Switching, Shifting and Researching - Architecture Portfolio from Pablo Antuña Molina

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Pablo Antuña Molina

10 - 02 - 1994

pablo.ant.mo@gmail.com Spain: +34 630 788 260

Educational Background

Masters in Advance Computation (MaCAD) | IAAC | Barcelona

Deeper understanding of computational processes applied to design Masters in Architecture | Technical University of Madrid (ETSAM-UPM) Resilience and overcoming extreme situations European Exchange | Technische Universität München (TUM)

Experimenting new ways of dealing with design AA London | Berlin Visiting School

Working in multicultural environments and work groups and acquiring a more holistic approach towards Architecture Bachelors in Architecture | Technical University of Madrid (ETSAM-UPM) Initiation in Architecture and its challenges

Work Experience

Junior Architect at BIG | Barcelona Internship at OMA | Rotterdam

Architecture as bargain. Understanding the complex layering of greatscale projects and learning how to deal with the different parties involved.

Implementing abstract research concepts into the design.

Junior Computational Designer at Morph Studio | Madrid

Getting used to unfamiliar ways of using computational design and facing the creative process

Grasshopper 3D Teacher | Madrid Explaining complexity in a simpler way Construction of “A Estrada das Peneiras” Pavilion | Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain

Coordinate the different aspects of a building process Internship at Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects (SHL) | Copenhagen Facing the Architecture profession and handling its different sides. Working in professional work teams

Complementary Education

Python for Rhino and Grasshopper | ControlMad | Madrid

Implementation of coding tools to improve my parametric design performance Learn Python 2 | Codecademy online curse

Computing Methods in Architecture | Technical University of Madrid Basic principles on coding and data managing Parametric Design with Grasshopper | MIAU Office | Madrid

Generation of complex routines that address multiple faces of a design

Complementary Work Experience

Deputy Chief of the Camp Management Team in Ruta Inti VI Journey

Managing groups of people and solving diverse problems swiftly Amateur Documentary Filmmaking

Focus on the important Music Concerts

Control nervousness in front of crowds


Coding (python, css, javascript, html) | Grasshopper + Rhinoceros 3D + Plugins (Karamba, Ladybug Tools, Eddy3D CFD, Enscape...) | Revit | Autocad | Adobe Suite | Microsoft Office

Modeling | Digital Modeling | Laser Cutting | 3D printing | Milling

- 2022 2018 - 2019 2015 - 2016 2014 2012 - 2018
2022 - currently 2020 - 2021 2019 - 2020 2019 2018 2017 - 2018 2020 2020 2018 2017 2019 2018 2007 - 2014 IT Manual

2022 2019 2017 2017 2016 2015 2015 2019 2018 2019 future 2018 2018 2016 june 2016 2020 2019 2019 2019 2018 2016 2012 2012 2018 2018 2016 2016 2016 2014 2012 English Spanish German Cultural Sports

Scholarships and Awards

Lagos Capilaries | Environmental and Structural Design Awards | IAAC

Rezola Updating | The best Master Thesis in Spain 2019 | Plataforma Arquitectura - ArchDaily

Technical University of Madrid Scholarship for Internships abroad Erasmus+ Internship Scholarship provided by the government of Spain TUM funding

Technical University of Madrid Scholarship for Exchange Students Erasmus+ Scholarship provided by the government of Spain

Complementary Scholarships and Awards

Selected for Ruta Inti VI Journey | Camp Management Team Selected for Ruta Inti V Journey


Rezola Updating | The best Master Thesis in Spain 2019 | Plataforma Arquitectura - ArchDaily Documentary Research Archive Technical University of Madrid Experimenta Pontevedra | Plataforma Arquitectura, Metalocus, The New York Times Style Magazine: Spain, Dis-up!, Experimenta Pontevedra TUM Research Magazine Baumeister Magazine - B6 2016


Metropolitan Residential Complex, Madrid | Morph Studio Waves II, Benidorm, Spain | Morph Studio Won Competition Sydhavnskvarteret P-hus | Aarhus, Denmark

Winner of the best Master Thesis in Spain showcase by ArchDaily Kimmel Project, Prague | SHL Won Competition

Winning team of the Baumeister Student Competition “Mittendrin” UIA - HYP Cup 2012 International Student Competition in Architectural Design Guggenheim Bilbao Plaza Student Competition

