Pennsylvania Perspective Summer 2014

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Pennsylvania Perspective Summer 2014 Volume 2, Issue 1 Mary Breaux Wright 24th International President

Barbara A. Cousar 10th Pennsylvania State Director

Janet Y. Bivins, Esq. 16th Atlantic Regional Director

Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths!

What an amazing year of perpetuating the principles of Service, Scholarship, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood! Sorors from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have volunteered countless hours of service to uplift local communities, educated youth through our auxiliaries, partnered with community organizations that share our sorority’s mission, and forged even stronger bonds of sisterly love. Pennsylvania sorors participated in the record-breaking Atlantic Regional Conference (pictured below), and felt invigorated after the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Leadership Conference featuring International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright. Pennsylvania sorors are poised to carry the torch of leadership into the 2014 – 2015 sorority year!

Greetings Sorors of the Captivating Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,

Barbara A. Cousar 10 Pennsylvania State Director

During the 2013-2014 sorority year, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has advanced its reach and impact of the people served. I am honored to serve in the office of the State Director and I am proud that you have touched the lives of hundreds across the State; therefore, please take pride in the many accomplishments over the last year.


Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, you are a “powerful force”!!!! You showed up in great numbers as we capped off a jam-packed agenda at the 2014 CPLC. The 2014 CPLC was outstanding and memorable. I want to extend my sincere appreciation once again and commend the 2014 CPLC State Marshals, Soror Shanté C. Dash and Dr. Margaret Peoples Marsh; the Support Chapter Beta Delta Zeta under the leadership of Basileus Saniah M. Johnson, CPA; State Project Coordinators, Soror Marcia Wilkes and Soror Nicole Rouse; and the State Conference Event Planner, Soror Monique Wakefield, for executing an excellent leadership conference. I hope that our conference vision “Keeping it R.E.E.L.” (Reflect  Explore  Empower  Leaders) inspires you to continue to uplift yourselves as you take time to Reflect upon all of your accomplishments within and outside of Zeta, Explore new opportunities by coming out of your comfort zone, and Empower and prepare the next generation of Leaders to lead our sisterhood towards Zeta’s Centennial. Congratulations to the 2014-2016 Elected Officers:    

Tanessa R. Moten – Grammateus Aisha Sharif-Lucas – Anti Grammateus Adrienne Hill – Tamias Jakita R. P. Johnson – Phylacter

Sorors, please join me in thanking the 2012-2014 Outgoing Officers who are rotating off the Executive Board, for their dedication and commitment to the State:    

Alberta Scott – Tamias Diane Wilson – Tamias Grammateus Kimberly Matthews – Phylacter Patrice Harling – Undergraduate to the State Executive Board


With the 2014 CPLC behind us, we are moving full steam ahead towards Washington, D.C. for the 2014 Grand Boulé, scheduled for July 15,-19, 2014. In preparation for Boule 2014, there will be a Boule 101 Webinar for Delegates, Life Members and Non-Voting Sorors on Monday, June 23, 2014 at 8 pm. Soror Karen Wright Sanders will be one of the presenters for the Boule 101 webinar. The webinar will cover topics related to business sessions, documents to bring to Boule, attire, elections, role of a delegate and a non-voting soror, and other matters related to preparing for Boule. While I am sure that many of you are thinking about the warm relaxing days of the summer with no chapter meetings, please remember the business of the chapters, the State and the sorority continues during the hiatus. We must continue to make voter education a priority in order to increase the turnout of the electorate at the polls in November 2014. For chapter retreats this summer, consider making Social Action one of the retreat topics to develop a “Get out the Vote” campaign. Sorors, even though the work of the sorority continues during the summer, I hope and pray that each of you take time to relax and unwind so that you can greet the fall with renewed and refreshed energy. My sorors, thanks for all that you do to make my job easier and our great sorority better. Feel free to contact me by email or phone if I can assist you. Enjoy your summer and I look forward to seeing each of you in D.C., as we conduct the business of our sorority on the National level. Warm Regards,


 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Boule 101 Webinar June 23, 2014 – 8 PM  2014 CPLC Youth Conference - September 27, 2014 – Widener University – Chester, PA  Amicae Retreat – September 27, 2014 – Widener University – Chester, PA  Basilei & Officers Retreat – September 27, 2014 - Widener University – Chester, PA  Advisor / Sponsorship Certification Training – September 27, 2014 – Widener University – Chester, PA


The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Leadership Conference took place from April 11-12, 2014 at the Philadelphia Renaissance Hotel. The weekend featured a Late Night Talk Show with International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright, an Old School Black Party featuring DJ Touch Tone, College Fair, Z-HOPE and Scholarship Awards Luncheon and engaging workshops for conference attendees. Kudos to State Director Barbara Cousar, Beta Delta Zeta Chapter (Support Chapter), and the planning team for an outstanding weekend!

