Haiti’s Motto:
L’union fait la force “Unity Is Strength”
BRIAN KELVIN ANDREWIN Case Type: Endangered Missing DOB: Aug 25, 1978 Missing Date: Jul 10, 1995 Age Now: 31 Missing City: CHICAGO Missing State : IL He was last seen playing basketball with some friends in a local park on July 10, 1995. He has not been seen or heard from since. He has a birthmark on the right side of his neck and a small scar on his eyebrow.
Age Progression
Chicago Police Department (Illinois) 1-312-745-6052
Feature Contributors Pg. 7 9 10-11 14-17 21-25 28-29 30-33 35 38-39 40 42-43 48-51 50-53
Sarah Culberson………………………………………… Karen Lee ● Southernpoet…………………………… Jeannette Cordor & Jeramin Cordor……………… Gaetane Borders…………………………………………… John C. Roy, II, MSW…………………………………… Megan McIntyre Marketing and Communications Manager…… Sharon Fox…………………………………………………… Karen Callaway Williams/Patricia A. Carroll Jackie Boatwright……...………………………………… Pat Holmes……………………………………………..…… Kimmoly Rice-Ogletree………………………………… Pattie Fitzgerald……………………………..…………… Ms. Eddie…………………………………………………… Paula Whitebear-Burton….................................
Special F
“ Letter To My Chi First African American Prisoner Of War Autism Recovery: Manual of Skil New Jersey State Gymnastics Ch 4
…………....The Kposowa Foundation ……………Silent Innocence ……...….The Faces of HOPE …..........Parenting Corner …..……...LAW:Prosecuting Juveniles In Adult Courts
……..….…Alliance for a Healthier Generation ……..….SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY ………...Gabriella's Tap Shoes (Children’s Book) …..……..Juan’s Story ………....Monthly Treat ……….....Elite Female Mentoring Organization ……….....Safely Ever After, Inc. …………...Sweet Nature (Hair Care) ............Warrior's for Christ (W.F.C)
ildren ” Damon Troy ...pg. 13 - Shoshana Johnson (I’m Still Standing...)...pg. 19 lls & Drills - Elizabeth Scott Burton...pg. 26 hampion - Noelle Scott…..pg. 60 5
Editor’s Message Greetings, Were you aware that a child is abducted every 40 seconds in this country? Moreover, did you know that over 40% of these children are African American? If not, you are not alone because few people are aware of this epidemic. The truth is that African American children receive limited media coverage when they go missing. Sadly, without this exposure it is less likely that they will be safely found. The staff at Peas In Their Pods works diligently to spread awareness about this issue by alerting media outlets as needed when African American children are missing or abducted. Our mission is to make communities aware of the plight of these children, and to make them a national priority. Even in the mist of it all; we still have much to be thankful for. Natural disasters cannot be our only reason for giving or showing compassion for others who may not have the basic daily necessaties for living, this behavior has to cease, it does not help in providing a need. If we can help to make someone’s life just alittle bit brighter, it doesn’t take much, sometimes just a smile will do, the rewards help in building a more favorable kingdom. Children are still missing, families have not given up on the possibility that someone may have valuable information..Help keep our communities safe for our children by always being on alert about any suspicious activities. The additional resources that this magazine provide also help in bringing awareness to issues that families and individuals are faced with daily, some not personally, but close enough to know someone who may. It still takes a village…!!! Sincerely,
Denise Bethune, Editor-In-Chief Whitesboro, New Jersey www.peasintheirpods.com hfmbc@hotmail.com
The Kposowa Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization that was formed in 2005 by co-founders, Sarah Culberson and John Woehrle. Our first goal is to restore Bumpe High School (BHS, a boarding school) to its prominence as a shining star of academic excellence in West Africa. Our projects include: • Rebuilding Bumpe High School buildings and infrastructure • Provide scholarships and funding for materials and supplies • Provide clean drinking water wells for the community • Create sustainable opportunities for the community Our website is www.bumpefund.org *Sarah Culberson, the Founder, and her biological father. (pictured) Sarah shares about her story and the Kposowa Foundation in the August '09 issues of Glamour 7 Magazine and Essence Magazine
Case Type: Endangered Missing DOB: Jan 20, 1991 Missing Date: Jul 6, 2001 Age Now: 18 Missing City: CHICAGO Missing State : IL DIAMOND BRADLEY TIONDA BRADLEY
Both children were last seen in the vicinity of 3526 South Lake Park Avenue in Chicago, Illinois. Diamond has a scar on the left side of her head in her hairline. Tionda has a quarter sized scar on her left forearm. Chicago Police Department (Illinois) - 1-312-745-6052 or Federal Bureau of Investigation (Illinois) 1-312-421-6700
Silent Innocence A young child sitting all alone A few minutes later a voice yells Honey I’m home I jump up and run to my room And close my door Praying not again please no more The hours were long, all threw the day I sit huddle in a corner as I started to pray Make me invisible Dear Lord you see For a bad man is coming to Take my securities As I close my eyes and shut Them tight he grabs my arms With all his might Please no more, I yell in vain Fighting him off while going insane My mom is working seven days A week, while this man is all over me As He kneels down and whispers in my ear "Don’t tell anyone" I’ll make you Disappear No one will believe you You will see, for I’m the man that your mom Loves and she has trust in me Mothers talk to your children Each and every day We never know what is going on In our homes when we are away Never leave your children home With someone you barely know For the prey is lurking and could Be right next door Written by Karen Lee 9 ● Southernpoet
The Faces of HOPE
& preventing childhood obesity. “ gram works to Educate, Equip,
Jeannette Cordor, CEO and c band Jeramin Cordor, establi Jeannette has over 20 years of health clinician. The pair have health conditions related to ob get on the right track to preven the obesity battle at a young ag
The mission of the organizatio ward a healthier lifestyle by encapsulating physical fitness and nutrition edu provided to children in the 85th – 95th percentile of those who are at risk of overweight in terms of their Body Mass Index (BMI).
Most of the children in the program are referred by their primary physician into the program, a team of certified professionals will visit the participants own homes. These visits allow experts to assess the home environment and choices surrounding nutrition and physical activity.
The Faces of HOPE has a dynamic team of certified professionals, to include censed professional counselors. The organization believes that lasting, posi eating habits are adopted and combined with physical activities that are safe
Since the start of the organization in 2006 the response has been overwhelm for each 12-week period, and the children now range in age from 3 to 19 yea and eventually expand to help children nationwide. The Faces of HOPE suc well as through charitable donations of business and individuals in the form tions to purchase supplies for events and training sessions.
