PA Perspective Summer 2013

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Pennsylvania Perspective Summer 2013 Volume 1, Issue 3 Mary Breaux Wright 24th International President

Barbara A. Cousar 10th Pennsylvania State Director

Janet Y. Bivins, Esq. 16th Atlantic Regional Director

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority's National First Anti-Basileus, Scarlet H. Black asked State Director Barbara Cousar and sorors from the Commonwealth of PA to produce a national anti-hazing video highlighting the impact of hazing on prospective members and the organization. Soror Monique Wakefield wrote and directed the video in Philadelphia with assistance from Soror Danita Crawford and Brother Jacobi Simmons filmed the production. The message of this video is very poignant and the film was unveiled by Soror Black at the Zeta Organizational Leadership Conference in Indianapolis, IN.

Soror Arlinda Clark, Esq., 8th Pennsylvania State Director, served as the legal voice on the ramifications of hazing in the national anti-hazing video. In an interview with Soror Snow, she discussed why Zetas need to get serious the eradication of hazing. “Members don’t think about the end result of hazing,” Soror Clark said. “The financial liability to the organization puts all of our assets at risk including our International Headquarters. Lawyer fees costs tens of thousands of dollars. The bad press from these incidents could result in loss of sponsorships and damages our overall reputation.” Soror Clark also mentioned the personal harm members could face through hazing allegations. “Hazing is a misdemeanor and/or felony in most states,” said Soror Clark. “Charges could impact you professionally. You could lose your job or lose an opportunity for professional advancement. Sorors just don’t see that far ahead of the impact.” At the center of the hazing debate is why prospective members feel it is necessary to engage in hazing as a pathway to membership into Zeta Phi Beta. Often times, prospective candidates feel that they may be missing out on something by their membership process. However, Soror Clark believes that “you can still instill a rite of passage that is a positive, educational experience for new members.” She goes on to say that “we need a better way to bond with each other and get rid of the division. It will take some time, but we will get there!” On Zeta's Blue Horizon is the newly revised and revamped Membership Intake Process! All financial sorors must be re-certified for MIP as of June 1st. Sorors who are interested in learning the new process should plan to attend the MIP training on Saturday, September 21, 2013 on the campus of Widener University in Chester, PA. MIP manuals will be on site and are available for purchase for $12.00.


Thank you for attending the State Executive Board Meeting, the Undergraduate Retreat and the Professional Development on the campus of Gettysburg College – April 12-13, 2013. Without the support of Rho Tau, the Elected and Appointed Officers, and the Barbara A. Cousar Body, we could not have accomplished the type of experience that we th 10 Pennsylvania State Director had. Several sorors praised the hard work and dedication of the officers and the workshop presenters. I particularly enjoyed getting the opportunity to put names behind the emails and meeting so many of you in person. The evaluations provided great feedback and we will definitely use your input in planning future workshops. Special thank you to the following sorors for doing an outstanding job in executing the objectives, mission and vision of the workshops: • Soror Valerie Hollingsworth – National Director of Strategic Planning • Pennsylvania Past State Directors (Distinguished Soror Barbara A. Henderson, Distinguished Soror Yolanda Goodwin-Humphrey, and Immediate Past State Director Soror Sieta Achampong). • Soror Danielle R. Green – Maryland State Director • Soror Shanell L. Robinson – New York State Director • Soror Andrea Jack –Budget & Finance Chair • Soror Shanté C. Dash – Protocol Coordinator

Special thank you to the following sorors for your participation in the National Anti-Hazing Video: Project Directors: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Social Action Team Soror Danita Crawford Soror Monique Wakefield Cast Members Soror Sharron Boddy - Lambda Lambda Zeta Chapter Soror Sharonda Frink-Vincent - Beta Delta Zeta Chapter