(left) Zeta Phi Beta’s International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright shares her poignant thoughts with the sisterhood during the Late Night Talk Show.

CPLC State Marshals: Dr. Margaret Peoples Marsh and Soror Shanté C. Dash of Beta Delta Zeta Chapter. Archonettes from New Jersey traveled to attend the CPLC College Fair and spoke with Admissions Representatives from local universities.


Our International Grand Basileus, Mary Breaux Wright, (shown above) poses after sitting with CPLC makeup stylists in preparation for her professional headshot (pictured below).

State Director Barbara Cousar (pictured above) gets a makeup treatment before her professional photo session. Soror Roshonda Scipio (featured below) enjoys her pamper session as well!


2012 – 2013 Z-HOPE Awards 2011 – 2012 Z-HOPE Awards Graduate Chapter (51+members) Beta Delta Zeta – 1st Place Graduate Chapter (5-25 members) Nu Sigma Zeta – 3rd Place Undergraduate Chapter (1-4) Eta – 1st Place Undergraduate Chapter (1-4) Epsilon Eta – 3rd Place Undergraduate Chapter (1-4) Xi Delta – 3rd Place Undergraduate Chapter (1-4) Omega Rho – 3rd Place Amicae Auxiliary Amicae of Harrisburg – 1st Place Amicae of Philadelphia – 2nd Place

Graduate Chapter (50+ members) Beta Delta Zeta – 1st Place Graduate Chapter (26-50 members) Rho Chi Zeta – 1st Place Lambda Lambda Zeta – 2nd Place Kappa Omega Zeta – 3rd Place Graduate Chapter (5-25 members) Nu Sigma Zeta – 1st Place Epsilon Omega Zeta – 2nd Place

Graduate Chapter (51+members) Beta Delta Zeta – 1st Place Graduate Chapter (26-50 members) Nu Sigma Zeta – 2nd Place Undergraduate Chapter (5-25) Omega Rho – 1st Place Undergraduate Chapter (5-25) Epsilon Upsilon – 3rd Place Undergraduate Chapter (1-4) Rho Tau – 1st Place Undergraduate Chapter (1-4) Epsilon Eta – 3rd Place Amicae Auxiliary (5-25) Amicae of Philadelphia – 1st Place Amicae of Harrisburg – 3rd Place Amicae Auxiliary (1-4) Amicae of Pittsburgh – 2nd Place Amicae of Chester – 3rd Place

Undergraduate Chapter (5-25) Epsilon Upsilon – 1st Place Omega Rho – 2nd Place Pi Tau – 3rd Place Undergraduate Chapter (1-4) Rho Tau – 1st Place Epsilon Eta – 2nd Place Theta Lambda – 3rd Place

Amicae Auxiliary (5-25) Amicae of Philadelphia – 1st Place Amicae of Chester – 1st Place Amicae Auxiliary (1-4) Amicae of Harrisburg – 1st Place


(left) Beta Delta Zeta Chapter poses on the Art Museum steps in Philadelphia.

(right) Kappa Omega Zeta’s March for Babies team raised over $2,500 and was featured in the April 30th issue of the Philadelphia Tribune (Montgomery County section). Soror Dana Bowser was recognized as one of the Top 39 walkers in Montgomery County, PA!

7 Epsilon Omega Zeta’s March for Babies team has raised more than $3,600 for the March of Dimes. Two sorors (President Sharon Barkley and Takisha Mundy) were recognized as Top Fundraisers in Chester County, PA!

Beta Delta Zeta youth coordinate a coin drive for the March for Babies at Russell Byers Elementary School.

Greetings from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Youth Coordinators! Earlier this year, we collected logistical information from our graduate chapters to learn about the youth membership, projects, accomplishments and upcoming events and activities. Thank you sorors for sharing all of the wonderful achievements and service projects that have engaged our youth this year. All high school senior Archonettes of Nu Sigma Zeta have been accepted to a fouryear college or university for Fall 2014! Lambda Lambda Zeta recently held its Youth Auxiliary Pinning Ceremony! The Pearlettes of Rho Chi Zeta led a fundraising effort for UNICEF to help children around the world! All youth groups of Beta Delta Zeta have participated in the Feed the Homeless efforts and organized a coin drive for the March for Babies! Please send all youth achievements, accomplishments, and photos to by the 16th of each month so that your auxiliaries can be featured in the monthly newsletter (P.E.A.R.L. Preparing, Engaged, and Responsible Leaders).

Commonwealth of PA Youth Leadership Conference Lambda Lambda Zeta’s Youth Auxiliary Pinning Ceremony.

