3 minute read
When Imran Ran
from How To Die Laughing
by Pablo Byrne
In this fast bowling world of tit for tat Where one takes this and the other takes that Of bombs and guns and fearsome machines That mince and poison and shatter all dreams
Some live out their lives until peacefully parting Others just struggle with no way of starting The rack and the ruin and too heavy rains A world that’s exploding and writhing in pain
Too many feel hate, there’s a dearth of true love With all looking up to their saviours above To help them out now in these times of great need Before the whole world is consumed by its greed
The haves keep on having, the have nots just heave What is false seems so real, in what not to believe? A time for full muster, footholds in the mud Escape from the cave just ahead of the flood
And yet there is hope and some people who will Be fixing the hole that the Fools on the Hill Have dug for themselves to try and keep ruling Even infering that there’s now global cooling
Meanwhile, in the east, a new star is rising Here comes the new captain for a country uprising He swung a sure bat now again he’s victorious To lead Pakistan and once more make it glorious
The votes are now in for the man who kept running No longer a game, though the balls still need spinning Let’s hope he will not get stumped at the wickets Or trumped and ensnared in political thickets.
A hero in his day with plenty of winnings Now is the time for the best of his innings Occupying the crease for a New Pakistan Imran ran, Imran won, Imran can, Imran Khan
Donald J. Trump was the cock that ruled the roost and totally shat on his perch as 45th US president from January 2017 until January 2021. Undoubtedly the worst president in US history his histrionics,and crass stupidity took the fast elevator down below ground level and left the US a shambles on the international stage and totally malfunctioning internally - divided, broke and set back many years in terms of what is these days, the rather inaccessible concept of the American Dream which seems to have disappeared into the realm of eulogy, no longer encouraged by those who actually achieved it.
These tirades pretty much wrote themselves in response to his shocking and usually incoherent, belligerent diatribes so full of exaggeration and untruths. Supported by a large group of heartless individuals and fawned over by his so called base, he became a man impossible to like and yet ‘loved’ it would seem by a grand part of the country and worshipped by those in the Republican Party.
We have all been conned somehow during his rise to power. For me it was the books which I enjoyed a lot especially the Art of the Deal but it turns out they were in large part ghost-written and designed to show a far nicer aspect of his business methods than reality now exposes. Then his reality TV show also a con as he was just an actor to start with and his boardroom had to be created as he didn’t have one. Nothing real and still no substance even as president and leader of the free world.
Narrowly losing the US Presidential Election he still continues to stir-fry the American psyche. What more does he want?!
Having said that on a certain level I was extremely entertained, fascinated and even creatively inspired by the omnipresent phenomenon he became, even as it drove me to new depths of despair daily!
I really like these almost spontaneous rants and will miss many aspects of the great horror movie character he fleshed out as well as, if less so, the cast of supporting ghouls that shared his stage and enabled his performance.