Interface - Train Station (15)

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INTERFACE architectural studio VI


ITU Architecture 2016 Spring

This book consists the works done in Spring 2016, Architectural Studio VI runned by Deniz Aslan in Istanbul Technical University. Semester started with three different masterplan proposals by the three groups of the studio, on old Kuşdili area, which now is a controversial area in Kadıköy, Istanbul. Groups proposed different maste rplans with different scenarios on the area with different lots with different programs for everyone in the studio. The master plan ‘Interface’ is selected after the first stage of the studio. Lots aredistributed randomly to everyone after the selection. Every lot had different program with different scales and relations including a transportation center, archeological site, sports center and vertical farms. A whole group model is done after the submission, and the final stage is this book, complete collection of the works done in the studio.


An experiment at urban resolution area; instead of planning the area as a whole, aim is to merge the potential of differentiates and create a relations-network. A city on top of a city; including different layers - of height, of time, of social - cultural status - of the city to the progress. Thinking with sections instead of plans. This area should link different points and statuses to each other and carry the potential to one and another. The new Kuşdili area should link the numerous variables. It should communicate, and carry the changing weight of the modern city. It should find a common language. It should be living at every second. It should connect the individuals to the society, and carry the societies.

Plan view of the masterplan area - colors show the program of new lots. Filled areas are the existing neighoburhood . Red area is the transport center.

As an upcoming infrastructure plan, the Ring, new rail line which is 10 meter up from the land starts the relation of the area with Kadıköy. Aim of this ring is to link the transfer hub to Moda and Kadıköy, the older parts of the neighborhood. This decreases the usage of cars in the neighborhood and create more room for pedestrians. This fictional line becomes a data for the undefined land. Northwestern of the site, which is closely linked with neighborhood texture should work with the existing borders, housing and small businesses is aimed to sustain this environment by using a produce and consume cycle. This allows vertical farms, housing and other small programs while linking the soul of Kadıköy into the new master plan area. Ring stations also bring new possibilities to this area. The other side by the river is potential ancient port of Kalkeidon, a small state around AC 1000. Like the Yenikapı reference, this area can become a new antic-archeological site, redefining the history of the city. A complete archeological digging must be done around the river and possible archeology related programs should be developed in that area. The river (Kurbağalıdere) should be cleaned and filtered and reach the inner parts of the city continuously. And it’s possibilities should be considered within de archeological site. The southern side of this side - next to the stadium- should be redesigned to create working public spaces with the stadium. They should link the sectional living; the neighborhood, the river and the stadium. This area can contain facilities which facilitate sports events, schools, public organization or other cultural events. The old railroads connecting to Haydarpaşa should be fixed and railways should start working. This station will work with the transit hub and connect different transportation facilities; metrobus, subway, train and the ring line. The circle area between road at the northeast of the site is a giant undefined and unused emptiness. That area can be used with a building which can be iconic or characteristic for this project, and act as a center for the area, both physically and infra structurally; a power plant. Old fire department building should be moved to a new site because of the poor conditions of the current building. That build building can be used as an urban market or a cultural center. New fire department building should be modern and efficient, also it should work as an fire department school.

the ring line that connects transportation center with kadıköy and replaces the route of old tram line, aims to reduce the car load in the centra kadıköy area.

The change of the area within years. The giant roads cut the relation of the site with the nortern parts of Kadıköy. Also the stadium creates different results around it. The aim of this master plan proposal was to link this unrelated urban conditions. This requires a intensive work on setions. The concept sketches show how layering and connections could be made within this urban texture.

conceptual approach dierent collage works and sketches showing the dierent layers of history, structural technology, programs and movement

result The area is divided into 15 pieces which are randomly given to everybody in the studio. Every lot has a dierent program, different rules and restrictions. 1-4, has to deal with small scale urban relations; the stadium and the river, public spaces between and cultural programs. 4-7, has solve the archeological site and work within boundaries of archeological diggings. There is also going to be a museum, working site, art school, and a water ďŹ ltration center built on this area. 7-11, deals with another urban relation problem, vertical production relations, relationship of urban context and the new area, new ring rail stations, development of the old ďŹ re department building. 12 builds the power plant and characteristic building of the master plan. 13-15, solves to urban transportation and creates the transport hub, this includes metros, subway, busses, train and ring line. Side programs are cultural centers, hotels and public plazas.


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Istanbul Technical University Spring 2016

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