21 minute read
Danny Thomas wears many hats
from OFN March 2, 2020
by Eric Tietze
Danny Thomas’ rotation schedule allows his cows to calve on fresh grass each spring.
Many Hats
Danny Thomas manages his herd, as well as many other ventures and activities By Terry Ropp
Photo by Terry Ropp
While Jodi Thomas is busy teaching history in Huntsville, Ark., and raising three young daughters, her husband Danny uses just the one cowboy hat because if he had a hat for each of his various ventures, he’d spend his whole day changing hats.
In addition to running his own 51-head commercial cattle herd, he manages two other farms, is a field man for Cattlemen’s Livestock Auction in Harrison, Ark., is both a private and benefits auctioneer, serves as the local school board president, and is a realtor for United Country, where he specializes in land and farms though he sells homes as well.
“My parents, J. C. and Cheri, were active people. They returned to Arkansas from California six weeks after I was born and bought a farm where they raised poultry and cattle, in addition to having their own dairy,” Danny said. “I was always working around the very busy farm and slept when my dad would let me. I had my first offthe-farm job at 16 at a sale barn. To be honest, the way I was raised fostered a joy in completing a full and hard day of work.” Danny also absorbed his family’s long history with the land in the Huntsville
Huntsville, Ark. area. He is preparing to build a new home on 300 acres next to his grandfather’s land. This ground out of the 850 acres he owns and leases will also house two new laying houses. Danny’s long-term goal is to farm full-time like his father, including clearing 110 heavily wooded acres on the same piece of land for future cattle production because he wants to increase his cattle operation to 100 cows.
“I can’t fully describe why, but this particular 300 acres feels like home in a way no other place has,” Danny explained. “I feel a deep connection with my ancestors who arrived in this area from Kentucky around 1800.”
Efficiency in Danny’s cattle operation is a high priority. His herd is 75 percent black, with the rest a commercial mix. He uses spring and fall calving seasons with three Hereford bulls he rotates out every three years.
One unusual practice is how he uses 120 acres of lease land. He lets the grass on those acres grow all summer. Then, when calving is done in October, he hauls the herd back to the leased ground, where they remain all winter. Though he uses protein tubs, mineral and range cubes every third day to keep them “in his pocket,” the leased pasture lasts through most of the winter. This year, for example, Danny did not need to feed any hay until the middle of February. Around March 1, he moves the cattle back to the home place for spring calving.
When not in service, bulls are retained in a separate pasture and supplemented every other day with a 12-percent protein sweet feed.
Calves are weaned at 550 pounds, with Danny working the herd using a sevenway vaccine. He knife cuts the bull calves because he feels they heal quickly with less stress. He typically sells his calves the last week in May and the first sale after Thanksgiving, which seems to work well for him.
His biggest health concern is pinkeye, which seems to have increased, at least in his area, for the last couple of years. He speculates the problem may arise from a different strain and perhaps combined with the mildness of the last two or three winters, which promotes a longer fly season. His solution to control the
13 issue is to rotate the pour on wormers Cydectin and Sylence, in addition to using back rubs.
In his “spare time,” Danny builds and repairs fences as well as doing all the work for the two farms he manages with the exception of some help with haying and fence building on those places. The owners work with Danny, but pretty much give him a free hand on the best way to run their farms. Because Danny’s father always used to say, “You can never starve a profit into anything,” he makes sure the cattle receive the same style of care and attention as his own cattle.
Jodi was raised in Springdale. She was also around livestock because her mother, Marita Blair, was in the sale barn industry. In her senior year in high school, Jodi was the National High Point Winner in poultry judging.
Like many girls, Danny and Jodi’s daughters love to ride horses. Danny bought Trip, a 4-year-old Quarter horse gelding, who is like a babysitter because the girls love him so much.
The couple is planning to start the girls showing animals at the county fair where Danny has auctioned the junior livestock Auction for the last 12 years.

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town &country in the field and in the office
Kathy Barnes
By Terry Ropp
Family: Daughter, Tiffany McCarter; and grandchildren, Raylee and Blakely Hometown: Chouteau, Okla.

