Intellectual Virtue and the Justification of Persons

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INTELLECTUAL VIRTUE AND THE JUSTIFICATION OF PERSONS At first glance, it might seem that the distinction between personal and doxastic justification is rather insignificant and peripheral to epistemological matters. It would be tempting to think, for example, that if a particular belief is justified, then the agent is justified in holding that belief. In this way, one might argue either that personal justification supervenes on doxastic justification, or that the two putatively distinct kinds of justification are really identical in nature.1 Either way, it would appear that the concept of personal justification is largely vacuous and can be circumvented by appealing to other more standards notions of epistemic justification. In this essay, however, I hope to correct this assumption by exploring the relevance of personal justification in the context of a virtue epistemology, and by tying it to the intellectual virtues and the concept of epistemic praise. In particular, I will show how a character-based conception of the intellectual virtues gives rise to a unique emphasis on persons or agents, and how this understanding of justification, in turn, provides the resources for dealing with several problems in epistemology.2 I. Underlying my distinction between personal and doxastic justification is the insight that individual agents can enjoy a positive epistemic status even when their beliefs fail to satisfy basic causal-nomological standards. Consider the familiar thought experiment in which a person unwittingly finds herself in a skeptical scenario, and therefore is incapable of forming true beliefs about her sensory experience. Perhaps this individual is being

1 I wish to remain neutral regarding whether personal justification is better juxtaposed with doxastic or propositional justification. For those interested in considering this matter, see Jonathan Kvanvig and Christopher Menzel, “The Basic Notion of Justification,” Philosophical Studies, Vol. 25 (1990), p. 235-61. 22 To be clear, I don’t presume that my theory is uniquely qualified to deal with these problems. But it does represent a helpful paradigm for creating parity between externalists and internalists.

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