12 minute read
Julie Turner-Crawford – Filling the critical needs
from OFN April 6, 2020
by Eric Tietze
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Across the Fence

Things are changing in our world, and folks are facing a new “normal.” We’re also learning the meaning of the term “social distancing.”
COVID-19 has shaken the lives of many and caused major impacts on our economy, not to mention sending some people in a tizzy for toilet paper.
Businesses, schools and other “gathering spots” are closed, but our nation’s farms and ranches are still open for business.
The federal government and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have deemed agriculture a “critical industry” during this pandemic. This is a reminder that farmers and ranchers are critical every day – even when times are good.
Some producers may be thinking it’s all for not as markets take hits, and row croppers are struggling to get into their fields because of continuous rains. We have to remember consumers are counting on us.
Like many of you, I’ve gone to the grocery store in recent weeks and found some things on my list out of stock.
Bread was scarce, so I decided I would make my own. I had some flour, but not enough, and my yeast was old, so down the baking aisle I went, only to discover it empty. I bought frozen hot rolls instead.
There was plenty of milk in the cooler, which was on my list. There may only be two people in my household, but we’re milk drinkers, so I got two gallons, which is what we normally go through in a week.
Luckily didn’t need any eggs; that area was picked clean. If I run low, I have plenty of neighbors I can purchase a couple dozen from.
We have meat in the freezer, so I wasn’t looking to buy any, but I did see meat in stock. Ground beef is scarce and other cuts are expensive, making them out of the Julie Turner-Crawford is a native of Dallas County, Mo., where she grew up on her family’s farm. She is a graduate of Missouri State University. To contact Julie, call 1-866-532-1960 or by email at editor@ ozarksfn.com. By Julie Turner-Crawford
— Continued on Next Page
Snack Hot Nuts Submitted by: Spur Cross Ranch Cook, Pryor, Okla.
Ingredients: • 4 Tbsp chipotle salsa • 1 Tbps ketchup • 2 Tbsp brown sugar • Juice of one lime • 1 pound unsalted peanuts
Directions: Mix all ingredients, except peanuts, in a large bowl. Add nuts and stir to coat. Spread mixture on a baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees until all liquid is absorbed.
Across the Fence Continued from Previous Page budget for some families at this time. That’s a little disheartening these days. There was one thing, however, I did not expect to be in short supply – reduced-fat peanut butter. I thought I was the only one in a three-county area who buys reduced-fat peanut butter. I guess all bets are off during a pandemic. The only peanut butter I could find was one mixed with grape jelly. Since I make enough grape jelly each summer to last us all year, I almost passed it up, but I got a jar. When I got home, Bill was ecstatic, which is very uncharacteristic for my husband.
“Get this from now on for me,” he said as he opened the jar. I guess it was a favorite when he was younger.
We won’t go hungry at the Crawford place, but I admit Bill’s nagging at me to buy certain things by the case, which I have ignored all these years, makes me think twice now. As this wears on, I hope people learn to appreciate the agriculture industry a little more. I hope they see farmers and ranchers as their friends and neighbors, not the bad guys. I hope they see all of the hard work it takes to get food on the shelves by everyone involved in the process, from start to finish.
The sun is trying to bust through the clouds as I write this, and I’m taking that as a sign of good things yet to come. A little sunshine always makes the gloom fade away – and dries up mud.
Keep on farming and ranching, my friends. The nation is depending on you. I’m depending on you.
Life Is Simple Continued from Page 3 veteran, he decided that he, at least, needed to retrieve a pair of leather gloves from his truck, before beginning the extraction. Gloved up, and ready for battle, he grabbed the unknown limb and quickly pulled. The ‘clog’ popped free like a champagne cork on New Year’s Eve, and Pat immediately slung the object about ten feet from the scene of the crime. Turning to see what kind of animal he had grabbed, Pat stared into the eyes of one very dazed and confused raccoon.
“I don’t know which one of us was more surprised,” Pat recalled, but as he looked back around to the bottom of the feed bin, the unobstructed grain was now flowing like Niagara Falls after a big rain, and he rushed to put a sack under it.
