1 minute read
An Ode to Truth
from How To Die Laughing
by Pablo Byrne
Are you then the king of kings of which they spoke in hallowed halls of yore. Didst thee stumble thrice in the darkest forest to bring us light once more
Through the pages and ways of sacred knowledge did your quest bring you here . This forlorn place of ignorance full of talismen and fear
When first you fell onto that musty mossy rug Did such a fetid carpet make a sound? Undergrowth, kindling, cracking brittle leaves God’s creatures gnawing at the fruits they found?
Suckling on the berries licking the treesap, As you bleed from the thorns all around you. Did the roar of your spirit scare the demons that would stifle, trample or devour you.
And then did you fall into a fragrant stream Forever tumbling downward, onward soaking, cleansing, and pushing you to stand back up and struggle forward and upward
Then to trip the light fantastic emerge from shadows into the incredible lightness of being sure. To embrace and give majesty to the moment From the sanctity of your cure
Will the portcullis be raised? Will dark passages become open freeways, millstones, milestones? Can such a firebrand monarch disgorge his truth Defeat the dragons’ fire and history’s bones?
Each footfall, each glance back. There the pitter patter of tiny minds as we strain to hear or raise our voices to sing praise. The regal stance is the better way when the righteous mind is king.