1 minute read
Social Diseases
from How To Die Laughing
by Pablo Byrne
Social Diseases The grit in the greases Courting disaster No plaster appeases Awareness, infection Dispairedness, correction
A clinic approaching A cynic reproaching “Sexual relations? “Frequently, yes “Burning sensations? “Uncomfortableness
(Trouser descending The Y’s follow suit A cadence an ending, Instrument: flute!)
Social Diseases Trousers at kneeses Plasticly probed Dis-robed, displeases A bareness inspection (Oh careless connection)
Him seated, me up Looking down, Fingers cup Prize possession (No sweat) “Something wrong here” (You bet!) Tests normal thing Is this where I sing
(Cock a dude A dude’ll do My fiddlestick Just joined the queue!)
Social Diseases Aerosol freezes A needle intruding Extracting my juices Example of redness A sample of bledness
In corridor sitting So horrid, unfitting Then privates paraded Pinching a bit Not so much degraded Just feeling a tit
(A culture, a slide show To indicate what Depending on outcome You have or have not!) Social Diseases Corner-tight squeezes Waiting in hallways A wall poster teases “A thought before you court, before you couple” in short
Ah! Now I am beckoned To see what they’ve reckoned “ It’s really nothing serious “Just underpants fluff “And just a little puss “So take this stuff
(A bottle of pills That sound like maracas To cure all the ills That lurk in my knackers!)
5 Social Diseases Snuffles and sneezes Like stiffness in hinges The winges the wheezes Attached is no stigma Detached an enigma
The clap is looked down on A handicap frowned on So easy to catch it I should know best But sleazy so watch it What would you suggest?
(Ignorance is bliss Love is divine If it burns when you piss Go to door number 9!)