In Town: “My husband Ray worked on the pipeline and was gone a lot. We were looking for a way for him to stay home when the kids were little. Consequently, in 1998 and with the help of another family member who had a similar operation,, we opened a restaurant called the Pizza Corral in 1998 in Chouteau, Okla. We chose Chouteau because there were no other pizza restaurants here at the time. Ray died of a heart attack in 2013 and our son Derek died in a car crash on his way to work here. With the help of Ray’s family, I transitioned into running the restaurant and taking care of our ranch. I love talking to the people who come here and to the many Amish that Ray used to sell liquid feed to.” Photo by Terry Ropp
In the Country: “Both Ray and I were raised on farms and wanted the same life for our children. My father, Lynn Jarrell, raised beef cattle and still team ropes at 77. Thelbert, Ray’s father, raised rodeo stock in addition to cattle. After Ray passed, I had too much land and sold 160 acres. Now I run my commercial Angus cattle operation on 270 acres where my daughter and her family also have their home. My herd consists of 55 Angus-influenced mommas bred by two registered Angus bulls. I prefer spring calving and sell at Tulsa in the fall at weaning. Calves are vaccinated in the spring with help from my brother-in-law Rob Pierce, the pastor at my church and another parishioner. However, I run this place mostly by myself, pastures are mostly Bermuda with natural clover. Because of all the fall rains, I even had some clover come up in the fall. I fertilize with chicken litter when it’s available and commercial fertilizer if it’s not. I raise some hay and buy the rest locally. Brush hogging and spraying are sources of relaxation, and I am currently looking to purchase a skid steer to improve some of my pastures and get even more relaxation time.”
Future: “Thelbert always said I was hardheaded and tried to do too much. I’m finally going to take his advice because Rob and I are soon to become partners. I’m going to keep 20 of my younger bred females to combine with 40 of his, 20 of which are fall calving using his Pharaoh bull, which is more resistant to worms and produces highly efficient calves. When I retire from the restaurant, I plan to travel, including watching my granddaughter more often as she plays softball as part of a traveling team. Of course, I’ll still work on the ranch and probably not slow down nearly as much as Thelbert would advise.”

slaughterbulls (Week of 2/16/20 to 2/22/20) Joplin Regional Stockyards Stilwell Livestock Auction Not Reported* Ozarks Regional Stockyards 60.00-110.00 † Tulsa Livestock Auction 83.00-101.50 † County Line Sale - Ratcliff 59.00 † Cattlemen’s Livestock Auction 57.00-94.50* Benton County Sale Barn None Reported † Mid-State Stockyards 90.00* North Arkansas Livestock 60.00-85.00 † OKC West - El Reno 59.00-96.00 † Ash Flat Livestock 73.00-87.00 † I-40 Livestock - Ozark 43.00-99.00 † Fort Smith 25.00-98.50* Decatur Livestock Auction Not Reported* Arkansas Cattle Auction 69.00-97.00 † Farmer’s & Ranchers - Vinita None Reported* 66.00-103.00 † Welch Stockyards 75.00-101.00* Four State Stock 35.00-100.50* Ouachita Livestock Auction - Ola Not Reported † Farmer’s Stockyards - Springdale Not Reported*

10 30 50 70 90 110 130
