3 minute read
Jerry Crownover – Memories of a childhood friend
from OFN May 18, 2020
by Eric Tietze
What’s On Your Mind, Ozarks? just athought
Life Is Simple
By Jerry Crownover Life is Simple
By Jerry Crownover
Jerry Crownover farms in Lawrence County. He is a former professor of Agriculture Education at Missouri State University, and is an author and professional speaker. To contact Jerry, go to ozarksfn.com and click on ‘Contact Us.’ L arry lived up on the ridge, about 2 miles from my home, when we were kids. He was a year older and one grade above me in the little, one-room schoolhouse we attended together, but we quickly became the best of friends.
Early on, in our friendship, we would take turns spending the night at each other’s homes pretty often, but after he got his first bicycle, he would make the 2-mile ride almost daily during the summer and every weekend throughout the year. Larry had a black Schwinn that he had assembled from an assortment of parts from the scrapyard. Mine was an old, blue RollFast that a neighbor had refurbished for me. Larry made fun of my bike every day, because it was a girl’s bike, but we still ended up riding hundreds of miles together over the years.
The 2 miles of dirt road between our homes was all downhill for Larry and he had no fear of letting his bike go all-out down the steep hill, never even thinking of using the brake. How he kept from crashing and burning still mystifies me, as I was never that brave. The only concrete surface around was the low-water bridge across ‘Possum Walk Creek, and Larry would spend hours sliding his back tire, in order to leave black marks all over the bridge. He went through a lot of tires and the bridge was covered with black marks for years.
As we became early teens, we each managed to acquire motorcycles. Mine was a 50cc monstrosity from Montgomery Ward. Larry’s was a 49cc behemoth from Sears, Roebuck & Co., that was actually a moped, which allowed me to get back at him, for making fun of my girl’s bike. By this time, the state had paved our little, dirt road
— Continued on Page 5
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PO Box 1319, Lebanon, MO 65536 E-mail: editor@ozarksfn.com Eric Tietze President/Publisher Pete Boaz Vice President Administrative Amanda Newell, Marketing Manager Eric Tietze, Accounting Advertising Amanda Newell, Display & Production Sales Amanda Newell, Classified Sales Circulation Eric Tietze, Circulation Editorial Julie Turner-Crawford, Managing Editor Jerry Crownover, Columnist Frank Farmer, Editorial Page Editor Emeritus Production Amanda Newell, Production
Cheryl Kepes, Jim Hamilton, Rachel Harper, Klaire Howerton, Neoma Foreman, Nikki Newton and Laura L. Valenti
About the Cover
Mark Green, pictured with is wife Jill, has been teaching cattlemen pasture management for 39 years. See more on page 7.
Photo by Jim Hamilton
Ozarks Farm & Neighbor accepts story suggestions from readers. Story information appears as gathered from interviewees. Ozarks Farm & Neighbor assumes no responsibility for the credibility of statements made by interviewees. © Copyright Ozarks Farm & Neighbor, Inc., 2020. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.