Donna Green, mother of Raymond Lamar Green born on Nov. 1, 1978 in Atlanta Georgia and was stolen from A woman who called herself Lisa Morris.
I met Miss Morris at Grady Hospital,When I had Raymond S visiting her sister who had also just had a baby. Miss Morris was getting ready to leave the hospital and said she needed a took me home dropped me off first then took Miss Morris ho where I lived.
Within the next day or two Lisa show up at my house, she sai and the baby where doing. I did not think much of it I had be morning girls in and out to see the baby. I decided to go up st said she would wait until I came back down, my older brothe room with us, I ask him to watch the baby.
I came back downstairs 15 - 20 minutes later, I ask my brothe said the baby was crying, Lisa picked him up and walked him mond.
During the investigation I found out that everything she told Morris was not her name--Miss Morris did not get dropped o is still alive I pray for him every night. I have five other childr stop looking til I find him. 2
n was
m my house on Nov 6, 1978 by
She claimed she was there came to my room the day I a ride home. The people who ome, that’s how she found out
id she came to see how me een having company all tairs and freshen up Lisa er was also in the family
er. who was nodding in the chair where was the baby? he m towards the door. that was the last time I saw Lisa or Ray-
me was a lie she did not have a sister in the hospital, Lisa off at home, instead at a corner. In my heart I know Raymond ren since then there is still a part of me missing and I wont 3
Rev. Ora Stearns-Smith……… Elizabeth Scott………………… Lynne Gills……………………… Gaetane Borders……………… Tina Marie Clark……………… John C. Roy……………………… Sharon Fox……………………… Susan Murphy Milano……… Pat Holmes……………………… Phillip Jackson………………… Nicole Updegraff’s …………… Delilah…………………………… Pattie Fitzgerald……………… Ms. Eddie………………………… Paula Whitebear-Burton…..
Peas In Their Pods
…Ora Ministeries ….. Autism Recovery Manual of Skills and Drills …..Autism Recovery Manual of Skills and Drills ….. Parenting Corner …..”My Life Without You” … Children’s System of Health Care …..Southern Hospitality …..Domestic Violence Expert and Strategist …..Monthly Treat …..The Black Star Project …..”A Girl Named Charlie” …...Peace4 The Missing ……Safely Ever After, Inc. ….Sweet Nature (Hair Care) ...Warrior's for Christ (W.F.C)
Editor’s Message Were you aware that a child is abducted every 40 seconds in this country? Moreover, did you know that over 40% of these children are African American? If not, you are not alone because few people are aware of this epidemic. The truth is that African American children receive limited media coverage when they go missing. Sadly, without this exposure it is less likely that they will be safely found. The staff at Peas In Their Pods works diligently to spread awareness about this issue by alerting media outlets as needed when African American children are missing or abducted. Our mission is to make communities aware of the plight of these children, and to make them a national priority. P.E.A.S. Magazine, Peas In Their Pods Organization has linked up with other media outlets for further awareness. Value placed on responsible media outlets in getting news and information out to the public can still be prejudiced in what is considered priority. The safety, well being of our children should always have a place across and throughout nationwide media outlets. The additional resources that this magazine provide also help in bringing awareness to issues that families and individuals are faced with daily, some not personally, but close enough to know someone who may. It still takes a village‌!!!
Denise Bethune, Editor-In-Chief Whitesboro, New Jersey www.peasintheirpods.com hfmbc@hotmail.com
FROM THE VOICE OF A SILENT PEN By Rev. Ora Stearns Smith I’m going to swing on many a swing And all the songs, I plan to sing I’m going to slide down the grandest slide And play in the sand with utmost pride I’m going to get on the Merry-go-round And not be afraid of where I’m bound I’m going to climb the Monkey-bars Then jump so high to dance with the Stars And in my greatest moment of play I’m going to ride on the Milky-Way And I’m going to be the very first one To own a house on Old Mr. Sun Then maybe later, no make that soon I’m gonna find out if there’s cheese on the Moon And after I’ve roamed all places to roam Well Goodness Gracious, it’ll be time to come Home For there’s no other place I’d rather be Than embraced in the warmth of my Family Oh what a day! How grand it will be When I hug my Dad and kiss my Mommy! Oh, you may think this has been but a dream But it’s only love and that’s a Living Thing! I know all this may not come to be But I thank you, God, for you’re Heavenly And I’m as happy as happy can be Mom, Dad, thanks … For making me Three! ● A poem I wrote for my first born, Arica, when she was about 3 months old. I was just staring at her while she slept in her bassinet and I began to see a beautiful little girl dancing with the stars, eating cheese on the moon, and owning her own house old Mr. Son. Free, loved, full of sweet imagination. She had no "voice" and that's why it's called From the Voice of a Silent Pen. I dedicate it to all our darling babies everywhere.
Fred Wright Missing since December 6, 1998 from Tuskegee, Macon County, Alabama Classification: Lost, Injured, Missing
Vital Statistics • Date Of Birth: February 4, 1985 • Age at Time of Disappearance: 13 years old • Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'9"; 115 lbs. Distinguishing Characteristics: Black male. Black hair, brown eyes. • DNA: in CODIS Circumstances of Disappearance Fred was last seen at his residence in Tuskegee, AL. He was last seen by an adult male who was in the home. The suspect in Fred's disappearance is deceased. Investigators If you have any information concerning this case, please contact: Tuskegee Police Department 334-727-0200 NCMEC #: NCMC872836 NCIC Number: M-175464969 Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case. Source Information: Alabama Department Of Public Safety National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Richard Ray Barnett Missing since August 31, 1982 from Grangeville, Idaho County, Idaho. Classification: Non-Family Abduction Vital Statistics Date Of Birth: November 26, 1979 Age at Time of Disappearance: 2 years old Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 2'6; 32 pounds Distinguishing Characteristics: White male. Dark brown straight hair; hazel/brown eyes. Marks, Scars: Barnett has a hairline scar over and a mark under his left eye. He wore hip braces on both legs to correct a bowlegged condition; the braces had been removed for six months prior to his disappearance. Clothing: Red and blue coveralls; cowboy boots; and a pajama top. AKA: Ricky Circumstances of Disappearance Barnett was visiting his grandmother's home, a dairy farm, when he apparently wandered away from the property. The sheriff's office utilized search teams and bloodhounds; no trace of the child could be located. Barnett has never been seen or heard from again. Investigators If you have any information concerning Barnett's case, please contact: Idaho County Sheriff's Department Detective Joan Renshaw 208-983-1100 You may remain anonymous when submitting information. Agency Case Number: 17182 NCMEC Number: NCMC600215 NCIC Number: M-090053509 Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case. Source Information: Idaho Missing Persons Clearinghouse Operation Lookout 9
Autism Recovery Manu
A Preschool and Kindergarten Education Pro
I, Elizabeth Burton Scott, author of Raindrops on Roman: O recovery from autism, and former elementary teacher for ei are releasing a new manual called the Autism Recovery Ma Parents, Teachers, and Therapists.
Alarming new statistic is one in 91 children are diagnosed child. The Autism Recovery Manual of Skills and Drills w experienced needed to be shared. Roman received Occupa therapist worked on many skills and activities to promote asked what I should do with Roman during the week and sh an organized program of activities to follow so I thought of to do. Because there were so many activities I began to wr Elizabeth Scott these Skills and Drills and eventually created a program fo Author Autism Recovery Manual of Skills and Drills to be used source for activities to do with their child throughout the day to promote the develo
The Autism Recovery Manual of Skills and Drills includes for early learning activities that promote a young child’s de along with each skill. The manual contains 90 Skills and D were used with Roman that led him to a full recovery from Drills that were used in Scott’s book Raindrops on Roman many new activities to encourage a child’s development.