****If you would like to learn more about the Faces of HOPE or would like jeannette@thefacesofhope.org or Jessica Mills at facesofhopejm@gmail.co 10
is a non-profit organization located in the Richmond area dedicated to fighting
“HOPE� stands for Healthy Options for Personal Empowerment and the proand Empower children to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
co-founder of the Faces of HOPE with her husished the Faces of HOPE organization in 2006. f experience in public health and Jeramin is a e both watched family members suffer from besity and are now devoted to helping children nting further health complications by fighting ge.
on is to guide children and their families toucation with knowledgeable experts in the home. Targeted assistance is f overweight, and the 95th percentile and higher for children who are
ns, but children can also be referred by family or friends. Once entered s 3 or more times a week, for 12 weeks, in the comfort and privacy of their d show families how they positively impact their ability to make healthy
e certified weight management trainers, registered dieticians, and liitive changes to fight and prevent obesity can be a reality when healthier e, sensible and fun.
ming. The organization now serves about 50 youths in the Richmond area ars old. The organization hopes to continue to serve the Richmond area ccessfully operates through to the hard work of dedicated volunteers as ms of exercise equipment, incentives for participants, and monetary dona-
e to make a donation please contact Jeannette Cordor at 804 218-5575 om, or you can visit the website at www.thefacesofhope.org. 11
KELLY JUANITA STAPLES Age Progression (right) Case Type: Non Family Abduction DOB: Jul 28, 1973 Missing Date: Jan 8, 1980 Age Now: 36 Missing City: CHICAGO Missing State : IL She was last seen on her way to school and has not been seen since. She has a birthmark on the left middle chest. She was last seen wearing a brown and white striped cap, a brown scarf, a red plaid coat, blue jeans and blue rubber boots. Chicago Police Department (Illinois) Youth Headquarters - 1-312-745-6052
Dear Anaya and Amir, My Dearest Angels
( letter to my children)
Before the both of you were born, I was a bit of a lost soul. Not sure of what direction my life was heading. After losing a man so dear to me, my grandfather Clymas Troy, your great grandfather, life was difficult for me because I mourned the loss of him so extremely hard. At that time, I wasn't sure how I could go on with my life and grow. I prayed to God to give me strength, a sign or a blessing to encourage me to be strong. God does work in mysterious ways. He blessed me with two angels, Anaya Rakel and Amir Rashiek. With both of you, I knew when I heard the news on those days about becoming a father , I realized my life was going to change. I remember closing my eyes and thanking God for the blessing and tears of joy and excitement falling down my face. But I was scared because I didn't know if I was ready to be the man I had to be. So I took a deep breathe and realized God wouldn't give me something I couldn't handle. I took your mother into my arms and we both made a promise to love, cherish and show both of you everything we possibly could under the sun. Like most parents, you wish and want your child to be not like you but to be better, while paving their own road through life. Anaya and Amir, this is what I want for you. Take advantage of the life that God has given you and live it to your full potential. While daddy stands next to you with a smile on my face 13 and tears in my eyes rooting for you‌... I love my princess, my prince, for all eternity. Love Daddy
GaĂŠtane is President of Peas In Their Pods, and also the inner- city youth and their parents. She is an a achieve healthy, harmonious, and emotionally stab media consultant, and is often featured in print, rad Talking To Children About The Earthquake
On January 12th of this year, the world forever changed. It was on this day
The magnitude of the quake all but leveled the capitol city and others surro and anguish felt is indescribable.
News stations from around the globe began airing heartbreaking and very g Just as adults are trying to find ways of coping, so, too, are children.
So‌just how do you address this issue with your children? Here are some g
1. Start by explaining is simple terms to children what an earthquake is. M something like this, and are sure to have many questions as they attempt to description to match the age of the child (ie. There’s no real need to go in d old).
2. Children are sure to wonder if something like this could possibly happen and that the likelihood of something like this happening to them is rare. H to do to prepare for a natural disaster such as this.
3. Since seeing the graphic imagery displayed in the news can create a sign setting, away from their impressionable eyes and ears.
o a certified School Psychologist who works closely with advocate of children’s rights and strives to help parent ble environments for their children. She is a sought after dio, and television.
y that a massive earthquake hit the small island called Haiti.
ounding it. The death toll is in the hundreds of thousands, and the grief
graphic images of the catastrophic devastation.
guidelines that you may find helpful:
Many children may never have experienced o conceptualize exactly what it is. Tailor your depth about the scientific reason for a 5-year-
n to them. Reassure them that they are safe, However, this is a great time to teach them what
nificant amount of anxiety in children, try to watch the news in a private
4. Use this opportunity to model empathy and compassion for your childr be able to do to help. For example, they may pick out some clothes that no some change from their piggy banks to add to the family’s donation to a ch
5. Make certain to provide an open door policy and comforting ear to help fears, but instead provide an emotional outlet. Buy crayons and paint and
Just remember that even if you child does not watch the news at home wit school. Therefore, I encourage all parents who have not already done so t
Questions like “What have you heard?” “How did it make you feel? are gre discussions will be specific to your child’s emotional maturity.
However, if you feel that your child is having significant difficulty coping w excessive fears (to name a few), please consult a counselor for assistance.
Many schools have implemented counseling groups on this issue, and they
Happy Parenting…!!!
ren. Allow them to participate in the discussion of what your family might o longer fit to send to needy children in Haiti. Or they may decide to take haritable organization.
p if they have a difficult time with their emotions. Try not to dismiss their d have them use these creative tools to show how they feel.
th you does not mean that they have not heard about the earthquake at to spend some time checking in with their children.
eat ones to implement in your conversation. How you chose to tailor your
with tragedy, as evidenced by insomnia, depressed mood, aggression, or
y can be an excellent source of support.
VINYETTE TEAGUE Age Progression Case Type: Non Family Abduction DOB: Dec 8, 1981 Missing Date: Jun 25, 1983 Age Now: 28 Missing City: CHICAGO Missing State : IL
Vinyette's photo is shown age-progressed to 24 years. She was last seen playing in the hallway outside of her apartment. Chicago Police Department (Illinois) Youth Headquarters 1-312-745-6052 18
First African American Woman POW http://shoshanajohnson.com/Home_Page.php 19
John C. Roy, II – MSW
LAW: Prosecuting Juveniles In Adul
Abstract: Fear of juvenile crime has reversed the long-accepted pra annually are being transferred, without judicial review, from juven These transfers place children into a court setting in which they are
Youth who are incarcerated in adult facilities are at great universal risk. Additiona negative consequences.
The imposition of adult punishments, far from deterring crime, actually seems to p children retained in the juvenile system. Reliance upon the criminal courts and pun of crime and violence exist outside the criminal justice system in therapeutic progra
Because there is considerable racial disparity in the assignment of children to adult venile to adult court effects children of color more often than whites, non-Hispanics
Since the mid-1980s, public frustration with crime, fear of youth violence, and the r and provided political impetus to prosecute larger numbers of youths as adults. Som expediting judicial waiver, by excluding certain categories of offenses from juvenile
The offense exclusion and "direct file" approaches de-emphasize rehabilitation and offenses, personal and justice system accountability, and punishment.
In Kent v. United States, the U. S. Supreme Court held that judicial waiver of juveni included notice, right to counsel, confrontation of witnesses, written findings, and m trial as an adult (Kent vs. United States 383 U.S. 541, 86 S. Ct. 1045 (1966)).
Technically, the Kent decision applied only to Washing D. C. courts; however, its im to parens patriae, [when the government acts on behalf of a child or mentally ill pe the foundation of the juvenile court (Blacks Law Dictionary, 8th Edition).
