Colos | Villa | P4

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Jun Yasumoto

Terrazza bar

- VILLA 2 in bianco

- TA 1 in bianco

- VILLA 2 in nero

- TA 1 in nero

Bar terrace

- VILLA 2 in white

- TA 1 in white

- VILLA 2 in black

- TA 1 in black

4 Villa

Bed and Breakfast

Bed & Breakfast

- VILLA 1 in melanzana - TA 1 in melanzana - VILLA 1 in melanzana - TA 1in melanzana


- VILLA 2 in verde scuro


- VILLA 2 in dark green



- VILLA 1 in bianco

- TA 1 in bianco


- VILLA 1 in white

- TA 1 in white



- COLORI VILLA (dall’alto al basso): Nero , Grigio scuro, Bianco, Verde scuro, Melanzana


- VILLA COLORS (from top to bottom): Black, Grigio scuro, White, Dark green, Aubergine

9 Villa

Sala da pranzo

- VILLA 1 in grigio scuro


- VILLA 1 dark grey

Giardino - VILLA 1 in melanzana
GARDEN - VILLA 1 in aubergine

Terrazza privata

- VILLA 3A in nero

- ALFIERE Alto in nero

Private terrace

- VILLA 3A in black

- ALFIERE Alto in black


Terrazza ristorante

- VILLA 1 in grigio scuro

- VILLA 2 in grigio scuro

- VILLA 3A in grigio scuro

- TA 1 in grigio scuro

Terrace restaurant

- VILLA 1 in dark grey

- VILLA 2 in dark grey

- VILLA 3A in dark grey

- TA 1 in dark grey

14 Villa

Villa Jun Yasumoto

Interamente in metallo, VILLA coniuga linee classiche ed estetica contemporanea. Il suo disegno si ispira alle sedute per esterni in canna naturale tipiche delle terrazze parigine: leggere alla vista, ma altamente resistenti. L’innovazione risiede nel metodo di assemblaggio dei componenti: un sottile tondino d’acciaio disegna la struttura con raffinatezza e una rete metallica dona comfort alla parte a contatto con il corpo.

Attraverso un sottile gioco di curve e raccordi, la scocca è leggermente rialzata rispetto alle gambe, rendendo la seduta estremamente maneggevole e facile da impilare. Queste caratteristiche la rendono adatta a ogni situazione di arredo, in particolare per l’esterno, dove sono spesso necessarie rimodulazioni dell’ambiente per esigenze del momento o difficoltà legate al meteo.

With its all-metal construction, VILLA combines classic lines with a contemporary look. Its design is inspired by the natural cane outdoor seating typically seen at Parisian sidewalk cafes: light in appearance but extremely hardwearing. The innovation lies in the way the parts are put together: a slender steel rod curves elegantly to give the frame its refined look, while wire mesh makes the part in contact with the body comfortable to sit on.

A subtle interplay of curves and connections means the shell is raised slightly off the legs, making the chair extremely easy to handle and stack. These features make it suitable for any furniture setup, especially for outdoor situations, where spaces often need to be reconfigured to accommodate changing requirements or weather-related issues.

/ Collection Villa 430 16 15/16" 45 8 80 0 17 3/4" 18" 31 1/2" C1.1/1 C1.1/4 16 19 5/16" 45 7 498 786 19 5/8" 18" 30 15/16" 491 19 681 26 13/16" PIAZZA 1 PIAZZA 18 5/16" 445 545 795 21 7/16" 17 1/2" 31 5/16" 465 VESPER 1 VESPER 21 5/8" 450 610 800 24" 17 3/4" 31 1/2" 550 STECCA 1 STECCA 516 1060 20 5/16" 41 3/4" 600 24" TA/1-600 600 23 5/8" 425 625 16 3/4" 24 5/8" SPLIT KIDS SPLIT 17 1/8" 435 350 13 3/4" 18 19 5/16" 45 7 498 786 19 5/8" 18" 30 15/16" 491 19 5/16" 45 7 498 786 19 5/8" 18" 30 15/16" 491 681 26 13/16" PIAZZA 1 PIAZZA 2 18 5/16" 445 545 795 21 7/16" 17 1/2" 31 5/16" 465 22 1/4" 445 545 820 21 7/16" 17 1/2" 32 1/4" 565 18 VESPER 1 VESPER 2 VESPER 800 1/2" 800 1/2" 18 PIAZZA 425 625 16 3/4" 24 5/8" SPLIT KIDS SPLIT 1 17 1/8" 435 350 13 3/4" 480 18 7/8" 18 7/8" 480 30 11/16" 460 18 1/8" 780 SPLIT

Quattro elementi in tubo d’acciaio da 14 mm formano la struttura di base, una lamiera stirata e preformata forma la superficie di seduta. Il risultato: una sedia leggera, solida, comoda e piacevole, dall’eleganza classica, in grado di personalizzare i più svariati ambienti.

