16 minute read
Feeding the right mixture to control flies
from OFN April 13, 2020
by Eric Tietze
61 Counties 19,000 Copies 45,000 Readers
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1 Place To Reach The Most Cattlemen
Feeding for Fly Control Producers can reduce fly issues through feed management By Klaire Howerton Flies are an almost constant nuisance in the agriculture industry.
Horn flies cause an estimated $730 million production loss in cattle annually, facilitate weight loss and can reduce milk production by 4-12 percent. Face flies can contribute to pinkeye and other eye issues, and those are just two species of flies. Wherever a producer falls on the spectrum, a pest control program of some kind is essential and feed through fly control can be an efficient option.
Feed through fly control works in one of two ways – either as insect growth regulators (IGR) or as larvicides.
“Insect Growth Regulators have a mode of action that essentially breaks the growth cycle of fly larvae, preventing them from growing any more. S-methoprene is the most common chemical agent used as an insect growth regulator,” Andy McCorkill, livestock field specialist with the University of Missouri Extension, explained. “The biggest drawback to IGR is that the chemical action is species specific, meaning that it controls only one species of fly. Smethoprene, for example, is labeled for control of horn flies, yet does nothing to aid in the control of face flies or stable flies. Larvicides act slightly differently; they lead to some sort of structural issue within the fly larvae that leads to premature death, subsequently keeping them from reproducing. Many of the common larvicides are organophosphates, similar
to the ones used for topical spray or ear tag applications.”
Feed through fly control must be used properly for it to be effective, and timing is critical. If a producer waits until flies are already amassed on the herd, they have waited too long. McCorkill explained that most feed through products are recommended to be fed a month before fly season really kicks in (right about now for the Ozarks) and approximately a month after fly season has ended. It is also important to make sure that animals are eating enough of the product.
“Resistance typically is caused by exposure to less than lethal dosages over time and there have been reports of resistance to feed through organophosphates, just the same as with spray or tag application, so some rotation of active ingredients from time to time could be advisable,” he said.
While properly managed feed through fly control can be a wonderful option for producers, the best pest control plan is typically an integrated system – feed through products are just one spoke on the wheel.
Rotational grazing (which can interrupt the life cycle of flies and other pests/parasites) and manure management can also help reduce the fly count.
“The work of feed through products is really done in the manure pile,” McCorill said. “One strategy to further combat flies in combination with feed through products is to run a drag or harrow over the pastures a few days after the first feeding date of the fly control product to break up old manure without any active ingredient in it to help reduce fly propagation.”
Even if a producer is on point with their fly control, the next-door neighbors may be contributing to the problem.
“Flies don’t recognize boundary fences, just host animals. If your herd is up against a neighbor’s herd that doesn’t have a fly management plan in place, then the best management in the world can’t keep the flies away,” McCorkill said. “Fortunately, horn flies don’t travel very far from their host or manure, so a relatively short separation distance is needed for them.”
If possible, producers can utilize a rotational grazing system that breaks their pasture into smaller paddocks, so their herd is not constantly up against the neighbor’s herd.
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Harrison 502 Hwy 62-65 N. 870-741-9084
Green Forest 181 W. Main St. 870-438-5184 Siloam Springs 1629 E. Main 479-524-3511
Flippin 9095 Hwy. 62 E. 870-453-4400
Huntsville 304 Labarge Ave. 479-738-6814
Berryville 344 Hwy. 21 N. 870-423-4245
Yellville 801 Hwy. 62 W. 870-449-4966
Imboden 5564 Hwy 63 East 870-869-2644 LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR PRODUCTS
AND LOCATIONS BY VISITING WWW.POWELLFEEDSTORES.COM Be sure to like our Powell Feed & Milling Co. Inc. Facebook page to keep up with new products, specials, coupons, giveaways, and MUCH MORE! 550849z
Harrison 502 Hwy 62-65 N. 870-741-9084
Green Forest 181 W. Main St. 870-438-5184 Siloam Springs 1629 E. Main 479-524-3511
Flippin 9095 Hwy. 62 E. 870-453-4400
Huntsville 304 Labarge Ave. 479-738-6814
Berryville 344 Hwy. 21 N. 870-423-4245
Yellville 801 Hwy. 62 W. 870-449-4966
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April 2020 17 Entomology (Inserts) in Vegetable Crops – Zoom Class – 10 a.m.-noon – Methods to combat common pests in vegetable crops – contact Branden Handke for more information 918-287-4170 or branden.handke@okstate.edu 20 Virtual Strawberry Field Walk – webinar on Zoom – No cost to register or participate – Tour begins at 2 p.m. CST and is scheduled to last about an hour – to register visit https://bit.ly/Strawberry-Field-Walk-Webinar. – If you are not able to view the webinar as it is broadcast, a recording of the virutal tour will be available on the Division of Agriculture’s horticulture YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWzPEeCm2tCZ0yIBKA7wIsQ.
