Interior Architecture / Architecture and Design Portfolio

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I am an Interior Architecture Post graduated student from Nottingham Trent University. My goal is not only to be able to provide sustainable and attractive spaces for people, but also to be able to inspire and motivate others how imagination can create a better living condition for man kind. I am ambitious, hard working and challenge orientated individual. I am eager to fulfil my lifelong desire to become a qualified architect and interior designer and will do my best to achieve my goal. These are selected projects that I have done along the way. Thank you very much for taking a look. - Sirapa Supakalin


MA Interior Architecture and Design Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, United Kingdom


Blow Your Glass of Wine


Arboretum Columbarium

New River Trent water front project

Alternative columbarium proposal


Discarded space to Art Gallery Art gallery proposal on a discarded space

B.Sc. in design and Architecture Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, thailand




Frontier Minescape

Dense city Waste Disposal Propaganda

Military Training ground as post mining recovery




Manipulating Fabric


Vaults of pulp

Floating energy station (Workshop)

Exploring fabric as a material for Design (Workshop)

An Architecture for Horticulture (Workshop)

Professional Experience iMatzh Company


B2 Hotel



Interior design for boutique and budget hotel

Furniture Design


Web design Designing website for iMatzh company




BLOW YOUR GLASS OF WINE MA Interior Architecture and Design

Project type : Purpose : Size :

Architure Recreational space and tourist attraction 10,000 sq.m.

The focus of this final module of my Master study is the production and deveopment of a complex and extesive, student-led design project. Learning was taken place through a combination of group and individual seminars and tutorials delivered by the module leader and tutors. Individual tutorials were in- tended to focus on the discussion and criticism of studen’ts work, the enhancement of production by identifying addi- tional areas of exploration and the development of a wide range of skills through direction and examples provided by the staff. Through independent study, design exploration and direct- ed research students were expected to develop their own analysis and interpretation of context and propose their design response within a framework of key themes. Students were expected to plan, implement, document, communicate and evaluate work to a high academic and professional standard by applying advanced knowledge and skills. The site of River Trent (which was given as a site location for the project) has a long history of flooding and such topic can no longer be ignored. “Blow your glass of Wine” is the new River Trent water front project that aims to be a form of architecture that is resilient and adaptive to change. The project is located at the Westbridgford area where the flood protection scheme hasn’t been fully developed. The project is divided into 3 phases: Phase one - Propose the widening of the river by extracting the deposit sand and gravel, creating a basin, in order to lay the foundation for future flood alleviation scheme. Phase 2 - Flood mitigation basin is set to alleviate future flood events. Amphibious architecture is introduced on site, prepare for possible future flood. The building will rise up and down gently with height of the water level, preventing the property from being damaged. Phase 3 - Extracted sand will be use in glass blowing studio and winery. Creating a major attraction and recreational amenity for the city of Nottingham.


A 09

07 10 12


11 08















GROUND FLOOR PLAN scale 1: 300


FLOOD EVENT DIAGRAM The diagram shows how the building operates during the event of flood.


Glass blowing studio - Isonometric drawing


Winery- Isonometric drawing



SECTIONAL PERSPECTIVE A-A From left to right - The grapes arrive at the unloading dock ready to transfer into fermentation tanks. After weeks fining agent which is the product from the mixure of sand and other chemical will be added into the beverage to fine the wine. Later on the wine will be transfered into barrels and keep inside the barrel chamber on the right hand side. PERSPECTIVE FROM THE UNLOADING DOCK LOOKING INSIDE THE WINERY AREA Glass blowing studio opens eveyday. Professional glass blowers demonstrates how sand can be used in glass art and craft industry.. 17


SECTIONAL PERSPECTIVE B-B The sectional perspective shows the function of space within the project and presents how the building sits on the site. The concrete envelope allows the water to flow in during the time of flood, and cause the building to rise up gradually with the height of the water. PERSPECTIVE INSIDE GLASS BLOWING STUDIO Glass blowing studio opens eveyday. Professional glass blowers demonstrates how sand can be used in glass art and craft industry.


