Come and visit tequila factory LA HERENCIA.

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墨西哥 , 哈利斯科州 , 特帕蒂特兰市 ISSUE: Visit to the tequila Factory LA HERENCIA, producer of different tequila labels in México. MOTIVE: To see and learn about the process of producing tequila and talk about the possibility of doing business together. PLACE: Tepatitlán Jalisco México (70 kms from Guadalajara City). DATE: Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm. Except holidays. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Casa Tequilera La Herencia (墨西哥特基拉 拉 和 仁 侠 股 份 有 限 公 司 ), is a Mexican tequila factory with more than 20 years, which is located at the town of Tepatitlán, which is 70 km away from Guadalajara City, the capital of the State of Jalisco. Only 5 States in Mexico are authorized to produce tequila, Jalisco is the most important among those 5 States, and obviously the most famous worldwide. Our tequila factory has an area of 27,000 meters and produce around 400,000 liters of tequila per month.

There are mainly 2 categories of tequila: Mix (At least 51% of agave) and 100% agave & 100%; Each one of them could be divided into 5 subcategories: 一) Blanco (Silver): “白色”与“银色”的意思,在龙舌兰酒的领域里,它可以被视为是一 种未陈年酒款,其颜色透明,含有 100%的龙舌兰的纯度,并不需要放入橡木桶中陈年。 二) Joven (Gold): 意指“年轻且顺口的”,此等级的酒也常被称为 Gold(金色的)。这个级别 的特基拉酒,通常在装瓶前,被加上 局部的调色与调味料。

三) Reposado (Aged): 是“陈放过的”意思,意指此等级的酒经过一定时间 的橡木桶陈 放,陈放时间至少要 2 个月,至多 不能超过 1 年。 四) Añejo (Extra Aged): 是“陈 年”的意思,也就是说, 这个等级的龙舌兰酒要在橡木桶里 陈放的一年以上, 但不能超过 3 年。 五) Extra Añejo(Ultra Aged): “特陈年” 的意思,是 3 年以上的龙舌兰酒,并且必须使用容 量不超 过 600 升的橡木桶封存。其色泽更深,味道则 更柔和爽口。

We have more than 10 different brands in the Local Market:

And our High Class International Premium Tequila Brand:

REY DEL MUNDO© 《世界之王》.     

U.S. FDA Certification. Kosher KA Certification. Winner in 2015 for best bottle design Gold Medal Winner at the Spirits Selection of Brussels 2016. Participant in different international fairs and expos around the world representing México and its national spirits.

2015 中国-拉美企业家高峰会.

关于参展 2016 广州 Interwine 酒会的墨西哥杂志文章。

Spirits Selection GOLD MEDAL Diploma.

2016 Spirits Selection Gold Medal.

With Mr Baudouin Havaux, president of Spirits Selection Competition.

2015 Best Bottle design National Award.

Visitors from abroad MĂŠxico.

Friends from China.

Mexican Chinese website

Visitors from Italy.

Costumers from Asia.

Visit to our tequila factory proposed itinerary: 9:00 Pick up at hotel (After breakfast) 10:30 Arrival to tequila factory LA HERENCIA at Tepatitlán Jalisco. 10:30 to 12:30 Tour at the tequila factory. 13:00 Lunch time 14:00 to 15:30 Networking 15:45 Back to Guadalajara City 17:00 Arrival back to hotel. END OF THE VISIT. If any special need during the visit please let us know in advance to prepare it for you.


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