Özlem Gezgin Portfolio Theatre Design

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1 – Fool For Love // Set Design

2 – The Addams Family Musical // Set Design 3 – Fınland Ambassador Resıdance // Interıor Design Project 4 – Youtube Music Awards // TV-Set Design Project 5 – Tragedy of An Elderly Gentleman // Set Design Project

6 – Door // Set Design Project (UAL Short-Course) 7 – The Madman and the Nun // Set Design


Fool For Love Stage Desıgn Project July – October 2016

Project Descrıptıon: Wrıter: Sam Shepard

Dırector: Jason Edward Hale Locatıon: Tatbikat Sahnesi // ANKARA

Desıgn concept key-words : Realısm, pain, circles, old, cheesy, Southwest Amerıca, family, section of a life, leaving, love With this play I went a journey to Sam Shepard’s mind. It’s basically a story of two people who live under their families shadow and even they love each other very passion they know they can never be together. Play sets in a cheap, cheesy motel room in Mojave Desert. It’ early 80’s but motel ıs even older. Director wants to see section of their life, there is no start there’s no end we just watch the part of their stories.

Director asked me to design a

turning stage, the idea was showing to audience outside of the motel and prepares

them to show, pull them into mood. Play has contains very deep and real feelings

therefore director wanted to see very realistic and detailed set.

Everything Äąn the set designed

Äąn order to original period and place. I want people feel like they are in a real cheap motel room in Southwest America.

Mood board

Back VÄąew

Front VÄąew

Technically solving the rounding system was important, Manuel system was better in order to stage opportunity. Also I played with the perspective, I extend

the angle of the walls to make more audience to see the stage.


Set was buıld

close to the audıence as much as possıble. People should

feel like ınsıde


the room. Whıle I was desıgnıng ın my way I aımed to catch Sam Shepard’s world

and dırector’s vısıon.



The Addams Famıly Musıcal Stage design Project February – May 2016

Project Descrıptıon: Locatıon: Kemal Kurdaş Stage in METU / Ankara Desıgn concept key-words : Gothic, old, caricatured, dark, fun The Addams Family: The musical adapted by The Company Musicals. It is a student community which everybody works as volunteer. There is almost no budget and none of the students are professional. Even story happens in our time, places are much older. Everything happens in Addams’ house. It is a very grand house. I get inspired from old gothic houses. We made the spaces little bit caricatured. Aim was make people really make pull into Addams’ world.

For the Addams Family, original Cartoon and gothic old houses provided design intension. I took the realistic look

and played with them a little and added very brief cartoony tone with color and material. We also produced almost every piece of the set. This is very

important experience for me. There is too low budget, so we need to be practical and creative to turn our designs into reality. Working as a team was really helpful and fun.

There are lots of set changes. Therefore I needed to design each

of them with the fewer set pieces. To create show’s illusion we pushed the limits of stage



Resıdance For Fınland Ambassador Interıor Design Project February – May 2016

Project Descrıptıon: Locatıon: Ankara Desıgn concept key-words : Nature of Finland, Lakes and Rivers, forests, Minimalism, Modern, light and shadow, curvılınear, transparency We were asked to design residence for Finland Ambassador which includes private (Areas for family, bedrooms, living area etc.) and public areas (Dining hall, reception hall, entrance hall, study room-library etc.) For thıs project, type of the building and ımportance of the privacy were challenging. However I enjoyed dealing with it. I start with the nature of the Fınland, curvilinear shapes from its lakes, longing for light in the country and large forests; I wanted to abstract them to the space ın architectural way. My main purpose was combine function and concept well and makes people feel ıt ıs Finland.


Ground Floor plan

First Floor plan



Section BB’

Section AA’

Section CC’

To support my design’s structure,

I used transparent and

reflective materials to get light and improve the effect of depth.

Linear elements helps to create shadows around the space,

shadows are the abstraction of

forests of Finland.