Skills and Drills is a preschool and kindergarten early lea child with autism benefits from being involved in purposef cused and occupied from engaging in repetitive or negativ and Drills Program includes activities that encourage development in language, se care, and activities for daily living. These are multi-sensory tasks to develop and sti
Each Skill and Drill is divided into four parts: Explanation of the Skill, Develops a the techniques and approaches the parent, teacher, or therapist should implemen parent commit to a CRS plan: Consistency, Repetition, and Structure. Consistency environment such as a home or preschool setting. The MEEP Approach (Model, Model the activity you want the child to do. Help him engage in the activity. Enco tivity is completed. Designate practical time frames to work with the child. Paren 10 schedule permits. The more time spent on meaningful and structured activities an and Drills into the activities of daily living, such as dressing, mealtime, bath time, r
ual of Skills and Drills:
ogram for Parents, Teachers, and Therapists
Overcoming Autism: A Message of Hope, a true story about her son Roman’s full ight years; and my co-author Lynne Gillis, an occupational therapist for 30 years, anual of Skills and Drills: A Preschool and Kindergarten Education Program for
with autism. Many parents are searching to learn what they can do to help their was written for parents, teachers, and therapists because the recovery that Roman ational Therapy services three times a week for one hour. During his sessions the early learning development. As a parent I too wanted to help Roman develop. I he suggested thinking of things to keep him occupied and focused. I did not have f different activities to work on everything that Roman could not do or was afraid rite them down so I would not forget. I compiled a list of or him. These were expanded and enhanced to create the by parents, teachers, and therapists as a wonderful reopment of early learning skills.
easy-to-understand and simple-to-follow suggestions evelopment. There are beautiful illustrations that go Drills including all of the original 78 Skills and Drills that 45 symptoms of autism. The original 78 Skills and have been enhanced and expanded upon, along with
arning program that helps to develop the whole child. A ful activities and meaningful play that keep his mind fove behaviors or retreating into his own world. The Skills ensory motor, fine motor, gross motor, concept skills, selfimulate the brain and senses.
Lynne Gills Co-Author
and Improves, Suggested Dialogue, and Additional Activities. The manual explains nt in order to execute an effective Skills and Drills program. It is necessary that a y is repeating the Skills and Drills everyday, and it needs to be done in a structured Engage, Encourage, Praise) is implementing a four-step process with each skill. ourage him while doing the activity, and give lots of praise and cheers once the acnts, teachers, or therapists should work with11the child with autism as often as their nd play, the greater the improvement. Parents can incorporate many of the Skills riding in the car, and bedtime routines.
The purpose of the Skills and Drills program is to teach children how to sit, focus, f gage in purposeful activity and meaningful play in a structured environment.
These skills and techniques apply to all preschool children, whether they are a typ and differently-abled
For the child with au significant improvem child’s developmenta
Many children may n child on a daily basis child may achieve his
In celebration of Dr. tism Recovery Manu Parents, Teachers, a
Dr. King had a dream have the opportunity
We are available for i
Autism Recovery 2009 at the websit (541) 347-9882.
Quantity discounts January 18, 2010, c
~ Elizabeth Burton S
follow directions, learn, and master a variety of basic developmental skills and en-
pical child or a child who has ADD, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, autism, d children.
utism, getting your child to master many of these skills will be a giant step towards ment. A one-to-one intensive early intervention program will be beneficial to the al progress.
not improve quickly or obtain full recovery, but if you take the time to work with a s, using a consistent, repetitive, and structured program such as Skills and Drills, a s fullest potential. We believe this is success!
. Martin Luther King Day, January 18, 2010 is the official publication date of Auual of Skills and Drills: A Preschool and Kindergarten Education Program for and Therapists.
m of racial reconciliation, and Lynne Gillis and I have a dream for all children to y to achieve their fullest potential.
interviews, public speaking, seminars, workshops, consultations, and coaching.
Manual of Skills and Drills can be purchased beginning December 1, te www.autismprayer.com or by calling our publisher, Robert D. Reed at
s for your organization are available when you call him directly. After can also be purchased through all local bookstores and amazon.com.
Scott, M.A. raindrops@autismprayer.com (972) 291-689
The Thompson family was last seen in Chicago, Illinois on July 5, Park Manor neighborhood business, was last seen on July 5, 199 July 17, 1996, when she was unable to contact him, his wife, Lydia
On that July afternoon in 1996 Thompson's father phoned his son elder Thompson recalled that he also broached the topic of his son house guest of Everett and his wife, Lydia Thompson. Everett inte a, at home with the couple's two sons, Everett Jr., 10, and Andrew go home right away. Lydia's brother was chasing her around the h Everett to come home.
The early July phone call was the last time either man spoke to the whereabouts. He pleaded ignorance. According to police, he told Pennsylvania or Minnesota. Lydia's brother had been questioned and was indicted for falsifying his sister's sig nature on documents in December of 1997, without revealing any information he may h
Fears about the fate of the family heightened when federal agents a search of a house trailer, rented by the brother in Gary, on July 5 or 6, 1996. No one saw the Thompson family after that time and weekend. Investigators. If you have any information concerning this
Investigator Connie Perusich 312-745-6052 Agency Case Number: A-5104 agency with information regarding14this case. Source Information: Chicago
The Thompson Family Everett Sr., Everett Jr, Andrew, Lydia
1996. Everett Thompson, Sr., owner of Eat and Company, a 96 by one of his employees. His mother reported him missing on a, or either of their two sons Everett, Jr. and Andrew .
n, Everett, at the Chicago restaurant the younger man owned. The n's quarrelsome brother-in-law, an ex-convict, and a freeloading errupted their conversation to take a frantic phone call from Lydi w, 8. Back on the line seconds later Everett told his dad he had to house with an ax. She locked herself in the bedroom and called
e other. The brother was questioned early on about the family's d officers the family had gone away, driving or taking a bus to d on several occasions regarding the disappearance of the family s immediately following her disappearance. He committed suicide have had regarding the family.
reported finding bloodstained clothing, including a boy's sock, in 14, 1997. Police say if there was foul play, it happened on July 4, d the brother was seen driving the Thompson van soon after that
s case, please contact: Chicago Police Department Missing Persons Section
478 NCIC Number: Please refer to this number when contacting any 15 o Police Department Chicago Tribune 1/8/98
Gaétane is a certified School Psychologist who works is an advocate of children’s rights and strives to help stable environments for their children. She is also a print, radio, and television.
Depression During The Holidays
Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season for most A cializing with friends and family. However, for others the holiday se less individuals, sadness and depression take over and they dread a while depression is a year long problem, it hits more people during
It is incredibly important to be able to recognize symptoms of depre signs that you or loved one may be depressed:
Loss of interest in normal daily activities Depressed mood (sad and weepy) Sleep disturbances (sleeping less or more than usual) Impaired thinking or concentration Changes in weight Irritability Fatigue or slowing of body movements Low self-esteem Diminished interest in sex Thoughts of suicide
Children, teens and older adults may react differently to depression masked by other conditions. Kids may pretend to be sick, worry tha school, or exhibit behavioral problems. Seniors may be more willing emotional ramifications. If you 16have been experiencing any of the s guidance of a clinician. If you see any of these behaviors in your lov that they need. Symptoms may worsen if left untreated. Therefore
s closely with the inner- city youth and their parents. She p parent achieve healthy, harmonious, and emotionally sought after media consultant, and is of ten featured in
Americans. Many people look forward to shopping for gifts and soeason triggers emotions that are far from joyous. For these countall the hoopla and festivities. In fact, although doctors say that the holiday season.
ession in ourselves and/or in our loved ones. Here is are some
n. In these groups, symptoms may take different forms, or may be at a parent is going to die, perform poorly in school, refuse to go to g to discuss the physical manifestations of depression, instead of its symptoms mentioned above for two17 weeks or more, please seek the ved one, make sure to talk to them about it and get them the help e, intervention is key!
Thwana Mithsell Darrough Darrough, circa 1989 Vital Statistics at Time of Disappearance: Missing Since: January 11, 1989 from El Dorado, Arkansas Classification: Non-Family Abduction Date Of Birth: March 12, 1972 Age: 16 years old Height and Weight: 5'5; 125 pounds Distinguishing Characteristics: Black hair; brown eyes. Darrough has a scar on the underside of her right foot. NCIC Number: M-579387528 Details of Disappearance: Darrough was last seen during the morning hours of January 11, 1989 in her hometown of El Dorado, Arkansas. She was waiting at her school bus stop at the time. Darrough never arrived for classes that day and has not been seen again. She was wearing a white turtleneck sweater, a turquoise shirt and a white mini-skirt at the time of her disappearance. Investigating Agency : If you have any information concerning this case, please contact: El Dorado Police Department 501-864-0523 Source Information Child Protection Education Of America Nation's Missing Children Or18 ganization and Center For Missing Adults.
