Patrick Rogers - Component 1

Page 1

Part 2

Brief The location I have picked is a Victorian built hospital, This is because the hospital was founded in 1888. Due to the Hospit al being so old and neglected it has not progressed in modern architecture and has not maintained an acceptable interior. The hospital is com plex, this is due to the multiple buildings the site has. Due to the excessive number of buildings in the hospital, it creates confusion fo r patients and where they have to go and that wastes time. If nurses and doctors need information and materials, they may have to walk to ot her buildings to get the right supplies, which also takes time. The time wasted due to this could really affect a patient's wellb eing and rehabilitation. All of these problems lead to the hospital not being good patients, which then means there should be a new development on the site.

In my project I will be designing a rehabilitation centre on the site where the old Victorian was. I'll be focusing on movement and flow to create an area that helps patients recover quicker. I do believe there is a shortage of rehabilitation centres for patients t hat have been discharged from the hospital, without being fully recovered. The rehabilitation centre I will be designing will guarantee all patients will be recovered before getting discharged. The space will have a movement and flow like the journey all patients will be going thro ugh. It will have a smooth transition from an outside pavilion into the main building. The main building will have a clear pathway through the building that the site before did not. This means that it will be easier for patients to get around the building and use the facilities that wi ll help them progress. The clear pathway around a singular building will create easier flow for patients and staff. This will then create a more of a compact calming environment. This will help staff perform better under pressure and it will help patients recover quicker when they are not exposed to high pressure environments. Creating a clear pathway around the rehabilitation hospital will help patients leave and come faster. My Rehabilitation centre will also have a variety of nature. I will be having plants and greenery because it improves patients' recovery and mental state. The greenery will also create a more of a friendly and more of an attractive building.

Specification for my rehabilitation Centre The facilities the rehabilitation hospital will provide

Patient counselling and support

Accessibility Wheelchair access Braille services

Disabled parking

Disabled toilets

Helicopter access


Recovery room


Accommodation TV access

Service and public phone

Internet access

mobile phone allowed

Private rooms

Family accommodation

Physical rehabilitation services

Faith services Prayer Room


Pram parking

Baby changing rooms

Disabled parking

On-site chapel

However, we will have the option to bring religious icons in, such as priests and chaplains for patients. All they have to do is speak to any member of staff and they will call and get whoever you need as soon as possible.

Food facilities

Parking Long stay Parking

Short stay Parking

Emotional support therapist

The Patrick Rehabilitation hospital will have physical services. This includes a personal Physio that you will see every day for 60 minutes to help you get back on your feet and able to move your body freely. Patrick’s rehabilitation Hospital will have speech and language therapy for patients with neurological problem. The hospital will also have emotional support therapists who are struggling with their mental state through their rehabilitation process.

Children Facilities Parent and children parking

Speech and language support




Location – Romford

This site is in Pettits lane in Romford. On the site now there is a run-down hospital. The site needs a new modern building. This is because it's so old and gloomy it's infecting the area near it. The hospital is not busy, and the council is neglecting funding for the building. So, I believe a new modern rehabilitation center will creating a more positive looking area and will also be beneficial for the people in the area. In Essex there Is only a small handful of rehabilitation centers . This shows that there is a lack of places for people to rehabilitate. There is more people constantly moving into Essex, which means that there will be more people needing to rehabilitate. A rehabilitation center will help the community feel more together with people rehabilitating together. The new modern building will also attract people and bring life to the environment.

Problems with the Victoria Hospital I have highlighted the amount of car parking space area in the Queen Victoria hospital. I have highlighted this because I think the placement of the parking spaces effect the building design. I looks like the building was produced with the spaces there beforehand, this is because it has caused the buildings to be far apart and irregular, which is very inconvenient for a hospital. I believe if they concentrated on making the buildings more engaged together and more compact, they will be able to get more space for more rooms. What I will be doing is creating a practical space with one large building and then a singular car park. This is more practical for drivers and for the new medical facility I will be creating. This is because all important information and facilities will be in one place.

Due to the un-organised layout of the hospital complex, it has created an unorganised layout of the buildings. This Is because from the exterior it looks like the buildings have been placed together and not made together. This is shown where it implements the Danish, Victorian and block like structures. Also due to the fact that there is multiple buildings there are many entrances and not one main one, which could be confusing for a patient.

