3 minute read
Retaining ownership in the feedyard
from OFN August 31, 2020
by Eric Tietze
What is Retained Ownership?

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By Klaire Howerton Retaining ownership has pros and cons XU6158C Utility 58hp, 4wd, Diesel Tractor w/Cab, ONLY $486 Retained ownership isn’t always QA Loader & Bucket per month
easily defined, but generally retained ownership is when a pro
ducer holds on to all or any portion of their cattle through to slaughter. This can be anywhere from 25 to 100 percent of ownership rights, explained Andy XP8101CPS 101hp, 4wd, Diesel Tractor w/Cab, QA Loader & Bucket ONLY $768 per month McCorkill, livestock field specialist with the University of Missouri Extension. If a producer chooses to retain ownership of their calves, they generally have two options Check out our GREAT Prices on LS TractorPackages! – feed the calves out at home or partner with a feedlot.
Feeding the calves out on the farm has some pros. This strategy can add some value and purpose to excessive feedstuffs that may be produced on the farm (hay, grains, etc.), and will give the producer the chance to observe their genetic development firsthand. This option might also save some costs as the producer is essentially cutting out the middleman. On the cons side, the producer may not be as effective The voice of the as developing a ration as feedlot nutrition specialists are, and if only a small pen of cattle are being retained, it can be difficult to attract a buyer when the producer is ready to sell. Partnering with a feedlot can improve efficarcass information and feed efficiency information to send to the producer. McCorkill explained that typically the proOzarks ciency. Typically, there is a specialist on hand ducer must have no less than 50 percent of to formulate the appropriate rations. Retaining ownership rights to have access to this data. ownership through a feedlot partnership also Some producers in the Ozarks do not have gives the producer access to more buyers and enough animals to consider retained owncan help keep feed costs low. By pooling calves ership through a feedlot, but if a producer from multiple farms, efficient sized pens of steers would like to obtain carcass quality and feed and heifers can be fed in a cost-effective manner. efficiency data to help them make sustainable
Commercial feedlots can combine cattle management decisions for future breeding and from different owners in the same pen and marketing, McCorkill suggested researching can equability divide the feed bill according the Missouri Steer Feedout Program. Particito the animal’s size and average daily gain uspants can pool as few as five head with other ing the net energy system. producers’ cattle to make a large enough group
Retaining ownership through the feedlot can to send to the feedlot for data collection. also help producers gather precise individuEach operation will vary, even from year al data to help make future genetic decisions. to year, and retaining ownership might be a Some feedlots have scales under their working viable strategy one season but not the next. chutes and can record individual weights when Keeping careful records and keeping commucattle are worked, and the organizations can nication open between business partners and also work with the packer and the National buyers will help a producer make sustainable www.radiospringfi eld.com Cattlemen’s Association to gather individual decisions when it comes to retaining ownership. AUGUST 31, 2020 Ozarks Farm & Neighbor • www.ozarksfn.com 25