Four elements in steel tube with 14mm diameter compose the structural frame, a strectched and molded metal-sheet composes the seating surface. The outcome is a lightweight chair, which is at once solid, confortable, aesthetically pleasing, and able to enhance the most various environmnets with its classic elegance.

Villa 1

Sedia a 4 gambe

Scocca in rete metallica stirata verniciata

Struttura in tubolare di metallo verniciato

Impilabile fino a 6 unità

Four legs chair

Metal mesh shell varnished

Tubular varnished metal structure

Stackable up to 6 units

VILLA 2 aggiunge alla precedente versione due sottili braccioli, studiati per completare il disegno della sagoma della seduta e accrescerne confort e portabilità. La serie Villa viene offerta in cinque colori: bianco, melanzana, verde scuro, grigio scuro e nero.

VILLA 2 adds to the previous version two subtle armrests, conceived to continue and complete the chair’s outline and enhance ist confort and handling. The Villa series is available in five colors: white, aubergine, dark green, dark grey, black.

Villa 2

Sedia a 4 gambe con braccioli

Scocca in rete metallica stirata verniciata

Struttura in tubolare di metallo verniciato

Impilabile fino a 6 unità

Four legs chair with armrests

Metal mesh shell varnished

Tubular varnished metal structure

Stackable up to 6 units

C1.1/4 430 16 15/16" 45 8 450 80 0 17 3/4" 18" 31 1/2" 540 21 1/4" 45 8 450 80 0 17 3/4" 18" 31 1/2" C1.2/1 C1.2/4 540 21 1/4" 45 8 450 80 0 17 3/4" 18" 31 1/2" 19 5/16" 45 7 498 786 19 5/8" 18" 30 15/16" 491 678 26 11/16" PIAZZA 2 678 26 11/16" 22 1/4" 445 545 820 21 7/16" 17 1/2" 32 1/4" 565 18 5/16" 445 545 21 7/16" 17 1/2" 465 795 31 5/16" 22 1/4" 445 545 820 21 7/16" 17 1/2" 32 1/4" 565 17 1/2" 755 480 920 18 7/8" 29 3/4" 36 1/4" 445 17 1/2" 445 17 1/2" 655 480 820 18 7/8" 25 13/16" 32 1/4" 445 VESPER 2 VESPER 1SW VESPER 2SW VESPER 3A VESPER 3B VESPER 24" 450 610 800 24" 17 3/4" 31 1/2" 610 23 1/4" 750 640 1100 25 3/16" 29 1/2" 43 5/16" 590 24" 750 640 1100 25 3/16" 29 1/2" 43 5/16" 610 16 15/16" 450 460 18 1/8" 17 3/4" 430 16 15/16" 450 1200 47 1/4" 17 3/4" 430 STECCA 2 STECCA 5 STECCA 6 STECCA 7 STECCA 8 740 516 1110 20 5/16" 29 1/8" 45 11/16" 700 31 1/2" 740 516 1110 20 5/16" 29 1/8" 43 11/16" 700 27 9/16" 1050 516 1390 20 5/16" 45 11/16" 54 3/4" 600 24" TA/1-700 TA/1Q-700 TA/2-600 600 23 5/8" 700 27 9/16" 800 31 1/2" 5/16" 600 23 5/8" 740 516 1160 20 5/16" 29 1/8" 43 11/16" 600 27 9/16" TA/1Q-600 19 1/2" 450 518 786 20 3/8" 17 3/4" 635 25“ 30 15/16" 496 16 5/16“ 415 19 5/16" 541 676 26 5/8" VILLA 1 VILLA 2 600 24" TA/2Q-600 750 1050 29 1/2" 41 5/16" 18 11/16" 485 19 1/16" 475 