Spring 2011
ut of the O Mists Ozark Avalon Church of Nature
Labyrinths: the Path of Spirit Pg 6
Community Garden Pg 9
Out of the Mists
The Revisionist Whitewashing of Our Gods-Queer Gods & Hermaphrodites by Loki Madmonk
100 years. In sort it holds up a mirror to that which we fear in ourselves and makes us uncoma rant fixthishack@mail.com fortable. News Flash! Enlightenment isn’t comQueer what?! Hermaphro-what?! I bet fortable, and the attainment of the sacred 99% of those reading these words in the keys is not without sacrifices. Most time title have no idea what I am talking about. the sacrifice is giving up what you thought What I am talking about is that we have you knew to see with new eyes the lessons been forcibility denied the information about the whole nature of some of our Gods behind the sacred symbols we take for grants or at face value or worse like told to and have entire cults and Gods removed us without questioning them. from curriculums. For example many of us have been Why? Because these come into conflict shown the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred with beloved archetypes regurgitated at us Masculine in the symbols of the Athame of the “Lord” and “Lady” and the sexist, inserted in the Chalice. Norman Rockwell, Sex Negative, postSome would misinterpret these symbols totalitarian agriculture, Anti-human, Duel to push agendas and make sexist statepolarity, hetro-normative, sterile agenda ments. this representation of them represents. One agenda/statement is that the FemiDoth I detect the villagers with pitchnine Chalice accepts the Masculine Athame forks and torches on the distant horizon? and holds in within it’s depths therefore Ask yourself this, For many a impressive and vast pagan library we all seem to amass Men’s role is to be slaves to Women and hold the book and chop firewood. The flip and the books available how many books side is the agenda/statement that without mention the Goddess Cybele in it? Or her transsexual cult the Galli circa 2BCE. How the Athame the Chalice is nothing than many address Zeus’s bisexuality? How may just an empty bowl. So Women’s role is to be slaves to Men and be walking baby show Baphomet’s form of having breasts machines and go bake cookies. and a penis or that the Norse god Loki We look at these symbols over and over was not only of trickery but of sex change and over and never “SEE” the lesson. This whom had fathered and MOTHERED (as in gave birth to) many a creature and demi- is where we miss the forest for the tress. The Chalice is just a Chalice and is static god. Or that Dionysus was a eunuch who and sterile. wore women’s robes. The Athame is just Athame and is static None of these ringing a bell? We as a and sterile. community are so quick to condemn the It is when and where they intersect and Christ sect for the transformation of our meld together as one that conception and scared masculine into their Devil but we magick happens. It is the 3rd and seeming do not even realize we do the same to our invisible element we seek to understand. own Gods and worse to push a hetrocentric duel polarity agenda. We erase and The transgressive, the uncontrolled, the wild the intersexed. purposely not discuss whole mythologies. Wait! What? Here let me say it again for Why? Because is directly conflicts with our you the INTERSEXED! I said the interindustrialized nuclear family, homo-phobic, sexed. We have 3 sacred gender archetypes Trans-phobic, bi-phobic modern fantasy of ourselves we have been tripping on the last (the Indonesians divide these further into
Published by Ozark Avalon Church of Nature 26213 Cumberland Church Road Boonville, MO 65233
[660] 537-4870
www.ozarkavalon.net info@ozarkavalon.net Our mission is to provide access to nature, a safe place for outdoor worship in an earthcentered, earth-honoring spiritual context, to promote community among persons with these beliefs and to further environmentalism and appreciation for nature spirits and the earth. Ozark Avalon's 160-acre nature preserve is located only three miles off I-70 between Kansas City and St. Louis. We are 18 miles from Columbia, MO near the Overton Bottoms South Conservation Area. We have beautiful woods and meadows with hot water showers, fire rings, hiking trails, a spring-fed lake, established camping areas and a small swimming pool. Drive-Up and hike-In Camping, small RVs allowed (no hookups). Our artistic Frog Bog Shower House has indoor composting toilets, solar-assisted showers and solar lights. This newspaper is published by the community and for the community. If you would like to contribute articles, ideas or photos, please send them to mists@lunastarmedia.com. We reserve the right to edit articles for grammar and space. All work must be original. Photos published only with the express permission of those appearing in the photos and photos of minors with the permission of their parents. Out of the Mists respects the privacy of those who attend events at OA and elsewhere in the community.
5) at minimum. Our sacred third have multiple names “the Sacred unknown” ,”the Sacred Other”, “Heoka” , “Twin-spirit” the list goes on and on. It is this third sacred other that is purposely ignored. Why? Because some are uncomfortable and do not what to see two men in circle together, Nor two women, or those whom are transgender or gender fluid. Because some hold and idea that there is no way a female can be a priest and a male a priestess. Because the lecherous want to twist our faith to have a harem of twenty-somethings and the bitter and abused want to flip the script and become the abusers in power instead, going from monotheistic male to monotheistic female and doing the exact same damage just with different genitalia. We are Nature worshipers and as Nature worshipers we should worship all of Nature in its entirety. The Feminine, the Masculine AND the other. But Loki! “Man+Woman=babies!” Oh, really, you want to go there? Okay. Seems very similar to me like the “1 man +
1 woman = marriage” bumper stickers. Just as the poly-amorous and homosexual multiples and pairing poke holes in that equation I will do so for this one. Frogs change sex Fish change sex Snails reproduce asexually As do worms Need I continue? I can do this all day. If I have shocked you or offended some delicate sensibly. I do NOT apologize. The jarring is designed to awaken you. If this makes you feel “uncomfortable” YOU need to analyze why this makes you uncomfortable. It is within some of the things we run and hide from that we can find some of Nature’s greatest mysteries hiding in wait. I will leave you with this thought. If the Druid kaons where always in 3’s why do we push duel polarity? Why was Scott Cunningham forced to create solitary Wicca and Harry Hay the Radical Fairies?