I believe the lack of care with the construction and the maintenance of the buildings has cause such low scores. I believe this is something that needs to be changed because patients and staff are both unhappy with the services it provides.

Development of location

Very near the site where I will have my rehabilitation centre there is a church. This will be useful for patients who needs to speak to priests. It will also help them feel closer to God through their recovery.

Down the road from my location there is a library. This is extremely vital for rehabilitation centre. This is because speech and language therapists can bring educational and recreational books for patients. This will help with their recovery because getting exposed to books help with patients with language and neurological difficulties

The site is surrounded by everything it needs. However, if the patient doesn’t have everything they need, their family can go shopping in this super shopping complex down the road from the site. This means that the patients will have everything they need to have the most effective recovery.

Around the corner from the site there is a police station. This can bring security to the hospital but also creating a safer environment for patients. The calmer the environment the better the recovery

Design Idea 1 Primary image – scrunched up paper Front view

Side view

Basic outline of the building

Exterior designs

Outline of the primary image

Developing into a more finalised structure

Developing the building using both the outlines of the previous structures

Putting the developed building into an urban environment

Secondary research

Pangolin shell Pangolin have a thick patterned shell, which provides with them with safety. In my structure I have implemented the pattern and the layering of the shell. By doing this it creates a unique abstract design which bring can bring shade over buildings.

The Tate Modern was opened to the public on may 2000. This is two decades ago and the design is out of place in the new modern London architecture. I believe changing the bottom half of the structure or adding to it could bring more attraction and more of a welcoming building.

Adding a pangolin scaley structure to the Tate modern creates more of an exciting building but also blends well in the surroundings environments. Just like the millennium bridge in the bottom left of the photo, this is because the bridge has a long beamed repeated pattern. I have used pen and pencil to show a contrast, which could be used to show a more abstract design over the building.


Developing Exterior

I wanted to develop my first idea, so I used cardboard to represent the structure that was wrapping around the building, and then used the blue blocks to represent the building. As you can see from the top and bottom of images, I developed it by using more carboard to give it more of a complex design. I think I used the cardboard well to give cover if anyone is waiting outside the building. I have also added tall structurers that are more than double the size of the building. I have done this because in the area it would be seen from a far and also stand out compared to the surrounding structure

Creating a more of a sustainable building using greenery or solar panels

Creating levels on the structure to give the building layers

Adding roofing to the building to give cover for the exterior, However the roof can be used for greenery or solar panels

Primary image This is a development from the singular outline. I have created a complex building using windows, patterns and perspectives.

Using the outline of my primary image I rotated it and multiplied it to create a structure form

Through my primary image I have developed it into multiple ideas. I have then split the primary image in two and created a building. This allowed my to create more complex ideas comparing to the one shape.

I developed my second stage of development to a more complex and a larger form. I have also created an entrance and well-formed roof I then devolved the idea to have a strong foundation by having pillars all over the building. I also added an entrance to the building

I have created a nest like building, this shows complexity. The shape can also show unity because it’s in a circle shape which shows togetherness

GMP’s Crystallized Stadium

I have changed my development idea to create a portrait form over a landscape one. This is because a portrait form will look better as a final idea because I believe a rehabilitation hospital should stand out, and be able to be seen from a far.

Secondary Information Triangular façade Yanko Design art school

The Yanko design building has a very interesting triangular façade. What I have done is pull the idea out of the photo and then created a series of development. What I have done is use a singular triangle and then repeated it in a layered format. I then from that created a pavilion pathway. I have then developed my idea even further by creating a model to bring the development to life. I have created a triangular façade building with the ability to bring light into the building from all entrances. I have also created a design that would stand out to other buildings.

Design Idea 2 Primary photos – Folded paper

I have expanded on the original primary photo by taking the boomerang shape from the original primary photo and then creating other forms; gradually making them more complex.

