3 minute read
Jerry Crownover – Pat and the thirsty raccoon
from OFN April 13, 2020
by Eric Tietze
What’s On Your Mind, Ozarks? Life Is Simple By Jerry Crownover just athought
Life is Simple
By Jerry Crownover
Jerry Crownover is a farmer and former professor of Agriculture Education at Missouri State University. He is a native of Baxter County, Arkansas, and an author and professional speaker. To contact Jerry, go to ozarksfn.com and click on ‘Contact Us.’ R egardless of how long a person farms, they will encounter experiences that they have never seen before, sometimes with a shocking or scary presentation. Case in point: my neighbor, Pat.
Pat owns the local feed store, as well as running quite a number of cows and calves on several different farms. He is a few years older than me and is about as laid-back and even-keeled as anyone I’ve ever met, but what happened to him last week, momentarily, dispensed his calm demeanor.
My friend pulled his truck up beside an upright, bulk feed bin, to fill a few sacks of grain, that he needed to take to another farm, to feed a few weaned calves. After filling one sack, the grain began to flow really, really slow. Given the amount of wet weather we’ve been encountering, Pat was certain the feed, inside the metal bin, had drawn enough moisture, that it had either “caked up” or was stuck to the sides of the bins. This was nothing new and he retreated to the truck, to get a large, rubber mallet that he carried for just such occasions. Slowly, while wading through the deep mud, Pat circled the feed bin while beating on the sides with his trusty rubber hammer. Convinced he had broken loose the problem, he placed another sack under the spout and opened the sliding gate, ever so gently. About a halfgallon of grain slowly trickled out, before stopping completely. Frustrated, he bent over, to see if he could discover the problem and, there, at the mouth of the bin, dangled the FOOT of some yet-to-be-determined animal.
As he began to reach for the exposed extremity, in an attempt to unclog his feed source, the foot MOVED! So did Pat. Even though he’s a big man and military
— Continued on Page 6

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Toll Free: 1-866-532-1960 479-846-1002 • Fax: 479-846-1003 PO Box 1514, Lebanon, MO 65536 E-mail: editor@ozarksfn.com Eric Tietze
Publisher Administrative Amanda Newell, Marketing Manager Eric Tietze, Accounting
Advertising Pete Boaz, Display & Classified Sales Amanda Newell, Production Sales
Circulation Eric Tietze, Circulation
Editorial Julie Turner-Crawford, Managing Editor
Jerry Crownover, Columnist
Jody Harris, Columnist
Production Amanda Newell, Production
Contributors Larry Burchfield, Trish Hollenbeck, Klaire Howerton, Ken Knies and Terry Ropp
About the Cover Tom and Deidra Hood started using a Beefmaster bull with their herd and were impressed with the results. See more on page 7. Photo by Terry Ropp
Ozarks Farm & Neighbor accepts story suggestions from readers. Story information appears as gathered from interviewees. Ozarks Farm & Neighbor assumes no responsibility for the credibility of statements made by interviewees. © Copyright Ozarks Farm & Neighbor, Inc., 2020. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.

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