slaughtercows (Week of 2/16/20 to 2/22/20) Joplin Regional Stockyards 34.00-73.00 † Stilwell Livestock Auction Not Reported* Ozarks Reg 10.00-76.00 † Tulsa Livestock Auction County Line Sale 15.00-60.00 † Cattlemen’s Livestock Auction 47.50-71.00* Benton County Sale Barn None Reported † Mid-State Stockyards 75.00* North Arkansas Live 20.00-63.50 † OKC West - El Reno 33.00-72.50 † Ash Flat Livestock 30.00-67.50 † I-40 Livestock - Ozark 30.00-73.50 † Fort Smith Stock 15.00-71.00* Decatur Livestock Auction Not Reported* Arkansas Cattle Auction 30.00-69.00 † Farmer’s & Ranchers - Vinita None Reported* 36.00-73.00 † Welch Stockyards 48.00-76.00* Four State Stock 15.00-71.00* Ouachita Livestock Auction - Ola Not Reported † Farmer’s Stockyards - Springdale Not Reported* 4 2

0 10 30 50 70 90 110
market sales reports
stocker & feederprices Midwest - High Plains Direct Slaughter Cattle 2/24/20 beefcattle dairy cattle 5 Area (Tx-Ok, Ks, Neb, Ia, Colo) Live Basis Sales - Over 80% Choice Steers: 116.00-122.00; wtd. avg. price 119.66. Heifers: 117.00-120.50; wtd. avg. price 119.58. Dressed Basis Sales - Over 80% Choice Steers: 188.00-190.00; wtd. avg. price 188.96. Heifers: 188.00-189.00 ; wtd. avg. price 188.25. sheep &goats Norwood, Mo. • Producers Auction Yards Sheep/Goat 2/13/20 Receipts: 371 Compared to last month, there were too few receipts for an adequate comparison, however undertones were lower. Demand was good on a very light supply as the coolest temperatures of the season moved across the are producing single digit wind chills. Supply included: 3% Feeder Sheep/Lambs (100% Hair Lambs); 72% Slaughter Sheep/Lambs (11% Wooled & Shorn, 84% Hair Breeds, 5% Hair Ewes); 8% Replacement Sheep/Lambs (100% Hair Ewes); 15% Slaughter Goats (100% Kids); 2% Replacement Goats (100% Families). Feeder Sheep/Lambs: Hair Lambs - Small and Medium 1-2: 200.00-205.00. Slaughter Sheep/Lambs: Wooled & Shorn - Choice and Prime 1-3: 205.00. Wooled & Shorn - Choice 1-3: 140.00. Hair Breeds - Choice and Prime 1-3: 187.50-235.00. Hair Breeds - Choice 1-3: 125.00-205.00. Hair Ewes - Good 2-3: 130.00-160.00. Hair Ewes - Utility and Good 1-3: 50.00-80.00. Replacement Sheep/Lambs: Hair Ewes - Small and Medium 1-2: 80.00-125.00. Hair Ewes - Small and Medium 2: 40.00-65.00. Hair Ewes - Small and Medium 3: 30.00. Slaughter Goats: Kids - Selection 1: 240.00-290.00. Replacement Goats: Families - Selection 2 w/<20 lbs kid: 45.00. Diamond, Mo. • TS White Sheep/Goat 2/6/20 Receipts: 571 Supply included: 10% Feeder Sheep/Lambs (8% Lambs, 92% Hair Lambs); 42% Slaughter Sheep/Lambs (78% Hair Breeds, 11% Ewes, 11% Hair Ewes); 12% Replacement Sheep/Lambs (70% Hair Ewes, 30% Families); 15% Feeder Goats (100% Kids); 19% Slaughter Goats (38% Kids, 48% Nannies/Does, 13% Bucks/Billies); 2% Replacement Goats (100% Nannies/Does). Feeder Sheep/Lambs: Lambs - Medium and Large 1: 205.00. Hair Lambs - Medium and Large 1: 205.00-220.00. Hair Lambs - Medium and Large 1-2: 175.00. Slaughter Sheep/Lambs: Hair Breeds - Good and Choice 1: 237.50-248.00. Hair Breeds - Good and Choice 1-2: 95.00-230.00. Ewes - Utility and Good 1-2: 80.00-90.00. Ewes - Cull and Utility 1-2: 65.00-75.00. Hair Ewes - Good and Choice 1-2: 90.00-100.00. Hair Ewes - Utility and Good 1-2: 80.00-90.00. Hair Ewes - Cull and Utility 1-2: 62.50-75.00. Replacement Sheep/Lambs: Hair