By using the primary image I have created forms from the original design and then multiplying it to create a more interesting design. By the end design I added the third design to a triangular form that I got from the triangular pattern from the primary photo

Using my earlier designs, I have been able to create more complex structures by adding and experimenting with more complex ideas. By doing this I believe I have shown complex development and a variety of ideas

Using a part of my primary photo I have singled it to a wave like structure. I have then added on my original idea until I wa s happy with a form that could be turned into a building

Lastly, I have then layered the wave like structure to create the left side of the form, after this I used an outline sketch of my other primary photo and merged them together. By the end I was able to create a successful building idea with a two entrances, a complex layering design and a glass triangular tunnel for light to come in. I then was able to show a clear pathway. I then used the triangular idea to create beams to support the building, which compliments the exterior well.

Secondary information I have picked waves as my secondary information because it works very well with movement and flow. The more movement and flow in buildings increases the fluidity of the design and the practicality of the building. Waves are also part of nature and I believe implementing nature into buildings creates a more welcoming appearance, but it also brings colour and benefits to and in the environment.

I have created a series of structures using curves, movement and a wave design. By doing this I have been able to understand how a building can use movement and flow affectively. I have also been able to develop the drawings and create a complex building.

Reception toi l ets

Ca feteria


Nurses Reception

Large Ensuite Corri dor

I have separated my idea development to the right side where is have a long triangular tunnel. I have then developed it by adding the right needs for a rehabilitation centre. I have separated it into three levels.


Corridor railings Cafeteria


On each of the three levels I have added resources for a better recovery. I have added beams all-round the hospital for patients with a lack of balance. I have added a gym for patients re-growing muscles. I have added toilets in every room, which keeps privacy but also a place where they can take as much time as they want. I have added lounges for patients' visitors, which essential for patient morale. I have also added a café for patients if they don’t want hospital food.

toi l ets

La rge Ensuite Nurs es Reception

Ensuites Ki tchen


Inside perspective of building

Teletón Rehabilitation Centre

Plan view

Using the tunnel design off the Teleton Rehabilitation centre, I was able to create a model out of wood. I was able to repeat the pattern just like the repetition in the triangles of the pavilion, but I have also extended the tunnel and curve it round.

Due to the large glass doors patients can sit down and look at the nature inside, this will help with their mood and happiness. If you go through the doors there is shade but also a clear pathway and lots of greenery.

Teletón Rehabilitation Centre, Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Centre, Asunción, Paraguay, To get an insight of a rehabilitation center I am using images to get a better understanding of rehabilitation space. Looking at the pattern of the canopy, it shows movement and flow. This is shown in the fact that there is a smooth arch over the pathway. It also shows flow by the fact the pavilion and the nature of the surroundings are working together. This is because the tree is preserved within the structure. This shows that a rehabilitation center should preserve and work with problems and not destroying them. The pattern of the building has equal triangles in a wave looking form. It shows no irregularity which shows movement and flow. It also allows sunlight to get through the pavilion which will help the nature but patients as well, this is because patients want to feel the outside and feel normal and the wind and the sun will do exactly that.

Primary photo

Primary images of carboard models

The Heydar Aliyev centre has a fluid design, but it also has different levels where the building flows up and down. I would describe this movement like a wave. This enables the building to stand out in the environment it is because its quite tall and large. The buildings flow also enables the building to get light from all angles because glass follows the movement of the building.

Visual Research

Using the movement and flow of the Heydar Aliyev centre, I have been able to create models using secondary research. I have been able to split the model into three parts, which help segregate the building for different purposes

Heydar Aliyev Centre

Ground Floor Plan

Tensile structure This is the metal framework before I put the fabric over it. As you can see, I have introduced different levels and some designs from the Heydar Aliyev Centre

Front Elevation The Heydar Aliyev centre is a fluid structure. Zaha Hadid has done this by having repetitive patterns such as columns, lines and grides. This was meant to represent trees in a Forrest with the formations of endless trees. Representing this using trees it brings a clean seamless finish from the interior to the exterior

Birds Eye View

I have created a more of an understanding from the carboard model. I have done this by giving it depth and more of a solid flow compared to the carboard model

Drawing the outline of my model, and splitting it into three parts

I have created a spiral shape from the designs of the development of my model. I have done this by excluding one of the segments of the model and created development through that.

I then added texture to the design but also depth to show walls.

I then added a design over the structure by creating a complex exterior

After my drawing development, I went on SketchUp and created a more realistic model on how the spiral shaped developed.

