2 minute read
A Verse is Never Averse
from How To Die Laughing
by Pablo Byrne
Why do I churn out this stuff at all I ask myself? Maybe that will be your thought too! Where does it come from and why the need? Having been a musician for many years writing and singing songs, I was fascinated by the personality, sound and texture of words, as well as their rhythmic and rhyming possibilities. Being inherently lazy, lyrically driven writing also provides a format that can deliver more ’nub’ for less ‘nib’!
My brain seems to be full of fine words but I often stumble into Malapropism confusing the meaning with some similar sounding word so I am sure some have slipped through! . Rather like having a tank full of exotic fish without knowing what any of them are called by us humans when they probably get through life calling each other names like , Bob, Fin, Dave, Fluff and so on rather than Carassius auratus, Cyprinus rubrofuscus and Pterophyllum scalare etc. - scientific names for Goldfish, Koi and Angel Fish respectively!
A word cannot lie, but it can define one. Smooth like pebbles and perfect like bubbles. Combined they are complicit and confluent congregating in the surging gush of language, growing from trickle to gurgle to be dashed against immoveable conventions, carried by currents, caught in eddies, tossed and aligned, rivulets of rhyme, blank or free. The divine mixology of verse.
Exotic cocktails of words defiant and glittering, a jostling, nuzzling flow, tussling, luminous, sparkling, viscous. Once stirred and shaken then to be still and ordered, punctuated, purified and finally served in a glass half-empty, half-full or brimming over.
This momentary congregation, retires to a sea of anonymity at journey’s end. Like the liquid cocktail that passes through the body. Words journey through beautiful moments of togetherness, a choral voice, before landing back as their supine self in a lexicon on a shelf
Words, in the way of ants or bees or even us when working together, have a power that drives and inspires, informs or confuses, builds or belies. Facilitators of expression. If words are the Sapien’s jewels, language is the crown and poems a coronation.
Streams of consciousness and embryonic thoughts take words at their word and begin the slippery spin into allegory. In the same way the tear-drop drips that fall from taps can become a flood and leave you awash, or drops of rain combine to carry you away or even drown you.
Words are playful, alarming even deadly depending on the company they keep. In the multi-dimensional, linguistic charm of a poem they can also be magic.
Such odysseys invite you to travel in the mind of their helmsman who would like to engage with you in some way leaving you enraptured, comforted, enraged, in fits or reaching for the tissues!
What follows are my little excursions