Main entrance

Winery courtyard


View of unloading dock from the cafe

Winery wet room



ELEVATIONS From left to right East elevation / North elevation / West elevation / South elevation


ARBORETUM COLUMBARIUM MA Interior Architecture and Design

Project type : Purpose : Size :

Pavilion Green columbarium 1,200 sq.m.

In project 3 of MA Interior Architecture, students were asked to explore, record and pres- ent a design proposal for a columbarium to be built inside the Arboretum park, Nottingham. The project was devided into 3 stages - site analysis and cultural analysis, research and process, realisation and com- munication. Site and cultural analysis - Site analysis in this stage was done in group where all group members were responsible for find- ing information about the site. This process involving Digi map analysis and photographic recording of the area and street as well as producing site model. For cultural analysis, students were asked to find out a process of bereavement within their own culture in order to gain a deeper under- standing of function needed in the building program. Research and Process - Develop an increased critical aware- ness of emotion and function within this design field. The module should also enable student to demonstrate evidence and policy for one’s design strategies and to formulate an approach towards future career aspirations. Realisation and Communication - Conclusion of the Design proposal are presented in forms of visuals, models and orthographic drawings. The Arboretum new columbarium promotes an alternative way to a place of remembrance. The structure of the building house the planting urn that filled up with ashes of the deceased, converting end of life into the new beginning, through nature. The grown up tree can be re-plant in the park and grow even further more.


Potential site area

Connecting path from 2 main walkway

Counterclockwise programatic arrangement from start to end, according to Thai bereavement ceremony process.

Incorporating the 4 elements, fire water air and earth. After cremation (fire), the columbarium provides water element, cool down the building and make the connection with the park site.

Air element brought in by the steel structure which allows air to breath through parts of the columbarium.

The whole structure act as a planting pot supporter, promoting the new type of columbarium where all ashes are stored in the pot to grow tree, returning the body back to the earth.

Development diagram


Ground floor plan


Gathering space

Memorial Hall


Memorial space I

Memorial space II / Waterfront


In project 2 students were asked to explore, record and pres- ent a design proposal for a new small-scaled art gallery to be built on the discarded space which situated opposite Not- tingham Trent University. The project was devided into 3 stages - site analysis, research and process, realisation and communication.

DISCARDED SPACE - GALLERY MA Interior Architecture and Design

Project type : Purpose : Size : 30

Architecture Gallery space 450 sq.m.

Site analysis - This stage was done in group where all group members were responsible for finding information about the site. This process involving Digi map analysis and photo- graphic recording of the area and street as well as producing site model. Research and Process - The proposal is required to present a new building, which does not overwhelm, yet sits CALMLY on the street in its own right. Internally you should consider the overall scale, understand the light and space required within the site so that you produce beautiful internal spaces, which will function as a realistic proposal. Realisation and Communication - Conclusion of the Design proposal are presented in forms of visuals, models and or- thographic drawings.


Site boundary

connect the existing circulation

building block

Lower the block allow more sunlight

introducing green space

propose a viewing tower to become an attraction


Floor plans


Section drawings


Exploded Axonometric



Gallery I

Gallery II





Walkway connecting Goldsmith street and Talbot street


Viewing tower


D.W.D.P Dencity Wastage Disposal Propaganda B.Sc. in Architectural Design

Project type : Purpose :

Size :


Highrise public housing Introducing new waste management system to an over populated city 27,600 sq.m.

“Dencity is not just a project. It is a challenge that was taken by students and teachers from INDA, in order to tackle the overpoppulated problem that occurs in HongKong. It is a semester long project that divided into 4 phases and spaned from Bangkok to the city of Hongkong�

Therefore, this residential project aims to call an attention to the extremely high consumtion rate and the immenent waste problem that is threaet- ening the future urban growth of Hong Kong while providing a housing units which are still a high demand among Hong Kong people.

Many cities around the world are growing at an unprecedented rate. Sprawling out of control, choking on the carbon clouds of their own construction, sinking in their own waste, diminishing domestic areas, and yet the pace increases!

The very location allows the architecture to perform at its full potential as a didactic tool for community.This project will magnify the whole process of wastage disposal in a way that is not hidden or unseen by general public.