" My Life Without You " I begged you on hands and knees to try to live with me in peace, seems war stayed on your mind, so here's the reasons why, I'm leaving you behind I need space to think, to express myself without your doubt Without - your eyes upon my thoughts Without - your dagger looks and pouts Without - the love/hate you feel for me Without - having to ask what do you want to eat Without - being the rug under your feet Without - taking your punches physically and mentally Without - wishing for the love I've never had Without - hearing you're sorry, over and over again Without - you pretending to be my friend Without - the same routine of making up again Without - being angry at myself for being so unprepared to be free, knowing leaving is a must, for my children and for me Without - the evil you display on a daily basis your vibe equals hatred Without - the weakness you show at the wrong time and places Without- thinking about the non-support you show purposely to discourage me,hoping I won't follow my dreams Without- responding to your negative ways, that make me wish for shorter days Without - the fear of being alone, when you're here and when you're gone Without - feeling I've wasted so many years Without - wishing I had a penny for each tear I'd be a millionare, yet without my freedom I'd still be sad So I appreciate us meeting to discuss our feelings with a stranger, to help us pretend to make amends for the children's sake we must behave as civilized human beings, when we both know it's time to leave Remember You Asked, For Me Was There Something You Could Do? Yes,You Could Give Me Back " My Life Without You " 19
Poet: Tina Marie Clark @2008
John C. Roy, II – MSW
Both Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare are administered by the states within spending on eligible program beneficiaries according to an annual form with no pre-set limits. Under NJ FamilyCare federal funds are capped. match state spending up to the allotment based upon the funding formu Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare financing structures is the nature of the en caid guarantees an entitlement to states for financing as well as to eligib defined set of benefits. With NJ FamilyCare, the entitlement is for a spe funding.
The reader can see from Table iv that funding sources are clearly defined. However, under NJ Fa lowed to impose cost-sharing or premiums on any youth under 18 for any Medicaid service. Effe for the coverage component for individuals between 200 and 350 percent for the NJ FamilyCare cost-sharing amounts cannot exceed 5 percent of the family’s annual income. Several unintended ent to pay the co crete service (i.e rooms visits; an two colored cha
This chart reflec pocket expense. and/or maintain financial strains the family’s resp old. This record the year. Gilbe
2004.” Tax Foundatio States: 2005” (Washin ton: Allyn & Bacon. Chapter 3:”Framework for Social Welfare Policy Analysis”, p.62-95. Gilbert, N. & Terrell, P. (2005). Dimensio 218. Feinberg, E., Swartz, K., Zaslavsky, J., Gardner, J., & Walker, 20 D. “Family Income and the Impact of a Children’s Health Insuran M., & Broaddus, M.. “Improving Children’s Health: A Chartbook about the Roles of Medicaid and SCHIP. Center on Budget and Poli State Redistribution Issues. Updated January 30, 2007. Shone, L. et al. “Reduction in Racial and Ethnic Disparities After Enrollment i
n broad federal guidelines. Under both programs, the federal government matches stated mula driven match rate. Federal funds for Medicaid match state spending and are guaranteed . Federal funds Table iv Medicaid NJ FamilyCare ula. Related to Open-ended enrollment Block-grant ntitlement. MediEnrollment caps are allowed ble beneficiaries to a Financing Enrollment caps are prohibited -funding Regular match rate Enhanced match rate ecific amount of Cost-sharing
amilyCare model cost-sharing is listed as the source of income. Historically, states were not alective March 31, 2006, states were afforded the flexibility to impose a nominal cost-sharing rate e model only. New Jersey charges families premiums and requires co-payment, although these d consequences occur with cost-sharing: 1) providers can deny services for failure of the recipio-payment; 2) the recipient’s medical care can be compromised when a choice of paying a cone. rent or utility) or co-payment is produced; 3) usage of higher more expensive emergency nd 4) fewer people participate because they are unable to afford the co-payments. Please see the arts: NJ FamilyCare and Figure 4. (above)
cts the unintended consequence when a family’s income increases the cost-sharing or out-of. The number of uninsured members increases. Cost-sharing can create barriers to obtaining ning coverage, increase the number of uninsured, reduce use of essential services, and increase s on families who already devote a substantial share of their incomes to dedicated expenses. It is ponsibility for keeping track of cost-sharing amounts and whether they hit the 5 percent threshd-keeping can be difficult for families, particularly when income and expenses vary throughout ert and Terrell (2005) argue that requiring individuals to share in the cost of their care will encourage more appropriate utilization of services and less likely to create a stigma when they are held fiscally accountable. This cost-sharing concept can increase the self-esteem of the individual or family. It gives them as sense that they are paying their own way. Nonetheless, as the Figure 4 highlights, any additional cost burden could result in decreased utilization of essential services, which would be especially hard on those with chronic conditions. Most of the savings expected from increased cost-sharing are attributable to utilization decline. References
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2000 Medicaid Statistical Information System (MSIS) Chamberlain, A., Prante, G. “Who Pays Taxes and Who Received Government Spending? An Analysis of Federal, State and Local Tax and Spending Distribution, 1991on Working Paper, No 1. DeNavas-Walt, C., Proctor, B., Hill, C. “Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United ngton: U.S. Census Bureau, August 206). Gilbert, N. & Terrell, P. (2005). Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy. Sixth Edition. Bosons of Social Welfare Policy. Sixth Edition. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Chapter 7: “The Model of Finance: Sources of Funds”, p.126nce Program on Reported Need for Health Services and Unmet Health 21Need.” Pediatrics 109, no.2 (February 2002):e29. Ku, L., Lin, icy Priorities. (2007 Edition), January 2007. Peterson, C., “CRS Report for Congress – SCHIP Financing: Funding Projections and in the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.” Pediatrics, 113(5):1493-14
As of August 2007, NJ FamilyCare’s enrollment was 707,946 (535,893 children and 172,946 adult rounding whether continued support to federally expand SCHIP: 1) is it working? 2) how will it be There are additional points that need further examination that can influence these three questions is in fo w c M fo u a c A v
T of Shone’s et al (2005) study. Data from the dren are in better health. It should be noted dren. Figure 1 below illustrates that togethe 1998 and 2005. This is significant in light o based health insurance during this period. R sible for this good report. I feel that these g uninsured youth, children enrolled in these a doctor during the year, and receive dental Care has assisted the decrease of these yout
President George W. Bush was unwilling to low-income children enrolled, the amount o proximately 7 million children still uninsure expansion? To fund this expansion, there is percent, an increase of 39 cents to $1.00. This amount would give the Legislature the needed $35 2006 tied smoking to education level. Smoking prevalence is viewed lowest among college gradua (37.2%), African Americans (26.6%), Latino (22.1%), Multiracial (21.8%), White (19.1%) and Asian alized and disfranchised populations. If taxes are a consideration, an increase tax on alcohol, gas, to garner the needed $35 billion.
Finally, another plan discussed by Congress focuses on restructuring the current financial structur the Medicaid rate. The current structure is 57% match for Medicaid program cost and 74% for SCH These states enroll more SCHIP children so they can use less of their own dollars per SCHIP enrol grams. Children move back and forth between Medicaid and SCHIP as the family’s economic leve could be tri-fold benefit: 1) reduce the program eligibility guidelines that hinder and confuse the e lees. New Jersey will have a greater ability to provide health coverage to its uninsured children if leaders, through the media, have demonstrated a strong desire to expand coverage to more uninsu 22 ance coverage for this vulnerable population. Using any of the concepts discussed above would be concept. The value seems to be a win-win situation for the states (more match dollars), providers ( providers therapist and front line office staff as well as traditional businesses.
ts). There are three major discussion points sure funded?, and 3) how to increase enrollment? s. However, the One question: Is it working, that s, is the intent of the program design to enroll unnsured low-income children who are not eligible or Medicaid, especially those whose incomes are within the FPL working individuals receiving medical care services? Figure 19 illustrates how the Medicaid and SCHIP programs allowed for parity or health care coverage with minority and other uninsured youth. Shone et al compiled data before and after SCHIP to show how access to care changed. Prior to enrolling in SCHIP, African American and Hispanic children were much less likely than white to have a medical care provider. After enrollment, these racial and ethnic disparities largely disappeared (see Figure 19).
