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Hay quality dictates supplemental feed costs
Keeping Your Herd Healthy & Effi cient Mac ’ s VET SUPPLY Visit Our Booth at FarmFest - E-Plex Hall #321-323! farmhelp Getting Results Best Quality Products Delivered or Shipped To By Julie Turner-Crawford Your Door at the Lowest Prices Knowing the nutrional value of forages
Open Mon-Fri • 9am to 4pm can help reduce feed costs
Come See Us At: Springfi eld Livestock Marketing Center, Exit 70 I-44 & Hwy. MM Call In Your Order Today & You’ll Receive It Tomorrow! WORMERS Agrimectin Pour-On, 5.0 Liter Cydectin, 5.0 Liter Cydectiin, 10.0 Liter Dectomax, 500 ml. Eprinex 5.0 liter Noromectin, 500 ml. Noromectin, 1000 ml. Safeguard Dewormer FARMFEST SPECIALS IMPLANTS Synovex Cart Ralgro VACCINES One-Shot, 10 Dose Ultrabac 7 Som, 50 Dose Bovi-Shield 5 ANTIBIOTICS Agrimycin 200, 500 ml. Noromycin 300, 500 ml. Cattle producers are looking at their hay supply for the colder months. For some, that means it’s time to start considering the purchase of hay, but is all hay the same? The answer is simply, no. For example, the University of Missouri Extension states that Missouri ranks fairly high in the nation in hay production, but that hay is not always the greatest quality. Missouri excels in cool season grass or fescue hay, but falls around 20th in the say of high-quality hay production, such as alfalfa. No matter what type of hay a producer buys or feeds, it should be tested. to a dry matter basis. Using the dry matter basis results allows for accurate comparison between wetter vs. drier feeds because the water content of the hay or silage is excluded from the reported dry matter nutrient results. Crude protein, the item most producers seem more concerned about, is estimated by measuring the amount of nitrogen in the sample and multiplying it by 6.25. This factor is used because most forage stem and leaf tissue proteins contain 16-percent nitrogen. Higher crude protein is usually better, but must be considered in the context of plant maturity, species, fertilizer rate and nitrate concentrations. Another major aspect of a hay test is the 417-863-8446 • 1-888-360-9588 Why is hay testing fiber analysis. Information from MU Extension states that forage samples are boiled in either a neutral important? detergent or acid detergent solution. After boiling, some of the sample disappears (the
The voice of the Ozarks Forages furnish essential energy, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibers in livestock diets. Factors such as variety, maturity, growing conditions, handling practices and so on affect forage quality prior to the time it is fed, according to Oklahoma State University Extension. Without proper testing, producers can overestimate or underestimate the feed value of forages. The lower the quality, the digestible portions) and some remains (the indigestible portions). The residues are reported as Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) and Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF). NDF provides an estimate of forage intake while ADF is used to calculate estimated energy levels in the forage. These energy estimates are listed as Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN), Net Energy maintenance more supplementation will be needed, resultand Net Energy gain. Since both NDF and ing in added costs. ADF results are residues, lower numbers inFeed costs, according to the MU Extension dicate greater intake potential and higher account for 60 percent of a beef cow enterenergy levels. The lower the ADF and NDF, prise, so knowing the quantity and quality of the better. hay fed to livestock directly affects the botFinally, there’s the mineral analysis. Calcitom line. um and phosphorus are typically included in What’s in a test? also include potassium and magnesium in their hay test packages. A typical hay test will analyze for moisture, For additional fees, other minerals can be protein, fiber and various minerals. measured. Labs vary in cost and the analysis Moisture is the amount of water in the sample. provided. Most hay samples run in the 10 to 15 percent For more information about forage testing, moisture range, according to MU Extension. contact your local Extension Center. The hay test report includes a column called “As-is” or “As-fed” and another colwww.radiospringfi eld.com umn called “Dry Matter.” Dividing the as-fed number by the percentage of dry matter in the sample converts the results a hay test package from the labs. Some labs 34 Ozarks Farm & Neighbor • www.ozarksfn.com SEPTEMBER 21, 2020