Ewes - Medium and Large 1-2: 95.00-147.50. Hair Ewes - Medium and Large 2: 115.00. Families - Medium and Large 1-2 w/<20 lbs lamb: 55.00- 87.50. Families - Medium and Large 2 w/<20 lbs lamb: 60.00. Feeder Goats: Kids - Selection 1: 315.00-335.00. Kids - Selection 1-2: 235.00-255.00. Kids - Selection 2: 200.00-210.00. Slaughter Goats: Kids - Selection 1: 235.00-292.50. Kids - Selection 1-2: 205.00-245.00. Nannies/Does - Selection 1: 142.50-147.50. Nannies/Does - Selection 1-2: 135.00-145.00. Nannies/Does - Selection 2: 100.00-135.00. Nannies/Does - Selection 3: 80.00-95.00. Bucks/Billies - Selection 1: 220.00. Bucks/Billies - Selection 1-2: 167.50-190.00. Replacement Goats: Nannies/Does - Selection 1: 215.00-230.00. NONE REPORTED
National Sheep Summary 2/21/20 Compared to last week slaughter lambs steady to 10.00 higher with most advance on lambs over 70 lbs. Slaughter ewes steady to 10.00 lower. Feeder lambs steady to 5.00 higher. At San Angelo, TX 5159 head sold. No sales in Equity Electronic Auction. In direct trading slaughter ewes and feeder lambs were not tested. 4100 head of negotiated sales of slaughter lambs were 1.00 lower. 3,312 lamb carcasses sold with all weights no trend due to confidentiality. All sheep sold per hundred weight (CWT) unless otherwise specified. Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 2-3 90-160 lbs: San Angelo: wooled and shorn 130-175 lbs 140.00-160.00. PA: wooled and shorn 100-145 lbs no report. Ft.Collins, CO: wooled and shorn 135 lbs 192.50. South Dakota: wooled and shorn 100-135 lbs 158.00- 176.00. Kalona, IA: wooled and shorn 100-130 lbs 170.00-217.50. Billings, MT: no test. Missouri: wooled and shorn no test. Equity Elec: no sales. Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 1-2: San Angelo: hair lambs 40-60 lbs 236.00-260.00; 60-70 lbs 228.00-245.00, few 250.00-252.00; 70-80 lbs 218.00-242.00; 80-90 lbs 200.00-220.00, few 230.00-236.00; 90-110 lbs 200.00-210.00, few 230.00. wooled and shorn 74 lbs 218.00, 94 lbs 202.00, 101 lbs 216.00; new crop 70 lbs 246.00, 80-90 lbs 230.00-236.00, 96 lbs 234.00, 102 lbs 230.00. Pennsylvania: wooled and shorn no report. hair no report. Kalona, IA: wooled and shorn 53 lbs 252.50; 70-80 lbs 262.50-275.00; 80-90 lbs 230.00-255.00; 94 lbs 220.00. hair 50 lbs 272.50; 60-70 lbs 233.00-255.00; 80-90 lbs 227.50- 337.50; 90-100 lbs 209.00-222.50. Ft. Collins: wooled and shorn 76 lbs 222.50; 98 lbs 202.00. Missouri: hair 40-50 lbs 260.00-270.00, few 277.00; 50-60 lbs 262.50-280.00; 60-70 lbs 260.00-272.50, few 275.00; 70-80 lbs 267.50-270.00. South Dakota: wooled and shorn 68 lbs 215.00; 78 lbs 197.50. Billings, MT: no test. Direct Trading: (lambs fob with 3-4 percent shrink or equivalent) 4100: Slaughter Lambs wooled and shorn 129-155 lbs 145.00-169.50 (wtd avg 160.41). Slaughter Ewes: San Angelo: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) no test; Good 2-3 (fleshy) 89.00-108.00; Utility and Good 1-3 (medium flesh) 92.00-125.00; Utility 1-2 (thin) 88.00-111.00; Cull and Utility 1-2 (very thin) 82.00-85.00; Cull 1 (extremely thin) 50.00-60.00. Pennsylvania: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) no test; Good 2-3 (fleshy) no report; Utility 1-2 (thin) no report; Cull 1 no test.
Steers, Med. & Lg. 1 300-400 lbs. 400-500 lbs. 500-600 lbs. 600-700 lbs. 700-800 lbs.