In theory, the juvenile court provided less due process but a greater concern for the benefit may not exist in reality and that juveniles may receive neither the protection lated for children. 20
lt Courts
actice of treating young offenders in special juvenile courts. Many of our children nile court jurisdiction to adult criminal court and into adult correctional systems. e at a disadvantage at every stage of the judicial process.
ally, those who are convicted but not imprisoned may still suffer long lasting
produce an increase in criminal activity in comparison to the results obtained for nishment ignores empirical evidence that more effective responses to the problems ams.
t prosecution, the austerity, ineptitude, and punishing aspects of transfer from jus.
racial characteristics of violent young offenders have fueled a desire to "get tough" me of these initiatives simplify transfer of young offenders to criminal courts by e court jurisdiction, or by allowing prosecutors directly to charge youths as adults.
d individualized consideration of the offender, and instead stress youth's age and
ile court jurisdiction required a hearing with the essentials of due process. These most prominently, satisfaction of minimum criteria including the maturity to face
mpact was more widespread. The Court raised a potential constitutional challenge erson: refers to the "state" as the guardian of minors and incompetent people] as
e interests of the juvenile. The court referred to evidence that this compensating ns accorded to adults nor the attentive care nor rehabilitative treatment postu-
Trends in Juvenile Criminal Matters
Criminal advocates for transfer to adult court systems hypothesize due to increased sanctioned. There is no evidence that young people have become disproportionately rests for serious violent crime in 1988 was about average for the preceding twenty-f tually declined throughout most of this same documented period. Consequently, Vict erally had declined over this twenty-five year period. (U.S. Department of Education
The one exception to the downward trend is found in murder rates. Murder by juven derwent a disturbing increase. Juvenile murder rates peaked in 1994. Then, in only tween 1985 and 1994, juvenile gun homicides more than tripled. After 1994, gun hom Wan, 2001). Therefore, the increase in homicides is completely attributable to murde as the result of the chaotic development of crack markets in the inner cities in the late turf wars, recruiting, and arming juveniles for battle. In the early 1990’s, stabilizati lice to keep guns out of the hand of juveniles let to a decline in these homicides (Blum Legislative Responses to Juvenile Crime
The dramatic rise in juvenile homicide rates helped spur media attention to juvenile lent crime did not register even when prominent individuals testified before the Unit captivating Princeton professor as well as a Brookings Institute scholar, testified bef predators�’ as getting worse not better (DiIulio, 1996). However, his critical view fou
The legislative response to violent juvenile crime drew upon the philosophy of gettin At the federal level, a major juvenile justice bill advanced in the 106th Congress. This range of crimes for which children could be prosecuted and required mandatory pri of disagreements between anti-and pro-gun factions in Congress.
From 1992 through 1997, fifty states including the District of Columbia passed laws number of states broadened their judicial waiver laws. Some states allowed juvenile fenses. Some created a presumption in favor of waiver for children of a certain age o ring children to adult court without judicial review. Juveniles in the Adult System Suffer Unjustly
In 1997, 7,400 offenders under the age of 18 were admitted to state prisons, 4,000 m 8,500 youth were held in adult jails, either tried or awaiting trial as adults (Stephan suicide, 5 times more likely to be sexually assaulted, twice a likely to be beaten by sta cerated in juvenile institutions (Juvenile 22 and Family Court Journal, 1989).
juvenile crime and violence, justification for prosecution of children as adults is more crime prone or dangerous in recent years. The juvenile proportion of all arfive years, while the percentage of property crime arrest involving juveniles has actimization studies show that juvenile violence in and out of educational setting genn, October 2001).
niles remained at a relatively constant level for the decade before l985, but then unfour years later, juvenile arrest for murder fell 52 percent. Some speculate that bemicides declined sharply towards 1980 levels (Snyder, Finnegan, Kang, Poole, Stahl, er committed with a gun. Criminologist Alfred Blumstein explains this occurrence e 1980’s. Blumstein’s research documented that drug dealers were waging fierce ion in the illegal drug market along with a concerted and coordinated effort by pomstein and Rosenfeld, 1998).
and school violence in the early and mid 1990’s. The actual declines in juvenile vioted States Senate Judiciary Committee. Professor John Dilulio, an amiable and fore this committee in February 1996 about the juvenile crime committed by ‘“super und an unreceptive audience in both politician and the media.
ng tough that politicians had been applying to crime generally since the mid 1970’s. s would have allowed criminal prosecution of children as young as 13, expanded the ison sentences fro those convicted. It was fortunate that this legislation died because
making it easier to try juveniles as adults (Griffin, Torbet, & Szymanski, 1998). A e court judges to transfer younger juveniles and those charged with less serious ofor for certain offenses. Many states adopted one or more procedures for transfer-
more than admitted twelve years earlier in 1985 (Strom, 2000). In 1999, more than n, 1999). Children incarcerated in adult facilities are 7.7 times more likely to commit aff, and 50 percent more likely to be attacked with a weapon than children incar23
Children in adult facilities frequently do not receive educational or other services a and are provided the same health, educational and recreational services. Few adul and most states do not provide special staff training on handling juvenile offenders nantly troublesome as there are so few of them nationally that there will often be o of special services accessible.
Whether incarcerated or not, children convicted in criminal court may suffer other criminal court jurisdiction for any subsequent offenses committee as a juvenile und is prosecuted in criminal court, all subsequent cases involving that juvenile may fal public record and the youth may be compelled to report their conviction on job app with felony convictions from particular types of employment, therefore possibly lim sult in the loss of voting rights, even before the youth meets that requirement, and o tion.treatment programs make extensive use of individual counseling, interpersona specifically contrasts these programs to less effective but politically popular progra
It is my opinion that prosecutors will, within the constraints of Kent v. United State observation that it is unclear whether they have enough evidence to support the wa the transfer application. That test must include:
the seriousness of the alleged offense and the need to protect the public; the nature of the offense (e.g. violent, premeditated, etc); the strength of the evidence; the maturity of the juvenile as determined by consideration of his environmen if there were adult co-defendants; and/or the prospect of rehabilitation (Drogin and Kinsherff, 2000).
There is mounting evidence of the damaging consequences to children who are inca quences that children can hardly begin to grasp. Furthermore, the imposition of ad in criminal activity in comparison to the results obtained for children retained in th violence exist outside the criminal justice system. The harshness, ineffectiveness, an ited on the children of color as indicated in the support documents. All too often ra only in transfer matters but also in juvenile court matters in general. There is an im station house adjustment to juvenile conference committees. For all these reasons, p adult court would be well served to do so with skepticism at every avenue.
It is our responsibility to become an expert in comprehending statues and laws, pol support. It is our responsibility to effect change in these policies and statutes that a focus on the “mission of the social work profession to enhance human well-being an 24 empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty. A hi well-being in the social context and the well-being of society”. ……….. (National Ass
appropriate to their needs. In many states juveniles are treated the same as adults lt correctional facilities provide special programming developed for this age group s (Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 1999). The situation for girls is predomionly one female under 18 in a particular prison and, consequently little probability
r long-term legal, political and socioeconomic consequences. They may be subject to der the rubric of “once an adult, always an adult�. This requires that once a juvenile ll subject under the criminal court jurisdiction. The convictions become a matter of plications upon seeking employment. Additionally, certain states bar ex-offenders miting future employment opportunities for youth. Adult convictions may also reof government entitlements such as federal financial aid for post secondary educaal skills training, and mental health rather then juvenile justice personnel. Cornell am models such as boot camps (Cornell, 2001).