Dense city Location: Mongkok, Hong Kong Hong Kong is one of the most condense city in the world. The problem that comes along with the super-dense city is the huge amount of garbage. However, it seems that the city has put this problem behind. With the existing consumption rate and with no any other alternative wastage disposal. Hong Kong landfills are going to be exhausted by 2018.

As well as becoming a didactic tools not only for the residence but also for people in the community. This prototype housing will be a showcase propaganda of new technology in waste recycling management that incorporate into house and upgrading the living stand- ard of Hong Kong residents.


PHASE 3 : URBAN RULES In the first 2 phases, before students had explored the maximum, everyone must take into account the minimum. We studied smallest possible sizes of furniture, objects, and space that still allow humans to perform their daily tasks. After we have studied and lived the body rules, we dive into the building codes and regulations and urban zoning laws of Hong Kong. This phase required all students to choose the area of study (which in this case I’ve chosen Mongkok) and immerse themselves in the extreme environ- ments of maximum density in that area during 5 days in Hongkong. After visit apartments, offices, public spaces that are small, tight, cramped, and charged with DenCity’s potentials. One major issue in dense city that stood out was the ineffective wastage disposal management. After interviewing residents as well as local architects, I conduct an in-depth site research, which focus on the rule of wastage disposal. This diagram is a graphical vocabulary to show the current wastage disposal method in Mongkok area and how much they cost Hongkong government each year to take care of these waste.



PHASE 3: URBAN RULES - Waste Collecting/Disposing/Managing

In order to create a deeper understading of waste management in Mongkok, the area of study was narrowed down to 4 city blocks, which will be the site location for furthur development in this project. The indepth research including, first, every building type around the area, which determine the users, thus defined the type of waste that has been disposed. Second, the disposal habit of both Hong Kong citizens and tourists and waste disposal spot, which results can be conclude that eventhough trashcan has been provided throughout the district, waste piles still exist outside of the waste disposal point such as the side of main road, underneath the pole, back alley, etc. 44

These un healthy habits have never been an attempt to improve or fix from the actual cause. The reason is, after waste was indulgently disposed, it got taken care secretly at night by waste disposal organization from both government sector and private company. This hidden processes are out of sight, therefore, out of mind of Hong Kong City. As a result, the city was deprived of the ability to see the coming immense waste problem that is hard to mend if no any step has been taken.

HONGKONG PUBLIC REFUSE CENTER The analysis of architecture that involves in wastage disposal management in Hong kong.



Analysis of potential users and visitors around the site



1. Site location

4. Creating paths

2. Direct walking route

5. Transforming paths

3. Creating field

6. Public circulation

Ground floor programs are created according to type of users that coming in their way


GROUND FLOOR PROGRAM Ground floor programs are created in an attempt to serve and act themself as a didactic tools to both public community and tenants. For instance, the new wastage disposal system which consists of thermal biodigester plant, temporary waste storage tank, convayor belt and recycling plant are together raising an awareness of household consumption as well as show the process of waste elimination in future residential unit. Other programs such as waste trading area urban garden and event space shows an immediat result of how the new waste management could contribute to the city, how waste can potentially be more than waste, how waste could become another source of income and even tourist attraction.



1. Thermal anaerobic biodigestion plant

4. Recycle waste trading market

7. Fergitation field

2. Thermal anaerobic biodigestion plant

5. Recycle waste trading market

8. Tropical wetlands

3. Waste Recycling / Sorting plant

6. Waste convayor belt system

9. Water recycling bed



Typical floor plan


Living module elevation

Living module section

Units verticle arrangement


Non-organic waste pneumatic collecting system is provided on each floor. Unlike th old style recycling bin that color merely address the differences of each waste type. This design attempt to relate the type of waste with its own value. For instance, the golden pipe for organic waste shows the most value one gets as a source of energy in their daily life. The silver pipe is for metal and copper pipe forplastic.


All tenants are responsible for separating organic waste by putting them into pneumatic (air pressurize) tube. The system will carry the waste to thermal anaerobic digester plant which is the organic waste management system. The process will turn food waste into energy that supply each living unit. The by-product of fertilizer will be used for urban green space in the project. 51

Ground floor activities

Common space on the ground level is open to public. During winter the thermal pool area will be open for multi purpose event space. During summer the same area will transform into a pool, suitable for families to enjoy their free time.

