala Day ten of the crossing saw the start of the worst 24 hours of our circumnavigation so far. Overnight we had only made about three to four miles progress towards Cape Reinga, which we needed to clear at the top of north Island. This was depressing enough in itself, as we were now tacking into headwinds. I was woken up, being thrown around in the bed, and aware of an awful lot of noise, even given what we had grown accustomed to. “we’ve lost the spray hood!” called Mike from the cockpit and there he was hand helming, with the frame lying back on the sides of the cockpit. Down below, water was all over the place, books on the floor along with fruit and the contents from the boxes in my ‘high siding larder’. It transpired it was one of those quirks of fate that got us. we had sailed with washboards in all night but Mike, having decided to have a ‘Cup-a- Soup’ for breakfast, had just emerged up the companionway and before he closed the washboards again, a wall of water came hurtling down the deck. It hit the spray hood and, as it just kept coming, the seam at the top of the clear polyurethane just gave and the whole thing split, the wave continuing down the boat, breaking the ensign flagpole, bending the bracket holding the horseshoe life ring and of course pouring down the open companionway. So whilst Mike continued to hand helm Sea Rover up and down the building and confused seas, which on at least one occasion threatened to break over us before we managed to reach the top of the wave, I set about mopping up and clearing up. Everything below was damp and I discovered that the force of this wave had caused a bit of leakage into the forward cabins, to add to the water around the place, worrying me that this would continue for the rest of the passage.

miKe It would be comic to blame a ‘Cup-a-Soup’ for our woes, but looking back I realise I relaxed during the time I spent below making my first warm drink since before dawn. Having not raised the washboards when I returned on deck, my second mistake was failing to notice how the sea state – already very rough – had deteriorated and become more confused. we were beating into a force 8, thrown up by a low that had developed off the coast of mainland Australia and was making its angry way south-

above» sea rover with her storm jib, tasman sea; sea rover at anchor in melaleuca inlet, Port davey marine reserve.

east across the Tasman. The centre of the low was passing behind us but its cold front spread across our route. Friends had already emailed saying a boat which left Hobart a few days before us had been knocked down and rolled in the dark, injuring several of the crew. For only an hour or so, our fear of being rolled was very real. »

summer 2012



tHe last nigHt of our Passage was Beautiful. we Had rounded caPe reinga and were in tHe Protection of nortH island, running on our Headsail witH following winds and seas and tHe moon waXing overHead

devala Having lashed the spray hood down so we could see the instruments again and get in and out of the hatch way, we had lunch and I went for my afternoon sleep. By now, the wind had subsided to a force 6 and we were back on autohelm, sailing with a double-reefed main and the storm jib still rigged. Soon there was an awful lot of noise again and Mike was obviously clambering over things, then the engine went on. It was only when I got up that I discovered why. The clew on the main sail had pulled out so we no longer had a sail! Mike had done a quick calculation and, if we managed some downwind sailing with the head sail only, we could motor much of the way to Opua. Day ten was a real low spot for me; it felt like our trusty friend Sea Rover was suddenly not so trusty and was letting us down. After all our care of her, and we do maintain and look after her well, it felt like she was turning her back on us. But then again, the damage was caused by the thread and fabric splitting on both spray hood and clew: thread and material that had been sitting exposed to the intense UV of the tropics and the Antipodes for three years. was it any surprise it had worn and degraded in all that sun? was it really Sea Rover’s fault that we were inflicting these seas and weather on her? She was still handling everything so well. But it was a real low point and I do think if we’d had a passage like this at the beginning of our trip, I would have got the first flight home and even Mike may have had second thoughts.

miKe The last night of our passage was beautiful. we had rounded Cape Reinga and were in the protection of north Island, running on our headsail with following winds and seas and the moon waxing overhead. Just as dawn was breaking we reached Opua and once we had cleared new Zealand Customs, friends were on the dockside to greet us. Our Tasman crossing was over but is hard to forget. And yes, there were moments, metaphorically at least, when we both wished we had had a teddy to hug!

You can see more of Mike’s photographs and follow the Robinson’s journey at: www.searover.co.uk



summer 2012

As A TrAINING PArTNer FOr THe OYsTer WOrLD rALLY, VOrTeC mArINe OFFers sAFeTY COurses AT THeIr rYA TrAINING esTABLIsHmeNT ON THe HAmBLe rIVer IN HAmPsHIre. HIGHLIGHTeD Here Are sOme OF THe KeY Issues THeY COVer by Ross Collingwood and MaRtin Clough

saf et y a t se a 1. Jackstays

sTAINLess sTeeL WIre

• Prevention is better than cure.

If they are stainless steel cables, they may have

• A lifejacket is impotent unless it is being worn.

Jackstays should be carried forward of a

their ends swaged onto a thimble. Check swage

• A lifejacket’s integral harness is impotent

vessel to allow the crew to clip on and safely

joint for strand failure or movement in the swage.

move around the boat, fore and aft, whilst

Regularly run a soft cloth down the

unless it is attached to a designated attachment point fit for purpose.

maintaining a connection to a strong point in

length of the wire to pick up on any split

the case of being washed overboard. Should

wires/failed strands. A soft cloth will snag on

An MOB incident can be broken into three

the crewmember have the misfortune of going

the fine wire filament, avoiding hands getting

phases of focus:

over the side they would still be connected and

hurt and the possibility of a sharp wire piercing

Contact: from the instance of the MOB,

recovery would be far easier. Various materials

the skin.

managing key priorities and the manoeuvre of

are used for jackstays: most commonly webbing,

If the jackstays are shackled to deck fittings,

the yacht back to the casualty.

make sure the pins are secure. Seize with

Recovery: once the yacht has made contact

whipping, cable ties or Monel seizing wire.

with the casualty, ensuring the casualty is


If they are attached with a strong lashing, check

recovered back on board.