es, employ this as a weapon to force a confession from the juvenile. It has been my aiver request. It is imprecise that a complete litmus test has been conducted prior to
nt, home, attitudes and patterns of behavior; prior record;
arcerated in adult prisons and jails. Those who are not imprisoned suffer consedult punishments, far from deterring crime, actually seems to produce an increase he juvenile justice system. More effective responses to the problems of crime and nd punishing aspects of transfer from juvenile to adult court are indifferently visacial disparity has been an indicator many cannot overlook. This indicator is not mbalance in the number of minorities who enter the juvenile justice system from professionals called upon to review the policy or practice of transferring children to
licies and protocols that affect our roles as advocates to the youth and families we affect our children and families. As prospective social workers we must continue to nd help meet the basic needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and 25 the profession’s focus on individual istoric and defining feature of social work is sociation of Social Workers/NASW)
YASMIN RAYON ACREE Case Type: Endangered Missing DOB: Oct 25, 1992 Missing Date: Jan 15, 2008 Age Now: 17 Missing City: CHICAGO Missing State : IL Chicago Police Department (Illinois) 1-312-746-8365 Yasmine was last seen in her family home on Tuesday Jan. 15. She went to school the previous day, afterward going to the North Lawndale YMCA, where she went three times a week. Yasmine was involved in sports and other extracurricular activities at the Lawndale Y. Yasmine arrived home later that evening, did a load of laundry and went to bed. She's not been seen since. The police investigation thus far has yielded few leads. The family said there were signs of a break-in in the home's basement where Yasmine's room was. The family said the locks on an outside fence were cut off and the basement door forced open. No items were stolen and Yasmine's room was undamaged. Officials at her school also want to set the record straight about her possible state of mind at the time of her disappearance. Police have told the family she might have runaway, but the family discounts that. She had never ran away before, they say.
Nearly one in thre trends continue, t ready overweight shorter lives than
Founded in 2005 for a Healthier Ge directly with indu kids. The goal of t to inspire young p
Parents and guardians are key decision-makers when it comes to the nutrition, phys serves as a resource for parents, providing practical information and resources to he At School
The Alliance supports more than 7,500 U.S. schools in their efforts to create environ Any parent can make a difference by joining the Alliance’s Healthy Schools Network mote physical activity and healthy eating before, during and after school. At Home
Recently, the Alliance teamed with the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation to create Be from Moms on Living Healthier Lives, a book featuring smart tips from 15 moms wh ways to fight childhood obesity in their homes and communities. The book, with tips to eat their veggies and going outside to play, is available online at bewellbook.org, o at low or no cost. At the Doctor
In 2009, the Alliance convened national medical associations, leading insurers and e prevention and treatment of childhood obesity through the Alliance Healthcare Initi provides the benefit as well as offers tips on how to talk to their child’s doctor about In the Community
Afterschool programs, community centers, faith-based organizations, parks, recreati live healthier lives. Community champions across the country are collaborating with vocates and leaders for healthy eating and 28 physical activity. Young people can visit em how to team up with local community organizations to inspire their peers to lead hea
ee children and teens in the United States is already overweight or obese. If current today’s kids couldNearly one in three children and teens in the United States is al or obese. If current trends continue, today’s kids could be the first generation to live their parents.
by the American Heart Association and William J. Clinton Foundation, the Alliance eneration is leading the charge against the childhood obesity epidemic by engaging ustry leaders, educators, parents, healthcare professionals and—most importantly— the Alliance is to reduce the nationwide prevalence of childhood obesity by 2015 and people to develop lifelong, healthy habits.
sical activity and health needs of their kids. The Alliance for a Healthier Generation elp parents create a healthy home for their families.
nments where physical activity and healthy eating are accessible and encouraged. online (healthiergeneration.org) where they will find tools and strategies to pro-
e Well: Messages ho found creative s for getting kids or can be ordered
Megan McIntyre Marketing and Communications Manager Alliance for a Healthier Generation A partnership between the American Heart Association and the William J. Clinton Foundation 55 West 125th Street | New York, NY 10027 T 646.775.9151 M 917-399-5250 www.HealthierGeneration.org
employers to offer comprehensive health benefits to children and families for the iative. The Alliance Web site can help parents find out if their employer or insurer obesity.
ion facilities and other organizations play an essential role in encouraging youth to h the Alliance to empower kids to make healthy behavior changes and to become admpowerme2b.org to make their commitment 29 to eat healthier, move more and learn althier lives.
SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY - Sharon Fox February is the month we recognize for Valentines Day. A time to show appreciation for the ones we love. This day has traditionally been a day set aside for lovers, but we must realize that we do not live in a perfect world, we don't all have a "significant other" in our lives. But don't let that be a reason NOT to celebrate. Here is a reason to break out the fancy dinner, sweet desserts, candy and balloons... John 15:13 says "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Jesus is that man and we are his friends. How special we all must be that Jesus would lay his life down for us?! Even in all our sin and mess, He loves us unconditionally! Proverbs 10:12 says that love covers all sin. That's reason enough to celebrate. Remember, no matter who closes doors in your face, who sets you up for failure, or who hates on you...God opens all your doors. Isaiah 54:5 says that God (your maker) is your husband!! So you are not alone!! Let's celebrate!! Let's prepare a beautiful 6 course meal in honor of true love this Valentines Day!!
SOUTHERN WINGS 1 envelope Italian dressing mix-dry 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. pepper 1 tsp. cayenne pepper 4 cups self rising flour Mix all dry ingredients together and set aside. Now, mix 4 cups milk and 2 eggs in a separate bowl. Dip wings in milk/egg mixture and then into dry mixture. Lay on cookie sheet until all wings are coated. Heat a skillet or deep fryer with enough oil to fry wings, 350 degrees. Fry for 10-12 minutes or until done. Drain on paper towels. Serve with ranch or blue cheese dressing.
SEARED SHRIMP IN ENDIVE LEAVES W/PARSLEY SAUCE 12 oz. cleaned shrimp 2 Tbsp. olive oil salt an pepper to taste 1 Tbsp. lime juice 3 Tbsp. chopped fresh chives 1 Tbsp. chopped fresh thyme 2 Tbsp. capers, drained 2 tsp. olive oil salt and pepper 30
Heat 2 Tbsp. olive oil in skillet. Toss shrimp with salt and peppr. Cook until done, about 2 minutes. Drizzle with lime juice. Set aside to cool. Cut the shrimp into bite size pieces. Combine chives, thyme, capers, olive oil, salt and pepper. Toss this mixture into he cooked shrimp. Spoon into endive leaves and drizzle wth parsley sauce.
PARSLEY SAUCE 1/4 cup Italian parsley, chopped 1/4 cup sour cream 1/4 cup plain yogurt 2 tsp. lime juice lnd tgether in food processor until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste. Drizzle over cooked shrimp in endive leaves.
CHOCOLATE MOUSSE CAKE WITH RASPBERRY SAUCE AND CHOCOLATE GANACHE Prepare a boxed Devils Food cake according to package directions. Bake at 350 degrees on a parchment lined cookie sheet for about 10 minutes or until done. Cool on a rack. Use 8 oz. tomato sauce cans for molds to cut cake circles. Place 8 empty 8 oz. cans on a tray. Cut 8 strips of parchment 9"x4". Insert strips around the inside of the cans to line them and extend about 1" above the rim. Tape to hold. Prepare mousse:
MOUSSE 8oz. semi sweet chocolate 2 oz. unsalted butter 3 eggs, separated 3/4 cup heavy cream Melt chocolate and butter in saucepan. Remove from heat. Blend in 3 slightly beaten egg yolks. Refrigerate until cool. In a mixing bowl, beat 3 egg whites until stiff peaks form. In second bowl, beat heavy cream until stiff peaks form. Fold the two together into the cooled chocolate mixture. Place a cake circle inside each parchmet lind can. poon some of the mousse on top, enough to make it the thickness of the cake. Top with the second cake round. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
CHEESE PASTRY PUFFS 1 1/2 cups water 1 stick butter 1/4 tsp. salt 1 1/2 cups plain flour 5 eggs 1 1/2 cups shredded Gruyere or cheddar cheese 4 tsp. dijon mustard 1/8 tsp. white pepper 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside. In a medium saucepan, combine water, butter, and salt. Bring to a boil. When butter is melted, add flour all at once. Stir quickly and and cook until it forms a ball. Remove from heat a nd transfer mixture to a mixing bowl. Cool for 5 minutes. With an electric mixer, beat in eggs one at a time. Stir in cheese, mustard, white pepper, and cayenne. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto prepared baking sheets, leaving about 2 inches between each.. Bake 20-25 mintues or until golden brown. Cool on wire racks. Serve warm.