Non- organic waste that was trasfer through the belt system will be moved into the on-site recycling plant. The plant allows the public access to learn about zero waste management system.


Ground floor activities

Non- organic waste is being transfered to recycling/sorting facility along convayor belt. Waste management system will no longer hidden or unseen by general public. Acting themself as a didactic tool for Mongkok community and raising awareness of Hong kong’s consumption rate. The bi-product from organic waste manage- ment system is used or fertilizing the green space around the project, creating agricultural zone which will benefit both residences and nearby community.

The profit from this new alternative wastage disposal system does not merely create a good impact on ecological aspect, but also economi- cal facet. Waste trading ground allows citizens to trade waste with other goods, stimulating economical growth through the change of waste diposing habit.


Tenants activities


Common space activities

TENANTS ACTIVITIES 1. The perspective shows the change of wastage disposal habbit of the tenants. The golden pnuematic tube that situated in the heart of the living unit. This proposed alternative way of food disposal will carry all organic waste into thermal anaerobic digestion process which will result as an energy and fertilizer as bi-product and return the favor to inhabitants. 2.The common space on each floor provides a non-organid waste collector. All tenants are respomsible for seperate their own waste and put each different type of waste down according to different colour of the tube. Clear tube is for glass, Red tube is for plastic, grey tube is for metal and white tube is for paper. COMMON SPACE ACTIVITY 3. Each tower has its own thermal pool in the common area. The heat that use for the pool is the bi-product from the anaerobicdigestion activities that transf organic waste into energy.


FRONTIER MINESCAPE B.Sc. in Architectural Design

Project type : Purpose : Size :

Landscape Architure Post mining recovery Military training ground 3.4

At the Thai-Burma Border, in the Tako Pidthong area, having been situated right in the middle of two nations as well as being a refugee corridor, two major issues that any future development could not ignore are multi-ethnic groups and national security. For decades, refugees from Myanmar had fled into Thailand through every possible passageway. The Ban Tham Hin refugee camp, located not so far from the site, had been a shelter for over 4,000 households of refugees since the 1980’s and relocation had remained a major issue for years, leading to concerns in national security. The problem lies in the fact that resettling became a trouble- some issue when refugees are ill equipped with survival skills necessary to adapt to the new environment. They lack educa- tion on language, general knowledge and skills necessary for resettlement requirements as well as their future life in the third country. Thus, in order to help the refugees relocate, proper education and training would be required for efficient resettlement procedures to be achieved. Therefore, the Frontier Minescape project seeks to alleviate this dilemma by proposing a new strategy for Takopidtong border development. This includes reactivating a series of vacant mine facilities and maximizing the potential within the soils of the Tako Pidthong area. The project aims to reno- vate the area into a fully facilitated ‘Refugee Education & Training Ground’ that would provide a mutual benefit between the 2 main agencies that occupies the area, which are the refugees and the military. The refugees would be able to find work at the mines in which the process of eco-mining would incorporate the training of numerous sets of skills such as construction, mechanism, as well as agriculture, which could benefit these workers and equip them with tools of education that could help them find work elsewhere in the future. Furthermore, the process of mining would subsequently generate a terrain that could be utilized to develop facilities that serve as an external expan- sion for the military base once resources within the mine depletes. The post-mining strategy would strategically exert the benefits that come when mining is finished and these new military facilities could help raise the surveillance and security along the borders to new heights. Hence, the project will “strategically weave all disconnected layers” of refugees, mining and military together as well as establish a mutual benefit between these agencies that would sustain for years to come.


Research stage

REFUGEE MOVEMENT AND MILITARY CONTROL For decades, refugees from Myanmar had fled into Thai- land through every possible passageway. Through Tako pidthong, Myanmar refugee had escaped from their home country and come to Baan Tham Hin refugee camp, located not so far from the site. The trend of inflow continues to rise, therefore, it can be said that the camp is facing a situation of overpopulation.