If the webbing/spectra jackstays have stitched

for wear and tear. The jackstays should be

Evacuation: if necessary, evacuating the casualty

loop ends, check the condition of the stitching

attached to a good strong point on the vessel,

for further medical treatment (if in range of

on a regular basis. Sunlight (UV), foot abrasion

such as a deck cleat. It is not recommended

rescue services, otherwise post-rescue treatment

and deck abrasion can degrade/weaken the

to attach jackstays to the base of stanchions as

may need to be conducted onboard).

stitching to a point where it could fail under

they are not designed for this.

dyneema/spectra or stainless steel cable.


load. where jackstays touch against any deck fittings or standing rigging terminal, check for chafing and excessive wear. You should avoid leaving webbing or spectra

2. man overboard

In the event of a person falling overboard, the initial responses should be to simultaneously: • Alert the rest of the crew.

jackstays on and exposed to UV. If the vessel


is not in use then it is recommended that they

what is highlighted in the following brief is not

are removed, washed in fresh water, dried and

intended to prescribe a particular method, but

Is the yacht sailing: 1. windward? 2. Downwind

stowed out of sunlight.

rather to reinforce some priorities and options.

with cruising chute or spinnaker?

100 O Y S T E R n E w S

summer 2012

• Stop the yacht as quickly as possible and hold station.

If scenario 1 (windward) then heaving too will

(wind angle preferably 60 degrees) using

Other recovery systems could include stern

be an effective method.

ahead and astern controls of the engine.

boarding ladder, scrambling net, spare halyard,

The mainsheet is in tight (over-trimmed).

another crew member wearing a harness and

If scenario 2 (Downwind), then the cruising

If the above is not possible then the yacht

being lowered over the side on a halyard to

chute or spinnaker will need to be taken out of

needs positioning in such a way that it can

the equation. Until this has been achieved, it

make a final approach to the casualty under

is probably better to hold the yacht on a beam

engine, with headsails furled, with a wind angle

its designated equipment, it is imperative that

to broad reach. At this point, the yacht can be

of approximately 60 degrees. with this wind

all aboard the vessel are intuitive with the drill

tacked onto a reciprocal course/point of sail,

angle, if there is an engine issue, the yacht is in

for such an event. This will only come about by

back towards the casualty.

a position to sail back under control.

issuing safety briefings, training and conducting

In scenario 2, once the yacht is on its Highlight location of casualty by:

reciprocal course back towards the casualty,

• Pointing.

trim main in tight and use the engine controls to

• Shining a strong search light.

bring the yacht alongside the casualty. ‘If they

• Pressing the MOB. button on the chart

are conscious, they may now be in contact with

plotter or pedestal.

the Jonbuoy recovery module.

• Deploying a buoyant orange smoke flare (daytime). • Deploying a Danbuoy and connected

2. reCOVerY

make contact with the casualty. As with any emergency response system and

realistic practice drills.

3. Life rafts Hru (hydrostatic release unit) Over recent years, we have noticed a large

Assuming successful contact with the casualty

number of life raft HRUs incorrectly installed

has been made, the next challenge is to get

and we hope the following will clarify a few

• Deploying a Jonbuoy recovery module.

them back on board. High freeboards provide

points to consider.

• Sending a DSC distress alert.

an extra hurdle, however the Jonbuoy recovery


Is the casualty wearing a lifejacket and conscious? Are they equipped with personal EPIRB or AIS locator device?

The H2o HRU is designed to release the life

system allows a very effective solution thanks to

raft if the ‘worst case’ scenario has occurred

the height of its lifting hook.

and the vessel has sunk prior to manual life raft

Yachts with running backstays/checkstays

deployment. In the event of sinking, a blade

have the option to utilise the anchored end

cuts the strap holding the raft in position and

(fitted with appropriate quick release shackle)

allows the raft to float free. The painter will pull

Once the initial response has been activated,

to be taken off and attached to the Jonbuoy

from the raft’s canister and with the upward

check there are no lines in the water and start

lifting strop. Alternatively any available halyard

force of the unit floating free, it will trigger the

the engine. If the yacht has been brought

can be used. A winch will easily cope with the

inflation mechanism. The ‘weak’ link in the

into a hove to position upwind of the casualty,

load of lifting the Jonbuoy module and hoisting

Hammar HRU will break, separating the life raft

(scenario 1), then it may be possible to

the casualty on board.

from the stricken vessel.

manoeuvre the yacht alongside the casualty

summer 2012




Common errors: • The painter is not attached to the ‘weak’ link;

• Check webbing and the stitching that holds the jacket together. Often manufacturers

instead it has been incorrectly attached to a

will use a contrasting colour thread to make

hard point on the boat.

inspection easier. Clips and buckles should

• The HRU is lashed or attached with shackles

also be checked.

preventing quick manual deployment of the life raft when circumstances necessitate.

nB: Varnishing or using a clear lacquer to coat

Quick release pelican shackles are available.

the cylinders can prolong their lifespan and

Vortec Marine is available for vessel audits,

prevent/delay corrosion.

safety inspections and own boat training

• Leaving the security bar and padlock on. • not inspecting the expiry date on the HRU.