LOBSTER BISQUE 2 steamed lobster tails 1/2 stick butter 1 small onion, chopped 2 stalks celery, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1/3 cup flour 2 cups chicken broth 2 cups half and half 1 tsp. Creole seasoning 1 tsp. Old Bay seasoning 1 Tbsp. paprika Steam and chop lobster and set aside. In a large saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Saute onion, celery, and garlic until soft. Stir in flour with a whisk until smooth to make a roux. Slowly add chicken broth and cook until thickened, about 10 minutes. Add half of the chopped lobster. Remove from heat and allow to cool. When it has stopped steaming, pour into a blender and process until smooth. Return to saucepan over mediumm heat and add half and half, Creole seasoning, Old Bay seasoning, and paprika. Heat through carefully, just simmer! Do not allow to boil. Stir in remaining 32 lobster.
LEMON-THYME SORBET 1 cup sugar 1 cup water zest from 2 lemons 1 cup fresh lemon juice 4 Tbsp. fresh thyme, chopped thyme sprigs for garnish Combine sugar and water in saucepan. Bring to a boil. Add lemon zest, lemon juice, and fresh thyme. Cover and simmer 10 minutes. Set aside to cool. Strain and transfer to a shallow container. Cover and freeze until firm. Remove frome freezer and puree in a blender until smooth. Plac in a small bowl, cover and freeze again. When ready to serve, use a melon baller and place 3 balls in a long stemmed glass or pretty serving dish. Garnish with a sprig of thyme.
PRIME RIB ROAST 7-9 lb. beef ribeye roast Rub: 1/4 cup coarse black pepper 2 Tbsp. white pepper 1/2 ts. lemon pepper 2 Tbsp. salt 1 1/2 tsp. ground thyme 1 1/2 tsp. garlic powder 1 tsp. onion powder 1 tsp. rosemary
Creamy Horseradish Sauce: 8 oz. cream cheese, softened 1/2 cup prepared horseradish sauce 1/4 cup mayonnaise 1/4 cup dijon mustard 1 Tbsp. chopped parsley Combine all rub ingredients. Coat entire surface of the roast with rub mixture. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate, tightly covered for 12-24 hours. For sauce, combine all ingredients in a medium bowl until smooth. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. Heat oven to 300 degrees. Place roast with fat side up in a shallow roasting pan in center of oven. Do not cover. Roast 25 minutes per pound until 135 degrees for medium rare or longer for more done. Let stand 15 minutes before carving. Serve with Creamy Horseradish Sauce.
RASPBERRY SAUCE: 1/4 cup raspberries, fresh or frozen sugar to taste 1/2 up cornstarch Puree berries and sugar, then strain. Pour into saucepan and bring to boil. Add cornstarch, whisking until thickened. Transfer to bowl, cover, and refrigerate. Drizzle on plate for garnish.
CHOCOLATE GANACHE: 1/2 cup heavy cream 2 Tbsp. corn syrup 6 oz. semi sweet chocolate chips squirt bottle to drizzle with In saucepan, bring cream and syrup to simmer. Remove from heat, add chocolate. Whisk until smooth. Pour into squirt bottle. Refrigerate. Drizzle on cake. Serve finished cakes with a little Cool Whip! And don't forget to check out more recipes each week at www.goodcookin4u2.webs.com * Sharon Fox is a personal chef, cooking instructor, and the writer and publisher of "Comfort Food for the Mind, Body, and Soul", an inspirational cookbook that has taken her over 2 years to complete. This isn't your ordinary cookbook. Inside, Sharon shares not only recipes from her own kitchen, but many inspiring words of faith, testimonies, and words of encouragement. It's almost as if she is sitting at your kitchen table speaking with you as she teaches you how to create wonderful dishes. Many of you have been eagerly awaiting the release of this book...and it's almost finished. Sharon has put her heart and soul into it, and she's almost ready to unveil it! Get to know her personally. See what has made her such a Virtuous Woman of God and enjoy some of her favorite recipes. Get ready for one of the most unique cookbooks you'll ever purchase! "Comfort Food for the Mind, Body, and Soul"
Karen Callaway Williams (Author/Soloist)
Gabriella's Tap Shoes (Children’s Book) " Gabriella is a precocious, clever and funny little girl who is intrigued with the sounds of tap shoes."
A graduate of Spelman College with a degree in psychology and dance, and the Alvin Ailey American Dance Center, Karen was a charter member, featured dancer, and dance captain of the New Jersey Tap Ensemble. She appeared with Duke Ellington in Italy and at Lincoln Center in the MAJESTY OF TAP (the lone female tap artist), and in JIMMY SLYDE & FRIENDS at the Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival. She has been featured in Lincoln Center's Reel to Real Series, including YANKY DOODLE BOYS, THE BROTHERHOOD OF TAP and STORY T'ELLINGTON, and was heralded by DanceMagazine as “a graceful dream with taps as happy as a song” for her performance at the CHICAGO TAP FESTIVAL. Patricia A. Carroll - (Illustrator) holds a B.A. Degree in Fashion Illustration and Fashion Merchandising from Centenary College . Look for future work from her, in book II “Gabriella and the Tap Dance Floor”
Available At Amazon.com To order additional copies: www.booksurge.com
DANIEL CANTRELL Case Type: Endangered Missing DOB: Jun 21, 1992 Missing Date: Feb 16, 2006 Age Now: 17 Missing City: PARK FOREST Missing State : IL Daniel's left ear is pierced. His nick names are Dee and Danny. Park Forest Police Department (Illinois) 1-708-748-6131
Age Progression
RACHEL MARIE MELLON Case Type: Endangered Missing DOB: Oct 13, 1982 Missing Date: Jan 31, 1996 Age Now: 27 Race: Asian Missing City: BOLINGBROOK Missing State : IL Circumstances: Rachel's photo is shown age-progressed to 19 years. She disappeared from her residence on January 31, 1996. She was last seen wearing yellow sweatpants, a pink top, red houseslippers and was wrapped in a blue blanket. Bolingbrook Police Department (Illinois) - Missing Persons Unit 1-630-226-0600
Age Progression
Jackie Boatwright Enterprises/The Antho
One event changed the course of Jackie’s life. A ter tose and clinging to life. When doctors are telling
In the midst of an unspeakable tragedy and faced Jesus. Jackie has turned her triumphant story into dren across this country has resulted in a change o
If you’ve never heard of Jackie Boatwright we’d lik of child daycare in our country. She has become w around the country.