Activities, Workshops and Exhibitions

3D Printing Processes | Madrid

Learning about new ways of digital fabrication and building SHL Interns Learning Sessions | Copenhagen

The different points a studio needs to deal with in order to create all-round designs

“Experimental Structures: Gridshells” Exhibition | TUM | Munich

Defend and convince about the richness of a research design idea towards a knowledgeable client

Workshop on parametric design and form-finding processees | Munich

Understanding natural forces as key to aesthetics and optimisation

Reciprocal Structures | TUM + Alison Grace Martin | Munich

Physical research and playing as a way of form finding Exhibition AA Visiting School | Universität der Kunste | Berlin

Improving my communication skills facing an expert audience 100x10 Experimental Workshop | Cádiz, Spain

Quick project drafting and decision making


Speak fluently and read/write with high proficiency

Native Speaker

Speak usefully and read/write handily


Illustration | Amateur Photography and Filmmaking | Percussion | Travelling Ski | Tennis | Basketball | Rugby | Hicking | Cycling

Rezola /// Updating | 2019 | SWITCHING | 7
Rezola /// Updating | 2019 | SWITCHING | 9
Rezola /// Updating | 2019 | SWITCHING | 11
Rezola /// Updating | 2019 | SWITCHING | 13



Doha | Qatar OMA - Reinier de Graaf design team in collaboration with Kaveh Dabiri, Alex de Jong, Benedetta Gatti, Eve Hocheng, Silvia Sandor, Hanna Jankowska, Arthur Wong, Tijmen Klone and Joana Cidade.

In the context of rapidly advancing medical innovation, a rethink of the hospital becomes an urgent priority. The Al Daayan Health District presents the perfect opportunity. Located on a 1.3-million-sqm virgin site between Qatar University and the new Lusail City, it offers the possibility for a new symbiosis between architecture and medical science.

A tertiary teaching hospital, a women’s and children’s hospital and an ambulatory diagnostics center, with a total capacity of 1,200 beds are joined into a single structure. Clinical facilities occupy the first floor; bed wards are located on the ground floor, reducing the dependency on elevators and allowing patients to enjoy the complex’s generous gardens –healing spaces with a long history in Islamic medical architecture.

Buildable at low cost, with minimum reliance on global supply chains, it aims to establish itself as a prototype which can be adopted globally – an alternative to prevailing hospital models developed in the West.


Cross-shaped modular units, prefabricated onsite, can be reconfigured and expanded with minimal disruption to ongoing processes, significantly lowering the cost of future adaptations. 3D-printing allows for endless variations in the design of the facades, reintroducing ornament in an architectural typology usually characterized by austerity. All supporting facilities are connected to the hospitals by an automated underground circulation system.

Admin & Support The Loop Primary circulation Villas Outpatient units
Treatment & Diagnostics Inpatient wards
T module Research
T module Support
module Diagnostics Cross module Treatment Cross module Emergencies Perimeter
wards AGV tunnels Plant rooms
Al Daayan health
masterplan | 2021 | SWITCHING | 17
Patient room, shaded corridor, garden.

The full lay-out as drafted pulls together 4 different hospitals aiming to reach symbioses. The rectangular plan, however, can be divided into 4 independent hospitals separated from an operational and functional point of view.

Independent modular hospital. Expandable and adjustable.

In an introvert building as proposed, a courtyard is a limited and well-maintained landscape which reflects the paradise. Courtyards could be diverse in representation, vegetation and materiality.


Bed wards are located on ground level to allow a direct connection between patients and nature. On the first level, treatment and diagnostic departments are linked by the loop and a series of uniformly distributed corridors.

Level 1. Treatment and diagnostics.

Ground floor. Bedwards.

Al Daayan health district masterplan | 2021 | SWITCHING | 19
Take cover! | 2020 | SWITCHING | 23
| 2016 | RESEARCHING | 37

To whoever it may concern.

I am addressing you to support the application of Pablo Antuña as a future member of your company. I worked with him as his bachelor thesis’ supervisor during the spring semester of 2018 in the School of Architecture of the Technical University of Madrid and because of this I know his abilities and I truly think he could be a great candidate for the position.

His work, Creation of Spaces through Texts, was a thorough investigation on the use of textual information as generative methods for the creation of habitable spaces. The research had two strongly differentiated parts. The first one was an extensive compilation of information and different study cases that, even though they did not have a direct link with the topic because of its novelty and uniqueness, they were able to be understood in alternative ways. This allowed him to stablish relationships and premises from where to investigate. The second part of the research was a series of tests that proved the different conclusions that were being drawn.

