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For Danis Nickelll, smaller is better
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Dedicated to a Small Herd
By Brenda Brinkley Danis Nickell finds a specialized market for miniture cattle

25’-32’ Lengths In Stock • LED Lights See You At Farmfest October Independent Arm Action 6,000 lb. Dumping Capacity State of the Art Electric/Hyd System Bigger is not always better. At least that’s the way Danis Nickell Danis Nickell’s herd of Photos by Brenda Brinkley 10k Dexter Axles • Low Profi le 2nd-4th Save $$$ With The Optional feels about her MinMiniature Zebu cattle
Mega Ramps & Torque Tube Non-Dumping Feature iature Zebu cattle. on her Webster County,
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WESTGATE 8920 West Bus.60, 7136 West Farm Road 140, Serving Your Trailer and Truck Bed Needs in Two Locations in Webster County. “I went to an exotic animal auction in 2000 and www.westgatetrailer.net TRAILER & EQUI P . Mtn. Grove, Mo M-F 8-5 • Sat. 8-12 417-926-7733 Springfi eld, Mo. M-F 8:30-5 • Sat. 9-12 417-351-6974 saw a pair of these that I thought were miniature Brahmans. Turns out they Text TRAILER to 40691 for special offers • Full Service Shop were this Miniature Zebu breed and I fell in love with them and bought my first pair,” Danis explained. Her herd has grown to 31 Years Strong around 50 head. While Zebus can be used for meat 1-866-479-7870 Owned & Operated By Farmers We go the extra mile. 1989-2020 FREE estimates by the friendliest and milk production, Danis does neither. She breeds registered animals. “I sell a lot of bottle babies
Working to Help the American Farmer people in town to petting zoos, 4-H kids, FFA kids and people with
Standard Sizes Available TODAY small acreages. So that’s my
Custom Designs available niche’ in it,” she stated. Per request “Miniature” Zebu must
Call for a Free Quote! be 42 inches or less in height. “On average my herd is between 34 and 36 inches for most of them. Some are smaller and some are on the 40-inch range,” Danis said, adding that bloodlines determine height. • All Steel Structures She estimated the weight put you on the wall,” Danis said. “The • Bolt Together of a full-grown cow to be between 400 to 450 pounds, and Zebu incorporates full-size Brahmas. It incorporates Zebus and several in be• Engineered Buildings bulls to weigh around 650 pounds. tween. But Zebu are their own breed. Zebus originated in India and They are one of the oldest breeds of www.MarathonMetal.com sales@MarathonMetal.com have a docile temperament. “But if you get them cornered some show their Brahman instinct and will Marshfield, Mo. cows in the world.” Most people in this area don’t know what a Zebu is.
8Ozarks Farm & Neighbor • www.ozarksfn.com SEPTEMBER 21, 2020

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“They think it’s a cross between a zebra and a cow,” Danis laughed.
Four times a year there is an exotic animal auction in Macon, Mo. She sells some there and also takes some to Kansas. People there buy them for their grandkid’s 4-H projects.
Her cattle may be show prospects for others, but Danis does not show.
“This part of the country doesn’t have any sanctioned Miniature Zebu shows. There are some in Texas, Florida and in Oklahoma. They have Zebu-only shows,” Danis said.
She has nine bulls in her herd. One of the bulls is 36 1/2-inches tall. Only one of the bulls is dehorned.
“He came from Florida and was shown until he was a year old. He was dehorned for showing,” Danis explained.
Both male and females have horns. A cow’s horns grow to about 6 inches long.
“The bull’s horns continue to grow well into their teens,” Danis said. She estimated her bulls’ horns to be around 16-inches long.
The most common color for Zebu is gray.
“From there it goes to red and then people have bred to produce spots and paints. That’s what I have done. The spots and paints are very popular and rare,” Danis said, adding that they are more valuable.
The average birth weight of a Miniature Zebu is between 16 and 20 pounds, but some are as light as 15 pounds. Danis said Zebu have the same issues that full-size cattle have when it comes to calving. There really aren’t problems unless a bull is too big.