Modern structure Bosjas chapel

Different perspective of the Bosjas Chapel

Using a petal, I have created a raw structure with lots of layers. I then developed it into more a smoother and more of building like structure. This is because the petal style gradually flows over each other from entrance to exit.

I used the petal design to create a basic idea. I try to create a more engaging building that will wrap around the structure. This is why I developed the structure to have a glass entrance and then a petal design that wraps around the building that creates a welcoming exterior but has walls and a roof.

I have transitioned the petals from the Bosjas Chapel to create ideas for a building. I first started by repeating the petals to create a tunnel, which could create very interesting outcomes.

Primary photo Looking at the Bosjas Chapel it has a beautiful flow, it's like someone has placed silk over the top of it. However, I do also believe the chapel has designs that reminds of flower petals

I have created a taller design idea; I have done this because I want to create a more singular petal outline design building. I have then developed it into a complex building that has more of aerodynamic building. I also developed it into more of a finished building compared to the first idea.

Sketchup development models From the development of the Bosjas Chapel petal design, I have picked one of my ideas and then created it into a model. I believe my models show a structure that is practical, interesting and follow the pattern of the original idea. I kept the lines in the model because I believe i t creates a more of a modern look , whilst still representing the complexities of flower petals. I have also created a design with lots of glass for natural light, this links to flowers again because flowers cant live without natural light. I have also added pillars to support the building but also to keep people dry from the weather. I f I had to improve my model, I would have made smoother edges which would represent a petal more. I would probably make the building longer. This will allow more space inside the model. I could have also created a bigger ceiling edge at the back of the model and then create a balcony below it for person use.

Using my sketch from the petal development page, I created a SketchUp. Firstly, with my Sketch I wanted to add a base that would be able to support a structure. I then enlarged the design of the sketch by going into more detail in the design. I then repeated the design idea horizontally to make the building more realistic. This is because enlarging the building size will make the building larger to have more rooms that are essential in any design.

I then made the building wider; this allows me to have public rooms on the right and private patient rooms on the left. I have also made a pattern of windows on every other section; I did this to bring more natural light into the building. I have then added trees and people to get a better understanding of the scale. After this I then proceeded in creating a model through SketchUp where I was able to show a bird's eye view and different angles of the building. On Sketchup I also made the building wider because I think it needed to be able to hold more rooms.

Royal Papworth Royal Papworth Hospital is the UK’s largest specialist cardiothoracic hospital and the country’s main heart and lung transplant centre treating over 22,400 inpatient and day cases and 48,400 outpatients each year from across the UK.

Comparing to the Victoria Hospital in Pettits lane, this hospital nearly doubles the recommendation with patients and staff. This just shows that the Victoria is outdated, underfunded and not at a level where it should be.

The Royal Papworth hospital is inspired by the oval. You can see this from ground to the top of hospital. The oval shape has allowed the building to have a reflective exterior which shines light on the NHS’ and the masterpiece they created. But it also reflects light on the environment such as the pond and the building around the Royal Papworth. The Royal Papworth also takes in consideration the patients recovery. They understand that the patient's environment helps them to recover faster. They do this by splitting the patient, public and working environment to the best they can do. By doing this the patients don’t see the injured public and they hectic working environment, which allows to be calm.

Development of Royal Papworth

personal models

Layering design

Oval design

Balcony roof pool

Glass dome

Using the oval design

Adding greenery for aesthetics but also for patients

Development to model From using a bird's eye design, I was able to explore further into the layers of the building and develop it to create more than three layers. I believe my development has represented a good understanding on using layers well, whilst creating a complex design . I have done this through Sketchup

I have presented multiple angles of the Sketchup model, by doing this you get a better understanding of the design. I wanted to be able to create a large room at the bottom of the design which was bigger enough to be on two stories. I then wanted to create a platform idea by creating different levels. The different levels include rooms, balconies and shade

Queensland Children's Hospital •Lady Cilento acts as a central hub for state-wide paediatric services and is the tertiary paediatric referral centre for the State of Queensland. •With 359 beds spanning 12 levels, 14 operating theatres, 73,000 square metres of clinical space and 11 rooftop gardens, this $1.5 billion project was not without its challenges. •The hospital has a range of colours and large spaces that Victoria hospital does not

The lady Cilento hospital has an outdoor space which helps patients relax. This is a place in the hospital where patients can walk on the grass, talk with friends or sit under the pavilion. This helps with patients mental heatlh and recovery.