PIAZZA 3A 650 950 25 9/16" 37 3/8" 18 1/2" 470 18 1/2" 470 PIAZZA 3B SPLIT 1 SPLIT 480 18 7/8" 18 7/8" 480 30 11/16" 460 18 1/8" 780 480 18 7/8" 19 5/16" 490 30 11/16" 460 18 1/8" 780 480 18 7/8" 16 1/8" 410 30 11/16" 18 1/8" 780 460 SPLIT GL 20 1/2" 450 550 810 21 5/8" 17 3/4" 31 7/8" 520 MOMO NET 1 MOMO NET 2 450 17 3/4" 22 13/16" 580 SPLIT 1 UP 480 18 7/8" 18 7/8" 480 30 11/16" 460 18 1/8" 780 16 1/8" 410 SPLIT GL 18 5/16" 445 545 21 7/16" 17 1/2" 465 795 31 5/16" 22 1/4" 445 545 820 21 7/16" 17 1/2" 32 1/4" 565 17 1/2" 755 480 920 18 7/8" 29 3/4" 36 1/4" 445 17 1/2" 755 480 920 18 7/8" 29 3/4" 36 1/4" 445 17 1/2" 655 480 820 18 7/8" 25 13/16" 32 1/4" 445 385 15 3/16" 375 14 3/4" VESPER 1SW VESPER 2SW VESPER 3A VESPER 3B VESPER 3T VESPER 750 1100 1/2" 5/16" 750 1100 1/2" 5/16" 19 1/2" 450 518 786 20 3/8" 17 3/4" 635 25“ 30 15/16" 496 16 5/16“ 415 19 5/16" 450 518 786 20 3/8" 17 3/4" 30 15/16" 541 676 26 5/8" VILLA 1 VILLA 2 750 1050 29 1/2" 41 5/16" 18 11/16" 485 19 1/16" 475 PIAZZA 3A 650 950 25 9/16" 37 3/8" 18 1/2" 470 18 1/2" 470 PIAZZA 3B 19 5/8" 499 SPLIT 480 18 7/8" 19 5/16" 490 30 11/16" 460 18 1/8" 780 18 5/16" 465 480 18 7/8" 16 1/8" 410 30 11/16" 18 1/8" 780 460 SPLIT GL SPLIT 3B VILLA 3A SPLIT 1 UP 480 18 7/8" 18 7/8" 480 30 11/16" 460 18 1/8" 780 480 18 7/8" 16 1/8" 410 30 11/16" 18 1/8" 780 460 SPLIT GL UP

Villa 3A è la versione sgabello della collezione. Mantiene le originali caratteristiche materiali e tecniche, ma adatta il disegno alla nuova altezza per equilibrarne le proporzioni.

Lo schienale dello sgabello, nella riconoscibile rete metallica, è stato abbassato rispetto alla sedia, allo scopo di renderlo più pratico e di aspetto più leggero. Pur essendo un prodotto orientato all’uso per esterni, grazie alla sua innata eleganza si adatta perfettamente anche ad ambienti esterni. Lo sgabello alto Villa 3A è indicatao specialmente per i bar outdoor, come complemento per il bancone oppure in abbinata a tavolini alti dal design contemporaneo e classico.

Villa 3A is the stool version of the collection. It maintains the original material and technical characteristics, but adapts the design to the new height to balance its proportions.

The back of the stool, in the recognizable metal mesh, has been lowered with respect to the chair, in order to make it more practical and lighter in appearance. Although it is a product oriented to outdoor use, thanks to its innate elegance it is also perfectly suited to outdoor environments.

The Villa 3A high stool is especially suitable for outdoor bars, as a complement to the counter or in combination with high tables with a contemporary and classic design.