4. Lifejacket checks

workshops. we specialise in the management Every six months:

and maintenance of Oyster yachts throughout

• The lifejacket should be inflated, ideally by

the world, including servicing, deliveries,

hand pump to avoid introducing moisture.

crew placement, consultancy and project

It should then be left inflated for 24 hours


British MCA coded vessels are required to

to see if there are any leaks. The lifejacket

comply to MGn 280 and have their lifejackets

should then be re-packed according to the

Vortec Marine Training is an RYA training

checked and tested on a yearly basis. They

manufacturer’s instructions.

establishment offering quality tuition from

should also be given a visual inspection on a

industry leaders. All RYA shore-based and

weekly basis by the skipper/manager. Even if


the vessel is not commercial, regular checks

• It is recommended not to have more than two

should still be carried out. The following is a

different types of lifejacket onboard to limit

E: info@vortecmarine.com

possible confusion.

T: +44 (0) 1489 854 850

guide to suggested checks:

• Spare cylinders and clips should always Every week:

be carried onboard so that in the event of

• Visual inspection.

damage, accidental inflation or use, the jacket

Every month: • Every month you should check that the gas

can be re-armed. • Spray hoods are an essential addition to any

cylinder is tightly screwed in as over time the

lifejacket and we recommend the inclusion

bottle can work its way loose.

of such.

• Checked for operation.

• Crotch straps are another essential addition

• The green clips that hold the firing pin up

to a lifejacket and should always be used.

should be inspected to make sure they

The crotch strap prevents the jacket from

haven’t come adrift.

riding over the head and keeps the inflated

Every three months: • Check the gas cylinder for signs of corrosion. • Corroded cylinders should be replaced

jacket in a safer and more comfortable position on the body. • For those who have attended our Sea Survival

immediately. If a corroded cylinder has been

course, the importance of crotch straps and

discovered, the fabric and material around it

spray hoods will be well known.

should also be checked for damage.

102 O Y S T E R n E w S s u m m e r 2 0 1 2

practical courses are on offer as well as own boat tuition and systems training.


Thanks to: Hammar, Ocean Safety and Andrew Lock, owner of Oyster 56, Pearl of Persia

The small part of the E C Landamore business not involved in Oyster fit-out – mainly their norfolk Broads activity based at their original riverside site in wroxham – will continue under the E C Landmore name and will increasingly become the personal focus for Anthony Landamore as he hands over day-to-day management to the Oyster team.

a key strategiC driver behind this takeover is the emerging opportunity for the oyster group to Look at Larger Custom yaChts through our southampton yaCht serviCes yard. Faced with the current problem of ‘too many

a 40-year partnership enters a new chapter

Oysters at SYS’ to bid for some of this work, moving all Oyster fit-out below 80ft to wroxham will allow the Oyster Group to strengthen the historic profile of SYS and say ‘yes’ to some recent enquiries. These have ranged from a one-off request for a UK-built 115-footer, to more of the type of specialised tenders built for a well-known ‘Russian, football-loving megayacht owner’, and to full restorations of J-Class, Fife and other classics, for which SYS is renowned. Overall, the decision by Oyster to buy the Landamore’s yacht production facility secures jobs in norfolk, enables a business decision

e C Landamore & Co Ltd

At the beginning of July 2012, Oyster took over

for the Oyster Group to wholly own its fit-out

yachts for Oyster nearly 40 years ago when

the leases for the superb fit-out premises that

work, and opens the door to expansion for the

Oyster first decided to start semi-custom yacht

Anthony Landamore set up from scratch five

Oyster Group’s custom and refit activity.

building. ‘First call on the Oyster order book’ for

years ago. All the fit-out staff of E C Landamore

started building

Landamores and ‘first call on the Landamore’s

transferred onto the Oyster payroll and

production space’ for Oyster was the deal,

Oyster acquired all the necessary assets and

confirmed with a handshake that formed a

equipment to seamlessly continue the

vital step in the evolution of both businesses.

operations at the norfolk site. Plans now

However, with more than 90 per cent of

include the construction of a new building

Landamore’s activity over the past decade

on site, which will provide several more

coming from orders placed by Oyster and with

build bays and by 2013 we will have the

the increasing technical input from the Oyster

capacity to build between 20-25 Oyster

design team and CATIA software used by them,

yachts per year across the 45ft to 80ft range

now feeding directly into the CnC machines in

in wroxham. A parallel deal is being struck

Landamore’s yard, the inevitable conclusion

with Oliver and Trevor James at windboats

was reached that Oyster should take over the

Marine, who have been building Oyster

team and fit-out facility in wroxham, norfolk.

yachts for 30 years, to retain key resources

In parallel with its 100 per cent takeover of

and skills, which will allow for ‘deck-off’

the Southampton Yacht Services facility at

construction and, for example, a better

Saxon wharf ten years ago, the Oyster Group

balance between cabin components and

has emerged into a leading design, engineering

bespoke furniture. windboats started building

and production business – a far cry from the

for Oyster 30 years ago with the SJ35’s and

‘sales and marketing operation supported by

have been almost exclusively building

sub-contractors’ model that launched the

Oysters since then producing around 300

Oyster business all those years ago.

yachts for us.

to p » anthony Landamore with oyster Ceo david tydeman and oyster shareholder klaas meertens.

abov e » the oyster 46 sea rover leaving the Landamores yard bound for commissioning in ipswich.