Research stage

CONNECTION BETWEEN EXISTING REFUGEE CAMP AND TAKO PID TONG ABANDONED MINING SITE The connection between the camp and Tako Pidthong lies here where all youth population in the camp will be able get an education at Tako Pidthong school which reside in the Tako Pidtong mining site. Over these few years, the number minority ethnic group such as Karen and Mon keep rising within the school. For several years, the UNHCR (The UN refugee Agency) had attempted to relocate the camp’s inhabitants, but mostly yielded unfavorable results. Consequently, the refugees are currently rotting away their lives, resulting in and the erosion of camp supplies in terms of proper food and clean water.


Research stage

CURRENT UNHCR RESETTLEMENT PROCEDURE AND PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE METHOD The next diagram shows the current procedure of resettlement by the UNHCR. The problem that often occurs is that, as an unskilled labor, the refugee’s application often rejected, and without any efficient problem solving, the same cycle repeats. Thus, it is reasonable to analyze that in order to help the refugees to successfully carry out their relocation, proper educa- tion and training would be required for efficient resettlement procedures to be achieved. Regardless of how slim the possibili- ty of achieving relocation of labor seems to be, the demand for skilled labor is still exceptionally high, particularly in developed countries such as United States, Australia, Canada, Norway and Finland. The specific skills demanded by these countries include mechanical, construction, agricultural, and especially mining skills. This finding opens up a whole new possibility that could effectively reduce the overpopulation problem and poor living quality of refugees.


Research stage

SKILLS OBTAINED THROUGH MINING ACTIVITIES Fortunately, within the Tako Pidthong area situates a vacant mine that is within the military controlled zone, in which had become the main inspiration for this project; why not put this vacant mine to good use? Though the new method of mining, this diagram shows how such skills can be achieved through this modern mining platform.


Therefore, the Frontier Minescape project seeks to alleviate this dilem- ma by proposing a new strategy for Takopidtong border development. This includes reactivating a series of vacant mine facilities and maxi- mizing the potential within the soils of the Tako Pidthong area. The project aims to renovate the area into a fully facilitated ‘Refugee Education & Training Ground’ that would provide a mutual benefit between the 2 main agencies that occupies the area, which are the refugees and the military. The project divided into 4 main phases. Firstly the land preparation, where the expansion of military base and establishment of botanical research center as well as basic training facilities will be provided for a larger military division that will be secure utilizing the are in the future. Secondly, The Feldspar Mining Reactivation, the project will apply an aco-minign method by alternate between active mining and restoring inwhich when the first mine depletes, the restoration will occur right after and finish by the time of the reactivation of minign in the next area. Thirdly, Tin Mining Reactivetion and feldspar mine resto- ration, this phase will repeating ecomining method and do the same in the last phase which is Quartz mining reactivation. The yellow lines in circulation diagram shows the designated refugee route which will be closely monitored by military personel which the route represents by red color. The programmatic diagram shows the overall basic and advance military training program on the space that minign subsequently create.

Military program

FELDSPAR MINING REACTIVATION the open pit mining technique subsequently create a space that suitable for military shooting range as a reclamation program

FELDSPAR MINING REACTIVATION Box cut mining technique will create a high cut wall, suitable for a mountaineering training program.


Military program

TIN MINING REACTIVATION The layer of tin deposition will be extracted by strip mining technique, and provided space for creating a sports field and swimming pool for military training as well as public facilities

QUARTZ MINING REACTIVATION A long and deep mine deposition, with the mountain top removal and strip mining method subsequently create a suitable space for eco friendly seed mortar shooting and seed bomb (air bomb) training. For morta seed restora- tion, different seed will contains in different bullet, each mining contour level will be target for different mortar range, as a result crops grow together between different strips between season will improve soil fertility. 65

Refugee program


Quartz mining operation becoming a refugee skills training platform. Skills that can be obtained from this station are knowledge in mining process and mining operation techniqu as well as construction skills.


Agricultural skill will be provided for refugees in order to improve their understanding under the topic of crops species and planting techniques at the argriculture training platform.


Refugee program


At botanical research facility, Armed force development will be able to use the provision space for plant study. Refugees will be taught about botanical technology as well. as renewable energy.

“ The idea and concept of this project was bought by MVD (Monarch Ville Development), Thailand’s leading eco-friendly industrial estate developer in October 2016, in order to become one of the alternative roll model for mining restoration.”