We welcome your opinions and letters! What is a newspaper without a space for opinions? In the future, this space will be reserved for opinion columns, lettersto-the-editor and things like that. We would love to hear from you! Please submit letters or opinion columns to mists@lunastarmedia.com at least two weeks before the changing of the season. In other words, summer starts June 20, so the deadline for the next issue will be June 6. Please remember the opinions expressed on this page belong solely to the author and not Ozark Avalon. If you would like to respond to any of the opinions you find here, feel free to submit your own letter! We also welcome articles by ANYONE in the larger pagan community. If you have stories, poems, illustrations, recipes or anything you’d like to share, please feel free to send them to us! We reserve the right to edit for space and grammar. We ask that all work be original and that any pictures come with a release signed by everyone in the picture. (Local OakSpirits can give verbal consent.) We don’t want to “out” anyone accidentally. If you would like to advertise with us, please drop us an email at mists@ lunastarmedia.com and we will be glad to send you a rate sheet. Our advertising is very reasonable and our readership is a very specific audience!
Ozark Avalon has a number of groups on Facebook to keep our members informed and allow them to help with the planning and execution of festivals. Please feel free to join us in any of these groups!
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Out of the Mists
Yule & Imbolc Roundup
Say farewell to what is gone… by Kerry Kasten We stood shoulder to shoulder, young and old chanting…Thus we banish winter and we welcome spring. Say farewell to what is gone and greet each living thing. Over and over louder and louder till the very retreat center was vibrating our chant to the Gods! Goodbye to winter but we hold you in our memories till the end of time. Father Yule cheerfully handing out red velvet stockings full of treats and toys to all of the children. The Yule tree was blessed by the children. The children followed Johanna Givins as she carried the Yule log and placed it in the fire. Children young and old took part in crafting fuzzy Snowmen, candy canes made from beads and Pandora’s Box that hold everyone’s hope for the future of mankind. The Grand Feast was set with ribbons and lights from one end of the banquet table to the other. Nancy McGee did a beautiful job with the Yule Tide decorations. The Feast was bountiful with mouthwatering bacon wrapped Venison, you could taste the love that Mark Brown added to it! There was stuffing, sweet potatoes, green beans, brie and pies. Lots of pies! Steve and Angela O’Dell mad an amazing tomato pie that was magnificent! Yule was a great time for all as the festivities were winding down we all began to look forward to being with each
other again for Imbolc. Imbolc proved to be a packed house with people and workshops in every room. Markie was in the back making tapper candles with the kids most of the day. Rev. Taz Storm taught us about candle magic how to make a dream pillow. Went on a lovely wet walk with Rev. Lady Kestryl Moonfox and learned how to make natures alters. Lord Alex Foal and Rev. Lord Uthyr Spirit Bear did a workshop on alter tools and many were taking notes. A special OA thanks to our guest Carol Liegh for an amazing workshop on the ancient dye process. The community thanks you all for doing the workshops and sharing your knowledge with us! For the main ritual all the house lights were turned off, tiny drops of rain trickled down on the heads and hoods of us all. We lit the candles that were made that day from person to person we passed the flame. When all the candles were a fire we put them in the ritual fire to start the heart fire of OA. The fire blazed high as we chanted to Brigid honoring her on this special night. The following day the fire was out, but Danny McLee fond the coals were still hot. The heart fire of OA was down but not out! As the days get longer and Ostara comes let’s not forget all that we’ve done. Our community is growing and working together in this time of change and that is a beautiful thing. As I sit and write this (just days after Imbolc) I am counting the days till I can go back home. Blessed Be )0(
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Ostara heralds the beginning of scouting program
by Kerry Kasten Spring; The return of the sun! We celebrate Ostrara to welcome back the sun and flowers. Spring is also a time of new beginnings. The Oak Scouts had their first meeting and it was the beginning of what is sure to be a wonderful group of scouts! The scouts had many adventures over the weekend which by the looks on their faces they enjoyed them very much. First they all made denim vests to hold the badges they will be working on this year. The second degree Leaves manned the fundraising both and made $20.00 by selling yard decorations. The Acorns and Sprouts went on a ‘Nature Walk’ and took pictures of what spring looks like to them. We all attended the Banishing of the chocolate bunny ritual, where the kids learned about the colors of the elements with jelly beans ( YUM)! To wrap things up on Sunday we had an egg hunt with eggs and candy hide all over the retreat center. One special Acorn: little Ms. Hanna found the prized purple egg with $5.00 cash inside! Bet that is going to buy more candy! The Ostara festival wasn’t fun just for the kids, the adults in attendance
were smiling from ear to ear as they planted flowers and weeded the yard with the kids. Flowers were planted in the Fairy garden, and vegetables in the OA community garden. As everything grows the scouts will be there to lend a hand and learn how to grow food to eat and flowers to smell! Luna Espiral did a wonderful main ritual in bunny ears that was full of fun with great healing energy! The scouts also colored pictures of the season so next time you are at OA look at the pictures hung around the wood burning stove! The next scout meeting will be for the Lyrid meteor shower April 20th21st. We will be learning about the ‘Night Sky’ and what a meteor shower is all about. We will be tie-dying and silk-screening our own scout shirts (so make sure you bring a white T-shirt), making rockets out of pop bottles and a workshop on Astrology. Sunday some of the Scouts will be at Earth Day in Columbia working towards their community service badge so stop by the OA booth and show your support! A special thanks to all the parents, grandparents and everyone who helped make Ostrara such a wonderful event for the adults and children. Hope to see you all (and more) next time!