summer 2012

O Y S T E R n E w S 103

racing to Bermuda 104 O Y S T E R n E w S

summer 2012

the newport Bermuda race is the ‘Big one’ in american offshore circles. the 635-mile ‘thrash to the onion patch’ from newport, rhode island, across the challenging gulf stream is a Biennial Blue-water event that predates Both the fastnet and sydney hoBart classics

that boat, but after 20 years, she was getting a bit tired. I feel so lucky” he enthuses. “How many men have a wife who would say to you. ‘I think we need a new boat. I think it should be a sail boat, and I want it to be an Oyster.’ ? we bought Wischbone last year

text by barry Pickthall

through Oyster Brokerage and have to say that will white and Molly Marston in the newport office have been fantastic. we only had the chance to sail her for one day before the race,

This year’s event was the 48th running of the

or more. Rambler averaged 16 knots straight

and despite a few minor issues, which were

race, which began in 1906 as a challenge to

down the rhumb line and was topping 26 knots

readily dealt with by will prior to and following

encourage true blue-water sailing, instead of

at times! The new record now stands at

the race, she is in great shape.”

day jaunts around Long Island Sound.

39 hours, 39 minutes 18 seconds, a 25 per cent

This year’s race attracted 162 entries, two of them Oyster 53s, Contingency owned

Both Contingency and Wischbone are

improvement on the previous best time set a

now heading back to newport to sail around

decade ago by Roy Disney’s Pyewacket.

new England and join in the new York YC

by Scott Bickford from new Orleans, and

The two Oyster crews set something of a

Wischbone, a shoal draft version sailed by

record too, this being the first time that two 53s

Cynthia Crofts-wisch and her husband

had found themselves match racing quite literally

to any Oyster owner” says Scott Bickford.

Dr Jeffery wisch.

across the Gulf Stream. “It was a wonderful

Jeff wisch is just as enthusiastic. “It would

experience,” commented Contingency owner

be great to encompass the event with an

crew had already made an impression,

Scott Bickford, who heads a legal practice in

Oyster regatta around Bermuda. I’m sure we

finishing 2nd in the Regata al Sol, a biennial

new Orleans. “Our Oyster 53 is a great boat and

could get a lot more American Oyster owners

550-mile chase across the Gulf of Mexico from

the conditions this year – strong reaching winds

involved in 2014 if they did.” now that’s food

Pensacola, Florida, to Isla Mujeres, Mexico.

and big seas, were just right.”

for thought!

Back in May, Bickford and his Contingency

annual cruise in August. “I would recommend the Bermuda Race

His crew then sailed back to Miami, and up the East Coast to newport to leave themselves a week in hand to haul out and get in shape for the Bermuda Race. This year’s event will go down in history as an absolute classic. A strong nor’easter turned what is traditionally a largely upwind race into a high-speed chase across the ‘washing machine’ conditions churned up by the opposing

“i would recommend this race to anyone – and to do it in an oyster. they are incrediBle Boats, very staBle and safe. we all ate very well, But the greatest luxury was Being aBle to enjoy fresh water showers at sea!”

Gulf Stream. These were conditions that no one could remember, not even the vastly

oyst er r esu l ts

experienced warren Brown who counted this

Jeff and Cynthia wisch agreed: “It was incredible.

one as his 22nd race to Bermuda. “I’ve been

I don’t think we were ever more than six miles

ocean racing for 62 years and was aboard the

apart the whole race and each day we would

5th in class 12th overall

82ft maxi Nirvana when she broke the race

find ourselves trading places,” said Jeff on arrival

Contingency (USA 60224)

record in 1982. I’ve never known conditions

in Hamilton. In the end, Contingency won

Oyster 53 Scott Bickford (nYYC/Southern YC)

like this. we have had reaching winds before,

the day, finishing a credible 5th in class and

Elapsed time: 92:06:37

but they have always come from the south west,

12th overall, one place ahead of Wischbone.

Corrected time: 73:26:01

never the north east.”

“I would recommend this race to anyone – and to do it in an Oyster. They are incredible boats,

6th in class 13th overall

maxi owned by American industrialist George

very stable and safe. we all ate very well, but

Wischbone (USA 35322)

David not just broke the race record, but

the greatest luxury was being able to enjoy fresh

Oyster 53 Dr Jeffery wisch &

probably kicked it out of reach for a generation

water showers at sea!” Jeff added.

Cynthia Crofts-wisch (CCA)

As a result, Rambler, the 10-year-old 90ft

Dr wisch, a leading oncologist from Massachusetts, had done this race before

Elapsed time: 94:06:58 Corrected time: 74:14:24

back in 2006, finishing 3rd in the two-handed division with his son in their previous family boat, a Stephens 47. “we had a lot of fun with

summer 2012

O Y S T E R n E w S 105


in providing a bespoke service to both the owners of Oyster yachts and

Charter guests looking to sample life on board some of the most luxurious sailing yachts afloat. We have a range of Oyster yachts from 56 feet to 82 feet, all privately owned, impeccably maintained and operated by the owners’ professional crews. A holiday on board an Oyster charter yacht is tailored to suit you and your family, whether you are novice sailors looking for lazy days in a secluded anchorage or the experienced yachtsmen seeking the exhilaration of sailing on board some of the world’s most beautiful yachts. For further information on the Oyster Charter fleet please call Molly Marston on +1 401 846 7400 or Sophie Birritta on +34 677 429 116, e: charter@oysteryachts.com or visit www.oystercharter.com