Ark. Cattle Auction, LLC - Searcy ✝ 2/18/20 684 St-15 Higher
172.50-212.50 167.00-200.00 152.50-197.50 135.00-153.00 120.00-132.00
Bulls, Med. & Lg. 1 300-400 lbs. 400-500 lbs. 500-600 lbs. 600-700 lbs. 700-800 lbs. Heifers, Med. & Lg. 1 300-400 lbs. 400-500 lbs. 500-600 lbs. 600-700 lbs. 700-800 lbs. 165.00-183.00 160.00-177.50 140.00-175.00 124.00-140.00 111.00
132.50-170.00 140.00-175.00 129.00-149.00 102.00-128.00 100.00-120.00
Ash Flat Livestock ✝
2/21/20 733 5-15 Higher
NONE REPORTED 194.00 160.00-180.00 150.00-176.00 140.00-155.00 130.00 164.00-190.00 155.00-175.00 147.00-150.00 ----- ----- 150.00-155.00 140.00-150.00 120.00-152.00 120.00-130.00 -----
Benton Co. - Siloam Springs ✝ 2/20/20 3,789 2-20 Higher
187.00-227.00 172.00-204.00 153.00-188.00 139.00-160.00 140.00-153.00
Cattlemen’s Livestock*
2/19/20 1,060 St-4 Higher
158.00-210.00 139.00-197.00 120.00-177.00 131.00-154.00 110.00-142.00
177.00-199.00 169.00-191.00 148.00-181.00 134.00-142.00 ----- 140.00-174.00 130.00-187.00 117.00-164.00 125.00-144.00 -----
County Line Sale - Ratcliff ✝ 2/19/20 142 -----
180.00-191.00 170.00-182.00 140.00-160.00 151.00 -----
----- 150.00-165.00 140.00-146.00 135.00-139.00 -----
155.00-184.00 144.00-172.00 131.00-156.00 123.00-138.50 118.00-129.00 118.00-171.00 120.00-166.00 118.00-154.00 100.00-139.00 95.00-129.00 140.00-170.00 135.00-153.00 130.00-136.00 ----- 114.00
Decatur Livestock*
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- NOT REPORTED
Farmer’s & Ranchers - Vinita, Okla.* 2/19/20 ----- -----
190.00-195.00 184.00-190.00 159.00-184.00 ----- -----
157.00-162.00 152.00-159.00 149.00-152.00 ----- -----
Farmer’s Stockyards*
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- NOT REPORTED
Fort Smith Stockyards*
2/17/20 1,740 -----
152.00-216.00 138.00-190.00 126.50-175.00 118.00-163.00 -----
Four State Stockyards - Exeter, Mo* 2/18/20 1,933 2-10 Higher
180.00-208.00 170.00-190.00 165.00-180.00 150.00-162.00 135.00-144.50
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 145.00-184.00 120.00-158.00 121.00-140.00 115.00-120.00
I-40 Livestock - Ozark ✝ 2/20/20 1,019 2-12 Higher
187.50-225.00 160.00-189.00 147.00-181.00 135.00-155.50 127.00-136.00
----- 147.50-163.00 137.50-168.00 120.00-141.00 114.00-120.00
140.00-179.00 125.00-165.00 115.00-152.00 107.00-132.00 ----- 150.00-170.00 145.00-162.00 135.00-149.00 132.00-143.00 90.00-129.35 150.00-185.00 125.00-167.50 130.00-153.00 120.00-134.50 119.00-136.50
138.01 130.71
138.30 131.09 126.98
134.50 127.99 *
144.37 130.00
143.00 *
141.74 130.71 129.33 132.40 134.34 ***
143.76 144.22 136.21
144.13 132.51 *** * **
141.75 Ash Flat El Reno Green Forest Joplin Ouachita Ozark Ratcliff Searcy Siloam Springs Tulsa heifers550-600 LBS. Week of 1/26/20 Week of 2/2/20 Week of 2/9/20 120.00 130.41 129.73 West Plains 144.10
159.27 154.37 155.83 132.97
149.50 148.90
171.41 145.65
164.76 *
162.86 146.98 147.46 *
149.64 ***
156.14 152.31 168.83 156.18
165.95 143.00 *** * **
163.10 steers550-600 LBS. Week of 1/26/2 0 Week of 2/2/20 Week of 2/9/20 Ash Flat El Reno Green Forest Joplin Ouachita Ozark Ratcliff Searcy Siloam Springs Tulsa 152.73 West Plains
152.94 sales reports
0 500 1000 1500 2000 replacementcows (Week of 2/16/20 to 2/22/20) Joplin Regional Stockyards Stilwell Livestock Auction Ozarks Regional Stockyards Tulsa Livestock Auction County Line Sale - Ratcliff Cattlemen’s Livestock Auction Benton County Sale Barn - Siloam Springs North Arkansas Livestock - Green Forest Ash Flat Livestock I-40 Livestock - Ozark Fort Smith Stockyards Decatur Livestock Auction Not Reported* Arkansas Cattle Auction - Searcy