Out of the Mists
we are a polygon, within a polygon, Zeus
and we go on and on and on and on and on
by Sonya Hill-Miller Temple of the Sacred Gift - ATC, Memphis, TN
Several years ago I sat in on a workshop where an elder and crone shared how she had found great liberation practicing magick in a “more creative” non-traditional way. This perked my interest, and I found myself leaning forward. What did she mean? She meant that when she went out to do magick with her coven she found herself picking shapes that were “anything other than a circle” to see what they did, how they felt, and sometimes just to “break her humdrum mindset”. “It is when we are creating, that we escape the mundane” she said. There were a couple of people around my age, that had been practicing just as long or longer that started to get “hot under the collar” and very irritated at her for teaching this. They began to argue with her that this was not any way to teach magick to people; that this was not something that could work for everyone. Very calmly the crone fielded every “fearful question” and soothingly said...”I did not say that this is for everyone; I said that at this time in MY LIFE it is what I needed to do...and felt compelled to do. I am just here to share with you my findings.” I loved her for this, because I had always done more than one shape myself! But, I had confined myself mostly to a circle because it was safe, easy, and predictable. After her workshop I realized that maybe I should put more thought into “not doing easy” and breaking out of that “box” or in this case the circle. So today I am going to share with you a few different things and a few options. Of course practitioners of Enochian or what we witches call “High Magick” have explored different geometrical shapes like the Egyptians did for thousands of years.... of course you all know I am not an expert of Enochian magick nor talking to “high magicians” I am talking to us plain old, Southern Fried Witches, Pagans, and Wiccans. A CIRCLE: This is the most traditional way everyone casts rituals or spaces. Most often you sit in the middle of them alone if you are a solitaire and if you are practicing within a group you are either forming the circle with your body and your fellow
worshipers, or it is outside of you made by a border or rocks or lights, or you are in the middle “ supervising and directing” the energy. A circle always works, all-ways! It fulfills all the needs of a spell, and achieves a state of transcendence and communication with deity while protecting you the practitioner. A Circle is a perfect shape to do spells that are for balance, spells that are for communication with your deity, spirits, angels and guides, and remind us that there is no ending or beginning to the universal energy...it just is! A circle is a symbol of wholeness, balance, achievement, and universal life forces. If you are a solitaire you stand in the center of it. If you are in a group you usually face inward toward the altar in the middle. A TRIANGLE: Pyramids are triangles, and we all have heard of sacred geometry which utilizes numbers and plains to make triangles out of thin air! The body, mind and spirit form a triangle. The Goddess and God are often represented as a triad (Mother, Maiden, Crone, and Rogue, Father, Sage). The Christians present their version of Plutarch’s Pagan triad with God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy spirit and if you are Gnostic that Holy Spirit might be God the Mother. Pythagoras (who studied the ancient mysteries in Egypt) believed that three was the Perfect number for it had a beginning, a middle and an end. In magick, we are always told that if things come in three the universe is talking to you...and so we see that three is a very potent number indeed! When it comes to magic a Triangle is employed as a ritual SHAPE (in place of a circle, or within a circle) to do magick related to self-expression or creativity and artistic pursuits, for power and high energy when you need it, to increase psychic abilities, to do a meditation or employ astral work, and is the very best for divination of any kind! If you are a solitary, then sit at the base (the biggest part) of the triangle facing the direction you want to go for the spell (North, East, South, West, etc). If you are in a group, then always face inward...if you are two witches then each take a base point, if you are a Triad (three witches) then AHA! You might have found a good formation for you!
Ozark Avalon’s Men’s Gathering Fri, June 29th - Sun, July 1st A gathering of men, by men and for men. All those who identify as male are invited to join us for a weekend of fellowship and learning. We will consider the meaning of being a man, how pagan men can serve the Goddess and the God and the community, perform service to OA, and celebrate the energy of the God in ritual. Join the conversation at http://www.facebook.com/groups/388974374465646/
OSTARA 2012 Magick can be an intense experience. Whether you are working as a solitary or working in a group, your connection to the divine, the energy, the earth and the cosmos can move your soul and change you forever. Like springtime, magick weaves a web of hope, happiness and power. To promote the ritual blending of everyone’s magickal energy into a kaleidoscope of rainbow color, a few simple things should take place. Of these things, perhaps the most important, are to leave the ego at the door, to responsibly deal with interpersonal relationships, to compromise, and to blend the energy together. Creating a cohesive, harmonious, effective, powerful ritual can often be like coloring eggs for Ostara. The colors used have to meld together in harmony, so that the basket of eggs is an appealing site. Magickal energy is much the same way, especially in a group. If one person refuses to leave their ego at the door, wanting to be the “best” in the circle, the “most powerful,” or even to just “do their own thing” it can create disharmony throughout the circle, within the people and definitely will affect the magic. For instance, the eggs are going to do a ritual for Ostara, they have decided that they want to celebrate the newness of spring and the “birth” aspect of this time of
Out of the Mists year. When they get to the circle everyone except for the south egg, who is in bright red, is dressed in gentle pastel colors. The others look at each other and think, “what is our focus now, how do we blend this vibrant energy with the gentleness of ours,” thus affecting the entire group’s focus. The need for the red egg to become the “star” creates a stress on the energy flow of the ritual. The second thing to be aware of, and directly related to the ego, is learning to take personal responsibility for your feelings toward the other participants in a circle. Let us say that our green egg has decided to attend the ritual for Ostara and our red egg, who just happens to be a recent ex, is going to be at Ostara. The relationship ended badly and they are both hurting. At this point, they can do a few things to smooth out the ritual. First, they can leave their egos at the door. The ritual is not about them, but about the magick and the whole of the participants. Secondly, they can realize that the other egg’s response to them being there is “not my problem,” as a good friend of mine often says. This is truth, both eggs have every right to be at this circle and the interrelationship between the two eggs should not affect the circle. In essence, they can enter the circle in “perfect love and perfect trust” or not enter the circle at all. In this case, our green egg and our red egg decide to leave their egos at the door and are now ready to compromise. Unfortunately, our red egg feels that the vibrant energy of the blooming should be reflected in the circle and their colors, but all of the other eggs want to show the newness of the season. The group works together, communicates and comes to a compromise. The base of their colors will all be pastel, however
each of them will have bits of vibrant color on them. The pastel will represent the newness and the more vibrant colors will represent the birthing energy. This type of working together and compromising not only creates better focus, but also goes a long way to improve the relationship between the green and the red egg. Although there are many more steps that can help facilitate group working, the last one the eggs are going to demonstrate is the idea of ritual flow. Energy working together at the same time, with the same wavelength to create a beautiful rainbow of harmony is the goal of every powerful ritual. Many times when people go to a public ritual, which in essence is a group ritual, they do not feel they have to follow the previous two steps, causing the energy flow to be out of balance and more. Because they have not left their egos at the door or worked on compromise for the sake of the groups interpersonal relationships, they also do not recognize the need to blend their energy with the other people in the group. So they approach it by throwing whatever energy pattern that they want into the circle and expect it to blend with the others. This is not how energy works. For energy, in our case magick, to blend, it must all be in harmony. This is the reason
that most groups use group chants, group quarter calls, group castings, and other actions that create ritual instead of ceremony. Back to our eggs, they are now dressed in similar outfits, they have a similar idea about what they want the circle to be about, but they have not yet discussed how they want to create the circle. Do they want to call elementals? Do they want to call the Watchtowers? Are they casting a high or a low circle? These are all elements that have to be taken in to consideration. So let us say our red egg is still wanting and needing attention, so as the eggs file into circle and begin calling, the yellow egg calls the East elementals and then the red egg feels like it needs to call the watchtowers. You no longer have harmony in your circle. The key to this is communication. To create a powerful, effective group ritual experience, everyone must leave their egos at the door, take personal responsibility for their feelings, compromise to find a common goal, and communicate how that goal will be achieved. When this is done, the eggs can walk into the circle fully confident that the magick they create will be vibrant, effective, and beautiful in a rainbow of energy. The eggs worked hard to make this ritual happen, and the work they put into it makes the ritual even more powerful. The greatest example of a group ritual I have seen is the “transference” ritual in the movie Avatar. The ritual happens at the end when they are trying to transfer the doctor into her Na’vi body. Everyone puts aside their egos, their issues with each other, and move as one force, one energy connected to the divine. That is what ritual should and can be like in a group.