She should be at the top of anyone’s list of who’s w makers. Her name is certainly written in the history books of two state’s
On September 9, 2001 Jackie Boatwright’s son, Anthony DeJuan, affection tionless in an unattended bucket of mop water containing bleach and othe
Such an ordeal would have caused many to falter into a downward spiral tenacity, her intellect, and what a mother will do, all in the name of uncon
Juan’s ordeal revealed what Jackie deemed as one of Georgia’s greatest le it had a state-issued licensed, was uninsured. Jackie’s thoughts initially w her research showed an entirely different picture.
The state of Georgia does not require child care centers that it issues licen The lack of insurance dealt a heavy blow to the 33 million dollar judgmen tained; rendering it worthless.
Instead of bowing into a seemingly never ending series of heart-breaking sader for change. Armed with her love for her son, fueled by an indefatiga caught the attention of local media. Shortly thereafter, she was allowed t lators understood her fight; others38thought that she had to be wrong; rati
ony DeJuan Boatwright Foundation
rrible accident involving her son, Juan, left him comayou to give up on your child...what would you do?
with the most difficult decision of her life, Jackie chose o a full length motion picture. Her effort to help chilof law in 42 states!
ke to introduce her as the woman who changed the face well known in Washington and in general assemblies
who, who to watch, as well as one of today’s African American history general assemblies and in books of the United States Congress.
nately known to the world as “Juan” was found head-first and moer chemicals at his child day care center in Augusta, GA.
l. Instead Juan’s tragedy showed the world Jackie Boatwright’s strength, nditional love.
egal oversights. The child care center in which her son was kept, although were that someone at the licensing division, had made a serious error, yet
nses to carry liability insurance in case children are harmed or killed. nt Jackie won in damages against the center for the injuries her son sus-
g events, Jackie put on her fighting gear and became a one woman cruable spirit to protect other children, she began a walking campaign that to voice her plight in front of the Georgia General Assembly. Many legisionalizing that surely there was such a39 law on the books in Georgia.
One legislator even suggested that she go home and take care of her son b care centers out of business. Taking care of Juan was at the top of her lis child or parent ever had to endure what she and Juan endured.
What Jackie Boatwright wanted was for child day care centers to inform was, whether or not they carried liability insurance. Certainly it wasn’t to censed, insured, and bonded.
Hours of research, letter writing, placing phone calls to legislators, and ad off. In 2004, Georgia governor Sonny Perdue signed Juan’s Law. Anyone awakening. She announced to the local media that her fight was no longe child care centers to carry liability insurance. She won her second battle a Tim Kaine signed Juan’s Law.
Jackie’s impressive oratorical skills and political prowess allowed her to e man John Barrow to introduce The Anthony DeJuan Boatwright Act, whi
It is Jackie’s relentless belief that her son could have become a great man, street in Augusta where her son’s accident occurred be renamed Anthony Boatwright has become a force to be reckoned in the political arena. She h situations. It has often been said that what doesn’t kill us, will make us be her plan, her fight for her son and millions of children in America was abo subject of a feature film entitled “For the Love of Juan” based on her book,
Today, Jackie Boatwright continues to take care of her son who is now 9 y developed a natural and organic hair and skin care line brand named Jua and herbal stores in more than 50 locations. She also serves as the Execut
The Anthony DeJuan Boatwright Foundation http://www.anthonydejuan.com 40
because what she was suggesting to be done would put smaller child day st but giving up on changing the law was not. Jackie vowed that no other
parents of what she assumed after seeing a state-issued license, and that oo much to ask, when both her lawn care guy and her plumber were li-
ddressing committees, all while taking care of her severely ill son, paid e who was waiting for Jackie Boatwright to stop there soon had a rude er a Georgia issue; more than 40 other states do not require state licensed after addressing the Virginia General Assembly in 2006, when Governor
enter into the halls of the United States Congress and persuade Congressich passed the House in June of 2009.
, if not president someday, that led to her spearheading the change of the DeJuan Parkway. The city heard and agreed on May 5, 2008. Jackie has inspired women to fight for what they believe in even in challenging etter individuals. Jackie says that “dying under pressure” was never in out “living inside of her storm”. Juan’s and Jackie’s story is soon to be the , Juan’s Story.
years old. She is the CEO of Jackie Boatwright Enterprises where she has anderful Products. The product line can be found on the shelves of health tive Director of The Anthony DeJuan Boatwright Foundation.
For questions or comments, please contact Twanna@jackieboatwright.com 612-462-4825 bookings, contact Ruth@jackieboatwright.com 786-231-4942. 41
Monthly Tasty Treat - by Pat Holmes CHESTNUT MEATBALLS 4 Cups soft bread crumbs 1 Cup milk 2 Tablespoons soy sauce 1 Teaspoon garlic salt ½ Teaspoon onion powder 1 lb. ground beef 1 lb. sausage 1 5or 6 oz. can water chestnuts chopped Combine bread crumbs, milk, soy sauce, garlic salt, onion powder. Add ground beef and sausage and chestnuts. Mix well. Shape into 1” balls. Bake 350 for 15-18 minutes. Makes 8-10 doz. Put in fondue pot with barbeque sauce.
Rilya Alert Criteria •
The abduction is of a child age 17 years or younger
The parent must have contacted law enforcement to report child missing.
A RILYA Alert may also be issued if the child is classified as a runaway by the police. If the parent has reported missing child and has convincing evidence that child does not have a history of running away, an alert will be initiated within the 1st hour. We recognize that at times, not all information is readily available (ie. license plate numbers, name of abductor, or witness to abduction. In such cases, the available information will be reviewed and verified prior to RILYA Alert.
The law-enforcement agency believes the child is in imminent danger of serious bodily injury or death.
All children of color meeting the criteria for the Amber Alert will also receive the RILYA Alert If these criteria are met, alert information is assembled for public distribution. This information may include descriptions and pictures of the missing child, the suspected abductor, and a suspected vehicle along with any other information available and valuable to identifying the child and suspect. *The staff at Peas In Their Pods respectfully requests that once a child is found that any organization posting information remove their pictures from their sites.
http://www.peasintheirpods.com (516) 338-6873/43(515) 554-5096 hfmbc@hotmail.com
The purpose of the Elite Female Mentoring Organization is to en self-esteem, a positive self-image, and self-respect, by providing ence and provide up-to-date in formation about subjects pertain also address the needs of young adult and mature adult females greatness, or finding their inner-strength.
The Elite Female Mentoring Program is designed to encou safe place for girls to express themselves and explore new ideas addressed during the program are as follows: Etiquette (dining & social) Building Self-esteem Developing Healthy Relationships Improving Self-image, Self-respect, Core Values, and Decision Making Saying NO to Violence, Drugs, & Sex Before Marriage Cooking Basics Sewing Basics Cultural Diversity, Goal setting and much more…
The organization also sponsors an annual Mother/Daughter Retreat for teenage girl tionship through open communication and effective dialog. There are four workshop are then brought back together to put into practice what they learned in their respec that they compete in against other mothers and daughters at the beginning of the re ful effects of this event. The next Heart-2-Heart Mother/Daughter Retreat is schedu information, visit www.elitefemalementoring.com/heart2heartretreat.html.