According to my neighbor, the raccoon looked like it had spent a week at an all-you-can-eat buffet, where no drinks were allowed. Luckily, Pat’s slinging had landed the varmint just a few feet away from a puddle of muddy water, where the little guy sucked up water like the suction hose on a wet vac.
By the time Pat had finished sacking and loading his feed, the ‘coon was still drinking.
As Mark Twin once said, “Sometimes too much drink is barely enough.

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Bradley Cattle Bred Heifer Sale
SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 4:00 p.m. Springfield Livestock Marketing CenterSpringfield, Missouri B/B Bruce & Janna Bradley Marshfield, MO 417-848-3457 BRUCEMBRADLEY@HOTMAIL.COM Ranch Manager: Bob Stewart BRADLEY CATTLE Prior to the start of the Special Cow Sale at Springfield Livestock! 24 Purebred Charolais Bred Heifers, due in September to LT Affinity 6221 Pld 37 Purebred Charolais Bred Heifers, due in September to Red Angus Sires 8 Angus x Charolais Bred Heifers, due in September to Black Angus Sires 9 Hereford Bred Heifers, due in September to Red Angus Sires Charolais & Red Angus Breeding Age Bulls Sell just before Special Cow Sale Selling
Lot 1, BC Trophy Rush 1818 Polled, 8-26-18, Rushmore granddaughter out of LT Easy Blend daughter

Lot 2, BC Katherine 1819 Polled, 9-7-18, M6 Slam Dunk 3115 daughter out of Ledger granddaughter Sale Manager:
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2020 Ford F350 4x4 Dual Rear Wheel - Xl, Plus, 7.3 Liter, Grey ...............................................$41,020 2020 Ford F350 4x4 Supercrew Dual Rear Wheel - Stx, Chisholm Dump Bed ,6.7 Liter, Gray$64,814 2019 Ford F350 4x4 Dual Rear Wheel - Xlt Pwr Seat & Nav, 6.7 Liter, Red ..............................$48,750 2020 Ford F350 4x4 - Xl, 6.2 Liter, White .....................................................................................$39,142 2020 Ford F350 4x4 - Stx Pkg, 7.3 Liter, Gray ..............................................................................$41,597 2020 Ford F350 4x4 Crew Single Rear Wheel - Shortbed, Lariat Ultimate, 6.2 Liter, White .....$60,636 2020 Ford F350 4x4 Crewcab - Shortbed, Stx Fx4 Blis, 6.2 Liter, Red ........................................$45,974 2020 Ford F350 4x4 Crewcab - Shortbed, Xlt, Fx4, Nav, 7.3 Liter, Blue .....................................$55,572 2020 Ford F350 4x4 Crewcab - Longbed, Xlt, 7.3 Liter, White ...................................................$53,446 2020 Ford F350 4x4 Crewcab - Dual Rear Wheel Stx Pwr Equip, 6.7 Liter, White .....................$58,201 2020 Ford F350 4x4 Supercrew - Longbed, Stx Fx4, 6.2 Liter, White .........................................$43,473 2019 Ford F350 4x4 - Xlt, 6.7 Liter, Red .......................................................................................$49,838 2019 Ford F350 4x4 Supercrew - Longbed, Xlt, 6.7 Liter, Blue...................................................$55,072 2020 Ford F250 4x4 Crewcab - Shortbed, Xlt Premium, 7.3 Liter, Black ....................................$51,725 2019 Ford F250 4x4 Crewcab - Shortbed, Lariat, 6.7 Liter, Blue .................................................$61,569 2019 Ford F250 4x4 Supercrew - Longbed, Xl, 6.2 Liter, White .................................................$38,249 2020 Ford F150 4x4 Supercrew - Stx Sport, 3.5 Liter Ecoboost, Black .......................................$36,516 2020 Ford F150 4x4 Supercrew - Xlt, 2.7 Liter Ecoboost, White .................................................$35,940 2020 Ford Supercrew 4x4 - Lariat, 5.0 Liter, White ......................................................................