Group Magick:
Coming Toget her t o Dye t he Egg by Lady Taz Storm
6 The subject of Labyrinths has filled volumes of books, and megabytes of web space. The entire subject is vast, way too much for this course. Its history goes back thousands of years, can be found all across our Mother Earth, and even reflects the teachings of the stars. My first encounter with a Labyrinth was in Minnesota. A friend of ours took us to a sacred spot near a large spring, not far from the Mississippi River. He pointed out in passing a Labyrinth that people had built near the spring. It was made with sticks and stones and appeared chaotic. I walked it, expecting a maze, and ended up amazed instead. The path went in one direction only, with no forks or dead ends. Sometimes it would lead me toward the center, and then away in an arcing curve around the outside. Other people walking it appeared to be on different paths, going in different directions, but we were all on the same path. At the center was an altar where others had left tokens of their faiths. But reaching the center was only the halfway point. I had to walk back out the same way I entered. After exiting the labyrinth, I turned, overflowing with wonder at its simplicity and complexity. I was hooked. I’ve done quite a bit of research since, and have drawn many different types of Labyrinths, and built a few. When we had 14 inches of fresh snow one winter, I shoveled a snow Labyrinth. In Arkansas, we built one out of stones near Altar Rock, a sacred spot for us in the Good Medicine Society. Labyrinths are really quite easy to draw out, once you get acquainted with the seed principle. Transposing it on a floor, or the ground, making it big enough to walk through is a little trickier, but a good lesson in visualization You’re only limited by your imagination. The dictionary defines a Labyrinth thusly: Labyrinth, noun. 1. a confusing set of connecting passages or paths in which it is easy to get lost; 2. something which is very confusing. Labyrinth, noun. In Greek mythology, the maze designed by Daedalus for King Minos of Crete to confine the Minotaur. The Labyrinth Society proposes the following definition on its website: “A labyrinth is a single path or unicursal tool for personal, psychological and spiritual transformation. Labyrinths are thought to enhance right brain activity.” The Labyrinth has one path leading the walker to the center and then out again. The way is not concealed or disguised. One just needs the strength of mind to accept the journey and stay on the path. A Maze, on the other hand, has many secret turns and dead ends, and employs multiple paths. Like a Labyrinth, it can still symbolically be a metaphor for life’s journey, but can be distracting and always has the potential to not find one’s way out, leading to negative feelings and responses. The sole challenge of the labyrinth is to simply stay on the path, freeing the mind to relax. Labyrinths are found worldwide. Greek mythology has the legend of King Minos of Crete, who supposedly had a large labyrinth constructed under his palace, where he kept the Minotaur, a monster that was halfman and half-bull. This monster devoured
Out of the Mists human flesh, and the King would receive in tribute from Greece seven young men and seven young women to feed to the Minotaur. Theseus, son of the Greek king, volunteered to be sent to Crete, where he intended to kill the Minotaur. Ariadne, daughter of King Minos, fell in love with him, and gifted him with a spool of golden thread to guide him out of the labyrinth. He succeeded in killing the monster, found his way back out, and left Crete with Ariadne. This is a nice story, but it raises quite a few questions. Why would he need a thread to find his way out of a labyrinth, which has only one pathway? Also, while King Minos’s palace has been found, no labyrinth has ever been unearthed there. Coins bearing the labyrinth symbol came a thousand years later. Like with most myths, the story was symbolic of our own journeys, and the monsters we must face. There are basically two types of labyrinths: those to draw or carve, and larger ones for walking through. Historical examples of labyrinths for walking are quite numerous, with over 500 in Scandinavia alone. The oldest ones found so far are in southern Sweden, and date from the Iron Age (0-500 BCE). Most date from the Middle Ages, about the 13th century and onward, and were constructed by fishing villages, having a ritualistic purpose to protect the fishermen while they were at sea. Medieval church and cathedral labyrinths came about in the 13th century also, with the basic design adopted to include Christian symbolism. Turf labyrinths popped up in the 16th century in Britain, and were part of the springtime celebrations, welcoming in the new season of growth and renewal. Labyrinths have also been found in India, the American Southwest, and South America. The most common labyrinth design is the classical Cretan seven-circuit. This design was originally found on the coins found at the palace of Knossos, Crete, dating from about 400 BCE. Also known simply as the ‘classical labyrinth’ because it is a design that has been found worldwide. The Cretan three-circuit labyrinth is a simplified version of the “classical Cretan”. It is the simplest and smallest of the world’s labyrinths, and is the one we built in Arkansas at Altar Rock. The Classical Baltic labyrinth number over six hundred, mostly in Scandinavia and the Baltic area. Most are constructed of boulders, or are cut into the turf. Some of the variations provide examples of two-way traffic for the walker, and offer multiple entrances and exits. The classical Chakra-vyuha labyrinth from India and Asia, has a T-shaped cross at it’s center, from where the walls extend. The Penti seed pattern comes from the American southwest, and is found woven into baskets. It utilizes a five spoke pattern leading to nine paths and ten walls. The Medieval labyrinth, of which the example at Chartes Cathedral is the best known, is a complex arrangements of turns in a circular pattern. It incorporates a complex numerology, having deep significance for its walkers. Originally formulated as a drawing, its pattern has been laid in tile for walking.