490.00 †
375.00-1500.00 † Not Reported * None Reported † 400.00-1275.00 † 650.00-875.00 † 480.00-1125.00 * 720.00-1125.00 † Farmer’s & Ranchers - Vinita None Reported * OKC West - El Reno 775.00-1350.00 † Mid-State Stockyards 650.00-1100.00* 1125.00 * 800.00-1185.00 † 300.00-1300.00 † 750.00-1175.00 † Prices reported per cwt Welch Stockyards None Reported * Four State Stockyards - Exeter, Mo. 975.00-1385.00 * Ouachita Livestock Auction Not Reported † Farmer’s Stockyards - Springdale Not Reported * Prices reported per cwt 0 250 750 1250 1750 2250 Joplin Regional Stockyards None Reported † Stilwell Livestock Auction Not Reported * Ozarks Regional Stockyards Tulsa Livestock Auction 600.00-1200.00 † cow/calf pairs (Week of 2/16/20 to 2/22/20) County Line Sale - Ratcliff None Reported † Cattlemen’s Livestock Auction Benton County Sale Barn Mid-State Stockyards None Reported * North Arkansas Livestock - Green Forest Ash Flat Livestock I-40 Livestock - Ozark Fort Smith Stockyards Decatur Livestock Auction Arkansas Cattle Auction Farmer’s & Ranchers - Vinita None Reported * OKC West - El Reno 875.00-1015.00 † 1050.00-1125.00 † 925.00-1300.00 † 950.00-1350.00 † Welch Stockyards None Reported † 1325.00 * 975.00-1600.00 † None Reported † Not Reported * 850.00-1185.00 † 610.00-1085.00 * Four State Stockyards 1300.00 * Ouachita Livestock Auction Not Reported † Farmer’s Stockyards Not Reported * Soybeans Soft Wheat Corn Sorghum 0 3 6 9 12 avg. grain prices Daily Report 2/25/20 Little Rock Blyt hevill e Helena Elain e Osceol a 8.69 5.77 3.93 5.77 9.04 5.67 5.37 3.63 5.67 9.03 9.08 3.93 3.95 prices ✝ USDA Reported * Independently Reported
$80 $120 $160 $200 $240 12 Month Avg. - 550-600 lb. steers Feb. 19 Mar. 19 Apr. 19 May 19 June 19 July 19 Aug. 19 Sept. 19 Oct. 19 Nov. 19 Dec. 19 Jan. 20 Joplin Regional Stockyards ✝ OKC West - El Reno, Okla. ✝ Ozarks Regional - West Plains ✝ Tulsa Livestock Auction ✝ Mid-State Stockyards* Welch Stockyards* National Dairy Market at a Glance 2/21/20 dairy sales Cheese: Barrels closed at $1.5900 and 40# blocks at $1.7675. The weekly average for barrels is $1.5863(+.0313) and blocks, $1.7969 (-.0771). Fluid Milk/Cream: Even with some actual winter weather rearing its head in parts of the country, namely Midwestern dairy country, milk output reports continue to suggest steady to growing supplies. Bottling demand is steady to lower. Central region contacts mentioned lower January sales figures into Class I. Midwestern spot milk prices were lower than in previous years, ranging from $2 to $6 under Class. Even with ice cream producers a little more active, cream supplies are abundant nationally. Condensed skim markets are showing continued weakness, with plentiful supplies. Contacts suggest both fluid milk and cream are in, for lack of a better term, an early flush-like state. F.O.B. cream multiples are 1.05-1.20 in the East, 1.08-1.22 in the Midwest, and 1.00-1.18 in the West. SPOT PRICES OF CLASS II CREAM, $ PER POUND BUTTERFAT F.O.B. producing plants: Upper Midwest - $2.0746 - $2.2009
N. Ark. Livestock - Green Forest ✝ Stilwell Livestock Auction* Ouachita Livestock - Ola ✝ Equity Electronic Auction. In direct trading slaughter ewes and feeder lambs were not tested. 4100 head of negotiated sales of slaughter lambs were 1.00 lower. 3,312 lamb carcasses sold with all weights no trend due to confidentiality. All sheep sold per hundred weight Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 2-3 90-160 lbs:
wooled and shorn 130-175 lbs 140.00-160.00. wooled and shorn 100-145 lbs no report.