106 O Y S T E R N E W S


Custom OYSTER 82 Oofle Dust

OYSTER 82 Raven

OYSTER 82 Ravenous

OYSTER 82 Pandemonium

OYSTER 725 Phantom

OYSTER 72 Kealoha 8

OYSTER 72 Bill and Me

OYSTER 72 Magrathea

OYSTER 72 Koluka

OYSTER 72 Luskentyre

OYSTER 68 Ilithyia

OYSTER 655 Blue Horizon

OYSTER 655 Neki

OYSTER 625 Blue Jeannie

OYSTER 575 Boarding Pass III

OYSTER 575 On Liberty




Location Summer 2012

Oofle Dust

Custom OYSTER 82



Location Winter 2012-13 Caribbean






Ravenous II















Kealoha 8



Corsica, Sardinia, South of France


Bill and Me








Greece, Turkey










Corsica, Sardinia, South of France







Blue Horizon



Corsica, Sardinia, South of France





US East Coast


Blue Jeannie



Corsica, Sardinia


Boarding Pass III



Corsica, Sardinia, South of France


On Liberty






O Y S T E R N E W S 107

OYSTER YACHTS PALMA Taking customer service to a new level in Palma de Mallorca expanding what Robin Campbell and his team provide from Ipswich and working closely with our New Yacht Sales Managers, Dan Wurzbacher in the USA, Britta Bunkenburg and Thorsten Flack in Germany and Claudio Corvino in Italy. And finally, we’re delighted that Jamie Collins has joined us to be the lead broker in Palma to help Oyster develop its brokerage service. Since formation, Oyster Brokerage has been known in the sailing broking industry as ‘fortress Oyster’ for the great service and good used boat values it regularly achieves for Oyster owners. This is a reputation we value and we know it helps us deliver a stronger service to our owners. Many try to compete but regularly

Jamie Collins, Sophie Birritta and Hamish Burgess-Simpson.

fail to match the depth of knowledge we bring to selling pre-owned Oyster yachts.

J U S T O V E R 1 5 Y E A R S A G O , Oyster opened

Customer Service and Support, Sarah Harmer,

its office in Newport, Rhode Island and the new

and linked to her team of customer support

Oyster operation in Palma de Mallorca will take

managers, Paul Bennett in Ipswich and Will

what has been learnt in the USA to another

White in the USA. Hamish’s depth of ‘big-boat’

level. We have been successfully providing four

experience will clearly help enormously.

strands of service from our Newport office –

With Molly Marston now organising well

new yacht sales, brokerage, charter and after

over 100 weeks of charter holidays per year on

sales support – and the time had come to

the fleet of Oysters under her care, and a big

replicate this in the Mediterranean.

increase in the number of European customers


booking sailing holidays, the timing was set

Over the last decade, Oyster has built many

now on the water since the first Oyster 46 was

for Molly to have a colleague based in the

more, larger yachts, which owners run with

launched in 1980 and nearly 125 of them over

Balearics. Sophie Birritta joined Oyster at the

professional crews; when they come to sell,

60 feet, the customer service team in Ipswich

beginning of the year and has been working

they want to do so whilst continuing to use their

handles nearly 1000 technical queries and

with Molly since then, expanding and

yachts on the water. The ‘on cradle’ Ipswich

spares orders per year. The customer support

improving the charter services.

service for these owners doesn’t work and

With more than 750 Oyster deck saloons

Within the next three to six months we

we’ve risen to the challenge, secured special

found that having Will White based in the USA

plan to add to the new yacht sales team, with

berthing and service rates in Palma and Jamie

office – to look after the 150-200 Oysters regularly

a new person based in Palma, to increase our

will work with our Ipswich and Newport USA

cruising American and Caribbean waters – set

multilingual, continental European strength,

brokerage teams to build a three-location

team, led by Sarah Harmer, has increasingly

an example for a much needed centre in the Mediterranean, focused on the hundreds of

brokerage service. This now allows us to focus on three key

Oysters based there. We’re delighted that

post-delivery services to our Oyster owners:

Hamish Burgess-Simpson has now relocated to

technical help and spares, charter and

Palma following his sterling efforts overseeing

brokerage through three locations – Ipswich,

the development and build of the Oyster

Newport and Palma. Our aim is to improve

superyachts in Turkey for five years. Hamish takes

our current services, take the effort closer to

the lead role in providing Mediterranean service

our customers, and to further enhance their

and technical support, reporting to Head of

enjoyment of owning their Oyster.

108 O Y S T E R N E W S


oyster brokerage autumn boat show 14 – 23 september 2012, 10.00 – 18.00 daily We invite you to our annual Oyster Brokerage Autumn Boat Show where

OYSTer BrOkerAge AuTumn BOAT ShOW

we will have an impressive selection of Oyster yachts available to view.

Saxon Wharf, Lower Brook Street, Southampton, SO14 5QF.

Timed to coincide with the PSP Southampton Boat Show and conveniently

14 – 23 September 2012, 10.00 – 18.00 daily.

located at Oyster Yachts’ yard at Saxon Wharf in Southampton, this is an

Appointments are not necessary, but if you prefer to schedule your visit,

ideal opportunity to look over a wide range of pre-owned Oyster yachts.

or would like further information, please contact us.