Drawing the Classical Seven-Circuit Labyrinth
Now draw an arc from the left arm of the cross up and over the other arcs, enclosing them, to the tip of the horizontal arm of the Start out drawing an equal armed cross, corner arc in the right lower quadrant. and put small arcs, or angles in each quadrant. Then insert dots in each quadrant, just beyond the arc. The arc should be between the cross and the dot. Ideally they should be equally spaced. This is the “seed” for the Seven-circuit labyrinth.
Draw an arc joining the top arm of the cross to the tip of the adjacent arc in the right upper quadrant.
Next, draw an arc from the top arm of the left quadrant arc to the dot in the right upper quadrant.
Connect an arc from the dot in the upper left quadrant to the horizontal line of the corner arc in the upper right quadrant.
Now, join the horizontal arm of the corner arc in the top left quadrant with the tip of the right arm of the cross
Starting at the tip of the horizontal arm of the corner arc in the left lower quadrant, draw an arc going up and around to the dot in the right lower quadrant.
OSTARA 2012 Now draw an arc from the dot in the left lower quadrant around to the vertical arm of the corner arc in the right lower quadrant.
To complete the labyrinth, draw the final line from the vertical arm of the corner arc in the left lower quadrant to the tip of the lower arm of the cross. It will seem like you’re drawing a circle around the entire drawing as in the illustration on the right. Well, there you have it. How to build, or draw, a labyrinth in a nutshell. Keep working with this, draw them as often as you can. It’s a great way of doodling. Try making them out of clay, stone, watercolors, whatever. Following this page is a list of references that I recommend; some online, some printed. Use the information I’ve offered here and expand on it. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at jrquints23@yahoo.com.
Out of the Mists References
• The Labyrinth Society www.labyrinthsociety.org a good starting site for locating labyrinths and to see more of the history and how to build them. The animated labyrinths are great. • Alex Champion’s labyrinths • The 150 foot diameter Prairie Labyrinth www.prairiekabyrinth.com outside of Kansas City, MO has a 14 foot open center, and the “walls” of this labyrinth are 8 foot tall prairie grass. • The Complete Guide to Labyrinths by Cassandra Eason the Crossing Press 2004. This book has a lot of info on the use of labyrinths for meditation, divination, and ritual • Labyrinths for the Spirit by Jim Buchanan Gaia Press 2007. A must-have book if you plan on building large labyrinths of any kind. It even includes plans on building a Chartes type labyrinth. • DVD: Labyrinths- Their Mystery and Magic/ Dragonquest: Sacred Sites of Britain Penny Price Media, 406 Mountain View Road, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 845-876-0239 pennyprice@aol.com Any of these references will lead you to others. So, have fun, grow, and teach others about this amazing tool. www.earthsymbols.com
the Path of Spirit by John Circling Heart
Out of the Mists
Imbloc Dawning Once Again Imbloc dawns – the sun will be higher in the sky- pink sky filled with birds returning from the northlands and others flying back south from here. Snow and ice have melted away- leaving the earth raw and muddy but with patches of green pasture grasses healing the barren spots Under the thick mulch of last autumns leaves spring blooming bulbs erupt with white and bright green shoots Beauty is promised as transformation abounds. Antlers have fallen from the head of the stag and now begin to grow quickly again -velvet and fresh- the rut is on and the herd is moving again Hibernation time once again draws to a seasonal close. Time to come outside again. Lean and hungrylooking for food, the strong have survived. Life is in the belly and calves and new lambs dot the heartland-scape – conception has occurred and Mother is pregnant Gardens are cleared- old dried remains burned away and the soil prepared for tilling Seed catalogs inspire plans and dreams. A broth is made of first greens and new life is tentatively tasted and then consumed We too are filled with fresh potential and new beginnings. Rev Rose Wise- copyright 2012
My Pentacle My Circle. Ever consistent and ever strong. Like a mother’s arms embracing me. Guiding me, reassuring me that this too will pass. Reminding me that with every ending there too shall be a new beginning. That even after I am gone, the ripple of my soul shall be everlasting. The strength and calling of my star. A beacon in the confusion of life guiding me home. All five points needed to bring balance and serenity in the possible chaos of life. The cleansing flow of water. Purifying and washing away the daily grime of life I take on. Lifting and supporting me. Letting me rest the weight of my weary body on its liquid power so I may float away for a time and find my balance and peace. The heat and passion of fire. Empowering me at last. Showing me the beauty of myself and my womanhood. To embrace my sexuality and find the strength to be myself. Ripping and burning away society’s preconceptions of what is acceptable of me while lending me the confidence to step through the flames and emerge whole and complete. My earth, my roots. Where I personally feel closest to my Goddess. Digging my toes into the cool spring grass letting my mind wander and empty so that I may listen to what she has to say. Reaching my roots down and deep to get closer to her like a child that is too big but always welcome on their mother’s lap. Here she comforts me. Here she drinks of my tears and frees me of my sorrows and griefs. Here in her arms, I find the comfort to go on. My air, my freedom. Lifting me up unexpectantly startling from me a laugh that is carried on the winds to reach the ears of the fairies and make them smile at my joy. Blowing apart all inhibitions letting me revel in my own power of self. Teaching me to let it flow from my fingertips as seeds are spread through the fields. This is where I find my breath of life. And my spirit. My soul. Many lives it will live and thousands of moons will pass but it will forever flourish, learn and grow. With all these ingredients of life: the circle, the star, water, fire, earth and air, I shall continue on and you will remember as do I the water flowing through our bodies, the air in our lungs, the earth of our bones and the fire in our hearts and know that these are gifts and tools. Yet they would mean nothing without spirit. All working together to bring that light from the star into the circle of our lives. And so there is my pentacle. From Me to all of you my sisters, brothers, friends and family, you now have a part of my heart. May it bring you some piece of joy. Blessed be.