The health status of enrolled children improved in the past 12 months as indicated by Figure 28 e Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that roughly one-quarter of enrolled child that these improvements exceed the gains reported for uninsured and privately insured chiler Medicaid and SCHIP served an extremely important role for all eligible children between of the growth in child poverty and decline in the number of children whose families had jobResearch supports that expanded coverage for children under both programs is directly respongraphs are key indicators that the programs merit expansion. With the increase in the decline of programs are one-and-a-half more likely than uninsured children to receive well-child care, see l care. Figure 26 exhibits the difference by Racial/Ethnic Groupings how New Jersey Family th’s unmet medical needs.
sign any National SCHIP bill forwarded him by Congress. He stated that there are not enough of money being requested, and the income caps exceed what he feels is necessary. There are aped. Will this expansion go forward even though the information in this document supports the s discussion by the legislation to increase the federal cigarette tax (all tobacco products) by 156 billion dollars. However, at whose expense? Statistics from the Household Health Survey of ates (12.6%) and post-graduate (8.3%). It is highest among Native Americans/American Indians ns (13.5%). I feel it would be unfair to levy a tax that would create a burden on already marginair transportation, corporate income, payroll, and even individual income taxes could be used
re. Currently, the federal government’s matching rate for SCHIP on average 30% higher than HIP. The receiving states must use more of their own money to cover eligible Medicaid children. llees. The federal government can use SCHIP’s matching rate as the standard for both proels fluctuate based upon individual circumstances. Using SCHIP’s matching rate as the standard enrollment process, 2) simplify the administration process, and 3) increase the number of enrolCongress provides the needed funds for SCHIP and Medicaid over the next five years. State ured children. Governor Corzine has sued the federal government in order to continue insur23 process seems to me to be a sound fiscal enefit New Jersey’s children. Leveling the match rate (increased patients), enrollees (health coverage), and increase employment (more employees by
Left and Center: Pena, circa 1976; Right: Age-progressed to age 42 (circa 2005) C Missing since October 6, 1976 from New York City, New York Classification: No
Vital Statistics Date Of Birth: September 4, 1962 Age at Time of Disappearance: tinguishing Characteristics: White/Hispanic female. Black hair; brown eyes. Mar parochial school uniform, which consisted of a light gray jacket; gray skirt; and a Circumstances of Disappearance
Detectives say Cesilia disappeared while on her way home from school. She atten silia would take the subway to and from school with other children. She was last or 16.00 on October 6. Her routine was to travel another five stops to her normal #5 bus to her home. But on that day, Cesilia never made it home.
Several days later, her family says they were contacted by a woman in the neighb and Southern Blvd. The witness said a local man named was holding Cesilia by t
Investigators have talked with the man and he denies ever being with Cesilia. Rig York City. Investigators If you have any information concerning Pena's whereab
Missing Persons Squad 1-212-694-7781 NCIC Number: M-253109416 Please r case. Americas Most Wanted New York City Police Department New York St
ia Pena
Cesilia Pena on Family Abduction
14 years old Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 4'9; 111 pounds Disrks, Scars: Scar on left forearm Clothing: When last seen Pena was wearing her a white blouse. DNA: Available in CODIS
nded St. Alphonsus Commercial High School in lower Manhattan. Everyday Ceseen by one of her friends at the 149th street stop on the #2 train around 15.00 exit at the Simpson Street Station in the Bronx. From here she would take the
borhood who said she saw Cesilia the day she disappeared at the corner of 163rd the arm and she looked scared. Cesilia was never seen again.
ght now, he's serving 50 years to life in prison for murdering a young girl in New bouts, please contact: New York City Police Department
refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this tate Missing and Exploited Children Clearinghouse
A Mother’s Autism Prayer Dear God: Hear the prayers of a mother’s lament, For our child who’s from Heaven sent; We don’t know where this child went, Lost in a world that was never meant. Guide my walk every hour I’m awake; Don’t let me give up when there’s no more I can take. Keep me from feeling my anxious heart break, O help me through this journey, for Heaven’s sake. Give me the strength to endure each day. When he’s aloof, distressed, and has nothing to say. Teach me, O God, how to live a new way, will stay on my knees; for strength I will pray. I’ll hold him close whenever he cries, And encourage him when he really tries. Don’t let me continue to ask why, For we’ll get through this by and by. O righteous God, please hole my hand; Let me see your footprints in the sand. Hold me up when I’m too weary to stand, And help me live each day by Your command. Let us love our child like You love us so we will not lose heart. Let us love our child like You love us so we won’t fall apart. Bestow on me the deepest love that is true; Help me to love the same way that You do. ● Elizabeth Burton Scott Author of Raindrops on Roman: Overcoming Autism: A Message
of Hope Autism Recovery Manual: A Kindergarten and Preschool Education Program for Parents, Teachers, and Therapists 26
Shaniya Davis
Alejandra and Jorge were abducted by their non-custodial mother, Jessica Puertas, on December 3, 2006. A felony warrant for Kidn was issued for Jessica on December 7, 2006.
They may travel to California, Mexico, or Ecuador. Alejandra has a Aleja. Jorge has a scar under his left ear. He may go by the name A in her hair. She may go by the last name Puertas Gomez.
ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT : Intern local Police Agency if you have seen this child National Center for
JORGE CARRION : DOB: Oct 11, 1995 Missing: Dec 3, 2006 Ag (4'5") Weight: 43 kg (95 lbs) Missing From: PRINCETON NJ Un
ALEJANDRA CARRION : DOB: May 24, 1999 Missing: Dec 3, 2 Height: 4'0" (122 cm) Weight: 75 lbs (34 kg) Missing From: PRIN
JESSICA DEL CARMEN PUERTAS: Abductor DOB: Jul 16, 1978 (5'4") Weight: 68 kg (150 lbs)
, napping
a birthmark on her left leg. She may go by the name Alonso. When Jessica was last seen, she had blonde highlights
national Centre for Missing & Exploited Children Contact your Missing & Exploited Children, 1-800-THE-LOST
ge Now: 14 Sex: Male Hair: Black Eyes: Black Height: 135 cm nited States
2006 Age Now: 10 Sex: Female Hair: Black Eyes: Black NCETON NJ United States
8 Sex: Female Race: Hair: Black Eyes: Black Height: 165 cm
SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY - Sharon Fox Blessings to you all!! The holiday season is here. We have celebrated Thanksgiving and now it's almost Christmas time!! Let's take this time to really look back over the year and thank God For all the grace He has given us. We are so unworthy of His love and mercy, but still He gives it to us‌unconditionally. Please remember to be prayerful for all the families who have endured great tragedy during this year. Even though you may have a lot to be thankful for, there are so many who feel they don't. Some have lost loved ones to death, sickness, abductions, abuse, etc. So consider these beautiful, innocent souls when you pray. I am a witness that God will hear your prayers! There were times in my life when I never thought anyone cared. I was a victim of molestation at a very young age. I prayed for God to find a safe home for me...and He did! And I will forever spread my love for God and my belief in faith to as many people as will hear! Pain from physical and emotional abuse runs very deep, but the love of God runs deeper!! Let's spread that love this Christmas season, and remember that His blood runs through our veins. To remember what His blood has done, I always make a Red Velvet Cake every Christmas!! Here is the recipe. As you enjoy it, remember the Sweetness of our Lord and the love He has for you.