Soror La Tasha Payne - Beta Delta Zeta Chapter Soror Nicole S. Rouse - Beta Delta Zeta Chapter Soror Denise Marie Snow - Kappa Omega Zeta Chapter Soror Yolanda Tate - Beta Delta Zeta Chapter A special acknowledgement goes to Soror Arlinda Clark, Esq., our 8th Pennsylvania State Director, for her participation and expertise. Sorors, you answered the Zeta call and did an outstanding job in executing the concept of “Finer Women Don't Haze”. Sorors, even though the National reclamation period is over, always keep the 4 R's in the forefront and a part of your daily thoughts and conversations: 1. Recruit 2. Reclaim 3. Retention 4. Reactivation

Sorors, during the Undergraduate Luncheon at the 2013 Atlantic Regional Conference in October, the Atlantic Regional Director, Soror Janet Y. Bivins, Esq. plans to highlight and/or award the following: Video contest submitted by undergraduate chapters with the highest GPA on one of the following topics: A. B. C. D. E. F.

Omega Rho Chapter Graduation

Why we became Zetas …. Our Founders would be so proud of Zeta today because … The Atlantic Region is so great because ….. Our favorite principle is …. The next 93 years of Zeta will bring …. What inspires you to do the work of Zeta…

Soror Karima Rose, in conjunction with the Area Coordinators, will work closely with the undergraduates to ensure that our undergraduates participate and are represented. PA undergraduates are to submit photos to the by September 1, 2013 to be included in the Regional slideshow of undergraduate activities. Photos should be of the following:


A. B. C.

Chapter doing community service Chapter winning an award from the university Photo of the chapter’s charter members

Note: Undergraduates, please ensure that you share with your graduate advisor the photos submitted before emailing them.

During a separate event, the Regional Director would like to highlight all of the 2013 graduates from the Atlantic Region and of course we want Pennsylvania to be well presented. The recognition includes college graduates or professional school, our Archonettes from high school, and the Amicae that might be leaving our Amicae Auxiliaries by graduating from college. Submissions are to be emailed to by Eta Sigma Chapter Graduates September 1, 2013. Submissions can be in a group or individual, but the graduate is in her cap and gown (others surrounding her do not have to be in cap in gown). Each submission must indicate the name of the graduate, from what institution, what degree or diploma, chapter or auxiliary.

The Atlantic Regional Director, Soror Bivins, Esq. is very interested in Pennsylvania growing through chapters being chartered. Therefore, if any sorors have expressed interest in chartering a chapter, please forward their contact information to my attention. For additional information, please review Article XIII of the Bylaws (Sixth Edition, 2001) in the National Constitution and Bylaws and pages 77-78 of the Eleventh Edition, 1997 of the National Handbook.

Sorors, our sisterhood is in a good place at this time and we thank International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright for listening intensely when in the company of sorors, hearing the voices of sorors, and constantly working to move Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. forward and to get us prepared for the Centennial. Can you believe we are only 7 years away from celebrating this major milestone within our great sisterhood? 2020 will be here before we know it and we know that soon, we will be experiencing the beginning of


the Centennial pre-celebrations and activities. I hope you are just as excited as I am and so many other sorors across Zetadom , who are looking forward to honoring the legacy and memory of our Founders and celebrating the great and many accomplishments and contributions that we have made to society. We anxiously anticipate the Centennial plans and direction from Past Grand Basileus Jylla Moore Tearte. Lastly, Sorors, as the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, we need to start the discussion surrounding how we as a State want to begin the foundation on how we plan to participate, support and join in the festivities of a life time -100 years of being a “community conscious action-oriented organization that continues to build on the principles of Zeta while blazing new paths!”

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Zeta Day on the Hill, Washington, D.C. – September 18, 2013 PA Zeta Round Up – September 21, 2013 at Widener University 55th Atlantic Regional Leadership Conference – Buffalo, NY – October 9-13, 2013 Joint Founders’ Day Celebration - January 2014 (date & location TBD) Zeta Day in the City – January 16, 2014. Additional information is forthcoming. 2014 CPLC – April 11-12, 2014. Philadelphia, PA. Support Chapter: Beta Delta Zeta. Registration brochure will be disseminated soon.