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

balconies Primary photos I have used my primary photos to create a balcony idea. I have done this but cutting into the apple into layers and then I have placed them over each other. By doing this I have created natural balconies. This is because it creates depth and also an overhang, just like a balcony does.

I have developed my primary images by drawing different stages of development. By the end I added people and an overhang of greenery to make it more realistic.

This apartment complex has wave like balconies. These balconies create a real-life paradise. This is because it has plants growing over the balconies like a waterfall, and waterfalls are normally at places of paradise. The greenery also compliments the modern design well.

Using the designs from the atrium of the Queensland children hospital I think it works well with balconies I have created from my primary images.

Looking at the design of the Staple thing then develop Queensland Children's Hospital, I have Click to addthattext seen segments of the building are enclosed tunnels embedded into the building. These tunnel like design creates an opportunity to look into the interior of the building. They also allow natural light to get into the buildings which is beneficial for patients but also for saving electricity. The class tunnels also allow patients to look out of them whilst they are in the hospital. This will help with their goals on wanting to be on the opposite side of the glass but also to see what it is happening outside; this can make them feel more free and closer to the outside.

To represent the tunnel design of the building, I have used staples to get a better understanding, without the structure around it. I believe the staples allow the building to have layers but also direct routes. The direct routes in a hospital is useful because it will help patients getting around faster. The staples also create a chance for rooms to be on both sides and then a corridor splitting it.

Inside of glass tunnel

Queensland Children's Hospital Making my work clearer I have showed a comparison with the layout with the Queensland Children's hospital, and it modified with staples. The Building has a narrow body and then has tunnels coming off of it to create the structure of the building. It is like the tunnels are the scaffolding of the building and this can represent the patients because they are there to grow and build up from where they injured themselves. You can also the interior of the tunnels are place where people gather, this is because patients can look into the buildings outside but also get fresh air. The interior also has benches on the left and the right of the tunnel designs, this means they want people to sit down and talk to other people, such as family or other patients.

Modern art and nature

Primary photos These are photos taken from Helsinki airport. I took these photos because I was extremely interested in the way the building is designed. This is because they implement modern and natural environments together. Normally you would see trees and rocks outdoors and nobody would notice, however when you take the outside and put it in the inside it creates a more of an interesting interior. In my opinion on going to the airport it made the interior more refreshing to look at compared to the normal airport's interior. It is also refreshing to look at the because nature is very vibrant and extremely colourful, which makes the interior prettier to look at. Finland is a very naturistic country filled with nature, so having these shrubs and trees represent the country well. You can also see this on the second floor as well because the area above the nature island has been opened. This is because both levels can see it but also because there is also a steel and glass sky light which shines down on the greenery. It also brings natural light in most of the second floor. The Airport also has rocks scattered near the greenery island, this is to carry on the natural design, but it is also for the public to sit down on them after a long journey or just to tie their laces.

Anadloy, Bangladesh Anadloy Bangladesh is a therapy centre, disability centre and a textiles centre. This means it is a hub for the community to interact and recover faster. The building was made from the resources in the area. This helped people in the community to help build it, they got mud from local ponds and bamboo from the surroundings .On the ground of the building's floor, the rammed-earth walls enclose an office, toilet and therapy room for the community centre on one side of the central ramp with a second therapy room and main "living room" on the other side. Four cave-like spaces have been created alongside this main space within the rammed-earth walls. "It is important to me to show that it is possible to build a modern two-storey house with simple resources," said Heringer. "Mud is not just dirt — it is a real building material of high quality that you can use to build very exact structures — not only small huts but also large engineering structures and even public buildings.

