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Oz Kink Fest
Oz Kink Fest will return in October 2023 We are now counting down to: Melbourne's Biggest Kink Festival It is a spectacular week where everyone can safely explore their utmost fantasies and discover Melbourne's legendary hospitality and vibrant ambiance. An all-inclusive event where everyone becomes star in their own right. Creating opportunities to make new, long-lasting friendships and having fun is the main goal of the event. Next year will see amazing events such as: Fetish Expo Saturday Fetish Expo After Party Hellfire Resurrection Klub Kunst Saturday They will help to fill the kinkiest 10 days Melbourne has seen since 2019! In addition to the main events there will be: * Workshops - by International and Local Presenters * Munches * Exhibition * Discounts from some of the Major Fetish Vendors * And more events - oh MY!!! Find our more on our website - www.ozkinkfest.com