wooled and shorn 135 lbs 192.50. wooled and shorn 100-135 lbs 158.00- wooled and shorn 100-130 lbs 170.00-217.50. Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 1-2:
hair lambs 40-60 lbs 236.00-260.00; 60-70 lbs 228.00-245.00, few 250.00-252.00; 70-80 lbs 218.00-242.00; 80-90 lbs 200.00-220.00, few 230.00-236.00; 90-110 lbs 200.00-210.00, few 230.00. wooled and shorn 74 lbs 218.00, 94 lbs 202.00, 101 lbs 216.00; new crop 70 lbs 246.00, 80-90 lbs 230.00-236.00, 96 lbs 234.00, 102 lbs 230.00.
wooled and shorn no report. hair no report. wooled and shorn 53 lbs 252.50; 70-80 lbs 262.50-275.00; 80-90 lbs 230.00-255.00; 94 lbs 220.00. hair 50 lbs 272.50; 60-70 lbs 233.00-255.00; 80-90 lbs 227.50-
wooled and shorn 76 lbs 222.50; 98 lbs 202.00. hair 40-50 lbs 260.00-270.00, few 277.00; 50-60 lbs 262.50-280.00; 60-70 lbs 260.00-272.50, few 275.00; wooled and shorn 68 lbs 215.00; 78 lbs Direct Trading: (lambs fob with 3-4 percent shrink or Slaughter Lambs wooled and shorn 129-155 lbs Good 3-4 (very fleshy) no test; Good 2-3 (fleshy) 89.00-108.00; Utility and Good 1-3 (medium flesh) 92.00-125.00; Utility 1-2 (thin) 88.00-111.00; Cull and Utility 1-2 (very thin) 82.00-85.00; Cull 1 (extremely thin) Good 3-4 (very fleshy) no test; Good 2-3 (fleshy) no report; Utility 1-2 (thin) no report; Cull 1 no test. Ft. Collins: Good 3-5 (very fleshy) 100.00-110.00; Good 2-3 (fleshy) 92.50-130.00; Utility 1-2 (thin) no test. Billings, MT: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) no test; Good 2-3 (fleshy) no test; Utility 1-2 (thin) no test; Cull 1 no test.

2/17/20 302 -----
140.00-210.00 135.00-180.00 130.00-163.00 122.00-152.00 120.00-147.00
2/19/20 624 Uneven
184.00-215.00 168.50-200.00 154.00-186.50 147.00-158.00 139.00-142.00
2/18/20 9,735 1-6 Higher
202.50-227.50 178.00-215.00 155.00-190.00 146.00-163.00 130.00-153.00
183.00-187.00 156.00-171.00 138.00-170.00 141.00 129.00 ----- 175.00-197.00 ----- ----- 131.00
120.00-151.00 110.00-160.00 110.00-152.00 118.00-130.00 110.00-120.00 142.00-161.00 142.00-164.00 130.00-145.00 130.00-134.00 121.00 162.50-187.50 152.50-175.00 141.00-162.00 125.00-146.50 121.50-133.75
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- NOT REPORTED
2/18/20 4,010 4-14 Higher
182.50-192.50 175.00-198.00 160.00-191.00 145.00-171.00 138.00-158.00
165.00 157.00-166.00 146.00-156.00 135.00-141.00 -----
155.00-168.00 142.00-165.00 135.00-157.00 128.00-146.00 130.00-138.00 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- NOT REPORTED
2/17/20 2,202 6-9 Higher
198.00-228.00 194.00-208.00 175.00-193.50 141.00-163.00 129.00-141.00
198.00-208.00 168.00-195.00 159.00-174.00 136.00-147.50 -----
2/18/20 1,546 -----
175.00-200.00 170.00-189.50 167.00-184.00 142.00-161.00 132.00-148.00
170.00-190.50 148.00-170.00 138.00-161.00 130.00-146.00 100.00-121.00
162.50-175.00 155.00-169.00 145.00-159.00 129.50-141.00 124.50-134.50 150.00-180.00 144.00-160.00 138.00-175.00 130.00-143.50 115.00-130.85

Week of 2/16/20 ** 158.18

164.21 164.96

164.09 160.84
175.55 169.64
110 137 164 191 218 245 Prices Based on Weighted Average for Steers and Heifers 550-600 lbs. * No price reported in weight break **USDA Failed To Report *** No Sale Week of 2/16/20 ** 132.32
145.51 131.46

146.10 140.85