Material research

Material research

I have researched bamboo joints and how they work well together. I have also linked the Bamboo joints to the Anadloy building in Bangladesh. You can also see how the layout and the elevation of the building

Bamboo structure in Makli Bamboo was chosen as it is both renewable and highly durable. It also allowed the organisation to work with local artisans who are adept at using the material, and local people who wanted to learn how to build with it. This is because it adds to bring the community together when they work together to create a building. It is also useful if the building breaks or create extensions to the building. Decorative bamboo screens enclose the Zero Carbon Cultural Centre, a giant pavilion in Makli built by local people together with architect Yasmeen Lari's Heritage Foundation of Pakistan organisation. The Zero Carbon Cultural Centre serves as a community centre and social space for people living in poor and marginalised communities in the town, which is located in southern Pakistan. This creates a positive impact to the community and the ozone layer. This is because helping the community beings more of a positive unity. The zero-carbon building also helps with the ozone layer because carbon is a greenhouse gas that breaks the ozone layer. However, creates buildings without carbon helps the world's climate. Knowing the success of this community centre may help create a butterfly affect over Pakistan which create a happier country. The community can also build other Zero Carbon Cultural centres because they have learnt how to create them.

Secondary image

I have taken one of the huts from the Zero carbon structure and created an outline of it and created an elevation

Side elevation

Roof- birds eye view

The structures have got an open design to let wind pass, this is because the walls of the buildings are made out of bamboo. Due to the location and the economy of the area, the material used is sustainable and cheap.

front elevation sketch

this is my Final development idea. I believe the area is very community based and having a collective of building huts, it will re-enforce the communities' values by sticking together

Elongated the original design of the hut

Khoo Teck Puat Hospital in Singapore •

• •

The brief for the hospital was to Help patients forget their pain and improve their rate of recovery by immersing them in a natural healing environment. Create an invigorating park-like ambiance for Caregivers and the general public. Enhance views and access to nature to create a conducive working environment for staff.

The hospitals design is a V shape to work well with nature in a biophilic design. The greenery is based in-between the V of the buildings. This is because the V shape allows shade all over the building and lets the win skim over the building. So that means the occupants won't be affected by the harsh wind but more of a light breeze. The building is also next to the Yishun Pond, which is soothing for patients to look at but also helps bring water to the plants and wildlife within the building. This is because it has the perfect climate and environment for birds and butterflies. This is a benefit for patients in the hospital because plants have a natural stress benefit for people. This means plants can help release toxins and stress which then entail people to sleep better, feel happier and create fresh air for patients. This will help patients recover quicker because of the natural healing benefits of plants.

The hospital has also installed aluminum fins to channel more wind into the building. This means that the building reduced its mechanical ventilation by 60%. This has also created an increase of fresh air by over 10% then its usual intake of fresh air. Fresh air can help with recovery, this is because 20% of the oxygen you breath in goes to the brain and if it's fresh oxygen it will help with clarity in the brain and help it function better. Serotonin release is based on how much oxygen is in your blood, so with more fresh air it will help increase serotonin levels. Serotonin helps with happiness and wellbeing, which helps with mood.

Greenery on structures

This is a response to the Khoo Teck Puat Hospital balconies. The hospital has added greenery to all its balconies, this is beneficial for patients. This is because plants can help relief stress and anxiety , this will help patients sleep better and feel better. When patients are feeling better it helps with recovery because their minds are clearer. Plants are also major for our planet because it helps produce oxygen from carbon dioxide. This then creates fresh oxygen with is good for people. This is because it helps with all the cells in your body, prevents illness, creates happiness and is a stress reliever, these are all things that help people get better and stay better.

Having soil, plants and greenery on our roofs would both reduce surface temperature and serve as insulation for the structures below, reducing the energy needed to heat and cool the buildings. Green roofs can also help regulate rainwater, trapping it as it falls and filtering out pollutants.

Khoo Teck Puat Hospital in Singapore plan layout The Khoo Teck Puat Hospital has been extremely thoughtful with their layout , this is because they have used a V shape design. They have done this because it helps link the three buildings with a pathway. The three buildings protect the v shape design where the plants grow and where the patients walk too. The buildings also protect the V-like structure from large gusts of wind, this means the heavy wind skims over the area. This then cause natural ventilation to the hospital with constant gentle winds.

You can also see that the greenery is grown in segments on the roof of the pavilion entrance. This is good because the weather can give it light and rain for photosynthesis

The surrounding structures prevent Gusts of wind getting through to the outside access for patients. This is because the buildings are wide and tall.

This is a better angle of the greenery on the inside of the building protecting. The plants make it look vibrant, they also grow on the structure

The V-shape design has worked well, this is because you can see lots of vegetation in and around the buildings.

