from conservation to... communication
The CCC Consortium emerges as an integrated provider of sports legacy management and exhibition services, tailored to the clients’ specific requirements and designed to be fully capable of continuous development, including close cooperation with marketing and sales departments.
from conservation to... communication
CCC was established by three companies - ARGO, P-06 atelier and Outros Mercadus - that combined their individual fields of expertise relating to conservation and restoration, design and communication and exhibition construction, in order to deliver the broadest and most value adding solutions to our clients’ sporting heritage.
from conservation to... communication
Our approach allow us to safeguard the history and culture of sports clubs, organizations and venues, offering at the same time a powerful new tool to strengthen their brand identity, to engage with fans and the community, and to expand their revenue sources.
from conservation to... communication
Integrated and modular, our services can be fitted specifically to our clients’ current needs, always maintaining an upgrading and evolution capacity. Beginning with the preservation of the cultural value of the clients’ heritage, be it material or immaterial, we can develop all sorts of strategies and outlets for its dissemination, ranging from temporary, travelling or permanent exhibitions to the establishment of a full-blown museum.
from conservation to... communication
from conservation to... communication
from conservation to... communication
from conservation to... communication