About the Founder:
Kimmoly Rice-Ogletree is the President and Found zation in Baltimore Maryland. Mrs. Rice-Ogletree has lived a tumultuous life but he ful women of God she is today. She is an entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, publis motivator, full of life and passion. She encourages women to take control of their liv fore them with fierce determination. Kimmoly has expressed her views on many “ta women’s issues.
Mrs. Rice-Ogletree is an extraordinary mentor to teenagers and young adult women and is determined to use her gifts and talents to make an impact on our current and church youth groups, schools, and youth organizations with a desire to take their mi She encourages through her workshops, mentoring programs, seminars, and newsle Maryland with her wonderful husband 44 and two loving sons. To contact or book Mrs. Kimmoly Rice-Ogletree for you next engagement,
ncourage and strengthen females ages 12-16. Our goal is to help them develop high g interactive group sessions and field trips that will enhance their cultural experi ning to their age group. We teach them to strive for excellence in all areas of life. We s who may struggle with self-esteem issues, finding their purpose, embracing their
urage young females to strive for excellence in all areas of life. The program offers a in a secure, fun environment. This is a 5-month, curriculum based program. Topics
Inspirational Speaker*Teen Success Coach Author of "The Passion In My Soul" and "Behind My Mother's Back" International Co-Author, "Living Your Vision and Purpose" to be released Spring 2010 www.amazon.com www.elitefemalementoring.com www.mylifecompass.com/kimmoly
ls and their mothers. This is designed to assist them in maintaining a healthy relaps presented during the retreat, two for the daughters and two for the mothers. They ctive workshops. It is very effective and lots of fun. There is also a pajama contest etreat. This makes the whole event worthwhile. Many have raved about the wonderuled for March 19-21, 2010 at the Hyatt Regency, Baltimore Inner Harbor. For more
der of the Life Institute for Excellence, LLC, and the Elite Female Mentoring Organier strength, courage, determination, and perseverance have made her into the beautished author, international co-author, and teen success coach. She is an exceptional ves, grow to their full potential, and to live life boldly, exploring every option set bealk radio� programs and has written magazine articles on issues concerning teen and
n in her community and around the world. She has a God given passion for youth d future generations. She is a certified youth & parent trainer, offering workshops to inistries to the next level. She has over 14 years of experience working with youth. etters, spreading her message far and wide. Mrs. Rice-Ogeltree resides in Baltimore 45
visit www.elitefemalementoring.com or call 410-655-2992.
Case Type: Non Family Abduction DOB: May 31, 1973 Missing Date: May 7, 1982 Age Now: 36 Race: White Missing City: CHICAGO Missing State : IL She was last seen playing in the street near her home. She has a space between her front teeth.
Chicago Police Department (Illinois) Youth Headquarters-1-312-745-6052
Age Progression
TIMOTHY JACOB DAVISON Case Type: Non Family Abduction DOB: Jan 22, 1981 Missing Date: Oct 10, 1985 Age Now: 28 Race: White Missing City: DECATUR Missing State : IL Circumstances: Timothy's photo is shown age-progressed to 23 years. He was last seen at the Brettwood Village Shopping Center. He answers to "TJ." Decatur Police Department (Illinois) 1-217-424-2738
Age Progression
Sleepovers… Should You o By Pattie Fitzgerald, Founder S
I wish I had a “one-size-fits-all” answer when it comes to sleepovers, but lik way to do things when it comes to our kids.
Sleepovers can be a fun “rite of childhood passage”. Personally, I can reme my close friends. These experiences were part of a wonderful childhood, an to enjoy the same.
Yet, sleepovers can also be a slippery slope just by their very nature, and it’s have legitimate concerns. We’ve all heard stories about children being mol dren will enjoy sleepovers without anything bad ever happening.
Therefore, instead of offering one “absolute” about sleepovers, my perspect Is the sleepover itself really to blame?
Not necessarily. But, sleepovers can provide a molester or perpetrator easi So… what’s the difference?
For starters, the very nature of a sleepover IS different than a daytime play vulnerable atmosphere when children can be caught off-guard if approache this quiet environment, a child might be less likely to shout out for help, or The child may feel “trapped” and not know how to get away from the perpe for a molester to victimize a child, simply because they can wait until every
That’s why it’s important to talk specifically with your child about sleepover Is the solution “No sleepovers – ever?”
That’s one way to solve the problem and it’s certainly a parent’s right to ban on their own experiences or parenting styles. They may want to allow occa provided you arm your children with 48 clear safety instructions before ever al Safeguarding a Sleepover – A Parent’s Role
or Shouldn’t You? Safely Ever After, Inc.
ke most things in life, there simply isn’t one “right”
ember some terrific (and safe!) slumber parties with nd many parents would like their own kids to be able
s an important issue – one in which parents certainly lested while at a sleepover. And yet many other chil-
tive is… sometimes yes and sometimes no.
ier access to a child than a typical play-date during the day.
y-date. Once the kids are in their beds or sleeping bags, there is a quiet, ed by another adult, or possibly even the older sibling of their friend. In r even yell out a good, strong “STOP IT!”, for fear of waking the others. etrator. Lastly, during a sleepover, there may be more of an opportunity yone else is asleep.
r issues, before you make your decision.
n sleepovers if you choose. But, some parents may feel differently based asional sleepovers depending on certain circumstances. That’s okay too, llowing them to spend the night at another home. 49
Before allowing your child to spend the night at any friend’s home, you wi touch/confusing touch.” You’ll need to pose some “what if” questio fortable or “yucky.” There are many variables which can determin letting your child spend the night at one friend’s home, yet another home
Run through the check list below, which will help you evaluate if this home… for example, other relatives or adult friends? Is the older sibling a you do regarding the use of alcohol or other substances – particularly whe Questions to consider:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Do you know everyone who lives at the home? Does anyone at this home give you an uncomfortable or “uh-oh” feeling? Will the parents be home or are they having a babysitter in for the night? (If so Are other children going to spend the night as well? Are the supervising parents having their own adult friends over? Will the children be staying in all night or is there an outing or activity planned Will your child need to take a bath there? If so, who will be helping them? (No Have you told your child that they can call you at anytime, no matter what, if th *Even in the middle of the night! Are you able to discuss safety concerns with the supervising parent(s) without Do the other parents make you feel guilty for asking questions, or try to minim Is your child generally able to speak up for themselves when they feel uncomfo Have you taught your child to trust their instincts and to listen to their own “in Have you discussed what to do if someone tries to touch them in an uncomfort
* For more information on Safely Ever After, Inc.’s sexual abuse preventio tion forums, and teaching materials, please visit www.safelyeverafter.com
* Pattie Fitzgerald is a certified child safety educator and child visitation su She advocates for children across the United States. 50
ill need to have specific conversations regarding “good touch/bad ons, to be sure your child knows how to react to anything that feels uncomne if a household is safe for a sleepover. You might be comfortable may be completely out of the question.
s sleepover is a “safe scenario” or not. Consider who else may be at that also having a friend sleep over, do the parents have the same feelings that en children are around?
o, who is the sitter and what do you know about them?)
d for earlier in the evening (such as dinner out, bowling, or a movie)? ote: the smartest choice is for the child to bathe at home before going). hey feel uncomfortable or scared and that you’ll pick them up right away?
worrying about what they might think of you mize your concerns by teasing you or not taking you seriously? ortable or uneasy? nner voice”? table or unsafe manner?
on workshops, educam.
upervisor. 51
Get The Most Out Of Your Weave!
Many of us start working out during this time to get in tiptop shape for the summer months. Well, what hair?