$52,581 2020 Ford Supercrew 4x4 - Lariat, 3.5 Liter Ecoboost, White ......................................................$53,005 2020 Ford Supercrew 4x4 - Lariat, 5.0 Liter, Red .........................................................................$48,518 2020 Ford Supercrew 4x4 - Stx, Sport Fx4, 5.0 Liter, Red ...........................................................$39,166 2020 Ford Supercrew 4x4 - King Ranch, 5.0 Liter, White ............................................................$53,872 2020 Ford Supercrew 4x4 - Longbed, Xlt, Hd Payload, 5.0 Liter, White .....................................$40,915 2020 Ford Supercrew 4x4 - Lariat, 3.5 Liter Ecoboost, White ......................................................$48,538 2020 Ford Supercrew 4x4 - Stx Sport Fx4, 5.0 Liter, Gray ...........................................................$40,105 2020 Ford Supercrew 4x4 - Lariat, 2.7 Liter Ecoboost, White ......................................................$49,030 2020 Ford Supercrew 4x4 - Xlt Sport Fx4, 3.5 Liter Ecoboost, Lead ...........................................$44,650 2020 Ford Supercrew 4x4 - Xlt Sport Fx4, 3.5 Liter Ecoboost, Blue ...........................................$43,221 2020 Ford Supercrew 4x4 - Stx Sport Fx4, 5.0 Liter, Lead ...........................................................$40,795 2019 Ford F150 4x4 Supercrew - Xl Stx Sport App Pkg, 2.7 Liter Ecoboost, Blue .....................$34,917 2019 Ford F150 4x4 Supercrew - Xl, 0%-84 Mo Option, 3.3 Liter, White ..................................$33,682 2019 Ford F150 4x4 Supercrew - Xlt, 0%-84 Mo Option, 3.3 Liter, White .................................$34,186 2019 Ford Supercrew 4x4 - Lariat, 0%-84 Mo Optional, 3.5 Liter Ecoboost, Silver ...................$47,053 2019 Ford F150 - Longbed, Xl 0%-84 Mo Optional, 3.3 Liter, White ...........................................$23,822 2020 Ford Ranger 4x4 Supercrew - Stx Fx4, Trailer Tow, 2.3 Liter Ecoboost, Black .................$30,404 2019 Ford Ranger 4x4 Supercrew - Xlt Plus, 0%-60 Mo!, 2.3 Liter Ecoboost, White ................$30,716

* Price after dealer discount & Ford customer cash. Additional private offers may be available. See dealer for details. PRE-OWNED TRUCKS 1999 Ford F350 4x4 Crewcab - Single Rear Wheel, Knapheide Box, 7.3 L Red, 265,467 Miles ..$9,600 2017 Ram 3500 4x4 Dual Rear Wheel - Sl, 6 Spd, Deweze, 6.7 Liter, Red, 64,965 Miles ..........$34,900 2016 Ram 3500 4x4 Crewcab - Dual Rear Wheel, Laramie, Bradford Bed, 6.7 Liter, Grey, 79,737 Miles ....................................................................................................................................$42,000 2016 Ford F350 4x4 Crewcab - Dual Rear Wheel, Xlt, Deweze, 6.2 Liter, Grey, 32,797 Miles ..$46,900 2016 Ford F550 4x4 Dual Rear Wheel - Xlt, Deweze 784, 6.7 Liter, White, 94,646 Miles.........$42,000 2011 Ford F450 4x4 Crewcab - DRW, Xlt, 84” C/A Flatbed, 6.7 Liter, White, 237,230 Miles ....$19,900 2009 Ford F350 4x4 Supercrew - DRW, Cannonball Dump/Hay, 6.8 Liter, Grey, 79,513 Miles .$23,500 2005 Ford F350 4x4 Single Rear Wheel - 6 Speed, Hydrabed, 6.0 Liter, Brown ...........................$9,500 2004 Ford F350 4x4 Supercrew Dual Rear Wheel - 6 Speed, Deweze, 6.0 Liter, White ............$15,800 2004 Ford F350 4x4 Single Rear Wheel - Xl, Flatbed, 6.0 Liter, Silver.........................................$8,800 2002 Ford F350 4x4 Supercrew Dual Rear Wheel - Omaha Stand Service Body, 7.3 Liter, White, 345,716 Miles ....................................................................................................................................$9,800 2002 Ford F350 Single Rear Wheel - 5 Speed, Deweze, 7.3 Liter, Red, 248,898 Miles ..............$10,000 B ILL GRANT