Saturday, September 27, 2014 @ Widener University in Chester, PA


Rho Chi Zeta Chapter sorors

Epsilon Omega Zeta Chapter sorors

Pi Tau Chapter – New Member Presentation

Xi Delta Chapter sorors

9 Omega Rho Chapter sorors

Eta Rho Chapter soror

The Amicae of Norristown participates in a local Founders’ Day event and donates book bags to Hancock Elementary School in Norristown, PA.

Amica Denise Bolden, Friend Wanda CromartieJones and recently inducted Amica Margaret Henry.

Zeta Amicae of Pittsburgh inducted two new members, Amica Melissa Wright and Amica April Preston.


Soror Victoria Bullock from Pi Tau Chapter (Widener University).

Sorors Katie LamĂĄs and Patrice Harling from Omega Rho Chapter (Lock Haven University).

Soror Brittany Walker from Eta Sigma Chapter (Villanova University).

Soror Breanna Bush from Eta Rho Chapter (Clarion University).

Soror Danae Carter from Lambda Lambda Zeta Chapter earned her Master’s Degree.


Thank you to those sorors who fulfilled their fiduciary duty to our great Sorority with their commitment to become a Life member! A “THANK YOU” to those Diamond level contributors who went above and beyond their fiduciary duty to the House campaign with their contributions. It was great seeing all of you at the Atlantic Regional Conference 2013 in Buffalo, NY! I hope you enjoyed your Blue Conference “crunch bags” that were made to help you get through the sessions. KUDOS to our Atlantic Regional Director, Distinguished Soror Janet Y. Bivins, Esq. (Life Member) on her fantastic conference! Sorors in New York …OOH LA LA to their hosting. They were available, friendly and ready for the sisterhood and all that we bring (smile). Life members received honors, acknowledgements and thanks from the Atlantic Region during the luncheon. Our work, commitment and donations to the Atlantic Region Life Member campaign (where each Life Member donated $10 to sponsor an undergraduate’s registration fee for the Atlantic Regional conference) did not go unnoticed. The undergraduate soror who received this award was PA’s own Soror Nina Robinson from Delta Delta chapter. On record, we have a total of 71 Life Members from PA. LIFE MEMBERS WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE! LIFE MEMBERS are examples of leadership and going that extra mile in Zeta. LIFE MEMBERS are vehicles of change and have the ability to take the Sorority to the next level. We exemplify this by attending conferences and showing up to cast the vote that we own. It is our right and duty as good Zetas. Come celebrate at the 2014 Boule! Zeta’s Life Members will be 66 years old in our beloved sorority. Yes tickets for the luncheon are in addition to the registration, but the perk, is we will get great gifts from sorors running for National office (smile). Life members will also have a meeting at this Boule, so please come with your issues and concerns that you have expressed to me and in the Life Member Atlantic Region Survey 2013. Are we ready Life Members?! D.C. isn’t…SEE YOU THERE! If you are interested in receiving the HISTORY OF LIFE MEMBERSHIP electronically please email me at Sisterly,

Soror Monica L. Younger PA Life Member Coordinator Diamond Level Contributor


Under the leadership of Pennsylvania’s Social Action Team and State Director Cousar, the Commonwealth held its 2nd Annual “Zeta Day at the State Capitol” on May 6, 2014. Sorors were hosted by Brother Jordan Harris (State Representative for 186th Legislative District). Members met with State Representative Steve Samuelson (Democratic Chairman of the Aging and Older Services Committee) and the Pennsylvania Department of Aging. Attending sorors were able to take back pertinent information to support Grand Wright’s Elder Care Initiative. Special thanks to Soror Kendra Taylor and Soror Monique Wakefield for their vision and hard work.

In support of the “Are You In?” national reclamation campaign, the Commonwealth of PA hosted a “Painting with a Twist” event to encourage inactive members to reactivate their membership. The event was supported by local First Anti-Basilei who promoted reclamation to their chapters and upcoming events. The activity was featured in a National Membership highlight presentation by Soror Scarlet Black. Kudos to Soror Denise Marie Snow for organizing this fun, interactive reclamation activity!


The PA Zeta Round Up featured a day of fellowship with sorors from across the state, reminiscing of days past, a stroll exhibition, sharing Zeta chants, MIP Training, and Sisterhood session at Widener University. Kudos to Soror Nicole Rouse, Tajmah Kelly, Pi Tau Chapter sorors, and the rest of the PA Zeta Round Up Committee! 14

Eta Chapter’s 90th Anniversary Event.

Rho Chi Zeta Chapter’s Finer Womanhood Event.

Chi Chapter’s 60th Anniversary Event.


Nu Sigma Zeta Chapter Founders’ Day fellowship as a part of the 2014 Founders’ Day Observance “Zetas Night Out”.

Epsilon Upsilon Chapter’s Finer Womanhood program.

Beta Delta Zeta Chapter’s Finer Womanhood program.



