3 minute read
Jerry Crownover – Introducing Colonel Crownover
from OFN August 31, 2020
by Eric Tietze
just athought What’s On Your Mind, Ozarks?
Life Is Simple By Jerry Crownover Life is Simple By Jerry Crownover W hen I was a kid, I tagged along with my father to cattle sales all over the country, and had dreams of choosing one of two professions. The first was that of being a livestock order-buyer. These men always wore the nicest hats, the most expensive boots, and seemed to have an endless supply of money that allowed Jerry Crownover farms them to purchase cattle by the trailer truck load. What in Lawrence County. He could be easier than sitting in a chair all day (or night) is a former professor of long and spending other people’s money? Agriculture Education at
My second career option entailed that of becoming a Missouri State University, livestock auctioneer. These men had the unique ability and is an author and to talk fast, with a pleasing, rhythmic cadence that has professional speaker. lulled me to sleep many an afternoon and night of my To contact Jerry, go to childhood. Of course, the purpose of their chant is not to ozarksfn.com and click lull you to sleep, but rather to provide a sense of urgency on ‘Contact Us.’ among the bidders to purchase an item, by out-bidding others who also desire the same item. I can remember my father saying that a good auctioneer could make the animal bring every bit of its worth, and, a really good auctioneer could make it bring a few dollars more. That stuck with me throughout my life.
After high school, I contemplated going to auction school, but, unfortunately, when I had the time – I didn’t have the money. After college, I found myself teaching agriculture and eventually had enough money to pay for auction school, but I was so busy with my career. I then found myself unable to find the time to go, so the dream languished in the back of my mind for many, many years.
Throughout my lifetime, I’ve been fortunate enough to get to know dozens of auctioneers, many of whom have become very good friends. I’ve always admired, not only their skill at auctioneering, but their ability to banter with the audience and make any sale as entertaining as it is necessary. The very best ones wear even more expensive hats than the order-buyers, their boots cost more than many of the animals they sell, and, more often than not, they drove to the auction and parked their new Cadillac in the parking lot, right beside the dusty trucks of the prospective buyers. That is success.
— Continued on Page 5
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PO Box 1319, Lebanon, MO 65536 Toll Free: 1-866-532-1960 417-532-1960 • Fax: 417-532-4721 E-mail: editor@ozarksfn.com Eric Tietze President/Publisher Pete Boaz Vice President Administrative Amanda Newell, Marketing Manager Eric Tietze, Accounting Advertising Amanda Newell, Display & Production Sales Amanda Newell, Classified Sales Circulation Eric Tietze, Circulation Editorial Julie Turner-Crawford, Managing Editor Jerry Crownover, Columnist Frank Farmer, Editorial Page Editor Emeritus Production Amanda Newell, Production
Kathy Daily, Rachel Harper, Sheila Harris, Klaire Howeton and Laura L. Valenti
About the Cover
Norman Troyer and his family prefer a natural approach to their beef and poultry operation. See more on page 18
Photo by Laura L. Valenti
Ozarks Farm & Neighbor accepts story suggestions from readers. Story information appears as gathered from interviewees. Ozarks Farm & Neighbor assumes no responsibility for the credibility of statements made by interviewees. © Copyright Ozarks Farm & Neighbor, Inc., 2020. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
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