You can also meet the Oyster team at the PSP Southampton Show on berths M338 and M340.



summer 2012

brokerage 74 2004 Oyster 82 » Bare Necessities Immaculately maintained, regardless of cost, by the same crew who oversaw her build. A truly striking yacht, with metallic blue hull and pearlescent mast. Exceeding MCA code O charter requirements, she also boasts the most comprehensive inventory seen on an Oyster 82. £2,600,000 ex VAt | Lying: UK South Coast

2005 Oyster 72 » Spirit of Montpelier The fastest Oyster ever launched, this is a very special Oyster 72 with a rare combination of searing pace and luxury. The owner is keen to move her on quickly and ready to negotiate. Bring offers if you are interested – you may be surprised! €1,900,000 ex VAt | Lying: west Med

2008 Oyster 72 » Stravaig of Argyll Specified with breathtaking attention to detail, from the black carbon spars to her carbon wheels and custom deck fittings. Beautiful interior in teak, with accommodation for ten in five cabins. Four times winner of the Oyster Concours d’Elégance, this is an immaculate yacht, suitable for luxury charter or family sailing. £2,500,000 ex VAt | Lying: Oyster Palma


2003 Oyster 66 » Elvis

2008 Oyster 655 » Matawai

Elvis is a true ocean going world class sailing yacht, equipped and maintained to the highest standards. She has sailed in cold and high latitudes and is ‘ready to go’ on her next adventure. Ideally suited to a family ready for some long distance liveaboard sailing.

The Oyster 655 has been designed to cruise the world’s oceans in comfort and style with an emphasis on performance. She is a powerful, responsive yacht, equally at home providing thrills on the racecourse and a comfortable long-distance cruising platform. In terms of detail and finish, the Oyster 655 is difficult to fault.

£850,000 VAt paid | Lying: Oyster Palma

Us$2,750,000 ex VAt | Lying: Oyster USA


summer 2012

2007 Oyster 655 » Acheron

2009 Oyster 655 » Black Pearl

Beautiful Oyster 655 with American cherry interior joinery and Sea Sand Alcantara upholstery. Eight berths in four cabins afford her guests and crew sumptuous accommodation in all weathers. Cutter rig with hydraulic in-mast furling. Skipper-maintained since her launch in 2007.

Black Pearl is a beautiful Oyster 655 with maple interior joinery and light brown Alcantara upholstery. Eight berths in four cabins ensure the highest levels of comfort and style. This particular example benefits from a hydraulic in-mast furling mainsail and cutter rig.

£1,790,000 VAt paid | Lying: west Med

£1,750,000 ex VAt | Lying: Oyster Palma

2004 Oyster 62 » Mistress Mallika

2002 Oyster 62 » Dorado

A stunning dark blue hulled Oyster 62, this yacht features a carbon rig and ‘smart boom’ complete with upgraded Pentex sails for enhanced performance, yet is set up for short-handed sailing. As one would expect, she is beautifully finished, luxuriously equipped and very well maintained.

Original owner since new. Dorado has a stunning teak interior, fully equipped with all home comforts and a powerful in-mast furling push-button rig which is easily handled. Dorado has now returned back to the UK, and is available for viewing.

Us$2,100,000 ex VAt | Lying: St Augustine, FL, USA

£950,000 VAt paid | Lying: UK South Coast

summer 2012



2008 Oyster 56 » Curious

2005 Oyster 56 » Into the Blue

Stunning g5 version Oyster 56. A stylish and fast passage maker, Curious is ideally set up for long-distance, short-handed sailing, with ‘push button’ controlled, in-mast furling. American light oak joinery with layout of seven berths in four cabins including workshop.

Specified by experienced Oyster owners, with a view to long distance short-handed bluewater sailing. Hydraulic furling main, genoa and jib make sail handling a breeze. Below decks she has oak joinery and sleeps six in three cabins.

£775,000 ex VAt | Lying: Oyster UK

£575,000 ex VAt | Lying: Oyster UK

1999 Oyster 56 » Gwylan IV

2007 Oyster 53 » Golden Pearl

well-loved example, with the alternative ‘B’ layout, which moves the guest cabins further aft, and allows a huge sail locker forward. Cherry joinery and seven berths in four cabins. Push button hydraulic furling to her main and genoa. Owner has just taken delivery of a new larger Oyster.

The g5 deck design of this Oyster 53 gives a sleek and modern look. Fully equipped with all the mod cons for long distance cruising, with an interior finished in classic teak for a warm and traditional feel. Accommodation for eight in four separate luxurious cabins.

£415,000 VAt paid | Lying: Oyster UK

£590,000 ex VAt | Lying: Oyster USA


2001 Oyster 53 » Aretha

2004 Oyster 49 » Norman G III

The Oyster 53 offers sumptuous accommodation combined with ocean going qualities. She features a generous sail plan, with all controls leading back to the cockpit. This vessel benefits from a fully battened mainsail and is highly specified in terms of options.

Norman G III is a fantastic Oyster 49 and has recently had a mini refit to completely service, upgrade and modernise her. She is set up for short-handed sailing, and includes features like electric in-mast furling, electric winches, bow thruster and autopilot.

£450,000 VAt paid | Lying: UK South Coast’

£475,000 VAt paid | Lying: west Med



summer 2012

1988 Oyster 55 » Arabella

1991 Oyster 49PH » Blue Elixir II

1999 Oyster 485 » Sound of Breagha

A great example of the classic Oyster 55. Constantly upgraded and maintained by an experienced yachtsman, she is in very good condition. Simple furling rig, and traditional teak joinery below with eight berths in four cabins.

Rare pilothouse Oyster, allowing those seated at the saloon table or nav/helm station to enjoy excellent views from the saloon windows. This example has undergone an extensive programme of upgrades and improvements, so is in super condition and ready to cruise the world.