Floating Energy Station

B.Sc. in Architectural Design

Project type : Purpose: Size:

Product design Off-grid electricity supplies 3.60 m. x 3.60 m. x 1.20 m.

In the previous years, natural disasters have severely affected people from every parts of the world. Flood is evidently one of the main issues that cause serious damages and difficult living conditions. Thailand is one of the country that suffers from flooding. Since 1992, many regions have been flooded almost every year and large number of victims were isolated from electricity access during this natural disaster. Large number of People have experienced food scarcity, diseases, and most importantly electrical shortage. Energy for cooking and light supplies for night survival is essential as daily basis. Post-disaster recovery campaigns are slow and have difficulty as electricity system are damaged or shut down. FloES is a prototype project that aims to help victims of such natural disaster, enable them to survive through the unex- pected event. FloES will offer immediate supply of electricity for basic needs by generating electrical energy from 4 solar panels and stores in onboard batteries. With an inverter, stored energy will beusable by any electrical devices. Beside from performing as a flood-aiding tool, FloES can be operated on dry land for a better living condition. Desert and/or remote communities, with extreme sunlight and less supply of electricity, are perfect sites that allow FloES to operate on its maximum potential. FloES effectively and sufficiently converts sunlight into energy and generates elec- tricity for all your necessary daily demands. In colaboration with Energy Meet, Japan based design company, FloES is developed from sketches in paper into 1:20 scale prototype model finally into real product. This project won’t be accomplished without kind sponcership from Kyocera, TODA and Bang Chak. It took 4 weeks of hard work and dedication to build FloES. After the opening event where the final product was introduced to all sponcers, FloES has been given to The Bangkok Planatarium for further educaional purpose. FloES is also developed into a shareware project where everyone can download the product informations and assembly guidance for free to create there own floating energy station. This is not only to distribute the knowledge to fellow beings but also to be able to help victims of natural disasters like the flooding situation that Thailand had gone through during the fourth quater of 2011. 68


Kyocera (KC175GHT-2)

Maximum Power:

175 w

Total power of 4modules:

700 w

production maximum in 1 day: 700(w) x 4 (hrs) x 0.7-0.8 (loss) = 1960 wh - 2450 wh

FLOES FOR POST DISASTER RECOVERY Floes is design to suit every post disaster situation.


1 : 1 PROTOTYPE LAUNCH A 1:1 prototype was designed and assembled in Bangkok and now the model is dispayed is the national science museum for educational purpose.


MANUPULATING FABRIC B.Sc. in Architectural Design

Project type : Purpose: Size:

Art installation Exploring the potential of fabric as a material for design work 1.40 m. x 1.10 m.

The primary goal of the Design Experimentation Workshop on Manipulating Fabric was to expose and familiarize students with fabric as a material for design. The workshop began with two preliminary exercises meant to introduce students to the properties of fabric – rupture and attachment. These were executed in an intuitive fashion: where students literally tampered with their material in order to understand limits and potentials. Through trial and error, students drew conclusions on the differing qualities of each material and began to establish preferences for working with one material over another. A fabric installation was introduced as their final exercise. Issues of structure were crucial for space-making and to allow constructs to be self supporting. The exercise demand- ed that they make use of their newly developed skills while taking into account issues of scale and assembly. Ultimately, students were able to understand the integral relationship between surface and tension, form and performance. As a design build exercise with fabric, the workshop dealt with formal complexity and unpredictable material perfor- mance. This called for a rigorous hands-on trial and error process. Consequently, the relationship between design and actualization became quite seamless, immediate, and integrated. Executed as a series of formal exercises, poten- tial applications of the final constructs were not considered during the development of the workshop, but were instead retroactively discussed during the final presentations.


VAULTS OF PULP B.Sc. in Architectural Design

Project type : Purpose: Size:

Sculpture / Temporary pavillion To explore the potential of renewable material for architectural work 1.20 m. x 1.20 m. x 2.10 m.

