3 minute read
Breeding for improved quality
from OFN June 15, 2020
by Eric Tietze
Crossbreeding in Dairy Cattle
By Klaire Howerton Mixing dairy breeds may reduce feed costs
Crossbred dairy cattle are pounds less of feed per day on a dry matcommon in the dairy world due ter basis. Bluel noted crossbred cows tend to hybrid vigor. This can be an effecto have smaller frames but can completive breeding strategy but must be manment a grazing dairy operation well due aged thoughtfully to maintain a producto less dry matter intake required for protive and profitable herd. duction. It is possible for a crossbred herd
Before crossbreeding, Reagan Bluel, to reduce a producer’s feed costs. field specialist in dairy with the UniWhen crossbreeding, it’s important to versity of Missouri Extension, advised keep herd goals in mind for long term that producers “identify what their success. market is.” “Having records is so critically impor
Once that step has been taken, dairy tant,” Bluel said. “Once you have an F1 farmers can create a herd that complicross, who do you breed her to?” ments their market. For some, this may Good records will allow producers to be continuing with purebred cows. If retain the best of their crossbred heifers, there is no justifiable reason to crossmake breeding choices to ensure herd breed, it is a strategy best left alone. If health, and market their culls in a prothere is an identifiable reason to do so, ductive manner. Crossbreeding can help crossbreeding can make positive change. reduce inbreeding, but that only goes
There are a number of dairy breeds so far. Records can keep producers from producers can select from to crossfalling into breeding too closely and crebreed, but Holstein/Jersey crosses are ating health and infertility issues. the most common. They are a producA producer’s crossbreeding program tive cross, and there can be a market can be amplified in a positive way by for Jersey and Jersey-influenced steers. selecting a good quality sire from a Holstein and Brown Swiss is another reputable purebred dairy, or through popular breed mix. artificial insemination.
The hybrid vigor in crossbred dairy Crossbred dairy cattle still need to be animals may increase milk components, quality dairy cattle. Simply mixing and or at the least create more efficiency in matching on a whim is not a sustainachieving the same amount. A fourable strategy. Producers interested in year trial at the University of Minnesota crossbreeding might consider visiting showed crossbred dairy cows produced dairy cattle shows to research breeds the same amount of butterfat and protein and develop an eye for useful traits that as purebred Holstein cows, but with 2 will benefit their program.
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UP 400 % P.O. Box 1514 Lebanon, MO 65536 According to the Council for Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) the number of crossbred dairy cattle is up 400 percent 417-532-4721 FAX over the past decade. In light of this, they intend to add crossbreds to their genomic evaluations to accommodate editor@ozarksfn.com this rising group of animals.
– Source, American Dairymen JUNE 15, 2020 The Ozarks’ Most Read Farm Newspaper
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