“One of my highlights of the State Meeting would be the etiquette dining session that we experienced. I learned a lot about proper dining and this provided me with a chance to actually sit down and communicate with different sorors. My favorite part of the retreat was the photo shoot that every chapter participated in. The photos to me represented that sisterhood and unity amongst everyone.” – Soror Patrice Harling, Omega Rho Chapter

“Overall I thought it was excellent from start to finish! Meetings were carried out in an extremely organized and informative manner. Presentations were interesting, practical and most helpful to those sorors currently in leadership or considering it in the future. The presentations were enjoyed by all sorors! I am certainly looking forward to future meetings, training, and presentations to further our skills in providing effective leadership at all levels.” – Soror Charlotte Mauldin-Weston, Beta Delta Zeta Chapter


Under the leadership of Pennsylvania’s Social Action Team and State Director Cousar, the Commonwealth hosted its inaugural “Zeta Day at the State Capitol” on May 13, 2013. Sorors were hosted by Brother Jordan Harris (State Representative for 186th Legislative District), and were honored to be present as the House of Representatives declared May 13th as “Zeta Phi Beta Day” through House Resolution #320. Members engaged in informative sessions throughout the day, met with the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, and took a tour of the Capitol. Very special thanks to Soror Danita Crawford and Soror Monique Wakefield for their vision and hard work. An excerpt of the House Resolution can be viewed on YouTube! Visit to see Brother Harris honor Pennsylvania & Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. 7

Sorors from several graduate chapters in Pennsylvania recently met to discuss and develop recommendations Soror Janice Paige supporting IGB Wright’s national initiative to support the Kappa Omega Zeta Chapter military community. Zeta Phi Beta wants to identify and reach out to sorors who are presently serving in the military, as well as those who have left the military, to reclaim and become part of Zeta once again. The members included Soror Janice Paige (KℌZ), Soror Kathleen Hodges (BDZ), Soror Cynthia Chandler (PXZ), and Soror Tanya Folk-Smith (EℌZ). In addition to the goal of locating military Zetas, sorors also want to identify and create programs to support the needs of military families and military veterans. Sorors who want to become part of this important initiative are encouraged to join! You do not need to have a military background or be part of a military family. Sorors just have to have the desire and commitment to help the military community. Interested members can contact any of the participating sorors through their graduate chapters. Sisterly, Soror Cynthia Chandler 8

In November 2013, youth from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will gather for a Youth Leadership Conference. The purpose of the conference is to engage our youth as we equip and enlighten them through topics relating to personal and professional development such as “Make Your Mark” and “Attitude is Everything”. In addition, training will be provided for all youth advisors. More information is forthcoming. Sisterly, Lavonia A. Page Shawnte Olden PA Youth Coordinators

This year, Epsilon Omega Zeta chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, has had the honor of having the Amicettes and Pearlettes active. The Advisors and committee members focused on participating in community services with the Amicettes and Pearlettes, and portraying Finer Womanhood. During the monthly meeting, the advisors and committee members focused on teaching the following lessons: building self-esteem, preventing bullying, maintaining personal hygiene, maintaining a healthy diet, and imparting the importance of education. The Advisors and committee members met with the young ladies monthly and broke into smaller groups to provide personal attention to each girl. We had a “no judgment” setting which allowed the girls to feel comfortable asking any question. The young ladies had the opportunity to express themselves through photo shoots, artwork and dance. The girls expressed how much they enjoyed the auxiliary meetings and how they were applying what they were learning in their daily lives. The Amicettes and Pearlettes are looking forward to this year’s agenda as some have moved on to become Archonettes. Epsilon Omega Zeta chapter is looking forward to continuing to build lasting friendships, enhance cultural awareness, and participating in community service events to help others with the young ladies. Respectfully Submitted, Soror Bernadette Tasker, BSN, R.N


Is Your Zeta Light Still On? Come home to the House by the Side of the Road…

Greetings Sorors! Life certainly has a way of speeding by and before we know it, a week, a month even years have gone by and we have missed out on so much. Our dedication to our families, careers and other pursuits has undoubtedly caused us to prioritize our time differently. Let us consider this as we reach out to sorors who are inactive. As an example for our sisters to follow, we may show them how to actually have it all; a content family, successful careers, fulfilled creative endeavors all while serving alongside sorors as financial and active members of their chapters. With our help, encouragement and Love for Zeta and our sorors, let’s strive to reignite the fire for ZETA in their hearts. Let’s Do More; in fact, let’s do all we can to focus on guiding home sorors whom have lost their way.