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ozarks’ auction block April 2020 14 Sydenstricker Genetics Influence Sale – at the Ranch, Mexico, Mo. – 573-473-9202 18 Bradley Cattle Company Bred Heifer Sale – Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield, Mo. – 785-672-7449 18 East Central Missouri Angus Association Sale – Cuba, Mo. – 314-393-2885 18 Owen Brothers Cattle Company Diamond & Spurs Sim-Genetics Spring Sale – at the Farm, Bois D’ Arc, Mo. – 417-830-6252 18 New Day Genetics Ranch Ready Bull Sale – Cunningham Livestock Auction, Salem, Mo. – 903-748-7591 25 Windy Hill Charolais 23rd Annual Gateway-Getaway Production Sale – Arrowhead Sale Facility, Cedar Hill, Mo. – 314-974-5230 Contact your local extension center for more information on the latest courses and events
ARKANSAS 1. Baxter County, Mountain Home, Ark....870-425-2335 2. Benton County, Bentonville, Ark...........479-271-1060 3. Boone County, Harrison, Ark. ................870-741-6168 4. Carroll County, Berryville, Ark...............870-423-2958 5. Cleburne County, Heber Springs, Ark....501-362-2524 6. Conway County, Morrilton, Ark.............501-354-9618 7. Crawford County, Van Buren, Ark.........479-474-5286 8. Faulkner County, Conway, Ark. .............501-329-8344 9. North Franklin County, Ozark, Ark.......479-667-3720 10. Fulton County, Salem, Ark. ..................870-895-3301 11. Johnson County, Clarksville, Ark.........479-754-2240 12. North Logan County, Paris, Ark...........479-963-2360 13. South Logan County, Booneville, Ark. .. 479-675-2787 14. Madison County, Huntsville, Ark.........479-738-6826 15. Marion County, Yellville, Ark...............870-449-6349 16. Newton County, Jasper, Ark. ................870-446-2240 17. Pope County, Russellville, Ark..............479-968-7098 ARKANSAS 18. Searcy County, Marshall, Ark...............870-448-3981 19. North Sebastian County, Barling, Ark......479-484-7737 20. Van Buren County, Clinton, Ark. ........501-745-7117 21. Washington County, Fayetteville, Ark......479-444-1755 22. White County, Searcy, Ark....................501-268-5394
OKLAHOMA 1. Adair County, Stilwell, Okla...................918-696-2253 2. Cherokee County, Tahlequah, Okla. ......918-456-6163 3. Delaware County, Jay, Okla. ...................918-253-4332 4. Le Flore County, Poteau, Okla................918-647-8231 5. Mayes County, Pryor, Okla......................918-825-3241 6. Muskogee County, Muskogee, Okla........918-686-7200 7. Ottawa County, Miami, Okla..................918-542-1688 8. Rogers County, Claremore, Okla. ...........918-923-4958 9. Sequoyah County, Sallisaw, Okla............918-775-4838 10. Wagoner County, Coweta, Okla. ..........918-486-4589
May 2020 8 Glendenning’s Next Generation Sale of 2020 – Lebanon, Mo. – 402-350-3447 9 Mead Farms Female Sale – at the Farm, Versailles, Mo. – 573-216-0210 15 Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Sale – Joplin Regional Stockyards, Carthage, Mo. – 417-466-3102 16 Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Sale – Kingsville Livestock Auction, Kingsville, Mo. – 816-380-8460 16 9th Annual Heartland Highland Cattle Auction – Mid-Missouri Stockyards, Lebanon, Mo. – 417-733-3201 30 The Great American Pie Limousin Sale – Laclede County Livestock Pavilion, Lebanon, Mo. – 402-350-3447
Cattlemen’s Seedstock Directory
ANGUS Jac’s Ranch - Bentonville, Ark. - 479-273-3030 Rocking A Ranch - Berryville, Ark. - 870-480-7651 - 870-423-3567 - parthurrockinga@hotmail.com Rose Bud Bull Development &
Sales - Rose Bud, Ark. - 501-940-0299 - www.rosebudfeeders.com BALANCERS Bob Harriman Genetics - Montrose,
Mo. - 660-492-2504 Hodges Ranch - Omaha, Ark. - 870-426-4469 - 870-704-9450 Rose Bud Bull Development &
Sales - Rose Bud, Ark. - 501-940-0299 - www.rosebudfeeders.com BRANGUS Horsehead Ranch - Talala, Okla. - 918-695-2357 - www.HorseheadRanch.net Rose Bud Bull Development &
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Sales - Rose Bud, Ark. - 501-940-0299 - www.rosebudfeeders.com LIM-FLEX Glen Odglen - Springdale, Ark. - 479-200-2677 - 479-361-2407 RED ANGUS Watkins Cattle Company -
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