9 minute read
Julie Turner-Crawford – Celebrating Dairy Month
from OFN June 15, 2020
by Eric Tietze
Across the Fence
By Julie Turner-Crawford I t’s June and that means it’s Dairy Month. Time to tip our hats to all the dairy producers in the Ozarks and around the country.
Dairy is only a small portion of the farming landscape these days, but dairy farmers, and their cows, are a vital part of the agricultural industry, contributing millions of dollars to the economy. They are also on the front line of the production of nature’s most perfect food.
Think about all of the great things that come from milk and its components, such as cheese, ice cream, butter, sour cream and yogurt. Try getting those from an almond or some other kind of nut. I don’t think it would taste the same. We also can’t forget
Julie Turner-Crawford is a native of Dallas County, Mo., where she grew up on her family’s farm. She is a graduate of Missouri State University. To contact Julie, call 1-866-532-1960 or by email at editor@ ozarksfn.com. my all-time favorite dairy product – chocolate milk. A big glass of chocolate milk just makes your belly smile.
I “boycotted” milk for a while as a kid. Our old Jersey milk cow got into green onions. The smell made my stomach turn. Mom had to buy milk from the store for me. Even after the onions were gone and the smell disappeared from the milk, I couldn’t drink the raw milk for long, long time. Even today, the smell of a strong onion makes me nauseous.
We also can’t forget our dairy goat producers. There’s a high demand for those products, including milk, cheese and soap. It’s also impressive to see how much milk a goat can produce in her lifetime. A longtime friend, Bonnie, has both cows and goats, and she has a pretty good customer list for her raw milk from both species. She likes showing the cheeses she makes on social media, and they look amazing.
— Continued on Next Page


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Desserts Oat Cookies Submitted by: Barbara Groskopf, Hartman, Ark.
Ingredients: • 1 C butter • 1/2 tsp baking soda • 1 C powdered sugar • 1 C quick oatmeal • 1 tsp vanilla • Chocolate shot (chocolate sprinkles) • 1 1/2 C flour Directions: Cream butter, sugar and vanilla. Combine flour with baking soda and oats. Combine flour mixture and butter mixture with a mixer. Shape into 1 1/2-inch rolls. Roll into chocolate shot, pressing well. Wrap in waxed paper. Chill at least four hours. Slice thin with a sharp knife. Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet at 325 degrees for about 15 minutes or until lightly brown.
Know a Good Recipe? Send in your favorite recipe to share with our readers. Mail them to: PO Box 1514, Lebanon, MO 65536; fax them to: 417-532-4721; or email them to: editor@ozarksfn.com
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Across the Fence Continued from Previous Page
If you think about it, milk is what helps tie everything together in a meal or snack. Even if you aren’t a “milk drinker,” dairy is still a part of your diet. You’ll Receive It Tomorrow! For example, 50 billion cheeseburgers
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Without milk, we wouldn’t have many of the foods we enjoy today. Baked goods, pasta, chocolate, fancy coffee, salad dressings, white sauces and even some cold cuts contain milk or another dairy product. 1-888-360-9588
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1-866-532-1960 ads@ozarksfn.com Milk just makes the world go round.
Perhaps my favorite thing about the dairy industry is the people. For many longtime dairy producers, it’s the only life they have ever known or wanted, and they are dedicated to their trade. They’re in the barn for several hours
a day, then there are animals to feed, fieldwork to be done and other chores. Some have to take outside jobs to try and make ends meet on top of their farming chores. It makes for a long day. Package Includes: • Massey Ferguson 1723e Tractor with loader Life Is Simple • 14' trailer with ramp Continued from Page 3 • 4' brush hog • 4' box blade a free flier on campus, that said Mr. J.C. Penny had a newly arrived shipment of something called a portable, pocket$ 17,469 00 sized, battery-operated, electronic calculator that could add, subtract, multiply and divide at the push of a button, for
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only $69.95. That was a lot of money in 1972 (my rent was $60/month), but I needed a “B” in the nutrition class in the worst way and my current grade was a “C” (a very low C).
I used two week’s pay to purchase the 1400 W. I Street
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gadget, which operated on four AAA batteries. Keep in mind that the digital display was not LCD, but rather, Call today for a no-obligation demonstration lighted numbers that could drain the at your home! Financing Available! batteries after about one hour of use. My nutrition class was 50 minutes long, 6 Ozarks Farm & Neighbor • www.ozarksfn.com

Dairy producers also seem to be the biggest targets of animal rights groups. False claims of abuse and cruelty, and “undercover investigations” make headlines, but the farmer spending their days and nights with their animals to ensure their health and wellbeing are few and far between.
I’m so proud that we can dedicate a few pages of Ozarks Farm & Neighbor as our little way to salute the dairy industry. Without our nation’s dairy farmers, we would miss a whole lot more than milk. ****
Ozarks Farm & Neighbor has launched a new product to connect producers with consumers. Our new website fromthefarmtoyou.com offers producers the opportunity to list farm products they directly sell to consumers, such as milk, eggs produce and meat. There is no cost to add your listing to the site, and it is open to producers across the states of Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Kansas. The listing is also open to producers who wish to sell live animals intended for slaughter.
We’re still in the early stages of the website, but we are excited to see where we go from here.
so by the end of each class, the lighted numbers began to flicker and fade.
When finals week rolled around, I precisely figured that I needed an “A” on the final to bring my grade for the course up to a low “B,” but now I had the secret weapon I needed. As the final test was handed out by the professor, I whipped out my pocket calculator, turned it on, and the numbers lit up as bright red as the comb on a nutritionally balanced leghorn rooster. I began punching numbers. Half way through the two-hour exam, the numbers began to dim, so I began to dig in my pocket for new batteries. At that point, my face faded to match the pale display on the calculator, when I realized the new batteries were still lying on the desk by my front door.
A grade of “C” is nothing for which to be ashamed.