New Wiccan study group forming in Columbia! See our website at www.circleoflightshrine.org and join for free at www.witchschool.com.
- Johanna Givens
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Out of the Mists
OA Community Garden By Beaver
The OA Community Garden is everyone’s Garden. The tilling, planting, weeding, watering and harvesting is done by a community. Everyone benefits from it, whether it’s relaxing after a busy week, or reaping the fruits of the harvest. It’s a real tool of community Magic. Nature is "The Reason for the Season". Over the winter I was inspired by work of Oberon Zell-Ravenheart in his book "Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard", in which one of the lessons in Magick is all about growing your own Garden and Herbs or "Wortcunning" as he calls it. This surprised me, so I read further. He introduced several concepts such as Rotation (moving plants around year after year to replenish the soil) and Companion Gardening (Using the strengths of some plants to support and enhance others). Watching the seeds grow into plants and then renew themselves the next year is ‘practical magic’ at its best. Gardening was never my strong suit, but after talking to Johanna about it, I offered to help coordinate the Garden this year. I love to learn by doing, and this is an opportunity and challenge for me to learn about nature firsthand. I plan to build upon what she has already done, and expand upon it with new ideas from every one of you. It will be a lot of work, but I have faith in the great members of this church, our church, that we can do anything we set our minds to. I have a vision for the garden, and I will hope that everyone reading this will make it their own and help make it reality. It goes like this: There will be an altar built in the middle of the Garden to remind us to give praise to the Lord and Lady for their help and blessings. It will be decorated each season. We will divide the Garden into five plots. Plot one will be Corn, Pumpkins and Beans. Plot two will be subdivided into A: Potatoes and Carrots (Both long term root plants) and B: Tomatoes, Chives, Basil and Catnip (The herbs repel aphids and beetles). Plot three will be "water intensive" plants such as Watermelons, Zucchinis and Winter squash, next to a few rows of Sunflowers and Pole Beans. Plot four will be Sugar Snap peas and other small crops.
Plot five will be our "Rapid Growing" plot with fast veggies such as Turnips, Radishes or Cucumbers. Additionally, we have several plots planned for specialty crops. We luckily have several Blackberry bushes in their own bed. In the ‘lee’ of the House, we’ll also make a bed just for Mushrooms and plant a few Grapevines to develop over the next few years. They’ll be a great addition to the Garden. Additionally, we will plant a few new pear and apple trees in the Orchard and Label the ones already there. They were pruned last year and should put forth some good fruit this year. Additionally, we will remake and use the old ‘Herb’ Garden behind the tool shed. It measures about 450 sq. ft. but gets great sunlight and is next to a water source. I propose we build new ‘raised’ beds (3 ft. wide) in a spiral pattern inside the space, and subdivide them into ‘boxes’ in which we plant a variety of herbs. We’ll plant nearly half in clary and common sage (For Smudgesticks), and then plant mint (For tea), Horehound (For healing), Fennel, Dill, Chamomile, Lemon Balm etc. in the rest. Finally, we will clear space in the rabbit hutch for tools and supplies and build compost and mulch pile west of the plots. We will begin planting at Ostara and continue with various crops and herbs right through Beltane. We’ll Harvest most of it (If it’s ready) at our annual Harvest festival and everyone will take some home this year. In addition, we’ll track and reward our volunteers who spend time in the Garden. Here is a list of some things we will need from the community: Wheelbarrow, Hoes, Spades, Tined Forks, Garden Gloves, Garden Hose, and plenty of ‘baskets’. We always need labor as well. Again, I earnestly hope we can come together in this community project to benefit everyone. Feel free to come out and help, or just offer advice and suggestions. We have a Facebook page for the Garden called "OA Community Garden" and I am always available every weekend and most evenings at OA, or just email me at frank_griggs@yahoo.com. This will be a yearlong project with many goals and harvests to come, and everyone benefits from it. May the Lord and Lady bless you all and make our project a success this year! Blessed Be!
Get Involved!
Out of the Mists
Please don’t forget our Scout Fundraiser!
In order to get our self-funded Oak Scouts up and running we are having our first fundraiser in conjunction with www. eclecticbydesign.com. You can order in person or online. When ordering online please put “oak scouts” in the notes so we can still get our commission. This is an ongoing fundraiser, so please spread the word. Please support our kids by ordering Pagan wrapping paper for Yule or anytime of the year! The scouting program will receive 40% of the price of all orders using
“oak scouts” in the notes. Everyone who orders something will receive a pin that reads “I support the scouts.” They have the most adorable line of children’s t-shirts as well. Make sure you take a look at all the different lines. There is a little something for everyone on the site. Please go to www.eclecticbydesign.com and have a look, you are sure to find something you like and help the kids too! Thank you, The Oak Scout Leaders
OA Oak Scout NEWS
by Kerry Kasten
Oak Scouts is a family participation group. We will be promoting growth in all areas of life. The Oak Leaders along with parents will be empowering our children to become the best in what they choose to become. Through workshops like; The magikal journey, camping, gardening, canning and drying the harvest, first aid/ CPR, chants, music, comparative religion, astrology, divination, circle casting, and rituals. (to name a few) The scouts will earn badges and certificates for all their accomplishments. Throughout the year will meet at Ozark Avalon for all the Wheel of the Year celebrations, plus some Full Moons. At Harvest the children will have a badging ritual which they will be in charge of doing the entire ritual and informing everyone of what they have achieved throughout the year. Workshops will be taught by the parents and family of OA. Anyone who feels they have a skill/talent/craft they would like the kids to learn is strongly encouraged to teach our kids. This is what we are all about. Teaching our children through example will be our approach. So please add your name and a short description (including which age group is appropriate for your workshop) and one of us will get back to you. The scouts will also have badges they can work on at home and school. It will be up to the parent to keep track of their progress for these badges. The scouts will have four charity drives of food, hygiene/baby supplies, coats/blankets/warmth, and plant/tree-planting day to give to Mother earth.