Red Velvet Cake 2 1/2 cups sifted cake flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 2 Tablespoons cocoa powder (unsweetened) 2 oz. red food coloring 1/2 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature 1 1/2 cups sugar 2 eggs, at room temperature 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup buttermilk, at room temperature 1 teaspoon white vinegar 30 1 teaspoon baking soda
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 1. Butter and flour two 9-inch round cake pans or three 8-inch round cake pans. 2. Sift together the cake flour, baking powder, and salt into a medium bowl; set aside. In a small bowl, mix food coloring and cocoa powder to form a thin paste without lumps; set aside. 3. In a large bowl, using a hand mixer or stand mixer, beat butter and sugar together until light and fluffy, about three minutes. Beat in eggs, one at a time, then beat in vanilla and the red cocoa paste, scraping down the bowl with a spatula as you go. Add one third of the flour mixture to the butter mixture, beat well, then beat in half of the buttermilk. Beat in another third of flour mixture, then second half of buttermilk. End with the last third of the flour mixture, beat until well combined, making sure to scrape down the bowl with a spatula. 4. Make sure you have cake pans buttered, floured, and nearby. In a small bowl, mix vinegar and baking soda. Yes, it will fizz! Add it to the cake batter and stir well to combine. Working quickly, divide batter evenly between the cake pans and place them in a preheated 350 degree oven. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Check early, cake is done when a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. 5. Cool the cakes in their pans on a wire rack for 10 minutes. To remove the cakes from the pan, place a wire rack on top of the cake pan and invert, then gently lift the 8pan. Allow cakes to cool completely before frosting. Frost with cream cheese icing.
Cream Cheese Frosting 16 oz. cream cheese (2 packages), softened 1/2 cup unsalted butter (one stick), softened 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar, sifted pinch of salt 3/4 cup chopped pecans, optional With an electric mixer, blend together cream cheese and butter until smooth. Turn mixer to low speed and blend in powdered sugar, salt and vanilla extract. Turn mixer on high and beat until light and fluffy. Stir in chopped pecans if you're using them. And don't forget to check out more recipes each week at 31 www.goodcookin4u2.webs.com
Man With Rap Sheet Strikes Again By Susan Murphy Milan
In 1994 3-year-old Devin Brewer of Oakland, California murdered with his fists was the child of his then-girlfrie the murder of the 3-year old down to voluntary manslau also has a rap sheet about as long as a roll of toilet paper
Did someone miss the 3 strikes and you are out prison r strike again. Recently he was arrested. His current girlf her body discovered with a bullet in her head. Police dis Jashon's body found floating near by dead in the water.
Warning Signs With Past Behaviors
What do I have to say to get people to understand that rehabilitation on this planet will change an individuals v
Believing that a person with whom you are romanticall you need to get your head out of the clouds and realiz hell out of that toxic and dangerous relationship.
Predicting the behavior of another person is very difficult, especially if the p that things will get better that makes the assessment of risk even more diffi
These factors suggest a greater risk of continued and/or severe violence. I stand that the abuse will not go away, that it may very well get worst, and th your own protection. If you see the first risk factor AND any of the others, th increases greatly. Does your partner has a prior history of domestic violence (that is, partner relationships this includes family members)
Partner is extremely possessive and jealous : The person has “possessive risk of fatality doubles. An “insanely32jealous� partner may be extremely dan that you are intending to leave.
a was beaten to death by Curtis Martin III. The child he end. This low-life piece of garbage was allowed to plead ughter and was only sentenced to 11 years in prison. He r from robbery, burglary to weapons charges.
rule? Clearly this dangerous repeat felon was going to friend Zoelina Williams was found fatally beaten and scovered what looked like her 17-month old child .
t once someone is an offender, they will do it again. No amount of violent, controlling and deadly actions.
ly involved or married too, if they are abusive or have served prison time, ze you will wind up seriously injured or killed yourself if you do not get the
person has promised not to become abusive again. Often it is our hope icult. There are several factors in assessing dangerousness.
If you can see any of these in your abuser, seriously consider and underhat you will never be able to control the situation well enough to ensure hen you should know the risk's that you can be severely injured or killed
has been violent with you previously, or has been violent in other
e beliefs” – that is, strong feelings of ownership about their victim – the ngerous – especially if he/she comes to33 believe that you are not “faithful” or
Partner threatens to kill you or others in your life if you ever leave the relati ryone who threatens to kill their partners follows through with the threat, mo seriously. This is not a game. I do not care if the person said it while they w
Partner believes you his wife or girlfriend has betrayed him (or her).If the p for another partner or for independence, you are at greater risk.
Partner knows you are attempting to leave.If you are in the process of leav place increases your chances of remaining alive.This factor represents the ing pattern of criminal behavior. Watch out for partners who have a history Watch for her new book, “Time’s Up” to be released Spring 2010.
Be extremely careful when partners appear to have no conscience and no there is an increased risk of violence:· Social services has become involved than he/she does.
Your partner has lost a job. The legal system is involved in your partner’s li partner has access to weapons. You are preparing to leave. Your childre regarding your location.
Take Action For Your Safety What does this all mean? It means that a label attached to their shirt collar.
It means that hunk of a man with deep gazing green eyes who makes your from that spell of lust/love is a difficult undertaking. Given that we can often under-estimate the level of danger to ourselves, it Go to the library and pick up a copy of Defending Our Lives or Moving Out At the library find out if there are tapes on self defense that you can watch
Doing nothing will get you killed, and then Time's Up! ● Susan Murphy Mila for better strategies to keep people safe who are in an abusive relationship http://www.susanmurphymilano.com/
ionship: This is the third most powerful predictor of fatality. While not eveost of those who do kill have threatened to do so. Take any and all threats were drunk or high-it still counts as a serious threat.
person abusing you views you as having rejected him or her in preference
ving be very careful. The risk of leaving without a concrete safety plan in e dangerousness inherent among some individuals who have a longstandof criminal charges against people (like battery, assault).
remorse for causing pain to others.If any of these factors are present, d in your family. Your partner believes that you have more status or power
ife. You are pregnant or there has been a recent birth of a child. Your en are about to be removed. Your partner is actively seeking information
all violent partners do not come in some neat package with a warning
r knees weak can be a dangerous partner in a relationship and breaking
is time you take seriously the personal safety for you and your children. Moving On and begin formulating a plan. in a private room in the library.
ano is a 20 year veteran in the field of domestic violence, always striving p. Watch for her new book, “Time’s Up� to be released Spring 2010. 35
Monthly Tasty Treat - by Pat Holmes
Persimmon Bundt Cake Grease and flour Bundt cake pan. Preheat oven 350 Blend 2 tsp. baking soda into 3 cups of chopped persimmon. I used Fuyu Persimmons, they are firm. Set aside. In a large bowl, beat ½ cup of butter with 1 2/3 cups sugar. Add 2 eggs, 2 tsp. lemon juice, and 2 tsp.vanilla and beat until fluffy. Stir in persimmons. Sift together 2 cups flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. ground cloves, 1 tsp. cinnamon and ½ tsp. nutmeg. Stir flour into persimmon mixture just until blended. Add 1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans and ¾ cups raisins. I hydrate my raisins in some water for 15-20 minutes. Pour into prepared Bundt pan. Bake at 350 for 55-60 minutes or until toothpick tests clean. Cool in pan for 15 min and then turn onto rack. After cake is cooled frost with a simple glaze. This cake will freeze well, frost just before you serve. 36
Rilya Alert Criteria •
The abduction is of a child age 17 years or younger
The parent must have contacted law enforcement to report child missing.
A RILYA Alert may also be issued if the child is classified as a runaway by the police. If the parent has reported missing child and has convincing evidence that child does not have a history of running away, an alert will be initiated within the 1st hour. We recognize that at times, not all information is readily available (ie. license plate numbers, name of abductor, or witness to abduction. In such cases, the available information will be reviewed and verified prior to RILYA Alert.
The law-enforcement agency believes the child is in imminent danger of serious bodily injury or death.
