1 minute read
from How To Die Laughing
by Pablo Byrne
I went back Back to yesterday To the lofty airport halls Where still a kind of pall Is left hanging over it all Not of smoke but of gloom With each left to his own Preparing to be flown By some aircrew unknown On composite wings
Eyes are glazed Gazes fixed ahead Or staring up at the screens Some scanning the magazines Or tickets at Check-in machines In the departure lounge Even the kids look bored Some rush around ignored All impatient to board No thrills, a few spills
On the move Moving on or off To holidays in the sun A marathon to run Some business to get done No matter what it is Time to slow down the pace Hang on to your suitcase Assume your passport face And fill in the forms
Arrivals Rivals this little The weary, dishevelled stream Emerging through the screens To kisses and hugs even screams Relieved to have arrived No longer strapped in seats At tens of thousands of feet! With odd hours taken to eat Now journey’s end reached
This airport Portal to the world Beginnings, farewells, withdrawal Endless comings and goings, renewal Outside the planes take on fuel Prepare for take off Arrived from so far away Disgorged its castaways Ready for more stowaways And customer care

Still a while To be whiled away Today she comes to stay Time for coffee, grab a tray Like you and I did yesterday Sat at the same table Wondering at all the flights And many different plights Throughout the days and nights That get pondered here