Along with reasonable dues and fundraisers we will be able to fund our own activities, supplies, and field trips. All financial transactions will be recorded by a scout/parent team and the Treasurer of OA. I feel I can speak for all of us that this is going to be a magikal adventure of learning, living and loving one another. Parents and kids walking side by side growing and learning together will be a beautiful adventure. It is a win, win situation for our community and I for one look forward to seeing all that is to come. Oak Scout Acorns – up to Kindergarten Oak Scout Sprouts – 1st- 3rd grade Oak Scout Leaves - 4th – 6th grade First Degree Oak Scout Leaves – 7th- 8th grade Second Degree Oak Scout Branches – 9th- 10th grade First Degree Oak Scout Branches – 11th – 12th grade Second Degree Meeting dates at Ozark Avalon: April 7th, May 19th, June 23rd, and July 21st. **Sept. 1st is our first badging ceremony!** Please contact Kerry Kasten at Oakscoutsofavalon@gmail.com for more information. Scan this code to take you directly to our Oak Scouts Facebook group.
Soaps, Lotions, Potions and more
Iris & Willow’s DELIGHT S
Hand Dipped Incense Vegan Lye Soap Dream Whip Lotion
Lip Balm Healing Salves Pagan Merchandise
Why Am I a Witch? by Sherry Cooper In the morning the sun peeks through the windows of my house, filling it with the first breath of magick. The Deities send us loving care each moment of the day. As I get up in the morning, I feel the energy swirling around my body, as if my insides are an electric company’s generator. The morning kiss of the sun lets me know that the Green Man has risen and is waking me up for a magickal day. Every day is filled with magick and is full of the things that are provided to us from the loving touch of our Lord and Lady. Each night is a glorious time as well; at night, my Lady shines with a magnificent silvery glow and beams of her love shine through my window, filling the house with magick. Early in life, I knew something was very different inside me, my experiences were unlike those of my friends. When I told my mother about the things I could see, she thought that I was acting out fairy tales and would told me I needed to get my head out of the clouds, but I knew there really were things around me. They were hard to explain, these things other children didn’t see. I was in this alone, in this so-called fairy tale, reaching out for answers. I would see bad things as well as the sweet little fae who helped me through some very hard times. Decades of attending church with my friends and in-laws made me more desperate for answers to questions it failed to provide about why I could see ghosts, goblins and other bad beasts that roam in the night.
This went on for several years, until one day an experience caused me to become completely terrified of the ghosts, trolls and other things that I saw: beside me, there appeared to be a troll with dull red eyes. I covered up my entire head with my blanket, thinking it wouldn’t get me under there, but I was wrong. Those things can get under the covers. Utterly terrified, I sat and rocked back and forth night after night until I was able to turn myself off, and when I would see something I would just turn and look the other way. After many seasons of turning myself off, I finally stopped seeing everything. The incident was long behind me, but even into adulthood I still felt like I didn’t belong anywhere. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a fascination with images of witches, vampires and other witchy-type things. I even had a witch for a school teacher who I loved dearly, but sadly she was taken from our school under the pretense that she didn’t belong there. I picked up a Celtic magick book and instantly felt as if I’d come home on that shiny silver bus. As I started to study, I re-opened my mind and my gifts began to flood back to me. I felt a peace I’d never felt before. Things that confused me before started to make sense to me. The fae with me as a child were there to protect me from the horrible things I was seeing and dealing with. The “monsters” were real and the ghosts were coming to me for help or communication. This is why I came back home and why I am a Witch.
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S is t e
June 1-3, 2012
Join us for a weekend of
June sisterhood1-3, & Goddess worship Ozark Avalon Church of Nature 2012
Workshops & Rituals Join us for a weekend of sisterhood & Goddess worship $40 Per Person includes weekend camping Ozark Avalon Church of Na ture Women over 13 or nursing infants only Workshops & Rituals See web site for details s i s ters
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Email us at sistersofavalon@lunastarmedia.com to be added to OUr F acebook group!
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$40 Per Person includes weekend camping & What to bring list! Women over 13 or nursing infants only Email us at See web site for details sistersofavalon@lunastarmedia.com & What to bring list!
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s i s ters
Out of the Mists
to be added to OUr F acebook group!
And Ye Harm None by Amy Connell My mother often speaks of Christian values. When she does I often find myself correcting her. I tell her they are just GOOD values. It seems so wrong to apply making good choices or trying to be a decent person with just one faith. Now she really doesn’t mean anything by it and I know she has worked hard to accept and understand my faith, and that is a good value. There are many people in our lives who would not even try to tolerate our differences. This does not just apply to other faiths, but within our own community. We have such a varying degree of people that it may sometimes seem impossible to find a way to mesh them together. We must find that way. We must follow our
basic law “and ye harm none.” In our busy lives we may find time to meditate, grand and center, take a nice walk, but we should stop and think on our actions and our words for the day. For just one moment place ourselves in the shoes of those we interacted with. What affect did we have on them? What kind of an example are we setting for our children, our commnity, ourselves? Were we kind and patient? Were we forgiving and understanding? Did we make the choices that say “I am a person with values”? Is there regret? There is no way to know what path lies before us or who we will meet on it. So let us take to heart the words so many of us speak. Merry ye meet, merry ye part, and merry ye meet again. And with a smile we shall start with day with and ye harm none.