All children of color meeting the criteria for the Amber Alert will also receive the RILYA Alert If these criteria are met, alert information is assembled for public distribution. This information may include descriptions and pictures of the missing child, the suspected abductor, and a suspected vehicle along with any other information available and valuable to identifying the child and suspect. *The staff at Peas In Their Pods respectfully requests that once a child is found that any organization posting information remove their pictures from their sites.
http://www.peasintheirpods.com (516) 338-6873/37(515) 554-5096 hfmbc@hotmail.com
Founded in 1996 by Phillip Jackson, The Black St mitted to improving the quality of life in Black an nities of Chicago and nationwide by eliminating t achievement gap.
Our mission is to provide educational services tha through college students succeed academically an edgeable and productive citizens with the suppor we help students aspire to post-secondary educat emotionally, intellectually and financially rewarding. Our services tino students who attend low-achieving schools in disadvantaged co
In order to achieve our goal of eliminating the racial academic achi dent engagement, parental development and advocacy. The Black S closing the racial academic achievement gap primarily through par
The Toyota/BlackêStar Parent University encourages parental invol sary for parents to help ensure the proper education of their childre cover a broad variety of topics from “How to Make Your Child a Bet and other Destructive Behaviors” and “Creative Approaches to Disc than 130 courses to thousands of parents in Chicago and Cook Coun
The Student Motivation Program encourages, inspires and motivate achievement and stronger college aspirations. Our student motivato healthy, positive life choices. Professionals from many career backg have learned. Since 1996, more than 100,000 students in 200 schoo sions.
The Silas B. Purnell Destination College introduces 6th- through 12 steps they must take in high school to successfully enter college afte recent graduates emphasize the importance of higher education and college. We also organize college38 fairs and campus tours for student an early age.
tar Project is comnd Latino commuthe racial academic
at help pre-school nd become knowlrt of their parents, families, schools and communities. Additionally, tional opportunities and training while exploring careers that will be are available to all students, particularly low-income Black and Laommunities.
ievement gap, we concentrate on three main areas of initiative: stuStar Project conducts its programming and varied approaches to rent and student leadership development and advocacy.
lvement and provides the resources skills and information necesen. These one-time courses last between 75 and 90 minutes and tter Reader� to “How to Keep Your Child Away from Gangs, Drugs ciplining You Child.� In the 2005-2006 school year, we taught more nty.
es 6th- through 12th-grade students toward higher academic ors also increase awareness of viable career options and promote grounds share with students their experiences and the lessons they ols have benefited from these educational and motivational ses-
2th-grade students to the advantages of a college education and the er high school graduation. Workshops led by college students and d provide advice on planning and preparation essential to succeed in 39 dream of higher education at ts as young as 6th grade to instill the
The Fathers Club sponsors regular educational and recreational out sporting events and zoos around the city. This program is designed increase male involvement in children's educational and developme their children perform better academically and have more successfu
The Million Father March is a nationwide event that mobilizes fathe day and kicks off a year-long commitment to male involvement in c participated with more than 600,000 fathers taking their children t
The Black Star /Barbara Ann Sizemore Communiversity offers forum chasm between schools, homes and communities. Forum topics hav Children in the 21st Century," "Tragedy to Triumph--Managing the School Council Elections."
The League of Black Parents is an organization of Black parents acro will not be recognized. We work in our homes, with our families, w guarantee the proper and successful education of Black children. W destiny. Members commit to participate once monthly in a 90-min Membership also includes joining a community PTA chapter to take
The Black Star Scholars Tutoring Program includes subsidized scho tunities. A private fee-for-service option is available at Black Star’s tional discount below the already comparatively low price. These cu are largely facilitated by college and graduate students trained by Th nonprofit that works around the country helping preschoolers to co and communities. The focus is on low-income Black and Latino stud
â—? Visit The Black Star Project website for additio www.blackstarproject.org Contact Information Phone (773)285-9600 Fax (773)285-9602 40
tings to museums, bookstores, historical and cultural venues, to both create bonding experiences for fathers and children and to ental lives. When fathers are involved in the lives of their children, ul outcomes socially.
ers and male care-givers to take their children to school on the first children’s education. In the Million Father March 2008, 475 cities to school on the first day.
ms that are free and open to the public and designed to bridge the ve included: "The Paradigm Shift in Education--Educating Black Grief of Black Mothers," "African-Centered Education" and "Local
oss America who know that if we are not organized, our children with our communities, with our schools and with our government to We teach Black parents to become co-managers of Black children's nute meeting, for the sake of their child and the future of our race. e advantage of existing resources.
ool-based, after school one-on-one assessment and tutoring opporheadquarters where financially qualified students receive an addiulturally sensitive sessions geared toward students’ learning styles he Black Star Project. The Black Star Project is a Chicago-based ollege students succeed academically with the support of parents dents in low-achieving schools.
onal services and programs. n: 3509 S. King Dr., Suite 2B Chicago, IL 60653 41
The Cape May County Prosecutor's Office along Department is investigating the death of Carol
On June 8, 1970, members of the Wildwood Po discovered the body of Carol Hill a 20-year-old hair and brown eyes.
Hill was wearing a skirt, white short sleeve shir Wildwood boardwalk at approximately 12:20 a.
The subsequent investigation revealed the dece also revealed the last known contact with Hill w located at 3320 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood, NJ,
Anyone with any information about the death o Cape May County Prosecutor's Office Major Crim 42 at (609)463-LEAD (5323).
g with the Wildwood Police Hill.
olice Department, while on routine patrol, Caucasian female, 5'1, 135 pounds, brown
rt and was discovered underneath the .m.
eased was a victim of homicide. Investigation was with an unknown male at the Bolero Bar, , at approximately 9:00 p.m. on June 7, 1990.
of Carol Hill is requested to contact the mes Unit at (609)465-1135 or the tip-line 43
A girl named Charlie…….
Charlie is a caring, funny and fr ning to face the struggles that w trying to fit in.Follow this series nothing better than loving yours
Author and illustrator Nicole Up named Charlie presents…Stories ters both a love of reading and a troducing stories which champio just the way they are.
For the author, this series was bo take joy in finding fun, substanti and Nicole was no different. Aft found herself searching bookstor handed.
In time she became increasingly couldn’t quite find what she was for really young children with sto self-love and acceptance. After years of hoping ‘someone’ would cre married her love of writing with her love of children’s artwork and
In doing so she not only developed a children's book series aimed a view of themselves, but she also created a series character we haven which is based after her oldest daughter, four year old Charlie.
● Internet only Holiday sale.44 The book retails for $16.99 but can get their copy for $12.99.
riendly little girl. Like all children she’s beginwe all go through with finding ourselves and s as she learns and grows, and realizes there is self and being happy just the way you are.
pdegraff’s new children’s book series, A girl s about loving yourself the way you are!, foslove of self in young children by inon the principle that they are perfect Nicole Updegraff
orn of necessity. Many new parents ive reading material for their child ter having her first daughter she often res and libraries only to leave empty
y disappointed in the fact that she s longing for; fun and charming books ories that have a message of absolute eate what she was looking for, she created something herself.
at giving all children an encouraging n’t seen before, one of mixed race,
t customers ordering on Amazon.com now thru Dec 31st 45
MASARAHA L. ROSS Case Type: Endangered Missing DOB: Mar 24, 2007 Sex: Female Missing Date: Oct 18, 2009 Missing State : FL Missing City: HAINES CITY Missing Country: United States Race: Black Age Now: 2 Height: 3'2" (97 cm) Weight: 30 lbs (14 kg) Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
. 46
Case Type: Endangered Missing DOB: Sep 22, 1980 Sex: Female Missing Date: Oct 18, 2009 Missing City: HAINES CITY Missing State : FL Missing Country: United States Race: Black Age Now: 29 Height: 5'5" (165 cm) Weight: 145 lbs (66 kg) Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown Case Number: NCMC1134329 Circumstances: The photo on the left of Masaraha, she may be in the company of her mother, Ronkeya Holmes. Ronkeya may have dyed her hair. 47
A Soul Generated By Love and Peace
One thing that draws me back to the P you, is the PSA they run each week sp cause anybody can serve. You don't h your subject and verb agree to serve.
Each week I listen, this quote broadca my being. What hope this quote gives in life dictates from our society. Wha have what it takes to give back.