The investigation was carried out with rigour, following methods that were very different but had a set of well-defined rules. He proved having great knowledge of the tool he mainly used, Grasshopper, and an urge to implement coding to the different routines. The workflow tried to give an algorithmic approach to the research focusing on giving rules that controlled the input information in various ways and not in the result.

Throughout the semester we had multiple individual meetings where there was always an intense exchange of ideas and a clear explanation of the different premises he worked on. In the group meetings we held, he always tried to contribute with new ideas to his peers’ work and help in whatever he could.

After the semester, Pablo has proved he can conduct a research with the professionality, rigour and tenacity needed and has showed great interest for research and computation as ways of designing new types of architecture.

His work was published in the digital archive of the Technical University of Madrid. If you have any questions about the way he carried out the investigation, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely, Pepe Ballesteros.

pasajesarquitecturaycritica@gmail.com www.pasajesarquitectura.com (+34) 91 4160054

To whom it may concern.

I am writing this to support the application of Pablo Antuña as a future member of your studio. As his master thesis’ supervising professor in the School of Architecture of the Technical University of Madrid I know the candidate’s skills and I consider him to be ideal for the position.

From the architectural point of view, I would like to highlight his technical and instrumental capabilities. The great variety of tools he handles proficiently allow him to create new and innovative designs and confront the challenges they imply in a complete way. The solutions that he gets to would not be easily solved without an adequate usage of the different programs he applies.

During the year we worked together, Pablo proved having great interest in the problems architecture is currently facing what got him to carry out a proposal that dealt with issues that need a rapid solution before they become a problem. Such as the preservation of the historical heritage, the energy-use optimization and the recuperation and regeneration of soon unused spaces.

Beyond Pablo’s value as an architect, I firmly believe that what makes him unique is his attitude towards life and the challenges that appear along the way. In the year we shared, there were numerous difficult times in which he managed to keep an optimistic attitude and foster a good working environment where ideas could develop easily. He is a positive and proactive person that likes to help his peers not only in the design field but also emotionally creating a relaxed and casual working environment.

For all this I believe Pablo amply meets the necessary requirements to successfully face the job opportunity presented. His high degree of preparation together with his enthusiasm and motivation make him the optimal candidate for his inclusion within the studio.

For further inquiries you may request I am at your entire disposition.

Kind regards, Gonzalo Pardo.

info@gon-architects.com www.gon-architects.com

Amsterdam, February 11, 2021

To Whom It May Concern


It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Pablo Antuna Molina Pablo worked as an intern at OMA Rotterdam office since September 2020 to present. Throughout this period, he performed his tasks with great competence and in a professional manner

Pablo has since worked on Al Daayan Health District Masterplan in Qatar for which I serve as the Project Architect. He has been engaged throughout Concept Design and Masterplan Development stages.

During his time at OMA, Pablo showed an ability to work under pressure and a willingness to put in the hours, whilst always maintaining a positive attitude and dedication to producing work of a high standard. Pablo is a versatile designer with strong computer skills. He managed to gain a comprehensive and critical understanding of the complex design issues presented in the project He worked on, and gave considered, well-presented responses. Pablo is a fast learner who really engaged with his team and the demands of the project

During his internship at OMA so far, Pablo had the opportunity to use and further develop his knowledge of masterplanning as well as architectural design skills He worked with a range of different design mediums, such as sketches, architectural models, 2D and 3D drawings, and conceptual diagrams. He further illustrated his skills in the quality of the work he produced whilst working with design softwares such as AutoCAD, Rhino, Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop

Pablo is a motivated and positive individual, who is dedicated to his work He is capable of integrating design requirements into a final design proposal in an elegant and sensitive manner Pablo was always professional in his work and interaction with other team members He performed his tasks with accuracy and consistency.

It is a pleasure to have Pablo as part of OMA´s team in Rotterdam. His dedication and passion for his work makes him an appreciated member of the team. I can recommend Pablo without reservation

Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me by email (kdabiri@oma.com ) or directly on my phone (+31 6 55 12 5114).

Yours sincerely,

Office for Metropolitan Architecture (O.M.A.) Stedebouw B.V. Weena Zuid 158 3012 NC Rotterdam - The Nethislands t +31 10 243 8200 - f +31 10 243 8202 office@oma.com - www.oma.com

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