Sound of Breagha is a wonderful example of a yacht which has received great maintenance, love and care. She is a very capable cruising yacht, easy to handle and very rewarding to sail. Owner selling to upgrade to a larger Oyster.

£275,000 VAt paid | Lying: Channel Islands

£350,000 VAt paid | Lying: Oyster UK

£249,000 VAt paid | Lying: Canaries

2003 Oyster 47 » Moonshadow

2006 Oyster 46 » Sophistikate A

2 0 0 2 Oyst e r 4 5 » Tu s i t a l a

This Oyster 47 was built for the current owner with a world rally in mind. She has been carefully maintained, highly equipped, and is easily sailed by two people. The boat is a testament to her careful owners. now only for sale so they can start new adventures.

Only placed on the brokerage market because the owner has bought a larger Oyster, Sophistikate is a lovely family yacht. Specified for ease of handling with electric in-mast mainsail and genoa furling. She sleeps six in three cabins and her interior joinery is in oak.

Most Oyster 45s were launched with three cabins. This late example is one of a handful launched with the two-cabin layout giving two luxurious en suite double staterooms, with a further two sea berths possible in the saloon. Lightly used and professionally cared for.

£299,950 VAt paid | Lying: Oyster UK

£459,000 VAt paid | Lying: Oyster UK

£275,000 VAt paid | Lying: Portugal


1998 Oyster 45 » Apparition

1999 Oyster 42 » Alpina

Oyster OM43/LD43

Lovingly maintained yacht. Easy to handle sloop rig with in-mast furling allows reefing from the cockpit. Below decks she sleeps six in three cabins with two further seaberths possible in the saloon. Her teak joinery gives her a solid feel.

The Oyster 42 is a compact but well-appointed and capable cruising yacht. The forward owner’s cabin with en suite is very spacious and comfortable. The cockpit is also very large for a 42ft yacht. Alpina is a beautiful yacht and well maintained.

£260,000 VAt paid | Lying: Oyster UK

£179,000 VAt paid | Lying: Oyster UK

An attractive, traditional profile enhances these high-tech jet-powered motor yachts. They offer superb high-speed seakeeping and effortless long-distance cruising, combined with an extremely shallow draft, and excellent manoeuvrability. One, and two-cabin versions available. £330,000 – £450,000 VAt paid

Please see our website for the full range of yachts available through Oyster Brokerage. Oyster Brokerage UK

Oyster Brokerage USA

Oyster Brokerage Palma

Fox’s Marina, Ipswich, suffolk IP2 8sA, UK t: +44 (0)1473 695 100

Newport shipyard, One Washington street, Newport, rI 02840, UsA t: +1 401 846 7400

Muelle Viejo, edificio espigón de la Consigna, 07012 Palma de Mallorca, spain t: +34 677 429 116

E: brokerage@oysteryachts.com www.oysterbrokerage.com

NEW ARRIVALS recently launched Oysters


OYSTER 46 » Fritz


Although not short of sailing experience, Henrik Follman chose a new Oyster 46 for his first experience of sailing yacht ownership.

The brief was to create a modern, contemporary feel to the boat, and with

her beautiful light maple interior, dark walnut floor and light leather upholstery, Fritz certainly ticks all the boxes with her interior styling. Certainly those who were lucky enough to see her when she appeared at Oyster’s Private View in St Katharine Docks in London earlier this year thought so.

Henrik will base the boat in Kiel, Germany, where he will enjoy sailing the Baltic with his young family, including Fritz, the eldest of his two young sons, after whom the boat is named.

OYSTER 575 » White Chocolate

White Chocolate is Bruno Derung’s second Oyster yacht, an upgrade to his previous Oyster 54, and was on display at Oyster’s Private View at St Katharine Docks in April. During the Private View, Oyster was pleased to arrange and host a launch party for the Derungs and their guests, where Bruno enthusiastically praised his new Oyster. Joining the event, at which all three owners christened their yachts, were the owners of the Oyster 72 Bill and Me and the Oyster 54 In Flagranti.

White Chocolate is a cutter-rigged yacht with three distinctive grey boot-top

lines and a well-equipped sail inventory, including a large cruising chute, which Bruno no doubt hopes will see plenty of action when White Chocolate joins the fleet of 30 Oysters taking part in the Oyster World Rally next year. With her beautiful teak interior and leather upholstery, White Chocolate

OYSTER 575 » Arbella


The Oyster 575 Arbella is Mike and Vicki Wallace’s second Oyster, having

will certainly have the Derungs and their friends circumnavigating the world in

previously owned an Oyster 53 of the same name launched in 2004, in which

great style.

they took part in several Oyster Regattas.

Despite their familiarity with the Oyster brand and high expectations,

Mike and Vicki, who are based on the east coast of the USA, are thrilled with

the build quality and elegance of their new Oyster. A lot of their time during the last eight years was obviously spent making lists of things to “fit on their next boat”... and their Oyster project manager has managed to add them all! Will White from Oyster’s Newport, USA-based service team, joined the Wallaces for their handover in the UK and then spent two weeks on board, cruising to the Channel Islands and Normandy to help Mike and Vicki familiarise themselves with their new yacht – all part of Oyster’s renowned customer service and support. Arbella will spend the summer in Ireland, the Channel islands and Northern Spain before joining the record fleet of 24 Oysters taking part in this year’s Atlantic Rally for Cruisers. They plan to enjoy some Caribbean cruising before taking Arbella to her home berth at the bottom of Mike and Vicki’s garden in Annapolis.