While hunting down the speech from came across the Nobel Lecture and th cember of 1964.
I’m old enough to remember it, but at that time I was too young to Dr. King’s outlook on the human race and his philosophy of non-vio
In 1964 our country was in a different kind of turmoil than the econ then it was civil rights and the Viet Nam war, but it seems to me, th the same. Equality, peace and love.
To me, Dr. King was telling us then that we can overcome any obsta bestowed on us. Remember, in 1964, when King was awarded the N turmoil, anything but peaceful. Just the day before he gave this spe sissippi by those who would not accept segregation. But what the w he may not have achieved the end result of peace, but the leaders at awarded Dr. King. 48
By: Delilah
Peas inTheir Pods BlogTalk Radio Show, not the only thing, mind poken by Dr. Martin Luther King: Everybody can be great... behave to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make . You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.
ast in Dr. King’s voice, set to a musical beat, resonates throughout s to those who are struggling to be more than what their “station” at a sense of empowerment it gives to those who think they don’t
which this quotation was written (“The Drum Major Instinct), I he Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance speech given by Dr. King in De-
appreciate everything that he was saying. olence is something that I wish our country could revisit today.
nomic crisis and Iraq War we are seeing in the news today. Back hat the sentiments are similar, and what we are striving for today is
acles as human beings through faith and the grace that God has Nobel Peace prize, the civil rights movement was at its height of eech there were 40 churches that were torched in the state of Misworld realized then was, this was a man that was on the right path, t that time recognized that he would succeed and, as visionaries, 49
I think Alfred Nobel would know what I mean when I say that I a loom which he holds in trust for its true owners - all those to whom beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace is more precious than d
We don’t have to be “somebody” to serve those striving for peace. since time immemorial. We don’t have to know everything to help
We don’t have to be a mother to help or love a child; we only need to look for that lost child, or to hold it when it’s afraid. We don’t ha to do, when a brother or sister is in need of encouragement.
We can no longer turn our backs and look the other way and preten somewhere else. Evil is all around us, circling like buzzards waitin down and grapple with us. Violence is everywhere in our media, one day’s worse than the day
Peace is a precious commodity and we must start holding it dear, k with others the way it should be given, with love. How do we find p our homes, in our streets, all over the world?
We must start by looking within our souls and asking ourselves, “Is
Love, not in the physical or even emotional sense, but in the deepe the deep longing within ourselves.
accept this award in the spirit of a curator of some precious heirm beauty is truth and truth beauty - and in whose eyes the diamonds or silver or gold.
It’s love that drives the train towards peace as it’s been written p those in need, we only need a heart.
the grace within our souls to reach out, ave to be college graduate to know what
nd the evils of this world are happening ng for the best opportunity to swoop before.
keep it close to our hearts and share it peace amid the outpouring of violence in
s my soul generated by love?�
est, most spiritual sense. What generates our quest for peace is
Roman Polanski – It
By *Pattie Fitzgerald Safely Ever After, Inc. Child Safety
Make no mistake about it… film director, Roman Polanski is a child of denial is profound. Let’s take it one step at a time here.
Fact: In 1977, 43 year old filmmaker Roman Polanski sexually assa photo shoot. He gives her champagne and a Quaalude, then procee omy.
Fact: A grand jury indicted Polanski on six counts: furnishing a con child under 14, perversion, sodomy, unlawful sexual intercourse, ra
Fact: Polanski pleads guilty to “unlawful intercourse with a minor” undergo a 90 day psychiatric study in a Chino, California state pris rather than face sentencing for what he has done.
What ensues after this, is a long series of legal battles, arguments, m re-arrested in Europe, enroute to an awards ceremony where he wa dition to the U.S. while celebrities and supporters sing his praises, a
EXCUSES AND RATIONALIZATIONS – HOLLYWOOD STYLE Meanwhile, despite the heinous actions of Polanski on that March n him, easily ignoring the fact that he committed a despicable act with
They conveniently point to the fact that this young girl had a “mature”
makes everything ok. That doesn’t change the fact that Polanski is promises of fame and fortune while he sexually abused her. And fo 52
In his 1984 autobiography, Polanski himself gives his depraved yet he describes how he kisses and caresses his victim, adding “There w
t’s A Crime
d, founder y and Education Forums
d molester. As is typical in Hollywood, the level
aults 13 year old, Samantha Gailey, during a eds to engage in oral sex, intercourse and sod-
ntrolled substance to a minor, lewd and lascivious acts upon a ape by use of drugs.
in return for dropping the more serious charges. He is ordered to son. He is released after only 42 days, eventually fleeing to Paris
missing documents and a civil lawsuit. After 30 years, Polanski is as to be honored. Today, he remains in custody, fighting his extraand decry the unfair treatment he is receiving.
night in 1977, his Hollywood friends and supporters rally around h a CHILD which also happens to be AGAINST THE LAW.
” personality and was regarded as “too fast for her age”. As if that
s an ADULT man who took advantage of a 13 year old girl, with or this, he served a whopping 42 days in jail. 53
righteous version of that evening. Instead of admitting culpability, was no doubt about the girl’s experience and lack of inhibition.”
Great - let’s blame the victim – She was 13! He gave
What frustrates me the most is how easily so many people ar long time ago. I am livid that after 30 years, Polanski still do it a case of poor judgment on his part. He went as far as to d tim didn’t get pregnant. Gee, what a nice molester.
What if he wasn’t Roman Polanski, famous film director? W coach or school teacher who gave a student drugs and alcoho
What if he was good old “Uncle Joe” who had sex with his “fa
In 2008, HBO aired a sympathetic documentary portraying P misunderstood. Yippee, Roman Polanski makes great movi girl is not sooooooo bad. Let’s all feel sorry for him because lots of celebrity friends and supporters.
As an adult, Samantha Gailey has CHOSEN to forgive Polans get on with her own healing. She readily admits “He did so Polanski sheepishly admits “He likes young girls.”
Polanski had a choice as well. And he CHOSE to molest a 13 Roman Polanski.
* For more information on Safely Ever After, Inc.’s sexual abuse p please visit www.safelyeverafter.com. Pattie Fitzgerald is a certifi cates for children across the United States. 54
e her drugs and alcohol!
re willing to look past the actual crime because it happened a oes not admit any wrongdoing. Instead, he simply considers defend the sodomy as his caring way of making sure his vic-
Would Hollywood be as forgiving if he was simply a soccer ol, then molested her?
avorite” niece when she was a teenager?
Polanski as a brilliant director who was just misguided and ies, so let’s all pretend that his sexual assault of a 13 year old e he’s in his seventies now, looks like a teddy bear, and has
ski. As a sexual abuse victim, she felt she needed to do so, to omething gross to me.”
3 year old. Let us not forget who is the victim here… it is not
prevention workshops, education forums, and teaching materials, ied child safety educator and child visitation supervisor. She advo55
Discovery “
Fifteen days after Jahmeshia Connor, age 12 wa police discovered her lifeless body in an alley.
Site's around the Internet sent out a bulletin fo "endangered runnaway " I wondered why there for this child. She was an excellent student, res
The family realized Jahmeshia was missing wh school. A relative thought she was staying over someplace e bility in checking on her destination or having her call home
Which in my opinion is a crime in and of itself. In this clima their kids are at all times, period.
Also why didn't Chicago police issue an amber alert for this whom ever abducted her kept the girl alive for a period of ti cause of death.
The most attention this case received appears to be today, a lished for all children from all neighborhoods regardless of
At schools, libraries and in faith based organizations when a access to mainstream communication is limited, they too, sh
Perhaps in Mayor Daley's new budget he could provide fund awareness and safety training. BY SUSAN MURPHY MILANO 56
as reported missing, the
or Jahmeshia as an e was no amber alert issued sponsible in her actions and never got into trouble.
hen the following day when she did not return home from else the night before. And no one seemed to take responsie once she arrived to make sure she got there safely.
ate of predators and criminals parents must know where
child? If her body was found this morning it is likely that ime. An autopsy is scheduled for today to determine her
after the discovery of her body. Guidelines must be estaba family's economic status in the community.
a child is missing from a community and they are aware, hould pitch in to spread the word.
ds to faith based organizations in the community for
Sweet Nature by Eddie
I ran in to a childhood friend how short and damaged her h ticed because when I met her how long and beautiful her h was as dark as mines.