English IvyResearch English Ivy is perfect for rehabilitation centres , this is because it is a low maintenance plant because it does not need that much water and thrives in most environments. The plant helps with the humidity in indoor spaces, this helps if the room is dry. Ivy also helps with patient's airway symptoms because the plant helps takes toxins reduce toxins in the air and reduce Mold.

International architecture firm ACXT Architects has recently completed the Bilbao Arena in Spain. In an effort to improve the structure’s efficiency, the exterior is covered in hundreds of steel panels that can be removed to improve air circulation and allow daylight into the arena, enabling air conditioning and lighting costs to be reduced. The arena also includes a water harvesting system that helps to support irrigation of the surrounding land. Coated in several different shades of green, the panels are designed to give the impression of a building covered in leaves, reflecting its eco credentials in its appearance.

Thomas Heatherwick's 'vessel' building, has a cone like structure. I believe this can link because my primary drawings this is because they both have a narrow point. Which then expands into a wider points.

I have used the primary images of leaves to create a roof idea. This would create an abstract but also natural design.

Pavilion idea, by having beams as support and a leaf structure as the roof

Primary image I have developed my primary images of a tree, this is because I like the design of the tree, this is because it reminds me of a hand. You can see the development of the tree design into the hand. I then added a tree design into the hands to create more ideas and more of a complex development. I then used the hands to create a claw like building and then used the branches to represent the knitted window design for the building and then the hand design wrapped around the building. Lastly, I create a building with the ribcage design with an entrance and an exit.

Primary image

I started by creating the outline of my primary image. I think the fingers give a strong foundation and the egg being the main part of the building.

I then believe a balcony around the building could create a more of an attractive building, but it can also enable the building to grow plants as well.

After this I believed that adding a design would create a more of a complex building but also creating strips of windows for light to get into the rehabilitation centre.

Using my primary research, I wanted to create a building with a hand design that wraps around the building, and I believe and the hand metaphorically holding the building creates that idea. I then created a design with three buildings for different departments for the rehabilitation centre.

Birds-Eye view

Adding scale to the structure

I have then added beams to support the balcony, which can also be used for greenery to grow. I have also created an entrance to the building.

Final outcome idea This was my original idea for my final outcome; however, I do believe it needed to change. Firstly, I will say there are positives to the building, this is shown in the in the building design. This is shown through the hand idea where the building is meant to be designed around a building in a hand. This is because a hand creates a sense of security, and that’s why patients should feel when they enter the rehabilitation centre. At the top of the fingers wrapped around the rehabilitation centre there is a lattice design, where that lattice design is where the patients' rooms are meant to be. This would be great because the glass through the lattice would create natural light. Also creating a design with a slanted upper body of the building was meant to be created to allow sunlight to get through, especially if it was facing the sun directly.

room idea

Birds-Eye view

However, the design did not have much complexity and I believe it was overcompensated by the building having two more around it. I thought having the two other buildings coming off the building can help split it up departments. However, I think it took space where car parking could be. I also think the Rehabilitation could have just been in one building and split into departments through the building. I also believe if I made the building taller there would not be any problem with space. I also wanted to add balconies and an entrance to the model however the buildings does not, which makes the model less likely to be a final model.

Plan for final outcome

Using this design, I want to make this the roof of the penthouse of the rooms for the patients. Looking at this model, I like the way that it has different levels, which I will want to add to my final design.

I'm going to use the idea of the rib cage like structure to wrap around my final outcome.

Way the building has layers and layers that are not in line. This will help me add greenery and balconies on the excess space Using bamboo to create the rooms for the patients

Using my old model, I will want to be adding a triangular façade to my final design because it brings complexity, light and depth.

Patient room This is the patient room for the rehabilitation centre. I have created this room on Sketchup, this is because I wanted to make the room as realistic as possible. When I created the room, I wanted to implement an En-suite bathroom and a balcony. I created a flat wall where the entrance is, this is because it will be easier if the room was in a corridor. I then created a bathroom on the right side with a shower and bathroom for patients to clean, I also implemented patterned flooring to create a look that didn’t feel like a prison. This is vital because patients need to be happy in the room. This is why I have painted the room orange because scientifically the colour orange helps with patients' mood, which then entails a healthier recovery. This is because orange radiates happiness and joy. I also added a wooden-bamboo exterior, this is because I wanted to create a rehabilitation centre that have a naturistic but also a modern design.