Epsilon Omega Zeta, Kappa Omega Zeta, and Rho Chi Zeta join together for a Founders’ Day Service Project at Impact Thrift Stores in Montgomeryville, PA.


Lambda Lambda Zeta and Xi Delta Chapters participate in the St. Jude Give Thanks Walk in Pittsburgh, PA.

Epsilon Eta Chapter participates in a MLK Day march on campus.

Rho Chi Zeta sorors participate in a local Breast Cancer Walk in Delaware County, PA. Epsilon Omega Zeta sorors present their “Are You at17 Risk for Diabetes?” program at Chester County Hospital.

Our dedication and appreciation for our March of Dimes partnership encouraged us to “Join Forces for Stronger & Healthier Babies�. During our 22nd annual Kid Summit event, hosted by Beta Delta Zeta Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter, our Prematurity Awareness/March for Babies information table provided free tools and resources to the Philadelphia community about premature births, March of Dimes resources, March for Babies 2014 walk flyers and sign-up sheets for those interested in learning more about premature awareness month and to join the Philly Zetas team in fundraising efforts. During the month of November, sorors and our Amicae with church homes, signed up to have information about PA prematurity statistics as well as the impact that premature birth rates have on mothers, babies, families and the community. More than 300 church, leaders, friends, and members of the Philadelphia community received information through church service bulletins and via church websites. Our awareness and fundraising efforts continued, as The Russell Byers Charter School in Philadelphia, with the guidance of Soror Charisse A. Collier, organized the Be Inspired - Give Change for Babies Coin Drive. This eight week campaign was made possible with the unwavering support and generosity of students, parents, and teachers for the March for Babies Philly Zetas Team. As we celebrated members of the Philadelphia community at our annual Finer Womanhood Award Banquet, our March for Babies donation table, was available to bring awareness and to support our fundraising efforts. Beta Delta Zeta Chapter and the Philadelphia community are proud to Join Forces for Stronger and Healthier Babies. Sisterly Submitted, Sorors Charisse A. Collier & Tanaya Teamer Prematurity Awareness Month & March for Babies Coordinators


The sorors at Lock Haven University always epitomize what it means to work “for the love of Zeta”! This year, they participated in several university sponsored events including Meet the Greeks, Lock Haven University’s Club Fair, and performed at the Homecoming Pep Rally. Omega Rho sorors held a Prematurity Awareness program in November 2013 and created a Divine Nine display in the library during Black History Month. During Finer Womanhood Month, chapter members made dinner for women at a local shelter, held a Sexual Assault program, and featured their Pearl Ball for the campus community. Soror Patrice Harling (President) was also honored as Nu Sigma Zeta Chapter’s “Undergraduate Soror of the Year”.


Kappa Omega Zeta Chapter continues to leave a “footprint of service” in Montgomery County, PA! Sorors have been busy showing Sisterly Love and commitment to the community at various events. KΩZ is proud to have TWO sorors elected to the Commonwealth of PA Executive Board: Soror Adrienne Hill (Tamias) and Soror Jakita R.P. Johnson (Phylacter). KΩZ has held several Professional Development workshops this year to sharpen the business acumen of members, and social embellishments to foster bonding outside the business of Zeta. The chapter has also been featured in the Philadelphia Tribune (Montgomery County section) for both the March for Babies Walk at Temple University – Ambler Campus and the “Shower Me with Love” service partnership with Healthy Thoughts and Abington Memorial Hospital.


Grammateus Tanesa R. Moten, Nu Sigma Zeta

Anti-Grammateus Aisha Sharif-Lucas, Lambda Lambda Zeta

Tamias Alberta Scott, Kappa Omega Zeta

Tamias Grammateus Diane Wilson, Beta Delta Zeta

Phylacter Kimberly Matthews, Nu Sigma Zeta

Undergraduate to the State Executive Board Patrice Harling, Omega Rho

10th Pennsylvania State Director Barbara A. Cousar P.O. Box 356, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

Editor’s Note: It has been a real joy to serve as your Pennsylvania Perspective Editor for the last two years. Pennsylvania is home to some of the most dynamic leaders and chapters in Zetadom, and celebrating your achievements has been extremely rewarding. Every story and picture that your chapter submits tells a tale that is uniquely Zeta Phi Beta. Our collective stories keep the light of Zeta burning and help build on the legacy of our Five Pearls. Our voices elevate the consciousness of those around us and encourage more people to join our cause. As I transition from the role of Editor, I must thank State Director Barbara Cousar for her unwavering patience and faith in what I could offer to this position. When she spots your “giftedness”, she doesn’t hesitate to push the boundaries of your talent to help you discover an even greater purpose. Thank you so much for the opportunity to promote the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Zeta’s international audience!

Soror Denise Marie Snow Kappa Omega Zeta Chapter


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