10 minute read
John McDowell has multiple operations at McDowell Land and Cattle
from OFN May 18, 2020
by Eric Tietze
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Multiple Operations in One
By Julie Turner-Crawford
McDowell Land and Cattle Company runs stocker calves, cow/calf pairs and markets is own beef

South Greenfield, Mo.
When it comes to raising cattle, John McDowell knows a thing or two.
The lifelong cattleman runs a multifaceted operation of stocker cattle, cow/calf pairs and USDA-inspected beef at his Dade County, Mo., farm.
Cow/Calf pairs
On the cow/calf side of the operation, John runs about 400 pairs at his farm near South Greenfield. Females are a mixed herd and about a decade ago he began to incorporate Red Angus bulls.
“I’ve had other bulls before I got the Red Angus, but they are more consistent and I like the way the Red Angus breeders have stayed true to the cause and not chased a fad.”
The Red Angus Association has honored John with three Grind Master Awards. The award is earned by operations that have successfully combined high-performing Red Angus genetics, skillful feeding and precise marketing to achieve success with the slaughter of superior beef carcasses. In 2016, his naturally-fed Red Angus cattle were required to achieve 90 percent Choice and Prime, with no more than 10 percent Yield Grade 4s and a minimum grid score of 100. Two of McDowell’s loads went 100 percent Choice.
“The Red Angus is what has made the difference,” John said.
He currently runs about 14 bulls with his herd, which is split into spring and fall calving.
“We try to keep them pretty even,” John said. “We retain most of our females and that Red Angus is making them more uniform, which is what I want. Some of the purebred cattle out there aren’t as good as the commercial cattle, and the reason that is, and I’m still learning, some of the registered people chase the wrong things. They chased size for too long; we don’t need a 1,500-pound cow. I don’t need a 1,300-pound cow. I will take that 1,000- to 1,200-pound cow and raise a 500-pound calf.”
Calves are weaned at about 8 months of age. He retains about 60 or 70 heifers from each calving season, then sells the majority as bred heifers, which are bred at about 15 or 16 months of age.
In his stocker operation, John’s calves, as well as calves he purchases from area stockyards and local farmers, will remain in feeding pens until they are ready for pasture or the feed yard.
Calves are housed in 17 lots, each with a watering system and feed bunks. Each pen also has a shaded area, where round bales are placed. John said the shade not only gives the cattle a cool spot in the summer months, it also allows the hay to stay dry and gives cattle protection from rain and snow.
John added he keeps the number of calves in each lot small so they can also take advantage of grasses that grow there.
He can run more than 700 head in the facility, which was built by his late brother, but opts to keep numbers low. He’s currently at about 500 head.
“I like to rotate them,” John said. “My brother kept 2,000 head and all of the pens were dirt. Keeping fewer calve helps reduces chances of disease and we don’t have the soil erosion.”
Stockers are fed a mix of feeds, including oats, barley sprouts, distillers grain, corn and wet coffee grounds. A highprotein liquid from Pro Energy Feeds is also added and mixed at the farm. Calves, as well as all cattle, are also offered the liquid supplement free choice. John strives for about 2 1/2 pounds of gain a day with the stocker calves.
Stockers are typically sold to a buyer at about 750 to 800 pounds, but he does sell at area stockyards as well. Photo by Julie Turner-Crawford With the help of one full-time employee, John McDowell runs a cow/calf operation, as well as stocker calves. He also sells USDAinspected beef straight from his Dade County farm.
Meat sales
John sells beef directly from the farm. Animals are processed at Golden City Meats in Golden City, Mo.
Cattle for the meat program are pulled from both his stocker and cow/ calf operations. No matter the breed, animals selected for the program are of the highest quality.
“The good steers from our Red Angus we raise will go into the meat program,” he said, adding that heifers not meeting his criteria for breeding, including sufficient pelvic measurements, go into the beef or stocker programs.
He added that all calves in his meat program are antibiotic-free. Calves receiving an antibiotic treatment are sold with the stocker calves.
John’s farming operations at McDowell Land and Cattle may vary, but there are several consistencies in the practices.
John is a firm believer in raising his cattle as naturally as possible, which includes limited vaccinations.
“I try not to run my cows through the chute,” he said. “I think it’s stressful. I’m leaning more towards those cows that have been around 10, 12 years and don’t need a shot; they have had that vaccine and have that immunity.”
Calves are fully vaccinated, however, at weaning then an additional round.
“I also don’t like hauling my cattle around too much,” he said. “Every time you load a cow and move her, I think it takes years off her life.”
John is also adamant about soil health and quality forages, never allowing overgrazing on his 1,250-acre spread. He has incorporated a 12-variety forage system, which includes hairy vetch chicory, three types of clover, two oat varieties, wheat and barley.
“I’m a soil caretaker. I don’t kill my weeds with chemicals; I let the frost kill them,” he said. “I also don’t use any commercial fertilizers. The only thing we use is litter. I think we need to do everything we can do to make things like God wanted. God made it all and we just need to do a better job taking care of it. Every time you drive by a pasture that looks smooth like a pool table, you’re losing soil.