Villa 3 A

Sgabello alto a 4 gambe

Scocca in rete metallica stirata verniciata

Struttura in tubolare di metallo verniciato

Impilabile fino a 6 unità

Four legs high stool

Metal mesh shell varnished

Tubular varnished metal structure

Stackable up to 6 units

17 Villa
C1.2/4 1/4" 45 8 450 80 0 17 3/4" 18" 31 1/2" 1/4" 445 545 820 21 7/16" 17 1/2" 32 1/4" 565 17 1/2" 755 480 920 18 7/8" 29 3/4" 36 1/4" 445 17 1/2" 755 480 920 18 7/8" 29 3/4" 36 1/4" 445 17 1/2" 655 480 820 18 7/8" 25 13/16" 32 1/4" 445 385 15 3/16" 375 14 3/4" VESPER 2SW VESPER 3A VESPER 3B VESPER 3T VESPER 103 24" 750 640 1100 25 3/16" 29 1/2" 43 5/16" 610 16 15/16" 450 460 18 1/8" 17 3/4" 430 16 15/16" 450 1200 47 1/4" 17 3/4" 430 STECCA 6 STECCA 7 STECCA 8 740 516 1110 20 5/16" 29 1/8" 43 11/16" 700 27 9/16" 1050 516 1390 20 5/16" 45 11/16" 54 3/4" 600 24" TA/1Q-700 TA/2-600 800 600 23 5/8" 600 23 5/8" 43 11/16" 19 1/2" 450 518 786 20 3/8" 17 3/4" 635 25“ 30 15/16" 496 16 5/16“ 415 19 5/16" 450 518 786 20 3/8" 17 3/4" 30 15/16" 541 676 26 5/8" VILLA 1 VILLA 2 1050 516 1390 20 5/16" 45 11/16" 54 3/4" 600 24" TA/2Q-600 STECCA L 24 3/16" 405 750 665 29 1/2" 15 15/16" 26 3/16" 615 650 950 25 9/16" 37 3/8" 1/2" 470 18 1/2" 470 PIAZZA 3B 19 5/8" 750 511 945 20 1/8" 29 1/2" 37 3/16" 499 19 3/8" 650 492 SPLIT 480 18 7/8" 5/16" 30 11/16" 460 18 1/8" 780 18 7/8" 480 435 17 1/8" 18 5/16" 465 36 7/16" 25 9/16" 925 480 18 7/8" 16 1/8" 410 30 11/16" 18 1/8" 780 750 650 460 SPLIT GL SPLIT 3B SPLIT 3A VILLA 3A VILLA 3B 700 27 9/16" 21 1/4" 750 580 1100 22 13/16" 29 1/2" 43 5/16" 540 20 1/2" 450 550 810 21 5/8" 17 3/4" 31 7/8" 520 MOMO NET 1 MOMO NET 3 MOMO NET 2 550 21 5/8" 450 17 3/4" 810 31 7/8" 22 13/16" 580 480 18 7/8" 16 1/8" 410 30 11/16" 18 1/8" 780 460 SPLIT GL UP 490 19 5/16“ 810 31 7/8" 450 17 3/4“
505 19 7/8" 25 9/16" 455 17 15/16" 29 1/2" 14 15/16" 45 3 380 TORRE 14 15/16" 45 3 458 802 19 5/8" 17 13/16" 31 9/16" 380 14 15/16" 380 380 14 15/16" 14 15/16" 380 453 17 13/16" 500 19 11/16“ 18
BIANCO white MELANZANA aubergine VERDE SCURO dark green TORRENTE torrente GRIGIO SCURO dark grey
e materiali / Colours and materials METALLO / METAL Villa OUTDOOR
NERO black


Jun Yasumoto

Author of Daily, Piazza e Villa

Dopo essersi laureato all’ENSCI-Les Ateliers (Parigi) nel 2001, Jun Yasumoto si è affermato come designer indipendente e ha iniziato a collaborare con Jasper Morrison Office for Design nel 2002, lavorando allo sviluppo di numerosi progetti di design di mobili, prodotti, illuminazione e stoviglie. Parallelamente, ha sviluppato la sua carriera indipendente, lavorando con clienti come Fucina, Memo Furniture, Bosc, Industry Plus, Ligne Roset e Kohler Group.

After graduating from ENSCI-Les Ateliers (Paris) in 2001, Jun Yasumoto established himself as an independent designer and began collaborating with Jasper Morrison Office for Design in 2002, working on the development of numerous furniture, product, lighting and tableware design projects. In tandem, he developed his independent career, working with clients such as Fucina, Memo Furniture, Bosc, Industry Plus, Ligne Roset and Kohler Group.


Colos is a brand of Cerantola S.p.A.

Via Giorgione, 2

31037 Ramon di Loria (TV), Italy

Tel. +39 0423 755013 r.a. /
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