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She does what she calls “family planning” Wt. Lbs. ALFALFA Bulk Lb. Bag Lb. Wt. Lbs. FESCUE Germ $ Lb. Add a Legume with her herd. “We don’t like fall calves. We just want spring calves, because as small as they are you don’t want them to even try to go into winter,” Danis stated. Zebu cattle do have a very specific health issue. Bag Custom Mix 60 COMMON SENSE, 3-WAY BLEND 3.06 2.86 Haygrazer, Cimarron & Liberty, Inoc/Not Coated 50 GENUITY-ROUNDUP READY®, 7.48 L446RR Coated 65% Pure 50 HAYGRAZER, Cert. Inoc/Not Coated 90% 2.96 50 CIMARRON-VL400, Cert. Inoc/Not Coated 90% 2.96 GRAINS 50 KY-31, Certifi ed & Endophyte-Free 90% 1.69 ONLY $12.00 PER ACRE DIFFERENCE 50 KY-32, Certifi ed & Endophyte-Free 90% 1.69 50 KY-31 90% 1.24 50 KY-31 & 10% ORCHARD GRASS MIX 87% 1.18 50 KY-31 & 12% ANN. RYEGRASS MIX 90% 1.04 50 FAST PASTURE MIX, Cattle/Horse 90% 1.69 63% Endophyte-Free KY-31 Fescue, 14% Hulled Orchard Grass, “They are very intolerant to cold weather,” Danis said. “They don’t have normal hair like standard cattle. They kind of have slick Wt. Lbs. 50 COLDGRAZER RYE, Stain Cross Cereal Grain 50 TRITICALE, Fridge 50 TRITICALE, TriCal 348, Sept. 10 +$1 bg +$1 bg +$1 bg 16.98 18.94 19.95 19% Best-For Plus Ryegrass & 4% Timothy 25 BAR OPTIMA E34, Friendly Endophyte, Sept. 5 25 MAX Q II TEXOMA, Friendly Endophyte, Sept. 5 25 ESTANCIA, Friendly Endophyte, Sept. 5 ASK ASK ASK hair, more like a Dachshund. They have to have a barn and shelter in the wintertime, or they will frostbite and they’ll lose their tails or the tips of their ears. You don’t have 50 WHEAT-FORAGE MAXX, 50 WHEAT-TRUMAN, Combine Type, Limited 50 WHEAT-VANTAGE, Aug 30 Compares to AgriMaxx +$1 bg 11.74 +$1 bg 15.85 +$1 bg 16.85 DEER PLOT 60 DEER PLOT MIX 1.36 1.16 EA BAG PLANTS 1/2 ACRE: Coldgrazer Rye, Bob Oats, Peas, Alfalfa, Jumbo Ladino Clover, Crimson Clover, Turnips, Radish, Chicory, Rape Bulk Lb. Bag Lb. to have heat lamps unless they’re born this 50 FALL FORAGE OAT, Aug 30 +$1 bg 19.94 50 BULLSEYE ANNUAL DEER MIX 38.64/Bag small in the winter.” Danis is getting ready to build two more 50 BARLEY, Winter Atlantic, Limited +$1 bg GRAIN ADDITIVES $ Lb. Bag Lb. 19.94 CONTAINS 11 WINTER ANNUALS: Rye, Triticale, Wheat, Oats, Peas, 2 Types Turnips, Vetch, Clover, Collards, Rape shelters. Her operation has grown so much that “everybody can’t fit under that 120-foot barn anymore,” she explained. “The first raindrop, even in the summer, 50 WINTER PEA, Austrian 50 HAIRY VETCH, Winter Legume 50 TURNIPS, Purple Top 50 TURNIPS, 7 Top Forage 50 RADISH, Daikon Driller 0.79 0.59 1.94 1.74 1.76 1.56 1.88 1.68 1.68 1.48 50 BROADSIDE BLEND, Eagle Seed Fall 66.84/Bag 50 BUFFALO FALL BLEND, Eagle Seed Fall 68.86/Bag 50 SMORGASBORD BLEND, Eagle Seed Fall 68.86/Bag 25 CHICORY, “6 Point” Perennial 4.92 4.72 50 JUMBO LADINO CLOVER 3.98 3.78 60 ALFALFA, Haygrazer 3.16 2.96 the Zebu go in the shelter. But they will also lie outside when it’s 110 degrees, where most cattle are under a shade tree or in the pond,” 50 COLLARDS, Impact ORCHARD GRASS 50 ARID, Drought Tolerant 1.98 1.88 90% 2.26 Germ $ Lb. Add a Legume 50 BUCKWHEAT, Apr-Aug 50 PEAS, Austrian 50 RAPE - BRASSICA, Canola 50 RADISH - DAIKON, “Driller” 1.48 1.28 0.79 0.59 1.30 1.10 1.68 1.48 Danis stated. “They originated from super hot weather, so that’s why they don’t tolerate 50 ARID “DR”, Disease + Drought Resistant 50 POTOMAC, Disease Resistant 90% 2.56 90% 1.98 50 TURNIPS, Purple Top 50 TURNIPS, 7-Top 50 COLLARDS, Impact 1.76 1.56 1.98 1.78 1.98 1.88 the cold, but will lie out in the sun like it 50 HULLED ORCHARD, VNS 85% 2.64 feels good.” For someone interested in raising Zebu, DanYour Ag Chemicals Headquarters! is recommends doing your homework first. No license req’d to buy 2,4-D or GrazonNext!
“Make sure you know what you’re getting 510 W Mt Vernon, Nixa, MO 65714 into, because you can’t just buy them and throw them out in the pasture and expect nixahardware.com them to do well in the wintertime in colder Nixa Hardware Company warrants to the extent of the purchase price that seeds sold are as described on the container within recognized tolerances. Seller gives no other or further warranty expressed or implied. Prices/Germination subject to change climates, such as here,” she added. SAVE YOUR SEED SAMPLE without notice. We reserve the right to limit quantities. SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE
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