portfolıo 1 – Residance for Finland Ambassdor // Interior Design Project 2 – A Room With a View // Container Architecture Project
3 – Big Bang Book self // Furniture Design Project 4 – Burtonland Cinematheque // Interior Design Project
5 – Fool For Love // Set Design 6 – Home Rest-Stop // Interıor Design Project
1 4
3 6
Resıdance For Fınland Ambassador Interıor Design Project February – May 2016
Project Descrıptıon: Locatıon: Ankara Desıgn concept key-words: Nature of Finland, Lakes and Rivers, forests, Minimalism, Modern, light and shadow, curvılınear, transparency, Reflection
We were asked to design residence for Finland Ambassador which includes private (Areas for family, bedrooms, living area etc.) and public areas (Dining hall, reception hall, entrance hall, study room-library etc.) For thıs project, type of the building and ımportance of the privacy were challenging. However I enjoyed dealing with it. I start with the nature of the Fınland, curvilinear shapes from its lakes, longing for light in the country and large forests; I wanted to abstract them to the space ın architectural way. My main purpose was combine function and concept well and makes people feel ıt ıs Finland.
Ground Floor plan
First Floor plan
Section BB’
Section AA’
Section CC’
To support my design’s
structure, I used
transparent and reflective materials to get light and improve the effect of depth.
Linear elements helps to create shadows around the space, shadows are the
abstraction of forests of
A Room Wıth A Vıew Contaıner Arch. And Interıor Design Project October – December 2015
Project Descrıptıon: Locatıon: İzmİr Desıgn concept key-words : Reflection of Nature, Central the Nature, Minimalist, linearity, light and shadow
It was a group project for 3 and we are asked to design a house which is located near to bay in İzmİr. It is a place for a young couple who use the house in their free times to rest. The challenging part of the project was designing with containers. We work on container architecture. While we were creating the concept location of the project. Beauty of the nature affects us and nature became the key point.
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Top View perspective
Large windows are important to get
sun light
and make
people feel the
nature better. To make the
brightness dominant
color were mostly
used in interiors. Beside
warm wood
colors and an accent color continue on all the parts of project. Using wood is a part of the idea of reflectÄąng the nature.
Section AA’
Section BB’
Light and shadow was very
we used the basic geometry of
important to us. therefore
lınear elements
to create
shadows around the courtyard and interiors. Moreover large windows and water reflect the environment make our building look like
part of the nature.
Big bang Book Shelf Furniture Design Project October 2015 – January 2016
Project Descrıptıon: Desıgn concept key-words : Road curves, privacy and connection of spaces, Continuous axe For this project we were asked to choose a designer from our age, understand his/her design principles and create furniture taking these principles as a base. The important and tricky part of the project is that we should not get inspired by the designer’s style, it should not look like their work, and it should represent us. It was a project for 3 and we chose Ron Arad to following principles. For us most significant principle ıs his chaotic order and it brought us our concept, big bang.
We started with the geometry which represent
the big bang then we made it more abstract, we also gave importance to ergonomically use of
shelf. Our final decision includes variety, continuity, central and diversion.
Ron Arad always try new materials to use and his designs are full of surprises. For our book shelf we used
unexpected material; felt.
Burtonland Cınematheque Interıor Design Project October 2014– January 2015
Project Descrıptıon: Locatıon: Ankara Desıgn concept key-words : ımperfection, disrupted shapes, alienation, contrast For the project I was asked to design a cinematheque for the given building. Project program includes two screening hall, library and archive, cafeteria, shop, conference and exhibition rooms and offices for staff / managers. I chose to desıgn thıs cınematheque for Tim burton movıes and the ınspıratıons behınd hıs style. Therefore I use hıs artıstıc style and prıncıples as a startıng poınt. Alienation is one of the signature elements of his stories while I was planning my place and decided to create an alien which move around whole building. With color and geometrical contrast I point it out. I turned the geometry something alive and apply to the building ın my style.
I used Burton’s geometry while I was creatĹng the spaces, I did not just
separate the areas I also use the geometry to create a circulation.
Section AA’
Ground Floor plan Section BB’
2 2
(From Previous Page)
All of them are part of the same creature which move around the building
1 – Cafeteria 2 – Cafeteria 3 – İnfo Desk 4 - Library wide Shot 5 - Library
COLOR SCHEME While appliying colors Burton’s animations were the starting point. I want to create a visiable contrast using Yellow and Purple.
Fool For Love Stage Desıgn Project July – October 2016
Project Descrıptıon: Wrıter: Sam Shepard Dırector: Jason Hale Locatıon: Tatbikat Sahnesi / Ankara Desıgn concept key-words : Realıstıc, pain, circles, old, cheesy, Southwest Amerıca, family, section of a life, leaving, love
With this play I went a journey to Sam Shepard’s mind. It’s basically a story of two people who live under their families shadow and even they love each other very passion they know they can never be together. Play sets in a cheap, cheesy motel room in Mojave Desert. It’ early 80’s but motel ıs even older. Director wants to see section of their life, there is no start there’s no end we just watch the part of their stories.
Everything Äąn the set designed Äąn order to original period and place. I want people feel
like they are in a real cheap
motel room in Southwest America.
Mood board
Set was buıld
close to the audıence as much as possıble. People should
feel like ınsıde
the room. Whıle I was desıgnıng ın my way I aımed to catch Sam Shepard’s world
and dırector’s vısıon.
Techn覺cal Draw覺ngs Back V覺ew
Front V覺ew
Technically solving the rounding system was important, Manuel system was better in order to stage opportunity. Also I played with the
perspective, I extend the angle of the walls to make more audience to see Plan
the stage.
Home Rest-Stop Interıor Design Project February – May 2015
Project Descrıptıon: Locatıon: Bursa Desıgn concept key-words :Road curves, privacy and connection of spaces, Continuous axe This is a boutique rest-stop in order to capacity. Project’s program includes entrance/waiting hall, fast food area, restaurant, rest rooms, little park and offices for management. There is also a kitchen which is connected to restaurant, we did not design the kitchen but we had to design the connection part. Environment of the building also had to be desıgned. Nature and the view of the location are very charming, so environment was really important too. While I was starting to project I thought about the idea of being on the road. One of my sketches was a curve road and it became my starting point. I applied it to plan and create an axe which separates the spaces in a simple way. .
Ground Floor plan
First Floor plan
Section AA’
Section bb’
With a help of linear elements, I intersected these two geometry in three
dimensional ways. I want a place very easy to walk around functionally. This curve axe collected functions around it.
Facade of the building also designed in order to privacy inside. Reflective
surface of the water and glass create a relaxing and impressive entrance. Model of The project
Materials; Natural Materials of Bursa; wood and stone. To make people confortable and relaxed I used calm and warm colors, I want them feel at home.
First floor of the building includes the restaurant only. The people who want to spend more, qualified
and/or private time in rest-stop can come to
restaurant. I want it to separate it from ground floor’s rush and crowd but
I did not want it
completely cut the connection. From restaurant they can see the ground floor and I
used this connection as strong design element.
THANK YOU! og.ozlemgezgin@gmail.com