When I was younger, it was ra in awe with how long her bra the little girls did, including m
As I finished up my conversation with her, I thought about all of th lot of hair and either lost it due to damage and breakage, or their ha born with very little hair and then lost the little she had to eczema. S head, but other than that she was as bald as her bottom everywhere
During this time I was still looking for hair care products that were and strengthen my relaxed hair. I had noticed that my friend’s daug asked her what she was using. She gave me the name of a product a chase it. When I got to the store I was disappointed with how small when I read the ingredients; it was full of everything I was told not t one.
After searching tirelessly, I decided to formulate my own hair care p natural ingredients did the trick of not only growing her hair, but co well. Soon, not only did her hair begin to grow; it began to thicken u ple. Within only two years, my daughter’s hair had reached the mid the exact same length.
58 After conducting a few surveys and further research, I concluded th other ingredients really does gradually stunt hair growth.
d the other day and I instantly noticed hair was. This was the first thing I no r as a little girl; I was amazed with hair was, especially since her skin
are to see a “full” Black child with as much hair as she had. I was aids were without having to add extensions like the majority of me.
he little girls that I’ve known over my lifetime that started out with a air seemed to just stop growing all together. My own daughter was She was left with a couple of strands of hair in the very top of her e else.
gentle enough for her delicate scalp yet effective enough to manage ghter’s hair seemed to be pretty thick and growing steadily, so I and of course I rushed out to the nearest beauty supply store to purl the jar was and how expensive it was, but even more disappointed to use, so of course I didn’t purchase it, so I was back to square
products made of all the healthy ingredients I had read about. The ompletely ridding her of eczema and fixing my hair problems as up and past the other little girl’s hair by double the length; then triddle of her back while the other little girl’s hair seemed to remain
59 hat overtime the mineral oil, petrolatum, paraffin and all of the
In my hair care workshops, I tell this story and each time I would h the “grease” products and they had long hair or that for years their never experienced problems. (Of course just about every one of the their hair; so just by that my findings were somewhat confirmed)
I would point out to them that mayb never experienced the full growing p had accepted that ten inches of hair w priving themselves of fifteen inches, products that contained these ingred
Last year I cut eleven inches of hair o didn’t even know I could grow eleven So, give your hair an opportunity to reach its fullest potential.
For six months try using natural products or ingredients; even if yo your shampoo doesn’t contain sodium lauryl sulfate and/or sodium affin gel, petrolatum, and propylene glycol.
Just avoiding these ingredients could make a difference as they hav breakage and stunted hair growth. Http://www.fabulousblackwoman.com
have someone comment that when they were younger they used r grandmother pressed their hair using these products and they em were at the workshop because they were having issues growing
be they didn’t know their growth was stunted because they had potential that using natural products could give them; maybe they was as long as their hair would grow; not knowing they were de which is exactly what I personally realized once I stopped using dients.
off; leaving myself with about three inches of hair, when before I n inches, let alone cut that much off and still have some left.
ou can’t use 100% natural ingredients; at the very least make sure m laureth sulfate and your moisturizer is void of mineral oil, par-
ve been established to cause drying,
Guide To Beautiful, Healthy, Black Hair http://www.fabulousblackwoman.com/ TheBook.html
Andrew Lee Brown Missing since July 24, 1987 from Colquitt, Miller County, Georgia. Classification: Non-Family Abduction Vital Statistics: Date Of Birth: January 4, 1986 Age at Time of Disappearance: 18 months old Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 2'0; 25 pounds Distinguishing Characteristics: Black male. Black curly hair; brown eyes. Circumstances of Disappearance: Brown was last seen playing in the front yard of his family's home in Colquitt, GA, on July 24, 1987. Police surmise that Brown was abducted by a non-family member. There has been no sign of Brown since that time. Investigators: If you have any information concerning Brown's case, please contact: Miller County Sheriff's Office Sheriff H. E. Glass 912-758-3421 All information may be submitted anonymously. NCMEC #: NCMC732607 NCIC Number: M-258735986 Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case. 62
Brandon Keith Robbins Missing Person: August 21, 1982 The Cape May County Prosecutor’s Office and North Wildwood Police Department are investigating the August 21, 1982 disappearance of Brandon Keith Robbins. Mr. Robbins was last seen at his residence located in the Anglesea Section on North Wildwood at 8:00 am on August 21, 1982. At the time of the disappearance, Mr. Robbins was described as being a 20-year-old white male standing 5’11” and weighing 125 pounds and having brown hair and brown eyes. On August 25, 1982, Brandon Keith Robbins was reported to the North Wildwood Police as a missing person. After an extensive investigation it was learned that a friend of Mr. Robbins was operating Mr. Robbins’ vehicle, this being a 1978 black Chevrolet conversion van. The vehicle was located and the operator was interviewed and advised the investigators that Mr. Robbins let him borrow the van while Mr. Robbins traveled to the Philadelphia area. Mr. Robbins has not been seen or heard from since August 21, 1982. Anyone with information about the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Brandon Keith Robbins or his current whereabouts is requested to contact the Cape May County Prosecutor’s Office Major Crimes Unit at 609-465-1135 or can leave anonymous information on the tip line at 609-463-LEAD 63 (5323).
"One Day At A Time"
* It Takes Time: It takes a fu transform us, He prefers to work in incremental steps in our lives. ~Rick W life would transform the way that it did...not that I didn't expect to go thro have thought that my experiences would have been as they were.
* This is something that I have heard so many people say when it come It's not easy, that's for sure, but He never said that it would be. I can reme how hard it is to go through life experiencing the things that I have, still tr everyday routine although you would prefer to stay in bed instead of deal praise Him through every circumstance. Well, I am here to tell you that ev still have to praise and pray your way through it. It is not by coincidence you are dealing with, but you do have to take it one day at a time.
* In every situation, whether you believe it or not, God is with you. I say when I was going through a storm that I never thought that I would be go prayed, that He was allowing what was happening, and I sincerely felt lik my head that I really began to feel as though I didn't have a place...as thou be there for me when I needed Him. Didn't I get a slap in the face when I h praying to God about. You can't tell me that God doesn't hear you or that you...you just have to take things one day at a time.
* Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication (Philippians 4:6). This was the words to me, that I had to take things one d them...even when we ask God to guide us through our storms, we feel as th Him to guide us through it I mean, but we forget that this is what transfor garden regardless of what type of seed that it is, it takes time for it to pro
* It all comes down to this...there is a time and a place, there is there is time to speak and a time to listen, there is a time to move a sow....in everything give thanks even when you have to go through ours...it just takes One Day At A Time. 64
Much Love & God Bless, Paula Whitebear-Burton, Warrior's for
ull season for fruit to mature and ripen...although God could instantly Warren (The Purpose Driven Life) I never would have guessed that my ough the normal trials and tribulations of life, but I never would have
es down to the storms that we have to face in life as we walk with God. ember so many days that I felt as though no one else really understood rying to look for the good in it all, trying to remain in sync with your ling with the rest of the world, and most important trying to continue to ven through the moments where your faith is tremendously tested...you that you are where you are, or that you are dealing with the things that
y this because I know how I have felt at one time or another especially oing through. I felt as though God left me, like He didn't hear me when I ke God didn't care. Let me tell you, I allowed the enemy to get so far in ugh what was my purpose for walking with God if He wasn't going to had someone come to me and tell me the answer to what I had been He is not there, because I am a living witness that He is always with
n, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God day at a time. I know that for many we want things when we want hough this should miraculously calm the storm, the factor that we asked rms us...the fertilizer that makes us bloom. When you plant a seed in the oduce its fruit or blossom into that beautiful flower...one day at a time.
s a start and a finish, there is a time to laugh and a time to cry, and a time to stand still, there is a time reap and a time to h, and remember there are seasons, and we all have to walk into 65
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heir Pods tributing writers h information and resources. crucial in building es near and beyond.
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