Reignite Your Zeta Light and rededicate your love for our beloved Sorority. Plan to come home to Zeta in 2013-14. As our Centennial rapidly approaches, Sorors of the Captivating Commonwealth continue to be that light on the shoreline! We have accepted the challenge of International Grand Basileus Mary B. Wright and National First-Anti Basileus Scarlet H. Black to recommit our contributions of time, talent, and finances to Zeta. Are you ready to rekindle your Zeta light?

Soror Scarlet Black, our newly elected National First Anti-Basileus, aims to increase membership across the world. The Captivating Commonwealth will do our part to comply with Soror Black’s drive by moving to increase membership by at least 25%. If you know of an inactive soror who is looking for a local chapter in PA to join, please direct them to our website ( or they may contact me at or (724) 426-5644.

Sisterly, Sharron Boddy PA 4R’s Membership Coordinator


Chi Omicron Alumni sorors returned to Edinboro University to generate Zeta interest for reactivating the chapter. Supported by Lambda Lambda Zeta and Xi Delta chapters, sorors held a Z-HOPE panel discussion and a Meet and Greet event. The award-winning Xi Delta sorors also gave a step exhibition during the halftime show at the Edinboro vs. Clarion basketball game. Are you interested in helping to reactivate a chapter in PA in 2013-14? Please email your inquiry to State Director Cousar at


Greetings Sorors of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Oh my…we have been busy this year! I've seen some of the scheduled events that Sorors hosted across the state and I must say: chapters are "Doin' It"! I know that you have enjoyed yourself across PA. It’s BLUETIFUL when we get together and fellowship isn't it? I will be attending the upcoming Atlantic Regional conference being hosted in Buffalo, NY. Will I see you there? I hope that you’ve registered or you plan to register for Regionals. Registration for the Atlantic Regional Conference is open NOW! Check with your chapter Basileus for paper or electronic registration information or log on to This year, we are blessed to have fees that are significantly lower for both conference registration and the Life Member luncheon. So, again, if you haven't registered, go to the website, view the conference booklet, and register by September 11th. Let’s support PA’s very own Distinguished Soror Madame Regional Director Janet Y. Bivins Esq. (a Diamond Life Contributor) in our attendance numbers. Life Membership is still open! Sorors from all over have embraced the opportunity to become Life Members. So, prepare to welcome the new Life Members and support our beloved sorority. Some of the benefits of Life Membership may include: designated and first seating at conferences on all levels and/or separate Life Member only meetings where the status of the Sorority is discussed, written communication amongst Life Members throughout the Sorority, and a semi-annual newsletter that highlights Life Members in each Region. We must ask ourselves: what changes are needed and how could we be a part of the change? Should the guidelines to becoming a Life Member be adjusted? Is it too easy to become a Life Member? Too difficult? I ask: what obstacles have kept you from taking the next step? Rest assured that our Life Members make a difference and we will continue to showcase our relevancy in the sisterhood. If you would like to be a part of this legacy, please contact me by email at Sisterly, Soror Monica L. Younger Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Life Member Coordinator


Kappa Omega Zeta – Montgomery County, PA

Lambda Lambda Zeta - Pittsburgh, PA

Zetas from around the Commonwealth of PA participate annually in raising funds and prematurity awareness for the March of Dimes. This year was no different! PA chapters have raised thousands of dollars for healthy babies! Undergraduate members were out in full force and the brothers of Phi Beta Sigma joined sorors for this special cause. Beta Delta Zeta – Philadelphia, PA