Rose Heart Square Cave Inn
Coming Soon- Available May 1, 2012
Goddess Room- private adjoining bath - $40 night, $170 a week Luna Star Room and Medicine Wheel Rooms shared bath $30 night, $130 a week Entire square cave for up to 13 adults for $85 a night, $250 a week Whether you are looking for private housing during an event or a personal spiritual retreat vacation the Square Cave Inn will allow you to explore Ozark Avalon while spending your nights in comfort. The modern mobile home is air conditioned and has central gas heat with private or shared baths and laundry room. You also have the use of an equipped shared kitchen and living areas or you can rent the entire three bedroom space for your family, coven or other small group. All fees will include a donation to Ozark Avalon to cover expenses to the land. All fees payable in advance- reservations with deposits recommended during popular times. All rentals during private events are subject to approval by event organizer. All rentals are subject to the Natural Laws of Ozark Avalon. All rooms are set up with bedding for up to 4 adults and include use of the kitchen and a shelf in the shared refrigerator. We also have ice chest coolers for the rooms if requested. No smoking inside! Pets with prior approval.
Call Honey Rose Heart at 573-268-8921 or John Wise at 660-888-0476
or e-mail rosewise55@yahoo.com for additional information or to make reservations. We will have paypal in the near future.
Out of the Mists
CALENDAR & Camping Info Full Moons are free and open, and always Saturday night. The Saturday evening meal is potluck, and other meals are on your own. If you stay the night, camping or lodging fees apply. As part of our interfaith outreach, other Pagan groups are encouraged to take over a lunar ritual or even the weekend, as long as the ritual is free and open to all of good will. Please e-mail info@ozarkavalon.net for more details or to reserve a date for your group. Lodging: camping on the land costs $10 for up to five people, plus $2 per person after that. Sleeping at the retreat center is $10 per person per night plus $5 per night if using air conditioner, and those with medical conditions get first priority, bunkhouse-style sharing of rooms. Outside rentals: $10 per head for a weekend (and $5 per head per additional night), with a $500 minimum. Send us a $50 check to reserve your date. See the schedule for available times. We may be able to make adjustments as long as another group has not already rented the date.
7: Lunar Ritual & Potluck: Open ritual, potluck, free, plus lodging. 8: Year & a Day class: 10am. Topic: Magickal working and energy 22: Earth Day Columbia : Eco Avenue - We are taking care of it and will need help with loading, setup & maintaining booths, especially Saturday and Sunday mornings. Year and a Day class Community Service Project
4-6: Beltane, Adults Only: $20 19: Lunar Ritual & Potluck: Open ritual, potluck, free, plus lodging. 20: Year & a Day class: 10am. Topic: Magick of Gender, Polarity, and Sensuality
From the President: Spring 2012
I have tried to set the church in a new direction, a direction where searchers will find a spiritual home, and where those who have fallen away or felt pushed away will feel welcome home again. I feel that all those who have come to us in recent months or who have come back to us show us that we are on the right track. We had an amazing Yule and Imbolc with many families and loads of workshops. We have had three additions to the Board in recent months. These are good, intelligent, caring people who I hope can help us govern wisely and with foresight, so that Ozark Avalon can thrive sustainably. Some people have told me that they hate hearing about politics, and wish to come here just to worship in peace. That wish may take a while to fulfill. “Whenever two or more of you gather together, there will be politics”. Politics is not something that happens
“out there”, it happens any time any group, no matter how large or small, has to decide how to allocate scarce resources, and all resources are always scarce, so politics is always and forever as long as we live. Our religion is the way we engage with life, not the way we escape from it, especially for Pagans for whom the sacred is right here and now, not somewhere “out there”, so religion cannot be just “religio-tainment” if it is to fulfill our needs. No matter where you are in life, politica needs to be dealt with, and if we do it right, it can be a positive action, not negative. We have to be trying to work with people to fulfill everyone’s needs, not just try to use them to satisfy our own desires alone. Dealing with the inevitable conflicts in life can be a way of achieving wisdom. I hope it can be so for Ozark Avalon. Tom Chapin - President - tjc@mvp.net
1-3: [outside rental]: Women’s Gathering: Sponsored by Sisters of Avalon 9-10: Pagan Picnic in St. Louis We expect to have an info booth & perhaps more 15-17: [outside rental]: Wiccan Ways Festival: Festival of all things Wiccan. Theme: the Wiccan Rede 22-24: Litha: $30, The Magick of Midsummer 29-01: Men’s God Gathering: Rituals, workshops, and discussion groups
21: Lunar Ritual & Potluck: Open ritual, potluck, free, plus lodging. 22: Year and a Day class 10am. Topic: Herbalism, Nature Spirits, and Lore
4: Lunar Ritual & Potluck: Lammas: Open ritual, potluck, free, plus lodging. 5: Year & a Day class: 10am. Topic: Divination, Seeing Ahead and Within 31-3: Harvest Homecoming: $20 31-3: Year and a Day class: Harvest: 2012: Attendance at Harvest counts as a class.
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2: Annual Church Meeting: Open to all 13-16: [outside rental]: Yarrow Coven Mabon: Join Yarrow Coven for a Sabbat weekend of bonfires, feasting, drumming, and dancing. 22-23: [outside rental]: Midwest Burners HullabalU 22: Year & a Day class: Pagan Pride: Columbia, MO: Year & a Day Service Project 29: Lunar Ritual & Potluck: Mabon ritual, potluck, free, plus lodging. 30: Year & a Day class: 10am. Topic: Chanting, drumming, dance
20: Lunar Ritual & Potluck: Open ritual, potluck, free, plus lodging. 21: Year & a Day class: 10am. Topic: Lunar & Solar Wheel of the Year
2-4: Samhain: $20 2-4: Year & a Day class: Samhain 2012: Graduation for Year & a Day class and dedication of new students 24: Lunar Ritual & Potluck: Thanksgiving ritual, potluck, free, plus lodging.
15: Yule Festival: Celebrate Yule $10, plus lodging
Subject To Change! Always check www.OzarkAvalon.net for the updated calendar
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