Vaults of Pulp is a visionary project on the Garden of Rosendal and Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm that explores the possibilities of using renewable materials in the cultivation, processing and consumption of biodynamic vegetables. TA multidisciplinary collaboration between architects from Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, designers, gardeners, chefs, engineers and artists from Sweden where everyone’s skills intertwine to create a sculpture and a garden at the Rosendal Garden out of the renewable material Gluten plastic. Gluten plastic.The material is new and revolutionary, developed by the visionary Swedish company ‘Innventia’ where the material is processed in smaller parts for construction at Rosendal. Gluten comes from wheat from Swedish fields and is mostly used as feed today but also in the baking industry. Gluten Plastic is a result of years of research and is completely organic and 100% biodegradable like any bread. The core of the project is Rosendal’s and biodynamic gardening’s philosophy which respects its place and the environment. The place where the sculpture and the garden is located is in direct connection to the heart of Rosendal, the compost on which the entire sculpture and the garden will be places in autumn to become new plants in coming seasons. The garden created around the sculpture consists of a combination of wild herbs from the island of Djurgården’s forests and cultivated plants from Rosendal greenhouses and fields. Visitors will have the chance to harvest the salad and herbs and create their own taste sensation.The sculpture and the garden has been created by architect students from Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok with teacher Lara Lesmes and Fredrik Hellberg in cooperation with the gardener Niklas Karlsson and others. The project has lasted three weeks in June and began with an introduction of organic farming, processing and gastronomy from gardener Niklas Karlsson at Rosendal. The participants have done shorter training periods with Karlsson and Rosendals staff in order to create an understanding of biodynamic farming and Rosendals philosophy. We hope that the sculpture and the garden can inspire and lead to more innovative experiments towards a more sustainable, interesting and tasty future 74

Vaults of pulp cycle

Vaults of pulp as a pavillion structure

Gluten plastic modular making


Vaults of pulp assembly and opening event



B2Hotel is a unique boutique and budget hotel chain in Thailand offering a variety of hotel locations, international standards and gracious Thai hospitality under “The B2 brand�

B2 HOTEL Professional experience

Project type : Client: Location: Construction start date: 82

Interior deign B2 Hotel Pattaya, Thailand December, 2014

B2 hotels are not only budget hotels but also provide customers with well-designed guest rooms, a contemporary, relaxed ambience and comfortable facilities. The ultimate goal of B2 is for customers feel like they are stay- ing at home. The latest B2 branch situated in Pattaya city, Thailand. Unlike the other B2 previous interior decoration which are mostly decorate in modern style. At B2 Pattaya, hotel rooms are designed under contempo- rary industrial style concept that also gives a city vibes. Decoration components consist mainly of wood and steel.

This is my first interior design project during the time I work as a designer for imatzh company. I am responsible for the design of every single piece of furniture as well as decorative items as well as making the final decision of every finishing material in the room. This project has introduced me to the actual realm of interior design, where many components such as regulations, budget, practicality and beauty need to weave together in order to create a successful design.

MTCM DESK Professional experience

Project type : Purpose: Size: Features:

Product design Working desk 0.75 m. x 1.15 m x 0.74 m. Multi-compartments help organize your working table

MTCM Desk is my first furniture design during the time I was working as designer at imatzh company. The breif was to design working table for clients aged between 25-35 who look for working table with interesting design and the product must be made out of wood and steel. The main concept of the table is ‘organized’. With 6 compartments and one drawer, this table will help users organize their working space in a greater manner. One compartment at the top is specifically designed for electrical etension cord where it is convenient for charging your gadgets and laptop while at the same time keeping all the wires and cables out of your working area. The table top is made out of laminated wood and the legs are 1inch bended steel pipe. The product is available in 2 colors black and white.


My Contemporary Industrial style collection of furniture design for iMatzh company, launch during April 2015


My Contemporary Industrial style collection of furniture design for iMatzh company, launch during April 2015


WEB DESIGN AND MARKETING Working for iMatzh company has been chalenging in so many ways. Not only I had to produce design work such as interior and furnitures, but also developing marketing strategy and designing the whole new entire website for the company. The webpage work includes web concepts and layouts, content, typography, graphics, and as well as photography. I also responsible for print media of the company such as company profile book which is used for marketing purpose. These different type of design work that I have experienced have been valuable and worthwhile.

iMatzh company old website


New Website for iMatzh company


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