Youtube Music Awards TV_Set Design Project September – January 2015

Project Descrıptıon: Desıgn concept key-words :Simple, geometrical, intersection, perspective, cage, growth, futuristic

In TV-Set Desıgn Course, we desıgned a set for YouTube Awards and content was up to us. Thıs project was for group of three and we chose to desıgn the set as vıdeo-music awards. We started wıth the gıven painting as a layout and research for ınspıratıon, abstract it to the three dimensions

This is the layout of our project, it is the base of our plan.

Using the geometry we create a diagram. On this diagram, we placed

functions. In three dimensions we want to use of

power of perspective and create visÄąon

take us inside.

Money Shot // Project Model

With reflective elements around and

bright floor (we used light under the

platform), we wanted to create

minimalist and

futuristic look. Choosing black studio was support

the contrast.

MÄąddle Shot // Project Model


Tragedy of an Elderly Gentleman Stage Design Project March - May 2016

Project Descrıptıon: Writer: Bernard Shaw Desıgn concept key-words : Mystery, contrast, future, fear, difference, weakness, greatness, utopia, distopian ,conflict Plot: Scene starts in Ireland, Galway Bay, we meet old man in there… Story occurs in a time we do not know when, there is a human race which evolved to live longer than us. They are master race and the ones who live most are the oracles. Old man and his family comes them to get advice and prophecy on his race future. During the play we see the weakness of human race, conflict between these two race, Shaw’s approach of idea of utopia in order to human nature.

First act starts on the Galway bay, this is the place we meet Oldman and master race, who long-lived people.

For this scene I want to create cold atmosphere, I used levels on dock to emphasize differences these

two races.

Second Act is the act we start

to get into long-lived people’s world.

In this act,

creating mysterious

mood was really important for me. Roots are symbolizing their long lives and also create

a cage effect.

Third act is the final act and we see the oracle in this set. He or she represent the greatness, dominates all the characters. Others feel the fear of unknown powers. Therefore set should be representing the oracle. I use a wall as a background which looks like goes to forever and use the shadow emphasize the effect of he or she on old man.


Door Set Design August 2016

Project Descrıptıon: University of Arts London Set and Costume Design Short-Term Course Project Desıgn concept key-words : Mystery, colors, contrast, dissapontment, dillema, surprıse, searching, reflection, illusion Plot: This was a 4 day course based on set and costume design however everybody’s main interest focus on set design. Therefore we could work on set more detailed. Our ınstructor gave us pictures of different doors. We choose one or more of them and created stories around them. What kind of door is that? What is beyond it?, who is looking at door? We started with these questions and develop our story and then set.




I choose the door (1) which looked

mysterious and full of potential to me. My door opens to my character’s

subconscious I want to reflect the deas of nothing is like it seems when we look beyond (2) and

sometimes what we want is just reflection of what we make ourselves believe (3).



The Madman and the Nun Set Design Project November – December 2016

Project Descrıptıon: Wrıter: Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz Dırector: Daniel Irizarry Locatıon: Bilkent University, Faculty of Music and Performing Arts // chamber theatre // ANKARA Desıgn concept key-words : distrupted, illusion, sybolism, point of view, perseption Plot: Maybe this world is another planet's hell... Poet Walpurg looses his mind over it. His mind is on the another frequency and percieve the world differently. Sister Anna, dwarfed in her day to day life, blossoms in the cell of a mental institution and he walks into Walpurg’s mind. Together they find their reality and freedom. While I was reading the play the thing that I cannot get out of mınd was how different of Wapurg’s reality and vision. Even all of us living ın the same world the way we look changes it.



Idea of «perception changes everything» was remind me illusion of perspective ;in two dimension even everything we draw it right (2) , if we rise them to three dimension everything looks disrupted and wrong.

Dırector of the play want to focus and subliminally show time dilemma. He talked me about quantum clock (2) ; therefore I want to use the clock’s geometry as a layout for the stage platform.

Each of the setting pieces is used as props too. That’s why each of them had to be strong and light in the same time. Also director wanted them to be challenging for the actors in order to dimensions and shapes.

For the play I experienced puppet making, absurdÄąsm was the key word, so the puppet I made was far from realism or common beauty.

THANK YOU! og.ozlemgezgin@gmail.com

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