OYSTER 575 » Isis


For owners Charles and Nicky Manby, Isis is their second Oyster and follows their Oyster 56 Gwylan, which they launched in 2005 and sailed extensively to the Mediterranean, Caribbean and the eastern seaboard of the USA.

Isis is named after an Egyptian goddess and is easier to spell over the VHF


than Persephone or Sophrosyne! It’s also the part of the Thames that flows through Oxford, which is where Charles and Nicky met whilst at university. Isis has a striking grey hull, whilst below decks she features a warm cherry interior with a burr elm table in the saloon for which the Manbys handpicked the veneers. Nicky added her personal stamp to the interior with a fabulous choice of luxury fabrics for cushions and roman blinds. After a leisurely cruise down to the UK’s south coast, Isis took part in Oyster’s 2012 Cowes Regatta before heading west to her home port in Plymouth.

OYSTER 72 » Bill and Me

Bill and Me was recently handed over to her delighted Italian owner

Roberto Bisiani and his partner Anna, whose student nickname was ‘Bill’ hence the yacht’s name.

With her really striking orange mast and boom, this beautifully stylish and contemporary Oyster 72 won’t be difficult to spot in marinas or at anchor in

and around Portofino and Sardinia this summer, and in the Caribbean where she is due to arrive this coming winter.

When not being used by Roberto and his family, Bill and Me will be

available for charter and is equipped with everything that anyone could desire to make their sailing holiday a truly unique experience. For details go to www.oystercharter.com

OYSTER 625 » Guardian Angel


Handed over to owner Maxim Kudryashov, Guardian Angel is the first of the award-winning, new Oyster 625s to be launched with a stunning dark blue hull, sports rig, carbon mast, Park Avenue boom and fully-battened carbon mainsail. The planned two-day handover was one of extremes, with the first day’s sail

in gusts of 40 knots and driving rain, with Maxim trying out her extensive sail wardrobe and pushing the boat hard for six hours. The second day was a gentler sail with the gennaker flying in 15-20 knots. As expected, the yacht performed brilliantly and it was a pleasure to see the smile on Maxim’s face. Guardian Angel was on display at Oyster’s Private View in St Katharine Docks,

where she was one of two Oysters styled for the show by the interior design team at the Studio at Harrods. Following the show, Maxim held a launch party and blessing for his new yacht before departing for Guernsey. The boat is now on her way to the Mediterranean where she will spend the summer before joining the fleet of Oysters taking part in this year’s Atlantic Rally for Cruisers in November.

OYSTER 100 by Dubois » Sarafin In a handover with a difference, the first of the stunning, new Oyster 100s, Sarafin, undertook an interesting 300nm shakedown passage from the RMK Marine yard in Tusla, Turkey, to Bulgaria and back. A gentle motor through the Bosporus, which divides the European and Asian parts of Turkey took Sarafin on a sedate trip to the Black Sea, but the


return journey to Turkey proved more exciting with 35 knots of wind, enabling

this fantastic yacht to really show her pace. Sailing through the night on a beam reach and holding a steady 11-12 knots most of the way under double reefed main and blade, Sarafin took it all in her stride.

With her state-of-the art ‘floating’ joinery and specialist insulation, not a

creak of joinery could be heard below decks, allowing those off watch to sleep peacefully with no knowledge of the conditions outside.

After handover, Sarafin sailed to Palma where she was prepared for a

summer of family cruising to the Adriatic before making her way across the Atlantic at the end of the year.




industry partners We Are GrATeFuL TO Our mArINe INDusTrY suPPLIers FOr NOT ONLY HeLPING us TO BuILD GreAT YACHTs BuT ALsO FOr suPPOrTING Our eVeNTs AND reGATTAs

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Roger Cerrato

T: +44 (0)1624 819 867

E: m.schuldt@reckmann.com

E: sails@dolphin-sails.com

T: +44 (0)23 9247 1841

E: dos@pelagosyachts.com



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Andy Davies

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E: info@formula-marine.com

T: +44 (0)1752 223 656

T: +44 (0)23 9271 4700

E: sales@yellowbrick-tracking.com


E: info@pantaenius.co.uk

E: andy.davies@raymarine.com






summer 2012

Oyster yachts UK

Oyster rePresentatives

General enquiries T: +44 (0)1473 688 888

Oyster yachts asia

E: enquiries@oysteryachts.com

Bart Kimman

sales enquiries

T: +852 2815 0404

T: +44 (0)1473 695 005

E: bart.kimman@oysteryachts.com

E: sales@oysteryachts.com customer service enquiries T: +44 (0)1473 690 198 E: service@oysteryachts.com Oyster yachts Germany T: +49 40 644 008 80 E: yachten@oysteryachts.com Oyster yachts Palma de mallOrca T: +34 677 429 116

Oyster yachts aUstralia Michael Bell T: +61 (0)2 9997 7133 E: michael.bell@oysteryachts.com Oyster yachts rUssia Oscar Konyukhov T: +7 925 771 2991 E: oscar.konyukhov@oysteryachts.com Oyster yachts UKraine

E: palma@oysteryachts.com

Alex Krykanyuk

Oyster yachts Usa

E: alex.krykanyuk@oysteryachts.com

T: +38 (0)512 580 540

T: +1 401 846 7400 E: usa@oysteryachts.com



T: +1 401 846 7400

T: +44 (0)23 8033 5266

Palma: T: +34 677 429 116

E: sales@southamptonyachtservices.co.uk

E: charter@oysteryachts.com




T: +44 (0)1473 695 100


T: +1 401 846 7400

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summer 2012




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