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GROVE - 40 Ac., Lone Pine Rd., great horse facility w/easy access to Hwy 60 just west of Mtn. Grove, 4 BR brick basement home, horse barn, horse safe electric fence, roping arena w/return alley, waterers, pond, great views ............................ $415,000 SPARTA - 80 Ac. Hwy 14, Gentle rolling pastures, frontages on Hwy 14, pond, 10 acre woods, great building sites ......... $422,424 LEBANON - 10 Ac., Hwy 5, stately gentleman’s estate w/brick 5,000 sq. ft. w/o basement, multiple paddocks, automatic waterers, pond, barn, just off I-44 $425,000 MARIONVILLE - 109 Ac., Law 2145, great location, several pastures, well, ponds, mostly open, 20x110 barn with concrete fl oor, fenced & cross fenced ....... $430,550 FAIR GROVE - 103 Ac., Hwy AB, Nice rolling pastures, 3 BR, 2.5 BA updated home, shop, cattle barn, hay barn, 2 - 40x400 ft. operating poultry barns, ponds ....... REDUCED $562,000 PIERCE CITY - 80 Ac., FR 2000, 4 bedroom 3 bath home, pool, 3 bay garage/shop, corrals, waterers, hay barns, equipment sheds, 4 ponds ................................. $585,000 AURORA - 50 Ac., Law 1200, beautiful 4 bed 3 bath home, with pool, full fi nished walkout basement, 6 stall barn, 40x60 shop barn, pond, new fence, a must see ....... $589,150 MT. VERNON - 84 Ac., Law. 2097, 5 BR, 4 BA home, full walkout basement, 40x80 insulated & heated shop w/upstairs apartment, large horse barn, ponds, bottom & upground, great views ............... $595,000 tomkisseerealestate.com 417.882.5531 BUFFALO - 78 Ac., Hwy 64, 6 BR, 5 BA, fi nished walk-out basement, 60x60 heated shop w/concrete fl oors, great fencing, pond, automatic waterers .................. $620,000 GROVE SPRING - 280 Ac., Red Barn Rd., hay ground & pasture, 14 paddocks, 2 barns, 8 waterers, 3 ponds, spring.. REDUCED $649,000 LEBANON - 193 Ac. Hwy. O, Great Pastures, Fencing and Cross Fencing, Shop, Barns, Ponds, home, Hwy. Frontage ....... $720,000 FLEMINGTON - 270 Ac., 110th Rd., great opportunity, 3,000 head grow yard, commodity barn, starter pens, vet barn, lots of pipe, mostly open ................ REDUCED $750,000 VERONA - 205 Ac. Lawrence 2200, Nice rolling pastures, 60 acre bottom ground, 4 BR home, 60x100 equipment barn, 40x100 shed, 12 cow milking parlor ................ $875,000 ELKLAND - 259 Ac., Hwy DD, good pasture ground, good fence & cross fence, year round creek ............................ $880,600 BUFFALO - 351 Ac. just off Hwy 65, pasture and woods, ponds, creek, lots of deer and turkey. ............................... $1,053,000 SENECA - 282 Ac., Bethel Rd., nice level open ground, pasture or tillable, good fence & cross fence, pond, great location $1,057,500 BUFFALO - 365 Ac. Rocksdale Road, pasture & woods mixed w/a lot of frontage, just off Hwy 65, ponds, creek ............. $1,095,000 GALENA - 365 Ac., Circle C Drive, 75% open, good pasture, fenced & cross fenced, frontage on state hwy, 3 BR manufactured home, several barns, corral, waterers, 2 wells, ponds ............ REDUCED $1,299,000 MOUNTAIN GROVE - Hwy 95, 244 Acres. Beautiful cattle farm, 3 BR brick home, all open, excellent pasture/hay ground, 3 wells, 2 ponds, 8 waterers, pipe corral $1,339,000 WILLOW SPRINGS - 683 Ac. CR 1870, 5 BR, 4 BA home, shop, hay barn, 165 acres open, marketable timber, great hunting, just north of Hwy 60............................ $1,725,500 MILO - 632 acres, Hwy. EE, 70’x48 cattle barn, equip shed, machine shed, waterers, fenced & cross fenced w/exc. pasture & hay ground, 9 ponds, 2 acre lake .... $1,900,000 MTN. GROVE - 592 Ac., Williams Rd., very conveniently located w/frontage on Hwy 60, great pipe corrals, shop, commodity barn, over 1,000 bale hay storage, great grass, mostly open, brick home ......... $2,985,000 OZARK - 432 Ac., Kentucky Rd., beautiful rolling pastures, fenced & cross fenced, several ponds & waterers, pipe corrals, livestock barns, hay barns ...................... $3,240,000 FLEMINGTON - 1267 Ac., Hwy. 83, hay barns, livestock barns, pipe corrals, 3 irrigation wells, 5 regular wells, 370 tillable acres, good pasture, offi ce............... $4,117,750 SOLD SOLD UNDER CONTRACT SOLD

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