Greetings Sorors, We are approaching our deadline (August 15, 2013) for the completion of the Pennsylvania Membership Video. To be included in our state video, please upload pictures to the PA Dropbox account or email pictures directly to Send your chapter pictures from Finer Womanhood luncheons, youth auxiliary meetings, March of Dimes, scholarship breakfasts and even from Philly Conclave! It is our hope to have a full representation of all active chapters across the state including our Undergraduates! Also, State Officers (elected and appointed) and Past State Directors are asked to submit a head shot for inclusion. Sisterly,

Past PA State Directors

Soror Jamina Clay-Dingle


Are you interesting in opening a Stork’s Nest for the next sorority year? The Stork's Nest application is now available. Your chapter can obtain a copy by contacting Soror Adrienne Hill. All over the Commonwealth, chapters are supporting our Stork's Nest initiative in a variety of ways! Here are some chapter highlights: Kappa Omega Zeta Chapter has a ‘Nest that serves young mothers at an alternative high school in Norristown, PA. Rho Chi Zeta Chapter recently had their application approved to open a ‘Nest in Chester, PA approved and are working diligently on their grand opening. Lambda Lambda Zeta Chapter hosted their 2nd Annual Community Baby Shower in May in Pittsburgh, PA. If your chapter is interested in learning more about opening a ‘Nest, please contact us at any time! Soror Adrienne Hill, Stork's Nest Coordinator ( Soror Melinda Graves, Stork's Nest Co-Coordinator ( Soror Maryn Formley, Stork's Nest Co-Coordinator (

Did you know that African-American women are more likely than any other ethnic population to die from breast cancer? Breast cancer is a cancer that invades healthy breast tissue and replicate abnormal cells bringing about a diagnosis of breast cancer. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death for AfricanAmerican women after lung cancer. African-American women breast cancers are often found later and at a more advanced stage leading to fewer treatment options. An estimated 26,840 new cases of breast cancer were expected to occur among African-American women in 2011. Disparities in breast cancer among African-American women vs. other ethnic population include: unequal receipt of prompt high quality treatment, lack of access to health care facilities, no insurance, and lack of follow up care. Currently, the 5 year relative survival rate is 77 percent for African-Americans compared to 90 percent among non-African-American women. There are specific risk factors that allow one to become more prone in developing breast cancer such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle behaviors, smoking, alcohol consumption, hormone replacement therapy, and a family history of breast cancer. At this time there is no guaranteed way to prevent breast cancer which is why encouragement to reduce the risk factors through a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise, proper diet, decreasing alcohol intake, and early screening that includes mammograms to all women over the age of 40 or earlier if there is a family history of breast cancer. Performing breast self-examinations and reporting abnormal findings to your healthcare provider is essential in treating this disease. Respectfully Submitted, Soror Bernadette Tasker, RN, BSN


Epsilon Omega Zeta chapter reclaimed 4 members during the "Let's Do More Membership Campaign": Soror Takisha Mundy -West Chester University, Theta Lambda Chapter, Spring 1998 Soror Shaneka Bowen - West Chester University Theta, Lambda Chapter, Spring 2000 Soror Alexis Goode - West Chester University, Theta Lambda Chapter, Fall 2003 Soror Kristen Abney - Virginia State University, Phi Chapter, Fall 2007

Eâ„ŚZ sorors hosted another successful Blue Revue at the Downington Country Club in May 2013. 16

The Ladies of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Beta Delta Zeta Chapter adopted Laura H. Carnell Elementary School. The school is located in the lower Northeast section of Philadelphia. The school has three buildings in which they educate over 1,400 students from grades K-8 with diverse backgrounds. Our very own Soror Tracey Mitchell-Lawrence requested that we adopt or partner with her school where she serves as one of three Assistant Principals at Carnell Elementary School. Soror Tracey Mitchell-Lawrence was assigned to work on the administrative team at the school to help rebuild, refresh, rejuvenate, and reestablish the school back to its great legacy. As a Zeta, Soror Mitchell-Lawrence knows that members help other people excel by transforming lives and communities through Z-HOPE. The Z-HOPE Coordinator, Soror Tanaya Teamer, works with Assistant Principals, Ms. Connie Grier and Soror Tracey Mitchell-Lawrence in developing workshops and activities at the school. To date, Beta Delta Zeta Chapter has completed two workshops at the school entitled “Budget on a Dime” and “Strategies for Paying for College”. Both workshops had a good turnout of parents and students. We are now in the planning phase of hosting a “Jeopardy Night” at the school for the students. Winners from the Jeopardy Night will win prizes to use at the school’s store where they can purchase books, snacks, etc. We are so happy to partner with a school with a diversified student population in need of our Z-HOPE initiatives to help the students and their parents excel!