This is the perfect time to start adopting hair care ha by summer time. Wearing a weave is one way to star
Many of us yearn for long beautiful, healthy hair, bu and brittle. If this is the case for you, a hair weave may be the answe
Weaves are NOT only used to cover up damaged hair, but can be us grow out a cut, temporarily protect the hair from the elements, or to own hair for long periods of time. Whatever the reason you may cho yours.
1. If you plan on wearing weave for an extended period of time, be s lar styling without getting too matted or ratty looking.
2. Be sure to comb through the hair regularly in order to avoid exces to stress on your own hair. When combing the hair, start at the ends comb.
3. Brush or comb the hair to cut down on tangles and massage the s
4. Washing the hair in the shower is much easier than in a sink. Be s running through the hair, be sure to allow as much access as possib remains as detangled as possible. 52
t our bodies about your
abits that will get you a beautiful head of hair and a healthy scalp rt on that journey.
ut the damage over the years may have caused our hair to be short er.
sed in order to transition from relaxed hair to natural hair; used to o minimize or eliminate combing, brushing and using heat on your ose to wear a weave; here are some tips to get the most out of
sure to get quality hair; hair that can withstand washing and regu-
ssive tangling and matting. Combing matted hair can pull and lead s and comb upward to the scalp. Use a semi-wide or wide tooth
scalp to loosen up any build up before washing.
sure to use cool water on the hair and NOT hot. As the water is ble to the scalp. During the process finger comb the hair so that it 53
5. Instead of saturating the entire head with shampoo, focus on the
6. Avoid using products that contain alcohol, mineral oils, and othe weave including causing excessive dryness, matting and loss of shin
7. Depending on the desired style, a weave can be wrapped at night can be wrapped in a circle around the head, or maybe set with roller portant element is a satin scarf or pillowcase to avoid drying the hai
8. Do not over due it with the styling products as it can decrease the form of moisturizer in order to keep your own hair moisturized and ture's Growth Spray and lightly mist your hair between the tracks. If you follow these suggestions, a weave can be an awesome way of
Of course a professional is always the best wa and maintenance of a weave, but if you are a d techniques on weaving in order to be sure you
Guide To Beautiful, Healthy, Black Hair http://www.fabulousblackwoman.com/TheBook.html Http://www.fabulousblackwoman.com 54
scalp by massaging the shampoo carefully between the tracks.
er harsh ingredients because it can greatly alter the quality of the ne.
in a satin scarf in the same way you regularly wrap your hair. It rs, or pins; however you decide to prepare it at night, the most imir out.
e quality of the weave, although you should definitely use some d healthy; try to keep it to a minimum. Get a spray like Sweet Naprotecting and growing your own hair.
ay to go as they are skillfully trained and can help with the upkeep do-it-yourselfer, I would suggest investing in a DVD that teaches u are giving your hair the best care possible.
CHICAGO JANE DOE Case Type: Unidentified DOB: Sex: Female Missing Date: Sep 23, 1980 Race: Black Age Now: 17-25 Height: 5'6" (168 cm) Missing City: CHICAGO Weight: 133 lbs (60 kg) Missing State : IL Hair Color: Black Missing Country: United States Eye Color: Brown Case Number: NCMU1106799
Circumstances: On September 23, 1980, this unidentified fema urbs. She had a reddish tint to her hair and was wearing a pink or tan bra, and a navy blue zipper sweater which may have had a flor which the victim was also believed to have been wearing.
She wore a silver ring on the third finger of her left hand, a gold ea shaped earring in her right ear. The photograph above is a comput National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. Items such as e the image, and should not be considered as significant markers for
Illinois State Police Criminal Investigations -Zone 1- Special Agent 56
ale was found in a shipping waterway in the south Chicago subred hair comb. The decedent was dressed in a blue sweater, a ral print. There were two sponge hair rollers found near the body
arring in the shape of a spade in her left ear, and a gold crescent ter-assisted facial reconstruction done by a forensic artist at the eye color and hair style are the artist's estimations to complete r identification
t Jim Tsambikou - 1-847-294-4547 57
"One Day At A Time"
It Takes Time: It takes a full season for fuit to mature and ripen...al mental steps in our lives. ~Rick Warren (The Purpose Driven Life)
I never would have guessed that my life would transform the way that it lations of life, but I never would have have thought that my experiences w
This is something that I have heard so many people say when it comes d not easy, that's for sure, but He never said that it would be. I can rememb how hard it is to go through life experiencing the things that I have, still t everyday routine although you would prefer to stay in bed instead of dea to praise Him through every circumstance. Well, I am here to tell you tha tested...you still have to praise and pray your way through it. It is not by the things that you are dealing with, but you do have to take it one day a
In every situation, whether you believe it or not, God is with you. I say th when I was going through a storm that I never thought that I would be g prayed, that He was allowing what was happening, and I sincerely felt l my head that I really began to feel as though I didn't have a place...as tho be there for me when I needed Him. Didn't I get a slap in the face when I praying to God about. You can't tell me that God doesn't hear you or that you...you just have to take things one day at a time.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, wi 4:6). This was the words to me, that I had to take things one day at a tim when we ask God to guide us through our storms, we feel as though this s guide us through it I mean, but we forget that this is what transforms us den regardless of what type of seed that it is, it takes time for it to produ
It all comes down to this...there is a time and a place, there is a start and speak and a time to listen, there is a time to move and a time to stand stil even when you have to go through, and remember there are seasons, and 58
Much Love & God Bless, Paula Whitebear-Burton Warrior's for Christ (
lthough God could instantly transform us, He prefers to work in incre-
t did...not that I didn't expect to go through the normal trials and tribuwould have been as they were.
down to the storms that we have to face in life as we walk with God. It's ber so many days that I felt as though no one else really understood trying to look for the good in it all, trying to remain in sync with your aling with the rest of the world, and most important trying to continue at even through the moments where your faith is tremendously y coincidence that you are where you are, or that you are dealing with at a time.
his because I know how I have felt at one time or another especially going through. I felt as though God left me, like He didn't hear me when I like God didn't care. Let me tell you, I allowed the enemy to get so far in ough what was my purpose for walking with God if He wasn't going to had someone come to me and tell me the answer to what I had been t He is not there, because I am a living witness that He is always with
ith thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God (Philippians me. I know that for many we want things when we want them...even should miraculously calm the storm, the factor that we asked Him to s...the fertilizer that makes us bloom. When you plant a seed in the garuce its fruit or blossom into that beautiful flower...one day at a time.
d a finish, there is a time to laugh and a time to cry, there is time to ll, there is a time reap and a time to sow....in everything give thanks d we all have to walk into ours...it just takes One Day At A Time. 59
(W.F.C) Founder, Coordinator, and Organization Manager
Noelle took 1st on floor, bars, beam and 2nd on vault. She won 1st place all aound with a score of 37.55!!! New Jersey State Gymnastics Championship New Brunswick, New Jersey in her age group on Saturday, January 30, 2010. She began gymnastics at age 4 and from the very start was considered a prodigy by her coaches. Noelle is now 8 years old and competing with 9 & 10 year olds.
Cherry Hill, New Jersey Gymnastics 60
Peas In Their Pods thank all the contributing writers for providing our readers with information and resources. Your information is crucial in building stronger communities near and beyond. Janice Lowery - Founder
Peas In Their Pods
Thank You..! 62