Room with Roof I added the roof to the building this is because I wanted to show the interior and now what the room looks like with the roof. I have created a pyramid design with glass mainly the whole way around. I have done this because I want the room to have has much natural light as possible, this is because it will help in making the rehabilitation more sustainable by using less electricity. The roof of the room also creates a natural roof over the balcony, this will prevent patients from getting sunburnt or wet from the rain. To get to the balcony there is sliding doors which are easy to use. When you get to the balcony, I have added plants and ivy which helps with clearing the toxins out of the air. The plants also create a building that is trying to influence growth and rehabilitation and the plants are a good way in showing that. The plants also help with any Mold that could be developing but it can also help with the airways of patients if the room is dry.

Meditating room In a rehabilitation centre a meditation room is very important. This is because when you madidate you release stress and anxiety. It is a place where you can be by yourself and mentally heal, when then leads to a physical heal. To make it as comfy as possible I have added yoga mats for patients to sit down comfortably and meditate. However, if the patients can sit on the floor, there are also comfy sofas for patients to sit on and relax. I have also added two water machines if they get hot in the room or if they are doing exercises and need to drink water. Water will also help with focus, which makes this room optimal for meditating. I have also added mirrors on both sides of the room, I have done this so they can see what they are doing, that is if they are doing exercises standing up. I have also made the walls wooden so patients can feel more with nature. Added person for scale

Top View

Rehabilitation gym This is the gym for the rehabilitation centre. This helps patients who have had physical disabilities and trying to overcome them. There is a variety of equipment that will help with the rehabilitation journey. There is a trampoline, this will help patients who want to try and jump and feel pressure in their legs, this is quite an advanced movement for patients. The trampoline has a support bar if they lose balance. The gym also has dumbbells for patients who want to add pressure and weight to their movements. The lighter weights are for new and struggling patients and then heavier weights for patients who are at the end of their rehabilitation journey. There are yoga mats and yoga mats, this can be used for patients who want to do exercises on the floor without hurting themselves. The yoga balls are for patients who want to train their balance, core and back. The gym also has stairs for patients who want to practice their movements for when they will be in the public and they will have to climb stairs, or at their home. Lastly there are beams on the wall and parallel beams in the gym for patients who are trying to walk and new support.

Final outcome

This is my final outcome of the rehabilitation centre and I believe it works well. This is because it has the potential to have lots of levels which will allow me to have everything, I want in my rehabilitation centre. The rehabilitation centre has lots of greenery which makes the building look more friendly, but it also helps patients. The building has a clear entrance for people to find easily. The building also has different levels which can be used for different departments for rehabilitation. On each level there is glass wrapped all the way around to get natural light. There is also grass for patients to go outside and feel closer to their rehabilitation where they will be able to play in fields or go to parks. I have also added grass to the entrances and exits of the patient's room so they can feel closer to nature and more at home. All the rooms have balconies which the other final outcome did not. The building is also singular and doesn’t have a complex of buildings surrounding it, like the site that was there. The complexity created a hospital that was confusing and had a lot of wasted space.

Different views of the building

Adding rehabilitation centre to located site

Adding rehabilitation centre to located site

Sun Path Using a design influenced by the Royal Papworth Hospital it allowed me to create a design where I can use the influence of a circular design. The circle design allows the hospital to have a fluid interior which helps in creating a design that helps in moving people and items around the hospital without the corridors and getting lost. The circular design has also allowed me to have different levels and having the middle and top different to the bottom. This then has created a building that can get as much sun as it needs. Looking at the sun path I have placed the entrance to get as much sun as possible. This is because I want the en trance to have the most light. Then creating a circular building allows the Rehabilitation centre to get the full range of the sun from the sunset to sundown. This is also helps with the greenery growing on the balconies and grass floors. This is because greenery can only live and grow with sun and not having the most as sun as possible will af fect the plants. Due to the range of the sun, I have implemented a lot of glass for all the rooms in the rehabilitation to work without using electricity in the day. I have also created the private rooms at the top to have balconies and a circular design to get sun from the top, from the roof, and around the room from the large balcony. This will help patients not feel imprisoned by the use of electrical light all the time.

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