The sisters of Rho Chi Zeta chapter are a unique blend of ages, generations, cultures, gifts and talents. These ladies are working hard to make a difference in Delaware County. In keeping with the chapter mission and the spirit of the principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Rho Chi Zeta continues to give service through countless volunteer hours and embracing the people of the Delaware County community with love and respect. The chapter has accomplished so much since being chartered in 2000. Rho Chi Zeta Chapter is most proud of its signature-mentoring program �UPLIFT� (Utilizing Potential and Life Interest for Teens) and knowing that other chapters within Zeta have modeled after the program. In its 13th year, the Blue Revue signifies the hard work and dedication of the chapter to the Delaware County community.


Rho Chi Zeta's UPLIFT Mentoring Program, a 10 week mentoring program for female high schools students in Delaware County launched in November 2000, and has provided the opportunity for chapter members to assist in the development of the community by giving love and guidance to one of the community's most precious resources--its female youth. The culmination of the UPLIFT Mentoring Program, the Finer Womanhood Blue Revue "From Girls to Pearls", is the signature event of Rho Chi Zeta and exciting for the entire community. Rho Chi Zeta Chapter is proud to have the Pennsylvania State Director, Soror Barbara A. Cousar as a member and other chapter members serving Zeta in other leadership position now and in the past. For additional information, please visit our website: http:; follow us on Facebook and Twitter #rhochizeta–back issues of chapter newsletter can be found @ rhochizeta


Kappa Omega Zeta Chapter keeps “blazing trails” in Montgomery County. The chapter grew leaps and bounds by reclaiming 5 sorors and initiating 8 new members this year! KΩZ raised over $1,200 for the March of Dimes and joined the newly chartered Pi Gamma Sigma chapter of Phi Beta Sigma for the March for Babies at Temple University – Ambler campus. The Spring 2013 sorors organized their first service project in partnership with Healthy Thoughts, a local stroke awareness nonprofit organization, and Abington Memorial Hospital. The chapter donated over 900 toiletries to Abington Memorial Hospital’s Stroke Center through a “Shower Me with Love” service initiative. In June, KOZ hosted their Sapphire Gala, an elegant affair that drew more than 200 guests to honor Montgomery County leaders and Zeta trailblazers. National Second-Anti Basileus Jacqueline LemonDenton received the Excellence in Leadership Award and our Atlantic Regional Director Distinguished Soror Janet Y. Bivins, Esq. received our Zeta of the Year honor.


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Epsilon Upsilon Chapter is the first African American Greek Lettered Sorority on the campus of Penn State Harrisburg. The Epsilon Upsilon Chapter was chartered on April 21, 2012; the charter members are Soror Shakeera Lyons-White, Soror Darkesha Moton, Soror Kaiya Moore, Soror Qualetha Boswell, Soror Destanee Keith, Soror Britanni Rawlins. Since their chartering, sorors have been doing the work of Zeta, and learning from every experience. As a chapter, we have done “MovieZ with Zetas”, where we provided free movie tickets to students and have one big trip to the movies to see the popular movie of the month. “Bowling with Zetas”, is our fundraiser with the local bowling alley that we have done a few times, and each time it became bigger and bigger and a huge success. We’ve had many fun times with our supporters from campus and in the community. In addition, every month we have worked with local food banks in Harrisburg, PA where we helped package food and distribute to people in need. We have also participated in local community service projects in Middletown, PA that were provided through our school with a local church. We welcomed five new members into our chapter, Uniqua Waterman, Capri Williams, Kyaira Carter, Aretha Diri, and Dalian Salmon for Spring 2013.


#Sisterly Love ~ Soror Charrisha Watkins, Basileus, was honored by the Nu Sigma Zeta Chapter as the 2013 Undergraduate Soror of the Year. Soror Watkins has truly blazed a new path for Zeta.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Rho Tau has been on the move and blazing new paths for Zeta on the campus of Gettysburg College. The chapter’s theme for the 2012-2013 sorority year was #BlazingNewPaths and sorors have done just that. The chapter’s goal was to educate the campus community and Adam’s County on Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. Rho Tau implemented hashtag/principal this year and has had success with every event. #Scholarship Every Monday the chapter held study and tutor sessions for the campus. #National Initiatives Rho Tau actively educated the community on the PA Voter’s ID Laws and registered over 50 people to vote. The chapter also held CUB Tables to inform the campus that “Finer Women Don’t Haze.” #Service Rho Tau provides community service opportunity at minimum twice a month. The chapter enjoys visiting the Adam’s County Children Advocacy Center and the Gettysburg Senior Center in Harold’s Court. #Finer Womanhood The chapter held its 3rd Annual Finer Womanhood Dinner. During the dinner, the chapter recognized campus students that exemplified the principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.


The “Forever Elite� Epsilon Eta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta recently welcomed two beautiful young ladies to our illustrious sisterhood. Soror Hannah Burno and Soror Shardae Studivant are both from Philadelphia, PA and are more than eager to get working on behalf of our Sorority. This past year, Epsilon Eta has participated in the March of Dimes fundraiser and volunteered with the Boys and Girls Club of Chambersburg, PA the first Friday of every month!! Our Basileus, Soror Marquita Johnson, completed her undergraduate degree on May 11, 2013.

Z-Phi Sorors!!


Omega Rho Chapter has had an amazing year of service and a flurry of activities on the campus of Lock Haven University. In the spring, we held Wendy’s fundraiser, conducted a blood drive with the American Red Cross, and held a “Where Are They Now?” luncheon with Dr. Janet Irons about the growth of our culture. We hosted ZHOPE service projects such as “Is a Good Man Hard to Find?”, a Sexual Assault Program, and volunteered at a local women’s shelter. Sorors also participated in the “End it Movement”. This event brought to light the current issue of human trafficking that is still occurring around the world. Chapter sorors also attended the Undergraduate Retreat at Gettysburg College. Omega Rho chapter hosted its 10 year Charterversary Celebration on May 4, 2013. We named this event P.E.A.R.L which stood for Presenting Elegant and Refined Ladies. There was music, awards, and food at this event; our past chapter members were in attendance for this joyous occasion. Our last event of the semester was our “Knock-out Session” for finals. We provided students with a variety of refreshments as they studied for their upcoming final exams.


Grammateus Tanesa R. Moten, Nu Sigma Zeta

Anti-Grammateus Aisha Sharif-Lucas, Lambda Lambda Zeta

Tamias Alberta Scott, Kappa Omega Zeta

Tamias Grammateus Diane Wilson, Beta Delta Zeta

Phylacter Kimberly Matthews, Nu Sigma Zeta

State Rep. to the Reg. Nominating Committee Dionne Watts-Williams, Kappa Omega Zeta

Undergraduate to the Executive Board Patrice Harling, Omega Rho

10th Pennsylvania State Director Barbara A. Cousar P.O. Box 356, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

Editor’s Note: As you can see, this is an exciting time to be a member of Zeta Phi Beta in the Commonwealth of PA! Our chapters have championed serious causes in the community, increased our visibility on college campuses, and are working to secure the promise of Finer Womanhood through youth auxiliary groups. We are committed to the work of Zeta and ensuring that our legacy flourishes from 2020 and beyond. Your feedback on the PA Perspective is always welcome. Please send your comments or suggestions to Here’s to a fantastic 2013-2014 sorority year!

Soror Denise Marie Snow Kappa Omega Zeta Chapter


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